Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Che 520 Fall 2009
Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Che 520 Fall 2009
Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Che 520 Fall 2009 This movie illustrates the conduction of KCL through a silica nanopore. The nanopore has 1 nm radius, KCL is in solution and under 1 V bias
d 2ri
Fi mi
i = 1,2,..., N
Measure properties after system has reached equilibrium, e.g. Energy, pressure, pair correlation functions
P( v ) = (2mkT )3/2
Initialization (cont.)
No need to start from Maxwell-Boltzmann, velocities are quickly randomized
subroutine init ! initialization of MD program sumv(1:3) = 0. ! sum of velocities along each coordinate sumv2 = 0. ! sum of squares of velocities do i=1,Npart do j = 1,3 xyz(j,i) = ran(seed)*L ! L is the box length v(j,i)= ran(seed)-0.5 ! random velocity sumv(j) = sumv(j) + v(j,i) sumv2 = sumv2 + v(j,i)*v(j,i) enddo enddo sumv(1:3) = sumv(1:3)/Npart fs = sqrt(3*(Npart-1)*T/sumv2) ! because COM does not move ! set COM motion to zero and mean kinetic T to desired value v(1:3,1:Npart) = fs*(v(1:3,1:Npart) - sumv(1:3)) rm(1:3,1:Npart) = xyz(1:3,1:Npart) - v(1:3,1:Npart)*dt return end!
Initialization (cont.)
As equilibration proceeds, temperature is going to drift away from its desired value. The mean kinetic temperature of the system at any time is:
Tkin (t ) = i = 1 3k( N 1)
miui2(t )
The factor N 1 appears because the center of mass (COM) is fixed in space. The velocity rescaling shown on slide 5 can be applied at any time; however, it is not a proper way to achieve constant-temperature conditions and it does not conserve energy.
The force calculation code segment is executed millions and millions of times, so be very careful how you write it!
No cutoff or shift is applied to the code above (will lead to instability and loss of energy conservation)
2 t =
Where is the fastest vibrational time scale in the system (see link). For typical soft matter systems with bending / torsional potentials, this is approximately 1 - 2 fs, depending on whether explicit-hydrogens and fixed bond lengths are used. For the LJ system, the reduced time is: [ For Ar, the unit of time is ~2 ps ]
t t* = /m
Liapunov Instability
r r = r(t )
For short times,
r(t ) For long times,
r(t ) exp( t ) : Liapunov exponent (positive)