Liber Secundus

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Liber secundus
The materi al s i n thi s book are copyri ght 1996
Cl ay Hol den and the John Dee Publ i cati on Project.
Al l ri ghts reserved.
Mysteriorum Liber
[The top quarter of a page i s mi ssi ng]
...] mysteryes, [...
...] ow toward a thi ng, r [...
...] howse i s hol l ow, i t i s empty and voyde [...
...] ants: The God of heven and erth, wi l l send i nto [...
NOTE. We bri ng tydi ngs *of l i ght.The Lord i s owr [...
you and we prayse to gi ther. Hi s name be praysed for ever O [...
i n hi s Mysteri es: O hol y and eternal l God.
he bowed down to the Chayre and then to the tabl e, and sayd,Bene
dictus qui venit in, (and there stayed a l i ttl e) and sayd agayn, Bene
dictus qui venit in, nomine Domini.
Than cam i n Mi chal , wi th a sword i n hi s hand, as he was wont: and I
sayd unto hi m, are you Mi chael ?
Mi ch. Dowt not: I am he whi ch rejoyceth i n hi m that rejoyceth i n the For=
ti tude and strength of God.
Is thi s Forme, for the Great Seal e, perfect?
Mi . The forme i s true and perfect.
Thow shal t sweare by the Li vi ng God, the strength of hi s Mercy, and
hi s Medi ci nal l vertue, powred i nto mans sowl e never to di scl ose these
Mysteri es.
yf No man, by no means, shal l perceyve any thi ng herof, by me, I wol d
thi nk that I shol d not do wel l .
Mi . Nothi ng i s cut from the Churche of God. We i n hi s Sai ncts
are bl essed for ever.
We separate the, from fyl ed and wycked persons: We move the to God.
I vow, as you requi re: God be my hel p, and Gwyde, now and ever,
MIC. Thi s i s a Mystery, skarse worthy for us oursel ves, to know, muche
l esse to Reveal e. Art thow, then, so Contented?
I am: God be my strength.
Mi c. Bl essed art thow among the Sai ncts: And bl essed are you
I wi l l pl uck the, from among the wycked [he spake

to my skryer.]
Thow Commyttest Idol atry.
But take hede of Temptati on:
The Lord hath bl essed the. Thi s i s a Mystery.
Dee, what wol dest thow have?
Recte sapere et Intelligere &c.
Mi c. Thy Desyre i s graunted the.
Use [...

To E.T.
he spake.
My Oathe
or vow
requi red
for secresi e
Mi chael
[The top quarter of a page i s mi ssi ng]
...] wi th [...
...] they are corrupted [...
...] They have byn used to the wycked Ther [...
...] I wi l l shew the i n the mi ghty hand and strength of God, what
hi s Mysteri es are: The true Ci rcl e of hi s terni ti e
Comprehendi ng al l vertue: The whol e and sacred Tri ni ti e.
Oh, hol y be he: Oh, hol y be he: Oh, hol y be he.
Uri el answered, Amen.
Mi c. Now what wi l t thow? I wol d ful l fayne procede
accordi ng to the matter i n hand.
Mi . Di vi de thi s owtward ci rcl e i nto 40 qual l partes:
whose greatest numbers are fowre. See thow do i t presentl y.
I di d so. Di vi di ng i t fi rst i nto fowre: and then every of
them i nto ten. He cal l ed Semi el , and one cam i n
and knel ed down: and great fyre cam out of hi s mowth.
Mi chael sayde, To hi m, are the Mysteri es of these Tabl es known.
Mi chael sayde, Semi el (agayn) and by and by, he sai d, O God thow hast sayd
and thow Li vest for ever. Do not thi nk here I spoake
to hi m. he spake that to us, l east we mi ght dowte of hi s l ast
speches, as bei ng spoken to Semi el : whi ch he di rected to the ternal l god
and not to Semi el . Semi el stode up, and fl ami ng
fi re cam out of hi s mowth: and than he sayd, as fol l oweth:
Sem. Mi ghty Lord, what wol dest thow wi th the Tabl es?
Mi . It i s the wi l l of God, Thow fatche them hi ther.
Sem. I, am hi s Tabl es.
Behol d these are hi s Tabl es: Lo where they are.
There cam i n 40 whi te Creatures, al l i n whi te Syl k l ong robes:
and they l i ke chyl dern: and al l they fal l yng on theyr knees sayd,
Thow onel y art Hol y among the hi ghest. O God,
Thy Name, be bl essed for ever.
Mi chael stode up out of hi s chayre, and by and by, al l hi s l eggs
semed to be l i ke two great pi l l ers of brass: and he as hi gh as hal f
way to the heven. And by and by, hi s sword was al l on fyre
and he stroke, or drew hi s sworde over al l theyr 40 heds.
The Erth quaked: and the 40 fel l down: and Mi chael cal l ed
Semi l , wi th a thundri ng voyce, and sayd,
Decl are the Mysteri es of the Li vi ng God, our God, of one
that l i veth for ever.
Sem. I am redy. Mi chael stroke over them, wi th
Semiel - forte significat Nomen meum Deus. Ita quod Tabulae istae sunt Nomen Dei,
vel Nomina Divina.
The Ci rcl e
of terni
ti e...
The Tabl es
Semi l
40 Whi te
Semi el ,
thi s etymo=
l ogi e i s as
thowgh he
wer the secre=
tari e, for
the Name
of God.
hi s sword agayne: and they al l fel l down, and Uri el al l so unto hi s
knees. And commonl y at the stri ki ng wi th hi s sword, fl amyng fyre
l i ke l i ghteni ng di d fl ash wi th al l .
Mi . NOTE: here i s a Mysteri e.
Then stept furth, one of the 40, from the rest, and opened hi s brest, whi ch
was covered wi th Syl k, and there appeared a great T al l of Gol d.
Mi . Note the Number. over the T, stode the fi gure of 4, after
thi s manner:
The 40, al l , cryed, yt l i veth and Mul ti pl yeth for ever: bl essed be
hi s name.
That creature di d shut up hi s bosome, and vani shed away, l i ke unto a fyre.
Mi . Pl ace that, i n the fi rst pl ace. It i s the name of the Lorde.
Than there seamed a great cl ap of thunder to be.
Then stepped (before the rest) one other of the 40, and knel ed as the other
di d before. And a voyce was herd sayi ng, Prayse God, for hi s name i s reverent.
Mi chael sayd to me, say after me thus,
Deus Deus Deus noster, benedictus es nunc et semper: amen.
Deus Deus Deus noster, benedictus es nunc et semper: Amen.
Deus Deus Deus noster, benedictus es nunc et semper: amen
Then thi s Creature opened hi s breast, and fyre cam oute of the stone
as before and a great romayne G appeared.
Mi . Wri te wi th reverence, These Mysteri es are Wunderful l , the
Number of hi s name, and knowl edge.
Lo, thi s i t i s, .9. Behol d, i t i s but one, and i t i s Marveyl ous.
Then thi s Creature vani shed away.
Mi . The Seal e of Gods Mercy: bl essed be thy name.
It semed to rayne, as thowgh i t had rayned fyre from heven.
Then one other of the 40 was browght furth: The rest al l fel l
down and sayd, LO, thus i s God known.
Then he opened hi s brest, and there appered an n, (not of so bi g pro=
porti on as the other), wi th the number of 7 over i t.
Mi . Multiplicatum est Nomen tuum in terra.
Then that man vani shed away as i t were i n a gol den smoke.
Mi . Thow must not wri te these thi ngs, but wi th great devoti on.
He Li veth. Then cam an other fowrth. Then al l fal l i ng
down sayde, Vidimus Gloriam tuam Domine. They were
prostrate on theyr faces. Then thi s Creature opened hi s breast
and he had there a Tabl et al l of Gol d (as i t were) and there
appered a smal l t uppon i t: and the fi gure of 9 under thi s
Letter t.
Mi . Mark i t, for thi s i s a Mysterye. Then that shewer (of the 40)
seamed to fl y up i nto the ayre, l i ke as i t were a whi te garment.
Mi . Illius Gloria sit nobiscum. Al l sayd, amen: and fel l down.
Then stode up an other, and opened hi s bosom, and shewed on hi s brest
bare (bei ng l i ke syl ver) a smal l h ; and he poi nted to i t, and over i t
was the number of 22.
Mi . Et est numerus virtutis benedictus.
Videte Angelos Lucis.
There cam an other i n, and sayd,
Et sum Finis et non est mihi Numerus. Sum Numerus in Numero.
Et omnis Numerus est mihi Numerus. Videte.
There appeared a smal l n on hi s skyn, bei ng al l spotted wi th Gol d.

T, i n the hol y
l anguage
i s Gi sg
vide lib.5.
post et est
ultima Al=
G: dicitur
Ged lib. 5.
N, dicitur,

Gi sg.


