Maintaining Coherence in Quantum Computers.
Maintaining Coherence in Quantum Computers.
Maintaining Coherence in Quantum Computers.
W. G. Unruh
CIAR Cosmology Program
Dept. of Physics
University of B. C.
tum computer are examined. It is found that for quantum calculations (in
tant), not only must the coupling be small but the time taken in the quantum
calculation must be less than the thermal time scale, h̄/kB T . For longer times
the condition on the strength of the coupling to the external world becomes
Quantum computers have recently raised a lot of interest. A number of papers [1] have
argued that quantum computers can solve certain problems much more efficiently than can
classical computers. Shor [2] has shown that a quantum computer could solve the problem
of finding discrete logs (mod N) and of finding the factors of a large number N in a time
which is a polynomial function of the length L of the number. For factoring the best
known algorithm, the Number Field Sieve [3] takes a time of order exp(c(L)1/3 (ln(L))2/3 ,
where c(L) is roughly constant and approximately equal to 2 for large L. Although this is
subexponential, it is worse than any polynomial for large N. A crucial feature of the ability of
quantum computers to be more efficient in certain problems involves having the computer be
that the computer be able to maintain the coherence during the course of the calculation.
This paper examines this requirement, and examines the constraints placed on the ability to
maintain this coherence in the face of coupling to external heat baths. Landauer [4] has long
emphasized the necessity of examining the effect of both imperfections and of the coupling
to the external world of any realistic device on the ability of quantum computers to realize
their promise. This paper is thus a first step in that direction.
I will look at only the simplest model, in which I ask about the maintenance of coherence
in a memory of length L. This does not take into account the effect that the course of the
computation itself would have on the rate of loss of coherence, but I would expect that only
to increase the problem. Thus let us assume that that the number is represented in the
computer as a string of binary digits of length of the order of L = ln(N). The memory
cells will each be taken to be two level systems, with each of the two levels having the same
energy. The two states will be take to be the eigenstates of a “spin” operator σz .
In a conventional computer, the way in which the calculation is “kept on track” is by
including dissipation in order to damp out any attempt by the system to make a transition
( except of course those driven by the computation) [5]. I will therefore assume that the
interaction with the environment has the two desired eigenstates of the memory as eigen-
states of the interaction. The environment will be modeled by a massless scalar field [6]
derivatively coupled to the memory cell, so that the the full Hamiltonian is
H= (π(x) + ǫh(x)σz )2 + (∂x φ(x))2 dx (1)
L= (∂t φ)2 − (∂x φ)2 − 2ǫh(x)φ(x)σz dx.) (2)
Here h(x) is some interaction range function, and π is the momentum conjugate to φ
The Heisenberg equations of motion are
π̇ = ∂x2 φ (3)
φ̇ = π + ǫh(x)σz (4)
The exact solutions for the Heisenberg equations of motion for φ are
R x+t
φ(t, x) = 2
φ(0, x − t) + φ(0, x + t) + x−t π(0, y)dy (5)
− [σz (t − |x − y|) − σ(−|x − y − t|)Θ(x − y − t)
temperature T , and the initial state of the spin is a density matrix ρ(0). The total state
is assumed to be a product state of these two initial states. The reduced state of the spin
system at any time (t) after tracing out over the state of the environment is a density matrix
given by
ρ(t) = (1 + ρ~(t) · ~σ ) (8)
where ρ~(t) is a time dependent vector of length less that or equal to unity. ρ~(t) is given by
ρ~(t) = T r ~σ eiHt ρ(0)RT e−iHt (9)
where the trace is over all of the degrees of freedom of spin system and bath.
We can write H as
H = ei ǫh(x)φ(0,x)dxσz
H0 e−i ǫh(x)φ(0,x)dxσz
since ei h(x)φ(0,x)dx
is just the translation operator taking π(0, x)to π(0, x) +
ǫ h(x)φ(0, x)dxσz , and since σz commutes with H0 .
