Applying Educational Theory in Practice
Applying Educational Theory in Practice
Applying Educational Theory in Practice
2003;326;213-216 BMJ
David M Kaufman
Applying educational theory in practice
ABC of learning and teaching in medicine:
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ABC of learning and teaching in medicine
Applying educational theory in practice
David M Kaufman
How many times have we as teachers been confronted with
situations in which we really were not sure what to do? We flew
by the seat of our pants, usually doing with our learners what
had been done with us. It would be useful to be able to turn to a
set of guiding principles based on evidence, or at least on long
term successful experience.
Fortunately, a body of theory exists that can inform practice.
An unfortunate gap between academics and practitioners,
however, has led to a perception of theory as belonging to an
ivory tower and not relevant to practice. Yet the old adage that
there is nothing more practical than a good theory still rings
true today. This chapter describes several educational theories
and guiding principles and then shows how these could be
applied to three case studies realting to the real world.
Adult learning theory
Malcolm Knowles introduced the term andragogy to North
America, defining it as the art and science of helping adults
learn. Andragogy is based on five assumptionsabout how
adults learn and their attitude towards and motivation for
Knowles later derived seven principles of andragogy. Most
theorists agree that andragogy is not really a theory of adult
learning, but they regard Knowles principles as guidelines on
how to teach learners who tend to be at least somewhat
independent and self directed. His principles can be
summarised as follows:
x Establish an effective learning climate, where learners feel
safe and comfortable expressing themselves
x Involve learners in mutual planning of relevant methods and
curricular content
x Involve learners in diagnosing their own needsthis will help
to trigger internal motivation.
x Encourage learners to formulate their own learning
objectivesthis gives them more control of their learning
x Encourage learners to identify resources and devise strategies
for using the resources to achieve their objectives
x Support learners in carrying out their learning plans
x Involve learners in evaluating their own learningthis can
develop their skills of critical reflection.
Self directed learning
Self directed learning can be viewed as a method of organising
teaching and learning in which the learning tasks are largely
within the learners control (as with the adult learning
principles described above).
It can also be viewed as a goal towards which learners strive
so that they become empowered to accept personal
responsibility for their own learning, personal autonomy, and
individual choice. Success in the first view would lead to
attaining the second.
Philip Candy identified in the literature about 100 traits
associated with self direction, which he synthesised as the ability
to be methodical and disciplined; logical and analytical;
collaborative and interdependent; curious, open, creative, and
Andragogyfive assumptions about adult learning
x Adults are independent and self directing
x They have accumulated a great deal of experience, which is a rich
resource for learning
x They value learning that integrates with the demands of their
everyday life
x They are more interested in immediate, problem centred
approaches than in subject centred ones
x They are more motivated to learn by internal drives than by
external ones
Self directed learning
x Organising teaching and learning so that
learning is within the learners control
x A goal towards which learners strive so that they
become able to accept responsibility for their
own learning
Learners need to feel safe and comfortable expressing themselves
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motivated; persistent and responsible; confident and competent
at learning; and reflective and self aware.
How do we develop these traits in our learners? Most
importantly, learners must have the opportunity to develop and
practise skills that directly improve self directed learning. These
skills include asking questions, critically appraising new
information, identifying their own knowledge and skill gaps,
and reflecting critically on their learning process and outcomes.
Self efficacy
According to Albert Bandura, peoples judgments of their own
ability to deal with different situations is central to their actions.
These actions include what they choose to do, how much effort
they invest in activities, how long they persist in the face of
adversity, and whether they approach the tasks anxiously or
These judgments, called self efficacy, may or may not be
accurate, but they arise from four main information sources. In
decreasing order of their strength, these sources are:
performance attainments, observations of other people, verbal
persuasion, and physiological state. Successes raise our self
efficacy, while failures lower it. Failures are particularly likely to
lower our self efficacy if they occur early in the learning process
and are not due to lack of effort or difficult situations.
Observing other people similar to us performing
successfully can strengthen our beliefs that we can perform
similar tasks, especially when the tasks are unfamiliar. Verbal
persuasion from a credible source also can help.
Finally, we (both teachers and learners) need to re-interpret
our anxiety or nervousness in difficult situations as excitement
or anticipation, rather than as an ominous sign of vulnerability.
Constructivism has important implications for teaching and
learning. Firstly, the teacher is viewed not as a transmitter of
knowledge but as a guide who facilitates learning. Secondly, as
learning is based on prior knowledge, teachers should provide
learning experiences that expose inconsistencies between
students current understandings and their new experiences.
Thirdly, teachers should engage students in their learning in an
active way, using relevant problems and group interaction.
Fourthly, if new knowledge is to be actively acquired, sufficient
time must be provided for in-depth examination of new
Reflective practice
The theory of reflective practice is attributed primarily to
Donald Schn, whose work is based on the study of a range of
professions. He argues that formal theory acquired through
professional preparation is often not useful to the solution of
the real life messy, indeterminate problems of practice.
