UEE J: Colloid Release and Transport in Agricultural Soil As Impacted by Solution Chemistry

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Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, v.5, n.2, p.84-90 ISSN 1982-3932 doi: 10.4090/juee.2011.v5n2.084090

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering



Sandip Patil , Kamal Tawfiq and Gang Chen
Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, Florida State University, United States Received 5 July 2011; received in revised form 19 September 2011; accepted 20 November 2011


Colloid release from the agricultural soil under unsaturated conditions was controlled by the hydrodynamic force, capillary force and electrostatic force that were determined by the solution chemistry in terms of solution ionic strength and pH. In this research, colloid release from the agricultural soil was investigated using an intact soil column collected from an agricultural site in Gadsden County of Florida. Colloid release was monitored and the colloid release curve was simulated using an implicit, finite-difference scheme to obtain the colloid release coefficient. It was found that the hydrodynamic force and electrostatic force overcame the capillary force under the experimental conditions of this research and consequently, colloids were released. For the colloid release, solution chemistry played a key role by controlling the colloid repulsive electrostatic force within the pore system. Colloid release exponentially decreased with the increase of solution ionic strength and increased with the increase of solution pH. Colloid release was finally found to be correlated to the colloid repulsive electrostatic force within the pore system, i.e., the greater the repulsive electrostatic force, the more colloids released.
Colloid release; electrostatic forces; ionic strength; ph


2011 Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE). All rights reserved.

Correspondence to: Sandip Patil. E-mail: bb25252000@yahoo.com

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.5, n.2, p. 84-90, 2011

Patil, Tawfiq and Chen


INTRODUCTION Naturally occurring colloidal particles are involved in many important processes in the subsurface zone (Grolimund & Borkovec, 2006; Kanti Sen & Khilar, 2006). Due to the importance of these processes in the subsurface environment, the transport of colloidal particles has been studied in several disciplines, including soil sciences, petrology, and hydrology, etc. Specifically, in environmental engineering, colloid release and transport in porous media has been extensively investigated, which is motivated by environmental concerns such as colloid-facilitated contaminant transport in groundwater and the subsurface soil (Karathanasis & Johnson, 2006; Kjaergaard et al., 2004; Ryan & Elimelech, 1996). Colloid release is resulted from physical alteration of subsurface porous media. Despite the potential importance of colloid mobilization, experimental investigations of colloid release in natural porous media are scarce, and the detailed mechanisms of release and transport of colloids within natural porous media are poorly understood (Laegdsmand et al., 1999; Torkzaban et al., 2010). Pore media structure, properties and flow dynamics, etc. are factors that affect colloid generation, mobilization, and subsequent transport (Liu et al., 2010). A thorough understanding of colloid release and transport, especially of colloid release mechanisms is required to assess the potential colloid-facilitated contaminant transport (Shani et al., 2008). Possible mechanisms of colloid generation in the subsurface soil include precipitation, erosion and mobilization by changes in pH and ionic strength and colloid release depends on a balance of applied hydrodynamic and resisting adhesive torques and forces. The coupled role of solution chemistry and fluid hydrodynamics thus play key roles in controlling colloid release and transport. Previous studies have shown that colloid release is more sensitive to changes in solution chemistry at low infiltration rates (Ryan & Gschwend, 1994; Torkzaban et al., 2010). Colloid release in saturated porous media with pre-deposited colloids under steady flow conditions has been investigated and the results indicated that mobilization of deposited colloids is negligible when flow rate and solution chemistry were not altered, but did occur when a change in solution chemistry such as solution ionic strength and pH was made to the system (Torkzaban et al., 2010). Changes in solution chemistry lead to variations in electrostatic forces between colloids and the porous media by influencing the electric double layer. After release, colloid transport is believed to be controlled by its interactions with the surrounding environment (Bradford et al., 2002; Shani et al., 2008).

