Fundamentals of Gas Compression

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TABLE OF CONTENTS COMPRESSOR SAFETY PRINCIPLE OF COMPRESSION POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS: COMPRESSOR VALVES CYLINDER AND PACKING LUBRICATION INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES NATURAL GAS FUELS FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS TURBOCHARGERS, WASTEGATES, AFTERCOOLERS: IGNITION SYSTEMS GOVERNOR LEAN BURN CONCEPT COOLER ALIGNMENT CONTROLLERS LECTRIC CONTROL PANELS SCRUBBERS PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE TROUBLESHOOTING MISCELLANEOUS AND SPECIAL 3600 SERIES CATERPILLAR ENGINE AT SERIES WAUKESHA ENGINE 10. ue CURRICULUM Plant Tour Safety - Related to Gas Compressor Packages Principles of Compression Compressor Theory Positive Displacement Compressors Operation (several manufacturers) Rod Load Rod Reversal Rod Packing Variable Volume Clearance Pockets Rotary Screw ‘Common Problems Compressor Valves Operation Troubleshooting Cylinder and Packing Lubrication Operation Divider Block Design Pump to Point System Pumps NG Engines - Stociometric Design Cooling System Lubrication System Oil Analysis Natural Gas Fuels NG Fuel System Components Operation Adjustment Turbochargers - Wastegates - Aftercoolers Operation Common Problems Ignition System (Magneto & Microprocesor Types) Operation Common Problems Curriculum Page 2 12. Governors - Operation Hydromechanical Mechanical 13. Lean Burn Concept Theory LB Engines - Set Up Air-Fuel Ratio Controller 14. Coolers Design Operation Fan Installation and Adjustment 15. Controllers Dump - Operation/Calibration Suction - Operation/Calibration Bypass - Operation/Calibration 16. Electric Control Panels - Murphy/Altronie Wiring Diagrams Troubleshooting 17. Serubbers Mist Pad Vane 18, Preventive Maintenance NOTE: Common problems and suggested corrective action will be discussed with each item. However, major troubleshooting and overhaul procedures will not be covered. Safety is COMMON SENSE. Safety around # natural gas compressor remains common sense; however, there are some hazards that are more prevalent in this environment. SYSTEM PURGING A fire or explosion requires three bas source of ignition, elements to occur. They are fuel, oxygen, and a a, Fuel comes from the gas being compressed, b. Oxygen comes from the ambient air and can enter the compressor anytime it shuts down or when a partial vacuum is created, Ignition can be created by several sources; however, the most common one in a compressor is heat of compression causing critical compression. Prior to starting a unit, air must be purged from the system. SAFETY SHUTDOWNS Safety shutdowns are installed t9 protect people and equipment. These devices are set to shut down the unit when conditions approach or exceed those operating parameters for which the unit was designed. If these systems are by-passed in any fashion, they do not protect and someone may be hurt or killed or equipment damage may occur. Do Not disconnect a safety device or set the shutdowns too low or too high. If'a device shuts the unit down, a problem exists that must be repaired. SPARK PLUG LEADS Verification of cylinder firing should be done with a test light. Spark plugs "fire" when a high voltage spark jumps between the source and ground. A gas leak around 2 compressor application can be ignited when an arch is created with the spark plug lead disconnected. Al Fo Trine ernie Ont HEARING All machinery makes noise when operating. With a compressor package you have noise from the engine, compressor and pressure. This is magnified if the units are inside an enclosure or if more than one unit are side by side. Always wear adequate hearing protection. EYES Basically eye protection is a good policy while working sround any machinery or moving items, Common eye hazards plus hazards associated with high pressure are present around compressors. Always wear safety glasses, BURNS The treatment of burn victims on site should be limited to emergency first aix key items for treating burn victims are: ‘The three a. Prevent or treat shock b. Prevent contamination © Control p Do what you can regarding the above items until professional help can be obtained. SHOCK ' When treating a burn victim, always expect shock to occur, The symptoms of shock are: 1. The skin is pale, cold and clammy, perspiration on forchead and palms of hands. 2. The puise is rapid or irregular. Breathing is shallow. 4. Victim complains of being cold. S, Nausea and vomiting. 6 Restless or frightened, Ad Far Yrnaag Person Ont To prevent shock, use the following procedures: 1. Keep the victim lying down. Raise the feet higher than the upper body if possible. 