Sinter Plant Single Toothed Roll Crusher PDF
Sinter Plant Single Toothed Roll Crusher PDF
Sinter Plant Single Toothed Roll Crusher PDF
PGC1s00x2000 +ffiffiM#trt
Crusher SingleToothed-roll PGC1500x2000
ShandongLaiwu Coal Mining Machinery Co.oLtd \ .\
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Contents I H6..
I Application
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2 Specificationsand parameters of the crusher
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3 Configuration and operational principle...
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4 Manufacturing requirements of the main parts components
5 *H., rffii*&
5 Installation, debugging and test
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6 Operationand use
7 ffiFtrtfr#
7 Maintenance.
8 yt4yH
8 Lubrication 6 ......9
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I Analysis of the failure causes and disposalmethods
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crusher Annex 2: Dragramof the single toothed-roll
customers' ResPected Thank you for your In toothed-ro[ crusher. the choosingand buying
Theequipmentisinstalledattheendofthesinterrng requiredby the following dimensions proper ore to the crush the sintered top of the with water and the cooled are and bearing process.Both its axre change' The which is easy to hammer, the removable crushing tooth is which should be stated installation, right of reft and equipment has forms when ordered' parameters 2. Specification and Model The maximum sintered ore dimensions of the of the crusher x 2000 PGC1500 before being crushed
outsidediameterofthetoothedroller01500 Effectivelengthofthetoothedrotler2000mm 6 rows roller toothed Row-number of the 4 .,Toothnumberofthetoothedrollerperrow 2001/h ProcessingcaPabiliry Electromotor Model Y315S-8
and if the motor Note: The right installationrefers to facing the feed inlet installation. is on the right side of the main machine,it is the right 3, Structure and working principle toothed roller The working principle of this equipment is that the deceleration with the removable hammer is driven by the motor through action on the of the reducer,which rotatesto produce impact and shearing the grid section sintered ore to crush it and the crushed ore drops under The crushingprocessis completed. and then enter into the next procedure. a reducer' The equipmentmainly consistsof severalparts of a motor, tank. The main a main machine and two couplings as well as a water bearings, frame machirre part includes toothed rollers, water-cooled a hollow axle and assembryand a dustproof cover. The toothed roller has axle is cooled with star whell and grid section installed on it. The hollow ore of high water passing through it to lower the effect of the sintered with the hollow temperafure. Attention should be paid to the coaxiality
4.4.5Technical requirements of grey-cast-iron partsGB/Tg43g-1988 4.4.6Technical requirements of carbon-steel castsGB/T11352-1989 5. fnstallationo debuggingand test run 5.1 Foundation 5.1.1 Make it accordingto the drawing PGCL520L. Note that the drawing only shows the relative positions of the bolts of the crusher.The customershould designthe installationfoundationaccordingto the general installation drawing and the local soil condition. Select anchor bolts of coffespondinglength and pay attention to identifying the |eft and right fype. Generallythe equipmentwill be given the layout drawing of right-type. If it is left-type, the foundationsof the motor and the reducershould be laid out symmetricallyin relation to the main machine; 5.I -2 In order to keep the normal running of the equipment on the foundation, the foundation should be maintained for 7 to 14 days before installation and make the pre-pressure test for about 70 hours with weight of 1.5times of the equipment to seewhetherthereis any settlement; 5.1.3 It is preferredto position the bolts by secondgrouting. In the first grouting you leave the holes for the anchor bolts, then adopt the second grouting after the installation and debugging to position of the equipment. Assure the quality of the grouting layer without defects of cracks, peak holes and surface voids etc. The grouting should be done under proper envitonmenttemperatureand completedwithin 24 hours.
