ASHRAE 3method of Test For Measurement of Flow Gas

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ASHRAE Standing Standard Project Committee 41.7 Cognizant TC: TC 1.2, Instruments and Measurements

Harris M. Sullivan, Chair* DanieI Kramer, Vice-Chai/* Ralph C. Downing* Mack H. Gray, III*

George H. Green* Victor J. Johnson* Thomas Queitzsch* Henry J. Sauer, Jr.*

*Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved for publication


Arthur E. Mclvor, Chair Martha J. Hewett, Vice-Chair Dean S. Borges Waller S. Clements Piotr A. Domanski Richard A. Evans Mark C.Hegberg John F. Hogan David E. Knebel Frederick H. Kohloss William J. Landman Neil P. Leslie Claire Ramspeck, Manager of Standards Name C.Loworn Amanda K. Meitz Davor Novosel Joseph A. Pietsch James A. Ranfone Terry E. Townsend James K. Vallort Thomas E. Watson Bruce A. Wilcox J. Richard Wright Samuel D. Cummings, Jr., BOD E x 0 Raymond E. Patenaude, CO

This American National Standard (ANS) is a nationalvoluntary consensus standard developed under the auspices of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeratingand Air-Conditioning Engineers(ASHRAE). Consensus is defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), of which ASHRAE is a member and which has approved this standard as an ANS, as substantial agreement reached by directly and materially affected interest categories.This signifies the concurrence of more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that an effort be made toward their resolution. Compliance with this standard is voluntary until and unless a legal jurisdiction makes compliance mandatory through legislation. ASHRAE obtains consensus through participation of its national and international members, associated societies, and public .review. ASHRAE Standards are prepared by a Project Committee appointed specifically for the purpose of writing the Standard. The Project Committee Chair and Vice-Chair must be members of ASHRAE; while other committee members may or may not be ASHRAE members, all must be technically qualified in the subject area of the Standard. Every effort is made to balance the concerned interests on all Project Committees. The Manager of Standards of ASHRAE should be contacted for: a. interpretation of the contents of this Standard, b. participation in the next review of the Standard, c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Standard, d. permission to reprint portions of the Standard.

ASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information and accepted industry practices. However, ASHRAE does not guarantee, certify, or assure the safety or performance of any products, components, or systems tested, installed, or operated in accordance with ASHRAEs Standards or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under its Standards or Guidelines will be nonhazardous or free from risk.


ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are established to assist industry and the public by offering a uniform method of testing for rating purposes, by suggesting safe practices in designing and installing equipment, by providing proper definitions of this equipment, and by providing other information that may serve to guide the industry. The creation of ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines is determined by the need for them, and conformance to them is completely voluntary. In referring to this Standard or Guideline and in marking of equipment and in advertising, no claim shall be made, either stated or implied, that the product has been approved by ASHRAE.

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CONTENTS ANSVASHRAE Standard 41.7-1984 (RA 2000), Method ofTest for Measurement o f Flow o f Gas
2 2 2

Purpose .......................................................................................................................................................... Scope ............................................................................................................................................................. Definitions....................................................................................................................................................... Classifications.......................................................................................,........ ...................................


..............2 Instruments and Apparatus .............................................. .................................................... ..........,............... 2 Measurements..........,.................................................................... ......................... .................................... .... 3 Data to be Recorded ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Formulae ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 Symbols .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Calculations ........................................................ ........................................................................................... . 9 References ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

O Copyright 2000 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. 1791 Tullie Circle NE Atlanta, GA 30329
All rights reserved.
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The purpose of this standard is to provide recommended practices for the measurement of the flow of dry gas for use in the preparation of ASHRAE standards.

of thermal expansion not exceeding 1.0 x in./in:"F m/(m.K)) and shall have a thickness in accord (1.8 x with Table 3. The inlet edge of the orifice shall be square and sharp, free from either burrs or rounding.

