Collloid 2016
Collloid 2016
Collloid 2016
DOI 10.1007/s10666-016-9518-2
The main source of colloidal particles in the soil is in situ demonstrated that pore exclusion occurred when T/C ratio
particle release. Changes in solution chemistry have a pivotal was less than 1.5. The transport rate for spherical particle
role in particle release in soils and subsurface areas. Many depends on the ratio of particle size to the capillary radius.
research studies indicate that high pH, high Na + saturation, This phenomenon, which is known as the hydrodynamic chro-
and low ionic strength are favorable for dispersion and release matography (HDC), was described for the first time by Small
of fine particles in soils. Saiers and Hornberger [5] experimen- [12]. Although other researchers developed this theory, it can-
tally modeled the transport of 137Cs in the presence of kaolin- not explain the role of colloidal particles in the transport of
ite colloids and reported that the kaolinite colloids could en- groundwater contaminants [8]. In addition to the experimental
hance 137Cs transport through a column packed with quartz models, for a closer look and predicting the possible conse-
sand under conditions of low pore-water ionic strength. They quences of this phenomenon, we need mathematical models.
have also noted that the mobility and affinity of kaolinite for The first attempt to create and solve the colloid-facilitated
sorbing 137Cs decrease with increasing ionic strength and the groundwater-contaminant transport model was made by
mobility of kaolinite colloids increase with increasing pH and Corapcioglu and Jiang [8]. They solved their model numeri-
increasing flow rate. Roy and Dzombak [6] conducted exper- cally under homogenous condition. Corapcioglu and Choi
iments and reported a decrease in ionic strength could cause [13] reported a mathematical model based on mass balance
colloid mobilization. equations while colloids are present in the vadose zone, and
One of the most important sources of colloidal particles in the system can be treated as consisting of four phases. They
groundwater is human activity. Hydrogeochemical perturba- developed a one-dimensional homogeneous numerical model
tions can be induced by some activities such as waste disposal, for colloid transport in unsaturated porous media. Then they
groundwater pumping, and well-drilling. These operations verified their developed model against experimental data.
can provoke colloidal particles formation through precipita- They concluded the presence of air–water interface could cap-
tion or extraction from the solid matrix. ture colloids and retard their transport. Ibaraki and Sudicky
Microbial contaminants (protozoa, bacteria, and viruses) [14, 15] developed a two-dimensional numerical model of
also fall into the colloidal size range and called biocolloids colloid-facilitated solute transport in discretely fractured po-
[3]. They could pose a high risk to water resources. Several rous media. In their modeling, both the equilibrium and kinet-
studies have shown that contrary to popular belief, groundwa- ic approaches for solute sorption reactions were used simulta-
ter supplies are not free of pathogenic microorganism, and a neously. They showed that the slow kinetic desorption of con-
significant fraction of groundwater supplies are a source of taminants from colloids and high value of solid matrix poros-
waterborne diseases [7]. Therefore, for safe disposal of waste- ity could enhance the colloid-associated contaminant
water and adopt the appropriate bioremediation strategies, transport.
knowledge about biocolloids transport in porous media is Dual-porosity approach for groundwater-contaminant
necessary. transport in the presence of colloids has been presented by
Groundwater contaminants can be adhered to colloidal par- Corapcioglu and Wang [16]. They used fully implicit and
ticles by sorption, ion exchange, or other means and migrate to Crank-Nicholson schemes to solve the one-dimensional col-
far distances that are expected by using the conventional loid-facilitated contaminant transport. Sun et al. [17] devel-
advection/diffusion equation with normal retardation values oped a two-dimensional model for colloid transport in hetero-
[8]. Kan and Tomson [9] conducted experimental investiga- geneous porous media. They used the finite element method
tions to understand the role of dissolved organic matter for numerical solution of coupled fluid-flow equation and col-
(DOM) on the transport of hydrophobic organic compounds. loid transport equation.
