Envis Medplant Newsletter March10
Envis Medplant Newsletter March10
Envis Medplant Newsletter March10
Dear Friends, ENVIS Team at FRLHT wishes all its readers a splendid New Year 2010.
1. Diversity of Herbal Raw Drugs and Plant Species in Trade -2 2. Prioritizing Wild Medicinal Plant Species for Conservation Action -3 3. Medicinal Plants of Conservation Concern for Karnataka -4 4. Species Recovery Plan to Restore Conservation Concern Plant Species of the Western Ghats -7 5. Saving Plants that Save Lives and Livelihoods -9 6. Contestants for Daaru-Haridra -13
This year is celebrated as International Year of Biodiversity 2010 as per Convention of Biological Diversity. We will be happy to share our experiences related to medicinal plants diversity and conservation across the country. This issue includes articles pertaining to Diversity of Herbal Raw Drugs and Plant Species in Trade coupled with conservation efforts. The lead article providing insights in to the diversity of herbal drugs in trade, with latest findings from Demand and Supply of Medicinal Plants in Trade, 2008. Write ups relate to prioritization of species for conservation management action, controversial drug Daruharidra, what is species recovery program?, a peep into an unique medicinal plants herbariumFRLH, Red Listed Medicinal Plants as per International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and International Year of Biodiversity 2010 ,and much more.. We are receiving encouraging responses regarding our newsletter. We welcome each one of you to give us your feed back and help us improve it. While we regret for delay in the current issue of Med plant newsletter, we have combined four issues in this volume. You can also freely download the newsletter from our website- http://envis.frlht.org We welcome authors to contribute and share their experiences related to conservation efforts of medicinal plants across the country in the next issue. Your article has to be 1500 words with 300dpi images which you need to send to the Editor or emailenvis.frlht.org. Qualifying articles will be published in the next volume. Best Wishes Suma T.S Editor - Medplant
Credit line
Editor: Ms. Suma T.S. ENVIS Team Mr. D.K. Ved Ms. Suma T.S. Mr. Manu P.K. Mr. Vaibhav S. Kulkarni Ms. Sugandhi Rani Acknowledgements: Mr. D.K. Ved Dr. Goraya G.S. Dr. Iyengar M.A.R Dr. Ravi Kumar .K Dr. Vasudeva .R Dr. Venugopal S.N. Dr. Singh .R.V. Dr. Shilpa Naveen Ms. Tabassum I.F. Shariff Ms. Arpana .B Ms. Sathya Sangeetha Ms. Sucheta Ramesh Photo courtesy: Dr. Ravikumar K, Ms. Suma T.S., Dr. Goraya G.S., Dr. Vasudeva R., Dr. Narasimhan MCC, Chennai & FRLHT Image Library Quarterly publication is supported by: Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India Design & Printed at: Akshara Graphics, Bangalore
Next Issue:
Medicinal Plants Conservation Efforts across the country.
Research findings
Tetuchaal, Arlu Oroxylum indicum Stem and root bark High volume traded medicinal plant.(>100MT/year) Threat status in Karnataka: Vulnerable Photo courtesy: Ravikumar K, FRLHT Flowering twig. Wind-borne seed
Conservation Concern
DK Ved and GS Goraya
conservation action and resource augmentation efforts in these states. The states not covered under any such rapid threat assessment exercise, so far, can also take a cue from the listing done for the adjoining states to initiate programmes. The above graph on medicinal plant species of conservation concern, state wise, enlisted above shows that this number is of the order of 80 to 85 for each of the southern Indian states of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu. It needs to be realized that the higher number of medicinal plant species, of conservation concern, for a state is also on account of more than one rapid threat assessment exercises conducted for that state. In the following page, we can see the listing of medicinal plant species of conservation concern, for Karnataka State, based on these rapid threat assessment exercises, including the identification of species which have been recorded in trade as plant raw drugs and also those recorded in high volume trade i.e. exceeding 100 MT (dry wt.) per year. About the author: Executive Director, FRLHT, dk.ved@frlht.org and Dr. G S Goraya, Chief Conservator of Forest, Himachal Pradesh, Forest Department. gsgurinder@gmail.com
(Next issue: Know more about conservation concern species for selected states.)
