Libellus Magicus
Libellus Magicus
Libellus Magicus
Nineteenth-Century Manuscript
of Conjurations.
Most powerful charges and Conjurations for
all Evil
Spirits of whatever State - Condition or
office they are
And a
Most powerful and approved conjuration of
Spirit Usiel
To which is added Cyrprians [Cyprians]
Invocation of
And his Conjuration of the Spirits Guarding
hidden treasure - together with a form for
their dismissal
Paris 1508
Translated from the Latin by Herbert Irwin
- 1875-
The True Book of the Jesuits
"Somnia, Terroses [i.e. Terrores], Magicos, Miracula. Sagas
Noctuiroos [i.e. Nocturnos], lemures, - portentaque Thessala
Eccipio [i.e. Excipio] -
1st Conjuration
+Let it be done +
Conjuration II
I. 3. the servant of God call cite and command thee - Spirit - By all the
holy angels and archangels + by the holy Michael + by the holy Gabriel +
By the holy Raphael + by the holy Ariel + by the holy Thrones +
Dominions + Principalities + Powers + and Virtues + by the Cherubim +
and by the Seraphim + who incessantly proclaim by their voices Holy +
Holy + Holy + and by the most Holy word Noah Soter + Emmanuel +
Adonai + El + Elly + Eloy [i.e. Elloy] + Braum [i.e. Braun] + Joseph +
Jona + Calphia + Calphas + and by that word by which Solomon and
Manasses - Agrippa and Cyprian - knew the spirits - and by that which the
power to exorcise thee and as Jesus was obedient to his parents so be thou
obedient unto me - and appear before me in a beautiful, affable, and
human form – and bring to me out of the depths of the waters + + + +
without tumult - failing which I condemn thee both spiriitually and
materially – abstain from all evil towards me - and without noise, without
thunder and without trembling and without fear, appear and place thyself
before this circle, and this do I command thee by the power of God the
Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit +
Conjuration IV
Conjuration . V
Conjuration VI
Conjuration VII
Now I command and charge thee Evil Spirit! that thou shalt bring to me
immediately that which I commanded thee - and shalt depart from the
circle- abstaining from all noise - terror - tumult - and ill savour [sic] -
which if thou dost not I will punish thee both in body and in soul -
abstaining from all evil to any creature or thing and depart immediately to
the place which the justice of God hath set apart for you Depart from my
sight thou cursed spirit –
This I command thee in the name and virtue, potency and power, of the
most Holy Trinity + Father + and Son + and Holy Spirit + Behold the Cross
of Lord + fly to the adverse parts + The Lion of the tribe of Judah + of the
root of David conquers + Allelujah + Allelujah + Allelujah + Hasten now
bring to me what I require, and depart from this circle, by the virtue of the
name of our Lord J.C. and by virtue of his words his words [sic] which
caused the Earth to tremble- In his name - and by his power I command thee,
that thou dost immediately, and without delay withdraw thy accursed
presence from my sight - by virtue of the words Messias + Soter +
Emmanuel + Zebaot + Adonai + Hagios ho + Thess [i.e. Theos] + Ischyros
+ athanatos + Eleison + hymas +Tetragrammaton+ our Lord J.C. by that
most Holy name I constrain + thee, I force + thee I compel + thee and urge,
and confine + thee, to the place to which the justice of God hath sent thee,
therefore recede immediately and continually - neither return
hither again unless I do call thee - this I command by the uncreated Father
+ by the uncreated Son + by the uncreated Holy Spirit + Behold the Cross
of the Lord! + By the sprinkling of the blood of J.C. + by the virtue of the
Holy Water + by the virtue and power of the most High + shalt disperse
thee thou evil spirit + The word is made flesh and dwells amongst us +
_____ Amen _____
The Symbol of Athanasius, and
the 132 Psalm "De profundis" - are to be used -
I cite, require, and urge thee, human spirit, who frequented this place, and in
thy life hast buried or hidden thy treasure in this place - and not long since _
_ _ in the days of _ _ _ _ or in the night of _ _ _ _ about the hour of _ _ _ _
shewn thyself in the form of a fire above the place, by God the Father + by
God the Son + by God the Holy Spirit + by the most glorious and holy
Mother + of God + by the most holy wounds of our Saviour, by all miracles
performed through his holy sorrows, passion and tears and by his material
death by his descent into Hell by his triumphant resurrection - and by his
most glorious ascension into Heaven and by his sitting on the right hand of
the Father - from thence, giving to his angels government over the whole
Earth + by the terrible day of Judgement + By the power and virtue of St.