They reported that the migration of DDT could increase in the Where the colloids have a high affinity for solid matrix
present of DOM by a factor of a thousand or more. Magee surfaces, these fine particles can retard contaminants’ migra-
et al. [10] reported that the retardation factor of phenanthrene tion. This opposite hypothesis has not been thoroughly inves-
in a dark quarry sand column reduced by an average factor of tigated during the past two decades. A few researchers such as
1.8 in the present of silty clay loam (soil DOM). Their exper- Knabner et al. [18] and Totsche et al. [19] considered this
iments show that colloids concentration and distribution coef- aspect of colloid-associated transport in their research papers.
ficients between contaminants, colloids, and solid matrix play They demonstrated that contaminant transport in the presence
a significant role in the migration of contaminants. of colloids could be enhanced or retarded, and this issue de-
Other parameters such as colloid size, soil structure, and pends on the sorption reaction rate of both colloids and
aqueous phase velocity are important factors affecting the fine contaminants.
particles migration in the porous media. Sirivithayapakorn and Bekhit and Hassan [1] developed a two-dimensional nu-
Keller [11] experimentally studied the phenomenon of size merical model of contaminant transport in the presence of
exclusion, the effect of pore throat to colloid diameter ratio colloids. They adopted finite differences with the total
(T/C ratio), and flow velocity on colloid transport. They variance-diminishing (TVD) scheme for solving the
Colloid-Associated Groundwater Contaminant Transport
governing equations numerically. They tested their model model should be modified as a three-phase model [3]. The
against different situations to evaluate the impact of kinetic interactions between colloidal particles and contaminants in
reactions on facilitating or retarding contaminant plumes in saturated homogeneous porous media can be treated as a
two-dimensional domains. Bekhit and Hassan [20] considered three-phase, six unknown constituents system. Figure 1 dem-
different sorption isotherms and investigated the effect of non- onstrates a diagram for this system.
linear and nonequilibrium interactions. They showed that The colloidal particles are considered to be suspended in
employing linear isotherms in any situation for colloid- the aqueous phase or attached to the solid matrix. Corapcioglu
associated contaminant transport may lead to inaccurate and Jiang [8] assumed that the amount of contaminant mass
results. adsorbed on particles is negligible in comparison to the mass
Recently, contaminant transport in the presence of of the colloidal particles. From this perspective, the mass bal-
biocolloids has been significantly studied. Bekhit et al. [21] ance equation for colloidal particles suspended in the aqueous
developed a conceptual and mathematical model and consid- phase is given by:
ered contaminant transport in groundwater in the presence of
∂½ðn−σc ÞC c
colloids and bacteria. Sen [22] has reviewed a large volume of ¼ −∇: J cf −Qcm ð1Þ
work that has already been performed towards understanding ∂t s
the processes in pathogenic biocolloidal contaminants trans- The mass balance equation for colloidal particles captured
port in saturated and unsaturated porous media. Syngouna and on the solid matrix is expressed by:
Chrysikopoulos [23] conducted experiments to investigate the
effects of cotransport of colloidal clay and viruses in saturated ∂ð ρ c σ c Þ
¼ Qcm ð2Þ
porous media. These experiments have been done in ∂t s
Brownian diffusion coefficient (L2/T), and qw is the specific (1/T). Kinetic expressions for the simultaneous contaminant
discharge of water (L/T) [8]. capture/release mechanism are expressed by
The remaining four constituents include mass fraction of
contaminant adhered to mobile colloid surfaces per unit mass Qacm ¼ K m
a ðn−σc ÞC d −K sm ðn−σc ÞC c σcm
of mobile colloids, σcm, mass fraction of contaminant adhered þ K 2 ρc σc σcc −K 1 ðn−σc ÞC c σcm ð11Þ
to immobile colloid surfaces per unit mass of immobile col-
loids, σcc, mass concentration of contaminant dissolved in the Qacc ¼ K im
a ðn−σc ÞC d −K sc ρc σc σcc −K 2 ρc σc σcc
aqueous phase Cd (M/L3) and finally mass fraction of contam-
þ K 1 ðn−σc ÞC c σcm ð12Þ
inant adsorbed to the stationary solid matrix, σd. These re-
maining four constituents related to the forms that contami- Qad ¼ K f r ðn−σc ÞC d −K br ρb σd ð13Þ
nant can take in the groundwater in the presence of colloids.
