Fourth Noble Truth
Fourth Noble Truth
Fourth Noble Truth
IV. Selsh Craving can be overcome by following the Eightfold Path, whose steps are:
1. Right View 2. Right Intent 3. Right Speech 4. Right Focus 5. Right Alertness 6. Right Purpose 7. Right Effort 8. Right Motivation
1. Dai- Great Self or Higher Self, First Nature or Divine Nature The figure is the Reiki Master/Teacher.
2. Ko- Humbly Carries the Light, (Fire being Carried, Light Bearer) The Reiki Master on bended knee (humility), carrying the Torch of the Light of Reiki to others.
3. Myo- The Light of Love, Brighter than the Sun (yang) and Moon (Yin). The Fire and Light of Reiki transcends sun/moon, Yin/Yang, duality Our Creator uses this Symbol to Awaken us to Wisdom. 2
Return to Wisdom
At Midnight we enter the Winter or our lives, the time of Maturity, the time of Introspection and Wisdom. We enter the North Gate of the Kingdom of Heaven through Wisdom. Note: The pronoun he is often used as a pronoun for God. In the following passages the pronoun he means h-heaven, e- earth. HEHeaven/Earth, Sun/Moon, Yang/Yin, Father/Mother etc.
Mystical Wisdom
Salome taught the lesson of the day. She said, All times are not alike. Today the words of man may have the greatest power; tomorrow woman teaches best. In all the ways of life the man and woman should walk hand in hand; the one without the other is but half; each has a work to do. But all things teach; each has a time and season for its own. The sun, the moon have lessons of their own for humanity, but each one teaches at the appointed time. The lessons of the sun fall down on human hearts like withered leaves upon a stream, if given in the season of the moon; and so with lessons of the moon and all the stars. Today one walks in gloom, downhearted and oppressed; tomorrow that same one is filled with joy. Today the heavens seem full of blessedness and Hope; tomorrow Hope has fled, and every plan and purpose comes to naught. Today one wants to curse the very ground on which he treads; tomorrow he is full of Love and praise. Today one hates and scorns and envies and is jealous of the child he Loves; tomorrow he has risen above his carnal self, and breathes forth gladness and good will. A thousand times people wonder why these heights and depths, these light hearts and these sad, are found in every life. They do not know that there are teachers everywhere, each busy with a God-appointed task, and driving home to human hearts the truth. But this is true, and every one receives the lessons that he needs. And Miriam said, Today I am in exaltation great; my thought and all my life seem lifted up; why am I thus inspired? Salome replied, This is a day of exaltation; day of worship and of praise; a day when, in a measure, we may comprehend our Father-God. Then let us study God, the One, the Three, the Seven.
Before the worlds were formed all things were One; just Spirit, Universal Breath. Spirit breathed, and that which was not manifest became the Fire and Thought of heaven, the Father-God, the Mother-God. When the Triune God breathed forth, lo, Seven Spirits stood before the throne. These are the Elohim, creative spirits of the universe. These are they who said, Let us make man and woman; and in their image man and woman were made. In early ages of the world the dwellers in the farther East said, Tao is the name of Universal Breath; and in the ancient books we read, no manifesting form has Tao Great, and yet he made and keeps the heavens and earth. No passion has our Tao Great, and yet he causes sun and moon and all the stars to rise and set. No name has Tao Great, and yet he makes all things to grow; and brings in season both the seed time and the harvest time. And Tao Great was One; the One became the Two; the Two became the Three, the Three evolved the Seven, which filled the universe with manifests. Tao Great gives unto all, the evil and the good, the rain, the dew, the sunshine and the flowers; from his rich stores he feeds them all. And in the same old book we read of man: He has a spirit knit to Tao Great; a soul which lives within the Seven Breaths of Tao Great; a body of desires that springs up from the soil of flesh. Now spirit Loves the pure, the good, the true; the body of desires extols the selfish self; the soul becomes the battle ground between the two. Blessed is the one whose spirit is triumphant and whose lower self is purified; whose soul is cleansed, becoming fit to be the council chamber of the manifests of Tao Great. (Aquarian Gospel Ch. 9:1-30)
This naturally brings us to the question, who gave the Gift of Reiki Healing to Dr. Usui? Who Attuned Dr. Usui? Some people say that Reiki is a Universal Power or Power of the Universe. Did the Universe Attune Dr. Usui? The Universe works under the law of cause and effect. If the universe attuned Dr. Usui he would have had to train for or cause the attunement to happen to himself of his own efforts and he himself stated that was not the case. We can conclude from this that the Universe did not Attune Dr. Usui. Dr. Usui said, I am going to open this idea to anybody for the peoples benefit and welfare. And everyone will receive the blessing from God. With this, expect everyone to have soul and oneness Then you are able to lead happy life and heal others with mind of God or Buddha. That becomes principle object. Dr. Usui states in his interview that healing others with the Enlightened Mind of God or Buddhic Consciousness is the Purpose of Reiki Healing. The Enlightened Mind of God is Love!
This is truly a very important admonitory. This is the same way wisemen and saints disciplined themselves since ancient times. Sensei named these the "secret methods of inviting happiness", "the spiritual medicine of many diseases" to clarify his purpose to teach. Moreover, his intention was that a teaching method should be as simple as possible and not difficult to understand. Every morning and every evening, sit still in silence with your hands in prayer (gassho) and chant the affirmations, then a pure and healthy mind would be nurtured. It was the true meaning of this to practice this in daily life, using it. (i.e. put it into practical use) This is the reason why Reiho became so popular. (see the my document on the Usui Precepts for more on this.)
