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Product Catalog

Eddy Current Probes

Ultrasonic Transducers
Engine Probes
EC and UT Reference Standards
Eddy current probes
Ultrasonic transducers
Engine probes
EC and UT reference
Probe kits
TTU equipment for graphite
and bonded structures
Connecting cables and
Probes and tooling for
restricted access and precise
Repair services
Full service EDM notching for
reference standards
NDT Engineering Corporation
19620 Russell Rd.
Kent, WA 98032
Telephone: (1) (253) 872-3565
Fax: (1) (253) 872-0857
Olympus NDT
Olympus NDT is a leading global manufac-
turer of innovative nondestructive testing
instruments that are used in industrial and
research applications ranging from aero-
space, energy, automotive, and electronics
to manufacturing. Olympus NDT instru-
ments contribute to the quality of products
and add to the safety of infrastructure
and facilities. They include aw detectors,
thickness gages, bond testers, pulser-receiv-
ers, transducers, and advanced systems
for inline applications. Our leading edge
technologies include ultrasound, ultrasound
phased array, eddy current, and eddy cur-
rent array.
Olympus NDT offers products and ser-
vices from several high quality brands: R/D

, Panametrics-NDT

, NDT Engineer-
ing, Sonic

, and Nortec

. For many decades

these brands have earned excellent reputa-
tions for providing cost-effective solutions
and excellent support and customer service.
Based in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA, the
company has sales and service centers in
all principal industrial locations worldwide.
Visit www.olympusNDT.com for applica-
tions and sales assistance near you.
NDT Engineering Corporation
NDT Engineering Corporation, a subsidiary of
Olympus NDT inc., is one of the worlds largest
designer, manufacturer, and marketer of probes
and transducers for EC and UT inspection. Our
products include eddy current probes, ultra-
sonic transducers, engine probes, and reference
standards in addition to the full service capabili-
ties of EDM and repair services. Our products
can be found in commercial, commuter, and
military aircraft NDT documents.
NDT Engineering offers over 10,000 standard
and custom-designed EC probes, UT transduc-
ers, reference standards, and accessory items
for virtually every application. This catalog is a
representative sample of our total product line.
For applications that require a nonstandard
product, we proudly offer the most compre-
hensive custom probe and application services
available anywhere.
Table of Contents
Olympus NDT ...............................................ii
NDT Engineering Corporation ............................ ii
General Information..................................... 2
Eddy Current Products .............................. 3
Ordering Information................................... 3
Bolt Hole Probe Sizing Chart ...................... 4
Bolt Hole Probes ......................................... 5
Universal Rotor.................................................... 5
Foerster Rotor ..................................................... 5
Nortec Rechii Rotor............................................. 6
Nortec PS5 Rotor ................................................ 6

Rotor........................................................ 7
Elotest Standard Rotor........................................ 8
Elotest Mini Rotor................................................ 8
Rotary Countersink ............................................. 9
Manual Standard .............................................. 10
Manual Countersink .......................................... 11
Manual for Locator UHB ................................... 11
Adjustable Diameter .......................................... 12
Adjustable Diameter .......................................... 13
Adjustable Diameter .......................................... 14
Adjustable Diameter .......................................... 15
Surface Probes.......................................... 16
Straight - Microdot ............................................ 16
Straight - Fischer

Triax..................................... 16
Straight - Microtip ............................................. 17
Straight - Plastic Tip.......................................... 17
Right Angle Tip 0.5 in. Drop .............................. 18
Right Angle Tip 0.2 in. Drop .............................. 19
Right Angle Tip 0.03 in. Drop ............................ 19
45 Tip (0.5 in. Drop).......................................... 20
45 Tip (0.3 in. Drop).......................................... 20
30 Tip (0.5 in. Drop).......................................... 21
Defectometer Probes................................ 22
Hole Probes ...................................................... 22
Surface Probes.................................................. 23
Low-Frequency Probes............................. 24
Spot Bridge ....................................................... 24
Ring Bridge........................................................ 25
Spot Refection.................................................. 26
Ring Refection.................................................. 27
Miscellaneous Probes............................... 28
Sliding Probes ................................................... 28
Wheel Probes.................................................... 29
Wheel Standards............................................... 29
Blade ................................................................. 30
Finger ................................................................ 30
Spring Loaded................................................... 31
Flexshaft............................................................ 31
Cables and Adapters................................. 32
Reference Coil Adapters and Cables................ 32
Rotary Adaptors ................................................ 32
Bridge Cables and Adapters............................ 33
Refection Cables and Adapters ....................... 34
Probe Kits .................................................. 35
Hole Probes....................................................... 35
Surface Probes.................................................. 35
Low-Frequency Probes..................................... 35
Ultrasound Products................................ 36
Ordering Information................................. 36
Contact Transducers................................. 37
Standard............................................................ 37
Delay Line.......................................................... 38
Dual Element - Cylindrical ................................. 39
Shear Wave Transducers .......................... 40
Micro Miniature.................................................. 40
Subminiature ..................................................... 41
Miniature............................................................ 42
0.375 in. Element............................................... 43
0.500 in. Element............................................... 43

Transducers and Wedges .......... 44

Immersion Transducers............................. 45
Standard and Slim-Line..................................... 45
Cables, Kits, and Miscellaneous
UT Accessories.......................................... 46
Cables and Extensions...................................... 46
Custom Kits and Guides ................................... 46
Transducer Certifcation .................................... 47
Roller Probes, Yokes, and Gimbals................... 48
Waterjet Yokes, Nozzles, and
Nozzle Transducers........................................... 49
Reference Standards................................. 50
Aircraft Standards ............................................. 50
Hole Standards.................................................. 51
Surface Standards............................................. 51
Ultrasonic Standards......................................... 52
Composite Standards ....................................... 53
Technical Notes ........................................ 54
Eddy Current Tutorial and
Probe Selection Information..................... 54
Probe Types and Their Usage................... 56
Troubleshooting......................................... 57
Legal Notices............................................. 58
Disclaimer .................................................. 58
Legal Notices............................................. 59
Disclaimer .................................................. 59
NDT Engineering
We Would Like to Help You!
By continuing to develop solutions concerning inspection requirements for commercial and military
By solving your eddy current and ultrasonic inspection problems.
By meeting your aircraft on ground (AOG) or other on time delivery requirements.
By shipping you quality products that are backed by a lifetime guarantee against manufacturing
By providing no-cost, quality, technical support by phone, fax, or e-mail.
General Information
Fast Delivery
Because we know that fast delivery is important for most of our
customers, we work very hard to meet or exceed all delivery
requirements. Whether it is an AOG or some other urgent require-
ment and that our customer must have it by a specic date, that
delivery will become our very highest priority.
The Best Quality and Service
As with any company, the day-to-day capability lays with its
employees, and we are fortunate to have outstanding talents
with experience dating back to the early days of EC and UT
implementation in the 1950s. We also boast major upgrades and
improvements in both equipment and personnel to our EDM
shop and our quality control. We are now able to facilitate all of
our customer needs while maintaining the strictest of controls on
the quality of our products. This enables us to quickly serve the
marketplace with products of exceptional quality and value. NDT
Engineerings commitment to providing the very best customer
service is evidenced by ongoing investments in manufacturing
technology and productivity-enhancing equipment.
New Products
Numerous products are not included in this catalog as we are
constantly developing new probes and transducers to solve
problems for an ever-changing industry. To that end, we have
developed a team of highly qualied individuals who are at your
disposal, ready to design and manufacture a solution for your
next problem. So, if what you are looking for is not in this cata-
log, call us and we will get you what you need.
Repair Services
NDT Engineering will replace defective probes or transducer from
any manufacturer at a repair cost:
Eddy current probes
Engine probes
UT transducers
Cable assemblies
TTU equipment
We guarantee to return repaired items in like-new condition with
new product warranty at a price of 15% to 40% below the cost of
new. Cost depends on the extent of repair and replacement parts
required. Items can be submitted for a price quote prior to repair,
but if the customer decides against repair, the cost of return ship-
ping will be the responsibility of the customer.
All items sold by Olympus NDT under the NDT Engineering
brand are warranted against manufacturing defects. Wear, dam-
age, misuse, and corrosion are not covered by warranty. War-
ranty length is per the following table:
Items Warranty Length
EC Probes Lifetime
UT Transducers Six (6) months
Adapters Lifetime
Reference Standards Lifetime
All items returned under warranty must reference an RMA num-
ber (returned material authorization), which must be requested
from our ofce and visibly written on returned goods packaging.
If it is determined that wear, damage, or corrosion is due to faulty
materials or design, the item will be replaced at no charge. War-
ranted items will be repaired to like new condition or replaced as
determined by NDT Engineering. These items will have a full war-
ranty starting at the date the customer receives the returned item.
The customer will pay shipping and duty costs as applicable, and
then ship the item to:
NDT Engineering Corporation
19620 Russell Road, Kent, WA 98032
NDT Engineering will pay return shipping costs via the most eco-
nomical means that have a shipping period of less that 10 days.
Shipping period is dened as the length of time in transit between
the departure from our plant and the arrival at destination. This
excludes delays such as customs in the destination country.
Eddy Current Products
Ordering Information
The basic part numbers found in this catalog follow a logical, easy to use, numbering format; however, when adding options, it is
important to remember the three following rules:
1. Every item in this catalog begins with a letter or letters that relate to its corresponding product such
as BP for bolt hole probe, MP for micro (surface) probe, etc.
2. Letters are then followed by a set of numbers that signify either a hole size, length, OD, or angle and
drop length (in the case of surface probes), etc.
3. Option letters are added at the end of the basic part number to designate special inspection
requirements or user requirements (see following lists).
Option list 1 without slash (placed after basic part number on surface probes)
FX 18 in. diameter exible shaft
B bent shaft convenient handle
C curved angle drop (offered on all angled surface probes 0.30 in. drop or longer)
Option list 2 with slash (placed after basic part number or any option from list 1)
/SE spread-end tip
/SS stainless steel body
/TF Fischer

triax connector
/4F 4-pin Fischer connector
/7L Staveley PowerLink

/200K-1M 500 kHz center frequency

/1-3M 2 MHz center frequency for MP
/1-6M 2 MHz center frequency for MTF only
/x.xWL working length in inches
/x.xMWL working length in millimeters
/x.xOAL overall length in inches
/x.xMOAL overall length in millimeters
With these options in mind, part numbers can be built as shown in the examples below.
MP905-50FX/1-3M BPU-5.0M/SS/50MWL LR017-1/TF
Basic part number:
Shielded surface probe with a right
2 in. drop and a 5 in. length.
Basic part number:
Universal rotary bolt hole probe
with a 5 mm diameter.
Basic part number:
Low-frequency, bridge type ring
probe center frequency at 100 Hz
and an OD of 0.7 in.
FX: exible copper shaft
/1-3M: center frequency 2 MHz
/SS: stainless steel
/50MWL: 50 mm working length
/TF: Fischer triax connector
Note: not all options are available for all products
Bolt Hole Probe Sizing Chart
Size 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
8 in.
64 in.
32 in.
64 in.
16 in.
64 in.
32 in.
64 in.
4 in.
64 in.
0.125 0.140 0.156 0.171 0.187 0.203 0.218 0.234 0.250 0.265
3.18 mm 3.57 mm 3.97 mm 4.37 mm 4.76 mm 5.16 mm 5.56 mm 5.95 mm 6.35 mm 6.75 mm
Size 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
32 in.
64 in.
16 in.
64 in.
32 in.
64 in.
8 in.
64 in.
32 in.
64 in.
0.281 0.296 0.312 0.328 0.343 0.359 0.375 0.390 0.406 0.421
7.14 mm 7.54 mm 7.94 mm 8.33 mm 8.73 mm 9.13 mm 9.52 mm 9.92 mm 10.32 mm 10.72 mm
Size 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
16 in.
64 in.
32 in.
64 in.
2 in.
64 in.
32 in.
64 in.
16 in.
64 in.
0.437 0.453 0.468 0.484 0.500 0.515 0.531 0.546 0.562 0.578
11.11 mm 11.51 mm 11.91 mm 12.30 mm 12.70 mm 13.10 mm 13.49 mm 13.89 mm 14.29 mm 14.68 mm
Size 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
32 in.
64 in.
8 in.
64 in.
32 in.
64 in.
16 in.
64 in.
32 in.
64 in.
0.593 0.609 0.625 0.640 0.656 0.671 0.687 0.703 0.718 0.734
15.08 mm 15.48 mm 15.88 mm 16.27 mm 16.67 mm 17.07 mm 17.46 mm 17.86 mm 18.26 mm 18.65 mm
Size 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
4 in.
64 in.
32 in.
64 in.
16 in.
64 in.
32 in.
64 in.
8 in.
64 in.
0.750 0.765 0.781 0.793 0.812 0.828 0.843 0.859 0.875 0.890
19.05 mm 19.45 mm 19.84 mm 20.24 mm 20.64 mm 21.03 mm 21.43 mm 21.83 mm 22.23 mm 22.62 mm
Size 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 68 72 76
32 in.
64 in.
16 in.
64 in.
32 in.
64 in. 1 1
16 in. 1
8 in. 1
16 in.
0.906 0.921 0.937 0.953 0.968 0.984 1 1.062 1.125 1.187
23.02 mm 23.42 mm 23.81 mm 24.21 mm 24.61 mm 25.00 mm 25.40 mm 27.0 mm 28.58 mm 30.16 mm
Size 80 84 88 92 96 104 112 120 128 136
4 in. 1
16 in. 1
8 in. 1
16 in. 1
2 1
8 in. 1
4 in. 1
8 in. 2.00 2
8 in.
1.250 1.312 1.375 1.437 1.500 1.625 1.750 1.875 2.00 2.125
31.75 mm 33.34 mm 34.93 mm 36.51 mm 38.1 mm 41.28 mm 44.45 mm 47.63 mm 50.8 mm 53.98 mm
Size 144 152 160 168 176 184 192
4 in. 2
8 in. 2
2 2
8 in. 2
4 in. 2
8 in. 3.0
2.250 2.375 2.500 2.625 2.750 2.875 3.00
57.15 mm 60.33 mm 63.5 mm 66.68 mm 69.85 mm 73.03 mm 76.2 mm
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 5
Bolt Hole Probes
working length
Diameter (hole size)
working length
Diameter (hole size)
Hole size Universal Rotor Foerster Rotor
Decimal Fractional Metric Unshielded Shielded Unshielded Shielded
0.125 in.

8 in. 3.17 mm BPU-8 N/A BPD-8 N/A
0.156 in.

32 in. 3.96 mm BPU-10 BPUF-10 BPD-10 BPDF-10
4 mm BPU-4.0M BPUF-4.0M BPD-4.0M BPDF-4.0M
0.187 in.

16 in. 4.75 mm BPU-12 BPUF-12 BPD-12 BPDF-12
5 mm BPU-5.0M BPUF-5.0M BPD-5.0M BPDF-5.0M
6 mm BPU-6.0M BPUF-6.0M BPD-6.0M BPDF-6.0M
0.250 in.

4 in. 6.34 mm BPU-16 BPUF-16 BPD-16 BPDF-16
7 mm BPU-7.0M BPUF-7.0M BPD-7.0M BPDF-7.0M
0.312 in.

16 in. 7.92 mm BPU-20 BPUF-20 BPD-20 BPDF-20
9 mm BPU-9.0M BPUF-9.0M BPD-9.0M BPDF-9.0M
0.375 in.

8 in. 9.52 mm BPU-24 BPUF-24 BPD-24 BPDF-24
11 mm BPU-11.0M BPUF-11.0M BPD-11.0M BPDF-11.0M
0.437 in.

16 in. 11.09 mm BPU-28 BPUF-28 BPD-28 BPDF-28
0.500 in.

2 in. 12.69 mm BPU-32 BPUF-32 BPD-32 BPDF-32
13 mm BPU-13.0M BPUF-13.0M BPD-13.0M BPDF-13.0M
0.562 in.

16 in. 14.26 mm BPU-36 BPUF-36 BPD-36 BPDF-36
15 mm BPU-15.0M BPUF-15.0M BPD-15.0M BPDF-15.0M
0.625 in.

8 in. 15.86 mm BPU-40 BPUF-40 BPD-40 BPDF-40
0.687 in.

16 in. 17.44 mm BPU-44 BPUF-44 BPD-44 BPDF-44
0.750 in.