The mass balance equation for contaminant adhered to mo- Where Km im
a and Ka are adsorption rate coefficients of con-
bile colloid surfaces can be written by: taminant on mobile and immobile colloids, respectively. Ksm
is the contaminant desorption rate coefficient of mobile col-
∂½ðn−σc Þσcm C c loids (1/T) and Ksc is the contaminant desorption rate coeffi-
¼ −∇: σcm J cf þ Qacm ð5Þ
∂t cient of immobile colloids (1/T). Kfr and Kbr are adsorption
and desorption rate coefficient of contaminant onto and from
The mass balance equation for contaminant adhered to col-
the solid matrix, respectively (1/T).
loids captured on solid matrix is expressed by:
When equilibrium conditions exist, the net rate of colloids
∂ðσcc ρc σc Þ captured on the solid matrix is equal to zero, Qcms = 0 [25]. It
¼ Qacc ð6Þ occurs when the sorption of the colloids to the solid matrix is
reversible and instantaneous; in this situation, Eq. (10) can be
The mass balance equation for contaminant dissolved in simplified to:
the aqueous phase is given by:
K 1 ðn−σc Þ
∂½ðn−σc ÞC d σc ¼ Cc ð14Þ
¼ −∇: J df −Qacm −Qacc −Qad ð7Þ K 2 ρc
Equilibrium distribution coefficient of colloids with the
And finally the mass balance equation for contaminant ad- stationary solid matrix can be defined as:
hered to the solid matrix can be written by:
K 1 ðn−σc Þ
∂ð ρ b σ d Þ K6 ¼ ð15Þ
¼ Qad ð8Þ K 2 ρc
Moreover, the equilibrium sorption of colloids is expressed
In Eqs. (5) to (8), Qacm is the net rate of contaminant sorp-
tion to mobile colloid surfaces (M/L3T), Qacc is the net rate of
contaminant sorption to immobile colloid surfaces (M/L3T), σc ¼ K 6 C c ð16Þ
Qad is the net rate of contaminant capture onto the solid matrix
(M/L3T), and Jfd is the specific mass discharge of dissolved When the sorption of contaminant to mobile and immobile
contaminant (L/T). colloids is in equilibrium, the mass transfer rates of the con-
taminant adsorbing and desorbing from the mobile and immo-
J df ¼ −D∇½ðn−σc ÞC d þ qW C d ð9Þ bile colloids are equal. When the sorption of contaminant to
immobile colloids is in equilibrium,
D is the hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient of contami-
nant (L2/T), where D* = DB + DMD is the hydrodynamic dis- a ðn−σc ÞC d ¼ K sc ρc σc σcc
K im ð17Þ
persion coefficient of colloids (L2/T), and qW = (n − σc)V. V is im
K a ðn−σc Þ
the aqueous phase velocity (L/T). Eqs. (1), (2) and (5) to (8) σcc ¼ Cd ð18Þ
are governed on this phenomenon, and for a description of K sc ρc σc
a a a
each approach, we should define Qcm s , Qcc, Qcm and Qd spe- The equilibrium sorption of dissolved contaminants to im-
cifically. Kinetic expression for the simultaneous colloid mobile colloids is expressed by:
capture/release mechanism is given by:
σcc ¼ K 4 C d ð19Þ
s ¼ K 1 ðn−σc ÞC c −K 2 ρc σc
Qcm ð10Þ
Where K1 and K2 are the first-order adsorption and release Where K4 is the equilibrium distribution coefficient of dis-
rate coefficients onto and from the solid matrix, respectively solved contaminant with immobile colloids (L3/M). Likewise,
Colloid-Associated Groundwater Contaminant Transport
σcm ¼ K 5 C d ð22Þ
mass partitioning between colloids, solid matrix, and Likewise, the substitution of Eqs. (4), (11), and (12) into (5)
