Lesson Plan Worksheet
Lesson Plan Worksheet
Lesson Plan Worksheet
Urrutia, MAN Date/Period: Subject: Health Education Class/Section: Topic: Family Planning Methods Time/Duration: Goals/Purpose: - The overall goal of Family Planning is to provide universal access to family planning information and services wherever and whenever these are needed. Family Planning aims to contribute to: reduce infant deaths, neonatal deaths, under-five deaths and maternal deaths. It has the following objectives: - Students will be able to identify, define, comprehend and explain the different types of family planning methods that will aid them in answering the queries to whoever is asking about the methods. As well as attaining the knowledge on how to use those different methods - After the lecture, students will address the need and importance to help couples and individuals achieve their desired family size within the context of responsible parenthood and improve their reproductive health to attain sustainable development. Time: Introduction/Motivation: - Family planning is the voluntary planning and action taken by individuals to prevent, delay or achieve a pregnancy. Family planning services include 1ounselling and education, preconception care, screening and laboratory tests, and family planning 5-15 methods. Family planning methods include abstinence, natural family planning and mins all FDA approved methods of contraception including hormonal contraception and contraceptive supplies such as condoms, diaphragms and intrauterine devices. - During the class the students will watch certain videos on how to use some of the contraceptives and afterwards the students themselves will demonstrate what they learned to one another. Time Lesson and Procedures: - The principal information that student nurses will convey is Family Planning. The content of discussion includes the description of Family Planning, its methods, brief description of methods, misconceptions about family planning methods and the roles of a public health nurse on family planning program. 30-45 - The scope of the topic contains the Family Planning and its methods particularly mins Female Sterilization, Male Sterilization, Pill, Male condom, Inectables, Lactating Amenorrhea Method (LAM), Mucus/Billings/Ovulation, Basal Body Temperature, Sympto-thermal method, Two Day Method and Standard Days method. - The method of teaching that will be utilized is an open discussion process with the use of different visual aids and pictures. Subsequently, the listeners will be requested to ask some questions about the topic and at the same time the student nurses will ask questions in return to determine the amount of information gathered. Time Activities: - Students will watch a prepared video about different types of contraceptives and 20-30 how to use it. mins - The students will be introduced to the Family Planning apparatuses - Return demonstrations by the students on how to use certain contraceptives. - Group works Time Closure: 15 - Oral Recitation mins - Quiz May 16- Whole day BSN-2 1.75 hours Things to remember
Module 2 Review Questions: 1. a. Six Categories of Cognitive Domain: 1. Knowledge 2. Comrehension 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation b. Five Categories of Affective Domain: 1. Receiving Phenomena 2. Responding to Phenomena 3. Valuing 4. Organization 5. Internalizing Values c. 7 Categories of Psychomotor Domain: 1. Perception 2. Set 3. Guided Response 4. Mechanism 5. Complex Overt Response 6. Adaptation 7. Origination
2. a. Five categories of Psychomotor Domain by Dave: 1. Imitation 2. Manipulation 3. Precision 4. Articulation 5. Naturalization c. Four Dimensions of Knowledge Domain by Anderson & Krathwohl: 1. Factual Knowledge 2. Conceptual Knowledge 3. Procedural Knowledge 4. Metacongintive Knowledge b. Six categories of Psychomotor Domain by Harrow: 1. Reflex Movement 2. Fundamental Movements 3. Perception 4. Physical Activities 5. Skilled Movements 6. No Discursive Communication d. Six Dimensions of Cognitive Process 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Apply 4. Analyze 5. Evaluate 6. Create
Module II School-Bound Activities: Lesson Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Sir Marvin Plata Lecture Demonstrations/Performance Pairs of Small Group Works Sir Robert Mascarenas Lecture Discussion Performance Mam Eunice de Luna Lecture Discussion Individual Instructions
1. My teachers had to implement those styles of teaching so that they can maximize the knowledge leaned by their students. For example Sir Plata implements demonstration/performance style of teaching in our health education class because as nurses, one of our jobs is to educate people about health. In his class he makes us do reports so that we can get used to talking to a crowd of people and allows us to become comfortable in imparting knowledge to others. Most of my teachers have lecture style of teaching as do most teachers. This is a very common style of teaching because it is the job description of teachers that states that they are to conduct lectures to the class since they are the experts on that particular field.
Health File By: Michael Urrutia FAMILY NAME: GARCIA ADDRESS: Dulong Bayan, Mogpog Marinduque DATE OF VISIT: MAY 13, 2012 MEMBERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD: Dominador Garcia 46 yrs. Old Melba Garcia 50 yrs. Old Paolo Garcia 25 yrs. Old Samantha Garcia 26 yrs. Old
Health Problems: Dominador diseased, cause of death is heart attack Melba diseased, cause of death is heart attack Paolo drinker, heavily drinks 2-3 times a week; Pasmado Samantha Overweight
Agreements Reached: Samantha agreed to the idea of exercising 2 days/week in the morning
INDIVIDUAL NURSING PROCESS: Michael: Hi, good morning Samantha! How are you? Samantha: Good morning to you as well Michael, Im doing fine thank you. M: Can I ask you some questions about some of the health problems you are experiencing? S: Sure you can! I would be happy to answer any question. M: So are you experiencing any health problems lately? S: Well, I dont know if you would consider being overweight a health problem, would you? M: Actually, yes I would consider it as a health problem because it seems that your weight is above the average of that of your height. May I ask what is your weight and height? If you dont mind that is. S: The last time I checked my weight was last week and I was at 68 kg and my height is around 1.6 m. M: Do you know how to calculate your BMI? S: What does that mean?
M: BMI stands for Body Mass Index and it indicates in which category you fall in, either underweight, normal, overweight or obese. The way you calculate it is, get your mass in kg and divide it by your height in meters squared. Then one you get a result you may compare it with a table of numbers that I will give to now your classification. S: That sounds easy! My BMI is 26.56 is that good? M: Sorry to tell you but you are classified as overweight since you have a BMI of > 25. Do you do some kind of exercise to maintain your weight? S: No, I dont have time to exercise because Im very busy with my studies and when I get home from school I usually do my assignments. M: it seems that you stopped schooling for a little while. Do you eat a lot when you are stressed from school? S: Yes I do, its the only way I can get rid of the stress. M: Samantha, exercising is very important in terms of maintaining your weight to a healthy one. And since you told me that you frequently eat when you are stressed, all the more you need exercise. Do you think you can exercise at least 2 times a week? S: Id like to, but time has always been a major issue. M: Okay, I can tell that you really want to exercise. What are the factors that make it hard for you to get started? S: its really all about time. Knowing myself, I would need to exercise in the morning. That means I have to get up a half hour earlier. M: is the doable? S: Yes it is. If I took my work out clothes out the night before and laid them on the chair it would be even easier. I guess I could also make a point of going to sleep on time the night before. M: Well the benefits are pretty clear, feel better during the day, get off to a good start burn more calories. Is there any downside to the plan? S: the only downside is losing half an hour of sleep twice a week, and making sure I get my workout clothes ready the night before. But I know I can do this! I just have to believe and tell myself that this is for a healthy lifestyle and it is worth sacrificing a half hour of sleep! M: Thats good to hear Samantha! I hope to hear good news when I come back to a follow up visit. S: Thank you so much for the advice! M: no problem Samantha and thanks for sparing sometime for this interview.