Why Should I Become An Active Member of A Church?: Their Number That Day."
Why Should I Become An Active Member of A Church?: Their Number That Day."
Why Should I Become An Active Member of A Church?: Their Number That Day."
“I believe in Christ, but I don’t see any reason to regularly attend worship or become a member of a local
This comment is frequently heard today among people who claim to be Christians. According
to a Gallop Poll, 80% of Americans believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. However, a
significant percentage of these people seldom attend a local church and believe that participa-
tion in one is not important to their spiritual lives. They see their faith as a private matter and fail
to understand the fact that the Christian faith is intended by God to be lived in the context of a
Christian community—the church. They fail to realize that although the Christian faith is per-
sonal, it should never be private. We are to build on our essential personal devotional life by
regularly praying and worshiping with other Christians.
Evangelical Christians have properly emphasized that salvation is solely a matter of accept-
ing Christ as Savior and Lord. Yet, there has been a failure on the part of some professing
Christians to fully appreciate the important role of the local church in God’s sovereign, redemp-
tive plan. The Church is the community of God’s people called to know, love and serve Him. We
are called to live together in true community as a witness to the character and values of the
Kingdom of God. The Church is the agent of God’s mission on earth. The Gospel—the good
news of God’s love in Christ—calls us to someone, as well as something. That someone is
Jesus Christ and that something is His church. The Gospel calls us into communion with Christ
and into fellowship with God’s people—the Church.
Based on the Evangelical Presbyterian Church vows of church membership.