Conservation Concern
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Madhuca insignis (Radlk.) H.J.Lam. Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Coleb. Cycas circinalis L. Eulophia cullenii (Wight) Blume Paphiopedilum druryi (Bedd.) Pfitz. Pueraria tuberosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) DC. Valeriana leschenaultii DC. Ampelocissus indica (L.) Planch. Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston Cinnamomum wightii Meisn. Decalepis hamiltonii Wight & Arn. Dipterocarpus indicus Bedd. Drosera indica L. Drosera peltata J.E.Sm. ex Willd. Dysoxylum malabaricum Bedd. ex Hiern Gymnema montanum (Roxb.) Hook.f. Humboldtia vahliana Wight Hydnocarpus macrocarpa (Bedd.) Warb. Michelia champaca L. Nilgirianthus ciliatus (Nees) Bremek. Nothapodytes nimmoniana (Graham) Mabber. Persea macrantha (Nees) Kosterm. Plectranthus nilgherricus Benth. Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz Salacia reticulata Wight Saraca asoca (Roxb.) W.J. de Wilde Strychnos aenea A.W.Hill Swertia lawii (Wight ex C.B.Clarke) Burkill Adenia hondala (Gaertn.) W.J.de Wilde Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr.
Conservation Concern
RL status (Global) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) VU(G) -
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
Amorphophallus commutatus (Schott) Engl. Ampelocissus araneosa (Dalz. & Gibson) Planch. Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) Parker Aristolochia tagala Cham Artocarpus hirsutus Lam. Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Mull.Arg. Calophyllum apetalum Willd. Canarium strictum Roxb. Cinnamomum macrocarpum Hook.f. Cinnamomum sulphuratum Nees Curcuma pseudomontana Graham Diospyros candolleana Wight Diospyros paniculata Dalz. Embelia ribes Burm.f. Embelia tsjeriam-cottam (Roem. & Schult.) A. DC. Garcinia indica (Thouars) Choisy Garcinia morella (Gaertn.) Desr. Gardenia gummifera L.f. Gloriosa superba L. Heracleum candolleanum (Wight & Arn.) Gamble Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. Hydnocarpus alpina Wight Hydnocarpus pentandra (Buch.-Ham.) Oken Kingiodendron pinnatum (Roxb. ex DC.) Harms Madhuca longifolia (Koen.) Macbr. Madhuca neriifolia (Moon) H.J.Lam Michelia nilagirica Zenk. Myristica dactyloides Gaertn. Myristica malabarica Lam.
Ochreinauclea missionis (Wall. ex G. Don) Ridsdale T Operculina turpethum (L.) Silva Manso =Merremia turpethum (L.) Shah & Bhat Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. Piper mullesua Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don C T C
Conservation Concern
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
Pseudarthria viscida (L.) Wight & Arn. Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott Salacia oblonga Wall. ex Wight & Arn. Santalum album L. Schrebera swietenioides Roxb. Swertia corymbosa (Griseb.) Wight ex C.B.Clarke Symplocos racemosa Roxb. Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr. Tragia bicolor Miq. Vateria indica L. Celastrus paniculatus Willd. Garcinia gummi-gutta (L.) Robson Hedychium coronarium Koenig Knema attenuata (Hook.f. & Thoms.) Warb. Nervilia aragoana Gaud. Piper nigrum L. Smilax zeylanica L. Terminalia arjuna (Roxb. ex DC.) Wight & Arn.