5.2 Installations introduction' the 5.2.1 Understand the content of the operation general knowledge for structure of the equipment and the relative and safety protection equipment installation. prepare tools, materials equipmentsfor installation; of the main machine and other parts to see 5.2.2Check the fasteners between the hammer whether there is loosening, whether the clearance the reducer are in and grid section is even and whether the motor and good order; eachpart is level' 5.z.3put the equipmenton the foundationto assure the main machine to Adjust the couplings at fhe end of the motor and coupling and satisff assurethe coaxiality of the both end axles of each coupling (refer to the radial and angle displacementrequirementsof each volume 2 ofthe designmanual of the chemical version); for the second 5.2.4 Tighten each bolt and grout the anchor bolts be done after about time. check fully eachpart in good order.Idle run can 15 days afterthe installation5.3 Idle trial run is in good order' 5.3.1 Fully check each part to see whether it clearancebetween whether there is any sundriesin the fastenersor in the whether the electric hammer and grid sectionsor in the crushing cavity, in circuit is normal, whether the safety measuresare position and whether
the quantity of the greasein the bearingand the oil in the reducersatisfies the requirements; 5.3.2 Instantly switch on to check whether there is abnormality firstly, and start continuous running after confirmation of being normal. Make sure the rotating direction is right, each part nrns normallY, $9, temperatureof the bearing satisfiesthe requiry_ggts (no higher than 55"C) ?ndjhe ryrter-coolingsJ-s19gl*il-lttjg9d"-qldgl When the machine stops,
check whether there is impressionon the tooth surfaceof the reducer and with the specification; the circular tooth contactratio is in accordance 5.4 Load trial run During load trial run, note that the material should be evenly fed in proper sequence and gradually from less to more. If there is material piling, the machineshould be stoppedimmediatelyto check the causeand go on running after it resumesnoffnality. The load trial run should satitff : the following requirements 5.4.1 Continuouslyrun for 2to 4 hours under semi-loadcondition; full-loadcondition; nxr for oneday(8 to 24 houn) rmder 5.4.2 C;ontinuously shouldbeno higherthan55C; risingofthe bearing 5.4.3 Thetemperature thereducer); andvibration(including beno violentnoise 5.4.4 Thercshould 5.4.sThereshouldbe no materialpiling; 5.'4.6The dimension of the sintered ore after being crushed should satisff the requirements;
the and working cuffent to satisff power motor the Measure 5.4.7 requiroments. 6. Operation and use with the operating instructions, 6.1 The operator must be familiar equipment structure and properties of the master the working principle, operate it according to the requirements before using this equipment and of the instructions' and equipment should be continuous this of feeding 6.2Material along the the material distribute evenly make to best your Try even. production roller to exert its maximum toothed the of length effective grid abrasion of the hammer and capability and avoid the premature sectioninthemiddleofthetoothedroller. the equipmentruns normally' 6.3 Begin to feed material after stop feeding material first, then working, stops equipment the when 6.4 material discharyedfrom the machine' crushed the all after machine stop the 7. Maihtenance in of the equipment should be 7.1 The installation condition above; in the installation part mentioned accordancewith the requirements are l00sening or not before start 7 .2 check whether the fasteners of is in good order, the oil quantity usually, whether the electric circuit to the on. The reducer should refer so and reducer and the bearing good whether the oil pointer is in check company. its of instruction
Periodically order, whether there is noise and vibration when it runs. The check whether there is impression on the tooth surface contact. with the contact ratio of the tooth surface should be in accordance and no less specifications(no lessthan 40% along the height of the tooth the teeth than 50% along the length of the tooth) and the cle atance of and cleaningof the oil should also be noticed; 7.3 Material feeding should be even and continuousto prevent material wastingwhen it is slow; piling when it is fast and energyresources 7.4 Make sure that the cooling water systemto be expedite without quality leakage and the water pressurelower than 0.3Mpa with the water be being near neutral and clean without impurity which should eliminated immediately after stopping the machinewhen it is blocked; 7.5 Check the abrasion condition of the hammer frequently and replaceit timely when it's worn by Il2-213' 7.6 Check the abrasion condition of the grid section frequently, remove it and use another side if it is worn seriously. Remove the dustproof cover and toothed roller when changeto anotherside and fully check other Partsat the sametime; 7.7 Checkthe condition of the water-cooledbearingfrequently, such as
7.8 During the normal operation of the equipment, stop it immediately if there is any abnormality. Restart the machine after find out
the cause and eliminate it. Maintenance is not permitted during the operation of the equipment.Fully check and maintain the machine after one-yearcontinuoususe. S.Lubrication 8.1 The two water-cooledbearingsof this equipmentare lubricated
The daily greaseaddition is about 60-80 grams.Clean and replacethe oil every hatf year (It is related to the working conditions,the customershould often observe and record when start to use it and adjust the proper period of oil cleaningand replacingafter getting the regularity). 8.2 After the equipmentworks for half a month, replacewith new oil for the reducer.Thoroughly cleanand replacethe oil every half year sincethen.
the Meet the bulk material sintered to be Take the bulk material out and the check of the material strengthen over-hard
1 2
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Quantity Remark 2
4 5 6
ZQSn10-1 ZGMnl3
24 48 6 2G270-500 Cr26Ni5Si2Mo 7
1L. Notice for order 11.1 The equipment has two types, the right-type and the left-Upe. Facing the feed inlet if the motor and the reducerare on the right side of the main machine, the equipment is right-type. On the contrary it is left-type. Customerscan selectit accordingto the actual condition on spot and note in the order contract.The right-type will be delivered if there is no indication in the contract. lI.2 Generally the common motor will be selected.If the customer has special requirements for the motor, (such as flameproof and waterproof etc.) it can be indicated in the ordering contract.The customer can also give coffesponding requirements on the magnitude of the motor power based on the difficulty level of the crushed matefial so as to speciallydesignit. 11.3. Wearingparts should be orderedseparately.
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P.C.:271100 Hif;, (063a) 6199800 Tel:0086-634-6199800