Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
As stated in Section 1.1.2, the terms bar, rod, and wire often imply a certain mode of processing, or process flexibility, especially regarding the ability to coil the product during process sequences. The related drawing equipment can be roughly categorized as benches, blocks, and multiple-die machines. Countless variations and subtleties exist regarding these equipment types, and a comprehensive treatment of wire drawing machinery is beyond the scope of this text. However, some useful simplifications and character istics are shown in this chapter.
While the term bench has been applied to a variety of wire processing assemblies, this text will regard drawing benches as involving the simple pulling of straight lengths, where, in the simplest cases, the length achievable is limited by the length of the bench. It should be noted, however, that continuous bench-type machines have been developed, such as systems applying a hand-over-hand pulling technique. In any case, simple bench drawing does not generally involve coiling of the drawn workpiece, although benches, particularly continuous benches, are often in tandem with straightening and cutting machines.
Wire Technology 2011 Elsevier Inc. ISBN 978-0-12-382092-1, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-382092-1.00003-8 All rights reserved.
Wire Technology
In addition to use with uncoilable workpieces (heavy-gage stock, bendsensitive stock, etc.), benches are useful for certain laboratory or development studies and for short lengths of specialty items. Drawing bench speeds do not generally exceed 100 m/min.
When bar or rod is sufficiently robust or of small enough diameter to permit coiling, block drawing may be employed. The block involves a capstan or bull block to which the rod is attached. The powered bull block turns, pulling the rod through the die and coiling the as-drawn rod on the bull block. Single block or capstan drawing is often undertaken, although multiple-block systems are common, with the rod wrapped a few times around each capstan before entering the next, smaller gage die. The capstans transmit pulling force to the rod by way of the frictional contact of the rod wraps on the capstan surface. A schematic illustration of block drawing was given in Figure 1.3. Figure 3.1 shows a commercial drawing machine with the capstans and die stations clearly indicated. Block drawing speeds are often in the range of 100 to 200 m/min, with the drawing speed, v, as:
Mehrtach-Drahtziehmaschine, Modell KRT 1250/4, Multiple wire drawing machine, model KRT 1250/4
Die station
Figure 3.1 Commercial multiple-block drawing machine with capstans and die stations indicated. (Courtesy of Morgan-Koch Corporation)
v D ; 3:1 where D is the block diameter and is the block speed in revolutions per unit time. Higher speed multiple-block systems are discussed in Section 3.4.
e Di 2
Figure 3.2 Schematic representation of a stepped cone drawing system. From J. N. Harris, Mechanical Working of Metals, Pergamon Press, New York, 1983, p. 208. Copyright held by Elsevier Limited, Oxford, UK.
Di e1
Electric motor
4 1 Blocks 2 3
Wire Technology
Figure 3.3 A stepped cone within a commercial drawing system. (Courtesy of MacchineEngineering S.r.l.)
In the case of the multiple-diameter capstan, the stepped diameters provide the series of drawing speeds consistent with the increased speed needed as the wire is reduced in cross section during the multiple-die drawing; that is, the wire is pulled through the first die by the smallest diameter on the capstan, goes through the second die, is pulled by the second smallest diameter on the capstan, and so on. The respective drawing speeds, v1, v2, v3, may be calculated from Equation 3.1 for the respective stepped cone diameters, D1, D2, D3 with the value of remaining constant. With separate capstans, the series of drawing speeds is achievable largely by driving the individual capstans at progressively higher angular velocities (values of ). All capstans may be driven by a single power source, or the capstans may be driven individually. The angular velocity may be programmed and con trolled so that the capstan surface speed is essentially the same as the intended drawing speed so that the wire does not slip on the capstan (no slip machines). Alternatively, the capstans may be driven faster so that the wire slips on the capstan by design (slip machines). Beyond this, wire speed may be controlled by variable storage of wire between passes on dynamic accumulating systems. The design and operation of multiple-die machines vary significantly from ferrous to non-ferrous practice. With the ferrous drawing, conventional multiple-die drawing speeds reach 600 m/min, and, with non-ferrous drawing,
speeds up to 2000 m/min are common. However, modern drawing machines have featured speeds several times these levels. The major limita tion to such drawing speeds lies not in the drawing process, but in the dynamic equipment necessary to payoff, handle, and take up the wire. The frequency of wire breakage is an increasing consideration at high speed, since production may be lost while restringing the machine. Some modern drawing machine systems also involve the drawing of several or many wires at once in parallel operation. With high drawing speeds and dozens of parallel lines, the productivity of these machines can be enormous. The basic principles of the individual drawing operations remain much the same, however. Important issues with such machines include string-up time, the amount of production lost due to wire breakage, the frequency of such breakage, and the cost and maintenance of the ancillary wire-handling equipment.
Wire Technology
3.6.2 If a stepped cone drawing machine lengthens the wire 26% in each drawing pass with five passes involved with no slip, and if the largest capstan diameter is 15 cm, what will be the smallest capstan diameter? Answer: The percentage increase in length in each pass is associated with an identical increase in velocity, and an identical increase in associated capstan diameter (note Equation 3.1). After five passes, the velocity and associated capstan diameter will have increased by a factor of (1.26)5, or 3.18. Thus, the final capstan diameter divided by 3.18 will be the diameter of the smallest, and first capstan. The diameter is 4.72 cm. 3.6.3 If the finishing speed in the previous problem is 1000 m/min, how many revolutions per minute is the capstan making? Answer: Rearranging Equation 3.1, the revolutions per unit time, or , is [v/(D)]. Thus, the number of revolutions per unit time is (1000 m/min)/ [()(0.15 m)], 2122 min-1, or 35.4 s-1. 3.6.4 A certain high-capacity, multi-line drawing machine is losing 4% of its productivity due to one drawing break each week. Assuming a 20-shift per week basis, with 7 active manufacturing hours per shift, estimate the time it takes to string up the machine. Answer: The number of active manufacturing hours per week is 7 x 20, or 140 hours. Four percent of this number is 5.6 hours, or the time required to string up the drawing machine.