No of RL species (KA) in high trade = 23 Refer: Ved, D.K and G.S. Goraya, 2008
Conservation Efforts
Species Recovery Plan to Restore Critically Endangered Plant Species of the Western Ghats
R. V a s u d e v a could be considered while recovering The species recovery plan essentially an endangered species. entails creation of new populations of The following broad phases or issues critically endangered species on sites need to be considered while where the species is likely to survive attempting a reintroduction: and become self-perpetuating. It also entails replenishing existing Step 1 Acquisition and build-up of threatened populations which are in the the propagules brink of becoming locally extinct. The Salacia chinensis Step 2 Identification of suitable final aim of any species recovery plan niches for reintroduction is simply to pull an endangered species Step 3 Creation of genetically robust out of its danger using all possible populations strategies and methodologies. Ultimately a long term persistence of a Step 4 Monitoring the fate of the newly created / introduced population introduced individuals is important to the success of a Step 5 Up-scaling recovery programme. Step 1. Acquisition and building-up of Recovery plan has emerged recently as the propagules Saraca asoca an effective tool to restore critically Understand breeding system, seed endangered plant species world over. biology and demographic These programs have been undertaken in several countries characteristics of the species to identify such as Australia, Britain, Canada and the USA by invoking susceptible stages in the life-history of the species. legislatory provisions. However in these programmes, critically endangered animal species are emphasized in these One of the crucial steps of the reintroduction programme countries. Some of the successful and celebrated examples is to assess the genetic diversity of the existing species recovery include the recovery of American Bald populations adopting robust molecular techniques. Eagle, Condor, Grizzly bear, Black-footed Ferret etc. Only It is essential to develop nursery techniques for the very few plant species have been focused world over. In production of large scale reintroductions. India, species recovery programmes have been launched very recently. Although a number of plant species of the A few species might require standardization of microWestern Ghats are critically endangered, a very few isolated propagation techniques if macro propagation is possible attempts have been done earlier towards recovery of the or if the population levels are too low to collect large endangered species. Reintroduction of Lady-Slipper number of propagules from the wild. Orchids to the Agasthyamalai hills is one such example. Step 2. Identification of suitable niches for reMajority of these attempts however, encompass only simple introduction reintroduction of laboratory grown seedlings into habitats Identification and mapping of natural populations of the disregarding the genetic evaluation of the introduced species in question needs to be undertaken through a populations. Long-term implications of such introductions suitable sampling technique. to the demography and genetic structure of the populations are not understood. Locate suitable sites within the historical range of the Fundamental to effective restoration of a threatened species species for reintroduction after considering ecological is to understand its autecological details (such as the basic (such as climate, soil, slope, floristic composition, levels biology, nursery requirement etc), population genetic of disturbance, etc.) and logistic (such as land-use structure (allelic diversity, heterozygosity), demography history, access, size, ownership, etc.) factors. (aspects of population size, sex ratio, population change Based on the experience of the field biologists, a etc.,) and to construct spatially explicit distribution maps of subjective ecological profile of several candidate sites these species. Further, it is essential to carefully select the could be obtained. Initially a large number of `candidate genotypes for reintroduction based on robust molecular data. sites` could be considered, from which a few sites could If the founding population is far too less genetically diverse, be short-listed based on logistic factors. In this stage, then the long term existence of populations cannot be different landscapes such as Sacred groves, Temple expected. forests and Natural forests, Protected areas could be Threatened plant species exhibit a myriad of life history considered as potential sites for reintroduction. traits and are susceptible to several pressures. For this reason Modern niche modeling theories such as DIVA GIS there is no one single protocol that can be universally provide a much important image based decision criteria prescribed. However, only a general guideline could be for the selection of sites hence they should be preferably suggested. Here we provide a generic methodology that be employed to select the target areas for reintroduction.
Conservation Efforts
It is essential that locations that are suitable for the domestication of the species in question also need to be selected. Step 3. Creation of genetically robust populations This is also a crucial step in the recovery programme since much of the success of the recovery depends on the genetic nature of the founding populations and the initial silvicultural treatment that they receive. Several options are available at this stage to maximize the probability of the species recovery. One of the options is to create new founding populations on sites where the species in question is not present. Second option is to genetically enrich the existing populations through the introduction of propagules from different populations adopting Forest Gene Bank concept. Recovery of the species through habitat restoration using plant introduction as successional analogues is the third option. Although minimum viable population size is unknown for most plant species, a general range of 500 to 2000 individuals could be taken as a thumb rule. The exact nature of the re-establishment site (micro-site) needs to be determined from laboratory and pilot field studies. 3.1 Creating new founding populations on sites where the species is not present Since genetic variability in small population of threatened species is often low, it is important to maximize allelic diversity in new populations to ensure evolutionary persistence. A careful `genetic composing` is necessary such that allelic diversity of the introduced plants in maximum. The offspring of unrelated individuals are often more viable than those of related individuals; matings between different geographic races may result in a decrease in offspring fitness, the process is known as 'out breeding depression'. Hence, for those species with large distributional ranges (say through out a major part of the Western Ghats), it is suggested to create several founding populations in the regions of homogenous ranges (say one in northern, central and southern regions). This would minimize the out breeding depression while the enhancing the diversity of the progeny. 3.2 Creation of Forest Gene Banks Forest gene bank concept as envisaged by Uma Shaanker and Ganeshaiah (2000) includes genetic enrichment of sink populations (sites with relatively higher levels of gene diversity) through introduction of rare alleles from several source populations such that there would be a creation of progeny with higher levels of diversity. Augmenting natural regeneration of through silvicultural treatments in their natural populations. In order to reduce the out breeding depression, several satellite forest gene banks could be established through the distributional range of the species.