This standard provides flow-measunng techniques for the following: a. volatile refrigerant, gaseous phase; b. air under conditions where the methods for flow meaSurement set forth in Stundard for LabOratoCY Ai@ow are inconvenient or unsatisfactory.

5.3.2 Orifice plates over 1/8 in. (3 mm) thick should be beveled as shown in Figure 1. 5.3.3 The inlet face of the orifice plate shall be flat and shall remain so within 1%of inside pipe diameter adjacent to the orifice. 5.3.4 The length of the inlet section in inches should be equal to or greater than the value given in Table 5 as "in length" for the nominal pipe diameter selected. Interpolation for intermediate values of B is satisfactory. 5.3.5 The length of the outlet section should be 10 x Di or 3 ft (0.9 m), whichever is greater. 5.3-6 The orifice diameter shall be measured with the necessay accuracy in four equally spaced meridian planes to ensure that no single diameter shall differ from the mean by more than 0.05%.

orifice meter: an assembly of a meter tube, an orifice, and pressure taps for connection to a pressure differential measuring instrument, such as a manometer, for the flow rate measurement of a monophase fluid with known properties.

For other definitions, refer to ASHRAE Terminology of HVAC&R (ASHRAE 1991).2


5,3., The ratio of the orifice diameter Do to orifice meter diameter D ishall not be less than 0.20 nor greater than 0.70.
5.3.8 The orifice must have a valved drain hole flush with the bottom of the pipe adjacent to the inlet side of the onfice. The diameter of the drain hole shall be determined from Table 2.

4.1 For the Purpose of this standard7 a gas is classified as wet if greater than 2% of liquid (based On the mass Of dry gas flowing) passes through the measuring device. 4.2 A dry gas is a gas wherein the amount of liquid flowing with the gas through the measuring device is less than 2% of the mass of the gas flowing.

5.3.9 The meter assembly, including the required straight inlet and discharge section, shall be insulated to prevent more than 2F (1.1 K) change of fluid temperature within the assembly.
5.3.10 The assembly shall be made in accord with Figures 1 and 2. 5.3.11 The inside of 4 in. (100 mm) and larger pipe (nominal size) assembly shall be bored to the diameters and tolerances shown in Table 4 for a distance of at least 4 pipe preceding the orifice and for a distance of at diameters, Di, least 2 pipe diameters beyond the inlet face of the orifice. The bored portions shall be faired into the unbored pomon at an included angle not greater than 30".

5.1 Basic Instrument This standard establishes the flow meter with a square-edged orifice with flange taps as the basic instrument for dry gas flow measurement. Employing this instrument, other instruments, more convenient to use, can be calibrated in the desired range of use. Flow measurements of unvarying flows, made in accord with the procedures set forth herein, can be expected to have a standard error-of-the-mean not exceeding 1%. 5.1.1 The square-edged orifice is selected because of its simplicity, its long established reliability, and the convenience with which any size can be constructed. 5.1.2 Flange taps are selected despite. the merits of other tap locations because of the assurance with which the location of taps of this type can be checked. 5.2 Meter Tube and Orifice Selection. Follow the procedure in 10.1 for the selection of meter tube and onfice diameter.


\' \


5.3 Meter 5.3.1 The orifice plate can be made of any metal not corroded by the measured fluid and can have a coefficient
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Figure 1 Orifice detail.


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traverse, helical swirls, or vortices will all endanger the flow measurement accuracy. A projecting gasket, misalignment, or a burr on a pressure tap can cause considerable error. Therefore, the following rules shall be followed carefully. 5.4.1 The orifice shall be located in a pipe or tube selected in accord with Section 10.

Metric Conversion 1 in. = 25.4 mm


5.4.2 To ensure that the measurement of vapor flow is not influenced by entrained liquid particles, steps shall be taken to ensure that less than 2% by mass of the vapor flowing is liquid. A satisfactory superheat limit and test for the liquid phase of the vapor flowing is given in 5.3.18. Where there is a possibility of oil or other liquid circulating with the vapor, separation shall be provided ahead of the meter.

Figure 2 Orifice meter section.