4 in. 19.03 mm BPU-48 BPUF-48 BPD-48 BPDF-48
The universal rotor is suitable for the following rotary guns: Hocking mini drive, Rohmann mini-rotor, Nortec MiniMite (with 4-pin Fischer) and Spitfre 2000, Uniwest
HRO scanner and Zetec ZS-4 high speed scanner.
Standard Conguration
Universal Rotor
100 kHz2 MHz
Black plastic body
Foerster Rotor
100 kHz2 MHz
Black plastic body
Next Page
Rechii Rotor
100 kHz2 MHz
Black plastic body
Working length for Rechii rotor is per
the following table:
Size range WL
Less then -18 1.1 in.
-18 or greater 1.5 in.
-18/SE or greater 2.0 in.
Universal, Foerster and
PS5 Rotor
100 kHz2 MHz
Black plastic body
Working length is per the following table:
Size range WL
815 1.1 in.
1664 2.0 in.
Universal Rotor Foerster Rotor
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/SE: spread end
/SS: stainless steel
/x.xWL: working length
/x.xOAL: overall length
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 6
working length
Diameter (hole size)
working length
Diameter (hole size)
Hole size Nortec Rechii Rotor Nortec PS5 Rotor
Decimal Fractional Metric Unshielded Shielded Unshielded Shielded
0.125 in.

8 in. 3.17 mm BPRA-8 N/A PS5-8 N/A
0.156 in.

32 in. 3.96 mm BPRA-10 BPRAF-10 PS5-10 PS5F-10
4 mm BPRA-4.0M BPRAF-4.0M PS5-4.0M PS5F-4.0M
0.187 in.

16 in. 4.75 mm BPRA-12 BPRAF-12 PS5-12 PS5F-12
5 mm BPRA-5.0M BPRAF-5.0M PS5-5.0M PS5F-5.0M
6 mm BPRA-6.0M BPRAF-6.0M PS5-6.0M PS5F-6.0M
0.250 in.

4 in. 6.34 mm BPRA-16 BPRAF-16 PS5-16 PS5F-16
7 mm BPRA-7.0M BPRAF-7.0M PS5-7.0M PS5F-7.0M
0.312 in.

16 in. 7.92 mm BPRA-20 BPRAF-20 PS5-20 PS5F-20
9 mm BPRA-9.0M BPRAF-9.0M PS5-9.0M PS5F-9.0M
0.375 in.

8 in. 9.52 mm BPRA-24 BPRAF-24 PS5-24 PS5F-24
11 mm BPRA-11.0M BPRAF-11.0M PS5-11.0M PS5F-11.0M
0.437 in.

16 in. 11.09 mm BPRA-28 BPRAF-28 PS5-28 PS5F-28
0.500 in.

2 in. 12.69 mm BPRA-32 BPRAF-32 PS5-32 PS5F-32
13 mm BPRA-13.0M BPRAF-13.0M PS5-13.0M PS5F-13.0M
0.562 in.

16 in. 14.26 mm BPRA-36 BPRAF-36 PS5-36 PS5F-36
15 mm BPRA-15.0M BPRAF-15.0M PS5-15.0M PS5F-15.0M
0.625 in.

8 in. 15.86 mm BPRA-40 BPRAF-40 PS5-40 PS5F-40
0.687 in.

16 in. 17.44 mm BPRA-44 BPRAF-44 PS5-44 PS5F-44
0.750 in.

4 in. 19.03 mm BPRA-48 BPRAF-48 PS5-48 PS5F-48
Nortec Rechii Rotor
RA 19, RA 2000, or MiniMite (with 4-pin LEMO)
Nortec PS5 Rotor
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/SE: spread end
/SS: stainless steel
/x.xWL: working length
/x.xOAL: overall length
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 7
working length
Diameter (hole size)

Hole size
Zetec Rotor
Absolute Differential
Decimal Fractional Metric Unshielded Shielded Unshielded Shielded
0.125 in.

8 in. 3.17 mm BPZ 8 N/A BZD-8 N/A
0.156 in.

32 in. 3.96 mm BPZ-10 BPZF-10 BZD-10 BZDF-10
4 mm BPZ-4.0M BPZF-4.0M BZD-4.0M BZDF-4.0M
0.187 in.

16 in. 4.75 mm BPZ-12 BPZF-12 BZD-12 BZDF-12
5 mm BPZ-5.0M BPZF-5.0M BZD-5.0M BZDF-5.0M
6 mm BPZ-6.0M BPZF-6.0M BZD-6.0M BZDF-6.0M
0.250 in

4 in. 6.34 mm BPZ-16 BPZF-16 BZD-16 BZDF-16
7 mm BPZ-7.0M BPZF-7.0M BZD-7.0M BZDF-7.0M
0.312 in.

16 in. 7.92 mm BPZ-20 BPZF-20 BZD-20 BZDF-20
9 mm BPZ-9.0M BPZF-9.0M BZD-9.0M BZDF-9.0M
0.375 in.

8 in. 9.52 mm BPZ-24 BPZF-24 BZD-24 BZDF-24
11 mm BPZ-11.0M BPZF-11.0M BZD-11.0M BZDF-11.0M
0.437 in.

16 in. 11.09 mm BPZ-28 BPZF-28 BZD-28 BZDF-28
0.500 in.

2 in. 12.69 mm BPZ-32 BPZF-32 BZD-32 BZDF-32
13 mm BPZ-13.0M BPZF-13.0M BZD-13.0M BZDF-13.0M
0.562 in.

16 in. 14.26 mm BPZ-36 BPZF-36 BZD-36 BZDF-36
15 mm BPZ-15.0M BPZF-15.0M BZD-15.0M BZDF-15.0M
0.625 in.

8 in. 15.86 mm BPZ-40 BPZF-40 BZD-40 BZDF-40
0.687 in.

16 in. 17.44 mm BPZ-44 BPZF-44 BZD-44 BZDF-44
0.750 in.

4 in. 19.03 mm BPZ-48 BPZF-48 BZD-48 BZDF-48
Standard Conguration
Zetec Rotor
Frequency: see chart
Black plastic body
Next Page
Elotest Standard Rotor
100 kHz2 MHz
Black plastic body
Elotest Mini Rotor
100 kHz2 MHz
Black plastic body
Working length is per the following table:
Size range WL
815 1.1 in.
1664 2.0 in.
Options p Standard frequency q y
Add to end of part
number if other than
/SE: spread end Absolute probe: 50 kHz500 kHz
/SS: stainless steel Differential probe: 300 kHz1 MHz
/x.xWL: working length
/x.xOAL: overall length
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 8
working length
Diameter (hole size)
working length
Diameter (hole size)
Elotest Standard Rotor
Rohmann SR1, SR2
Elotest Mini Rotor
Rohmann SMR4, MR3
Hole size Elotest Standard Rotor Elotest Mini Rotor
Decimal Fractional Metric Unshielded Shielded Unshielded Shielded
0.125 in.

8 in. 3.17 mm BPE-8 N/A BPEM-8 N/A
0.156 in.

32 in. 3.96 mm BPE-10 BPEF-10 BPEM-10 BPEMF-10
4 mm BPE-4.0M BPEF-4.0M BPEM-4.0M BPEMF-4.0M
0.187 in.

16 in. 4.75 mm BPE-12 BPEF-12 BPEM-12 BPEMF-12
5 mm BPE-5.0M BPEF-5.0M BPEM-5.0M BPEMF-5.0M
6 mm BPE-6.0M BPEF-6.0M BPEM-6.0M BPEMF-6.0M
0.250 in

4 in. 6.34 mm BPE-16 BPEF-16 BPEM-16 BPEMF-16
7 mm BPE-7.0M BPEF-7.0M BPEM-7.0M BPEMF-7.0M
0.312 in.

16 in. 7.92 mm BPE-20 BPEF-20 BPEM-20 BPEMF-20
9 mm BPE-9.0M BPEF-9.0M BPEM-9.0M BPEMF-9.0M
0.375 in.

8 in. 9.52 mm BPE-24 BPEF-24 BPEM-24 BPEMF-24
11 mm BPE-11.0M BPEF-11.0M BPEM-11.0M BPEMF-11.0M
0.437 in.

16 in. 11.09 mm BPE-28 BPEF-28 BPEM-28 BPEMF-28
0.500 in.

2 in. 12.69 mm BPE-32 BPEF-32 BPEM-32 BPEMF-32
13 mm BPE-13.0M BPEF-13.0M BPEM-13.0M BPEMF-13.0M
0.562 in.

16 in. 14.26 mm BPE-36 BPEF-36 BPEM-36 BPEMF-36
15 mm BPE-15.0M BPEF-15.0M BPEM-15.0M BPEMF-15.0M
0.625 in.

8 in. 15.86 mm BPE-40 BPEF-40 BPEM-40 BPEMF-40
0.687 in.

16 in. 17.44 mm BPE-44 BPEF-44 BPEM-44 BPEMF-44
0.750 in.

4 in. 19.03 mm BPE-48 BPEF-48 BPEM-48 BPEMF-48
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/SE: spread end
/SS: stainless steel
/x.xWL: working length
/x.xOAL: overall length
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 9
Overall length
l00` countersink`
Diameter (pilot size)
Hole size
Universal Rotor Elotest Mini Rotor Zetec Rotor Rechii Rotor
Decimal Fractional Metric
0.125 in.

8 in. 3.17 mm CSU100-8 CSEM100-8 CSZ100-8 CSRA100-8
0.156 in.

32 in. 3.96 mm CSU100-10 CSEM100-10 CSZ100-10 CSRA100-10
4 mm CSU100-4.0M CSEM100-4.0M CSZ100-4.0M CSRA100-4.0M
0.187 in.

16 in. 4.75 mm CSU100-12 CSEM100-12 CSZ100-12 CSRA100-12
5 mm CSU100-5.0M CSEM100-5.0M CSZ100-5.0M CSRA100-5.0M
6 mm CSU100-6.0M CSEM100-6.0M CSZ100-6.0M CSRA100-6.0M
0.250 in.

4 in. 6.34 mm CSU100-16 CSEM100-16 CSZ100-16 CSRA100-16
7 mm CSU100-7.0M CSEM100-7.0M CSZ100-7.0M CSRA100-7.0M
0.312 in.

16 in. 7.92 mm CSU100-20 CSEM100-20 CSZ100-20 CSRA100-20
9 mm CSU100-9.0M CSEM100-9.0M CSZ100-9.0M CSRA100-9.0M
0.375 in.

8 in. 9.52 mm CSU100-24 CSEM100-24 CSZ100-24 CSRA100-24
11 mm CSU100-11.0M CSEM100-11.0M CSZ100-11.0M CSRA100-11.0M
0.437 in.

16 in. 11.09 mm CSU100-28 CSEM100-28 CSZ100-28 CSRA100-28
0.500 in.

2 in. 12.69 mm CSU100-32 CSEM100-32 CSZ100-32 CSRA100-32
13 mm CSU100-13.0M CSEM100-13.0M CSZ100-13.0M CSRA100-13.0M
0.562 in.

16 in. 14.26 mm CSU100-36 CSEM100-36 CSZ100-36 CSRA100-36
15 mm CSU100-15.0M CSEM100-15.0M CSZ100-15.0M CSRA100-15.0M
0.625 in.

8 in. 15.86 mm CSU100-40 CSEM100-40 CSZ100-40 CSRA100-40
0.687 in.

16 in. 17.44 mm CSU100-44 CSEM100-44 CSZ100-44 CSRA100-44
0.750 in.

4 in. 19.03 mm CSU100-48 CSEM100-48 CSZ100-48 CSRA100-48
Rotary Countersink
Options p Overall length g
Add to end of part
number if other than
/SS: stainless steel Universal rotor: 2.5 in.
/x.xWL: working length Mini rotor: 2.125 in.
/x.xOAL: overall length Zetec rotor: 2.225 in.
* Other angles are available by replacing the 100 with the
required countersink angle in the part number
Rechii rotor: 2.0 in.
Foerster rotor: 2.2 in.
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 10
working length
Diameter (hole size)
Manual Standard
Hole size
Manual Standard
50500 kHz 200 kHz1 MHz
Decimal Fractional Metric Unshielded Shielded Unshielded Shielded
0.125 in.

8 in. 3.17 mm BPM-8 N/A BPM-8/200K-1M N/A
0.156 in.

32 in. 3.96 mm BPM-10 BPMF-10 BPM-10/200K-1M BPMF-10/200K-1M
4 mm BPM-4.0M BPMF-4.0M BPM-4.0M/200K-1M BPMF-4.0M/200K-1M
0.187 in.

16 in. 4.75 mm BPM-12 BPMF-12 BPM-12/200K-1M BPMF-12/200K-1M
5 mm BPM-5.0M BPMF-5.0M BPM-5.0M/200K-1M BPMF-5.0M/200K-1M
6 mm BPM-6.0M BPMF-6.0M BPM-6.0M/200K-1M BPMF-6.0M/200K-1M
0.250 in.

4 in. 6.34 mm BPM-16 BPMF-16 BPM-16/200K-1M BPMF-16/200K-1M
7 mm BPM-7.0M BPMF-7.0M BPM-7.0M/200K-1M BPMF-7.0M/200K-1M
0.312 in.

16 in. 7.92 mm BPM-20 BPMF-20 BPM-20/200K-1M BPMF-20/200K-1M
9 mm BPM-9.0M BPMF-9.0M BPM-9.0M/200K-1M BPMF-9.0M/200K-1M
0.375 in.

8 in. 9.52 mm BPM-24 BPMF-24 BPM-24/200K-1M BPMF-24/200K-1M
11 mm BPM-11.0M BPMF-11.0M BPM-11.0M/200K-1M BPMF-11.0M/200K-1M
0.437 in.

16 in. 11.09 mm BPM-28 BPMF-28 BPM-28/200K-1M BPMF-28/200K-1M
0.500 in.

2 in. 12.69 mm BPM-32 BPMF-32 BPM-32/200K-1M BPMF-32/200K-1M
13 mm BPM-13.0M BPMF-13.0M BPM-13.0M/200K-1M BPMF-13.0M/200K-1M
0.562 in.

16 in. 14.26 mm BPM-36 BPMF-36 BPM-36/200K-1M BPMF-36/200K-1M
15 mm BPM-15.0M BPMF-15.0M BPM-15.0M/200K-1M BPMF-15.0M/200K-1M
0.625 in.

8 in. 15.86 mm BPM-40 BPMF-40 BPM-40/200K-1M BPMF-40/200K-1M
0.687 in.

16 in. 17.44 mm BPM-44 BPMF-44 BPM-44/200K-1M BPMF-44/200K-1M
0.750 in.

4 in. 19.03 mm BPM-48 BPMF-48 BPM-48/200K-1M BPMF-48/200K-1M
Standard Conguration
Manual Standard
(Compatible with Hocking
locator at 200 kHz)
50 kHz500 kHz,
200 kHz center frequency
Black plastic body
Next Page
Manual Countersink
100 Countersink
2 in. overall length
50 kHz500 kHz
Black plastic body
Manual for Locator UHB
500 kHz or 6 MHz
Black plastic body
* Working length is per the following table:
Size range WL
815 1.1 in.
1664 2.0 in.
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/200K-1M, /1-3M: frequency
/x.xWL: working length
/x.xOAL: overall length
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 11
Diameter (pilot size)
working length
Diameter (hole size)
Manual for Locator UHB Manual Countersink
Hole size Manual Countersink Manual for Locator UHB
Decimal Fractional Metric Unshielded Shielded Unshielded Shielded
0.125 in.

8 in. 3.17 mm CSM100-8 N/A BLM-8/500K N/A
0.156 in.

32 in. 3.96 mm CSM100-10 CSMF100-10 BLM-10/500K BLMF-10/500K
4 mm CSM100-4.0M CSMF100-4.0M BLM-4.0M/500K BLMF-4.0M/500K
0.187 in.

16 in. 4.75 mm CSM100-12 CSMF100-12 BLM-12/500K BLMF-12/500K
5 mm CSM100-5.0M CSMF100-5.0M BLM-5.0M/500K BLMF-5.0M/500K
6 mm CSM100-6.0M CSMF100-6.0M BLM-6.0M/500K BLMF-6.0M/500K
0.250 in.

4 in. 6.34 mm CSM100-16 CSMF100-16 BLM-16/500K BLMF-16/500K
7 mm CSM100-7.0M CSMF100-7.0M BLM-7.0M/500K BLMF-7.0M/500K
0.312 in.

16 in. 7.92 mm CSM100-20 CSMF100-20 BLM-20/500K BLMF-20/500K
9 mm CSM100-9.0M CSMF100-9.0M BLM-9.0M/500K BLMF-9.0M/500K
0.375 in.

8 in. 9.52 mm CSM100-24 CSMF100-24 BLM-24/500K BLMF-24/500K
11 mm CSM100-11.0M CSMF100-11.0M BLM-11.0M/500K BLMF-11.0M/500K
0.437 in.

16 in. 11.09 mm CSM100-28 CSMF100-28 BLM-28/500K BLMF-28/500K
0.500 in.

2 in. 12.69 mm CSM100-32 CSMF100-32 BLM-32/500K BLMF-32/500K
13 mm CSM100-13.0M CSMF100-13.0M BLM-13.0M/500K BLMF-13.0M/500K
0.562 in.

16 in. 14.26 mm CSM100-36 CSMF100-36 BLM-36/500K BLMF-36/500K
15 mm CSM100-15.0M CSMF100-15.0M BLM-15.0M/500K BLMF-15.0M/500K
0.625 in.