Schn labels professionals automatic ways of practising as
professional zones of masterythat is, areas of competence.
Unexpected events or surprises trigger two kinds of reflection.
The first, reflection in action, occurs immediately. It is the
ability to learn and develop continually by creatively applying
current and past experiences and reasoning to unfamiliar
events while they are occurring. The second, reflection on
action, occurs later. It is a process of thinking back on what
happened in a past situation, what may have contributed to the
unexpected event, whether the actions taken were appropriate,
and how this situation may affect future practice.
Self efficacyroles for the teacher
x Modelling or demonstration
x Setting a clear goal or image of the desired outcome
x Providing basic knowledge and skills needed as the foundation for
the task
x Providing guided practice with corrective feedback
x Giving students the opportunity to reflect on their learning
The primary idea of constructivism is that learners
construct their own knowledge on the basis of what they
already know. This theory posits that learning is active,
rather than passive, with learners making judgments
about when and how to modify their knowledge
Learners should identify their own knowledge gaps and critically appraise
new information
Teachers and learners need to view any anxiety or nervousness in difficult
situations as excitement or anticipation
Reflection in action
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Through the process of reflecting both in practice and on
practice, practitioners continually reshape their approaches
and develop wisdom or artistry in their practice. Activities
such as debriefing with peers or learners, seeking feedback from
learners on a regular basis, and keeping a journal can provide
vehicles for reflective practice.
Converting theory into practice
Each of the educational theories presented here can guide our
teaching practices. Some theories will be more helpful than
others in particular contexts. However, several principles also
emerge from these theories, and these can provide helpful
guidance for medical educators.
Three cases studies
The boxes (right) describe three real world case studies
representing situations encountered in medical education
settings. The educational theories described above, and the
principles which emerge from them, can guide us in solving the
problems posed in these three cases.
Case 1 solution
You could present an interactive lecture on the autonomic
nervous system. You could distribute a notetaking guide. This
would contain key points, space for written notes, and two key
multiple choice or short answer questions requiring higher
level thinking (principle 1, see box above). You could stop twice
during the lecture and ask the students to discuss their response
to each question with their neighbours (principles 1, 3, and 5). A
show of hands would determine the class responses to the
question (checking for understanding) and you could then give
the correct answer (principle 5). Finally, you could assign a
learning issue for the students to research in their own time
(principle 4).
Case 2 solution
You could assign the students to small groups of four to six, and
ask each group to submit two case studies describing clinical
ethics issues in their local hospitals (principles 1 and 2). The
ethics theory and approach needed to analyse these cases could
be prepared by experts and presented on a website in advance
of the sessions (principles 4, 5). The first of the six blocks of two
hours could be used to discuss the material on the website and
clarify any misunderstandings (principle 5). You could then
show the students how to work though a case, with participation
by the class (principle 7). The other five blocks could then be
used for each small group to work through some of the cases
prepared earlier, followed by a debriefing session with the
whole class (principles 5 and 6).
Case 3 solution
You could first invite the registrar to observe you with patients,
and do a quick debrief at the end of the day (principles 2, 6, and
7). With help from you, she could then develop her own
learning goals, based on the certification requirements and
perceived areas of weakness (principles 1, 3, and 4). These goals
would provide the framework for assessing the registrars
performance with patients (principles 5, 6). You could observe
and provide feedback (principle 5). Finally, the registrar could
begin to see patients alone and keep a journal (written or
electronic) in which she records the results of reflection on
practice (principle 6). She could also record in her journal the
personal learning issues arising from her patients, could
conduct self directed learning on these, and could document
her findings in the journal (principles 1, 4, and 6). You could
provide feedback on the journal (principle 5). If practical, the
Seven principles to guide teaching practice
1 The learner should be an active contributor to the educational
2 Learning should closely relate to understanding and solving real
life problems
3 Learners current knowledge and experience are critical in new
learning situations and need to be taken into account
4 Learners should be given the opportunity and support to use self
direction in their learning
5 Learners should be given opportunities and support for practice,
accompanied by self assessment and constructive feedback from
teachers and peers
6 Learners should be given opportunities to reflect on their practice;
this involves analysing and assessing their own performance and
developing new perspectives and options
7 Use of role models by medical educators has a major impact on
learners. As people often teach the way they were taught, medical
educators should model these educational principles with their
students and junior doctors. This will help the next generation of
teachers and learners to become more effective and should lead to
better care for patients
Case 1: Teaching basic science
You have been asked to give a lecture on the
autonomic nervous system to a first year medical
class of 120 students. This has traditionally been
a difficult subject for the class, particularly as it
has not been explicitly covered by faculty in the
problem based anatomy course. You wonder how
you can make this topic understandable to the
class in a 50-minute lecture.
