PV Basics

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Basics of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems for Grid-Tied Applications

Pacific Energy Center 851 Howard St. San Francisco, CA 94103 Energy Training Center 1129 Enterprise St. Stockton, CA 95204

Courtesy of DOE/NREL


Pete Shoemaker

Basics of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems for Grid-Tied Applications

Material in this presentation is protected by Copyright law. Reproduction, display, or distribution in print or electronic formats without written permission of rights holders is prohibited. Disclaimer: The information in this document is believed to accurately describe the technologies described herein and are meant to clarify and illustrate typical situations, which must be appropriately adapted to individual circumstances. These materials were prepared to be used in conjunction with a free, educational program and are not intended to provide legal advice or establish legal standards of reasonable behavior. Neither Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) nor any of its employees and agents: (1) makes any written or oral warranty, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, those concerning merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose; (2) assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, apparatus, product, process, method, or policy contained herein; or (3) represents that its use would not infringe any privately owned rights, including, but not limited to, patents, trademarks, or copyrights.

Some images displayed may not be in the printed booklet because of copyright restrictions.

PG&E Solar Information www.pge.com/solar Pacific Energy Center (San Francisco) www.pge.com/pec Energy Training Center (Stockton)

Contact Information
Pete Shoemaker
Pacific Energy Center 851 Howard St. San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 973-8850 pjsy@pge.com

Some images displayed may not be in the printed booklet because of copyright restrictions.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Big picture: Team California Electricity Fundamentals PV Technology Feasibility Finances Sales & Installation Process Jobs Overview and Future Trends

One Minute Summary

Rent a portion of utility grid output Same electricity

Buy your own power plant

Courtesy of DOE/NREL

Source: Pete Shoemaker

Your home needs electricity

The basic economics are just like the rent vs. buy of purchasing a home.

Pacific Energy Center San Francisco

The Big Picture: Team California

Pacific Energy Center San Francisco

The California Regulated Utility Financial Structure

How the utilities make money, and why they can support energy efficiency and conservation.

Californias regulated utilities cover most of the state.

Southern California Edison (SCE)

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)

Southern California Gas (SoCalGas)

They are essentially monopolies in their respective territories, and so need to be regulated. CPUC

The California Public Utilities Commission is the regulatory body.

30 years ago, the utilities made money like most businesses: on profits from sales.

Profits Energy Sales

The more energy they sold, the more profit they made.

Also 30 years ago, Californias power consumption was rising rapidly, along with the rest of the country.

Per-capita power consumption.

U.S. California

Projecting this into the future made people realize that it was not sustainable, and that something needed to be done.

Very high utility bills Many more new power plants Serious environmental consequences

We needed to lower peoples energy usage, but how? The utility companies had to be involved, but how could you require them to encourage less energy usage, since their profits and business model depended on more sales?

Conclusion: The utility financial structure must change.

Separating profits from sales.

Profits Energy Sales Energy Sales


Since 1978 (gas) and 1982 (electricity) Californias regulated utilities have made profits on INVESTMENTS, not SALES.

These investments are directed by the CPUC and include energy efficiency and conservation.

Example of EE investment and target: 1. The CPUC authorizes PG&E to spend the money to give away 1,000,000 CFLs. 2. The target over 3 years is to reduce electric consumption [xx] mWh. 3. If PG&E makes the target they can set rates so that they earn [x]% for their shareholders. 4. If they exceed the target they can earn more, if they miss the target they earn less or even get penalized.

California utilities have NO incentive to increase energy usage. They DO have mandates and incentives for energy efficiency, conservation, and renewables.

The result?
California, and PG&E, is the leader in energy efficiency and renewable generation.

Solar Electric Trends

PG&E Electrical Power Mix 2009

U.S. Electrical Power Mix June 2011

Bioenergy4% Geothermal 4% Wind 3% Small Hydro 3% Solar <1%

Other 1% Coal 1%

(market purchases)

15% Large Hydro 13%

Natural Gas 35%

Nuclear 20%

Source: PG&E Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Electric Power Monthly

Courtesy PG&E

Courtesy PG&E

Courtesy PG&E

The Big Picture

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Loading Order How we fill in new supply in California
1. Energy Efficiency/Demand response 2. Renewables 3. Distributed Generation (such as CHP) 4. Conventional efficient fossil generation

U.S. Electricity Generation 2008

Source: Energy Information Administration / Annual Energy Rev iew 2008

Total energy consumed = 40.67

Delivered for end use = 13.21 (32%)

Over 2/3 of the energy is wasted.

Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation

3 times the value!

Thats leverage!

PG&E as a Partner and Solutions Provider

PG&E Portfolio Solution 1) Reduce consumption as much as possible.

Reduce Energy Use

3) Offset any remaining carbon emissions.

Partnership Education Outreach ClimateSmart

2) Get the greenest power you can.

Renewable Power Supply

Electricity Fundamentals

Electricity Fundamentals
Watts Volts

Elec. pressure

Water pressure

Amount of flow


Amount of flow

Output (work done)

Electricity Fundamentals
Watt (W) = Basic unit of Power
In generator: Capacity to do work In appliance (load): Requirement for work to be done Electrical terms: Amps x Volts = Watts 5A x 12V = 60 W 0.5A x 120V = 60 W

Kilowatt (kW), Megawatt (MW)

1 kW = 1,000 Watts 2.5 kW = 2,500 Watts 1 MW = 1,000,000 Watts 500 MW = 500,000,000 Watts

Electricity Fundamentals
Power over time = Work Watts over time = Watt-hours (Wh)

Power x Time

1 sec. Instantaneous power: 20 W

1 hour Power over time: 20 Wh

Electricity Fundamentals
Watt-hour (Wh) x 1000 = Kilowatt-hour (kWh) In a generator:
How many kWh are produced when a 5 kW PV system operates at full power for 6 hours? 30 kWh

In a load:
How many kWh are used when a 200 W bulb shines for 10 hours? 2000 Wh or 2 kWh

Voltage and Current

Volts x Amps = Watts




Watts Amps


Area of rectangle = total power (watts) Same area = same power, just in different form.

Voltage and Current

2 amps

20 amps

The larger the current, the larger the wire needed to make it flow efficiently (more pipe). Copper wire is expensive. Using higher voltage allows the same amount of power to be transmitted with lower current, saving money.