8 in. 15.86 mm CSM100-40 CSMF100-40 BLM-40/500K BLMF-40/500K
0.687 in.

16 in. 17.44 mm CSM100-44 CSMF100-44 BLM-44/500K BLMF-44/500K
0.750 in.

4 in. 19.03 mm CSM100-48 CSMF100-48 BLM-48/500K BLMF-48/500K
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/500K or /6M: frequency
/x.xWL: working length
/x.xOAL: overall length
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/200K-1M, /1-3M: frequency
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 12
working length
Diameter (hole size)
Adjustable Diameter
Range of Hole Sizes
Standard Manual Universal Rotor
X Type Y Type X Type Y Type
0.125 in.0.156 in. N/A N/A N/A BYU-8/10
0.156 in.0.187 in. N/A N/A N/A BYU-10/12
5 mm6 mm BXM-5M/6M N/A BXU-5M/6M BYU-5M/6M
0.187 in.0.250 in. BXM-12/16 N/A BXU-12/16 BYU-12/16
6 mm8 mm BXM-6M/8M N/A BXU-6M/8M BYU-6M/8M
0.250 in.0.312 in. BXM-16/20 N/A BXU-16/20 BYU-16/20
0.312 in.0.375 in. BXM-20/24 N/A BXU-20/24 BYU-20/24
8 mm10 mm BXM-8M/10M N/A BXU-8M/10M BYU-8M/10M
0.375 in.0.437 in. BXM-24/28 N/A BXU-24/28 BYU-24/28
10 mm12 mm BXM-10M/12M N/A BXU-10M/12M BYU-10M/12M
0.437 in.0.500 in. BXM-28/32 N/A BXU-28/32 BYU-28/32
12 mm15 mm BXM-12M/15M N/A BXU-12M/15M BYU-12M/15M
0.500 in.0.625 in. BXM-32/40 N/A BXU-32/40 BYU-32/40
15 mm18 mm BXM-15M/18M N/A BXU-15M/18M BYU-15M/18M
0.625 in.0.750 in. BXM-40/48 N/A BXU-40/48 BYU-40/48
18 mm21 mm BXM-18M/21M N/A BXU-18M/21M BYU-18M/21M
0.750 in.0.825 in. BXM-48/56 N/A BXU-48/56 BYU-48/56
21 mm24 mm BXM-21M/24M N/A BXU-21M/24M BYU-21M/24M
0.825 in.1.0 in. BXM-56/64 N/A BXU-56/64 BYU-56/64
Drawings for this item are on next page
Standard Conguration
Standard Manual
50 kHz500 kHz,
200 kHz center frequency
Black plastic body
Universal Rotor
100 kHz2 MHz
Black plastic body
Next Page
X type adjustable
Working length on X type is
per the following table:
Size range WL
10/1212/16 1.1 in.
16/20 and up 2.0 in.
Y type adjustable
Working length on Y type is
per the following table:
Size range WL
8/10 1.3 in.
10/12 1.3 in.
12/1616/20 1.8 in.
20/24 and up 2.0 in.
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/200K-1M, /1-3M: frequency
/x.xWL: working length
/x.xOAL: overall length
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 13
X probes have a thumbscrew that allows user to adjust coil
away from rough-surface holes and is excellent for oversized
working length
Diameter (hole size)
X Type Adjustable
working length
Diameter (hole size)
Y Type Adjustable
Y probes have an outer sleeve that allows user to inspect blind holes
while taking advantage of a screw-type adjustment.
Range of Hole Sizes
Foerster Rotor Rechii Rotor PS5 Rotor
X Type Y Type X Type Y Type X Type Y Type
0.125 in.0.156 in. N/A BYD-8/10 N/A BYRA-8/10 N/A PY5-8/10
0.156 in.0.187 in. N/A BYD-10/12 N/A BYRA-10/12 N/A PY5-10/12
5 mm6 mm BXD-5M/6M BYD-5M/6M BXRA-5M/6M BYRA-5M/6M PX5-5M/6M PY5-5M/6M
0.187 in.0.250 in. BXD-12/16 BYD-12/16 BXRA-12/16 BYRA-12/16 PX5-12/16 PY5-12/16
6 mm8 mm BXD-6M/8M BYD-6M/8M BXRA-6M/8M BYRA-6M/8M PX5-6M/8M PY5-6M/8M
0.250 in.0.312 in. BXD-16/20 BYD-16/20 BXRA-16/20 BYRA-16/20 PX5-16/20 PY5-16/20
0.312 in.0.375 in. BXD-20/24 BYD-20/24 BXRA-20/24 BYRA-20/24 PX5-20/24 PY5-20/24
8 mm10 mm BXD-8M/10M BYD-8M/10M BXRA-8M/10M BYRA-8M/10M PX5-8M/10M PY5-8M/10M
0.375 in.0.437 in. BXD-24/28 BYD-24/28 BXRA-24/28 BYRA-24/28 PX5-24/28 PY5-24/28
10 mm12 mm BXD-10M/12M BYD-10M/12M BXRA-10M/12M BYRA-10M/12M PX5-10M/12M PY5-10M/12M
0.437 in.0.500 in. BXD-28/32 BYD-28/32 BXRA-28/32 BYRA-28/32 PX5-28/32 PY5-28/32
12 mm15 mm BXD-12M/15M BYD-12M/15M BXRA-12M/15M BYRA-12M/15M PX5-12M/15M PY5-12M/15M
0.500 in.0.625 in. BXD-32/40 BYD-32/40 BXRA-32/40 BYRA-32/40 PX5-32/40 PY5-32/40
15 mm18 mm BXD-15M/18M BYD-15M/18M BXRA-15M/18M BYRA-15M/18M PX5-15M/18M PY5-15M/18M
0.625 in.0.750 in. BXD-40/48 BYD-40/48 BXRA-40/48 BYRA-40/48 PX5-40/48 PY5-40/48
18 mm21 mm BXD-18M/21M BYD-18M/21M BXRA-18M/21M BYRA-18M/21M PX5-18M/21M PY5-18M/21M
0.750 in.0.825 in. BXD-48/56 BYD-48/56 BXRA-48/56 BYRA-48/56 PX5-48/56 PY5-48/56
21 mm24 mm BXD-21M/24M BYD-21M/24M BXRA-21M/24M BYRA-21M/24M PX5-21M/24M PY5-21M/24M
0.825 in.1.0 in. BXD-56/64 BYD-56/64 BXRA-56/64 BYRA-56/64 PX5-56/64 PY5-56/64
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/x.xWL: working length
/x.xOAL: overall length
Adjustable Diameter
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 14
working length
Diameter (hole size)
X Type Adjustable
X probes have a thumbscrew that allows user to adjust coil away from rough-surface
holes and is excellent for oversized holes.
Range of Hole Sizes
Elotest Standard Rotor Elotest Mini Rotor
X Type Y Type X Type Y Type
0.125 in.0.156 in. N/A BYE-8/10 N/A BYEM-8/10
0.156 in.0.187 in. N/A BYE-10/12 N/A BYEM-10/12
5 mm6 mm BXE-5M/6M BYE-5M/6M BXEM-5M/6M BYEM-5M/6M
0.187 in.0.250 in. BXE-12/16 BYE-12/16 BXEM-12/16 BYEM-12/16
6 mm8 mm BXE-6M/8M BYE-6M/8M BXEM-6M/8M BYEM-6M/8M
0.250 in.0.312 in. BXE-16/20 BYE-16/20 BXEM-16/20 BYEM-16/20
0.312 in.0.375 in. BXE-20/24 BYE-20/24 BXEM-20/24 BYEM-20/24
8 mm10 mm BXE-8M/10M BYE-8M/10M BXEM-8M/10M BYEM-8M/10M
0.375 in.0.437 in. BXE-24/28 BYE-24/28 BXEM-24/28 BYEM-24/28
10 mm12 mm BXE-10M/12M BYE-10M/12M BXEM-10M/12M BYEM-10M/12M
0.437 in.0.500 in. BXE-28/32 BYE-28/32 BXEM-28/32 BYEM-28/32
12 mm 15 mm BXE-12M/15M BYE-12M/15M BXEM-12M/15M BYEM-12M/15M
0.500 in.0.625 in. BXE-32/40 BYE-32/40 BXEM-32/40 BYEM-32/40
15 mm18 mm BXE-15M/18M BYE-15M/18M BXEM-15M/18M BYEM-15M/18M
0.625 in.0.750 in. BXE-40/48 BYE-40/48 BXEM-40/48 BYEM-40/48
18 mm21 mm BXE-18M/21M BYE-18M/21M BXEM-18M/21M BYEM-18M/21M
0.750 in.0.825 in. BXE-48/56 BYE-48/56 BXEM-48/56 BYEM-48/56
21 mm24 mm BXE-21M/24M BYE-21M/24M BXEM-21M/24M BYEM-21M/24M
0.825 in.1.0 in. BXE-56/64 BYE-56/64 BXEM-56/64 BYEM-56/64
Standard Conguration
100 kHz2 MHz
Black plastic body
* Working length on X type is per the following
Size range WL
10/12 - 12/16 1.1 in.
16/20 and up 2.0 in.
Next Page
Zetec Rotor
50500 kHz/absolute
300 kHz1 MHz/differential
Black plastic body
PH Rotor
50 kHz500 kHz
Black plastic body
* Working length on Y type is per the following
Size range WL
8/10 1.3 in.
10/12 1.3 in.
12/1616/20 1.8 in.
20/24 and up 2.0 in.
Adjustable Diameter
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/x.xWL: working length
/x.xOAL: overall length
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 15
working length
Diameter (hole size)
Y Type Adjustable
Y probes have an outer sleeve that allows user to inspect blind holes while taking
advantage of a screw-type adjustment.
Range of Hole Sizes
Zetec rotor Physical Acoustics Rotor
Absolute Absolute Differential Absolute Absolute Differential
X Type Y Type X Type X Type Y Type X Type
0.125 in.0.156 in. N/A BYZ-8/10 N/A N/A BYA-8/10 N/A
0.156 in.0.187 in. N/A BYZ-10/12 N/A N/A BYA-10/12 N/A
5 mm6 mm BXZ-5M/6M BYZ-5M/6M BXZD-5M/6M BXA-5M/6M BYA-5M/6M BXAD-5M/6M
0.187 in.0.250 in. BXZ-12/16 BYZ-12/16 BXZD-12/16 BXA-12/16 BYA-12/16 BXAD-12/16
6 mm8 mm BXZ-6M/8M BYZ-6M/8M BXZD-6M/8M BXA-6M/8M BYA-6M/8M BXAD-6M/8M
0.250 in.0.312 in. BXZ-16/20 BYZ-16/20 BXZD-16/20 BXA-16/20 BYA-16/20 BXAD-16/20
0.312 in.0.375 in. BXZ-20/24 BYZ-20/24 BXZD-20/24 BXA-20/24 BYA-20/24 BXAD-20/24
8 mm10 mm BXZ-8M/10M BYZ-8M/10M BXZD-8M/10M BXA-8M/10M BYA-8M/10M BXAD-8M/10M
0.375 in.0.437 in. BXZ-24/28 BYZ-24/28 BXZD-24/28 BXA-24/28 BYA-24/28 BXAD-24/28
10 mm12 mm BXZ-10M/12M BYZ-10M/12M BXZD-10M/12M BXA-10M/12M BYA-10M/12M BXAD-10M/12M
0.437 in.0.500 in. BXZ-28/32 BYZ-28/32 BXZD-28/32 BXA-28/32 BYA-28/32 BXAD-28/32
12 mm 15 mm BXZ-12M/15M BYZ-12M/15M BXZD-12M/15M BXA-12M/15M BYA-12M/15M BXAD-12M/15M
0.500 in.0.625 in. BXZ-32/40 BYZ-32/40 BXZD-32/40 BXA-32/40 BYA-32/40 BXAD-32/40
15 mm18 mm BXZ-15M/18M BYZ-15M/18M BXZD-15M/18M BXA-15M/18M BYA-15M/18M BXAD-15M/18M
0.625 in.0.750 in. BXZ-40/48 BYZ-40/48 BXZD-40/48 BXA-40/48 BYA-40/48 BXAD-40/48
18 mm21 mm BXZ-18M/21M BYZ-18M/21M BXZD-18M/21M BXA-18M/21M BYA-18M/21M BXAD-18M/21M
0.750 in.0.825 in. BXZ-48/56 BYZ-48/56 BXZD-48/56 BXA-48/56 BYA-48/56 BXAD-48/56
21 mm24 mm BXZ-21M/24M BYZ-21M/24M BXZD-21M/24M BXA-21M/24M BYA-21M/24M BXAD-21M/24M
0.825 in.1.0 in. BXZ-56/64 BYZ-56/64 BXZD-56/64 BXA-56/64 BYA-56/64 BXAD-56/64
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/x.xWL: working length
/x.xOAL: overall length
Adjustable Diameter
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 16
Surface Probes
Microdot connector Fischer triax connector
Probe length
Straight with Microdot Straight with Fischer Triax

8 in. Shielded

8 in. Unshielded

8 in. Shielded

8 in. Unshielded
1.0 in. -10 MP-10 UMP-10 -- --
2.0 in. -20 MP-20 UMP-20 MTF-20 UMTF-20
3.0 in. -30 MP-30 UMP-30 MTF-30 UMTF-30
4.0 in. -40 MP-40 UMP-40 MTF-40 UMTF-40
5.0 in. -50 MP-50 UMP-50 MTF-50 UMTF-50
6.0 in. -60 MP-60 UMP-60 MTF-60 UMTF-60
7.0 in. -70 MP-70 UMP-70 MTF-70 UMTF-70
8.0 in. -80 MP-80 UMP-80 MTF-80 UMTF-80
9.0 in. -90 MP-90 UMP-90 MTF-90 UMTF-90
10.0 in. -100 MP-100 UMP-100 MTF-100 UMTF-100
11.0 in. -110 MP-110 UMP-110 MTF-110 UMTF-110
12.0 in. -120 MP-120 UMP-120 MTF-120 UMTF-120
Standard Conguration
With Microdot (Threaded)
No balance coil
50 kHz500 kHz,
200 kHz center frequency
Stainless steel shaft
Black plastic handle
With Fischer

(Quick disconnect)
With balance coil
50 kHz500 kHz,
200 kHz center frequency
Stainless steel shaft
Black plastic handle
Next Page
With Microdot (Threaded)
No balance coil
50 kHz500 kHz
Stainless steel shaft
Black plastic handle
With Fischer

(Quick disconnect)
With balance coil
50 kHz500 kHz
Stainless steel shaft
Black plastic handle
Straight - Microdot Straight - Fischer

Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
FX: fexible copper shaft
/200K-1M, /1-3M: frequency (MP)
/200K-1M, /1-6M: frequency (MTF)
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 17
1/8 in. tapered plastic tip
Microdot connector Fischer triax connector
Probe length
Straight Microtip Straight Plastic Tip
Microdot Fischer Triax Microdot Fischer Triax
1.0 in. -10 MMP-10 -- UP-10 --
2.0 in. -20 MMP-20 MMTF-20 UP-20 UTF-20
3.0 in. -30 MMP-30 MMTF-30 UP-30 UTF-30
4.0 in. -40 MMP-40 MMTF-40 UP-40 UTF-40
5.0 in. -50 MMP-50 MMTF-50 UP-50 UTF-50
6.0 in. -60 MMP-60 MMTF-60 UP-60 UTF-60
7.0 in. -70 MMP-70 MMTF-70 UP-70 UTF-70
8.0 in. -80 MMP-80 MMTF-80 UP-80 UTF-80
9.0 in. -90 MMP-90 MMTF-90 UP-90 UTF-90
10.0 in. -100 MMP-100 MMTF-100 UP-100 UTF-100
11.0 in. -110 MMP-110 MMTF-110 UP-110 UTF-110
12.0 in. -120 MMP-120 MMTF-120 UP-120 UTF-120
Straight - Microtip Straight - Plastic Tip
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
FX: fexible copper shaft
/200K-1M, /1-3M: frequency
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/200K-1M, /1-3M: frequency (UP)
/200K-1M, /1-6M: frequency (UTF)
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 18
Drop length
Microdot connector Fischer triax connector
Probe Length
Right Angle Tip 0.5 in. Drop
with Microdot
Right Angle Tip 0.5 in. Drop
with Fischer Triax