3.3 Reintroduction as successional analogues One may encounter a problem that the species in question cannot be reintroduced singly, rather a range of associated species need to be reintroduced. This is true for species that are of climax stage (or late succession stage) and whenever reintroduction has to be done for those areas with poor vegetation cover. The composition and sequence of planting of tree mixtures (i.e candidate species plus the associate) need to be understood and managed using a natural succession as an analogue. In the initial stages, nurse species that improve habitat quality might be reintroduced. This should facilitate the establishment, regeneration, growth and development of site- sensitive threatened species. Step 4. Monitoring the populations Demographic monitoring of populations is necessary to identify those factors that could limit the establishment or growth of the new population. Run a pilot study to assess the introduced populations for this purpose. The monitoring parameters may include germination, mortality, phenology, reproductive survivorship, regeneration and the genetic structure of the progeny. However, for species with long reproductive cycles, it would be too difficult to assess the change in diversity over generations. Step 5. Up-scaling the reintroductions Following the success of the pilot programme, the reintroduction could be undertaken at a higher level. For this, lessons learnt during the management at the plant level could be enhanced to the area management. Readjust the sites and populations through silvicultural management and/or additional introductions. Adopting this new approach, we have established five new populations of a critically endangered species of fresh-water ecosystems viz., Semecarpus kathalekanensis under a DBTfunded project on species recovery. Before the project the species existed only in four isolated populations with less than 100 breeding individuals in the wild, making it a critically endangered one. All these populations were restricted to about 25 square kilometers around Jog falls in Uttara Kannada district. Through our efforts, today about 5000 individuals have been planted in locations as far as Kodagu and Kerala. Most of the out-planted individuals have adopted to the newer habitats and growing very well. Many of the conservation concern medicinally important species are subjected to Species Recovery Program. Dysoxylum malabaricum, Saraca asoca, Mappia foetida, Myristica dactyloides, Myristica fatua, Embelia ribes, Celastrus paniculatus, Salacia chinensis and many other associate plant species are being subjected to this species recovery program . About the author: Associate Professor, Forest Biology, College of Forestry, SIRSI 581 401, Karnataka. vasukoppa@gmail.com Phone no: 08344-233160 Photographs courtesy: Dr. Vasudeva R.