John the Baptist + By all the Martyrs - Apostles - and Prophets - to come
instantly to me, and I conjure and beseech thee, by the terrible and ineffable
and Divine Name inscribed on this sheet - that thou reverencing and
acknowledging the power of this most holy name - shall come to me -
making thy sign visibly to appear, doing this without lightning - without
thunder - and without the sound of terrible tempests = without loud or
frightful noises, without causing fear or trembling - without causing any
hurt to our bodies and souls - or even annoying us in any which manner -
doing my will in all things I shall order you - by the great virtue of the
stupendous and holy name – which even the adverse and inferior powers of
the Abyss venerate and adore - Even acknowledging the All Powerful
whose creature we as well as you are __ And let it be done by the virtue of
God the Father + and by his blessed Son + and by the union of the Holy
Spirit + and by the Trinity in unity which liveth and reigneth - for ever - and
ever – Amen
Thou shalt say Adonai Zebaoth Adon Schadai Eljon Amanai Eljon
Pneumoton Elji Alnoal Messias Ya Heynanan Tetragrammaton
+ + + Amen +
Then use the following Conjuration
To be used if the Spirit refuseth obedience to the
preceeding one.
I conjure thee human Spirit by the Ineffable name of God - written on this
sheet which I dare not to pronounce and by my blood which was most
sacred and excellently redeemed, and consecrated by the Lord of the
Prophets J.C. by his most glorious Mother - by the insignia of his humility
- by the great book of the judgements of God - by the terrible and last day
of judgement - by all the angels - archangels and by all the host of Heaven
that thou art obedient unto me, who art a Christian baptized in the holy
waters of Jordan - and answer me faithfully without enigma - falsehood -
or pretence - and on thy own part reveal to me truthfully and exactly what
is the power that aids thee - this do I order thee by the most holy name of
God, who has condemned thee to frequent and to guard this place in which
thou hast buried thy treasure
A Charge
Alim Jehoh Jehovah agla
On Tetragrammaton.
Names of the Principal Spirits of
Hell with their offices
1 Lucifer the King
2 Belial Viceroy
3 Satan
4 Beelzebub
5 Astaroth Governers
6 Pluto
1 Ariel
2 Mephistophiles
3 Moubnel
4 Ariel Great Princes
5 Amguel
6 Anisel
7 Barfael
1 Abbadon
2 Chamus
3 Milea Ministers
4 Lapasis
5 Merapis
Milpeza Secretary
1 Chinicham
2 Pimpam
3 Masa
4 Lissa
5 Dromdrom Familiar
6 Lomta
7 Palasa Spirits
8 Baufa
9 Luna
10 Poia
11 Laya
12 Wunsolary
Now again do I conjure and call you spirit and Princes of Hell Astaroth
Berith and Beilzebub by all secret places by the most holy and powerful
words and names of the omnipotent God our Father-- and by the Son our
Redeemer and by the Holy Spirit our Sanctifier - Jonna Oceanga Agta
Adonai Sabaott Sotheer Emmanuel alpha and Omega Tetragrammaton
Elleator Usyton Vevuna Veseomagi Unel Eolli Irethern Noyna Messiah
Sothery Emmanuelis Sabaoth Joel Hath Aglay Croon Metoch Asor
Lathleon Lanag Lanestas Maoth Oriel Elli Adony Sadai Alphor and Omega
Dathe Dabe Jagthe Asese Us Yon Lanthay Hee Radoing Elames Heth Agta
Nobaret ananiat Mathriel Amayg - and those who govern you - Ayos O
Oros Isoberos Athanatos Clerson Uma Yolli Adonai the all Powerful all
seeing and all loving God full of might majesty and dominion - Blessed be
his holy Holy name for ever - Jisana Ag - God was in the beginning and so
shall be in the end agla Noah Ellog Yina Pateragata Loth Leger Nayog Hego
Debuchmor Hachera Boj Adyo Arapheus Panthon Adonai Ellog and by the
most holy Tetragrammaton, and by the most wonderful and almighty names
of the most Holy one God without beginning nor end whose name shall be
praised eternally by the Spiritual as well as the natural
By the Holy archangel Michael and all the host of Heaven, to abstain from
lightnings from frightful and loud noises and tumult - without rain - and
without thunder to be peaceable and quiet without danger or injury to
our bodies or souls - I command thee to depart from this place, and to
appear not again unless I summon thee
May the peace of the Triune God, be with us now and preserve us from
all danger O God be with us and have mercy upon us O God turn this
Spirit N_ _ _ to the path of righteousness and give us peace
Glory be to the Father! and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit
Amen J.O
Finis April IX die Ionis
Anno Christi 1875