8 in. Shielded 0.072 in. Shielded

8 in. Shielded 0.072 in. Shielded
3.0 in. -30 MP905-30 MMP905-30 MTF905-30 MMTF905-30
4.0 in. -40 MP905-40 MMP905-40 MTF905-40 MMTF905-40
4.5 in. -45 MP905-45 MMP905-45 MTF905-45 MMTF905-45
5.0 in. -50 MP905-50 MMP905-50 MTF905-50 MMTF905-50
6.0 in. -60 MP905-60 MMP905-60 MTF905-60 MMTF905-60
6.5 in. -65 MP905-65 MMP905-65 MTF905-65 MMTF905-65
7.0 in. -70 MP905-70 MMP905-70 MTF905-70 MMTF905-70
8.0 in. -80 MP905-80 MMP905-80 MTF905-80 MMTF905-80
9.0 in. -90 MP905-90 MMP905-90 MTF905-90 MMTF905-90
10.0 in. -100 MP905-100 MMP905-100 MTF905-100 MMTF905-100
11.0 in. -110 MP905-110 MMP905-110 MTF905-110 MMTF905-110
12.0 in. -120 MP905-120 MMP905-120 MTF905-120 MMTF905-120
Standard Conguration
With Microdot (Threaded)
No balance coil
50 kHz500 kHz
200 kHz center frequency
Stainless steel shaft
Black plastic handle
With Fischer

(Quick disconnect (( ) tt
With balance coil
50 kHz500 kHz
Stainless steel shaft
Black plastic handle
Unshielded surface probes are confgured by
adding a U to the front of most surface probe
part number.
Example: UMP905-30
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
B: bent handle
C: curved angle drop (0.3 in. or greater)
FX: fexible copper shaft
/200K-1M, /1-3M: frequency (MP)
/200K-1M, /1-6M: frequency (MTF)
Right Angle Tip 0.5 in. Drop
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 19
Drop length
Drop length
Microdot connector Fischer triax connector
Probe Length
Right Angle Tip 0.2 in. Drop
with Microdot
Right Angle Tip 0.2 in. Drop
with Fischer Triax
Right Angle Tip 0.03 in. Drop

8 in. Shielded
Fischer Triax

8 in. Shielded

8 in. Shielded

16 in. Shielded

8 in. Shielded

16 in. Shielded
3.0 in. -30 MP902-30 MMP902-30 MTF902-30 MMTF902-30 MP9003-30 MTF9003-30
4.0 in. -40 MP902-40 MMP902-40 MTF902-40 MMTF902-40 MP9003-40 MTF9003-40
4.5 in. -45 MP902-45 MMP902-45 MTF902-45 MMTF902-45 MP9003-45 MTF9003-45
5.0 in. -50 MP902-50 MMP902-50 MTF902-50 MMTF902-50 MP9003-50 MTF9003-50
6.0 in. -60 MP902-60 MMP902-60 MTF902-60 MMTF902-60 MP9003-60 MTF9003-60
6.5 in. -65 MP902-65 MMP902-65 MTF902-65 MMTF902-65 MP9003-65 MTF9003-65
7.0 in. -70 MP902-70 MMP902-70 MTF902-70 MMTF902-70 MP9003-70 MTF9003-70
8.0 in. -80 MP902-80 MMP902-80 MTF902-80 MMTF902-80 MP9003-80 MTF9003-80
9.0 in. -90 MP902-90 MMP902-90 MTF902-90 MMTF902-90 MP9003-90 MTF9003-90
10.0 in. -100 MP902-100 MMP902-100 MTF902-100 MMTF902-100 MP9003-100 MTF9003-100
11.0 in. -110 MP902-110 MMP902-110 MTF902-110 MMTF902-110 MP9003-110 MTF9003-110
12.0 in. -120 MP902-120 MMP902-120 MTF902-120 MMTF902-120 MP9003-120 MTF9003-120
Right Angle Tip 0.2 in. Drop Right Angle Tip 0.03 in. Drop
Add to end of part
number if other than
B: bent handle
C: curved angle drop (0.3 in. or greater)
FX: fexible copper shaft
/200K-1M, /1-3M: frequency (MP)
/200K-1M, /1-6M: frequency (MTF)
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 20
Drop length
Microdot connector Fischer triax connector
Note: probes pictured on this page have the curved option
Probe Length
45 Tip 0.5 in. Drop 45 Tip 0.3 in. Drop
Microdot Fischer Triax Microdot Fischer Triax

8 in. Shielded

8 in. Shielded

8 in. Shielded

8 in. Shielded
3.0 in. -30 MP455-30 MTF455-30 MP453-30 MTF453-30
4.0 in. -40 MP455-40 MTF455-40 MP453-40 MTF453-40
4.5 in. -45 MP455-45 MTF455-45 MP453-45 MTF453-45
5.0 in. -50 MP455-50 MTF455-50 MP453-50 MTF453-50
6.0 in. -60 MP455-60 MTF455-60 MP453-60 MTF453-60
6.5 in. -65 MP455-65 MTF455-65 MP453-65 MTF453-65
7.0 in. -70 MP455-70 MTF455-70 MP453-70 MTF453-70
8.0 in. -80 MP455-80 MTF455-80 MP453-80 MTF453-80
9.0 in. -90 MP455-90 MTF455-90 MP453-90 MTF453-90
10.0 in. -100 MP455-100 MTF455-100 MP453-100 MTF453-100
11.0 in. -110 MP455-110 MTF455-110 MP453-110 MTF453-110
12.0 in. -120 MP455-120 MTF455-120 MP453-120 MTF453-120
Standard Conguration
With Microdot (Threaded)
No balance coil
50 kHz500 kHz
Stainless steel shaft
Black plastic handle
With Fischer

(Quick disconnect)
With balance coil
50 kHz500 kHz
Stainless steel shaft
Black plastic handle
Next Page
With Microdot (Threaded)
No balance coil
50 kHz500 kHz
Stainless steel shaft
Black plastic handle
With Fischer

(Quick disconnect)
With balance coil
50 kHz500 kHz
Stainless steel shaft
Black plastic handle
Unshielded surface probes are confgured by
adding a U to the front of any surface probe
part number.
Example: UMP905-30
45 Tip (0.5 in. Drop) 45 Tip (0.3 in. Drop)
Add to end of part
number if other than
B: bent handle
C: curved angle drop (0.3 in. or greater)
FX: fexible copper shaft
/200K-1M, /1-3M: frequency (MP)
/200K-1M, /1-6M: frequency (MTF)
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 21
Drop length
1/8 in. or 0.072 in. tip diameter
Fischer triax connector
Note: probes pictured on this page have the curved option
Probe Length
30 Tip 0.5 in. Drop
Microdot Connector Fischer Triax Connector Microdot Fischer Triax

8 in. Shielded

16 in. Shielded

8 in. Shielded

16 in. Shielded

8 in. Unshielded

8 in. Unshielded
3.0 in. -30 MP305-30 MMP305-30 MTF305-30 MMTF305-30 UMP305-30 UMTF305-30
4.0 in. -40 MP305-40 MMP305-40 MTF305-40 MMTF305-40 UMP305-40 UMTF305-40
4.5 in. -45 MP305-45 MMP305-45 MTF305-45 MMTF305-45 UMP305-45 UMTF305-45
5.0 in. -50 MP305-50 MMP305-50 MTF305-50 MMTF305-50 UMP305-50 UMTF305-50
6.0 in. -60 MP305-60 MMP305-60 MTF305-60 MMTF305-60 UMP305-60 UMTF305-60
6.5 in. -65 MP305-65 MMP305-65 MTF305-65 MMTF305-65 UMP305-65 UMTF305-65
7.0 in. -70 MP305-70 MMP305-70 MTF305-70 MMTF305-70 UMP305-70 UMTF305-70
8.0 in. -80 MP305-80 MMP305-80 MTF305-80 MMTF305-80 UMP305-80 UMTF305-80
9.0 in. -90 MP305-90 MMP305-90 MTF305-90 MMTF305-90 UMP305-90 UMTF305-90
10.0 in. -100 MP305-100 MMP305-100 MTF305-100 MMTF305-100 UMP305-100 UMTF305-100
11.0 in. -110 MP305-110 MMP305-110 MTF305-110 MMTF305-110 UMP305-110 UMTF305-110
12.0 in. -120 MP305-120 MMP305-120 MTF305-120 MMTF305-120 UMP305-120 UMTF305-120
30 Tip (0.5 in. Drop)
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
B: bent handle
C: curved angle drop (0.3 in. or greater)
FX: fexible copper shaft
/200K-1M, /1-3M: frequency (MP)
/200K-1M, /1-6M: frequency (MTF)
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 22
working length
Diameter (hole size)
Fractional Metric
Hole Probes
Nonferrous Nonferrous Ferrous
Unshielded Shielded Unshielded
0.125 in.

8 in. 3.17 mm BDN-8 BDSN-8 BDF-8
0.156 in.

32 in. 3.96 mm BDN-10 BDSN-10 BDF-10
4 mm BDN-4.0M BDSN-4.0M BDF-4.0M
0.187 in.

16 in. 4.75 mm BDN-12 BDSN-12 BDF-12
5 mm BDN-5.0M BDSN-5.0M BDF-5.0M
6 mm BDN-6.0M BDSN-6.0M BDF-6.0M
0.250 in.

4 in. 6.34 mm BDN-16 BDSN-16 BDF-16
7 mm BDN-7.0M BDSN-7.0M BDF-7.0M
0.312 in.

16 in. 7.92 mm BDN-20 BDSN-20 BDF-20
9 mm BDN-9.0M BDSN-9.0M BDF-9.0M
0.375 in.

8 in. 9.52 mm BDN-24 BDSN-24 BDF-24
11 mm BDN-11.0M BDSN-11.0M BDF-11.0M
0.437 in.

16 in. 11.09 mm BDN-28 BDSN-28 BDF-28
0.500 in.

2 in. 12.69 mm BDN-32 BDSN-32 BDF-32
13 mm BDN-13.0M BDSN-13.0M BDF-13.0M
0.562 in.

16 in. 14.26 mm BDN-36 BDSN-36 BDF-36
15 mm BDN-15.0M BDSN-15.0M BDF-15.0M
0.625 in.

8 in. 15.86 mm BDN-40 BDSN-40 BDF-40
0.687 in.

16 in. 17.44 mm BDN-44 BDSN-44 BDF-44
0.750 in.

4 in. 19.03 mm BDN-48 BDSN-48 BDF-48
Standard Conguration
2 in. working length
4 in. overall length
Black plastic handle
Next Page
Microdot connector
Black plastic tip
Brass shaft
Black plastic handle
Hole Probes
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/x.xWL: working length
Defectometer Probes
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 23
Drop length
5/32 in. phenolic tip
LEMO connector
Probe Length
Surface Probes
Nonferrous/Unshielded Nonferrous/Shielded Ferrous/Unshielded
Straight 90/0.5 in. Drop Straight 90/0.5 in. Drop Straight 90/0.2 in. Drop
2.0 in. -20 DN-20 -- DSN-20 -- DF-20 --
3.0 in. -30 DN-30 DN905-30 DSN-30 DSN905-30 DF-30 DF902-30
4.0 in. -40 DN-40 DN905-40 DSN-40 DSN905-40 DF-40 DF902-40
5.0 in. -50 DN-50 DN905-50 DSN-50 DSN905-50 DF-50 DF902-50
6.0 in. -60 DN-60 DN905-60 DSN-60 DSN905-60 DF-60 DF902-60
6.5 in. -65 DN-65 DN905-65 DSN-65 DSN905-65 DF-65 DF902-65
7.0 in. -70 DN-70 DN905-70 DSN-70 DSN905-70 DF-70 DF902-70
8.0 in. -80 DN-80 DN905-80 DSN-80 DSN905-80 DF-80 DF902-80
9.0 in. -90 DN-90 DN905-90 DSN-90 DSN905-90 DF-90 DF902-90
10.0 in. -100 DN-100 DN905-100 DSN-100 DSN905-100 DF-100 DF902-100
11.0 in. -110 DN-110 DN905-110 DSN-110 DSN905-110 DF-110 DF902-110
12.0 in. -120 DN-120 DN905-120 DSN-120 DSN905-120 DF-120 DF902-120
Surface Probes
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/LOO: LEMO connector
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 24
Low-Frequency Probes
2-pin Microdot
Spot Bridge
Standard Conguration
2-pin Microdot
Black case
Polished steel
Next Page
2-pin Microdot
Black case
Polished steel
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/TF: Fischer triax connector
/4F: Four pin Fischer connector
/4L: Four pin LEMO connector
Spot Bridge
OD Case OD Part number
50500 Hz 0.275 in. 0.350 in. LS013-5
50500 Hz 0.440 in. 0.575 in. LS015-5
50500 Hz 0.850 in. 0.920 in. LS018-1
50500 Hz 0.950 in. 1.040 in. LS019-1
50500 Hz 1.000 in. 1.090 in. LS0110-1
50500 Hz 1.250 in. 1.330 in. LS0112-1
100 Hz2 kHz 0.375 in. 0.425 in. LS023-2
100 Hz2 kHz 0.670 in. 0.740 in. LS026-1
100 Hz2 kHz 1.000 in. 1.100 in. LS0210-1
200 Hz4 kHz 0.250 in. 0.320 in. LS042-1
300 Hz5 kHz 0.312 in. 0.375 in. LS053-5
300 Hz5 kHz 0.475 in. 0.550 in. LS055-2
300 Hz5 kHz 0.600 in. 0.675 in. LS056-1
500 Hz5 kHz 0.280 in. 0.350 in. LS102-1
500 Hz5 kHz 0.395 in. 0.470 in. LS104-1
500 Hz5 kHz 0.500 in. 0.580 in. LS105-1
1 kHz8 kHz 0.275 in. 0.375 in. LS203-5
1 kHz8 kHz 0.400 in. 0.460 in. LS204-1
1 kHz8 kHz 0.500 in. 0.570 in. LS205-1
3 kHz20 kHz 0.375 in. 0.440 in. LS503-2
3 kHz20 kHz 0.425 in. 0.490 in. LS504-1
3 kHz20 kHz 0.500 in. 0.570 in. LS508-1
5 kHz30 kHz 0.300 in. 0.350 in. LS1002-1
5 kHz30 kHz 0.490 in. 0.580 in. LS1005-1
5 kHz30 kHz 0.900 in. 0.960 in. LS1008-1
10 kHz50 kHz 0.300 in. 0.350 in. LS2003-1
10 kHz50 kHz 0.490 in. 0.550 in. LS2005-1
10 kHz50 kHz 0.500 in. 0.560 in. LS1504-1
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 25
2-pin Microdot
Ring Bridge
Ring Bridge
ID OD Part number
50500 Hz 0.350 in. 0.750 in. LR017-5
50500 Hz 0.400 in. 0.900 in. LR01-731
50500 Hz 0.425 in. 0.900 in. LR019-1
50500 Hz 0.500 in. 1.000 in. LR0110-1
50500 Hz 0.625 in. 0.995 in. LR01-743
50500 Hz 0.650 in. 1.065 in. LR0111-1
50500 Hz 0.700 in. 1.300 in. LR0113-5
50500 Hz 0.750 in. 1.280 in. LR0114-2
50500 Hz 0.800 in. 1.250 in. LR0112-3
50500 Hz 0.800 in. 1.400 in. LR0114-5
50500 Hz 1.000 in. 1.510 in. LR0115-1
100 Hz2 kHz 0.400 in. 0.880 in. LR028-1
100 Hz2 kHz 0.500 in. 1.050 in. LR0212-1
300 Hz5 kHz 0.200 in. 0.605 in. LR056-1
300 Hz5 kHz 0.300 in. 0.780 in. LR058-1
300 Hz5 kHz 0.323 in. 0.680 in. LR058-2
300 Hz5 kHz 0.400 in. 0.750 in. LR057-5
300 Hz5 kHz 0.500 in. 1.000 in. LR0510-5
500 Hz10 kHz 0.255 in. 0.650 in. LR106-1
500 Hz10 kHz 0.300 in. 0.750 in. LR107-1
500 Hz10 kHz 0.315 in. 0.680 in. LR106-2
1 kHz15 kHz 0.158 in. 0.375 in. LR204-1
1 kHz15 kHz 0.300 in. 0.790 in. LR208-1
1 kHz15 kHz 0.350 in. 0.700 in. LR207-5
1 kHz15 kHz 0.400 in. 0.840 in. LR209-1
3 kHz20 kHz 0.255 in. 0.650 in. LR506-1
3 kHz20 kHz 0.315 in. 0.680 in. LR506-2
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/TF: Fischer triax connector
/4F: Four pin Fischer connector
/4L: Four pin LEMO connector
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 26
2-pin Microdot
Spot Reection
OD Case OD Part number
50 Hz3 kHz 0.312 in. 0.375 in. RS013-5
50 Hz3 kHz 0.600 in. 0.670 in. RS016-5
50 Hz3 kHz 0.700 in. 0.780 in. RS017-5
50 Hz3 kHz 0.800 in. 0.880 in. RS018-1
50 Hz3 kHz 0.925 in. 1.000 in. RS019-4
50 Hz3 kHz 1.000 in. 1.080 in. RS0110-1
50 Hz3 kHz 1.060 in. 1.120 in. RS0110-2
50 Hz3 kHz 1.750 in. 1.850 in. RS0118-1
100 Hz5 kHz 0.440 in. 0.520 in. RS023-1
100 Hz5 kHz 0.800 in. 0.880 in. RS028-2
100 Hz5 kHz 0.680 in. 0.750 in. RS036-1
200 Hz10 kHz 0.310 in. 0.360 in. RS053-1
200 Hz10 kHz 0.312 in. 0.375 in. RS053-5
200 Hz10 kHz 0.390 in. 0.450 in. RS054-1
200 Hz10 kHz 0.500 in. 0.575 in. RS055-1
200 Hz10 kHz 0.610 in. 0.700 in. RS057-5
500 Hz15 kHz 0.312 in. 0.375 in. RS203-5
500 Hz15 kHz 0.425 in. 0.495 in. RS204-2
500 Hz15 kHz 0.460 in. 0.500 in. RS204-1
500 Hz15 kHz 0.500 in. 0.560 in. RS205-5
1 kHz20 kHz 0.300 in. 0.360 in. RS093-1
1 kHz20 kHz 0.350 in. 0.420 in. RS093-2
2 kHz50 kHz 0.325 in. 0.420 in. RS503-1
2 kHz50 kHz 0.450 in. 0.525 in. RS504-1
2 kHz50 kHz 0.800 in. 0.865 in. RS508-1
4 kHz80 kHz 0.325 in. 0.420 in. RS803-1
5 kHz100 kHz 0.575 in. 0.660 in. RS1005-2
5 kHz100 kHz 1.050 in. 1.130 in. RS1010-1
Spot Reection
Standard Conguration
2-pin Microdot
Black case
Polished steel
Next Page
2-pin Microdot
Black case
Polished steel
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/TF: Fischer triax connector
/4F: Four pin Fischer connector
/4L: Four pin LEMO connector
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 27
2-pin Microdot
Ring Reection
ID OD Part number
50 Hz3 kHz 0.400 in. 0.800 in. RR018-5
50 Hz3 kHz 0.500 in. 1.000 in. RR0110-5
50 Hz3 kHz 0.600 in. 1.160 in. RR0112-5
50 Hz3 kHz 0.700 in. 1.300 in. RR0113-5
50 Hz3 kHz 0.800 in. 1.400 in. RR0114-5
50 Hz3 kHz 0.900 in. 1.500 in. RR0115-5
50 Hz3 kHz 1.000 in. 1.600 in. RR0116-5
80 Hz4 kHz 0.350 in. 0.750 in. RR017-1
80 Hz4 kHz 0.500 in. 1.000 in. RR019-2
80 Hz4 kHz 0.680 in. 1.000 in. RR0110-3
80 Hz4 kHz 0.800 in. 1.500 in. RR0115-1
80 Hz4 kHz 0.860 in. 1.250 in. RR0115-4
80 Hz4 kHz 1.100 in. 1.740 in. RR0119-1
80 Hz4 kHz 1.330 in. 1.870 in. RR0120-1
100 Hz5 kHz 0.250 in. 0.600 in. RR026-1
100 Hz5 kHz 0.312 in. 0.790 in. RR028-1
100 Hz5 kHz 0.430 in. 0.750 in. RR027-2
100 Hz5 kHz 0.546 in. 1.050 in. RR0210-1
100 Hz5 kHz 0.560 in. 1.090 in. RR0211-1
200 Hz10 kHz 0.200 in. 0.605 in. RR056-1
200 Hz10 kHz 0.300 in. 0.815 in. RR058-1
300 Hz10 kHz 0.425 in. 0.750 in. RR057-2
500 Hz20 kHz 0.250 in. 0.650 in. RR206-5
500 Hz20 kHz 0.350 in. 0.700 in. RR207-5
500 Hz20 kHz 0.335 in. 0.600 in. RR207-1
5 kHz80 kHz 0.300 in. 0.600 in. RR1006-5
5 kHz80 kHz 0.450 in. 0.900 in. RR1009-5
10 kHz100 kHz 0.345 in. 0.550 in. RR2007-1
Ring Reection
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/TF: Fischer triax connector
/4F: Four pin Fischer connector
/4L: Four pin LEMO connector
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 28
Miscellaneous Probes
Type A
Type B
Sliding Probes
Standard Conguration
Type A
2-pin Microdot
Black phenolic case
Tridirectional scan
1 in. diameter
Type B
2 ea. 1-pin Microdot
Black Delrin

