“Unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in
situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well-being.”
“Stress is body reaction which occurs in response of external or internal demand.”
Stress can have both positive and negative effects. It can be classified into two types on
the basis of its effects.
1. Eu-stress
2. Distress
Any stress which causes a good and positive result & outcome. Eu-stress motivates us to
achieve and fuels creativity. It also motivates us to get promotion and recognition.
Any stress which results in negative outcome and causes a burden. It is more than what a
body can bear.
Where stress enhances function (physical or mental) it may be considered as good stress.
However, if stress persists and is of excessive degree, it eventually leads to a need for
resolution, which may lead either to anxious (escape) or depressive (withdrawal)
Sources of Stress
“The circumstances that cause stress are called stressors.” There are two kinds of
1.Processive stressors
2.Systemic stressors.
Processive stressors
Processive stressors are those stressors which mostly can be experienced in case of
exposure to a new environment.
Systemic stressors
Stressors which are are usually accompanied by pain and/or intensive emotions.
Causes of Stress
Following events & causes can contribute to the stress.
Major Life Changes
Daily Hassles
“A catastrophe is a sudden, often life-threatening calamity or disaster that pushes
people to the outer limits of their coping capability.”
Catastrophes include natural disasters—such as earthquakes, tornadoes, fires,
floods, and hurricanes—as well as wars, torture, automobile accidents, violent
physical attacks, and sexual assaults.
Daily Hassles
Many people experience the same hassles every day. Examples of daily hassles
include living in a noisy neighborhood, commuting to work in heavy traffic, disliking
one’s fellow workers, worrying about owing money, waiting in a long line, and
misplacing or losing things.
A stress which is associated with blocked goal. It is negative emotional state.
“A stress which occurs when people have to make choice between two alternatives.”
In the resistance stage of body against diseases, the body adapts to the stressor and
continues to resist it with a high level of physiological arousal. When the stress persists
for a long time, and the body is chronically overactive, resistance fails and the body
moves to the exhaustion stage. In this stage, the body is vulnerable to disease and even
B. Diseases
Immune system protects the body from disease by seeking out and destroying foreign
invaders, such as viruses and bacteria. Stress makes the immunity of human body to decrease
which makes it very difficult for body to fight against illness causing germs and diseases.
D. Mental Illness
People who cope well with stress usually make more positive statements about
themselves, resist frustration, remain optimistic, and persevere even under extremely
adverse circumstances. Most importantly, they choose the appropriate strategies to
cope with the stressors they confront.
Conversely, people who cope poorly with stress tend to have somewhat opposite
personality characteristics, such as lower self-esteem and a pessimistic outlook on
A. Coping strategies
B. Social Support
Support from friends, family members, and others who care for us goes a long way in
helping us to get by in times of trouble. Social support systems provide us with emotional
sustenance, tangible resources and aid, and information when we are in need. People with
social support feel cared about and valued by others and feel a sense of belonging to a
larger social network.
C. Social Gatherings
Social gatherings like parties, dinners, trips are a source of pleasure. Greater will be the
social gatherings greater will be the chance to minimize stress.
D. Material Resources
Those with material resources such as money, wealth and properties will be able to meet
the basic needs as a result they will not suffer from problems such as health problems,
desires, and education.
Physically healthy people will cope stress more than the physically weak people.
People with positive beliefs and optimistic approach can cope stress more than people with
pessimistic and negative approach.
People with positive self image (e.g. self motivation, self esteem) will cope stress in more
effective manner.
Believe in God, Believe on others and self belief can be important resources for coping stress.
Type A people are those who talk eat and Type B people are calm, relaxed and they
walk rapidly. They are hasty in doing all the never suffer from time urgency. They can
work, passion for competition worried for relax without guilt.
deadlines of goals. Most hypertension and
blood pressure patients are Type A people.