5.3.12 The unbored internal surface of the pipe shall be straight, free from mill scale, pits or holes, reamer scores or rifing, bumps, or other irregularities. 5.3.13 The meter assembly may use Type M copper tube, as indicated in the headings of Tables 1A through 1H. 5.3.14 The center of the orifice shall be concentric with the axis of the tube or pipe. The flanges shall be recessed and the orifice plates made to fit the recess to ensure concentricity.

6.1 Pressure shall be measured with an equal arm mercury manometer. Readings of less than 5 in. (127 mm) column difference shall not be valid. 6.2 Column readings shall be made from and checked for accuracy with a high-grade steel scale marked to 0.05,in. (1 mm), and care in reading shall be used to avoid parallax. 6.3 Mercury shall be used as the manometer fluid in ail cases where it is compatible with the vapor flowing and where the requirement of 6.1 does not force a meter selection that imposes a permanent pressure loss greater than desired. See Section 10 for calculation of permanent pressure loss. 6.4 Oil, water, or other manometer fluids may be used under the exception of 6.3, provided the nonmercury column deflection is compared with a 5 in. (127 mm) deflection of a mercury column before and after each test so that the observed nonmercury deflections can be converted to inches (mm) of mercury for flow computation. 6.5 If the manometer reading varies, take at least two high differential and two low differential readings. Calculate the flow at the high and low differential conditions. 6.6 If the flow at low differential is less than 96% of the flow at high differential, discard the runs and take steps to stabilize the flow. 6.7 If the flow at low differential is greater than 96% of the flow at high differential, average the flows and use the mean. 6.8 At least four readings at each flow shall be made. The standard deviation of these readings shall not exceed 2% of the mean.

5.3.15 The gasket material shall be stiff rather than soft. In all cases, the inside diameter of the gasket shall be made large enough and the gasket so positioned that, when in service, it will not protrude at any point beyond the inner surface of the pipe. 5.3.16 The pressure tap holes shall be drilled perpendicularly to the axis of the pipe; must be free of burrs, wire edges, or irregularities where the holes penetrate the inner surface of the pipe; and must not be over 1/8 in. (3 mm) in diameter. The pressure tap hole must be straight and smooth for at least 5/8in. (16 mm) from where it penetrates the inner surface of the pipe. 5.3.17 Tubing connecting the pressure taps with the manometers shall be at least 1/4 in. (6 mm) in inside diameter and shall be pitched at least 1/2 in./ft (0.042 mm) with drain valves installed at the low points. 5.3.18 Where the vapor entering the meter has fewer than 15F (8.3"C) superheat (tr7),visual means shall be provided to ensure that saturated liquid is not entrained with the vapor and in no case shall the vapor entering the meter have a superheat less than 10F (5.6"C). 5.4 Meter Installation and Operation. The conditions under which orifices are instailed may have more effect on the accuracy of the test than the degree of perfection of manufacture or the characteristics of the orifices themselves. The rate of flow computed from the differential pressure produced by the orifice may be in error to an unacceptable degree if the piping arrangements are such that distorted flow conditions result. Distortions of velocity