Single-direction scan
Acrylic spacer
Type Part Number Frequency
Sliding Probes
A LTW405-1 100 Hz4 kHz 1.15 in. 1.25 in. 2-pin Microdot
A LTW1007-1 115 kHz 1.10 in. 2.00 in. 2-pin Microdot
A LTW1004-2 220 kHz 1.10 in. 1.00 in. 2-pin Microdot
A LTW1004-3 530 kHz 1.10 in. 1.00 in. 2-pin Microdot
B LTW0419-1 100 Hz5 kHz 1.0 in. 3.35 in. 0.75 in. (2) 1-pin Microdot
B LTW2018 500 Hz10 kHz 1.0 in. 1.76 in. 1.0 in. (2) 1-pin Microdot
B LTW0423-1 500 Hz10 kHz 1.0 in. 1.75 in. 1.0 in. (2) 1-pin Microdot
B LTW5010-1 120 kHz 1.0 in. 1.0 in. 1.0 in. (2) 1-pin Microdot
B LTW0210-1 240 kHz 1.0 in. 1.0 in. 1.0 in. (2) 1-pin Microdot
B LTW0210-2 350 kHz 1.0 in. 1.0 in. 1.0 in. (2) 1-pin Microdot
B LTW1022 5100 kHz 1.0 in. 1.5 in. 0.75 in. (2) 1-pin Microdot
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/TF: Fischer triax connector
/4F: Four pin Fischer connector
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 29
NDT Engineering Corp. can supply wheel probes and reference standards for the most popular aircraft in service. Please have aircraft
make, model, and wheel manufacture when you talk to our sales staff for availability. If we do not carry what you are looking for, all
we need is a sample of the wheel in question; either a section cut from the wheel or a full wheel. Customer is responsible for return
shipping costs if they want the wheel returned in same condition as received
Wheel Probes Wheel Standards
Wheel Probes Wheel Standards
Main Nose (Tail) Main Nose (Tail)
717 WP-717M WP-717N WS-717M WS-717N
727 WP-727M WP-727N WS-727M WS-727N
737/100-200 WP-737M/100-200 WP-737N/100-200 WS-737M/100-200 WS-737N/100-200
747 WP-747M WP-747N WS-747M WS-747N
757 WP-757M WP-757N WS-757M WS-757N
767 WP-767M WP-767N WS-767M WS-767N
A320 WP-A320M WP-A320N WS-A320M WS-A320N
DC-9/30 WP-DC9M/30 WP-DC9N/30 WS-DC9M/30 WS-DC9N
MD-80 Series WP-MD80M WP-MD80N WS-MD80M WS-MD80N
Dash 8 WP-DH8M-32D WP-DH8N WS-DH8M-32D WS-DH8N
KC-135 WP-KC135M WP-KC135N WS-KC135M WS-KC135N
C-130 WP-C130M WP-C130N WS-C130M WS-C130N
B-52 WP-B52M WP-B52N WS-B52M WS-B52N
F-15C Eagle, F-15D Eagle WP-F15CDM WP-F15CDM WS-F15CDM WS-F15CDM
F-15E Strike Eagle WP-F15EM WP-F15EN WS-F15EM WS-F15WN
F-16 WP-F16M WP-F16N WS-F16M WS-F16N
A-10 WP-A10M WP-A10N WS-A10M WS-A10N
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 30
Straight type - Top view
l.0 in. length (tip)

Angle type - Side view

Straight fnger probe
1.0 in.
Dr op

1.0 in.
Angle fnger probe
Part Number Angle Drop Tip Length
TPF-902 90 0.2 in. --
TPF-904 90 0.4 in. --
TPF-906 90 0.6 in. --
TPF-603 60 0.3 in. --
TPF-605 60 0.5 in. --
TPF-453 45 0.3 in. --
TPF-455 45 0.5 in. --
TPF-02 Straight -- 0.2 in.
TPF-03 Straight -- 0.3 in.
TPF-04 Straight -- 0.4 in.
TPF-06 Straight -- 0.6 in.
TPF-10 Straight -- 1.0 in.
Blade Finger
Part number Angle Thickness
MP.045-60BL Straight 0.045 in.
MP.060-60BL Straight 0.060 in.
MP.090-60BL Straight 0.090 in.
MP90.045-60BL 90 0.045 in.
MP90.060-60BL 90 0.060 in.
MP90.090-60BL 90 0.090 in.
MP45.045-60BL 45 0.045 in.
MP45.060-60BL 45 0.060 in.
MP45.090-60BL 45 0.090 in.
MP30.045-60BL 30 0.045 in.
MP30.060-60BL 30 0.060 in.
MP30.090-60BL 30 0.090 in.
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 31
The part numbers listed below are confgured with 2-pin Microdot
connectors. To confgure for Fischer

triax connector, refer to the

chart below.
2.5 in. length
0.375 in. diameter
* Part numbers listed have a length of 6 in. Other lengths are confgured by
adding the desired length, in inches or millimeters, to the end of the part
Example: BPU-16/FX8

4 in. diameter
8 in. working length
6 in. length`
Diameter (hole size)
Spring shaft Pree-moving collar
Spring Loaded
Part Number Range
SNG375-2.5L/500K 300 kHz1 MHz
SNG375-2.5L/200K 50300 kHz
SNG375-2.5L/50K 30100 kHz
SNG375-2.5L/20K 1050 kHz
SNG375-2.5L/10K 530 kHz
SNG375-2.5L/5K 215 kHz
SNG375-2.5L/2K 110 kHz
SNG375-2.5L/1K 15 kHz
SNG375-2.5L/500 Hz 100 Hz2 kHz
Spring Loaded Flexshaft
Instrument Driver Part Number
Universal Rotor BPU-10/FX16
Foerster Rotor BDP-10/FX6
Elotest Standard Rotor BPE-10/FX6
Elotest Mini Rotor BPEM-10/FX6
Rechii Rotor BPRA-10/FX6
PS5 Rotor PS5-10/FX6
Zetec Rotor BPZ-10/FX6
Sizes listed are based on standard measurement of

64 in. increments.
For example: -10=

64 , or

32 . For millimeters, substitute with metric sizes.
Example: BPRA-11M/FX203M
Options p
Add to end of part
number if other than
/TF: Fischer triax connector
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 32
Cables and Adapters
Rotary Adaptors
Reference Coil Adapters and Cables
Probe Connector
Reference Coil Adaptors (BNC)
Microdot Fischer Coax
Zetec MIZ-10, MIZ-20, MIZ-22 CZ-M-6/50-500K CZ-CF-6/50-500K AZ-BN/50-500K
Zetec MIZ-21 CZ21-M-6/50-500K CZ21-CF-6/50-500K AZ21-BN/50-500K
Nortec NDT-18, NDT-19, NDT-23, NDT-24 CBR-M-6/50-500K CBR-CF-6/50-500K ABR-BN/50-500K
Nortec 1000, 2000 CN16-M-6/50-500K CN16-CF-6/50-500K AN16-BN/50-500K
Hocking Phasec 1.1, AV-10, AV100 CH-M-6/50-500K CH-CF-6/50-500K AH-BN/50-500K
Hocking Phasec 2, 2200 CH22-M-6/50-500K CH22-CF-6/50-500K AH22-BN/50-500K
Foerster Defectoscope SD 2.832, AF 2.833 CD-M-6/50-500K CD-CF-6/50-500K AD-BN/50-500K
Elotest B1, B2 ACB1-M-6/50-500K ACB1-CF-6/50-500K AB1-BN/50-500K
* Other lengths are available.
Reference coil adapters are used with manually
operated, single-coil probes such as the MP-
type surface probes or the BPM-type manual
bolt hole probes and must be used with a
CBM-type cable.
Ask for cable CBM-6 when placing an order.
Probe Connection
Universal Foerster Rechii PS5
Elotest Mini Zetec
Universal Rotor* -- RAU-D RAU-RA RAU-PS5 RAU-E RAU-EM RU-Z
Foerster Rotor RAD-U -- RAD-RA RAD-PS5 RAD-E RAD-EM RD-Z
Elotest Standard Rotor RAE-U RAE-D RAE-RA RAE-PS5 -- RAE-EM RE-Z
Physical Acoustics Rotor RAA-U RAA-D RAA-PS5 RAA-E RAA-EM RAA-Z --
* For Hocking Phasec 1.1 Rotor and Elotest Mini-Rotor
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 33
Bridge Cables and Adapters
Probe connector
2-Pin Microdot Fischer Triax 4-pin Fischer Dual Microdot
Zetec MIZ-10, MIZ-20, and MIZ-22 CZ-2M-6 CZ-TF-6 CZ-4F-6 CZ-MSE-6
Zetec MIZ-21 CZ21-2M-6 CZ21-TF-6 CZ21-4F-6 CZ21-MSE-6
Nortec NDT-18, NDT-19, NDT-23, and NDT-24* CBR-2M-6 CBR-TF-6 CBR-4F-6 CBR-MSE-6
Nortec 1000 and 2000 CN16-2M-6 CN16-TF-6 CN16-4F-6 CN16-MSE-6
Hocking Phasec 1.1, AV-10, and AV100 CH-2M-6 CH-TF-6 CH-4F-6 CH-MSE-6
Hocking Phasec 2, 2200 CH22-2M-6 CH22-TF-6 CH22-4F-6 CH22-MSE-6
Foerster Defectoscope SD 2.832, AF 2.833 CFSD-2M-6 CFSD-TF-6 CFSD-4F-6 CFSD-MSE-6
Elotest B1 and B2 ACB1-2M-6 ACB1-TF-6 ACB1-4F-6 ACB1-MSE-6
R/D Tech OmniScan MX EC COS-2M-6 COS-TF-6 COS-4F-6 COS-MFE-6
* Can be used on Nortec 1000 and 2000 with 8-pin adaptor.
Cable Connector
MIZ-10* MIZ-21* NDT-18* NDT-1000* Phasec 1.1* Phasec 2200*
Zetec MIZ-10, MIZ-20, and MIZ-22 -- AZ-Z21 AZ-BR AZ-N16 AZ-H AZ-H22
Zetec MIZ-21 AZ21-Z -- AZ21-BR AZ21-N16 AZ21-H AZ21-H22
Nortec NDT-18, 19, 23, and 24 ABR-Z ABR-Z21 -- ABR-N16 ABR-H ABR-H22
Nortec NDT-1000, 2000 AN16-Z AN16-Z21 AN16-BR -- AN16-H AN16-H22
Hocking Phasec 1.1, AV-10, and AV-100 AH-Z AH-Z21 AH-BR AH-N16 -- AH-H22
Hocking Phasec 2, 2200 AH22-Z AH22-Z21 AH22BR AH22-N16 AH22-H --
Foerster Defectoscope SD 2.832, AF
Elotest B1 and B2 AB1-Z AB1-Z21 AB1-BR AB1-N16 AB1-H AB1-H22
* Includes probe connections for those under instrument list.
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 34
Reection Cables and Adapters
Probe Connector
2-Pin Microdot Fischer Triax 4-Pin Fischer Dual Microdot
Zetec MIZ-10, MIZ-20, and MIZ-22 CZ-2M-6 CZ-TF-6 CZ-4F-6 CZ-MSE-6
Zetec MIZ-21 CZ21-2M-6 CZ21-TF-6 CZ21-4F-6 CZ21-MSE-6
Nortec NDT-18, 19, 23, and 24* CRBR-2M-6 CRBR-TF-6 CRBR-4F-6 CRBR-MSE-6
Nortec 1000 and 2000 CRN16-2M-6 CRN16-TF-6 CRN16-4F-6 CRN16-MSE-6
Hocking Phasec 1.1, AV-10, AV100 CRH-2M-6 CRH-TF-6 CRH-4F-6 CRH-MSE-6
Hocking Phasec 2, 2200 CRH22-2M-6 CRH22-TF-6 CRH22-4F-6 CRH22-MSE-6
Foerster Defectoscope CRFSD-2M-6 CRFSD-TF-6 CRFSD-4F-6 CRFSD-MSE-6
Elotest B1 and B2 CB1-2M-6 CB1-TF-6 CB1-4F-6 CB1-MSE-6
R/D Tech OmniScan MX EC CROS-2M-6 CROS-TF-6 CROS-4F-6 CROS-MSE-6
* Can be used on Nortec 1000 and 2000 with 8-pin adaptor.
Cable Connector
MIZ-10* MIZ-21* NDT-18* NDT-1000* Phasec 1.1* Phasec 2200*
Zetec MIZ-10, MIZ-20, and MIZ-22 -- AZ-Z21 ARZ-BR ARZ-N16 ARZ-H ARZ-H22
Zetec MIZ-21 AZ21-Z -- ARZ21-BR ARZ21-N16 ARZ21-H ARZ21-H22
Nortec NDT-18, 19, 23, and 24 ARBR-Z ARBR-Z21 -- ARBR-N16 ARBR-H ARBR-H22
Nortec NDT-1000, 2000 ARN16-Z ARN16-Z21 ARN16-BR -- ARN16-H ARN16-H22
Hocking Phasec 1.1, AV-10, and AV-100 ARH-Z ARH-Z21 ARH-BR ARH-N16 -- ARH-H22
Hocking Phasec 2, 2200 ARH22-Z ARH22-Z21 ARH22BR ARH22-N16 ARH22-H --
Elotest B1 and B2 ARB1-Z ARB1-Z21 ARB1-BR ARB1-N16 ARB1-H ARB1-H22
* Includes probe connections for those under instrument list
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 35
Hole Probes Surface Probes Low-frequency Probes
Part Number Contents Part Number Contents Part Number Contents
28 BPM probes

32 in. through 1.0 in.