Impact of solution chemistry on colloid release was investigated in this research using an intact soil column collected from an agricultural site in Gadsden County, Florida under constant and low flow rate conditions. The column was irrigated with solutions of varying ionic strength and pH. Colloid release was monitored and the colloid release curve was simulated using an implicit, finite-difference scheme to obtain the colloid release coefficient. MATERIALS AND METHOD Column Experiments In situ colloid release and mobilization was evaluated in intact soil columns collected from an agricultural site in Gadsden County of Florida. The columns (10.0-cm ID 60.0-cm length) were vertically oriented. For each run of the column experiments, nano-pure de-ionized water was applied using a sprinkler from the top by a peristaltic pump (Masterflex, Cole-Parmer, Vernon Hills, IL) at an irrigation rate of 0.05 cm/min. To study the impact of ionic strength on in situ colloid release, the sterilized nano-pure de-ionized water was adjusted with 1 M NaCl to reach a final ionic strength of 0.03 M, 0.05 M and 0.07 M. This ionic strength range was selected to mimic the possible ionic strength scenarios of subsurface transport. To study the impact of pH on in situ colloid release, pH of the sterilized nano-pure deionized water was adjusted with 1M HCl or 1 M NaOH to pH of 4, 5.5, 8.5 and 10. This pH range covers the typical pH range of natural subsurface environment. For each column experiment, the flow was kept steady state, i.e., with inflow equal outflow rate for an extensive period of time until colloid outflow concentrations stabilized. For each of the experiment, a new sediment column was used. During the experiments, matric potential inside the columns was monitored and recorded using a Campbell Scientific CR-7X datalogger (Campbell Scientific, Inc.). Using the matric potential information, water content within the columns was quantified by fitting the van Genuchten equation (Toride, 1995):
S e = [1 + (h ) n ](1/n -1)


where Se is the effective saturation (-); is the inverse of the air-entry potential (cm-1); h is the matric potential (cm-H2O); and n is the parameter related to pore size distribution (-). Using pressure-plate measurements, and n were determined to be 0.025 cm-1 and 0.177 and s and r were found to be 0.389 and 0.058 respectively. Se is related to water volumetric content as follows (Toride, 1995),

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.5, n.2, p. 84-90, 2011

Patil, Tawfiq and Chen


colloids was quantified from their electrophoretic mobility in the elution corresponding to ionic strength of 0 M, 0.03 M, 0.05 M and 0.07 M as well as pH of 4, 5.5, 8.5 and 10 by dynamic light scattering (Zetasizer 3 3 where is the volumetric water content (cm /cm ); r is 3000HAS, Malvern Instruments Ltd., Malvern, UK). the residual water content (cm3/cm3); and s is the Each measurement was repeated five times and average saturated water content (cm3/cm3). results were reported. The elution was collected by a fraction collector and the colloid concentration was measured using a spectrophotometer against a calibration curve generated RESULTS AND DISCUSSION using the in situ colloid as a reference. Colloid release is Colloid Release and Mobilization controlled by a kinetic desorption (Bradford et al., 2003; Bradford et al., 2002; Chen & Flury, 2005; Lenhart & The infiltration event was followed by a steady state flow phase, where matric potential remained constant Saiers, 2002): for the sensors along the length of the column (Fig. 1). According to the van Genuchten equation, the effective J C C S C (3) water content along the length of the column was 54%, + = [D z ] w t t z z z 70% and 76%, respectively from the top to the bottom. This data demonstrated that water content was not S (4) uniform in the column. Corresponding to the infiltration, = - S t colloids were observed to be released and mobilized. The in situ colloid release and mobilization curves where C is the colloid concentration in the liquid phase were characterized by a self-sharpening front, which (g/m3); S is the colloid concentration on the sediments became broader and diffuser at the elution limb (Fig. 2). (mg/g); t is time (min); Dz is the apparent dispersion The long-lasting tails of the curves indicated kineticcoefficient (m2/s); is the bulk density (g/m3), Jw is the controlled colloid release from the porous media in the specific flow rate, i.e., Darcian fluid flux; z is the columns. The colloid release coincided with the arrival coordinate parallel to the flow (cm); and is the first- of the infiltration front at the bottom of the columns. order colloid release coefficient (min-1). With the increase of ionic strength, fewer colloids For colloid release, a constant flux was used for the were released and mobilized as manifested by the upper boundary, i.e., JwC(0, t) = 0, and a zero gradient was smaller peak concentrations of the colloid release and assumed for the lower boundary, i.e., Dz C / z = 0 . The mobilization curves (Fig. 2). With the increase of pH, initial conditions for colloid release were C(x, 0) = 0 and more colloids were released (Fig. 3). By integrating the S(x, 0) = S0. For matric potential, Jw was used for the colloid release and mobilization curves, the upper boundary and a constant potential of -10 cm-H2O accumulative amount of colloid release for each was set for all times as the bottom boundary condition. irrigation event was calculated. Accordingly, the The initial condition for each series was set to the accumulative amount of colloid release decreased with measured potentials at the beginning of each experiment the increase of ionic strength (Fig. 4) and increased with (-45 cm-H2O). For colloid release simulations, the initial the increase of pH (Fig. 5). colloid source S0 for each breakthrough curve was obtained by integrating the experimental breakthrough curves to obtain the total amount of colloids eluted. The governing Eqs 14 were solved simultaneously with the Hydrus-1D code (Simunek et al., 1998). The colloid release and transport data were fitted by adjusting the dispersion coefficient Dz and the colloid release coefficient .
Se = r s r