Types of Electrical Current

Voltage x Time 1/60 of a second +V 0V -V 60 Hertz in U.S. (60 cycles / second)

DC = Direct current
*PV panels produce DC *Batteries only store DC

AC = Alternating current
*Utility Power

AC power can be stepped up and down in voltage much easier than DC power, therefore most power is AC.

The Electric Grid

Source: PG&E

The Electric Grid

Electricity can be transported at the speed of light, therefore any point can be said to be connected to all others. This network is called the GRID and is nation-wide.

Source: NPR http://w w w .npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=110997398

Source: NREL

The Electric Grid

There are three main components of the grid: Generation: Creating electricity.

Transmission: Moving it in bulk from generators to distribution centers.

Distribution: Bringing it from centers (sub-stations) to individual homes and businesses.

Source: NREL

The Electric Grid

Above 50,000 V (69 kV up to 765 kV) Step up Transmission Sub-station

10,000 V (10 kV) Distribution 120V 240V Generation Step down Step down 12,000 V (12 kV)



Source: NREL

Grid Terms
Supply side Demand side


Usage (load)

Source: NREL

Grid Terms
Baseload: Minimum amount of power that is
always needed

Seasonal load: Increase in demand in

specific times of the year.

Peak load: Maximum amount needed. Capacity: Total power that the system can

Grid Terms


PG&E 2006 Annual Usage

Grid Terms

Seasonal load

PG&E 2006 Annual Usage

Grid Terms
Peak load

PG&E 2006 Annual Usage

Grid Terms
Highest demand occurs on only a few hours in the year
20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 M Ws 10000 8000

The top 50 Hours represent 0.6% of the total hours in a year

6000 4000

Load Duration Curve

1 501 1001 1501 2001 2501 3001 3501 4001 4501 Tim e 5001 5501 6001 6501 7001 7501 8001 8501

2000 0

Grid Terms


PG&E 2006 Annual Usage

Grid Terms

Unused Capacity

PG&E 2006 Annual Usage

Grid Terms

Spread out the demand and you can lower the capacity need.

PG&E 2006 Annual Usage

Grid Terms
Demand Management or Demand-side Management Load-shifting

How do you get people to use less power during peak times and more during off-peak?

Demand Management Strategies

1. Reduce overall load. Energy efficiency, conservation 2. Inform people so they can cooperate voluntarily. Publicity, Flex Your Power alerts 3. Create the ability to remotely turn off certain appliances. Smart AC, smart meters, etc. 4. Charge more for peak usage. Time-of-Use rates, Peak-Time pricing and others.

PV Technology

Different types of Solar

Light energy Photovoltaic (PV) Electricity produced directly from light Heat energy Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Electricity produced by steam Water Heating Solar Pool Heating Hot water for pools Solar Water Heating (SWH or Solar Thermal) Hot water for domestic use (DHW)
All courtesy of DOE/NREL

Solar Electricity Photovoltaic Effect

photo = light; voltaic = produces voltage Photovoltaic (PV) systems convert light directly into electricity (using semiconductors)

Electron Orbits
Free electron

How a PV Cell Works


Metallic Contact Finger (electron pickup) Antireflective coating Electron flow

N-Layer (Phosphorus) P-N Junction

P-Layer (Boron)

Metallic back contact

Solar Cells & the PV Effect

Usually produced with semiconductor grade silicon Dopants create positive and negative regions P/N junction results in .5 volts per cell Sunlight knocks available electrons loose for potential electrical current Wire grid provides path for current

PV Terminology
Cell Module Array

Courtesy of DOE/NREL

PV System Sizing

200 HP engine: means that 200 horsepower is the MAXIMUM it will produce.

4 kW PV system: means that 4,000 watts (4 kW) is the MAXIMUM it will produce in full sunlight.

Crystalline Silicon (Mono)

Source: DOE National Renew able Energy Laboratory

Crystalline Silicon (Poly)

Source: Darren Bouton

Crystalline Silicon PV Products

Firm, like crystals Longest track record, over 50 years Most common, over 85% of the market Highest efficiencies: avg. 15%, up to 22% Requires about 100 sf. per kilowatt
Source: DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Thin-Film PV Products

Source: DOE National Renew able Energy Laboratory

Thin-Film PV Products
Source: DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Can be applied on many different materials Longevity still to be proven Production growing at high rate Lower efficiencies: avg. 7%, up to 15% Has potential for big cost reduction Pacific Energy Center Requires about 200 sf. per kilowatt San Francisco


PV General Rules
Crystalline PV Products Efficiencies (rated) range from 12-22% Space required: 90-150 s.f. per kW Thin-Film PV Products Efficiencies (rated) range from 5-10% Space required: 170-300 s.f. per kW

Crystalline vs. Thin-Film

1.2 kW Crystalline Silicon
Thin-film needs about twice as much space for the same-size system, but the total cost is about the same.

1.2 kW Thin-Film

Source: DOE National Renew able Energy Laboratory

Efficiency vs. Capacity

1.2 kW (1,200w) 75 square feet 16w per sq.ft.

Capacity = total power Efficiency = power per sq.ft.

1.2 kW (1,200w) 150 square feet 8w per sq.ft.
Courtesy of DOE/NREL

Heat effect
Air temperature 70 F

Roof surface 100 F

Under modules 120 F

Courtesy: Schott Solar

Crystalline vs. Thin-Film: Heat response

Heat increases electrical resistance, which lowers power output. Output begins dropping at 20C (68F). Percentage of drop is called Temperature Coefficient of Power. It is measured in % per degree Centigrade, i.e. -0.35%/C Thin film degrades less than crystalline.