32 in. increments
MP-30, MP902-40B
MP905-50B, MP455-50C
TPF-902, CBM-6
LS803-1, LS203-1,
LR058-1, LR019-1,
Cables as required
28 BPMF probes
532 in. through 1.0 in. in
132 in. increments
MPK-5 plus:
MP-50, MP905-50
LFK-7 plus:
LTW0419-1, RR058-1
20 BPU probes
532 in. through 34 in. in
132 in. increments
MPK-7 plus:
MP-60FX, MP9003-50B,
LFK-7 plus:
LS2003-1, LR0115-1
LTW1004-1, LTW1007-1
Cables as required
10 BXU probes covering
hole sizes from 532 in. to
34 in.
MPK-9 plus:
TPF-30, MP902-50C,
MP902-60FX, MP9003-
60, CBM-6
Probe Kits
Hole Probes
Surface Probes
Low-Frequency Probes
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 36
Ultrasound Products
Ordering Information
Quality of workmanship takes priority at NDT Engineering Corporation. Components and materials used in the manufacture of our
transducers are checked to ensure that they comply with NDT Engineering Corporation specications. Attention is paid to every aspect
of design, production, and assembly of all NDT Engineering Corporation transducers.
The transducer is one of the most critical components of any ultrasonic system. A great deal of attention should be paid to selecting the
proper transducer for the application. Consideration should be given to the use of focused transducers, transducers with wear surfaces
that are appropriate for the test material, and the choice of the appropriate frequency and element diameter.
While these guidelines are quite useful, each application is unique and performance will be dependent on transducer conguration,
frequency, and element diameter. The summaries below provide a general impression of the characteristics of each transducer series
found in this section of the catalog.
Transducer Series Description
SUC Contact transducers
SCD and SCDR Delay line transducers
SUD and SUDR Dual element transducers
SX 0.187 in. element shear wave transducers
SUSM 0.187 in. element shear wave transducers
SUM 0.250 in. element shear wave transducers
SU and S 0.375 in. and 0.500 in. element shear wave transducers
SCT and SCW Quickt

shear wave transducers and wedges

SUI and SUSI Immersion transducers
Except for our line of standard contact transducers (SUC) found on page 37, all transducers follow a specic numbering format that is
easy to use in selecting both the proper transducer from this catalog and the design of special requirement transducers.
SUI 10 37
Element size
SX 5 45 A S
Frequency Angle Material
Part Number SX 545AS (page 40)
0.187 in. shear wave transducer
5 MHz frequency
45 in aluminum
Side-mounted Microdot
Part Number SUI 1037 (page 45)
Standard immersion transducer
10 MHz frequency
0.375 in. element
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 37
Contact Transducers
Element Dimensions
Part Number
Frequency Diameter A B
1.0 MHz 0.375 in. 0.525 in. 0.500 in. SUC 157-1
1.0 MHz 0.500 in. 0.650 in. 0.625 in. SUC 170
1.0 MHz 0.750 in. 0.900 in. 1.00 in. SUC 156
1.0 MHz 1.000 in. 1.150 in. 1.250 in. SUC 155
2.25 MHz 0.250 in. 0.400 in. 0.500 in. SUC 162
2.25 MHz 0.312 in. 0.465 in. 0.500 in. SUC 161-1
2.25 MHz 0.375 in. 0.525 in. 0.500 in. SUC 161
2.25 MHz 0.500 in. 0.650 in. 0.625 in. SUC 160
2.25 MHz 0.750 in. 0.900 in. 1.000 in. SUC 159
2.25 MHz 1.000 in. 1.125 in. 1.250 in. SUC 158
2.25 MHz 1.125 in. 1.275 in. 1.250 in. SUC 238
5.0 MHz 0.187 in. 0.250 in. 0.300 in. SUC 166-1B
5.0 MHz 0.187 in. 0.250 in. 0.500 in. SUC 166-1A*
5.0 MHz 0.187 in. 0.312 in. 0.500 in. SUC 166-1*
5.0 MHz 0.250 in. 0.375 in. 0.400 in. SUC 169*
5.0 MHz 0.250 in. 0.375 in. 0.500 in. SUC 166*
5.0 MHz 0.250 in. 0.375 in. 0.750 in. SUC 706*
5.0 MHz 0.250 in. 0.375 in. 1.250 in. SUC 166-3*
5.0 MHz 0.312 in. 0.465 in. 0.500 in. SUC 166-2
5.0 MHz 0.312 in. 0.525 in. 0.500 in. SUC 165
5.0 MHz 0.375 in. 0.625 in. 0.625 in. SUC 164
5.0 MHz 0.500 in. 0.625 in. 0.625 in. SUC 477
5.0 MHz 0.750 in. 0.900 in. 1.000 in. SUC 163
10.0 MHz 0.187 in. 0.250 in. 0.400 in. SUC 168-1A*
10.0 MHz 0.187 in. 0.312 in. 0.500 in. SUC 168-1*
10.0 MHz 0.250 in. 0.312 in. 0.400 in. SUC 168B*
10.0 MHz 0.250 in. 0.350 in. 0.400 in. SUC 168A*
10.0 MHz 0.250 in. 0.375 in. 0.500 in. SUC 168*
10.0 MHz 0.250 in. 0.375 in. 0.750 in. SUC 726*
10.0 MHz 0.312 in. 0.465 in. 0.500 in. SUC 168-2
10.0 MHz 0.375 in. 0.525 in. 0.500 in. SUC 167
10.0 MHz 0.500 in. 0.650 in. 1.000 in. SUC 167-2
10.0 MHz 0.500 in. 0.650 in. 0.625 in. SUC 167-1
15.0 MHz 0.125 in. 0.188 in. 1.000 in. SUC 185SR
15.0 MHz 0.125 in. 0.250 in. 0.400 in. SUC 180**
* Smooth no-knurle grip.
** This transducer also has a 6-ft BNC cable attached.
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 38
Delay Line
Frequency Element Size
Permanent Delay Line Replaceable Delay Line
Part Number Diameter Height Part Number Diameter Height
1.0 MHz 0.500 in. SCD 150 0.620 in. 0.650 in. SCDR 150 0.900 in. 0.965 in.
2.25 MHz 0.250 in. SCD 225 0.375 in. 0.600 in. SCDR 225 0.575 in. 0.590 in.
2.25 MHz 0.375 in. SCD 237 0.520 in. 0.625 in. SCDR 237 0.750 in. 0.750 in.
2.25 MHz 0.500 in. SCD 250 0.620 in. 0.650 in. SCDR 250 0.900 in. 0.965 in.
5.0 MHz 0.250 in. SCD 525 0.375 in. 0.600 in. SCDR 525 0.575 in. 0.590 in.
5.0 MHz 0.375 in. SCD 537 0.520 in. 0.625 in. SCDR 537 0.750 in. 0.750 in.
5.0 MHz 0.500 in. SCD 550 0.620 in. 0.650 in. SCDR 550 0.900 in. 0.965 in.
5.0 MHz 0.750 in. SCD 575 0.900 in. 0.700 in. SCDR 575 1.250 in. 0.950 in.
5.0 MHz 1.000 in. SCD 5100 1.150 in. 1.000 in. SCDR 5100 1.500 in. 1.200 in.
10.0 MHz 0.125 in. SCD 1012 0.300 in. 0.600 in. SCDR 1012 0.390 in. 0.600 in.
10.0 MHz 0.250 in. SCD 1025 0.375 in. 0.600 in. SCDR 1025 0.575 in. 0.590 in.
10.0 MHz 0.375 in. SCD 1037 0.520 in. 0.625 in. SCDR 1037 0.750 in. 0.750 in.
10.0 MHz 0.500 in. SCD 1050 0.620 in. 0.650 in. SCDR 1050 0.900 in. 0.965 in.
15.0 MHz 0.125 in. SCD 1512 0.300 in. 0.600 in. SCDR 1512 0.390 in. 0.600 in.
15.0 MHz 0.250 in. SCD 1525 0.375 in. 0.600 in. SCDR 1525 0.575 in. 0.590 in.
15.0 MHz 0.375 in. SCD 1537 0.520 in. 0.625 in. SCDR 1537 0.750 in. 0.750 in.
15.0 MHz 0.500 in. SCD 1550 0.620 in. 0.650 in. SCDR 1550 0.900 in. 0.965 in.
2025 MHz 0.125 in. SCD 2012 0.300 in. 0.600 in. SCDR 2012 0.390 in. 0.600 in.
2025 MHz 0.250 in. SCD 2025 0.375 in. 0.600 in. SCDR 2025 0.575 in. 0.590 in.
2025 MHz 0.375 in. SCD 2037 0.520 in. 0.625 in. SCDR 2037 0.750 in. 0.750 in.
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 39
Dual Element - Cylindrical
Dual Element Cylindrical Contact Transducers
Element Dimensions
Part Number
Frequency Diameter A B
1.0 MHz 0.250 in. 0.375 in. 0.500 in. SUD 125
1.0 MHz 0.312 in. 0.437 in. 0.575 in. SUD 131
1.0 MHz 0.375 in. 0.500 in. 0.625 in. SUD 137
1.0 MHz 0.500 in. 0.625 in. 0.750 in. SUD 150
2.25 MHz 0.250 in. 0.375 in. 0.500 in. SUD 225
2.25 MHz 0.312 in. 0.437 in. 0.575 in. SUD 231
2.25 MHz 0.375 in. 0.500 in. 0.625 in. SUD 237
2.25 MHz 0.500 in. 0.625 in. 0.750 in. SUD 250
5.0 MHz 0.250 in. 0.375 in. 0.500 in. SUD 525
5.0 MHz 0.312 in. 0.437 in. 0.575 in. SUD 531
5.0 MHz 0.375 in. 0.500 in. 0.625 in. SUD 537
5.0 MHz 0.500 in. 0.625 in. 0.750 in. SUD 550
10.0 MHz 0.250 in. 0.375 in. 0.500 in. SUD 1025
10.0 MHz 0.312 in. 0.437 in. 0.575 in. SUD 1031
10.0 MHz 0.375 in. 0.500 in. 0.625 in. SUD 1037
10.0 MHz 0.500 in. 0.625 in. 0.750 in. SUD 1050
15.0 MHz 0.250 in. 0.375 in. 0.500 in. SUD 1525
15.0 MHz 0.312 in. 0.427 in. 0.575 in. SUD 1531
15.0 MHz 0.375 in. 0.500 in. 0.625 in. SUD 1537
15.0 MHz 0.500 in. 0.625 in. 0.750 in. SUD 1550
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 40
0.375 in.
0.375 in.
0.250 in.
0.375 in.
0.375 in.
0.250 in.
Shear Wave Transducers
Micro Miniature
Top mount connector Side mount connector
Micro Miniature with Side Mount Connector Micro Miniature with Top Mount Connector
Part Number Part Number
Frequency Angle Aluminum Steel Aluminum Steel
2.25 MHz 35 SX 235AS SX 235SS SX 235AT SX 235ST
2.25 MHz 45 SX 245AS SX 245SS SX 245AT SX 245ST
2.25 MHz 60 SX 260AS SX 260SS SX 260AT SX 260ST
2.25 MHz 70 SX 270AS SX 270SS SX 270AT SX 270ST
5.0 MHz 35 SX 535AS SX 535SS SX 535AT SX 535ST
5.0 MHz 45 SX 545AS SX 545SS SX 545AT SX 545ST
5.0 MHz 60 SX 560AS SX 560SS SX 560AT SX 560ST
5.0 MHz 70 SX 570AS SX 570SS SX 570AT SX 570ST
10.0 MHz 35 SX 1035AS SX 1035SS SX 1035AT SX 1035ST
10.0 MHz 45 SX 1045AS SX 1045SS SX 1045AT SX 1045ST
10.0 MHz 60 SX 1060AS SX 1060SS SX 1060AT SX 1060ST
10.0 MHz 70 SX 1070AS SX 1070SS SX 1070AT SX 1070ST
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 41
0.550 in.
0.250 in.
0.450 in.
0.550 in.
0.250 in.
0.450 in.`
Subminiature with Side Mount Connector Subminiature with Top Mount Connector
Part Number Part Number
Frequency Angle Aluminum Steel Aluminum Steel
2.25 MHz 35 SUSM 235AS SUSM 235SS SUSM 235AT SUSM 235ST
2.25 MHz 45 SUSM 245AS SUSM 245SS SUSM 245AT SUSM 245ST
2.25 MHz 60 SUSM 260AS SUSM 260SS SUSM 260AT SUSM 260ST
2.25 MHz 70 SUSM 270AS SUSM 270SS SUSM 270AT SUSM 270ST
2.25 MHz 90 SUSM 290AS SUSM 290SS SUSM 290AT SUSM 290ST
5.0 MHz 35 SUSM 535AS SUSM 535SS SUSM 535AT SUSM 535ST
5.0 MHz 45 SUSM 545AS SUSM 545SS SUSM 545AT SUSM 545ST
5.0 MHz 60 SUSM 560AS SUSM 560SS SUSM 560AT SUSM 560ST
5.0 MHz 70 SUSM 570AS SUSM 570SS SUSM 570AT SUSM 570ST
5.0 MHz 90 SUSM 590AS SUSM 590SS SUSM 590AT SUSM 590ST
10.0 MHz 35 SUSM 1035AS SUSM 1035SS SUSM 1035AT SUSM 1035ST
10.0 MHz 45 SUSM 1045AS SUSM 1045SS SUSM 1045AT SUSM 1045ST
10.0 MHz 60 SUSM 1060AS SUSM 1060SS SUSM 1060AT SUSM 1060ST
10.0 MHz 70 SUSM 1070AS SUSM 1070SS SUSM 1070AT SUSM 1070ST
10.0 MHz 90 SUSM 1090AS SUSM 1090SS SUSM 1090AT SUSM 1090ST
Top mount connector Side mount connector
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 42
0.750 in.
0.370 in.
0.500 in.
0.750 in.
0.370 in.
0.500 in.
Miniature with Side Mount Connector Miniature with Top Mount Connector
Part Number Part Number
Frequency Angle Aluminum Steel Aluminum Steel
2.25 MHz 35 SUM 235AS SUM 235SS SUM 235AT SUM 235ST
2.25 MHz 45 SUM 245AS SUM 245SS SUM 245AT SUM 245ST
2.25 MHz 60 SUM 260AS SUM 260SS SUM 260AT SUM 260ST
2.25 MHz 70 SUM 270AS SUM 270SS SUM 270AT SUM 270ST
2.25 MHz 90 SUM 290AS SUM 290SS SUM 290AT SUM 290ST
5.0 MHz 35 SUM 535AS SUM 535SS SUM 535AT SUM 535ST
5.0 MHz 45 SUM 545AS SUM 545SS SUM 545AT SUM 545ST
5.0 MHz 60 SUM 560AS SUM 560SS SUM 560AT SUM 560ST
5.0 MHz 70 SUM 570AS SUM 570SS SUM 570AT SUM 570ST
5.0 MHz 90 SUM 590AS SUM 590SS SUM 590AT SUM 590ST
10.0 MHz 35 SUM 1035AS SUM 1035SS SUM 1035AT SUM 1035ST
10.0 MHz 45 SUM 1045AS SUM 1045SS SUM 1045AT SUM 1045ST
10.0 MHz 60 SUM 1060AS SUM 1060SS SUM 1060AT SUM 1060ST
10.0 MHz 70 SUM 1070AS SUM 1070SS SUM 1070AT SUM 1070ST
10.0 MHz 90 SUM 1090AS SUM 1090SS SUM 1090AT SUM 1090ST
Side mount connector Top mount connector
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 43
1.25 in. 0.625 in.
0.750 in.
1.000 in. 0.500 in.
0.625 in.
To confgure with top mount connector, replace S at the end of part number with a T.
Shear Wave Transducers
0.375 in. Element 0.500 in. Element
Part number Part number
Frequency Angle Aluminum Steel Aluminum Steel
2.25 MHz 35 SU 235AS SU 235SS S 235AS S 235SS
2.25 MHz 45 SU 245AS SU 245SS S 245AS S 245SS
2.25 MHz 60 SU 260AS SU 260SS S 260AS S 260SS
2.25 MHz 70 SU 270AS SU 270SS S 270AS S 270SS
2.25 MHz 90 SU 290AS SU 290SS S 290AS S 290SS
5.0 MHz 35 SU 535AS SU 535SS S 535AS S 535SS
5.0 MHz 45 SU 545AS SU 545SS S 545AS S 545SS
5.0 MHz 60 SU 560AS SU 560SS S 560AS S 560SS
5.0 MHz 70 SU 570AS SU 570SS S 570AS S 570SS
5.0 MHz 90 SU 590AS SU 590SS S 590AS S 590SS
10.0 MHz 35 SU 1035AS SU 1035SS S 1035AS S 1035SS
10.0 MHz 45 SU 1045AS SU 1045SS S 1045AS S 1045SS
10.0 MHz 60 SU 1060AS SU 1060SS S 1060AS S 1060SS
10.0 MHz 70 SU 1070AS SU 1070SS S 1070AS S 1070SS
10.0 MHz 90 SU 1090AS SU 1090SS S 1090AS S 1090SS
0.375 in. Element 0.500 in. Element
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 44