-potential Measurements To calculate electrostatic force, -potential of the colloid particles was measured. Eluted colloid particle size was first measured for particle size distribution using a Malven Zetasizer 3000 Hsa (Malvern Instrument Ltd., Malvern, Worcs, UK), which was in the range of 200 nm to 650 nm. -potential of the

Fig. 1 System matric potential.

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.5, n.2, p. 84-90, 2011

Patil, Tawfiq and Chen


observed and fitted data using the nonlinear leastsquares method (Toride, 1995). The simulation process was based on the assumption that colloid release occurred simultaneously and kinetically. Within the range of ionic strength and pH conditions of this research, colloid release coefficient had a similar trend with those of accumulative colloid release with the increase of ionic strength and pH (Figs 45). Colloid potential Values at Different Ionic Strength and pH Conditions Release and Mobilization The colloids had negative potential values when eluted by nano-pure de-ionized water. With the increase of ionic strength, potential exponentially increased (Figure 6). The increase of potential with the increase of ionic strength became moderate when ionic strength reached 0.05 M. The increase of potential with the increase of solution ionic strength was attributed to the fact that the Stern layer got closer to the surface owing to the compression of the double layer. Within the pH range of this research, potential linearly decreased with the increase of pH (Fig. 7).

Fig. 2 Colloid release curves under different ionic strength conditions.

Fig. 3 Colloid release curve under different pH conditions.

Fig. 5 Cumulative colloid released and colloid release coefficient as a function of pH.

Fig. 4 Cumulative colloid released and colloid release coefficient as a function of ionic strength.

Colloid release and mobilization curves were simulated against Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) against Hydrus1D. Hydrus-1D is an implicit, finite-difference scheme, which optimizes colloid release coefficient by minimizing the sum of squared differences between

Fig. 6 potential as a function of ionic strength.

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.5, n.2, p. 84-90, 2011

Patil, Tawfiq and Chen


media surface had similar potential values as the colloids. Therefore, the electrostatic force between colloids and the porous media was repulsive. The distance-dependent repulsive electrostatic force, FEL between colloids and the porous media can be evaluated by (van Oss, 1994):
F EL = 0 ( 2 01 R 1 + e y )+ [ 2 01 02 Ln ( y 1 e y


2 + 02 ) Ln (1 e 2 y )]

where and 0 are the relative dielectric permittivity of water (78.55 for water at 25oC) and permittivity under vaccum (8.854 10-12 C/V m) respectively; R is the Fig. 7 Potential as a Function of pH. colloid radius (m); 1/ is the Debye-Hckel length, which is also an estimation of the effective thickness of Colloid Release and Colloid Interactions the electrical double layer [18]; y is the distance Colloid release in the subsurface soil was attributed to between colloid surface and the porous media surface rolling by hydrodynamic forces. The detachment measured from the outer edge of the sphere (m); and 01 criterion under water unsaturated conditions is given by and are potentials at colloid and porous media 02 the torque balance (Sharma et al., 1992): surfaces (V), which can be calculated by (Dukhin, 1993): H EL (5) 1.399 Fs = ( Fcap F ) R sin 2 0 = (1 + z / R * ) exp( z ) (9) where Fs is the shear force (N); H is the water film thickness (m); Fcap is the capillary force (N); FEL is the critical filling angle (degree); and R sin is the radius of the contact area on which the capillary force acts (m). Fs is calculated by (Sharma et al., 1992):
Fs = 1.7(6) H V 2