2. Keep the airway open. If vomiting occurs, turn his head to the side. 3. Keep the victim warm. Cover body with coats, blankets, or whatever may be available, 4. Loosen any restrictive clothing. 5. Keep the victim calm and seek medical assistance. LOCK OUT - TAG OUT When working on the unit, ensure it cannot be started or rotated by someone else. Use safety lockout devices and tag the start button/switch and other components that may be used to rotate the equipment. Your Company should have a LOTO program, PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES ‘All pressure relief valves (PRV) must be sized for the pressure and flow that they will be controlling. Never have a PRV designed for a pressure greater than the maximum working pressure (MWP) of the vessel, piping, etc, in the system. Wire and lead seals ntact on each PRY. SAFETY GUARDS Safety guards must be in place during operation. These include, but are not limited to, guards on couplings, belts and pulleys, cooler fan area, etc. SLIPS - TRIPS - FALLS Oil is very difficult to keep off skids and the surrounding area. Use caution in this area ‘when walking on the skid or stepping on piping. ‘The same is true where mud is involved. Keep all loose items that may cause tripping clear of the area. To the maximum extent feasible, piping should be run underground or in a location such that it does nat present a hazard. As Petra rep Oy ement exists to climb up on the cooler, make sure that the unit is shut down or the appropriate safety cover (expanded metal) is installed. Never enter the fan area with the unit running. Ensure LOTO has been complied with prior to entering the fan area. Use caution when ascending and descending cooler ladders. HYDROGEN SULFIDE GAS Hydrogen sulfide gas (H1,S) is a highly toxic gas that can be found anywhere oil and gas is produced. As a general rule, HS is measured in parts per million (PPM). Itis colorless, heavier than air, and has a definitive odor. Certain requirements exist through both governmental agencies and company policies. These requirements should be understood and complied with by all who work in such an environment. Ad Fe tatine rere on H,S TOXICITY CHART 4.6 Easily detected odor. 2 Some eye irritation. Point at which two trained individuals with two sets of equipment are required. Maximum exposure for an eight hour day per OSHA. 50 Maximum acceptable level for maximum exposure time of ten minutes. Possible nausea and irritation. L 100 Coughing, eye irritation and some drowsiness. Loss of smelt after 2 to 15 minutes, {200 Rapid loss of smell. Respiratory inflammation. 500 Dizziness, loss of reasoning, breathing problems and possible unconsciousness. Immediate CPR required, 700 Rapid unconsciousness. Breathing stops. Death if not rescued immediately. 1000 Death or permanent brain damage. Needs rescuing immediately. AS Fa trie Pern On Compression and compressor design involves many factors; however, to discuss the very basics, we will define four factors and show their relationship to each other. A. VOLUME (¥): The space a substance can occupy. A compressor cylinder has a certain volume which can be calculating using the areavtimes'the stroke, Mathematically, it would be: IRS, where J1= 3:14; R = radius, and S = stroke ‘Example: 10 inch cylinder with 5 inch stroke. 3.14 x $x $= 392.5 cubic inches, B, PRESSURE(P): The force applied to a given area as measured in pounds per square inch (PSI). Absolute-pressure (psia) must be-used and is ‘computed by adding 14.7 to the pressure gauge reading. This gives you psia. Example: Gauge reads 200 psi. Add 14.7 = 214.7 psia. So, the Standard for pressure is 13.7 psi. C. TEMPERATURE (I): The definition of temperature is simple enough; however, there is a standard. The standard used for temperature as used in computations is measured in degrees Rankin. Zero degrees Fahrenheit equals 460°R. This must be added to ths Fahrenheit reading. Some applications in the U.S. for gas sales requires tliat 60°F be used. This, then would be 520°R, CAPACITY/FLOW RATE: This is the amount of gas moved for a sp period of time. Normally, million cubic feet per day is the term referenced, There are several ways of adjusting this value with respect to a compressor. The above items "A" through "C" can be related to each other by using the mathematical formula: VP. The result of compression then can be determined by use of the equation: T WsPi = V2P3 rk ‘The values with a one are the characteristics of the gas entering a cylinder and those with & two are characteristic of gas leaving the cylinder, Under normal compression, the volume is decreased which causes the pressure and temperature to increase. Pressure and temperature always go in the same direction, but not proportionatty. Volume goes in the opposite direction. a Bl Yatra rere one Using the cylinder in Section "A" above and using a heat rise factor for a gas with a "N" factor of 1.26 and a compression ratio of 3 to 1. A 10-inch cylinder with a 5-inch stroke has a volume of 392.5 cubic inches divided by 12 equals 32.7 cubic feet. Heat rise at the stated conditions is 1.25 and suction temperature is 80 degrees F and 40 psig. ViPi = V2 P2 ho oT 32.7 x 54.7 = V2 164.4 540 675 ‘Vi= 1207365. 