Transducers and Wedges

with top mount connector
Micr odot

Standard with Top
Mount Connector
Part Number
1.0 MHz 0.250 in. SCT 125
1.0 MHz 0.375 in. SCT 137
1.0 MHz 0.500 in. SCT 150
2.25 MHz 0.250 in. SCT 225
2.25 MHz 0.375 in. SCT 237
2.25 MHz 0.500 in. SCT 250
5.0 MHz 0.250 in. SCT 525
5.0 MHz 0.375 in. SCT 537
5.0 MHz 0.500 in. SCT 550
10.0 MHz 0.250 in. SCT 1025
10.0 MHz 0.375 in. SCT 1037
10.0 MHz 0.500 in. SCT 1050
Shear Angle
Wedge for

4 in. Element 4
Wedge for

8 in. Element 8
Wedge for

2 in. Element 2
Part Number Part Number Part Number
Aluminum Steel Aluminum Steel Aluminum Steel
30 SCT-25-30A SCT-25-30S SCT-37-30A SCT-37-30S SCT-50-30A SCT-50-30S
35 SCT-25-35A SCT-25-35S SCT-25-35A SCT-25-35S SCT-25-35A SCT-25-35S
40 SCT-25-40A SCT-25-40S SCT-25-40A SCT-25-40S SCT-25-40A SCT-25-40S
45 SCT-25-45A SCT-25-45S SCT-25-45A SCT-25-45S SCT-25-45A SCT-25-45S
50 SCT-25-50A SCT-25-50S SCT-25-50A SCT-25-50S SCT-25-50A SCT-25-50S
60 SCT-25-60A SCT-25-60S SCT-25-60A SCT-25-60S SCT-25-60A SCT-25-60S
70 SCT-25-70A SCT-25-70S SCT-25-70A SCT-25-70S SCT-25-70A SCT-25-70S
80 SCT-25-80A SCT-25-80S SCT-25-80A SCT-25-80S SCT-25-80A SCT-25-80S
90 SCT-25-90A SCT-25-90S SCT-25-90A SCT-25-90S SCT-25-90A SCT-25-90S
Wedge Dimensions (in in.)
0.250 in. 45 .55 .64 .50
60 .55 .81 .55
70 .55 .97 .58
90 .55 1.10 .63
0.375 in. 45 .69 .81 .53
60 .69 1.06 .63
70 .69 1.20 .69
90 .69 1.38 .70
0.500 in. 45 .81 1.0 .63
60 .81 1.21 .72
70 .81 1.44 .75
90 .81 1.63 .79
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 45
Immersion Transducers
l.5 in.
0.625 in.
0.l25 in.
0.750 in.
l.5 in.
0.625 in. diameter
0.375 in.
0.600 in.
Standard and Slim-Line
Standard Immersion Transducers
0.187 in. Element 0.250 in. Element 0.375 in. Element 0.500 in. Element
1.0 MHz SUI 118 SUI 125 SUI 137 SUI 150
2.25 MHz SUI 218 SUI 225 SUI 237 SUI 250
5.0 MHz SUI 518 SUI 525 SUI 537 SUI 550
10.0 MHz SUI 1018 SUI 1025 SUI 1037 SUI 1050
15.0 MHz SUI 1518 SUI 1525 SUI 1537 SUI 1550
2025 MHz SUI 2018 SUI 2025 SUI 2037 SUI 2050
Slim-line Immersion Transducers
0.187 in. Element 0.250 in. Element
1.0 MHz SUSI 118 SUSI 125
2.25 MHz SUSI 218 SUSI 225
5.0 MHz SUSI 518 SUSI 525
10.0 MHz SUSI 1018 SUSI 1025
15.0 MHz SUSI 1518 SUSI 1525
2025 MHz SUSI 2018 SUSI 2025
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 46
Cables, Kits, and Miscellaneous UT Accessories
NDT Engineering Corporation remains highly
dedicated to its position as a leading provider
of custom made UT kits, which include certifed
transducers, reference standards, and guides.
This means that we can work with you on any
special project at no additional cost until a work-
able solution has been achieved.
In addition to providing guides and positioners
for all major airplane manufacturers, we have
also been responsible for projects on the military
aircraft listed in the following table:
Cables and Extensions Custom Kits and Guides
Cables and extensions
Description Part Number Length
6 ft BNC to Microdot CBM-6 6 ft
12 ft BNC to Microdot CBM-12 12 ft
15 ft BNC to Microdot CBM-15 15 ft
6 ft BNC to right-angle Microdot CBMR-6 6 ft
12 ft BNC to right-angle Microdot CBMR-12 12 ft
15 ft BNC to right-angle Microdot CBMR-15 15 ft
6 ft BNC to BNC CBB-6 6 ft
12 ft BNC to BNC CBB-12 12 ft
6 ft miniature Microdot to BNC CBMM-6 6 ft
6 ft dual BNCs to dual Microdots C2BM-MSE-6 6 ft
6 ft dual BNCs to 2-pin Microdot C2BN-2M-6 6 ft
10 in. female Microdot to male right-angle Microdot AMF-MR-10 10 in.
10 in. female Microdot to male Microdot AMF-M-10 10 in.
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 47
Waveform Analysis Frequency Spectrum Analysis
Beam Prole
Note: Certication is a method to show transducer performance. Please refer to the inspection procedure for the proper instru-
ment setup for your inspection.
Approved techniques and instrumentation are used to supply waveform, damping factor, frequency spectrum, and beam proles. Cus-
tomers requiring certication of transducers should specify the type of certication, as described below, when ordering.
Certication Level 1
Certicate of conformance by letter
Certication Level 2
Waveform analysis
Frequency spectrum analysis
Transducer Certication
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 48
Roller Probes, Yokes, and Gimbals
l.55 in.
l.0 in.
0.750 in.
Roller probe yokes, though limited in application, offer the considerable advantage of eliminating the inconvenience of water required
with jet yokes. The design of the roller probe yokes has been extensively improved to meet US Air Force requirements. The current de-
sign is unique in that it provides constant roller probe contact pressure and alignment throughout inspection of widely varying material
thicknesses up to the limits of the yoke opening.
Roller probe yokes are shipped with two cables BNC to right-angle Microdot number CBMR-12 (see page 46). Roller probes and gim-
bals are separate unless purchased as part of a kit.
Roller Probe Yokes
Part Number Throat Length Throat Width
Roller probe yoke only RPTW-242A 24 in. 1020 in.
RPTW-322A 32 in. 1020 in.
RPTW-362A 36 in. 1020 in.
RPTW-402A 40 in. 1030 in.
RPTW-482A 48 in. 1030 in.
Roller probe yoke kits RPTWK-242A 24 in. 1020 in.
RPTWK-322A 32 in. 1020 in.
RPTWK-402A 40 in. 1030 in.
Part Number Frequency Element Size
DCR-581 1.0 MHz 0.375 in. 0.500 in.
DCR-582 1.0 MHz 0.375 in. 0.750 in.
DCR-583 2.25 MHz 0.375 in. 0.500 in.
DCR-584 2.25 MHz 0.375 in. 0.750 in.
DCR-585 5.0 MHz 0.375 in. 0.500 in.
DCR-586 5.0 MHz 0.375 in. 0.750 in.
Part Number Description
Fits all DCR roller probes and RPTW roller probe
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 49
Waterjet Yokes, Nozzles, and Nozzle Transducers
Waterjet Yoke
Part Number Throat Length Throat Gap
Nozzle Gap
Fixed length and width JTW-12/6 12 in. 6 in. 3 in.
JTW-24/6 24 in. 6 in. 3 in.
JTW-30/8 30 in. 8 in. 5 in.
JTW-36/8 36 in. 8 in. 5 in.
JTW-42/8 42 in. 8 in. 5 in.
Variable length and width JTWX-14/10 14 in. Adjusts to 10 in. 7 in.
JTWX-30/14 30 in. Adjusts to 14 in. 11 in.
JTWX-40/17 40 in. Adjusts to 17 in. 14 in.
Handheld waterjet yokes, also called wands, provide a simple, cost-effective means of inspecting composites and bonded structures.
Although the most common application is for the inspection of small parts and details not easily or efciently inspected with the large
scanning systems, eld inspection of installed structures can be performed as well.
Yokes are supplied with two nozzles (JTN 1.5 0.75 nozzles and two CBMR-12 cables (cables found on page 50).
Transducers are designed to t all nozzles. They are interchangeable, and frequencies ranging from 0.5 MHz to 5.0 MHz are available.
The most commonly used frequency for TTU applications is 1.0 MHz.
Part Number
Replacement Tip
Part Number
Height Diameter
JTN-501/xxx 1.6 in. 0.800 in. JI-501/xxx
JTN-5 1.6 in. 0.850 in. JI-5
JTN-70V/xxx 2.0 in. 1.0 in. JI-70V/xxx
OPTIONS:/xxx is required inside the diameter of nozzle tip in choices of 0.125 in.,
0.187 in. and 0.250 in.
Nozzle Transducers
Part Number Frequency Element Diameter
JA4-.5/.5 0.5 MHz 0.5 in.
JA4-1.0/.5 1.0 MHz 0.5 in.
JA4-2.25/.5 2.25 MHz 0.5 in.
JA4-5.0/.5 5.0 MHz 0.5 in.
0.750 in.
0.500 in. element
0.340 in.
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 50
Aircraft Standards
Reference Standards
Aircraft Series Part Numbers
Boeing 707 See NTM
Boeing 727 See NTM
Boeing 737 See NTM
Boeing 747 See NTM
Boeing 757 See NTM
Boeing 767 See NTM
Boeing 777 See NTM
Note: Manufacturers continually add new reference standard numbers. Please
contact our sales department for updated lists.
Other Manufacturers
NDT Engineering Corporation can manufac-
ture reference standards for any aircraft manu-
facturer. Due to low demand we dont carry
full maintaince manuals on these aircraft.
Drawings may be required to ensure you
receive the most current revision.
Aircraft Series Part Numbers*
Airbus A300 See A300 NTM
Airbus A300-600 See A300-600 NTM
Airbus A310 See A310 NTM
Airbus A318, A319, A320, A321 See A318 NTM, A319 NTM, A320 NTM, and A321 NTM
Airbus A320 See A320 NTM
Airbus A330 See A330 NTM
Airbus A340 See A340 NTM
* Each series is nonspecifc and found in the NDI Manuals for all aircraft listed.
Note: Manufacturers continually add new reference standard numbers.
Please contact our sales department for updated lists. p p
BAE Aerospace
Boeing Helicopter
Bell Helicopter
All military aircraft
Aircraft Series Part Numbers
DC-10 10RS.01 through 10RS.50
DC-9 9RS1 through 9RS35, 9RST1 through 9RST8
DC-8 See NTM
MD-80 Series See NTM
MD-90 See NTM
MD-11 See NTM
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 51
Hole Standards
Surface Standards
Notch Depths Part Number
1st 2nd 3rd Aluminum Steel
0.010 in. SRS-1A SRS-1S
0.020 in. SRS-2A SRS-2S
0.030 in. SRS-3A SRS-3S
0.040 in. SRS-4A SRS-4S
0.005 in. 0.008 in. SRS-0508A SRS-0508S
0.005 in. 0.010 in. SRS-051A SRS-051S
0.008 in. 0.020 in. SRS-082A SRS-082S
0.010 in. 0.020 in. SRS-12A SRS-12S
0.005 in. 0.010 in. 0.020 in. SRS-0512A SRS-0512S
0.008 in. 0.010 in. 0.020 in. SRS-0812A SRS-0812S
0.008 in. 0.010 in. 0.030 in. SRS-0813A SRS-0813S
0.008 in. 0.010 in. 0.040 in. SRS-0814A SRS-0814S
0.008 in. 0.020 in. 0.040 in. SRS-0824A SRS-0824S
Surface Standards
ions p
he A: 2024 or 7075 aluminum
S: 4130 or 4340 steel
T: 6AL4V titanium
SS: 304 stainless steel
I: Inconel

Other alloys available upon request

*Notch types yp
-0 0.030 in. 0.030 in. corner notch
-1 0.020 in. deep, notch runs the full length of ID
-2 Both -0 and -1 type notches
Notch depths pp
1st 1 Notch reference standard
1st and 2nd 2 Notch reference standard
1st, 2nd, 3rd 3 Notch reference standard
Notches can be supplied in millimeters if requested
Hole reference
Number of
Version number
Notch type *
Surface reference
Notch depth(s) d
Hole Standards
Part number Holes Conguration
MHS-5-2A-0 5

16 in.,

2 in.

16 in.,

4 in., 1.0 in.
MHS-8-1A-0 8

8 in. to

16 in.

16 in. increments
MHS-10-1A-0 10

8 in. to

2 in.

16 in. and

16 in.,

8 in.,

4 in.
MHS-12-1A-0 12

16 in. to

8 in.

32 in. and

16 in.,

2 in.