Thi s Shewer went away l i ke a
Whi te Cok fl yi ng up.
The very
fashi on of
the T was
Then he went away l i ke three fyres, red fl ami ng, and comi ng to gather
i n the myddst of the fi rmament. You must Note that i n the stone
the whol e worl d i n manner di d seme to appere, heven, and erth, &c.
Mi . ( he cryed wi th a l owde voyce) Et est vita in clis.
Then stepped furth one and sayd, Et ego vivo cum bene viventibus, and withall he
kneel ed down: and Mi chael stepped furth and toke of hi s veal e on hi s brest
and he made Cursy and stode up.
Mi . Vivamus Halleluyah. O Sanctum Nomen.
Al l fel l down on theyr faces, and Mi chael stroke over them wi th hi s sword
and a great fl ash of fyre: And thi s man hi s brest seemed open that hi s
hart appeared bl eadi ng, and therei n the l etter m , and 6, over i t thus 6
Mi c. Benedictus est Numerus Agni.
Hereuppon They al l fel l down.
Mi . Orate invicem. Hereuppon we prayed a psal me;
sayi ng one verse, and
I the other &c.
Mi . Omnia data sunt a Deo. Then cam one i n, havi ng a rownd Tabl et i n
hi s forhed and a l i ttl e o i n hi s forhed: and 22 over i t.
Mi . Et non est finis in illo.
Benedictus es tu Deus. and then that shewer vani shed away: He
fl ew up, l i ke a rownd raynbow knyt togi ther at the endes.
Mi . Angeli a nomine tuo procident Domine.
Tu es primus O Halleluyah.
One stode up and the rest fel l down, and out of hi s mowth that stode, cam
a sworde: and the poi nt, a Tri angl e, and i n the myddest of i t a
smal l a thus a , of pure gol d, graven very depe:
Et Numerus tuus vivit in cleris, sayd thi s shewer. The number
over the a.
Thi s shewer went away wi th great l i ghteni ng coveri ng al l the worl d.
Mi . Nomen illius est nobiscum. He stroke agayne wi th hi s
sword over them. Then stode one up: who, uppon his garment had an n: and he turned
abowt: and on hi s back were very many (ens) n.
Mi . Creasti tu Domine Angelos tuos ad Gloriam tuam. Over the ,n,
was the number of 14, over that n (I meane) whi ch was onel y on hi s brest.
Mi . Et te primus Creavit Deus. Then the shewer fl ew up l i ke a star.
And an other cam i n, al l hi s cl oth bei ng pl ucked up: and so seamed naked: He
hath a l i ttl e ,a,. Thi s ,a, di d go rownd abowt hi m: begynni ng at
hi s feete: and so spi ral l y upward: and he seemed to be al l cl ay.
Over the ,a, was the number 6.
Mi . Et creata sunt et pereunt in Nomine tuo. and therwi th
thi s shewer fel l down al l i nto dust on the Earth: and hi s whi te
garment fl ew up, l i ke a whi te smoke: and al l so a whi te thi ng di d
fl y out of hi s body.
Surgit Innocentia ad faciem Dei.
Mi chael di d over them agayn wi th hi s sworde, and i t seemed to l i ghten.
He began to speak, and he stopped suddenl y, and the fyre fl ew from hi s mowth.
Mi . Innocentium Nomina, et sanguinem vidisti Domine a Terra, et Justus
es in operibus tuis. Then cam one i n, wi th a garment
al l bl uddy. he was l i ke a chyl de, he had a bal l i n hi s hand of perfume
whi ch smoked: and he hath uppon hi s forhed a l i ttl e ,h,. He bowed
to Mi chael : and Mi chael sayd, Numerus tuus est infinitus, et erit
finis rerum. Thi s shewer seemed to powre hi m sel f awaye



Corrected thus,
after , by
U r i el
to be 20



Note these 3
my skryer
l i ke a fl ud of bl ud: and hi s garment fl ew upward.
Mi . Non est illi numerus.
Omnia pereunt a facie Dei, et a facie Terr.
Then stepped one furth, and l i ke a water runni ng rownd abowt hi m,
and he cryeth mi serabl y, O benedictum Nomen tuum Domine.
Numerus periit cum illis. A l i ttl e ,o, wi th 18 over i t, appered.
Thi s shewer seemed to vani sh away, and to cause a great water remayn
over al l .
Mi . Lux manet in tenebris. Gloriosum est Nomen tuum.
Then stept one furth from the rest, who fel l down, as theyr manner was.
Note: Al l the Cumpani es of these 40, stode fi ve to gi ther, and
fi ve to gi ther, and so i n ei ght Cumpanyes; each, of fi ve.
Thi s was a very whi te one: The upper partes of hi s throate, seemed open
and there seemed to cum out of i t fyre, i n very many and di verse cul l ours.
he sayd, Trinus sum.
Mi . Benedictum sit nomen El.
Than i n the myddl e of the fyres or smoke semed an ,l , thri se pl aced,
on a bl uddy cross, and over the ,l, the number 26.
Thi s shewer seamed to have three mens heds and to vani sh
away i n a myst wi th a thunder.
Mi . Labia mea laudant Dominum.
Then cam a very fayre yong one i n wi th l ong heare hangi ng on
her (or hi s) sho1ders: and on her bel l y appeared a great scotcheon; to hi r,
or hi m, Mi chael gave a fl ame of fyre: and she, or he, di d eat i t.
Mi . Et hic est El: and so appeared a l i ttl e ,l, on the scotcheon,
and i t waxed bi gger and bi gger: and a fyre di d seeme to go rownd
abowt i t.
Mi . Benedicta sit tas tua: And there appeared ,30, under the l.
There cam a great many of l i ttl e fyers and di d seeme to el evate thi s
yong woman (or chi l d) out of si ght.
Mi chael stroke hi s sword over them agayn, and sayd,
Natus est illa Lux.
Ille est Lux noster.
Then stept out an other and opened hi s whi te si l k garment uppermost: and
under i t, he seemed to be sowed up i n a whi te si l k cl oth.
He had i n hi s forhed an ,n, i n hi s brest an ,n, and i n hi s ri ght hand an ,n,.
Mi . Numerus tuus est benedictus. They al l fel l down, sayi ng,
Numerus tuus est Nobiscum: Nec adhuc novimus finem illius
Venies cum numero tuo O unus in ternum.
and they fel l al l down agayn. Thi s shewer departed cl ymi ng up i nto
the ayre, as i f he had cl ymed on a l adder.
Mi . Linguis suis cognoverunt eum.
Al l sayd, Benedictus est qui sic et sic est, throwi ng up i nto the
ayre threcornerd trenchers of thi s fashi on al l of Gol d. The
one side of the trenchers was thus marked, and the other si de had
nothi ng on.
Then stept one oute: and fyre cam out and i n of hi s mowth: he
kneel ed, the rest fel l down. Thi s seemed a transparent body,
and he had i n hi s eyes a smal l l: and i n hi s forhed the fi gure of 8.
Mi . Note thi s, under. I meane the fi gure 8. Thus,






Ged - G
. Imago: I
wri t fi rst: but,
aunci entl y, and
vul garl y both i n
wri ti ng and
pri nt, you shal l
fi nde ymago,
thowgh not
accordi ng to the
Lati ne tung

Gon con puncto,

. Note
thi s to be
the fi rst
that vani shed
away, goi ng
Mi chael .