contaminant. and (6) yields:
∂ C *c σcm ∂C * ∂σcm ∂2 C *c ∂C *c
¼ D* c −V C *c þ D* −V −ðK sm þ K 1 ÞC *c σcm
∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x 2 ∂x
2.3 Kinetic Approach þK m
a C d þ K 2 σc σcc
* *
A set of model equations for colloid-associated contaminant
transport in saturated homogeneous porous media is presented ∂ σ*c σcc
¼ K im
a C d −ðK sc þ K 2 Þσc σcc þ K 1 C c σcm
* * *
by assuming linear kinetic isotherm for mass partitioning be- ∂t
tween contaminant, colloids, and solid matrix. This assump-
Furthermore, upon substitution of Eqs. (9), (11), (12), and
tion implicitly expresses that the sorption sites for solutes are
(13) into Eqs. (7) and (8), the mass balance equation for dis-
abundant in the system. Failure to consider proper kinetic
solved contaminant and contaminant sorbed on solid matrix
isotherm assumption may lead to dramatic error in the model
can be expressed by Eqs. (36) and (37), respectively
prediction. Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram for the kinetic
approach. This figure is a conceptual schematic diagram and ∂C *d ∂2 C * ∂C *d
illustrates the reaction processes between contaminant, col- ¼ D 2d −V −K m
a C d −K a C d þ K sc σc σcc
* im * *
∂t ∂x ∂x
loids, and solid matrix.
þ K sm C *c σcm −K f r C *d þ K br σ*d ð36Þ
For expression of this model in a one-dimensional form, we
assume that (n − σc) = θ = const and aqueous phase velocity is ∂σ*d
constant. Where C*c = θCc, σ*c = ρcσc, C*d = θCd, and σ*d = ρbσd, ¼ K f r C *d −K br σ*d ð37Þ
the substitution of Eqs. (4) and (10) into Eqs. (1) and (2)
yields: Equations (32) to (37) form a set of equations which is almost
impossible to be solved analytically. For solving this problem, we
∂C *c ∂2 C *c ∂C *c should use numerical methods. The next section describes a
¼ D* −V −K 1 C *c þ K 2 σ*c ð32Þ
∂t ∂x 2 ∂x method which has been used to solve the set of equations.
¼ K 1 C *c −K 2 σ*c ð33Þ
3 Numerical Modeling
C d ðx; t Þ ¼ C d0 at x ¼ 0 ð38Þ
∂C d ðx; t Þ
¼ 0 at x ¼ L ð39Þ
C d ðx; t Þ ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0 ð40Þ
Where σ*(n
+ 1)
d , σd , σcm and σcc , respectively [8]. The finite
, C(n) (n) (n) (n)
V Δt ð55Þ
P¼ :
2Δx ðnþ1Þ 1 ðnÞ K f r Δt ðnÞ
σ*d i ¼ σ*d i þ C* ð56Þ
1 þ K br Δt 1 þ K br Δt d i
In kinetic approach, Eqs. (32) and (33) can be solved inde-
pendently of the rest of the equations. The following initial ðnþ1Þ ðnþ1Þ ðnþ1Þ
S 3 σcm i−1 þ C *c i −P3 σcm i −S 3 σcm iþ1
and boundary conditions are employed for the colloids trans-
port problem: ðnþ1Þ ðnÞ ðnÞ ðnþ1Þ ðnÞ
¼ C *c i σcm i þ K m a C d i Δt þ K 2 σc i
* *
σcc i Δt ð57Þ
C *c ðx; t Þ ¼ C *c0 at x ¼ 0 ð42Þ ðnþ1Þ
σcc i ¼ 1
ðσ*c ði nþ1Þ þðK sc þK 2 Þσ*c ði nþ1Þ ΔtÞ
∂C *c ðx; t Þ
ðnþ1Þ ð58Þ
¼0 at x ¼ L ð43Þ σ*c i
σcc i þ K im C * ðnÞ
Δt þ K C * ðnþ1Þ
∂x a di 1 ci cm i
C *c ðx; t Þ ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0 ð44Þ
σ*c ðx; t Þ ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0 ð45Þ
DΔt V Δt ST :Δt
S2 ¼ ; P2 ¼ ; S3 ¼ ; P3 ¼ SQ:Δt; ST
L is the length of the column, and is the initial mass Cc0* Δx 2 2Δx 2Δx
concentration of colloids times θ at the column boundary. " ! #
* ðnþ1Þ * ðnþ1Þ
* C c iþ1 −C c i−1 * ðnþ1Þ
Numerical solution of Eqs. (32) and (33) are expressed by: ¼ D −V C c i