Conservation Efforts
These principles are developed in consultation with representatives from IUCN, WWF Germany, TRAFFIC Germany and Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), field partners, stake holders. This is financially supported by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Field implementations of these standards are being simultaneously conducted in seven countries of the world: India, Nepal, Lesotho, Bosnia Herzegovania, Cambodia, Kazakhisthan and Brazil. In India, it is being implemented in two states- Uttarakhand and Karnataka. In this write up, author wishes to share FRLHT's experience related to ISSC MAP implementation: FRLHT has identified two sites- Agumbe Range of Shimoga Forest Division and the other in Katgal Range of Honnavar Forest Division. Four species are chosen for the study viz Embelia tsjeriam-cottam (Vaividang, fruits used to treat stomach disorders), Salacia chinensis (Ekanayaka, roots are used in anti-diabetic drugs), Ailanthus triphysa (Halmaddi,
Conservation Concern
Aegle marmelos, VU
Baliospermum montanum, VU
Celastrus paniculatus, NT
Coscinium fenestratum, CR
Embelia ribes, VU
Embelia tsjeriam-cottam, VU
Conservation Concern
Gloriasa superba, VU
Holostemma ada-kodien, VU
Myristica dactyloides, VU
Operculina turpethum, VU
Oroxylum indicum, VU
Pseudarthria viscida, VU
Rauvolfia serpentina EN
Santalum album, VU
Symplocos racemosus, VU
Saraca ascca, EN
Conservation Efforts
Herbarium Specimen
A variety of raw drugs including roots, rhizomes, barks, stems, leaves, fruits, seeds, gums, etc are derived from about 960 medicinal plant species are currently known to be in trade. At FRLH, efforts are underway to collect such officinale parts of these species directly from the authentic botanical sources as well as from the market. Currently, the repository holds market samples in relation to 400 species as collected from major raw drug markets in the country. It also has a collection of botanicals pertaining to 440 species that have been sourced directly from the confirmed plant species. The duly labeled raw drugs have been thematically displayed. While the process to add on to the plant-based accessions is ongoing, FRLH is also making efforts to enrich the repository with specimen samples of metals and minerals used in ISM. The herbarium and raw drug repository is supported with an Image Library that currently possesses over 20,000 images of live plants and their habitats, scanned herbarium sheets and raw drugs. This image library is oriented to help facilitate the identification of specimens, especially for the user groups such as ISM practitioners, students, researchers, resource managers, etc. This image library is under the process of upgradation to a 'Virtual Herbarium' so that the researchers, academicians, lay persons, resource users, resource managers and the industries could access it through Internet. Sample images have already been uploaded in the web site: http://envis./frlht.org Various services offered at FRLH 1. Authentication of plant samples 2. Floristic inventories/surveys 3. Assist in establishing herbaria 4. Design and publish educational materials like pictorial field guides 5. Directory of medicinal plants used by industry 6. Training in herbarium methods and plant identification 7. Free reference service for students Information provided by Herbarium Team.
Continued in page 14
Herbarium Block
The word meaning of Daaru-haridra is the wood (daaru) having yellow color like that of turmeric (haridra).
Daaruharidra is tikta in rasa, ruksa in guna, usna in veerya. cures vrana, meha, kama netra mukhodbhuta ruja, kandu
According to Dhanwantri Nighantu, this drug is being effectively used in treating ulcers, diabetic disorders, pain and itching in the ear, eyes and mouth. Some of the important formulations in which daaru-haridra is an ingredient is Manjishtdi kasaya which is used for diabetic disorders, Jytadi taila for wounds and ulcers, and khadira arista ( Bhaisajya ratnavali) for skin diseases. There are various anjana preparations prepared using daaru-haridra which is recommended for eye disorders. In Ayurveda texts, there are nearly 22 references for daaru haridra, 7 references for daaru nisa and around 200 references for daarvi. In the community of Ayurveda physicians, the botanical identification of the plant Daaru-haridra varies in different parts of India. The three species of Berberis viz B. lyceum, B. aristata, B. asiatica are regarded as Daaru-haridra according to experts of Ayurveda in North India. In South India, Coscinium fenestratum, a woody creeper having yellow colored stems is used as Daaruharidra. In the last hundred years, nine authors have attempted to correlate Daaru-haridra to various botanical candidates, namely; 1). Berberis aristata DC. 2).Berberis asiatica Roxb. 3).Berberis lycium Royle, 4).Morinda umbellata L., 5).Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Coleb One of the reasons relating to the controversy in identification of daaru-haridra is based on similarity in appearance of yellowish stem of correlated species as mentioned earlier. Morinda umbellata is being used as an adulterant because of deep yellow colouration of its stem. In South India, Maramanjal , Coscinium fenestratum, is being used clinically as Daaru-haridra. However, this cannot be considered as the original Daaru-haridra because the features mentioned in Ayurvedic texts does not support the morphological features of this species. Considering the efficacy of the species, one may consider Coscinium fenestratum as a better alternative considering its history of clinical usage. This has led to rapid decline of the population due to unsustainable harvest, slow reproductive propagation due to inherent dioecious nature. Another species, Berberis aristata is also threatened due to unscientific method of harvest and over- exploitation thus leading to rapid decline in its population. It is high time to find a better mechanism to propagate and grow these species adequately instead of depending on few wild populations. Author is Senior Ayurveda Physician at FRLHT. Email id: venu.gopal@frlht.org . Further reading: Medplant, Volume 1, issue 2&3 http://envis.frlht.org
Conservation Efforts
(Encyclopedia on Indian Medicinal Plants series) Tabassum I.F. Shariff
Herbarium Technique Training Programme The goal of FRLH is to make significant contribution towards creating awareness about the diversity of medicinal plants and their conservation status. Thus act as a vehicle to promote medicinal plant conservation and go a long way to help revive our health care traditions. Several training programs and workshop have been conducted for high school students, teachers, lecturers, students of preuniversity, graduation and post graduation, ISM practitioners on need basis. Usually a 15 member team is given training and interested institutions or groups may write to: Assistant Director
FRLH (Bio-Cultural Herbarium & Repository of Raw Drugs) Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions No. 74/2, Jarakbande Kaval, Post Attur, Via Yelahanka Bangalore. 560 106, Karnataka, INDIA. Phone: + 91 80 2856 8005/8000/8001Fax: + 91 802856 5873 email: herbarium@frlht.org, k.ravikumar@frlht.org http://www.frlht.org/dept_herb.php
Conservation Efforts
What's in News?