Gi sg



Pa b
Al l sayd, Et es verus in operibus tuis: and so he vani shed away i n
a fl ame of fyre.
Mi . Gaudete omnes populi eius, gaudete omnes populi eius, ab hinc
Gaudete. Al l sayd, Amen.
one stept furth sayi ng, Incipit virtus nostra, he bei ng covered
under hi s robe, al l wi th armor: and hath a great G on hi s armor.
and the fi gure of ,7, over i t. He went behynde Mi chael
and so vani shed away.
Mi . Recte vivite omnes Sancti eius.
One stept furth: and openi ng hi s brest, there appered a boke, and
turni ng over the l eaves there appeared nothi ng but a l i ttl e ,r, and
13 over i t. He went behi nde the Chayre and so vani shed awaye.
Mi . Hic est Angelus Ecclesi me, qui doceat Ille viam meam.
There stept oute a pl ayn man, and under hi s garment a gyrdel , and
under hi s gyrdl e a Rod: and i n hi s hand he had a sworde, and i n
hi s mowth a fl ame of fyre: he had a great H uppon hi s sworde
and under i t 22. He went behynde the Chayre &c.
Mi chael standi ng up sti l l uppon hi s l eggs, l i ke pi l l ers of brass.
I axed yf I shol d not cease now, by reason of the fol k taryi ng for
us to come to supper.
Mi c. Lay away the worl d. Contynue your work:
Coniunxit spiritum mentibus illorum.
Then stept out one, havi ng under hi s garment a l i ttl e Chest, and therei n
a mans hart raw: and the hart was thus wi th two l etters, one on
the one si de ,o, and on the other a ,g,: [ As i n scotcheons of
armes, where the man and hi s wi fes armes ar joyned per pale, as the
heraul ds term i t.] Thi s shewer shut up the chest
and went hi s way.
Mi . Numerus illius est sine numero.
Then cam i n an other, sayi ng,
Tempus est. Deus vestrum agnoscite.
Thi s shewer hi s armes reached down to hi s feete: he shewed furth hi s
ri ght hand and i n i t a l i ttl e ,t, and 11 under i t.
Mi . stay; pl ace thi s, i n the second pl ace. Thi s went away.
Mi . Ymago tua, (mors,) est amara.
Then cam one i n, wi th a bi g bel l y, and fat cheekes: an hal f sword
perced hi s hart, and a l i ttl e ,y, wri tten on i t.
Justus est malis deus noster. The number of 15 under i t.
Mi . Pl ace i t i n the former pl ace.
Mi . Opera fidelium, Delectatio mea. [ Then cam one i n.]
Hic est Deus noster. He shewed the l etter of o on hi s naked brest, and
the fi gure of 8 under i t. He went away.
Mi . Ecce, Iniquitas regnat in domo mea.
Then stept one oute very l ean, al l hi s body ful l of l i ttl e e, and under
every one of them, 21. He went away behynde the chayre.
Mi . Bestia devoravit populum meum, peribit autem in ternum.
Then stept out one i n bl uddy apparel l , al l hi s body ful l of serpents heds
and a b on hi s forhed, and the number of 10 over i t . He went away.
Mi . Iniquitas Abundat in templo meo, et sancti vivunt cum Iniquis.
One very l ean, hunger sterved cam out, an A on hi s brest, and ,11, over i t,
and so went away.
There cam i n an other.
Mi . Iniqua est Terra malitiis suis.
Then cam i n one who drew out a bl uddy sworde, on hi s brest a great romayn
I, and 15 over i t. he went hi s way.
Mi . Angeli eius ministraverunt sanctis. Then stept one oute wi th a
Target and a l i ttl e a on i t, and over i t the number of 8. He went away.
Mi . Regnabit Iniquitas pro tempore. They al l cryed Hal l el uyah.
Then stept one furth wi th a gol den crown, and a great armi ng sworde:
hi s cl othi ng al l of gol d, wi th a l etter r on hi s sword and 16 over i t,
and so he went away.
Mi . Nulla regnat virtus super terram. Then stept one oute, havi ng al l
hi s body under hi s whi te syl ken habi t (as they al l , had) very brave after
the fashi on of those dayes, wi th great ruffs, cut hose, a great bel l yed
dubbl et, a vel vet hat on hi s hed, wi th a feather: and he advanced hi m
sel f braggi ngl y: He had burnt i nto hi s forhed a l i ttl e n: and Mi chael
sayd, Non est numerus illius in Clis. He went awaye.
Mi . Antiquus serpens extulit caput suum devorans Innocentes. Halleluyah.
Then cam one who put of hi s whi te habi t: and he toke a sword, and smote
up i nto the ayre, and i t thundred: and he had a seal (suddenl y there)
very gorgeous of gol d and preci ous stones. he sayd,
Regnum meum: Quis Contradicet?
He hath procedi ng out of hi s mowth, many l i ttl e (enns) n, and on hi s
forhed, a great A.
Mi . Non qud est A, sed qud contradicit A.
Nec portio, nec numerus eius invenitur in clo.
Habet autem Numerum terrestrem
He shewed three fi gures of ,6, set i n tri angl e thus,
Mi . Vobis est Mysterium hoc, posterius revelandum.
And there cam a fyre and consumed hi m, and hi s chayre away, suddenl y.
Mi . Perturbatur terra iniquitate sua.
Thi s shewer, hi s garments, whi te, under: hi s face as brass: hi s body gre=
vous wi th l eprosy: havi ng uppon hi s brest an O, wi th the number of
.10. under i t: and so he departed.
Mi . Surgite O Ministri Dei. Surgite (inquam) Pugnate: No=
men Dei est ternum.
Then cam two oute to gi ther: they had two edged swordes i n theyr hands,
and fyre cam oute of theyr mowthes. One had a G, and 5
over i t, the other had...
[ We fel l to prayer, whereuppon Mi chael bl essed us.]
The other had an h on hi s sword, and 14 under i t: and so they
went away.
Mi . Omnis terra tremet ad vocem tub illius.
One stept out, and under hi s habi t had a trumpet. he put i t to hi s
mowth, and bl ew i t not. On hi s forhed a l i ttl e ,o, and 17 under
i t. He went awaye.
Mi . Serva Deus populum tuum, Serva Deus populum tuum Israel, Ser=
va (inquam) Deus populum tuum Israel. He cryed thi s, al owde.
One appeared wi th a fyry sword, al l bl uddy, hi s vesture al l bl uddy
hi s vesture al l bl uddy, and he had s.
Est numerus in numero. He went away.
I understand i t to be a l etter, and the number 5 al so. Mi . So i t i s.
+ }
I thi nk
i t be

Uri el
i t after,
to be under
nobis reve=
My skry=
er had omi t=
ted to tel l
me thi s, or
el s, i t was
not tol d
and shewed,
but Uri =
el di d after
suppl y i t
by the
The fi rst
l etter of
tur, doth
not make
shew, of
the l etter
fol l owi ng
as other
di d.

There cam one i n wi th di verse owgl y faces, and al l hi s body skabbed.
Mi . Nunc sunt Dies tribulationis: He had an a on hi s
forhed and the Number 5 under i t.
Mi . hic est Numerus predictus.
Mi . Audite, consummatum est. Thi s had a great pot of water
i n hi s hand and uppon the pot, graven, a wi th 5 under i t. He
departed i n fyre.
Mi . Angele preparato Tubam tuam.
Then cam one oute wi th a Trumpet. Venit Tempus.
He offered to bl ow, but bl ew i t not. on the ende of hi s Trumpet
was a l i ttl e a and 24 under i t. he went away.
They al l now seemed to be gon: Mi chael and al l .
He cam i n agayn and two wi th hi m. And he sayd, Hii duo
Clati sunt adhuc. They two went away.
Mi . Vale. Natura habet terminum suum.
He bl essed us and fl ori shed hi s sword towards, and over us,
and so went away and Uri el after hi m: who al l thi s whi l e
appeared not.
After supper Mr. Tal bot went up to hi s chamber to prayers: and
Uri el shewed hi msel f unto hi m: and tol d hi m that somwhat
was amyss, i n the Tabl e or seal e whi ch I had
byn occupyed abowt thi s day. And thereuppon, Mr. Tal bot cam
to me i nto my study: and requyred the seal e (or Tabl es) of
me: for he was wi shed to correct somthi ng theri n, (sayd he)
I del i vered hi m the seal , and he browght i t agayn wi thi n
a l i ttl e tyme after, corrected: both i n the numbers, for quantyty
and some for pl ace over or under: and al l so i n one l etter or
pl ace omi tted. Whi ch I denyed, of any pl ace omi tted by me,
that was expressed unto me. And the rather I dowted, uppon
Mi chael hi s words l ast spoken, uppon two pl aces then remay=
ni ng yet empty: sayi ng, Hii duo Clati sunt adhuc. But
If I had omi tted any, there shol d more than two have wanted.
Whereuppon we thowght good to ax Judgment and di ssol vi ng
of thi s dowte, by Mi chael . And commi ng to the Stone
He was redy: I prepownded thi s former Dowte. He answered,
Mi . Veritas est sola in DEO. Et hc omnia vera sunt.
you omi tted no l etter or hi story that was tol d you. But the
skryer omi tted to decl are unto you. May I thus recorde i t?
Yt i s justl y reformed by Uri el : the one bei ng omi tted of the descri er
and the other not yet by us decl ared, mi ght make that phrase
meete to be spoken, Hii duo clati sunt adhuc.
Mi . Thow hast sayd. I pray you to make-up that one
pl ace yet wanti ng. Then he stode up on hi s great brasen l eggs
agayn: He cal l ed agayn, Semi l Semi l . Then he cam,
and knel ed down.
Consummatum est. The shewer (a whi te man) pl uckt