ρ~(t) = T r ~σ ei φ(0)ǫhdxσz −i
e φ̃(t)ǫhdxσz
ρ~(0) · ~σ (11)
×eiH0 t RT e−iH0 t ei φ̃(t)ǫhdxσz −i
e φ̃(0)ǫhdxσz
where φ̃(t) = eiH0 t φ(0, x)e−iH0 t is the time development of the free field with the same initial
1 x+t
φ̃(t, x) = (φ(0, x − t) + φ(0, x + t) + π(0, x′ )dx′ ) (12)
2 x−t
Using σz2 = 1 and the fact that RT is diagonal in the energy representation, we can write
ρ~(t) as
ρ~(t) = T r ~σ ei (φ(0)−φ(t))ǫhdxσz
ρ~(0) · ~σ RT ei (φ̃(t)−φ(0))ǫhdxσz
(Note that the extra terms from the Cambell–Baker–Hausdorf formula cancel out.) This
ρ~(t) = T r ~σ (~ρ(0) · (~σ − (1 − cos( (φ̃(t) − φ(0))ǫhdx))σz ~ez (14)
+sin( (φ̃(t) − φ(0))ǫhdx))~ez × ~σ RT
where ~ez is the unit vector in the z direction. Because RT is symmetric in φ and π, the sin
term is zero, and
T r(RT (φ̃(t)−φ(0)))ǫhdx
J(t) ≡ T r(RT cos( (φ̃(t) − φ(0))ǫhdx))) = e− 2 (15)
For later use, let us examine J(t) in various regimes. Let us take h(x) such that h(k), the
Fourier transform of h(x) is of the form e− 2 Γk . Γ is a cutoff parameter typical of interactions
with the environment. I will assume that Γ >> 1/T . We then get
1 k
ln(J(t)) = − coth( )(1 − cos(kt))e−Γk dk (19)
2 πk 2T
ǫ2 Γ2 + t2
! !
1 1 1 − i2T t
ln(J(t)) ≈ − ln − ln 1 + (2T t)2 − iT tln (20)
2π 2 Γ2 2 1 + i2T t
There are essentially three regimes for the time dependence of J(t) given by the conditions
t < Γ, Γ < t < 1/T and t > 1/T . In the first regime, t < Γ, we have approximately
ǫ2 t2
ln(J(t) ≈ (21)
For the intermediate regime, Γ < t < 1/T ,the quantum regime, we have
ǫ2 t
ln(J(t)) ≈ − ln (22)
2 Γ
Finally, for the long time regime t >> 1/T , the thermal regime, we have
The important feature of these asymptotic formula is that for the intermediate regime,
which I call the quantum regime since the behaviour is dominated by the vacuum state of
the environment, ln(J) increases only logarithmically with t. In contrast, the third regime,
the thermal regime, it increases linearly with t. This will be important in determining the
ultimate size of a number which can be say factored with a quantum computer, because of
the dependence of the computing time on the length of the number being factored.
This was for the most familiar case of an ”ohmic” coupling to the heat bath. In the case
of superohmic (h(k(ω)) = ω s e( − Γω) for s > 0), the function ln(J(t)) is essentially constant
for times less than 1/T and grows as t1−s in the thermal regime for s < 1. For s > 1, J is
constant in both regimes, although it is smaller in the thermal regime than in the quantum
regime. ( and is essentially constant even for such times if s > 1) In the subohmic case,
−1 < s < 0, on the other hand, lnJ(t) grows roughly as t−s in the quantum regime and
as t1−s in the thermal regime. Again, in the thermal regime the growth in decoherence is a
question now is “What is the rate of of loss of coherence of a coherent sum of numbers stored
in the memory”. Ie, define the state |n >= |nL−1 > |nL−2 > ...|n0 >, where ni is the ith bit
of n. Consider a coherent state
|ψ >= αn |n > (24)
The probability that after time t the memory remains in the the state ψ is given by
P robψ = < ψ|T renvironment ei i
Hi t
|ψ > |0 >< 0| < ψ|ei i
Hi t
T renvironi < ni |eiHi t |mi >< m′i |e−iHi t |n′i >
= ∗
αn∗ αn′ αm αm ′
nn′ mm′ i
2 2 ′
Ji (t)(ni ⊗ni )
= |αn | |αn′ |
nn′ i
completely coherent state in which each of the numbers of length L has an equal probability.
This state is typical of the state required in performing quantum calculations of the sort in
which a quantum computer is much faster than a classical computer. Ie, I choose |αn |2 = 2−L.
Furthermore let me assume that each bit is coupled to the environment in exactly the same
way so that Ji (t) = J(t). Then we have the probability that the coherence will be maintained
over time t as
J(t)(ni ⊗ni ) .