7.1 Initial Data A. M i c e diameter B. Meter ID (inside diameter) C. Meter identification

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TABLE 1 Flange Taps* Values of the Flow Coefficient, K, as a Function of the Pipe Reynolds Number, RD, and Diameter Ratio,
Table IA - For 1-1/2 in. Pipe or 1-5/8OD Type M Copper Tube (40.9 mm to 38.8 mm ID) 1000 I 1500 I 2000 I 2500 I 3000 I 4000 I 5000 I 6000 I 8000 I 10,000 I 15,000 1 20,000 1 25,000 I 50,000 I100,000 1500,000 I lo6 mD 0.250 0.6142 0.6112 0.6092 0.6068 0.6053 0.6043 0.6030 0.6023 0.6013 0.6008 0.6005 0.5999 0.5996 0.5994 0.5993
0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450 0.500 0.550 0.600 0.625 0.650 0.675 0.700 0.6152 0.6126 0.6245 0.6212 0.6094 0.6170 0.6075 0.6145 0.6229 0.6342 0.6062 0.6129 0.6207 0.6313 0.6046 0.6108 0.6179 0.6276 0.6406 0.6577 0.6036 0.6095 0.6163 0.6254 0.6376 0.6536 0.6023 0.6078 0.6141 0.6225 0.6336 0.6482 0.6675 0.6793 0.6017 0.6070 0.6130 0.6210 0.6317 0.6456 0.6639 0.6750 0.6876 0.7018 0.7177 0.6013 0.6065 0.6124 0.6202 0.6305 0.6439 0.6617 0.6725 0.6846 0.6983 0.7137 0.6005 0.6055 0.6110 0.6184 0.6281 0.6407 0.6573 0.6674 0.6787 0.6915 0.7058 0.6001 0.6050 0.6104 0.6175 0.6269 0.6391 0.6551 0.6648 0.5747 0.6881 0.7019 0.5998 0.6046 0.6099 0.6168 0.6259 0.6378 0.6533 0.6628 0.6734 0.6853 0.6987 0.5998 0.6046 0.6098 0.6167 0.6258 0.6376 0.6531 0.6625 0.6731 0.6850 0.6983


For 2 in. Pipe or 2-1/8 OD TvDe M Comer Tube 52.5 mm to 51.0 mm I D )

Table 1B

0.300 0.350

0.6113 0.6183

0.6091 0.6155

0.6077 0.6138

0.60.58 0.6110 0.6185 0.6284 0.6419

0.6047 0.6099 0.6166 0.6259 0.6384 0.6553

0.6032 0.6089 0.6142 0.6225 0.6339 0.6490

0.6025 0.6070 0.6129 0.6209 0.6316 0.6458 0.6644

0.6018 0.6061 0.6117 0.6192 0.6293 0.6426 0.6601 0.6708 0.6828 0.6962

. . .

0.6012 0.6053 0.6107 0.6179 0.6275 0.6402 0.6567 0.6668 0.6781 0.6908 0.7053

0.6007 0.6049 0.6099 0.6169 0.6361 0.6384 0.6541 0.6638 0.5746 0.6868 0.7006

0.6005 0.6043 0.6095 0.6161 0.6250 0.6368 0.6521 0.6614 0.6718 0.6836 0.6968

0.6004 0.6042 0.6093 0.6160 0.6249 0.6366 0.6518 0.6611 0.6715 0.6832 0.6963

For 3 in. PiDe or 3-1/8 OD TvDe M Comer Tube (77.9 mm to 75.7 mm I D )

Table IC

0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450 0.500 0.550 0.600 0.625 0.650 0.675 0.700












/Ft~ 0.250



1 2000 I


I 4000 I


0.6805 0.6938 0.7091

0.6782 0.6911 0.7058

0.6737 0.6898 0.6996

0.6700 0.6815 0.6946

0.6695 0.6809 0.6939




8000 0.6038

1 10,000 I 15,000 I 20,000 I 30,000 I 40,000 1 50,000 ~100,000)500,000~lo6

0.6025 0.6006 0.5995 0.5989 0.5987 0.5984 0.5979 0.5975 0.5974



0.550 0.600 0.625 0.650 0.675 0.700 0.725 0.750

0.6194 0.62% 0.6439

0.6182 0.6281 0.6413 0.6590 0.6698

0.6175 0.6271 0.6400 0.6569 0.6674 0.6790 0.6923 0.7071 0.7253 0.7461

0.6161 0.6251 0.6371 0.6530 0.6626 0.6735 0.6857 0.6994 0.7163 0.7356

0.6150 0.6235 0.6350 0.6498 0.6588 0.6690 0.6804 0.6932 0.7081 0.7272

0.6148 0.6233 0.6347 0.6494 0.6584 0.6684 0.6797 0.6925 0.7072 0.7262

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(RA 2000)