Uri el al so
di d correct
thi s pl ace
wi th del i ve
ri ng thi s
i n the
pl ace of
the other des
cri pti on
Descryer, or
The Skryer
omi tted to
tel l .
oute a trumpet, and put i t to hi s mowth, as thowgh he wol d bl ow, but bl ew
not: and there appeared at the ende of the Trumpet the greke w.
There arose a myst, and an horri bl e Thunder.
Mi . It i s done. Then of the three
before Noted, wi th hi s
fi nger he put oute the two l owermost: and sayd, Iste est numerus suus.
And Mi chael di d put hi s fi nger i nto the trumpets ende, and pul l ed furth a rownd
pl ate of Gol d, wheron was the fi gure of .1. wi th many ci rcl es abowt
i t, and sayd Omnia unum est.
The forme of the worl d
whi ch appered before,
vani shed away: and Se
myei l went away.
And Mi chael cam and
sat i n hi s chayr agayn:
and hi s brasen l eggs wer gone, and uppon our pawsing he sayd,
Mi . Go forward. Do you know what you have al l ready wri tten?
Laudate Dominum in Sanctus eius.
Note: The Ci rcumference (whi ch i s done) conteyneth 7 names:
7 names, conteyn 7 Angel s:
Every l etter, conteyneth 7 Angel s:
The numbers are appl yed to the l etters.
Whan thow dost know the 7 names, thou shal t understand the
7 Angel l s.
The Number of 4, pertayni ng to the fi rst T, i s a Number si gni fi cati ve:
si gni fyi ng, to what pl ace thow shal t next appl y the eye: and bei ng
pl aced above, i t sheweth removi ng toward the ri ght hand: Taki ng the
fi gure for the number of the pl ace appl yabl e to the next l etter to be
taken. The under number, i s si gni fi cati ve: decl ari ng, to what pl ace
thow shal t appl y the next l etter i n the Ci rcumference, toward the l eft hand.
Whi ch thow must reade, untyl l i t l i ght uppon a l etter, wi thout number,
not si gni fyi ng. Thi s i s the Whol e.
So shal t thow fynde the 7 pri nci pal l Names: known wi th us, and appl y=
abl e to thy practi se.
Make experi ence.
Then tel l i ng from T, 4 more pl aces (toward the ri ght hand) excl u=
si vel y, I fi nde i n that fowrth pl ace, from ,T, (but bei ng the fi fth from the
begi nni ng, and wi th the begynni ng) thi s l etter h: wi th 22, over i t.
Therfore, I procede to the ri ght hand, 22 pl aces: and there I fi nde
A, and 11 over i t. Goi ng then toward the ri ght hand 11 pl aces furder: I fi nde
a l i ttl e a wi th 5 under i t: by reason of whi ch under pl ace of 5, I
go toward the l eft hand, 5 pl aces, excl usi vel y; where I fi nde o wi th
10, under i t: wheruppon I procede to the l eft hand, farder by 10 pl aces,
and there I see the l etter t, and 11, under i t: and therfore goi ng
to the l eft hand 11 pl aces, I see there the l etter h al one wi thout
any number. Wherfore, that l etter, endeth my word, and i t
i s i n al l , ThAaoth: Ys thi s, as i t shol d be?
Mi . That i s not the name. Thow shal t understand al l i n the next
Cal l . The Rul e i s perfect. Cal l agayn wi thi n an howre
Semi EI l
Cal l s
The decl a
rati on of
the Num=
Note these doi ngs to be
accownted Cal l s
and i t shal be shewed.
The howre bei ng come we attended Mi chael hi s retorn to make
the Practi se evydent of hi s fi rst Rul e.
Mi . Salvete.
Thow di ddest erre: and herei n hast thow erred: and yet notwi thstandi ng
no error i n the, bycause thow knowest not the error.
Understand that the 7 Names must comprehend, as many l etters
i n the whol e, as there are pl aces i n the ci rcl e: Some l etters are
si gni fi cati ve of them sel ves. In dede no l etters, but dubbl e numbers,
bei ng the Name of God. Thow hast erred i n the fi rst
name, i n setti ng downe Aa; that i s, twi se a togi ther, whi ch
di ffer the word. Whi ch thow shal t Note to the ende of
thy work: Where soever thow shal t fi nde two a a togi ther
the fi rst i s not to be pl aced wi thi n the Name, but rather l eft wi th
hi s i nward power. Thow shal t fynde 7 Names procedi ng from
three general l partes of the Ci rcumference: My meani ng i s, from
three general l l etters: and onel y but one l etter, that i s, thi s
l etter A. Accownt thow, and thow shal t fi nde the names
just. I speak not of any that come i n the begynni ng of the word
but such as l i ght i n the myddest: Prove; Prove: and thow shal t see.
Whereas thow hast go, i t i s to be red og. Thi s i s
the whol e.
I have red i n Cabal a of the Name of God of 42 l etters: but not yet
of any, of 40 l etters: That of 42 l etters i s thi s,
myhla dqh jwr myhla b myhla ba
hlb dja djab hl
id est: Pater Deus, Filius Deus, spiritus sanctus Deus: Tres in uno,
et unus in tribus. Vel Trinitas in unitate et
unitas in Trinitate.
Or thus, hl al lka la dqh jwr la b la ba
dja hwla ma yk myhla
whi ch i n Lati n i s, Pater Deus, Filius Deus, et Spiritus Sanctus, Deus,
attamen non tres dii sed unus Deus.
And as thi s i s of God, Uni ti e i n Tri ni ti e, so of Chri st onel y (the
second persone of the Di vi ne Tri ni ti e) the cabal i sts have a
name expl ai ned of 42 l etters, on thi s manner,
dja mda rbhw /lkmh pkh rak
dja jym mdahw lah k
That i s i n Lati ne, Sicut anima rationalis, et caro, homo unus, ita Deus
et homo, Messias unus.
I am not good i n the hebrue tung, but, you know my meani ng.
Mi The l etters bei ng so taken oute, bei ng a name, and a number,
doth certefye the ol d rul e of 42 l etters, whan you restore them
i n agayn.
Mi Note, Oute of thi s Ci rcl e shal l no creature pass, that entreth,
yf i t be made uppon the earth. My meani ng i s, i f he be defyl ed:
Thi s shal t thow prove to be a mysteri e unknown to man.
Dubbl e

42, are here

in potentia,
but, non Actu

7 names, pro
cedi ng from
3 general l
pl aces of the
Ci rcumference
or 3 general l
l etters, bei ng
but one l etter
and that, A.

vide Gala=
tinum, lib.
3. cap. 11
of thi s
Ci rcl e
Beasts, bi rds, fowl e and fi sh do al l reverence to i t: In thi s they were al l cre=
ated. In thi s, i s al l thi ngs conteyned. In tyme thow shal t fi nde i t, i n ADAMS
Treati se from Paradi se. Looke to the Mysteri es: for they are true.
A and w ww ww: Primus et Novissimus; unus solus Deus vivit nunc et
semper: Hic est, et hic erit: Et hc, sunt Nomina sua Divina.
Thow art watcht al l thi s ni ght: who i s even now at the Dore:
Cl erkson.
Bl essed are those, whose porti on i s not wi th the wi cked.
Benedicamus Dominum. Halleluyah.
Tuesday the 20 of Marche: circa 10
Are you Uri el ?
Ur. I am. We thank the for thy great good wi l l .
We cannot vi set the now. At the twel fth howre thow shal t use us.
Fiat voluntas Dei.
A meridie circa 2a
At the twel fth howre, my partner was busyed i n other affayres, and so
contynued tyl l abowt 2 of the Cl ok: when; we commi ng to the stone,
fownd there Mi chael and Uri el : but Mi chael strai ght way
rose up and went out, and cam i n agayn, and one after hi m, carryi ng
on hi s ri ght shul der, 7 l i ttl e baskets, of gol d they seamed to be.
Mi . Shut up your doores. I had l eft the uttermore dore
of my study, open: and di d but shi tt the portal l dore of i t.
He toke the 7 Baskets, and hanged them rownd abowt the border of a
Canapi e, of beaten gol d, as i t were.
Mi . Ecce, Mysterium est. Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel.
Therewi th he di d spred oute, or stretch the Canapy : Whereby i t
seamed to cover al l the Worl d [whi ch seamed to be i n the stone al l so,
heven, an erth] so that the skryer coul d not now see the heven.
And the baskets, by equal l di stances, di d seeme to hang i n the border of
the hori zon
Mi . What wol d you have Sapientiam
Mi . Rede the names thow hast wri tten. I had wri tten these
accordi ng to the Rul e before gi ven, as I understode i t.
Tha/ aoth
Gal a/ as
Horlw ww wwn
Mi . Loke to the l ast name. I had wri tten (as appeareth) Galetsog
He mea
neth my
Booke that
I cal l
// ers to them.
/ and corrected certayn pray=
. I had made, and wri tten,
by mi srecke[n]i ng the numbers. Where I fownd i t shol d be Galethog
wi th an h and not s.
Mi . Lo, el s thow hadst erred. They are al l ri ght, but not i n order
The second i s the fi rst (hi s name be honored for ever) The
fi rst here, must be our thi rd and the thi rd here, must
be our second : thus set downe.
.1. Galas.
.2. Gethog.
.3. Thaoth.
.4. Horlw ww wwn.
.5. Innon.
.6. Aaoth.
.7. Galethog.
Mi . Work from the ri ght, toward the l eft, i n the fi rst angl e
next unto the ci rcumference
He shewed than, thus, thi s l etter
M. Make the number of 5 on the ri ght hand, (that i s,before i t) at a reasonabl e
di stance, thus 5
After that,he shewed the second l etter, a great roman A, thus, 24
Then he shewed 30
Then he shewed 14
Then he shewed thi s compownd l etter, wi th the ci rcl e and cross
He wi l l ed me, at each corner of these segments of ci rcl es, to make l i ttl e
Crosses and so I di d.
After every of the 7 l etters shewed he di d put them up i n hi s bosom
assone as he had shewed them ful l y. The pl ates wheron those l etters
were shewed, hath the forme
of the segment of a ci rcl e, thus