88614 = 13.62 ‘The volume decreased from 32.7 to 13.62 cubic feet as the pressure and temperature increased. sion ratio is the term used for the number of times a gas is compressed. For computation, absolute pressure must be used. As an example: Suction pressure is 10 psi gauge and discharge pressure is 100 psig. A quick look says the ratio is 10 to 1. However, when the standard pressure of 14.7 is added, the ratio is 4.6 to 1. Too high of a ratio could result in temperature and horsepower problems and could damage the compressor through rod load. This ratio is based on pressures, temperatures - both suction and discharge, the "N" value and rod load conditions. B2 Par Yreg rp On oven se | cos 49 2 | sez se oczi ezs | cea oo ze | oze 95 ozs et | ose oe re | sta s? ovat szt | ose a ore ze | 9 | o oozt st) ose se oc | soz a js se sit ez | ose ¥ 62 | 002 6 y | oc oat zz | ove ee s61 “ sz out | oz. } oes be ez | ost 9 e | oe oatt sit | oze 02 uz | sav , z | ost ost au | oe 29 sz | oa os ¢ ovit ait | coe 8 sth 87 ° ort 06! 23 sz | on ov ¢ zit ert | 092 "9 ve | sot er 0 aun eur | one €9 £2 | oot zy st oot ort | 098 13 S54 o |e 0 0801 sor] ose 5 zz | ost es 6 osot 201 | ore a ue 9 Los | ozo. sor | oce us ort ve ee asat rou | zz se oz | ser ze | oF oso cor} ove “s er} oct oe el 0701 zor | 00% zs ay | ez ez | z 1 foe cot cor | 089 ‘5 ozs 9¢ ¢9 ozo 68 | 089 os av | su ve 03 oro zs | 029 87 ob | on ze es 901 26 | 099 gr Sot oz os 088 v3 | 039 97 » | oo a sy 038 ce | ove ” vt | s6 st oy ous ‘6 | oso ee er | 06 mls ge 938 03 | ozs vy z | se a as os6 eg | a9 6e 08 ao | gz 078 13 | 009 ge w dss e oe ore sa | oss ue a | 9 et 026 ve | 09s 9c so y on ars 2 | os se 6 | 0 z | 0 isa_[ ts isa | ise | [isd |e dH _| isd | eae (ozH) salem jo sayout '(9H) Aunosay Jo sayouy {{)Sd) You! asends Jad spunog of (edy) s12952001!) 4HVHO NOISHSANOO SYNSS3uYd DEGREES FAHRENHEIT °F TEMPERATURE SCALES 500 800 700 100 WATER FREEZES 400 =100 200 -300 = DEGREES. RANKINE °R _ Altitude ~Atimospheri¢: Presgure/--PSI 0 14.69 500 14.42 1000 14.16 1500 13.91 2000 13.66 2500 13.41 3000 13.16 3500 12.92 4000 12.68 4500 12.45 5000 12.22 5500 11.99 6000 11.77 6500 11.55 7000 11.33 7500 11.12 3000 10.91 96 P= 14.65 psia T = 60°F V=Std. Vol. P= 15.025 psia } . . in Louisiana T= 60°F 1MM=108 cu. ft./day @ 14.65 psia and 60°F NM?/day (in Canada - Normal meter’/day) (@ 1 Bar = 14.5 psia and 15°C = 60°F) 1 mm = 694.4 SCFM Caer ere rere eee renee neers eee eee e eee eee eee Ratio of Compression - Re = Discharge Pressure in PSIA (Pd Suction Pressure in PSIA (Ps) At Sea Level Ps= OPSIG= (0+ 14.7= 14.7 PSIA) Pd = 30 PSIG = (30 + 14.7 = 44.7 PSIA) Pd 44.7 Re= ps = 14.7 =3.04 . At 1500 Ft. Altitude Above Sea Level Ps= OPSIG= (0+ 13.91 = 13.91 PSIA) Pd =30 PSIG = (30 + 13.91 = 43.91 PSIA) Pd = 43.9) : Ro= Ps = 13.91 =3.16 Pressure Increases — Vd Vs Volume Increases Ideal Compression Cycle Most current model reciprocating compressors are of the horizontal-opposed type. This means that a central frame houses a multi-journal crankshaft driving at least one cylinder/piston assembly ou each side of the mainframe. Each is called a throw. The number of throws is the number of cylinders the frame can accept - or the number of journals on the crankshaft. This is different than the number of stages. ‘Ati example is: - F . This type compressor is referred to as a positive displacement unit. It first traps a volume Vibs=¥, Ps prinel — ~ greater the pressures If the volume is decreased in one cylinder then displaced to a smaller cylinder, then the pressure is greatly increased. The\M6w into and out of the cylinder is controlled by the compressor valves, which are check valves operating on differential pressure. Many cylinders currently are designed to take advantage of the double acting principle. In other words, compression takes place as the piston moves toward the head end and also as it moves toward the crank end, Pressures in both ends are the same; however, the volume will be less on the crank end due to the rod. A double acting cylinder can be converted to a single acting by unloading some valves. seeaccamperarsieners: sure that itis, Sasa (SEE ATTACHMENT) Figure 1 