Crystalline vs. Thin-Film: Heat response

Sample data from spec sheets

Crystalline -0.478%

Thin film -0.19%

Crystalline vs. Thin-Film: Heat response

100 95 % of Power 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 20








Degrees Centigrade





Thin Film


PV Panel Technology Summary

Technology Crystalline Silicon Description Module Efficiency (Commercial) Cell Efficiency (Laboratory) Sample Companies Employing Technologies
T he orignal approach; grow silicon crystal structures in a variety of ways. Represents almost 90% of total market. Appearance dark blue to black but other colors possible with changes to antireflective coatings. Grown in Cylinders and wire- or laser-sliced into circular wafers as thin as 200 microns. Cells are circular and modules are inherently flat black or charcoal. Cast in blocks or drawn through a die to create a "ribbon" and wiresliced or cut into rectangular wafers. Cells are typically vibrant blue. 14 - 15% 25% BP Solar GE/AstroPower Sanyo Sharp SunWorld BP Solar Evergreen Solar Kyocera Solar Schott Solar Sharp SunWorld

Single Crystal


12 - 14%


Thin-Film Materials

Near single-atom vapor or electro-deposition on low-cost materials (glass, stainless steel, or plastic). Modules can be flexible. Appearance dark charcoal to near black; can also be semitransparent. Cell and module production part of same process. Widely used in consumer products and on flexible substrates. Alternative semiconductor material under commercialization. Alternative semiconductor material under commercialization. 5 - 7% 13% BP Solar Kaneka Solar T erraSolar United Solar Ovonic Global Solar Shell Solar BP Solar First Solar

Amorphous Silicon (a-Si)

Copper Indium Diselenide (CIS) Cadmium Telluride (CdTe)

8 - 10%


7 - 9%


Growth Forecast?

Source: Renew able Energy World.com


Changes Direct Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC)

Pacific Energy Center San Francisco


Range in size from 1 Kw to 500+ Kw Can easily be connected together, even different models Best to locate in cooler area

Pacific Energy Center San Francisco

Source: Darren Bouton


Typical system layout

Panel & meter

Inverter Strings of modules

Strings must be of specific length and number, of equal size, and on the same plane.
Pacific Energy Center San Francisco

Power production is very sensitive to shading.


System Inverters: Online string sizing tool

Limited configurations, cannot deviate.

Pacific Energy Center San Francisco


One per module Inverts DC to AC right there

System layout

Panel & Combiner box & meter Energy Center communicator Pacific
San Francisco



Source: NASA

Pacific Energy Center San Francisco


Mature technologyover 50 years old Essential to the space program Millions in use Products tested and approved by CEC Long warranties backed by large, stable companies 20 to 25 years on panels 10 to 25 years on inverters 10 year labor warranty
Pacific Energy Center San Francisco 82

It works during the day, but what about at night?

Previously, there was only one solution: Store the excess in batteries during the day, then draw off the batteries at night, or when its cloudy.
Courtesy of DOE/NREL

But now?

Net Metering
The utility grid is a twoway street! Electricity can be sent back to the grid by the customer.
Source Andy Black 2006 All rights reserved.

Source: Andy Black

Eliminates the need for batteries. Reduces cost and maintenance.

Source: DOE NREL

Ensures a constant supply of electricity.

Typical System Components

Array Inverter


Balance of System (BOS)

Source: Darren Bouton


Typical System Components

1. Solar array 2. Inverter 3. House electrical panel

Source: PG&E


Extra hardware sends inverter data to internet Inverter company or 3rd party hosts website Customer can view system from home or remotely Current and historical data can be displayed

Can cost extra but some companies are offering it as standard package.

Courtesy SMA http://www.sma.de/en/products/monitoring-systems/sunny-beam-with-bluetoothr.html


Total system history.

Real-time, per panel.

Courtesy Enphase http://enlighten.enphaseenergy.com/public/systems/LWtm4844



Solar Geometry


Solar Geometry

Plane of the Ecliptic



Solar Geometry

ACTUAL: The sun radiates in all directions.

EXPERIENTIAL: On Earth all radiation from the sun is parallel to one another.


Horizon in winter

Horizon in summer

Source: Wikipedia

This ray strikes parallel to the surface. This ray strikes +45 degree angle to the surface.

This ray strikes perpendicular to the surface.


Latitude and Longitude


Sun Path
Spring/Fall Noon: 90o Latitude 52.5o in SF Winter Noon: 90o Latitude 23.5 29o in SF

Summer Noon: 90o Latitude +23.5 76o in SF

Winter: Rises 30o south of E

Summer: Rises 30o north of E

Source: PG&E


Sun Path Overhead Projection


Sun Path Overhead Projection


Summer sun

Winter sun
Source: NASA


Sun Path Horizon Projection

Edward Mazria. Passive Solar Energy Book, Expanded 101 Professional Edition Rodale Press, 1979, Pg. 311

Sun Chart: San Francisco

Source: University of Oregon, Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory http://solardat.uoregon.edu/SunChartProgram.html

Does the site have an appropriate southern exposure?

Use a compass to identify north (and thus south), a first step in assessing solar access at a site.







San Francisco: declination = 14 True south reads as 166


In west: True azimuth = Compass azimuth + Declination



In east: True azimuth = Compass azimuth - Declination 110

Magnetic South vs. True South

Magnetic South = Compass South
A compass aligns with the earths magnetic field, which is not exactly aligned with the earths rotational axis. Magnetic Declination = the number of degrees that true south is east or west from magnetic south. True south ~ 15 east of magnetic south (SF, SJ, Stockton)

True South = Solar South

NOTE: go to National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) at http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/geomag/jsp/Declination.jsp to determine your sites magnetic declination

Describing Location of the Sun

First understand where it is!
Azimuth - horizontal angle of sun east or west of due south Altitude - angle of sun above the horizon Azimuth and altitude describe the location of the sun in the sky at a given time.

90 180 45

Illustration from Environmental Control Systems by Fuller Moore, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993, p. 76.

PV Siting Issues to Consider

1. Sun energy potential (insolation) 2. Space 3. Shading 4. Orientation (N S) 5. Tilt angle 6. Aesthetics


Peak Sun Hours Equivalent

1000 w/m

Digital sunlight

Peak Sun Hours Equivalent

3500 3000
Kwh Produced

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23

Hours of the Day

Typical daily pattern


Peak Sun Hours Equivalent

3500 3000
Kwh Produced

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23

Hours of the Day

Equal areas

What is the solar resource potential?

Peak Sun-hours Measured in kWh/m2/day

Source: DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Resource Assessment Program http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/old_data/nsrdb/redbook/atlas/serve.cgi


What is the solar resource potential?