ðnþ1Þ K 1 K 2 ðΔt Þ2 ðnþ1Þ ðnþ1Þ
ð−S 1 −P1 ÞC *c i−1 þ 1 þ 2S 1 þ K 1 Δt− C *c i −ðS 1 −P1 ÞC *c iþ1 ¼
1 þ K 2 Δt and
ðnÞ K 2 Δt ðnÞ
C *c i þ σ* " ðnþ1Þ ðnþ1Þ ðnþ1Þ ! ðnþ1Þ ðnþ1Þ ! #
1 þ K 2 Δt c i C *c iþ1 −2C *c i þ C *c i−1 C *c iþ1 −C *c i−1 ðnþ1Þ
SQ ¼ D* −V −ðK sm þ K 1 ÞC *c i :
ð46Þ 2Δx2 2Δx
Where S1 = D*Δt/Δx2 and P1 = VΔt/2Δx. As mentioned 4 Models Verification and Sensitivity Analysis
above, two last equations (e.g., (46) and (47)) can be solved
independently. A similar fully finite difference scheme with The accuracy of the proposed numerical models should be
the following initial and boundary conditions is employed to evaluated. The results of numerical modeling for the equilib-
solve the contaminant transport problem: rium and kinetic approaches have been examined with two
different types of laboratory experiments. Parameters of these
C *d ðx; t Þ ¼ C *d0 at x ¼ 0; t ¼ pulse duration ð48Þ two models are listed in Tables 1 and 2. We used the proposed
∂C *d ðx; t Þ equilibrium model to simulate the transport of phenanthrene in
¼ 0 at x ¼ L ð49Þ porous media in the presence of dissolved organic matter
(DOM) as reported by Magee et al. [10]. Moreover, we
C *d ðx; t Þ ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0 ð50Þ
employed the proposed kinetic model to simulate the transport
σcm ðx; t Þ ¼ 0 at x ¼ 0 ð51Þ of cesium in porous media in the presence of amorphous silica
σcm ðx; t Þ ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0 ð52Þ colloids as reported by Noell et al. [25]. In the equilibrium
model experiment, the high and constant level of colloids
σcc ðx; t Þ ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0 ð53Þ concentration was employed into the finite column, and con-
σ*d ðx; t Þ ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0 ð54Þ stant concentration of contaminant continuously was injected
with constant velocity.
C*d0 is the initial mass concentration of dissolved contami- Magee et al. [10] conducted experiments to predict the
nant times θ at the column boundary. Eqs. (34) to (37) are phenanthrene transport in the presence of DOM. They
solved as a set of equations simultaneously. Solutions for employed a 5.5-cm-long glass column with 25-mm diameter.
+ 1)
, σ(n
+ 1)
, σ(n
cm , σcc
+ 1) (n + 1)
are obtained by using C*(n
+ 1)
, They used the dark quarry sand as porous media and silty clay
M. Kheirabadi et al.
Table 1 Equilibrium model parameters sorption of DOM by the dark sand can justify the constant
Description Parameter Value colloids concentration assumption. Figure 4 shows the per-
centage of effluent phenanthrene with and without the pres-
Column length L 5.5 cm ence of DOM. Duplicate experimental data reported by
Column diameter Di 2.5 cm Magee et al. [10] shows phenanthrene eluted faster in the
Dry bulk density of the solid matrix ρb 1.61 × 106 mg/
l presence of colloids. It can be seen the breakthrough curves
Density of colloidal particles ρc 1.94 × 106 mg/ obtained from proposed model, A and B, match with the ex-
l perimental data favorably. The results were reported for total
Equilibrium distribution coefficient of dissolved K4 0.00438 l/mg
contaminant with immobile colloids mobile contaminant, Cdt i.e.