where is the zeta potential measured at the slip plane (V); z is the distance from the colloid or porous media surface to the slip plane (m); and R* is the radius of the colloid or the porous media. The value in above equations can be estimated by (Chen & Flury, 2005):
= 4e 2


where is the water dynamic viscosity (Ns/m2) and V is the fluid velocity measured at a distance H/2 from the surface of the pore wall. If colloids are completely covered with water, then H/2 = R, radius of the colloid. Fcap is calculated as (Chateau et al., 2002): (7) cos (1 + cos ) 2 sin ] where is the water surface tension (N/m) and is the colloid-water contact angle (degree) and was determined to be 24.5o for this research. We approximated the fluid velocity V as the pore water velocity. If the left-hand-side of Eq. (5) is larger than the right-hand-side, colloids are released. The value of the right-hand-side of Eq. (5) was heavily relied on FEL. Since colloids were originated from the porous media surfaces, we assumed that the
Fcap = R[2 sin sin( + ) +

i2 ni2 0 kT


where e is the charge of the electron (1.6 10-19 C); i is the valence of each ionic species (-); ni is the number concentration of ions of each species in the bulk liquid (number/m3); k is the Boltzmann constant (1.38 10-23 J/K); and T is the absolute temperature (K). The typical distance from the colloid surface or porous media to the slip plane, i.e., z is usually in the range of 0.3 nm to 0.5 nm. 0.5 nm was used for this research. For this research, the capillary force was up to 4.12 10-7 N and the electrostatic force was in the range of 2 10-7 N to 4.23 10-5 N (Table 1). Therefore, the electrostatic force was the controlling force for colloid release under the conditions of this research. Especially, when the electrostatic force was greater than the capillary force, hydrodynamic force was not that important for colloid release, instead, it contributed to colloid mobilization. By plotting the colloid release coefficient against the electrostatic force, it was found

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.5, n.2, p. 84-90, 2011

Patil, Tawfiq and Chen


Table 1. potential and colloid electrostatic force, FEL

Ionic strength (M ) 0 0.03 0.05 0.07 pH 4.0 5.5 8.5 10.0

Potential (mV) -65.5 -34.6 -25.7 -21.6 Potential (mV) -7.1 -34.5 -67.2 -84.6

FEL (10-5 N) 2.54 0.78 0.39 0.27 FEL (10-5 N) 0.03 0.70 2.67 4.23

Acknowledgment The work was supported by the National Research Initiative of the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Grant No. 2007-35102-18111 to Florida A&M University. REFERENCES
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Fig. 8 Colloid release coefficient as a function of electrostatic force.

that the colloid release coefficient increased linearly with the increase of the repulsive electrostatic force (Figure 8). It should be noted that the electrostatic force was evaluated at the equilibrium distance, i.e., y = 1.57 10-10 m when colloids physically contacted the media surfaces (van Oss, 1994).

CONCLUSIONS Colloid release from the agricultural soil under unsaturated conditions was investigated using intact soil columns in this research. Hydrodynamic force and electrostatic force overcame the capillary force under the experimental conditions of this research to release the colloids. With the increase of solution ionic strength, colloid repulsive electrostatic forces decreased, and subsequently, colloid release decreased. With the increase of pH, colloid repulsive electrostatic force increased, leading to more colloid release. Colloid release displayed a linear exponential relationship with respect to the repulsive electrostatic forces between colloids and the porous media.

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.5, n.2, p. 84-90, 2011

Patil, Tawfiq and Chen


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Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE), v.5, n.2, p. 84-90, 2011

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