Peak Sun-hours Measured in kWh/m2/day


Monthly Percentages

Source: morehead.unc.edu

Percentage of yearly insolation per month

Ratio of sunniest six months to least sunny (summer to winter)


Weather/Sun Potential Summary

California climate ideal for solar Panels produce in all light Fog has cooling effect, which raises efficiency Microclimates likely less than 15% loss from normal


Space Requirements Roof / Ground Area:

Crystalline Silicon
90-150 square feet per kW

170-250 square feet per kW
For a 4 kW residential system: Crystalline: 360 to 600 sf. Thin film: 650 to 1000 sf.
Note: Consideration should also be given for access to the system (can add up to 20% of needed area)

Space Requirements: Overhead Photos

47 x 13 = 611 sf.

PV Orientation
For tilted roof:

Not good West Good OK Very good




PV Orientation

Overhead maps: true N-S


Tilt = Angle at which the collectors are mounted relative to 0 (flat horizontal surface)

Ex. 30

tilt angle


12 ft. 4 ft.
18 deg.

Typical roof in this area is 4:12. For every 12 feet horizontal, it drops 4 feet. This equals 18 degrees up from horizontal.

Normal roof pitch is a very good mounting angle.


Tilt Angle vs. Building Orientation

Orientation / Degrees from South

0 23 45 68 90

(South) (SSE, SSW) (SE, SW) (ESE, WSW) (E, W)

0 Flat 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89

18 30 4:12 7:12 0.97 1.00 0.97 0.99 0.95 0.96 0.92 0.91 0.88 0.84

45 12:12 0.97 0.96 0.93 0.87 0.78

60 21:12 0.89 0.88 0.85 0.79 0.70

90 Vertical 0.58 0.59 0.60 0.57 0.52

Source: A Guide to Photov oltaic (PV) System Design and Installation -- CEC, June 2001

Bottom line: Tilt is a factor, but not a major one.



Courtesy of DOE/NREL

For most home systems, the extra expense and maintenance of tracking motors is not worth the efficiency gain. Better to buy a few extra panels. For large commercial systems it may be worth it.

Will the PV system be free from shade?

Source: DOE National Renew able Energy Laboratory


72-cell PV module

Copyright Solmetric 2010

72-cell PV module with bypass diodes

Copyright Solmetric 2010

Module I-V curve with shaded cell strings


Cell string
Copyright Solmetric 2010

Shade one cell of one cell string

One bypass diode turns on

Copyright Solmetric 2010

Shade one cell in each of two cell strings

Two bypass diodes turn on

Copyright Solmetric 2010

Monocrystalline Shading Effect

Partial Module Shading Effect

Unshaded Module

The Extreme Effects of Shading

1 cell 25% shaded 1 cell 50% shaded 1 cell 75% shaded 1 cell 100% shaded

% of One Cell Shaded

0% 25 % 50 % 75 % l00 % with 3 cells shaded

% Loss of Module Power

0% 25 % 50 % 66 % 75 % 93 %




0 0 5 10 15 20 25


Courtesy: Solar Energy International

Per-Module Devices

Solar Magic National Semiconductor

Module Maximizer Tigo Energy


PowerBox Solar Edge

Enphase Microinverter Enphase Energy

Direct Grid Microinverter Direct Grid Technologies

SunMizer Xandex

Parallux vBoost eIQ Energy

Per-Module Devices: Two Basic Types

Microinverter Changes DC to AC Needs no other inverter

Enphase Microinverter Enphase Energy

Maximizer Adjusts DC voltage: DC to DC Needs system inverter

Module Maximizer Tigo Energy

Solar Access
PV Requirements
Solar Window = 9 am - 3 pm (ideal) 8 am - 4 pm (possible) Need minimum of 4 hours during solar window with no shade (prefer 5 hours) Summer more important than winter


Sunset Sunrise

Solar Window
Shade-free from 9 to 3

Good chance for PV



Bad chance for PV


Planning for Shade

Source: PEC Staff

Planning for Shade

2 to 1 ratio recommended
1 ft. 2 ft.

No good

Source: PEC Staff

Solar Pathfinder
Used to gain a quick and approximate understanding of solar access and objects on the horizon that shade a given location.
Latitude specific sun path diagram is placed in the pathfinder. The transparent, convex plastic dome reflects objects on the horizon, enabling the user to see the relationship between these objects and the path of the sun. Obstructions can be traced onto sunpath diagram.


Courtesy of Andy Black


Solmetric SunEyeTM
210 110

Courtesy: Solmetric, Corp.

Sunpath View
Visually demonstrates seasonal sun path and shading effects of obstructions Summary tabular data

Courtesy: Solmetric, Corp.


Detailed View

Chart shows proportion of total solar energy available at this site each month

Courtesy: Solmetric, Corp.


Where to Go for Tools

Pacific Energy Center: Tool Lending Library Phone: 415-973-9945 Email: pectools@pge.com

Pacific Energy Center Web Site:



How will PV affect site aesthetics?

Source: Darren Bouton

How will PV affect site aesthetics?

Source: Darren Bouton


Roof Issues
Dont put a new PV system on an old roof!
Minimum roof life should be 5 7 years. Good idea to do PV and roof at same time Estimate for panel removal/replacement is $1,000 per Kw of system size.

Courtesy London Flat Roofing, Ltd


Online Production Calculator

www.csi-epbb.com Official program for CSI rebate, everyone must use. Buyers dont have to trust the salesperson. Takes all relevant factors as input and gives estimated annual production and rebate amount.

Online Production Calculator

Online Production Calculator

Online Production Calculator

Online Production Calculator: Shading

Online Production Calculator: Shading

No shade

With shade



Net Metering

Sell Power to the Utility by Day

Source Andy Black 2006 All rights reserved.

Buy Power at Night and Winter

Exchange at Retail Annual Cycle

Source Andy Black 2006 All rights reserved.


Net Metering No Blackout Protection

Unsafe to send live power into grid while workers repairing downed lines

Source Andy Black 2006 All rights reserved.

No voltage reservoir means house current could fluctuate and damage appliances

Source Andy Black 2006 All rights reserved.


Reduce Your Energy Bills!