TABLE 1 (Continued) Flange Taps*

m D

Values of the Flow Coefficient, K, as a Function of the Pipe Reynolds Number, RD, and Diameter Ratio, Table 1E For 6 in. Pipe or 6-1/8 OD Type M Copper Tube (154 mm to 149 m m ID)






0.250 I I 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450 0.500 0.550 0.600 0.625 0.650 0.675 0.700 0.725 0.750

10,000 0.6042

I 15,000 I
0.6020 0.6055

20,000 0.6009 0.6041 0.6087

I 301000 I
0.5998 0.6028 0.6071 0.6124 0.6202

50,000 I 1 0 0 , m I500,OOO 0.5990 0.5982 0.5977 0.6018 0.6012 0.6003 0.6048 0.6040 0.6058 0.6085 0.6107 0.6095 0.6161 0.6148 0.6179 0.6276 0.6250 0.6231 0.6343 0.6410 0.6372 0.6533 0.6490 0.6587 0.6580 0.6632 0.6741 0.6681 0.6857 0.6795 0.7003 0.6919 0.7067 0.7163 0.7246 0.7361

0,5976 0.6002 0.6039 0.6083 0.6146 0.6228 0,6339 0.6484 0.6573 0.6673 0.6786 0.6908 0.7053 0.7231

0.5975 0.6001 0.6038 0.6082 0.6144 0.6226 0.6336 0.6481 0.6568 0.6666 0.6778 0.6898 0.7041 0.7219










0.500 0.550 0.600 0.625 0.650 0.675 0.700 0.725

0.6262 0.6391 0.6561

0.6252 0.6376 0.6539 0.6640 0.6751 0.6880 0.7023 0.7185

0.6229 0.6341 0.6486 0.6575 0.6676 0.6790 0.6918 0.7062

0.6226 0.6336 0.6480 0.6567 0.6667 0.6779 0.6904 0.7046

0.6223 0.6332 0.6474 0.6560 0.6658 0.6768 0.6892 0.7032

0.400 0.450 0.500 0.550


0.6122 0.6199

0.6114 0.6187

0.6102 0.6171 0.6268 0.6399

0.625 0.650 0.675 0.700 0.725 0.750

0.6097 0.6163 0.6257 0.6381 0.6548 0.6649 0.6766 0.6895

0.6089 0.6152 0.6239 0.6355 0.6509 0.6602 0.6710 0.6828 0.6963 0.7116 0.7245

0.6084 0.6144 0.6229 0.6339 0.6486 0.6575 0.6676 0.6788 0.6915 0.7060 0.7213

0.6083 0.6081 0.6142 0.6140 0.6226 0.6223 0.6334 0.6329 0.6478 0.6471 0.6566 0.6557 0.6665 0.6655 0.6775 0.6762 0.6899 0.6885 0.7055 0.7024 0.7202 0.719C

0.500 0.550 0.600 0.625 0.650 0.675 0.700 0.725 0.750 Reprinted from ASME Flow Measurement PTC-19.5.1959, Table 4,pp. 2023,by p e d s s i o n of ASME.
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0.6263 0.6394

0.6241 0.6361 0.6518 0.6615 0.6722 0.6844 0.6982

0.6228 0.6340 0.6487 0.6577 0.6678 0.6790 0.6918 0.7062 0.7236

0.6224 0.6333 0.6477 0.6564 0.6663 0.6772 0.6897 0.7036 0.7205

0.622C 0.6327 0.6468 0.6553 0.665C 0.6756 0.6878 0.7014 0.717;



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7.2 Flow Data A. Pressure of vapor entering onfice, P6 Temperature of vapor entering meter B. C. Temperature at mercury column D. Height of high manometer leg Height of low manometer leg E.