: and seemed to be
of pure gol d. When the 7 l etters were pl aced, he sayd
Omnia unum est.
Then he pul l ed al l the 7 pl ates out of hi s bosom and Uri el
kneel ed down before hi m. Then the pl ates di d seeme to have
two wi ngs (eche of them) and to fl y up to heven under the Canapye.
After thi s, one of the 7 baskets, ( that whi ch i s i n the east ) cam to
Mi chael . and he sayd.
Mi . Seal thi s. For thi s was and i s for ever
Then he stode agayn on hi s l eggs l i ke brasen pi l l ers, and sayd
Mi . Oh how mi ghty i s the name of God, Whi ch rayneth i n the
heavens O God of the fai thful l , for thow raynest for
he opened the basket, and there cam a great fyre out of i t.
Mi . Di vi de the 7 partes of the ci rcl e next unto that whi ch
thow hast done, every one, i nto 7.
Note: (for the tyme wi l l be l ong:) Seven, rest i n 7: and the
7, l i ve by 7: The 7, govern the 7. And by 7, al l Govern=
ment i s. Bl essed be he: yea bl essed be the Lord: praysed
be our god: Hi s Name be magni fi ed: Al l honor and Gl ory be
unto hi m now and for ever. Amen.
Then he toke oute of the fi re i n the basket, a whi te fowl e l i ke a pi geon
That fowl e had a Z uppon the fi rst of 7 feathers whi ch were on hi s brest .
that fi rst feather was on the l eft si de
Mi . Note. there i s a mysteri e i n the Seven. whi ch are the 7 governi ng the 7
whi ch 7 govern the earth. Hal l el uyah.
Mi . Wri te the l etters; Now, a smal l l i n the second fether. Then he covered
those fi rst two l etters, wi th the other feathers
The thi rd an l, l i ke the other: then he covered that al l so.
the fowrth an R he covereth that
the fi fth a great roman H. he covereth i t.
the si xth feather hath a l i ttl e i . then he hi d that feather,
the l ast feather had a smal l a.
Mi Prayse god.
Then he put the fowl e i nto the basket and set i t down by hi m. Then
he hong i t up i n the ayre by hi m.
Then he l i ft up hi s sworde over us, and bad us pray. We prayed.
Then he stretched out hi s hand and there cam an other basket to hi m.
and he pl uckt out a Whi te byrd, much bi gger than the other: as bi g as a
swan: wi th .7. feathers on the brest
Mi Dixit, et factum est
Mi . Note: the fi rst feather hath a l i ttl e a, on i t: and i t went
away: the next a Z great as the fi rst
Then a C great
Then a l i ttl e a
Then an other l i ttl e a
Then a feather wi th a l i ttl e c
Then one wi th a l i ttl e b Then he covered them al l .
Mi Thow hast truth.
Then he put up the fowl e i nto the basket; and hung i t up by the
other i n the ayre
Than the thi rd Basket cam to hi m, and he toke out a byrd al l green
as grass. Li ke to a peacock i n form and bi gnes
Mi . Et vivis tu cum illo: et
regnum tuum cum illis est
There started out of thi s bi rds brest, 7 fethers, l i ke gol d, and fyri e
Mi . Pray.
Mi . Note. on the fi rst feather a smal l p
Then a smal l a
a l i ttl e u
Then a smal l p
Then a smal l n
then a smal l h
Then a smal l r. Then he put the fowl e up i nto the Basket, &c.

Note of
7 Baskets
Then there cam an other basket to hi s hand.
Mi . Dedit illi potestatem in clis.
Potestas illius magna est.
Orate. We prayed.
Then he pl uckt out a fowl e, greater than any of the other, l i ke
a gri phen (as commonl y they are fi gured) al l red fyry,
wi th skal es l i ke brass. Then on the seven skal es, appered l etters.
Mi . Note. fi rst a l i ttl e h
a l i ttl e d
a l i ttl e m
Then a l i ttl e h
Then a l i ttl e i
Then a l i ttl e a
Then a l i ttl e i
then he put up the fowl e, & hung the basket i n the Ayre.
Then there cam an other basket to hi m.
[ Note: al l thi s whi l e the fi rmament was not to be seen.]
Mi . Magnus est DEUS in Angelis suis.
et magna est Ilorum potestas in Clis.
Orate. We prayed.
Then he pl uckt out a bi rd l i ke an Egl e: al l hi s body l i ke Gol d
and he had a l i ttl e ci rcl e of feathers on hi s brest: and on i t, betwen
fowre paral l el l l i nes, twel ve equal l squares: and on the top, on the
myddl e, one, l i ke the other twel ve, thus.
k a a e e e
Then he put up the Egl e, &c.
Then cam an other Basket.
Mi . Nuncius tuus est magnus in clis.
He, and the Basket that wer opened, shut, and set asi de, seamed al l
to be gon. and the Baskets remayni ng sti l l hangi ng on the border
of the Canapi e. Then he cam agayn, and went awaye
agayne. Then cam URIEL and hel d the Basket: and
hi s l eggs seemed to be such great tal l pi l l ers of Brass. as Mi chael
di d stand on before.
UR. Thi s i s a Mysteri e. He i s here, and not here whi ch
was here before.
He opened the Basket and pl uckt out l i ke a pheni x [ or pel i can]
of the bi gnes of a swan, al l fyri e sparkl i ng. Hi s byl l i s bent
i nto hi s brest and i t bl ed. In hi s brest was a quadrangl e
made wi th hi s own feathers, thus. He put i t up, and
hung i t by the other Baskets.
. Mi chal
was the
si xth name
vide post
Mi . Et Coniunxit illos DEUS in Unum.
Al l the Baskets fl ew up: and so the Canapi e vani shed away: and
the Heaven appeared.
Now he cam and sat down i n hi s chayre.
Mi chael sayd to Uri el : i t i s thy part, to expownd these Mysteri es:
Go to, i n the name, of our God.
Uri el cam and stode before hi m and sayde: What wi l l you: our
fel l ows, and servants to GOD? What wi l l you?
Perfect Knowl edge, and understandi ng, such as i s necessary for us.
UR. Looke uppon, and see i f thow canst not understand i t: We
wi l l depart for a l i ttl e space: and come to the agayne.
So they went: and l eft al l the stone on fyre, so that neyther
the Chayr or Tabl e coul d be seen i n i t.
After a quarter of an howre, Mi chael and Uri el cam
both agayne.
Mi . Loke i nto the 7 angl es next unto the uppermost Ci rcumference.
Uri el cam and stode before Mi chael .
UR. Those 7 l etters, are the 7 Seats of the One and everl asti ng
GOD. Hi s 7 secret Angel s procedi ng from every l etter
and Cross so formed: referred i n substance to the
FATHER: i n forme, to the SONNE: and Inwardl y to
the HOLI GHOSTE. Loke uppon i t: i t i s one of the
Names, whi ch thow hast before. every l etter conteyni ng
an Angel of bri ghtnes: comprehendi ng the 7 i nward
powres of God; known to none, but hi m sel f: a suffi ci ent
BOND to urge al l Creatures to l i fe or Death, or any thi ng
el s conteyned i n thi s worl d. Yt bani sheth the wi cked,
expel l eth evyl l spi ri ts: qual i fi eth the Waters, strengthe
neth the Just, exal teth the ri ghteous, and destroyeth the
wi cked. He i s ONE i n SEVEN; He i s twi se THREE.
He i s Seven i n the Whol e. He i s Al mi ghty. Hi s Name
i s everl asti ng. Hi s Truth can not fayl e. Hi s Gl ory i s
i ncomprehensi bl e. Bl essed be hi s name. Bl essed be thow,
(our GOD) for ever.
Uri el .
My contynual l
and aunci ent
Then cam the l ast basket. Uri el stode sti l l and sayde:
UR. Dedit angelis potestatem in lumine cli.
Orate. We prayed.
Then cam Mi chael , and toke the Basket of Uri el and becam standi ng
on the great brasen l egs, as before.
He toke out of the basket a strange fowl e wi th many wi ngs:
Thi s fowl e had i n hi s forhed a Tabl et of thi s fashi on
He i s
twi ce three
and one
thi s