Spin Your Meter Slower
Use the electricity you generate first to reduce electricity you would normally buy from the utility or electric service provider

Spin Your Meter Backwards

Excess electricity generated goes through your meter and into the grid Spins your meter backwards! Get credit for stored electricity on the grid

Source: Darren Bouton

Net Metering


Customer side

Utility side

Net Metering

Generation: 3 kWh

Surplus: 2 kWh

Meter Load: 1 kWh Customer side

Cash credit: $ .60 2 kWh @ $(going rate) Utility side

Net Metering

Generation: 1 kWh

Surplus: 0 kWh

Meter Load: 1 kWh Customer side

Cash credit: $ .00

Utility side

Net Metering

Generation: 0 kWh

Need: 1 kWh

Meter Load: 1 kWh Customer side

Cash debit: $ .09 1 kWh @ $(going rate) Utility side

Net Metering
What do you get paid if your system over-produces?
Cost of power at $.16/Kwh Wholesale cost: $.10/kwh Markup to cover grid maintenance: $.06/kwh

CPUC rulePG&E must comply The full retail rate that PV owners get paid for their power includes a subsidy (markup) that comes from all rate payers. The CPUC determined that this full subsidy would only be allowed to cover your usage, not for you to go into the power-generation business. For over-production, compensation will be at a lower rate, to be determined.

Net Metering
Average monthly usage kWh/mo PV system production


Roll over




October WINTER



Net Metering
Average monthly usage kWh/mo PV system production


The surplus covers the shortfall, and your yearly bill is minimal.




October WINTER



Net Metering
Average monthly usage kWh/mo PV system production


PV system produces less than your yearly usage.

500 You pay this amount



October WINTER



Net Metering
Average monthly usage kWh/mo PV system production


PV system produces more than your yearly usage.

You are paid a different rate for this amount around 4 per kWh.




October WINTER



Methods of Payment
Two fundamentally different concepts: Net Metering Serves the onsite load FIRST, then interacts with the utility grid. Feed-in Tariff Does not serve the onsite load and ONLY interacts with the utility grid.
Two meters

One meter

Feed-in Tariff
Generation track Feed-in (credit) Meter

Usage (debit) Meter Usage track


Net Metering vs. Feed-in Tariff

Net Metering: For PV systems from 1 kW to 1 mW

Feed-in Tariff: For PV systems from 1 mW to 20 mW. See www.pge.com/feedintariffs


PG&E Renewable Energy Programs

CaliforniaSolarInitiative SolarWaterHeating(CSIThermal)

Available PG&E Programs

SelfGenerationIncentiveProgram NetEnergyMetering FeedinTariffPrograms* RenewableAuctionMechanism* RenewablesRFO PVRFO* UtilityOwnedRenewables*



100 kW Customerscale



20MW Utilityscale

100 MW++



Rate Schedules (Tariffs)

Two main types of residential rates: TIERED (E-1) The more you use, the more you pay.
Baseline amounts plus tier charges based on percentage of baseline.

Time-of-Use (TOU) Additional factor depending on when you use the power.

PG&E Baseline Territory Map

Baseline=guaranteed minimum amount of low cost electricity for everyone--all income levels.
Baseline allocation determined by geographic territory averages.


PG&E Baseline Territory Allocations


Tiered Rate (E-1)

PG&E monthly electric bill for a large home user:


Tiered Rate (E-1)

PG&E monthly electric bill for a large home user:

Baseline = 9.8 x 33 = 323.4 kWh

5 rate tiers
= $ 38.41 = $ 13.10 = $ 65.79 = $ 129.46 = $ 3.12 $ 249.88
1 2 3 4 5


Used 978 Kwh costing $ 249.88


Tiered Rate (E-1)

Breakdown of charges:


E-1 / PG&E Standard Rate Schedule (Residential)

of 1/1/12 Rate 6/1/10 PG&E E-1 As Residential
45.0 40.0 35.0 Cents per kWh 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Less than 100% 101% 130% 131% 200% 201% 300% Over 300% 13.5 14.6 29.1 29.5

40.0 33.5

40.0 33.5

12.8 11.9

Perce ntage of base line allocation


Rate Tiers
The less you use, the more you eliminate the expensive upper tiers:

5 rate tiers
= $ 38.41 = $ 13.10 = $ 65.79 = $ 129.46 = $ 3.12 $ 249.88
1 2 3 4 5



Rate Tiers
The less you use, the more you eliminate the expensive upper tiers:

5 rate tiers
= $ 38.41 = $ 13.10 = $ 65.79 = $ 129.46 = $ 3.12 $ 51.52
1 2 3 4 5


Used 421 kWh costing $ 51.52

From 978 Kwh to 421 Kwh -- from $250 to $50. Lowering the usage 57% lowers the bill 80%.

E-1 / PG&E Standard Rate Schedule (Residential)

PG&E E-1 As Residential of 1/1/12 Rate 6/1/10
45.0 40.0 35.0 Cents per kWh 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Less than 100% 101% 130% 131% 200% 201% 300% Over 300% 11.9 12.8 13.5 14.6 29.1 29.5

40.0 33.5

40.0 33.5

Perce ntage of base line allocation


E-1 / PG&E Standard Rate Schedule (Residential)

of 1/1/12 Rate 6/1/10 PG&E E-1 As Residential
45.0 40.0 35.0 Cents per kWh 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Less than 100% 101% 130% 131% 200% 201% 300% Over 300% 13.5 14.6 29.1 29.5

40.0 33.5

40.0 33.5

12.8 11.9

Solar reverses the rate tier effect

Higher ROI

Lower ROI

Perce ntage of base line allocation


Demand Management Strategies

1. Reduce overall load. Energy efficiency, conservation 2. Inform people so they can cooperate voluntarily. Publicity, Flex Your Power alerts 3. Create the ability to remotely turn off certain appliances. Smart AC, smart meters, etc. 4. Charge more for peak usage. Time-of-Use rates, Peak-Time pricing and others.

Time of Use Rates

PG&E 2006 Annual Usage


PG&E Peak Load July 25 @ 1700 hours 20,883 MWs









Fe b












Time of Use Rates


Time of Use Rates

Residential "E6" Time-of-Use Pricing Periods
Midnight - 6am 6am - 10am 10am - 1pm 1pm - 7pm Sunday Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursday Friday Saturday Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Part-Peak Part-Peak Part-Peak Part-Peak Part-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Peak Peak Peak Peak Peak Off-Peak

7pm - 9pm Part-Peak Part-Peak Part-Peak Part-Peak Part-Peak Part-Peak Part-Peak 9pm - Midnight Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak Off-Peak

Peak rates in Summer Afternoons 29/kWh + tier surcharges Part-Peak rates: 14/kWh + tiers Off-Peak rates (Nights & Weekends) 8.5-10/kWh + tiers


Time of Use Rates

35 30 25
Cents per Kwh

20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Hours of the Day

E-6 summer rates (May October)


Time of Use Rates

3500 3000
Kwh Produced

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23

Hours of the Day

Typical summer production


Time of Use Rates

35 30 25
Cents per Kwh

20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Hours of the Day

Summer pattern (May October)


Time of Use Rates

35 30 25
Cents per Kwh

Sell Buy

20 15 10 5 0 1


2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Hours of the Day

Buying low and selling high adds value.


