Dr. Israr Ahmed Preached That The Quran Is Not The Real
Dr. Israr Ahmed Preached That The Quran Is Not The Real
Dr. Israr Ahmed Preached That The Quran Is Not The Real
Israr Ahmad
Dr. Israr Ahmed Preached That the Quran Is Not the Real
Zarb-e-Haq’s Commentary: …. the intellectual commentaries of the Ulema exist in their academic and non
academic books. Whilst one can also deem such commentaries as incorrect, it remains an unequivocal fact
that none of these scholars of commentary ever had doubts over the authenticity of the Quran. This Quranic
verses are deemed sufficient enough about the protection of the present Quran. Qazi Abdul Kareem Kalachi
kept strking his head on account of the statement of Maulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri about Tahreef of words
in the Quran in his ‘Faiz al Baari’. Had Maulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri like Dr. Israr spoken these words in
public gatherings or common gatherings of scholars then he would have been excommunicated from Islam
and would have been forced for repent…”
Monthly Zarb-e-Haq, for the month of May 2005 (Madressa Mehmoodia, Jain Road, Gazdarabad, Ranchod
Line Karachi) (http://www.answering-ansar.org/answers/tahreef/zarbehaq.jpg)
We would like to ask the mullhas why they are merely targeting Dr. Israr Ahmed? It is not like he woke up
in the morning and inexplicably uttered those words. His theory is based on the various Sunni traditions that
imply that mistakes are present in the present Quran. If Deobandi logic suggests that Dr. Israr should be
deemed an infidel then what about those scholars that he relied upon to shape his theory?
When Zarbe Haq doesn't know the reality about what Anwar Shah kashmiri really said, how can you trust it
in case of Israr Ahmad? So it is to be rejected too. Find some other evidence