mani fol d
and great
Mysteri es
and mark
these 7 di verse
crosses wi th
these 7 l etters.
UR. Thow must refer thy numbers theri n conteyned, to theUpper
Ci rcl e. For, From thence, al l thi ngs i n the i nward partes,
shal be comprehended.
Looke i f thow understand i t
I fi nd i t to be GALETHOG;
UR. i t i s so. I thank God and you, I understand now (al l so)
the numbers annexed.
Ur. As thi s darkness i s l i ghtened, by the spi ri t of God, herei n; So wi l l I
l i ghten, yea so wi l l the Lord l i ghten your Imperfecti ons, and
gl ori fi e your myndes to the si ght of i nnumerabl e most hol y and
unspeakabl e Mysteri es.
Ur. To the next part. Mi chael sat sti l l , wi th hi s
sword i n hi s hand.
Ur. The parte wherei n thow hast l abored, conteyneth 7 Angel s.
Dost thow understand i t? Not yet: Ur. Oh how far i s mans
Judgment from the Cel esti al l powres? Oh how far are these secrets
hi dden from the wycked? Gl ory be unto hi m; whi ch seeth
for ever. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Ur. Note. We can not tary l ong.
Thow must set down these l etters onel y, by 7, i n a spare paper: thus.
UR. Rede Begyn at the fi rst, and
rede downward. I rede thus, Zaphkiel,
Zadkiel, Cumael Raphael, Haniel, Mi=
chal, Gabriel, Ur. Thow hast red ri ght
praysed be God. Ur. Thus dost thow see, how
merci ful l y God dea= l eth wi th hi s servants.
Every l etter here, conteyneth or comprehendeth the number of 72
Vertues. Whose names thow shal t know: skarse yet reveal ed
to the worl d.
Uri el and Mi chael joi ntl y togi ther pronownced thi s bl essi ng on us.
UR. sowl es
We bl ess you: your Harts
Mi . Bodyes
and al l your doi ngs.
Mi chael wi th hi s sword, and fl ame of fyre fl ori shed over our heds.
Yet I wi l l thus much show you, for your cumfort besi de. What
seest thow? he spake to the skryer. and he saw an
i nnumerabl e mul ti tude of Angel s i n the chamber or study
abowt us, very bewti ful l wi th wyngs of fyre. Then he sayd,
Lo, thus you shal be shaddowed from the wi cked. Kepe these
Tabl es secret. He i s secret that l i veth for ever.
Man i s frayl e. Fare wel l . He must
7 Angel s.
Innumerabl e
mul ti tudes of
Angel s]
vide anno 1584,
Jul y 25.
( of thi s sentence
cam no frute nor
farder confi rmati on.
Therfore consi der.)
Z l l R i H a
a Z C a a c b
p a u p n h r
h d m h i a i
k k a a e e e
i e i e l l
e e l l M G
48 l etters
are here:
and one i s
noted by a
Cross: whi ch
maketh the 49th. Of thi s cross and Angel s
I have hi therto
forgotten to ax
wher Uri el hi s
name may
mul ti pl yed
by 48: gi ve
The L.
Mowntegl es
Note thi s
Angel l s
We were
not to ax
of the appa
rayl e of
Mi chael .
go for the bokes, el s they wi l l peri sh. He ment that my partner
Ed. Tal bot, shol d go to fatch the bokes from Lancaster (or therby)
whi ch were the Lord. Mowntegl es bokes, whi ch Mr. Mort yet hath:
wherof menti on i s made before.
ended hora. 5. a meridie
Tuesday the 20 Martii
Wensday. 21. Martii , circa 2. a meridie
After appearance was had, there cam i n one before Mi chael ( who
sat i n hi s seat ) and Uri el l eaned on the tabl e (as he, usual l y di d). Thi s seemed
to be a trumpeter: he was al l i n whi te, and hi s garments bespotted wi th bl ud.
he had nothi ng on hi s hed. hi s heare very l ong hangi ng behynde hi m on hi s
shol ders. The Trumpet seamed to be gol d. The sownd therof was
very pl ayne.
I axed of my skryer, in what manner Uriel now shewed, (and Michael likewise.)
Then Mi chael sai d, I warned the for axi ng of my apparel l or manner.
Et hc est Gloria illius, qu non commovebitur ab impiis.
Mi . Quid vultis? Juxta voluntatem Dei, Sapientiam
nobis necessariam &c.
Mi . Sapientia mundi, nihil est, peribit autem in ternum.
Veniat ternitas DOMINI, ab universis mundi partibus.
Venite, venite, sic vult DEUS ADONAY
fac officium Phanal.
Thi s Phanal was the Trumpeter, (above menti oned ) who thereupon bl ew
hi s Trumpet, Lusti l y, turni ng hi m sel f rownd abowt, to al l the worl d.
Then, from 7 partes of the worl d, ( bei ng equal l y di vi ded
abowt the Hori zon,) cam 7 Cumpanyes of Pi l l ers al l of fyrye
cul l our gl i ttri ng. And every Cumpany of Pi l l ers hi gh and great
and as thowgh they were Pi l l ers of fyre.
The Heaven, the Sonne, and, Mone and Sterrs seemed to trembl e.
Mi Multiplex est Deus noster.
Mi . Mark thi s Mystery Seven comprehendeth the Secrets
of Heven and erth: Seven kni tteth mans sowl e and
body togi ther. (3, i n sowl e, and 4 i n body)
In 7, thow shal t fi nde the Uni ti e
In 7, thow shal t fi nde the Tri ni ti e
In 7, thow shal t fi nd the Sonne, and the proporti on of the
Hol y Ghoste. O God, O God, O God, Thy Name (O God,)
be praysed ever, from thy 7 Thrones, from thy 7 Trumpets
and from thy 7 Angel s. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Mi . In 7, God wrowght al l thi ngs.
Note: In 7, and by 7 must you work al l thi ngs
O Seven tymes Seven, Veri ti e, Vertue and Majesti e
I Mi ni ster by thy l i cence Thi s expownd, by thy
Vertue ( Mi chael spake that, poi nti ng to Uri el .)
Mi chael and Uri el both kneel ed down, and the Pi l l ers of fyri e
and brasen cul l our, cam nere, rownd abowt them uni formel y.
Mi Sic est DEUS noster
One of the pi l l ers l eaned toward the skryer, and had l i ke
a pommel or mace hed, on the top of i t. And Mi chael wi th
great reverence toke out of the top of i t a thi ng l i ke an S
Then l eaned down 6 Pi l l ers more: and Mi chael , cryed l owd
Unus est DEUS noster, Deus Deus noster
Then orderl y he opened al l the pi l l ers heds: and then the 7 joyned
al l togi ther, di sti nctl y to be di scerned
Mi . Note. There appeared, a great S
Then the si des cl osed up, and hi d those l etters fi rst shewed.
After that appered two l etters more. E
He made cursy, and semed to go fromward, and vani shed away.
Musterion est E 8
The Pi l l ers al l joyned togi ther at the tops, maki ng (as i t were) one
Mace or Pommel l , and so fl ew up to heven wards.
There seamed two pi l l ers more to come down from heven
(l i ke the other i n forme) and toke pl ace there, where the
other 7, stode, whi ch went away.
Mi chael wi th hi s sword, Cut them asunder: and cryed out,
Away you workers of Ini qui ti e
Periit Malus cum malis.
The pi l l ers fel l down, and the grownd swal l owed them up.
Tanta est tua audacia Sathan.
Sed DEUS noster Vivit.
The Pi l l ers whi ch before ascended, cam down joyntl y: and oute
of them a Voyce sayi ng

Then the 7 pi l l ers next hi s ri ght hand, bowed to Mi chael , And
oute of them, a Voyce sayd SUM
Then one of the Pi l l ers stode hi gher than hi s fel l ows, and Mi chael
opened al l the tops of them; and sayd
Orate. We prayed.
Mi . Wri te the Name down i n the Tabl es.
Then he toke of, 3 of the heds of the Pi l l ers, and sett them downe
and there appered, B T Z, great l etters i n hol l ow pl aces l i ke
square Cumfi t boxes.
Mi . Ista sunt secreta secretorum