Should I go on a TOU rate with my PV system?


On-peak usage









Percentage of yearly usage covered by solar


With PV: Change in Utility Billing

Two bills, gas & electric Yearly billing cycle for electricity Fixed minimum electric charge reflected on gas (blue) bill


Change in Utility Billing

Minimum electric hookup charge


Change in Utility Billing

Minimum electric charge

Current monthly charge

Cumulative charge

Change in Utility Billing

PV electric bill: meter readings


Change in Utility Billing

PV electric bill: usage history


Change in Utility Billing

Yearly trueup example
Yearly usage total $170.20 Already paid the fixed amount of $6.71 per month for 12 months, total of $80.52 Amount owed is 170.20 80.52 = $89.68


Relatively Low Maintenance

Source: DOE National Renew able Energy Laboratory

Soiling Factors
Three basic categories for rainy / dry season areas
Washed as often as necessary Washed once in July Never washed ~ 1.0 ~ 0.96 ~ 0.93

Factors affecting number

Rainy / dry seasons Dirt roads Near agricultural activity Close to road surface of busy street In airport flight path

Cleaning Costs
Residential systems
Around $5 per panel High because of fixed costs (travel, insurance, etc.)

Commercial systems
In PPA, contracted out to separate company Cleaning and inspections typically done together Frequency usually twice per year Full service cost about 2/watt per year One time cleaning-only cost around 1/2/watt or $1/panel Must be careful with power washers, psi not too high
500 kW system = 2,500 panels: Yearly cleaning & maintenance = $10,000.

Environmental Footprint
Best overall estimates from 1 to 2.5 years Depends on site and power production--in California is about 1.1 years. Shrinking as costs drop and production gets greener Pays back 10 to 30 times or more its environmental cost
Most PV manufacturing plants will have their own PV system on the roof.

Courtesy of DOE/NREL

Source: January 2008 Environmental Science & Technology http://sustenergy.blogactiv.eu/2008/05/29/emissions-from-photovoltaic-manufacturing/

California Solar Initiative (CSI)

SB 1

CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission)

Existing Residential Existing Commercial Commercial New Construction

CEC (California Energy Commission)

Residential New Construction

CSI (California Solar Initiative)

NSHP (New Solar Homes Partnership)

Program Administrators

Program Administrators







The CSI makes PV Economical:

Gives financial incentives to lower the cost

Screens and tests equipment Requires long warranties Helps screen and check installers Standardizes production estimates

Helps installers handle everything

CSI Financial Incentivestwo types EPBB

(Expected Performance-Based Buydown) One-time, up-front payment (rebate) Based on expected production Only for smaller systems (< 50 kW) (Performance-based Incentive) Ongoing monthly payment for 5 years Based on actual production Possible for all systems, but required for large ones (> 50 kW)


CSI Financial Incentivesnumbers


Overall outline: Incentives step down according to amount of PV installed (MW)

CSI Financial Incentivesnumbers

Data as of 2/7/12

MW remaining MW under review = best estimate of how much left. For PG&E residential: 26.48 1.08 = 25.4 MW.

Trigger Tracker. Helps determine when incentives drop.


CSI Rebate Adjustments

Base system size in AC kilowatts (CEC) may be adjusted downwards depending on design and geography.
Determined by EPBB calculator: www.csi-epbb.com according to the following inputs: 1. Zip code 2. Orientation (azimuth) 3. Tilt (from horizontal) 4. Shading (detailed shading table)
Design rewards summer energy, not annual No design penalty for any orientation from South to West Geography factor capped at 1.0 relative to Orange, CA

Sample Current Situation

Case study Electric bill: $100/month = $1200/year After 10 years you will have paid $12,000 if rates do not rise.

Is this a reasonable assumption?

Pacific Energy Center San Francisco


Sample Current Situation

Case study Electric bill: $100/month = $1200/year With inflation, after 10 years you likely will have paid $14,000 to $17,000 With nothing to show for it except higher electric bills ($150+/mo). No equity Nothing paid off So the real question is

Can solar be less expensive than this?

Pacific Energy Center San Francisco 212

PV Statistics & Performance for the Average Family of Four

(monthly electrical bill $100-$200)

4.0 Kw AC System
COST (before rebate = $6,500 / kW) REBATE (est. $230 / kW) TAX CREDIT NET COST Maintenance (25 40 yrs.) Total lifecycle cost kWh Production Space requirements Avg. cost of power now ($150/mo) 25-yr. cost of power (est.) 40-yr. cost of power (est.)
Pacific Energy Center San Francisco

$26,000 $920 $7524 $17,556 $5,000 $22,556

~ 6,500 kWh / year ~ 350 - 500 s.f. $.18/Kwh $.14/Kwh $.09/Kwh


Three Ways to Buy 1. Full purchase (cash or borrowing) You

Owner of system Borrow money or pay cash Full payment up front Maintain and monitor system Economics: Cash / total savings Loan pmt. / monthly savings
Pacific Energy Center San Francisco 214

PV Vendor
Design and install Sell Honor warranties (equipment & labor)


Three Ways to Buy 2. Solar Lease You

Low or no money down Fixed lease payment Possible buyout in the future Economics: Lease pmt. / monthly savings
Pacific Energy Center San Francisco

PV Vendor

Owner of system Design and install Lease Maintain and monitor system Honor warranties (equipment & labor) Remove system at end if needed

Three Ways to Buy 3. Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) You

Low or no money down Monthly power payment Possible buyout in the future Economics: Monthly pmt. / monthly savings
Pacific Energy Center San Francisco

PV Vendor

Owner of system Design and install Sell power Maintain and monitor system Honor warranties (equipment & labor) Remove system at end if needed

Solar lease


Pacific Energy Center San Francisco


Solar lease

Pacific Energy Center San Francisco


PV System Costs by Component

Retail costs of system under 30 kW
PV Panels Inverter Balance of System Installation / Labor ~ $2 per Watt ~ $.50 per Watt ~ $1 per Watt ~ $3 per Watt

Total cost ~ $6.50 per watt installed


Whats the payback?