Case 2: Ethics education
You are a member of a course committee in the
department of internal medicine, which is
charged with the task of integrating the topic of
ethics into the third year medicine rotation. Your
committee has been given six blocks of two
hours over a 12 week period. You wonder how to
make the material engaging, understandable, and
useful to the students.
Case 3: General practice training
You are the trainer for a first year registrar in her
first year of a general practice training
programme. Your practice is so busy that you
have very little time to spend with her. You
wonder how you can contribute to providing a
valuable learning experience for your trainee.
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cohort of registrars could communicate via the internet to
discuss their insights and experiences (principle 6).
This article has attempted to show how the gap between
educational theory and practice can be bridged. By using
teaching and learning methods based on educational theories
and derived principles, medical educators will become more
effective teachers. This will enhance the development of
knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes in their learners, and
improve the next generation of teachers. Ultimately, this should
result in better trained doctors who provide an even higher
level of patient care and improved patient outcomes.
David M Kaufman is director of the Learning and Instructional
Development Centre at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British
Columbia, Canada (
The ABC of learning and teaching in medicine is edited by Peter
Cantillon, senior lecturer in medical informatics and medical
education, National University of Ireland, Galway, Republic of Ireland;
Linda Hutchinson, director of education and workforce development
and consultant paediatrician, University Hospital Lewisham; and
Diana F Wood, deputy dean for education and consultant
endocrinologist, Barts and the London, Queen Marys School of
Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary, University of London. The
series will be published as a book in late spring.
BMJ 2003;326:2136
Further reading
x Bandura A. Social foundations of thought and action: a social cognitive
theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986.
x Candy PC. Self-direction for lifelong learning: a comprehensive guide to
theory and practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1991.
x Kaufman DM, Mann KV, Jennett P. Teaching and learning in medical
education: how theory can inform practice. London: Association for the
Study of Medical Education, 2000. (Monograph.)
x Knowles MS and Associates. Andragogy in action: applying modern
principles of adult learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984.
x Schn DA. Educating the reflective practitioner: toward a new design for
teaching and learning in the professions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,
Teacher Learner Outcome
with patients
From theory to practice
When I use a word
Man hater
In his review of Steve Jones book about the Y
chromosome (BMJ 2002;325:841), Fred Kavalier
wonders what the male equivalent of a misogynist is.
The Greeks had distinct words for man and
mankind. A man (as opposed to a woman) was oQtq
(aner; root andr-) and mankind (as opposed to the
beasts) was o Qt0cto (anthropos), from oQtq plus o Qq
(ops), an eye. Of course, nothing is that simple. Aner
also meant a man as opposed to a youth and a man as
opposed to a god, although for the latter the words
|oto (brotos) or 0tqto (thnetos, from thanatos,
death) were sometimes used instead. Aner could also
be a good and upright man (andres=gentlemen of the
jury) in distinction to a slave or someone
contemptuous (anthropos). But in his Historia
Animalium Aristotle used aner to mean a male animal.
Some men have manliness in their namesAndrew,
Androcles, Alexander, Leander, and Philander (in
Ariostos Orlando Furioso). Some women
tooAndromache, Hectors wife, a warring woman,
and Andromeda, a guardian or ruler of men. The title
of Thornton Wilders novella The Woman of Andros is a
punthe woman in question, Chrysis, is a prostitute.
Latin made the same distinction, between vir (a man)
and homo (mankind). Vir was connected with vis,
meaning strength, whereas homo was connected with
humus, the ground. So virility was manliness as
opposed to eunuchism, and a virago was a woman
acting like a man. A werewolf (or lycanthrope) is a
man-wolf. And by Victorian double standards, virtue in
a man implied courage, but in a woman sexual purity.
So could a vir-gin be a man-trap?
The gender of a word must not be confused with the
sex of the person to whom it refers. Anthropos and
homo are both of masculine gender, but refer to
people of both sexes. Conversely, persona, which in
Latin originally meant a mask worn in a play, is of
feminine gender. By using the word gender to mean
sex, we have lost this distinction, just as we have when
we use man to mean mankind.
So, one who hates mankind (men and women) is,
like Molires Alceste, a misanthropist. But one who
hates men, the counterpart to a misogynist, is a
Jeff Aronson clinical pharmacologist, Oxford
We welcome articles up to 600 words on topics such as
A memorable patient, A paper that changed my practice, My
most unfortunate mistake, or any other piece conveying
instruction, pathos, or humour. If possible the article
should be supplied on a disk. Permission is needed
from the patient or a relative if an identifiable patient is
referred to. We also welcome contributions for
Endpieces, consisting of quotations of up to 80 words
(but most are considerably shorter) from any source,
ancient or modern, which have appealed to the reader.
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