Non Sum
I understand
the refusal l of
those two
i ntruded
pi l l ers
Note the
i ntrusi on of
Error by the
Wi cked powres
of Sathan
Note of
Invocate Nomen eius, aut nihil agere possumus.
The key of Prayer openeth al l thi ngs. We prayed.
Then the other 4 pi l l ers, bowi ngl y shewed 4 l etters thus, K A S E, and
the number 30
wi th a pri k under
Then the Pi l l ers joyned theyr heds togi ther very cl ose, and fl ew up i nto the
fi rmament wi th Thunder.
Sic Domine, Sic Sic.
Mi Pl ace these i n the Tabl e I wrote and he sayd, Thow hast
done ri ght. Laudate nomen Domini, qui vivit in ternum.
A voyce cam out of the next cumpany of the 7 pi l l ers (joyni ng them
sel ves to gi ther) sayi ng Ipse.
Mi Et Misericordia tua Domine magna est.
Mi chael knel ed whan he sayd thi s
Mi chael shewed out of 4 of theyr heds, of the pi l l ers, (and wi th al l
sayd) NO, NOT the Angel s of heven, (but I,) are pri vi e of these
thi ngs: So there appeared, 4 l etters, H E I D
Then the other 3 pi l l ers were opened and had E N E
on theyr tops
Dominus collocatur in numero suo.
The 7 pi l l ers mownted up i nto the ayre, and i t thundred at thei r goi ng
Then the fowrth Cumpany of pi l l ers bowed to Mi chael : out of them cam
a voyce. Vivo sicut LEO in medio illorum
Mi . Et tua potestas magna est Ubique
Then Mi chael pl uckt of, fi ve of the tops.
There appered D then they joyned al l to gi ther: then
appere? E I M O
Mi . Hoc est sine prce
The other two opened, and there appeared 30
Then they cl osed up, and went away, wi th a great thunder
Then cam 7 other pi l l ers to Mi chael , and a voyce oute of them
Sayi ng, Serpens sum, et devoravi serpentem.
Mi . Et bonis et malis serpens es Domine
Then they cl osed al l up; and Mi chael sayd, Orate. We prayed
Then Mi chal toke of, the heds of 4: then appeared fi rst an I
then M E G
Then he opened the other 3. and C B E appeared.
Mi . Numerus illius, est nulli cognitus.
They joyned theyr heds al l togi ther, and ascended up to heven ward: and
great l i ghteni ng after them.
Then cam an other Septenari e of Pi l l ers: and oute of them a Voyce, sayi ng
Ignis sum penetrabilis
Mi Et sit nobiscum, Deus. Pray. We prayed.
Then he opened 4 of theyr heds and appered i n them I L A O.
They cl osed togi ther agayne.
Then one other was opened, and I appered.
appered, and di d shut up agayn.
Then he smote fyre out of the l ast pyl l er, and i t thundred and
there seemed to come out of i t i nnumerabl e Angel s l i ke l i ttl e chi l dren
There i s
V omi tted
by our
negl ect
Note these Innumerabl e Angel s.
wi th wi ngs, and there appere: N, and suddenl y di d shut up.
Sic, sic, sic Deus noster.
Then they joyned al l togi ther, and fl ew up.
Mi . Note down i n the tabl e. I noted them down.
Then cam the l ast 7 pi l l ers, and out of them thi s voyce,
Gaudium et Lux nostra Deus.
Then they cl osed al l i n one.
Mi Orate We prayed.
Then 6 of the heds opened and appered I H R L A A.
Then the seventh opened: Then seamed trees to l eap up,
and hi l l s, and the seas and waters to be trubbl ed, and thrown up
A voyce cam out of the Pi l l ers: Consummatum est.
There appeared i n that Pi l l er
They joyned togi ther and fl ew up to heven ward.
Omnis caro timet vocem eius
Pray. We prayed.
Note: my skryer was very faynt, and hi s hed i n manner gyddy, and hi s eyes,
dasyl i ng, by reason of the si ghts seen so bri ght, and fyri e, &c.
Mi chael bad of hi m be of good cumfort, and sayd he shol d do wel l .
Mi Cease for a quarter of an howre.
After we had stayed for a quarter of an howre, we commi ng to the
stone agayne, fownd hi m come al l ready to the stone: and Uri el
wi th hi m. Who, al l so, had byn by, al l the whi l e, duri ng the
Mysteri e of the .7. pi l l ers.
Mi c Set two stol es i n the myddst of the fl owre.
on the one, set the stone: and at the other l et hi m knel e.
I wi l l shut the eares of them i n the howse, that none shal l heare
us. I wi l l shew great Mysteri es.
Mi chael than, wi th a l owd voyce sayd,
Adeste Fili Bonitatis:
Ecce DEVS vester adest:
There cam i n 7 yong women apparel l ed al l i n Grene, havi ng theyr heds rownd abowt
attyred al l wi th greene si l k, wi th a Wreath behi nde hangi ng down to the grownd.
Mi chael stroke hi s sword over them, no fyre appeari ng. Then they kneel ed: And
after, rose agayn.
Mi Scribe qu vides.
One of them stept out, wi th a l i ttl e bl ue tabl et i n the forhed of her: and
i n i t wri tten, El.
She stode a side, and an other cam in, after the same sort, with a great M, and a
l i ttl e e, thus, Me.
The Thi rd, cam as the other, and had Ese
The fowrth Iana
The fi fth Akele
The si xth Azdobn
The seventh stepped furth wi th Stimcul
Filiae Bonita=
tis, or Filiol
lucis: vide
pagina sequente.
They al l togi ther, sayd, Nos possumus in Clis multa.
Then they went theyr way, suddenl y di saperi ng.
Mi Note thi s i n your next pl ace but one. I di d so.
Mi Go to the next pl ace. Stay.
Mi Adeste, Filiol Lucis.
They al l , cam i n agayn, and answered, Adsumus tu qui ante
faciem DEI stas.
Mi Hiis nostris benefacite.
They answered, al l , Factum erit.
Mi Valete.
Mi Et dixit Dominus, venite Filii Lucis.
Venite In Tabernaculo meo.
Venite (inquam): Nam Nomen meum exaltatum est.
Then cam i n 7 yong men, al l wi th bri ght cowntenance, whi te apparal ed,
wi th whi te si l k uppon theyr heds, pendant behi nde as the women had.
One of them had a rownd puri fyed pece or bal l of Gol d i n hi s hand.
One other had a bal l of si l ver i n hi s hand.
The thi rd a bal l of Coper.
The fowrth a bal l of Tynne i n hi s hand.
The fi fth had a bal l of yern.
The sixth had a rownd thing of Quicksylver, tossing it betwene his two hands.
The l ast had a bal l of Lead.
They wer al l apparayl ed of one sort.
Mi Quamvis
in uno generantur tempore, tamen unum sunt.
he that had the gol d bal l , had a rownd tabl et of gol d on hi s brest.
and on i t wri tten a great I
Then he wi th the syl ver bal l , cam furth, wi th a gol den tabl et on hi s brest
l i kewi se, and on i t wri tten Ih
He wi th the Copper bal l , had i n hi s tabl et Ilr
He wi th the tyn bal l , had i n hi s tabl et Dmal
He wi th the yern bal l , had i n hi s tabl et Heeoa, and so went asyde
He wi th the Mercury bal l , had wri tten Beigia
The yong man wi th the l eaden bal l , had Stimcul
Mi Facite pro illis, cum tempus erit.
Al l answered, Volumus.
Mi Magna est Gloria Dei inter vos. Erit semper. Halleluyah.
They made cursy, and went theyr way, mownti ng up to heven.
Mi Dixit Deus, Memor esto nominis mei:
Vos autem immemores estis.
I speak to you. Hereupon, we prayed.
Mi Venite, Venite, Venite.
Fili Filiarum Lucis Venite.
Qui habebitis filias venite nunc et semper.
Metal l s
Filii Lucis
forte quae
Mi chael :
one of them
that are
cownted to
stand before
the face of
Note these three
Fili filiarum
Dixit Deus, Creavi Angelos meos, qui destruent Filias Terr.
Adsumus, Sayd 7 l i ttl e wenches whi ch cam i n.
They were covered wi th whi te si l k robes, and wi th
whi te abowt theyr hed, and pendant down behi nde,
very l ong.
Mi Vbi fuistis vos? They answered: In terris, cum sanctis
et in clis, cum glorificatis.
These spake not so pl ayn, as the former di d; but as though they had an
Impedi ment i n theyr tung
They had, every one, somwhat i n theyr hands, but my skryer coul d not judge
what thi ngs they were. Mi . Non adhuc cognoscetur Mysterion hoc.
Eache had fowre square Tablets on theyr bosoms, as yf they were of white Ivory.
The fi rst shewed on her Tabl et a great S
The second Ab
The thi rd Ath
The fowrth Ized
The fi fth Ekiei
The si xth Madimi
The seventh Esemeli
Mi Quid istis facietis?
Erimus cum illis, in omnibus operibus illorum. They answered.
Mi Valete. They answered, Valeas et tu Magnus O in Clis.
And so they went away.
Mi Orate. We prayed.
Mi Et misit filios filiorum, edocentes Israel.
Mi Dixit Dominus, Venite ad vocem meam.
Adsumus, Sayd 7 l i ttl e chi l dern whi ch cam i n,
l i ke boyes covered al l wi th purpl e, wi th hangi ng sl eves
l i ke prei sts or schol ers gown sl eves: theyr heds attyred al l
(after the former manner) wi th purpl e syl k.
Mi Quid factum est inter filios hominum?