represents work required, {As the piston moves back and forth within the cylinder, the volume changes. ‘Tracing the action of the piston, let's compare it to the curve. At the lower right on the curve (Figure 2, Point 1), the piston is toward the crank end at its maximum travel. Pressure at this point is suction pressure. As the piston begins its forward movement, gas is being compressed by decreasing the cylinder volume. cl Fe Tain rep On ‘When pressure inside the cylinder increases (o slightly above discharge line pressure, the discharge valve will open. This is at Point 2. For the remainder of the piston movement (Figure 3 - Line 2 to 3), the discharge valve is open and pressures on both sides of the valve are equal. The weight and velocity of the gas keeps the valve open until the piston reaches its maximum point of travel. At (Point 3), the discharge line and cylinder pressure are the same, The clearance volume is at discharge pressure and is the smallest volume within the cylinder. Clearance gas is that between the piston and cylinder bead due to the requirement to ensure the piston and head do not touch, which would result in damage. At Point 3 (Figure 4), the piston is starting to be drawn back by the crankshaft As it does so, the cylinder volume is being increased and the pressure is being decreased. This condition will continue until the pressure inside the cylinder drops below the suction line pressure (Poiat 4, Figure 5). The suction valve will open and gas will be allowed to fill up the cylinder until (Point 1) is reached. The cycle now starts again, It is critical that opposing cylinders be balanced. Failure to balance these will result in excessive vibration and damage to the compressor and driver. E.L allows a maximum out of tolerance of 1 pound. Any time components are replaced, even with the same part number, they must be weighed and balanced. Weights are available that are connected to the crosshead. For the E.L FE332 frame only, two different weight crossheads are available. There is a weight differential of 11 pounds. The lighter crosshead is installed ‘on the heavy side and vise-versa. The items that must be weighed are: piston nut, piston, piston rings, piston rod, crosshead nut, and allen screw. Other manufacturers may have different tolerances. To prevent damage to the piston and cylinder, a clearance must be set between the piston and the cylinder head, and also between the piston and the falsehead. Without this clearance, the piston would strike the head and damage the two, Consideration must be given to thermal expansion, To set the proper clearance, the fotal clearance must be measured. This can be done in several ways. One way Bar the compressor over until it is at top dead center, Place a piece of solder through the valve port on the opposite end and bar the compressor over until the piston has bottomed out, and start in the opposite direction, Remove the solder and, using a micrometer, measure the thickness at the point that was crushed. This is the total clearance. Using this value, set the clearance on the head end at two-thirds of the total. In so doing, the crank-end, when measured, should be one-third of the total. Continue adjustments until the head end reads two-thirds and the crank-end reads one-third. The crank-end is less to allow for thermal expansion of the piston rod. A second method ‘Using the size of threads on the rod, i.e. threads per inch, screw the rod all the way in at top center, then back it out 1/2 turn, Based on the threads/inch, a value can be determined (o set clearance. Example: a rod with 8 threads per inch would give 0.125 inch clearance per revolution, or 1/2 revolution equals 0,0625 inch. Energy Industries' numbers compressor cylinders with number one being on the journal closest to the driven end of the crankshaft. This does not mean that cylinder is used for the first stage. c2 Peter on If a unit is a multi-throw, it can be used with the designed number of cylinders or something less. An example is that a 4-throw unit may only have three cylinders. This can be done by installing a "dummy" cylinder. This is not really a cylinder, yet weights are attached that would ride in the crosshead guide to provide a balanced condition. Another configuration would be to use a multi-throw unit with all cylinders installed, yet with a lesser number of stages. An example would be a 4-throw unit, all cylinders installed and being used as a 3-stage operation. In this case, two cylinders would be manifolded together at both suction and discharge. These two cylinders would be of the same size, doing the same amount of work and moving the same amount of gas. A variable volume clearance