For each manometer reading, the foilowing data have also been measured: E Barometric pressure Gauge pressure at meter inlet G H. Temperature at meter inlet

TABLE 2 Orifice Drain Hole Diameter

Orifice Hole Diameter RecommendedMaximum Drain Hole Diameter

7.3 Nonmercury Manometer Leg Calibration Manometer deflection for a 5 in. (127 mm) deflection of the mercury column.
M (lbh) = 359 K Do2 Y,Jh-v'"

M (kgs) = 110 K

02 Y

m V

(1 -SI)

RD = 6.3 14 M/Diy
3.501 to 4.125 89 to 105

RD = (4/.~)(M/Zljj~) = 1.273 -

4.126 to5.000 5.001 to 6.000 6.001 to 6.750 6.751 to 7.500 7.501 to 8.375

105 to 127 127 to 152 152 to 171 171 to 191 191 to 213

4.0 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.1

~~ ~~

Y = 1 - (0.41 + 0.35 B4)(xi/k)

h , = 0.01605 ho
h, = 0.001 ho


(2-SI) (3)

3/16 1/32 114 9/32


8.376 to 9.250 9.251 to 10.000 10.001 to 10.875 10.876 to 11.625 11.626 to 12.500 12.501 to 13.250

213 to 235 235 to 254 254 to 276 276 to 295 295 to 318 318 to 337

7.9 8.7 9.3 10.3 11.1 11.9 12.7



TABLE 3 Orifice Plate Thickness

Pipe ID Millimeters Orifice Plate Thickness Inches Millimeters

11/32 318 13/32 7/16 15/32

up to 3

76 76 to 150 150 to 200 200 to 360

3/32 3/16 114


2.4 4.8 6.4 9.5


Over 3 to 6

13.251 andlarger

I 337andlar~erI


Over 6 to 8 Over 8 to 14


TABLE 4 Internal Pipe Diameter


8.033 7.706 10.081 9.660 12.004 11.488 13.197 12.622

204 196 256 245 305 292 335 321

10.005 - 0.010 20.005 - 0.010 d.005 - 0.010

10.005- 0.010

d.127 - 0.254
I O . 127 - 0.254

10 12 14


10.127 - 0.254
IO. 127 - 0.254


10.005 - 0.015 d.005 - 0.015 10.005 - 0.020 &.O20

d.127 -0.381 I0.127 - 0.381 10.127 - 0.508 10.508



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41.7-1984 (RA 2000)

K1 = m m h


K1 K

(See Sections 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.1.3, 10.1.4, and 10.1.5 for SI.) Measured Orifice Dia. B= (6) Measured Meter Tube Dia.

= differential height of the manometer converted to in. of water at 68F (m of water at 2OOC) = orifice selection flow factor computed from Equation 6 = orifice flow factor (Table 1) = cdcy, ratio of the specific heats of a gas = higher level of liquid in U manometer, in. (mm)
= lower level of liquid in U manometer, in. (mm) = mass flow of vapor, lbh (kg/s), calculated from


D i Do

= orifce meter tube, inside diameter, in. (m) = onfice diameter, in. (m) = height of a column of mercury that will balance a 5 in. (127 mm) column of the manometer fluid to be used = differential height of manometer fluid, in. (mm)




= mass flow of vapor, lbh (kg/s), estimated


Nominal Pipe Diameter (in.) (ID) (Di in.)

1.5 1.61

2 2.067

4 4.026

6 6.065

8 8.070


14 14.14


B = 0.4

Drif. Dia. (in.)

329 0.644 34 0.81

543 0.827 43

1800 1.227 64 0.81

2060 1.610 85 0.81

4670 2.426 127 0.81

8380 3.250 171 0.81

13,300 4.100 215 0.81

25,400 5.656 297 0.81

[niet Length (in.) Perm Loss Ratio

B = 0.5


Orif. Dia. (in.)



1900 1.534 73 0.73

3280 2.013 97 0.73

7440 3.033 145 0.73

13,400 4.063 195 0.73

21,300 5.125 246 0.73

40,490 7.070 339 0.73

38 0.73

49 0.73

Inlet Length (in.) Perm Loss Ratio

B = 0.6

Orif. Dia. (in.)