P rob = 2−2L (26)
nn′ i
To evaluate this first fix the number n. The number of numbers n’ which differ from n in 1
bit is L. The number which differ in 2 bits is L(L − 1)/2 and the number which differ in r
bits is r!(L−r)!
. Thus the above becomes
L! J +1
J r = 2−2L (1 + J)L =
P rob = 2−2L (27)
n r r!(L − r)! n 2
If we assume that 1 − J is very small (which is the only case in which the system has
any hope at all of acting like a quantum computer), this is well approximated by
P rob ≈ e− 2 L(1−J) (28)
thus have that the probability of maintaining coherence over the time of the calculation is
of the order of
with a smooth transition between the two regimes. In order to have a reasonable probability
of obtaining the correct answer, one needs the probability of obtaining the quantum coherent
answer to be of order 1. This implies that one must have a sufficiently small ǫ2 , the coupling
parameter between the heat bath and the system. As long as one is in the quantum regime,
the relation between the coupling ǫ2 and the maximum length of the number one can handle
is essentially inverse linear, no matter what the polynomial dependence of the calculation.
However, once one has entered the thermal regime, a decrease in the coupling buys one only
a small increase in the length of the number L that one can use. I.e., in the presence of a
1 h̄
coupling to the heat bath, the thermal time scale T
≡ kB T
plays a crucial role. As long as
the calculation can be completed in a time less than this, one can imagine decreasing the
coupling to the heat bath for the memory cells so as to achieve the maximum L. If however
the time for the calculation is longer than the thermal time scale, it becomes very difficult
to decrease the coupling to the bath sufficiently to achieve the necessary coherence.
Is it possible to use the computer even if the quantum state looses coherence? I cannot
answer this in general, but can show that one strategy does not work. One could imagine
trying to make up for the loss of coherence by increasing the number of times the program
is run. (This is in fact a crucial factor in the Shor algorithm for factoring, not because
of decoherence, but because the calculation itself has a finite probability of not giving the
correct outcome.) After a sufficient number of attempts, one should by chance have a system
which has maintained coherence. In the factoring problem, one can test ones answer ( does
it give the factors of the number), and simply keep repeating the experiment until one gets
the right answer. However, in M trials, the probability of never finding a coherent outcome
is (1 − P rob)M ≈ e−M P rob
. The number of trials required to make this small (i.e., so that
one has a high probability of having had a coherent run) is thus , the required number of
attempts is M ≈ 1/P rob ≈ eO(1)Lln(L) in the quantum regime, which is exponential in the
length. In the thermal regime, this time scale is even worse. One will thus have lost all
advantages of the quantum nature of the computer. We see that one must make sure that
coherence is maintained during the calculation.
In order to maintain coherence, one must have a small value for ǫ2 . At first as one
decreases ǫ2 , the gain in the maximum length number one can factor is roughly inversely
proportional to the value of ǫ2 . However, once ǫ is sufficiently small that the time scale of
computation for the maximum length which can maintain coherence approaches the inverse
thermal time 1/T , one reaches a bottleneck. Further reductions in ǫ2 now have little effect
on the maximum length. The decoherence due to the rapidly increasing time spent in
computation cancels out the effect of the smaller ǫ2 . Thus the thermal time scale 1/T sets
an effective limit to the time of the calculation, and thus a weak limit on the maximum
length of the numbers one can compute with.
If one imagines factoring a 1000 bit number, and one assumes that the quantum factoring
time can be made to be of order L2 (probably the slowest rate imaginable), we find that one
must carry out at least 106 calculation in the thermal time scale. Since the thermal time
scale for a temperature of 1K is of the order of 10−9 sec, this would imply that one would
have to use a computer which ran at optical frequencies.
The above coupling to the heat bath is ”error free” in the sense that if one is in a
number eigenstate (ie, is in a state |n >), the system will remain in that state throughout.
The environment does not cause spin flips. What about the situation in which there is
also some probability of a state flip- ie of the system making a transition between the two
eigenstates of σz ? One could approximate this by assuming that the coupling to the heat
bat is via say
σθ = cos(θ)σz + sin(θ)σx
, with small θ.
The above analysis is exactly the same for this case, where we replace σz everywhere by
we have
The probability of remaining in the state |n > under the coupling to the heat bath is then
cos(θ)2S(n,m) (J sin(θ)2 )(L − S(n, m))
P rob = (33)
m m
where S(n, m) is the number of bits in which n and m are the same. Again using the
arguments above as to the number of terms where the S has a given value, we get
P rob = (1 − (1 − J)θ2 )L ≈ e−Lθ J . (34)
Thus θ must be kept very small in order to ensure that the probability of error remains
small. However we note that the probability of error is vastly suppressed with respect to
the decoherence probability, which is in accord with the observation that the decoherence
effects are in general much larger and more rapid than are transition effects.