28th May - 2nd June, 2009: Reorientation Training Programme on Knowledge Base of Medicinal Plants - a contemporary approach to understand species recommended for B.A.M.S. syllabus was designed and conducted by FRLHT and program supported by Dept of AYUSH, Government of India. 17th and 18th August 2009: Teachers Training workshop- A Day-out with Neighbourhood Medicinal Plants was held at FRLHT and KV CRPF, Bangalore. 50 biology teachers from Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Bangalore region took part in the workshop. This was supported by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Bangalore Region. October November 2009: Capacity Building Training for the Front-line Staff of SFD, on Identification and Management of Wild Medicinal Plant Resources. Course designed and conducted by: FRLHT, Bangalore; Program supported by: National Medicinal Plants Board, New Delhi. Four trainings were conducted viz Oct 2009, Venue: Forest Training School, Jaipur; Organized by: Rajasthan State Forest Department and Nov 2009, Venue: Organized by: Gujarat State Forest Department.
8th December 2009: A one day workshop on Neighbourhood Medicinal Plants of Bangalore city was designed and conducted by FRLHT for 60 underprivileged middle to high school students from Azim Premji Foundation, Bangalore. 29th December 2009: A one day workshop on Medicinal Plants and Traditional Knowledge for 45 Post Graduate Teachers (Biology), All India In-service Course, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan was designed and conducted at FRLHT, Bangalore. This was supported by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Bangalore Region. 12th January 2010: One day workshop on Neighbourhood Medicinal Plants of Bangalore City was designed and conducted by FRLHT for Bharatiya Vidyapet Bhavans Nagarjuna Pre-University College, Bangalore. Nearly 50 second year pre-university students along with teaching faculties were sensitized on medicinal plants conservation and Traditional Knowledge. Initiated, Green Ambassador Competition 2010 for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Bangalore Region. Trained teachers and green club students have taken part actively. Results will be announced on the occasion of World Environment Day, June 5th 2010.
Now, Bangalore city students can use the new CDROM, to explore your fascinating plant world. Experience the richness of plant diversity in your traditions, life style and environ. Share with us your interesting and enriching learnings in a creative way(such as poems, essays, paintings etc. Best expressions will be published in our website www.envis.frlht.org. E-mail:envis@frlht.org or send your entries by post.
We invite readers to send their responses/views/features of interest etc. through e-mail: envis@frlht.org (Please note: Articles for subsequent issues should not exceed more than 1000 words. It can be accompanied with images in .jpg format) For more information contact: The Co-ordinator, ENVIS Centre on Medicinal Plants
Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions # 74/2, Jarakabande Kaval Post Attur, Via Yelahanka, Bangalore-560 106, Karnataka, INDIA Ph: +91-80 - 28565 847, 28568000 E-mail:envis@frlht.org / suma.tagadur@frlht.org http://envis.frlht.org.in www.frlht.org
Photograph by: Suma T.S.
Biodiversity is Life