Return on Investment
Different ways to measure Payback: Time period when savings = investment cost IRR (internal rate of return): Percentage of annual return which looks at full life cycle NPV (net present value): Cash flow projection which takes in financing costs Monthly Cash Flow: Change in your monthly payment


Return on Investment
Monthly Cash Flow: Financed by a home-secured loan Loan interest is tax-deductible Assuming historical rate escalation continues Monthly cash flow can be immediately positive for many people with higher electric bills. They can start making money from day one and continue for over 30 years! Lower bill amounts will typically start out slightly negative and improve over time.


Grid Parity
When the price per kWh of electricity from a renewable source is equal to the current average grid price. PV example:
System net cost: $20,000, lifetime maintenance $4,000. Expected to generate average of 5,000 kWh per year for 30 years, total of 150,000 kWh. $24,000 / 150,000 = $ .16 per kWh Current utility average price = $ .16 per kWh = Grid Parity

Increase in Home Value

Appraisal Value
Will likely go up Less utility cost means more money available for mortgage payment Data so far is supportive, new report just released Much more to come as solar houses turn over

Solar Rights Act

California law that supports solar Keeps HOAs and other CC&Rs from prohibiting solar systems Forbids increased property taxes on owners system Restriction ends when home is sold, and assessment can go up to reflect system

WefindcompellingevidencethatsolarPVsystemsin Californiahaveboostedhomesalesprices.


Renewable Energy Credits

Called RECs or green tags The green attribute of the power Connected to carbon offset accounting Central feature of a system to move money from polluters to non-polluters.


Bad guys

Renewable Energy Certificates

Cap and Trade

Good guys

Polluters must buy RECs according to penalty.


Cap Pollution preventers


Source: W ikipedia free license

Pollution removers


Carbon Offsets
Making activity carbon neutral Funding projects that remove as much carbon as you generate Additional social & business image value


Strategies for Cost Reduction

Strategies for Cost Reduction

Installation efficiencies/roofing Multiple benefits from one strategy Design integration Package with energy efficiency The PV Bulk-Buy?

Installation Efficiencies

Courtesy of DOE/NREL

PV Roof Tiles

BIPV Building Integrated Photovoltaics

Installation Efficiencies

Tiles interlock quickly with NO roof penetrations

Source: DOE National Renew able Energy Laboratory

Installation Efficiencies

PV Integrated Roofing Membrane

Courtesy: Solar Integrated

Installation Efficiencies

PV Skylights
Source: DOE National Renew able Energy Laboratory

Multiple Benefits

Mitigate unwanted solar heat gain Control glare Displace existing materials cost Produce electricity

Source: Darren Bouton

Package with Energy Efficiency

Conservation gives best payback Many EE rebates available Will be required for rebate Can handle entire package for client

Source: DOE National Renew able Energy Laboratory

PV Bulk Buy
Community targets for total Kw Can lead to 10% or more discounts Many companies offering it

Source: Pete Shoemaker

Sales and Installation Process

Case Studies

Residential Case Study

Phone screening information:
John Doe in Gilroy, CA $200/month PG&E electric bill Usage projected to stay the same Composition shingle roof Thinks there are no shade issues Overhead photos not clear

Site Visit Data: Roof Layout

25 4:12 pitch

Back of house


Front of house


Source: Pete Shoemaker

Site Visit First Pass

No shading issues Roof in good shape About 200 sf. south-facing Lots of room west-facing Good site for inverter(s) Electrical service and panel OK Substantial electric bill

What Size System?

Usage History
Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-07
Jun-07 Total Avg.

946 1127 1349 970 1093 1077 1349 867 886 768 815
836 12083 1007

Usage pattern normal Monthly average is good starting point Propose maximum size system and then work to customers budget Check for competitive bids, ask to see them

Acme Solar final bid

24 190-w att modules Tw o 2000-w att inv erters

Commercial Case Study

Car dealership in Gilroy

Commercial Case Study

Check usable space Estimate maximum size of system Determine average usage from bill Give ballpark financial numbers

80 90



30 x 40

Total space is about 16,000 square feet, but how much is usable? Need site visit to determine.

Visual estimate about 60+% usable space. about 10,000 sf. total = 100 KW system maximum.

Electric bill yearly average: 31,000 Kwh/month

Average blended rate per Kwh = $ .16594 Average monthly bill = 31,000 x $ .16594 = $5,144 or about $5,000 per month.

From website: www.csi-epbb.com

Page 1

Page 2

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PV Sales-Installation Process
STEP 1: Complete an Energy Survey STEP 2: Contact and Choose an Installer INSTALLER HANDLES THE REST STEP 3: Complete and Submit Applications for CSI STEP 4: Obtain Building Permits STEP 5: Install System STEP 6: Schedule Final Building Inspection STEP 7: Schedule Final Utility Inspection STEP 8: Claim Incentives

Find Installers
Personal references CSI website

CalSEIA Members http://calseia.org/, Find an Expert link Internet Advertising Better Business Bureau Diamond Certified

Comparing Bids: DC vs. AC watts

DC watts are name only DC rating is determined under Standard Test Conditions (STC), not real-world DC must be changed to AC before use DC system size: 20 Sharp 200-watt modules = 20 x 200 = 4000 watts = 4.0 kW DC

Comparing Bids: DC vs. AC watts

Lookup CEC ratings for panels.


Comparing Bids: DC vs. AC watts

Lookup CEC ratings for inverters.


Comparing Bids: DC vs. AC watts

AC watts are real power AC rating is determined under Practical Test Conditions (PTC), real-world AC takes efficiency losses into account AC system size: 20 Sharp 200-watt modules PTC rating 176 watts, inverter efficiency 96% = 20 x 176 = 3520 watts x .96 = 3379 watts = 3.38 kW AC

Comparing Bids: DC vs. AC watts

System size: 20 Sharp 200-watt modules 1 SMA SB 4000US inverter 4.0 kW DC 3.38 kW AC
(CEC rating)

DC is about 18% more, but misleading. AC is the important number, and if installer only gives DC numbers ask for CEC AC size.