This has assumed that the process causing spin flips is the same as the one causing loss of
coherence in a superposition of the two spin states. In general, the environmental degrees of
freedom which cause decoherence are not the same as those causing bit flips. I will therefore
look at the alternative situation in which the single bit Hamiltonian is of the form
(π1 − ǫ1 h(x)σz ))2 + (∂x φ1 )2 + (π2 − ǫ2 h(x)σx ))2 + (∂x φ2 )2 (π3 − ǫ2 h(x)σy ))2 + (∂x φ3 )2
Since we want the single bit decoherence and bit flip probabilities to be small ( or else
the quantum computer is useless from the start), I will assume that the ǫk are all sufficiently
small. Furthermore, for simplicity I will take ǫ2 = ǫ3 , so that the spin flip processes are of
equal strength. I cannot solve this problem exactly, but since the probabilities are assumed
to be very small, one can calculate the transition probability to lowest order in the various
epsilons. The Hamiltonian can be written as
X Z 1
H = H0 − ǫi πi (x)σi h(x)dx + h(x)2 dx (36)
i 2
because the fields are by assumption independent and thus the cross correlations between
terms linear in each of the fields will again be zero. Thus the only terms surviving will be
the terms proportional to ǫ2i . But each of these terms are independent of the other ǫs. I.e.,
each of these terms are the same as those obtained by setting the other two epsilons to zero.
These are however just the same as the second order terms calculated above in the first part.
We thus get
1 2 2
ρ(t)i = δij 1 − k (ǫk T r(RT ( (φk (t) − φk (0))hdx) )) (38)
j 2
1 2
+ k ǫk T r(RT ( (φk (t) − φk (0))hdx)2 )δik δjk ) ρj (0)
Note that since all of the fields are of the same form and at the same temperature, the
T r(RT ( φi(t) − φi (0))hdx)2 ) are the same for all i.
while the probability of decoherence for a state which is the coherent sum over all the integers
of length L is given by
P robdecoher ≈ (1 − ( (ǫ21 + ǫ22 ) < 0|(φ(t) − φ(0))2 |0 > (40)
If ǫ1 >> ǫ2 , the decoherence will again be much more rapid that the probability of ”error”
due to bit flip.
I would especially like to thank the Santa Fe Institute and the organizers of the May
1994 conference on Complexity, Entropy, and the Physics of Information where the issue of
quantum computing was a key theme, and which incited my interest in the problems thereof.
Quantum computation places the demand on the system that the coherence of the initial
state be maintained throughout the computation. In order to maintain this coherence in
the presence of a heat bath, the reduction in the coupling to the heat bath buys one a pro-
portional increase in the size of the computation only in the computation can be completed
within a thermal time scale. For computation times longer than the thermal time scale, a
decrease in the coupling gives one relatively little change in the size of the possible coherent
computation. The thermal time scale thus sets a (weak) limit on the length of time that a
quantum calculation can take.
[1] Peter W. Shor Algorithms for Quantum Computation: Discrete log and Factoring AT&T
Bell Labs preprint May 1994
[2] D. Deutsch, R. Jozsa, ”Rapid solutions of problems by quantum computation” Proc Roy.
Soc. A439 553(1992)
[3] See papers on the Number Field Sieve in The Development of the Number Field
Sieve ed. A.K. Lenstra and H.W. Lenstra Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1554
(1993), especially pp.50ff
[4] See “Is Quantum Mechanics Useful” Rolf Landauer (to appear in Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond.
1994) and references to earlier work therein.
[5] The spin-boson problem, of which the model used in this paper is a trivial example,
has had a long history of use for trying to understand the effects of decoherence on
the development of a quantum two level system. In particular it demonstrates that a
sufficiently strong ”decohering” interaction as presented here can prevent a spin-flip force
from being able to effect the spin flip( localization). See the review of A. Leggett et al
Rev. Mod. Phys 59 1 (1987)
[6] W. Unruh, W. Zurek, ”Reduction of a Wave Packet in Quantum Brownian Motion” PRD
40 1071(1989)