784 0.966 43 0.63

1290 1.240 56 0.63

2850 1.841 83 0.63

4900 2.416 109 0.63

11,100 3.639 164 0.63

20,000 4.875 219 0.63

31,800 6.150 277 0.63

60,400 8.484 382 0.63

Met Length (in.) Perm Loss Ratio

B = 0.7
Orif. Dia. (in.)

1140 1.127 48 0.52

1880 1.447 62 0.52

4150 2.148 92 0.52

7140 2.818 121 0.52

16,200 4.246 182 0.52

29,100 5.688 244 0.52

46,300 7.175 308 0.52

88,100 9.898 424 0.52

Met Length (in.) Perm Loss Ratio

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TABLE 5b Orifice Meter Selection Chart (SI)

Nominal Pipe Diameter ( i n . ) 1.5 40.9 2 52.5 3 77.9 4 102.3



14 359.2

(ID) (Di mm)


B = 0.3

K-Factor Orif. Dia. (mm) Inlet Length (m) Perm Loss Ratio
B = 0.4

184 12.27 0.737


303 15.75 0.940 0.88 543 21.01 1.O92 0.81 864 26.26 1.245 0.73 1290 31.50 1.422 0.63 1880 36.75 1.575 0.52

666 23.37 1.397 0.88 1800 31.17 1.626 0.81 1900 38.96 1A54 0.73 2850 46.76 2.108 0.63 4150 54.56 2.337 0.52

1150 45.92 1.829 0.88 2060 40.89 2.159 0.81 3280 51.13 2.464 0.73 4900 61.37 2.769 0.63 7140 71.58 3.073 0.52

2600 46.23 2.769 0.88 4670 61.62 3.226 0.81 7440 77.04 3.683 0.73 11,100 92.43 4.166 0.63 16,200 107.85 4.623 0.52

4670 61.93 3.708 0.88 8380 82.55 4.343 0.81 13,400 103.20 4.953 0.73 20,000 123.83 5.563 0.63 29,100 144.48 6.198 0.52

7440 78.11 4.699 0.88 13,300 104.14 5.461 0.81 21,300 130.48 6.248 0.73 31,800 156.21 7.036 0.63 46,300 182.25 7.823 0.52

14,200 107.75 6.477 0.88 25,400 143.66 7.544 0.81 40,490 179.58 8.611 0.73 60,400 215.49 9.703 0.63 88,100 251.41 10.770 0.52

Orif. Dia. (mm)

329 16.36 0.864 0.81 524 20.45 0.965 0.73 784 24.54 1.O92 0.63 1140 28.63 1.219 0.52

Inlet Length (m) Perm Loss Ratio

B = 0.5

Orif. Dia. (mm)

Inlet Length (m) Perm Loss Ratio

B = 0.6

Orif. Dia. (mm)

Inlet Length (m) Perm Loss Ratio

B = 0.7

Orif. Dia. (mm)

Met Length (m)

Perm Loss Ratio

Copyright ASHRAE Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE


= pressure of refrigerant entering onfice, psig (N/m2 gauge) = absolute pressure at orifice inlet, psia (N/m2) = absolute pressure at orifice outlet, psia (N/m2) = Reynolds number at orifce inlet = temperature of gas entering meter,"F ("C) = saturation temperatureof gas entering the flowmeter, O F ( O C ) (saturation temperature is the temperature corresponding to the observed pressure) = superheat, tA - t6,

V x1

= specific volume of gas at flowmeter inlet, f?Ab (m3/kg> = ratio of Merentid pressure to absolute inlet pressure, Pa - PdPg = expansion factor (see Equation 3) = ratio of orifke diameter to inside diameter of orifice meter, DJDi



Greek Symbols = dynamic viscosity, centipoises (kg/(m.s)) p = density of manometer fluid, lb/f? (kg/m3) P
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41.7-1984 (RA 2000)

Figure 3 Orifice selection curve.