Comparing Bids: Per-watt price

1. Full price, before incentives. This includes all adders (such as extra roof charges), and extras (such as monitoring), an estimate for permit fees (around $300), and taxes. 2. The system size in similar units: CEC AC watts is the preferred measurement. 3. The per-watt price. This is determined by dividing the full price by the system size. This is the unit price that allows you to compare apples to apples. It will typically be around $6.50/watt.


Comparing Bids: Per-watt price

Base price: $20,000 Roof adder: $2,000 Permit fee: $500 Total: $22,500 System Size: 4.0 Kw DC 3.38 Kw AC (CEC) (3,380 watts)

Per-watt price: $22,500 / 3,380 = $6.65/watt


Comparing Bids: Group discount

Three options: 1. 20 Sharp 185 panels, 3.19 Kw AC, $6.05/watt 2. 20 Evergreen 180 panels, 3.12 Kw AC, $6.45/watt 3. 20 Kyocera 190 panels, 3.28 Kw AC, $6.90/watt
If group target of 100 kW is met, price will drop to $6.00/watt

Review of Learning Objectives

Class Quiz

Jobs Overview

Future Trends

Solar Incentive Data: National and State


Courtesy DOE

Solar Installation Data: National and State


Courtesy NREL

Solar Installation Data: State

Detailed statistics
Courtesy CSI

Solar Installation Data: State

Complete data file

Courtesy CSI


Information Available from Analysis of Full Data File

# Installers by # of Systems
600 500

1/07 to 4/10 CSI Data








0 1 system 2-10 systems 11-50 systems 51-99 systems

100-200 systems

200+ systems

Compiled by Verve Solar Consulting from data CaliforniaSolarStatistics.ca.gov

Courtesy Verve Solar Consulting

Top 30 Residential Installers

SolarCity REC Solar, Inc. Akeena Solar, Inc. Borrego Solar Systems, Inc. REgrid Power, Inc. DBA Real Goods Solar Sungate Energy Solutions, Inc. Self-Install (Same as Host Customer) SPG Solar, Inc. Stout & Burg Electric, Inc. Mohr Power Solar, Inc. NextEnergy Corp. Marin Solar Inc. DBA Real Goods Solar HelioPower, Inc. Advanced Solar Electric, Inc Sun Light and Power Independent Energy Systems, Inc. dba Real Goods Solar Premier Power Renewable Energy, Inc. SolarCraft Services, Inc. Solar Technologies Acro Energy Technologies, Inc. Cobalt Power Systems, Inc. Sullivan Solar Power Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort Inc. Horizon Energy Systems Luminalt Energy Corporation Sungevity, Inc. The Solar Company SunWize Technologies Potero Corp. Occidental Power
Compiled by Verv e Solar Consulting from data CaliforniaSolarStatistics.ca.gov 0 500

by total # installs

CSI Residential Projects # installed systems 1/07 to 4/10






Courtesy Verve Solar Consulting

Top 30 Lg Commercial CSI Installers

SunPower Corporation, Systems Sun Edison LLC Team-Solar, Inc. REC Solar, Inc. SPG Solar, Inc. BP Solar International, Inc. Conergy Projects, Inc. SolarCity Pacific Power Management, LLC Permacity Construction Corp. Erickson Construction Co. Stellar Energy GP, Inc. Bleyco Inc Chico Electric Solar Integrated Technologies, Inc. Unlimited Energy, Inc. SPG Solar, Inc. - Novato EI Solutions Premier Power Renewable Energy, Inc. Permacity Construction Akeena Solar, Inc. SunPower Corporation Borrego Solar Systems, Inc. Sunlight Electric LLC EI Solutions, Inc. Granite Bay Energy (Formerly GBEG dba Granite Bay Solar) Solar Power, Inc. BAP Power Corporation INTERIOR ELECTRIC INCORPORATED Sunview Vineyards of California, Inc. 34,013 17,211 11,413 10,110 8,199 6,347 5,265 4,913 4,419 4,191 2,889 2,862 2,852 2,181 2,105 2,089 1,963 1,920 1,797 1,761 1,667 1,649 1,539 1,459 1,364 1,197 1,176 1,120 1,109 1,030

kWp installed through CSI 1/07 to 4/7/2010

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 Compiled by Verv e Solar Consulting from data CaliforniaSolarStatistics.ca.gov

Courtesy Verve Solar Consulting

Solar job trends

Courtesy Verve Solar Consulting



PV Job Categories
Lead Generator (canvasser, outside sales) Sales 1 (inside sales, lead qualifier) Sales 2 (field rep, closer) Project Developer (creating and selling large, longer-term projects) Designer 1 (pre-sale, estimation) Designer 2 (typical designer category, creates plans and drawings) Designer 3 (large-scale, commercial) Project Manager (post-sale, operations) Application Processor (paperwork, rebates, etc.) Permit Processor (w/ building officials, inspections) PV Installer 1 (laborer, apprentice, entry level) PV Installer 2 (typical crew member) Installer Crew Lead Monitoring / Maintenance Technician / Troubleshooter Safety Manager Financial Operations (work with banks, etc.) HR / Hiring Marketing

Smart Grid

Adding information technology to the electric grid infrastructure


Smart Grid

Source: NIST

Adding information technology to the electric grid infrastructure

Courtesy PG&E

Smart Meter

Gas Meter with SmartMeter Module

Gas Meter Module
Attaches to existing gas meters Measures 5.5 x 6.5 inches Transmits wireless signals to the

Data Collector Unit

20 year life span A.k.a. Meter Transmission Unit



2010 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved


Electric Network Components

Meters Relays Access Points 3G Cellular Network Head End

Utility IQ


2009 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved


A Platform for Innovation

Customer Energy Management
From meter to the home
Near-time electric usage information Timely price signals Appliance / energy management control signals

From meter to utility

Customer electric use Customer energy generation (e.g. solar) Appliance response to energy management control signals




CEM network communication SmartMeter communication

Dont forget the bottom line



Contact Information

Pete Shoemaker
Pacific Energy Center 851 Howard St. San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 973-8850 pjsy@pge.com

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