Equilibrium distribution coefficient of dissolved K5 0.00438 l/mg
contaminant with mobile colloids C d t ¼ C d þ σcm C c ð59Þ
Equilibrium distribution coefficient of colloids K′6 0.601 × 10−6
with the stationary solid matrix defined in l/mg For sensitivity analyzes, we employed previous models
terms of volumetric fraction of deposition, parameters [10, 25]. Sensitivity analyzes to various rate coef-
equal to K6ρc/ρb ficients have been presented for equilibrium approach in
Mass concentration of suspended colloids in the Cc 99 mg/l
aqueous phase Figs. 5, 6, and 7. The range of rate constants depends on the
Initial mass concentration of contaminant Cd0 0.0392 mg/l chemical characteristics of colloids and soil grains surface [8].
dissolved in the aqueous phase at x = 0 In Fig. 5, we used R*c as a combination of equilibrium model
Porosity (without – with DOM presence)
parameters, i.e., K3, K4, K5, K′6, and Cc to investigate the
n 0.299–0.397
Equilibrium distribution coefficient of dissolved K3 6.29 × 10−5
contaminant with the stationary solid matrix l/mg overall sensitivity of the model.
Hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient of D 0.0287 cm2/s As can be seen in Fig. 5 when R*c increases, the total mobile
contaminant decrease significantly. In Fig. 6, we fixed all the
aqueous phase velocity V 0.000278 cm/s
reaction rates, and with changing the mass concentration of
suspended colloids, we have examined the effect of changes in
loam (Rhinebeck) as DOM or colloidal particles. The solution the mass concentration of the total mobile contaminant.
had a pH in the range of 6.4–7.5 and 99 mg/L colloids con- In addition to chemical parameters, sensitivity analysis has
centration. High level of colloids concentration and low been fulfilled for investigating the effects of changes in hydro-
dynamic dispersion coefficient of contaminant, D. Figure 7
Table 2 Kinetic model parameters illustrates that changes in hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient
Description Parameter Value of contaminant make significant changes in total mobile con-
(column 1) taminant transport.
To test the accuracy of the proposed numerical kinetic
Column length L 49.5 cm model, we have used the experiment results of Noell et al.
Column diameter Di 0.635 cm
Dry bulk density of the solid matrix ρb 1.51 g/ml [25]. They conducted experiments to predict the cesium
Density of colloidal particles ρc 2.2 g/ml
Initial mass concentration of suspended colloids Cc0 200 mg/l
in the aqueous phase at x = 0
Initial mass concentration of contaminant Cd0 0.398 μm/l
dissolved in the aqueous phase at x = 0
Porosity n 0.4
Longitudinal dispersivity αL 0.1 cm
Aqueous phase velocity V 0.0044 cm/
Adsorption rate coefficient of colloids K1 4 × 10−4 1/s
onto the solid matrix
Release rate coefficient of colloids K2 1.6 × 10−3
from the solid matrix 1/s
Adsorption rate coefficient of contaminant Km
a 1.0 × 10−3
on mobile colloids 1/s
Adsorption rate coefficient of contaminant Kim
a 1.0 × 10−3
on immobile colloids 1/s
Contaminant desorption rate coefficient Ksm 3.33 × 10−3
of mobile colloids 1/s
Contaminant desorption rate coefficient Ksc 3.33 × 10−3
of immobile colloids 1/s
Adsorption rate coefficient of contaminant onto the Kfr 2.70 × 10−3
solid matrix 1/s Fig. 4 Comparison between the simulated breakthrough curves with
Contaminant desorption rate coefficient Kbr 3.98 × 10−4 experimental data of Magee et al. [10]: (A) predicted curve with the
of the solid matrix 1/s equilibrium model without colloids and (B) predicted curve with the
equilibrium model with colloids
Colloid-Associated Groundwater Contaminant Transport
transport in the presence of amorphous silica colloids. They colloidal particles flowing through these columns were con-
employed a 45.9-cm-long acrylic glass column with 6.35-mm tinuous with constant velocity.