10.1 Selection of Meter and Orifice Size 10.1.1 Estimate the following quantities: (a) The minimum expected mass flow, m, to be measured in l b h or ls (b) The specific volume Vof the vapor in ft3/lb or m3/kg 10.1.2 Using Equation 6 and a mass flow 0.75 of the expected minimum, calculate Kl,. 10.1.3 Enter Table 5 at B between 0.4 and 0.6 and select the column for the nominal pipe diameter where the K-factor nearest the K1, factor calculated in 10.1.2 lies. The ID at the top of the column is the meter inside diameter, D , in inches. 10.1.4 In the same column, drop down to the row for B = 0.7 and read the K factor for B = 0.7. This is KlB+,7. Divide K15 determined from Equation 6 by KlB,o.7 and with the quotient enter Figure 3. On the left read B. Multiply the meter diameter determined in 10.1.3 by this value of B to get the exact orifice diameter. 10.1.5 SI System. To determine the meter diameter and orifice diameter in millimeters, use Table 5B. 10.2 Calculation of Mass Flow from Manometer Readings 10.2.1 Convert manometer readings giving pressure drop across the orifice in inches (mm) of mercury (11 - 12) to column heights in inches (mm) of water (using Equation 4). 10.2.2 Calculate Y by Equation 3 from B, the ratio of orifice diameter and meter ID (consistent units); x1 from the ratio of orifice pressure drop to the absolute pressure of the gas at the meter inlet (consistent units); and the value of k = cp/cvfor the gas.

10.2.3 Estimate the mass flow m by a trial calculation, and use this mass flow m and the viscosity p of the gas in centipoises (kg/(ms)) to calculate the Reynolds number (Equation 2 or 2-SI). 10.2.4 With the calculated value of the Reynolds number and B (rounded to an even multiple of OSO), enter Tables 1A-1H (select the table that corresponds to your meter tube size) and read K,the flow coefficient. 10.2.5 Calculate the mass flow for the reading by Equation l. 10.3 An estimate of the permanent pressure loss ratio across the meter can be made using the following steps. This calculation is important only insofar as the expected permanent loss may affect system operation. 10.3.1 Enter Table 5 with the B for the onfice and meter used and read a value for permanent pressure loss ratio. 10.3.2 Multiply the observed manometer deflection by permanent pressure loss ratio to get the permanent pressure loss ratio in the same units.

ANSUASHRAE Standard 41.2-1987(RA 92), Standard Methods for Laboratory Airflow Measurement. 2ASHRAE Terminology of HVAC&R, 1991.

31997 ASHRAE Handbook-Fundamentals,

Principal Properties of Materials.
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chapter 36,

Copyright ASHRAE Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE


ASHRAE is concerned with the impact of its members activities on both the indoor and outdoor environment. ASHRAEs members will strive to minimize any possible deleterious effect on the indoor and outdoor environment of the systems and components in their responsibility while maximizing the beneficial effects these systems provide, consistent with accepted standards and the practical state of the art. ASHRAEs short-range goal is to ensure that the systems and components within its scope do not impact the indoor and outdoor environment to a greater extent than specified by the standards and guidelines as established by itself and other responsible bodies. As an ongoing goal, ASHRAE will, through its Standards Committee and extensive technical committee structure, continue to generate up-to-date standards and guidelines where appropriate and adopt, recommend, and promote those new and revised standards developed by other responsible organizations. Through its Handbook, appropriate chapters will contain up-to-date standards and design considerations as the material is systematically revised. ASHRAE will take the lead with respect to dissemination of environmental information of its primary interest and will seek out and disseminate information from other responsible organizations that is pertinent, as guides to updating standards and guidelines. The effects of the design and selection of equipment and systems will be considered within the scope of the systems intended use and expected misuse. The disposal of hazardous materials, if any, will also be considered. ASHRAEs primary concern for environmental impact will be at the site where equipment within ASHRAEs scope operates. However, energy source selection and the possible environmental impact due to the energy source and energy transportation will be considered where possible. Recommendations concerning energy source selection should be made by its members.

Copyright ASHRAE Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE


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