Male vivunt (sayd they) nec habemus locum cum illis
tanta est illorum Iniustitia. Veh mundo, scandalis:
Veh scandalizantibus, veh illis quibus Nos non sumus.
These had tabl ets (on theyr brests) three cornerd, and seemed to be very grene
and i n them, l etters. The fi rst had two l etters i n one: thus, of E, L:
The fi rst He sayd, Nec nomine meo timet Mundus.
The second An Nullus videbit faciem meam.
The thi rd Ave Non est virgo super terram cui dicam. [ And
poi nted to hi s tabl et, wherei n that
word, Ave, was wri tten.]
The fowrth Liba Tanta est infirmitas sanctitudinis Diei.
Benefacientes decesserunt ab illo.
The fi fth Rocle Opera manuum illorum sunt vana.
Nemo autem videbit me.
The si xth shewed hi s
Tabl et and sai d, Ecce Hagone
Qui adhuc Sancti sunt, cum illis vivo.
Theyr attyre
Madi mi
Theyr Attyre
Rocl e
Hagonel . Vide de
hoc Hagonel, lib. 4.
Filii filiorum
Ur. Those 7 names, whi ch procede from the l eft hand to the ri ght, are the
Names of God, not known to the Angel s: neyther can be
spoken or red of man. Prove i f thou canst reade them.
Beatus est qui secrete
Nomina sua conservat.
Ur. These Names, bri ng furth 7 Angel s: The 7 Angel s, and Go=
verners i n the hevens next unto us*, whi ch stand al l wayes
before the face of God.
Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus
est ille DEVS noster.
Ur. Every l etter of the Angel s names, bri ngeth furth 7 dowghters.
Every dowghter bri ngeth furth her dowghter, whi ch i s
7. Every dowghter her dowghter bri ngeth furth, a
sonne. Every sonne i n hi m sel f, i s 7. Every sonne
The seventh had on hi s tabl et Ilemese Hii imitaverunt doctrinam meam.
In me Omnis sita est Doctrina.
I thowght my skryer had mi ssherd, thi s word Imitaverunt,
for Imitati sunt. And Mi chael smyl ed and seemed to l awgh,
and sayd, Non curat numerum Lupus. And farder
he sayd, Ne minimam detrahet a virtute, virtutem.
Mi Estote cum illis: Estote (inquam cum istis) Estote
(inquam) mecum. Valete.
So they went, maki ng reverence, and went up to heven.
Mi Dictum est hoc tempore.
Mi Note thi s i n thy Tabl es.
Dost thow understand i t? Loke i f thow canst.
He sayd to Uri el , i t i s thy part, to i nterpretate these thi ngs.
Ur. Omnis Intelligentia est a Domino.
Mi Et eius Nomen est Halleluyah.
Compose a tabl e, di vi ded i nto 7 parts, square.
7. Names
of God
Note thi s
Tabl e i s
perfect i n
the next
si de
fol l owi ng.
D E I M O 30 A
Note these
two orders
of Angel s:
and Note
Uri el doth
have hi m sel f
one of the standers
before the face of God
wel l thi s
Rul e of
l the fi rst
hath hi s sonne, and hi s sonne i s 7.
Let us prayse the God of Seven, whi ch was and i s
and shal l l i ve for ever.
Vox Domini in Fortitudine
Vox Domini in Decore
Vox Domini revelat Secreta.
In templo eius, Laudemus Nomen eius El
See i f thow canst now understand thi s tabl e.
The Dowghters procede from the angl e on the ri ght hand, cl eavi ng
the myddl e: where theyr generati on ceaseth.
The sonnes from the l eft hand to the ri ght to the mi ddl e:
so procedi ng where theyr number endeth i n one Centre.
The Resi due thow mayst (by thi s Note) understande.
Then Mi chael , he stroke over us ward, wi th hi s sword, and the fl ame
of fi re yssued oute.
Loke to the Corner of the ri ght hand, bei ng the uppermost: where thow
shal t fi nde 8
. Refer thyne eye to the upper number, and the
l etter above i t. But the Number must be fownd under neth,
bycause hi s pri ck so noteth.
Than procede to the names of the dowghters i n the Tabl e: and thow
shal t see that i t i s the fi rst name of them: Thi s shal l teache
Loki ng now i nto my fi rst and greatest Ci rcl e for 8
, I fi nde i t wi th
l over i t. I take thi s to be the fi rst Dowghter.
Ur. You must i n thi s square Tabl e set E by the 8
and now
wri te them composedl y i n one l etter, thus
Nomen Domini vivit in ternum.
Ur. Gi ve over, for hal f an howre, and thow shal t be ful l y
i nstructed.
I di d so, and after hal f an howre commi ng to the stone,
I was wi l l ed to make a new square tabl e of 7: and
to wri te and note, as i t fol l oweth.
Vivit in clis
Deus noster
Dux noster
Hic est
Lux in ternum
Finis est
Vera est hc tabula
Vera est hc Tabula, partim nobis cognita, et partim omnibus,
incognita. Vide iam.
The 30
by E, i n the second pl ace, i n the upper ri ght corner, serveth not
i n the consi derati on of the fi rst Dowghters, but for an other purpose.
Note of Numbers
wi th pri ks
si gni fyi ng l etters.
Note thi s
manner of
D E I M O 30 A
Note these
other pur=
The 26
by I, serveth for an other purpose: but not for thi s Dowghters
The 21, i s e, and 8
wi th the pri ck under i t i s l: whi ch togi ther maketh
El, or thus compownded as i f i t were one l etter,
The Names i n the great Seal e must fol l ow the Orthographi e of thi s
Tabl e. Virtus Vobiscum est.
Orate. We prayed.
Then there appeared S A A I
M . Here i s an E comprehended i n L.
Ur. Read now the Tabl e.
Angeli lucis Dei nostri
Et posuit angelos illius in medio illorum
Ur. In the tabl e are the names of 7 Angel s. The fi rst i s Zabathi el ,
begi nni ng from the l eft uppermost corner: taki ng the corner l etter fi rst,
and then that on the ri ght hand above: and than that under the fi rst,
and than the thi rd from the fi rst, i n the upper row: and then cornerwi se
down toward the l eft hand: and then to the fowrth l etter from the fi rst
i n the upper row: where there i s I wi th
, whi ch maketh el. So
have you Zabathiel.
Ur. Go forward. So, I fi nde next Zedekieil.
Ur. thi s I i n the l ast syl l abl e augmenteth the true sownd of i t.
Then next I fi nde Madimiel. Ur. i t i s so.
Then Semeliel. Ur. i t i s true.
Then Nogahel. Ur. i t i s so.
Then Corabiel. Ur. i t i s so.
Then Levanael. Ur. i t i s so.
Ur. Wri te these names i n the Great Seal , next under the 7
names whi ch thow wrotest l ast: videlicet, under , An, Ave, &c.
di sti nctl y i n great l etters.
Ur. Make the E and L of Zabathiel, i n one l etter compownded, thus
ZABATHI . In thi s, so fashi on your E and L. And
thi s name must be di stri buted i n hi s l etters i nto 7 si des of that
i nnermost Heptagonum. For the other, I wi l l teache you
to di spose them. You must make for IEL (i n thi s name
onel y) I wi th the
annexed. So have you just 7 pl aces.
Ur. The next fi ve names thow shal t di spose i n the fi ve exteri or
angl es of the Pentacl e: every angl e conteyni ng one whol e
Ur. Set the fi rst l etters of these 5 names, (i n Capi tal l l etters) wi thi n
the fi ve acute i nternal l angl es of the Pentacl e: and the
rest of eche name fol l owi ng ci rcul arl y from hi s Capi tal l l etter,
but i n the 5 exteri or obtuse angl es of the Pentacl e.
Ur. Set Z, of Zedekieil wi thi n the angl e whi ch standeth up
toward the begynni ng of the greatest Ci rcl e. And so procede
toward thy ri ght hand.
Ur. In the mi ddl e now of thy Pentacl e, make a cross
l i ke a cruci fi x and wri te the l ast of those 7 names Levanael
The true sownd
Thi s name
Corabi el you
may see i n Ele=
mentis Magicis Petri
de Abano i n the
Consi derati ons Diei
Uri el . Vidit DEVS, opus suum esse bonum
et cessavit a Labore suo.
Factum est.
Mi chael stode up and sayd,
The ternal l Bl essi ng of God the FATHER,
The merci ful l Goodnes of CHRIST, hi s SONNE
The unspeakabl e Di gni ti e of GOD the Hol y GHOSTE
bl ess you, preserve you, and mul ti pl y your
doi ngs i n hi s Honor and Gl ory.
Uri el . AMEN.
Ur. These Angel s are the angel l s of the 7 Ci rcl es of Heven,
governi ng the Li ghtes of the .7. Ci rcl es.
Bl essed be GOD i n us, and by us,
Whi ch stand contynual l y before
the presence of GOD, for ever.
Whan may we be so bol d, as to requi re your hel p agayn?
Mi c Whan so ever you wi l l , we are ready.
Farewel l .
Sit Nomen Domini benedictum, ex hoc nunc,
et usque in scula sculorum.
Anno Domini
Martii 21.
Note these
two order
of Angel s
Mortl ake by
Ri chemond
2 o
0 a
1 3
1 2
o g
1 5

nuncupatum .
he braic





















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D E I M O 3

















8 .

















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