The Ascend Masters are known throughout the world as Master Healers. Each one of them had their moment of truth. Each One of them and was anointed and attuned by Our One Creator. From that Moment of Enlightenment they began to share the Gift of Reiki with humanity. They each taught Reiki and passed Reiki Attunements in their own style. Modern Day Reiki has Four Degrees and Four symbols. The pattern of Truth found in Modern Day Reiki is ever the same as it has been throughout the ages. Each truth adding to the other until all the pieces are together and whole. o Miriam and Yeshua teach The Four Truths of The Great Law (Grace). o Yasodhara and Buddha teach The Four Noble Truths that end suffering. o Uma and Brahman teach that we have Four Bodies. The Acting, Thinking, Feeling, and Karmic Bodies and that through service, devotion and the abundance of Love our Divine Nature is experienced and expressed. o Radharani and Krishna teach that the Four Bodies correspond to the Four Conditions of Material Nature and The Four Conditions of Material Nature can be overcome through Grace and we can return to Our Divine Nature of Innocence, Purity, Love and Wisdom. As Reiki is practiced worldwide the understanding of Reiki grows naturally as the Collective Conscious of The Reiki Community is opened to and shares the deeper meaning of Reiki Ryoho found in the present as well as its rich history from the past.
Shoden- Reiki I- (1st Degree Reiki Practitioner) Okuden- Reiki II- (2nd Degree Reiki Practitioner) Shinpiden- Reiki III- (3rd Degree Reiki Master/Practitioner) (ART- Advanced Reiki Training) Shihan- (Reiki IV )- (4th Degree- Master/Teacher)
The Attunement Procedure of Reiki Ryoho is a very easy and straightforward. A simple Prayer of Faith is said by the Reiki Master/ Teacher and the Attunements are given to the student by Our One Creator. The Teacher and student need not believe in anything in particular for the Attunements to be given and received. All that is necessary is for the Teacher and Student to have the little bit of Faith to follow the Attunement Procedure and the Attunement will be given to the student. The use of symbols is Optional in this Method of Attunement. This Attunement Method can be used by any Reiki Master/Teacher regardless of the Attunement Method in which they were attuned to the Master/Teacher Level. Our One Creator will honor your intent and your Faith in passing attunements. Your students will be attuned whether they are in the same room with you or in distant place in another part of the world. It is up to the Teacher and student to decide upon an attunement schedule for The Four Degree Attunements of Reiki Ryoho. The Attunements can be given in a class or at a distance.
The Four Attunements can be given one at a time in a class setting. The Teacher gives one attunement with each of the Four Degree Classes. There would be a chosen time interval between classes. This does give the student time to practice and learn at each degree level before moving on to the next. The Four Attunements can be given in a one day class with a short interval of time between attunements. For instance, two attunements can be given in the morning with some time for practice and discussion between attunements. Two attunements can be given in the afternoon with practice and discussion between attunements. The Four Attunements can be given in one Attunement session, giving the four attunements consecutively, one after the other until all four are given.
Each method has its benefits and makes Reiki Ryoho quite flexible in the way it is shared with others. The student who receives all Four Attunements in one attunement session can practice and learn at their own pace. The Reiki energy will naturally unfold within them and guide them as they progress through their Degree Lessons that they receive from daily hands on Reiki Practice and studying their Reiki Books.
The Attunement
Your Reiki Teacher holds you in Her/His thoughts and prayers and An Attunement Link with Our One Creator is opened and established with you. Our One Creator attunes your whole being in the Love and Light of Reiki. Receive and Experience your Attunement with ease. Through The Attunement Link with Our One Creator, you receive your attunement. Our One Creator opens and establishes a permanent conscious connection with you. Through the Attunement Link with Our One Creator, a permanent Attunement in Reiki is given to you. A permanent conscious connection with the Love and Light of Reiki and Our One Creator is opened within you.
Tao Great, Our One Creator....... Ascended Masters....... Arch Angels, we thank You for Your Presence, Your Guidance, Your Blessing, Your Anointing and Your Love in this Healing Attunement.
Pause for a few momentsand then continue..
Claireaze and Michael, Archangels of Radharani and Krishna we thank you for opening to us the North Gate of our Heavenly Home in the Mode of Wisdom.
The Teacher then stands on the left side of the student facing the same way as the student. The Teacher places her/his right hand on the left shoulder of the student. Pause for a few moments and continue..
Radharani and Krishna, through our Faith in You, we pray that You give, here and now, to (Students Name) , Shihan, the Fourth Degree Master Attunement of Reiki Ryoho. take a few minutes to receive and experience the Attunement Energies in and through your whole being.
Pause for attunement energies to be given to the student. Wait for a feeling of Completion.. Read to the Student
Radharani and Krishna, we acknowledge and we thank You for Your full attunement and activation of Shihan, The Fourth Degree Master Attunement of Reiki Ryoho in and through s whole being. Radharani and Krishna, We thank You for Your continual Healing, Peace, Abundance, Joy, Love and Happiness on our path of Reiki and in our Lives. The Teacher then bows to the student and says: "Namaste" Then the Student bows and says: "Namaste".