Practical List-1 YEAR-CPU Computer Programming & Utilization Practical-1
Practical List-1 YEAR-CPU Computer Programming & Utilization Practical-1
Practical List-1 YEAR-CPU Computer Programming & Utilization Practical-1
PRACTICAL-1 1. Write a program to print HELLO FRIENDS. 2. Write a program that reads two nos. from key board and gives there addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and module. 3. Write a program to convert days into months and days. 4. Write a program to solve Quadratic Equation. 5. Write a program to select & print the largest of the three nos. using Nested-If-Else statement. PRACTICAL-2 1. Write a program to display multiplication table. 2. Write a program to print 1+1/2+1/3+1/4++1/N series. 3. Write a program to find sum of all integers greater than 100 & less than 200 and are divisible by 5. 4. The distance between two cities (In KM) is input through key board. Write a program to convert and print this distance in meters, feet, inches& centimeters. 5. Write a program to find sum of first N odd numbers. Ex. 1+3+5+7+..+N. PRACTICAL-3 1. Write a program for use of putchar( ) and getchar( ) function. 2. Program to print Patterns. * * * * * * * * * * 4. 12345 2345 345 45 5 5. ***** **** *** ** * 6. AAAAA BBBB CCC DD E
PRACTICAL-4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write a program to print Fibonacci series. 1,1,2,3,5,N Write a program to reverse the digit. Add, subtract and multiply two nos. using switch statement. Write a program to add two matrix. Write a program to given no in ascending order. PRACTICAL-5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write a program to count total words in text. Find length of string using strlen( ) function, Write a program to copy one string to another string. Write a program to join two string. Write a program convert character into TOggLe character. PRACTICAL-6 1. Write a function program to add first N numbers. 2. Write a function find out maximum out of three numbers. 3. Write a function power that computes x raised to the power y for integer x and y and Returns double type value. 4. Write a program to find factorial of a number using recursion. 5. Write a program that used user defined function Swap( ) and interchange the value of two variable. 6. Write a function prime that return 1 if its argument is prime and return 0 otherwise. PRACTICAL-7 1. Define a structure type, personal, that would contain person name, date of joining and salary. Using this structure, write a program to read this information for one person from the key board and print the same on the screen. 2. define a structure called cricket that will describe the following information: Player name Team name Batting average 3. Write a function to enter rollno, marks of the three subject for 3 student and find total obtained by each student
PRACTICAL-8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write a program using pointer and function to determine the length of string. Write a program using pointer to compare two string. Write a program using pointer to concate two string. Write a program using pointer to copy one string to another string. Write a program using pointer to read an array if integer and print element in reverse order.
PRACTICAL-9(C++) 1. Write a program to print name, number and address . 2. Write a program to calculate largest value among three values. 3. Create a program using class PRACTICAL-10 1. Write a program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. 2. Program to generate following series. Y=x+x^2/2!+x^3/3!+.+x^n/n! 3. To read matrix of size n*n. From the keyboard and display on the screen. 4. Write a program to show sum of two matrixes.