16 in.,

8 in.,

4 in.
MHS-29-1A-0 29

8 in. to 1.0 in. 132 in. increments
NDT Engineering Tel. 1-253-872-3565 Fax 1-253-872-0857 52
Ultrasonic Standards
Reference Standards
Part number Description
IIW Type 1 Calibration of shear and longitudinal TDs
IIW Type 2 Modifed version of IIW Type 1
MAB (mini angle block) General angle beam calibration
TRS-5-1A Thickness and linearity calibration
TRS-4-1S Thickness and linearity calibration
Type DSC Shear wave distance and sensitivity
Navship NAVSHIPS spec 0900-006-3010
AWS Resolution Resolution of angle beam TDs
30 FBH Resolution Produce area/amplitude plots
ASME N-625 Shear, longitudinal, and surface sensitivity
IOW Beam Profle Beam profle measurement
Miniature Resolution Calibrating high-resolution equipment
Type DC Shear wave distance calibration
Type SC Shear wave sensitivity calibration
Type DS Longitudinal distance and sensitivity
Area/Amplitude Set of 8 ASTM blocks
Distance/Area Amplitude Set of 10 ASTM blocks
Distance Amplitude Set of 19 ASTM blocks
Structural types Supplied for all aircraft manufacturers.
wwww.ndteng.com ndteng@olympusNDT.com 53
Composite Standards
Composite Standards
Part Number Airplane Description
ST8870-1 and -4 Boeing General Purpose GR/EP skin /NOMEX core disbond reference defect
ST8870-7, -8, -9 Boeing General Purpose GR/EP laminate step thickness standard
99D55109001000 Airbus General Purpose GR/EP set of laminate step thickness standards (tape)
99D51407291001 Airbus General Purpose GR/EP set of laminate step thickness standards (fabric)
C12-DIS-3C1N Boeing General Purpose GR/EP laminate step disbond and core laminate interface
C12-PCS-3C1N Boeing General Purpose GR/EP laminate step potted core and splice core defect
C12-DEL-3C1N Boeing General Purpose GR/EP skin /H.C. core disbond reference defect
C12-POT-3C1N Boeing General Purpose GR/EP skin /H.C. core disbond reference defect
NDT 1033-10 Boeing General Purpose Alum to alum skin: 100 thickness combos with sim disbond defects
NDT 1046 Boeing General Purpose GR/EP stepdown 6/3 ply step thickness on H.C. core
NDT 2001 Boeing 727 Aluminum skin and H.C. core with disbond reference defect
NDT 4150 Boeing 747 Fiberglass Prereg H.C. panel with disbond reference defect
17G110830-3 C-17 GR/EP variable ply thickness on NOMEX core
17G110830-23 C-17 GR/EP skins with NOMEX core-1 in. dia. disbond reference defects
17G110854-3 C-17 GR/EP variable ply skins on foam core with 1 in. dia. disbond reference defects
Test coil
Reference coil
Fig. 1
Test coil
Reference coil
Fig. 2
Drivers P ick ups
Fig. 3
Drivers Pick ups
Fig. 4
Single-Coil Probes
The earliest instruments used in aircraft inspection included the
Magnaux ED-500 and ED520, and the Foerster Defectometer
(although not a bridge type instrument but a resonant circuit
type), all of which used single-coil probes. The probes contain
a single coil that is wound to a specic value. No other coil is
needed. More recently, the introduction of the Hocking Locator
and newer models of the Foerster Defectometer have kept this
kind of instrument as a popular option for many users. When
these probes are used with a bridge circuit type instrument, a bal-
ance coil is also required. Balance coils are normally placed in
the cable connector or a separate adapter (see Fig. 1).
It sometimes creates a problem when the probe inductance value
is not close enough to the value of the balance coil, and the
instrument does not balance correctly. This happens more often
when they are not made by the same manufacturer. The result
is poor performance (noisy or insensitive) or no response at all
(signal saturation).
Bridge Type Probes
In this conguration the probe coils are located in an electrical
bridge (see g. 2). The instrument balances the bridge and any
change in balance is displayed as a signal.
In this arrangement, the same coil produces the eddy currents
and detects the impedance changes caused by the defects (or any
other variables). Almost all instruments are able to operate with
this type of coil arrangement.
Reection Type Probe
These probes are also known as send-receive or driver-pickup. In
this conguration, the eddy currents are produced by a coil con-
nected to the instruments oscillator (driver).
The signals received back in the probe are detected by separate
coils called pickups (see Fig. 3 and Fig. 4).
All new impedance plane instruments and also many older mod-
els are able to operate in both bridge and reection modes. If you
are in doubt, call the manufacturer or give us a call.
Bridge or Reection?
This is a common question asked by those involved in trying to
select the best probe for an inspection. The answer is It de-
pends. Let us consider both systems.
Gain. Reection probes will give a higher gain, particularly if
they are tuned to a specic frequency, but normally the dif-
ference is on average about 6 dB. It is true that t his doubles the
signal, but if you consider that the instruments are able to give
this increase of gain easily, it is not so important. Nevertheless, in
critical applications this increase is very welcomed.
Frequency range. Reection probes do not need to balance the
driver to the pickup coils. This means that they will give a wider
frequency range. As long as the driver produces eddy currents,
the pickup will detect them and some signal will be displayed.
This may not provide good information at certain frequencies, but
the probe is still working!
Eddy Current Tutorial and Probe Selection Information
The selection of the right eddy current probe is of great importance in the success of your inspection. In these pages, we have included
useful information to help you make the right choice.
Test coil Reference coil
Fig. 5
Drivers P ick ups
Fig. 6
Bridge type probes used to give a limited frequency span in the
older instruments, as these had to balance an electrical bridge
using its other arms (X and R controls). In modern instruments,
the bridge is normally formed with xed precision resistors, or
a xed transformer inside it. The signals detected in this manner
are electronically processed without any mechanical adjust-
ments, and this means a greater ability to balance over a wider
frequency range.
Drift: Probe drift is mostly caused by temperature change in the
coils. This may be caused by varying ambient temperature, or the
heat produced by the oscillator current, or both. There are design
parameters that can be optimized to reduce drift, such as wire
diameter and ferrite selection, but reection probes are normally
a good choice to avoid this problem even more.
In a reection probe, the driver current does not ow through
the pickup coils; in fact, the magnetic eld received back from
the specimen is normally much smaller and, consequently, the
current owing in the pickups is also reduced. Most probe types
(pencil, spot, ring, bolt hole, etc.) can be made as bridge or re-
ection. Keep in mind that a reection probe is almost invariably
more difcult to manufacture and therefore more expensive.
Absolute and Differential Probes
This is an area where some confusion exists. Many users have
called a probe differential when the signal displayed gives an
up and down movement or a gure 8 type signal. This is caused
by the two coils sensing the defect in sequence. When both sens-
ing coils are on the probe surface, they compensate for lift-off
and as a result no line is visible (see Fig. 5).
In contrast, an absolute display is produced by a single sensing
coil (see Fig. 1 through Fig. 4), giving a single, upward movement
with a near horizontal lift-off line.
Others have called a probe differential simply when the coils
were connected differentially such as in a bridge circuit. The
problem with this denition is that probes can be connected
differentially in a reection system as well as when using two
pickups (such as most scanner-driven bolt hole probes). In this
case, the two pickup coils are positioned close to one another
and contained within a driver coil (see Fig. 6).
The best way out of this confusion is often to specify the probe
as bridge-differential, absolute, or reection-differential-absolute
as needed. It seems to make more sense to qualify the descrip-
tion according to the displayed signal, since this is what really
matters. Not many people are concerned as to how the coils are
connected internally.
Shielded and Unshielded Probes
Probes are normally available in both shielded and unshielded
versions; however, there is an increasing demand for the shielded
variety. Shielding restricts the magnetic eld produced by the
coils to the physical size of the probe or even less. A shield can
be made of various materials, but the ones mostly used are: ferrite
(like a ceramic made of iron oxides), Mumetal

, and mild steel.

Ferrites make the best shields because they provide an easy path
for the magnetic eld but have poor conductivity. This means
that there are few eddy current losses in the shield itself. Mild
steel has more losses but is widely used for spot probes and ring
probes due to its machinability and when ferrites are not avail-
able in certain sizes or shapes. Mumetal

is used sometimes for

pencil probes as it is available in thin sheet; however, it is less
effective than ferrite.
Shielding has several advantages: rst, it allows the probe to
move in (or close to) geometry changes, such as edges, without
giving false indications; next, it allows the probe to touch ferrous
fastener heads with minimal interference; last, it allows the detec-
tion of smaller defects due to the stronger magnetic eld concen-
trated in a smaller area.
On the other hand, unshielded probes allow somewhat deeper
penetration due to the larger magnetic eld. They are also slightly
more tolerant to lift-off. Unshielded probes are recommended for
the inspection of ferrous materials (steel) for surface cracks, and
in particular with meter instruments. The reason for this is that
the meter response is too slow to allow the signal from a shielded
probe to be displayed at normal scanning speeds due to the
smaller sensitive area.
To connect a probe with a connector different from the type used
in the instrument, it is necessary to use an adapter. An adapter
consists of two different connectors joined and wired to match
the inputs and outputs as necessary. It is normally housed in
a short body that can be positioned at the instruments input.
Sometimes, it is also possible to have a cable adapter, which is
made to match a connector located at the probe body. Depend-
ing on the instruments wiring, it may be possible to have a single
adapter for both bridge and reection. In other cases, it is neces-
sary to have two separate adapters or use a switchable type.
Pencil Surface Probes
These are the probes normally used for surface crack detection,
also known as high frequency eddy current probes (HFEC). They
have a small coil that can be made shielded or unshielded. Most
are absolute types, although they can be made with the bal-
ance coil built into the probe body to ensure good balance and
increase frequency range. There are many types available, both in
straight and angled versions, to match any requirements. They are
also available with ex shafts that can be adjusted to different
Pencil probes can be designed to operate at various frequencies,
depending mostly on the material to be tested. For aluminum,
100 kHz is the most popular, allowing use of up to 200 kHz or
more, depending on the balance coil and the instrument used.
The higher frequencies will give better angle to lift-off, although
as the probe approaches 500 kHz it becomes more lift-off sensi-
tive and will not penetrate as much material. Because of this, it is
normally preferable to stay at lower frequencies.
It has become common to use pencil probes below 100 kHz
when looking for rst layer cracks that originate in the opposite
side and are growing, but have not broken the surface yet (even
more so with clad skins). A frequency between 20 kHz and
50 kHz will penetrate the clad and detect a defect that is only
50% through the thickness. Some standard 100-kHz probes can
be run at 50 kHz provided that we compensate for this by using
higher gains; however, it is better to use probes designed for the
lower frequencies, even if we have to accept a slightly larger
For low-conductivity materials, such as titanium or stainless
steel, it is necessary to choose a frequency of 1 MHz to 2 MHz
to improve sensitivity and phase angle to surface breaking
cracks. Magnetic steels are not very critical as far as frequency is
concerned, although good results are often obtained at 1 MHz or
2 MHz to minimize permeability variations. When the material
is cadmium-plated, lower frequencies are needed to minimize
its effect and sometimes a frequency of 25 kHz to 50 kHz is the
best, although a bigger probe diameter is required.
Surface Spot Probes
Also known as low-frequency eddy current probes (LFEC), spot
probes are used at low frequencies for subsurface detection of
cracks and/or corrosion. They are available from 100 Hz and
up (to penetrate the thicker structures), in both shielded and
unshielded versions. Shielded probes are more popular as they
concentrate the magnetic eld under the probe and avoid inter-
ference from edges and other structures; however, they are more
sensitive to small defects. Reection types are also widely used
due to the lower drift and often higher gain in the more demand-
ing applications. Spring-loaded bodies are useful to maintain a
constant pressure when needed, such as when spot testing for
conductivity differences.
Ring/Encircling Probes
These are similar to the surface spot probes, except that the
center has been enlarged (and made into a hole) to accept the
diameter of the fastener head/hole to be inspected. They provide
greater sensitivity to cracks, as the fastener/hole interface aids the
penetration. This is even more noticeable with ferrous fasteners,
but permeability variations can also give problems. The probe
internal diameter (ID) is the more important dimension, and
should be chosen to be slightly bigger than the fastener head.
The outside diameter (OD) is not normally critical but it should
not overlap other fastener heads. The probe height is not critical;
however, in cases of limited access, special low-prole types are
available where the test and balance sections are separated to
further reduce the height.
Bolt Hole Probes
Bolt hole probes are designed to inspect the bore of holes after
the fastener is removed. They can be divided into two groups:
Manually operated with adjustable collar. The probe is indexed
to the right depth and rotated manually.
Rotating scanner. These are made to match the various scanners
in use, and provide the best coverage and high inspection speeds.
Both types can be made with absolute or differential coils. The
differential coils are less sensitive to interface and provide bet-
ter detection of defects. They normally operate in the reection
Two new hole probe types have been recently developed that
have dramatically improved bolt hole inspection. The rst of
these rotary types is the large diameter probes which allow the
inspection of holes that previously could only be accomplished
with manually operated types. The second of these new rotary
types is the adjustable diameter probes. These types reduce dras-
tically the number of probes needed to inspect a wide range of
diameters. These are extremely useful during reaming operations
as the instrument does not require recalibration. Normally the in-
strument would be recalibrated every time the probe is changed,
thus requiring a large number of calibration standards.
Other Hole Inspection Probes
Low frequency bolt hole probes. To inspect holes through bush-
ings, low frequency coils can be used. These probes use coils
similar to those in the surface spot probes.
Countersink probes. These are made to t specic fastener head
shapes to inspect the open hole entrance. They can be made for
manual or rotating scanner operation, with the same absolute or
differential coils used in the standard bolt hole inspection. If a
large number of holes need inspection, the rotating scanner type
provides a much faster coverage.
Large Diameter Rotating Scanner Probes
For many years, large diameter holes have been inspected using
manual bolt hole probes. The reason for this was that the existing
probe designs were too heavy and unbalanced to rotate freely for
use with standard handheld rotating scanners. Manual scanning
and indexing is not only a slow process, but it is also difcult
to ensure complete coverage. In addition, large holes are often
in thick parts, and that means that a large number of scans are
required to cover the complete thickness.
The new large diameter probes have been designed to mini-
mize weight and optimize mechanical balance. In this way, the
comparatively small power rotating guns can drive them without
excessive speed loss and shaking. Diameters in excess of 2 in. (50
mm) have been successfully tested. The adjustable diameter al-
lows for the probe to be set at the correct diameter to prevent too
much friction and yet not lose sensitivity to small defects.
Probe Types and Their Usage
1. Not all handheld scanners have the same power and the larger
diameter probes need more power or the inspection results will
be unreliable. If in doubt about your rotating scanner, give us a
call and we will advise you.
2. When testing large diameter holes, the coil is traveling faster
over the defect. This changes the duration of the signal and
means that the lter settings in the instrument may need to be
reset to higher values. The high-pass lter (HPF) that normally
reduces the effect of slow changing variables, such as ovality (lift-
off changes), will not be as effective and the setting will need to
be increased, for example, from 100 Hz to 200 Hz or more. The
low-pass lter (LPF) may cut part of the defect signal. Again try
increasing the setting to avoid this, for example, from 200 Hz to
500 Hz or more. Band-pass lters (BP) are a combination of both
and are available in some instruments. They also need resetting
to a higher value. Always adjust the lters for the best signal-to-
noise ratio. Some instruments may not have enough lter settings
to take full advantage of the large diameter probes.
Special Probes
There are many probe types that are made for specic customer
requirements. Please send us a drawing or sketch of your applica-
tion, and we will quote a special eddy current probe to t your
When experiencing difculty in operating a probe, it is advisable
to do some simple tests.
Check that the operating frequency is within the probes
range. If the probe is not balancing properly, the instrument may
have entered into saturation. This can be veried easily. If the
signals produced by lift-off and defect (or an edge) superimpose
on each other, there is no phase angle and saturation has oc-
curred. The frequency may be too high, or the probe coil and the
balance coil are not of the same value. Try lowering the probe
drive voltage. Please note that some instruments have the capa-
bility of very high output values that may be excessive for some
Try moving the cable, particularly where it joins the
connector or the probe body as these are the weaker points. If it
shows intermittent operation, the cable needs replacement. Also,
it may be necessary to clean connector contacts. Silicon spray or
an electrical contact cleaner will often help.
If the dot appears dead or the signals are small and/or
distorted, look at the lter settings. Many instruments now offer a
range of high pass and low pass lters. These are very useful,
but if set incorrectly will cause various effects.
High-pass lters (HPF) will always bring the dot to the balance
point and, at high settings, (as used for rotating scanners) will
make the dot appears as static at the balance point. For hand
operation, set the high pass lter to OFF (or 0 Hz).
Low-pass lters (LPF) will make the display speed dependent.
The best setting for manual use is typically 100 Hz, but if the
signal is too noisy it may be necessary to reduce this setting. If
so, the scanning speed will need to be kept low enough as not to
reduce the size of the signals.
Examine the probe test surface. It may be damaged or
worn. Watch for exposed wires or other damages. Use Teon

tape at the probe face whenever possible. This reduces probe

wear and also prevents possible contact with the ferrites that will
often produce noise.
When confronted with high signal-to-noise ratios, it is
always a good practise to insert a small piece of sponge or foam
rubber to enhance the coils contact with the inner surface of
the hole. This technique will greatly reduce noise and increase
Legal Notices
Olympus and the Olympus logo are registered trademarks of Olympus Corporation. Quickt is a trademark of NDT Engineering Corpora-
tion. 707, 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777, B-52 Stratofortress, and KC-135 Stratotanker are trademarks or registered trademarks of The
Boeing Company. A-10 is a trademarks of Fairchild Republic Co. A300, A310, A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, A380, and A400M
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Airbus S.A.S. A-6 is a trademark of Grumman Aerospace Corporation. AH-64 Apache, DC-9,
DC-10, F-15 Eagle, F-15C Eagle, F-15D Eagle, F-15E Strike Eagle, F/A-18 Hornet, McDonnell Douglas, MD-11, MD-80 Series, and MD-90
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Boeing (McDonnell Douglas). C-130 is a trademark of Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Company.
C-141 and C-5A are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lockheed-Georgia Co. Challenger and Dash 8 are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Bombardier Inc. DC-8 is a trademark of Boeing (Douglas). Elotest is a trademarks of Rohmann GmbH. F-16 Fighting Falcon is
a trademark of General Dynamics. Fischer is a registered trademark of W.W. Fischer S.A. Inconel is a registered trademark of Inco Alloys/
Special Metals. LEMO is a registered trademark of LEMO USA, Inc. Magnaux ED-500 and Magnaux ED-520 are registered trademarks
of Magnaux. MIZ is a trademark of Zetec Inc. Mumetal is a registered trademark of Goodfellow Corporation. Delrin and NOMEX are
registered trademarks of E.I. duPont de Nemours and Company. Nortec is a trademark of Staveley NDT. UH-60 is a trademark of Sikorsky
Any use of any of the marks appearing in the present document without the express written consent of Olympus NDT or the owner of the
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This document was prepared with particular attention to usage to ensure the accuracy of the information contained therein. It corresponds
to the version of the products manufactured prior to the date appearing on this page. There may, however, be some differences between the
catalog and the products if the products have been modied thereafter.
The information contained in this document (including photographs, drawings, descriptions, and technical data) is subject to change with-
out notice.
NDT Engineering Corporation
19620 Russell Rd.
Kent, WA 98032
Telephone: 1-253-872-3565
Fax: 1-253-872-0857
NDTE_EN_0608 Printed in Canada Copyright 2006 by Olympus NDT. All Rights Reserved.

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