diameter. They employed replicate columns with two different Sensitivity analyzes to various rate coefficients have
sized glass beads. To simulate our proposed kinetic model, we been presented for the kinetic approach in Figs. 9, 10,
used physical parameters determined for column 1. They used 11, and 12. We considered constant feed of colloids and
synthetic water, which had a pH of 8.9 and an alkalinity of contaminant solutions in sensitivity analyzes forK1, Ka,
11.44 meq/l. They named this water synthetic P-1 water. At andD. Figure 9 illustrates the sensitivity of total mobile
high pH, amorphous silica colloids could remain stable in contaminant concentration to the adsorption rate coeffi-
solution. Figure 6 shows the percentage of effluent cesium cient of colloids onto the solid matrix, K1. It shows that
with the presence of colloids. Experimental data reported by a decrease in deposition rate coefficient can make a sig-
Noell et al. [25] show that cesium eluted faster in the presence nificant effect on total mobile contaminant breakthrough
of colloids. As seen in Fig. 8, the breakthrough curve matches curves and an increase in total mobile contaminant trans-
favorably with the experimental data. In kinetic model exper- port. Obviously, it can be recognized that K2 has a similar
iments, the influence of colloids on contaminant migration effect, but reversely. It indicates that contaminants with
was tested by injecting 0.09 pore volume slugs of an equili- high adsorption rate coefficient will be more mobile in
brated suspension of cesium and colloids into the columns. the presence of mobile colloids.
This pulse has been employed for each experiment, and the
Fig. 6 Sensitivity of equilibrium model to changes in mass concentration Fig. 8 Comparison between the simulated breakthrough curve with
of suspended colloids in the aqueous phase experimental data of Noell et al. [25]
M. Kheirabadi et al.
Fig. 9 Sensitivity of the kinetic model to changes in adsorption rate Fig. 11 Sensitivity of the kinetic model to changes in hydrodynamic
coefficient of colloids onto the solid matrix, K1 dispersion coefficient, D
We assume that the adsorption rate coefficient of contam- physical parameters of the model, i.e., D and Cc. In numerical
inant on mobile colloids is equal to the adsorption rate coeffi- modeling, we assumed hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient
cient of contaminant on immobile colloids, i.e., Km im
a = Ka = Ka. of colloids, D*is equal to hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient
Figure 10 shows the effects of changes in Ka on the total of contaminant, D. Figure 11 illustrates the sensitivity of the
mobile contaminant concentration. As seen in Fig. 10, at small kinetic model to hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient, D.
pore volumes, increasing Ka has an adverse effect on the total Changes in hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient of contami-
mobile contaminant transport. It can be attributed to increas- nant have a significant effect on total mobile contaminant
ing in Kim
a . However, finally, because of larger K2 than K1, as transport. This parameter is highly influential, and error in
expected, by increasing Ka the total mobile contaminant con- its calculation can make a tremendous error in the model
centration increases. prediction.
Changes in contaminant desorption rate coefficient for mo- Lastly, we investigated the sensitivity of the kinetic model
bile and immobile colloids, Ksm and Ksc, could create opposite to changes in Cc. Figure 12 shows the sensitivity of the kinetic
effects to Ka. Changes in the two other remaining factors, i.e., model to changes in initial colloid concentration, Cc0. For a
Kfr and Kbr, have significant effects on the total contaminant better illustration of sensitivity analysis, we used experimental
concentration, but there is no interaction between these rate model parameter exactly. Unexpectedly, changes in Cc do not
constants and absence or presence of colloids. In addition to have any impact on the behavior of the model. It is very
chemical parameters of the model, we investigated changes in
Fig. 10 Sensitivity of the kinetic model to changes in adsorption rate Fig. 12 Sensitivity of the kinetic model to changes in initial colloid
coefficient of contaminant on colloids, Ka concentration, Cc
Colloid-Associated Groundwater Contaminant Transport
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