pocket is sometimes used. This component attaches to the head end of a cylinder and is used to increase or decrease the volume in that cylinder, or to shift ratios of compression to prevent rod load or rod reversal. (SEE ATTACHMENT) As the name applies, itis variable and can be adjusted; however, do not adjust it without knowing how and the reason for doing so. This affects machine efficiency. Care must be exercised at all times to ensure that the design rod load of the machine is not exceeded. Rod load means the structural limits of the rods before it breaks. There are two types of rod load. Compression - or static. Rod load is when the rod is bent. This is the force exerted on the piston, rod and bearings during the head end compression stroke. ‘Tension - or inertia-rod Joad is the weight of the moving components tending to pull the tod apart. {SEE ATTACHMENT) "Rod load can be calculated as follows: (Compression. Tension (Pd X A)~ Ps X (A-Ar) PaX(A~Ar)-PsXA_ Where Ps = Suction Pressure A = Piston Face Area (3.14 XR’) Ar= Rod Face Area (3.14 X Rod R) R= Radius Correct differential pressure is extremely important to prevent rod load. Too great 2 pressure will cause the rod to bend and break because mechanical device is trying to force it. Too small a pressure will not give the proper cushion and will allow the weight of the moving components to pull the rod apart at the end of the stroke. Consider a rock on a string being thrown. When the length of the string is reached, the weight has s tendency to continue and possibly breaking the string. C3 Ye Yenc ees on Rod reversal is sometimes confused with rod load. Rod reversal is when the connecting rod does not shift with direction and the rod pin is kept against the bearing on one side. ‘This creates a metal to metal contact continuously and does not allow for Jubrication on that side. The bearing will then seize at Point A. (SEE ATTACHMENT) Reciprocating compressor designs are either: separable-engine and compressor use different crankshafts and integral - one common crankshaft. ‘components-ares. frame, crankshaft, cylinders, crosshead guide, crosshead, faschead, packing case, packing rings, piston rod and piston, FRAME: Frame design will vary based on the manufacturer. Some types are: 1. Vertical - The crosshead guide and cylinder assembly are in the vertical position, 2. Vertical Vee - Two or more cylinders in a semi-vertical position with a common crankshaft. Horizontal Straight Line (T) - Normally a belt driven, but not always. ‘Horizontal Balanced Opposed - Cylinders are on a comtmon crankshaft, but on opposite sides of the frame. The opposing cylinder components must be in balance weightwise. E.L specifies an allowable one pound differential. 5, There are other designs; however, these are the most common, Crankshaft design is similar to that of an engine. Depending upon the compressor design, the journals niay not be eqially spaced. Bearing clearance, end play, etc. are checked in the same fashion as am engine and tolerances must be met. These are several very critical factors to be considered but perhaps the most important are ifferential pressure and horsepower. Ifa manufacturer lists a Value for "horsepower per throw" that normally indicates the horsepower the crankshaft will take prior to breaking. CXEINDERS: Cylinders come in various sizes, shapes and performances. Normally the sndoniasan nee rat ‘This may not be true if a side-stream operation is used. Some cylinders will accept a liner and some do not. Some of the Energy Industries linered cylinders have the capability of changing the operational base by using different size liner. Example: A cylinder is stamped "Bore 2 3/4 - 3 3/4 inches". That would be the range of liner bores that it will accept. The liner that is installed should be indicated. ca Fe tosnmerere On All cylinders will have a minimum of one suction and one discharge valve. Most have more than one each. Some cylinders are designed to and are are ri A double acting cylinder can be made to perform as a single acting by unloading the valves. Gylinders may be either air. or water-cooled.” CROSSHEAD/GUIDE® The That part of the frame that the crosshead crosshead guide. The guide is shaped-internally-to match the design of the crosshead. Some crossheads have removable shoes and others do not. This is important to know if excessive wear is noted. Removable shoes can be shimmed for proper top side clearance while the fixed type cannot. Clearance between the crosshead and the guide on a horizontal-opposed should be zero on the bottom and book specifications on the top. Clearance on the top is two-fold in nature. It allows operating clearance to prevent wear on the high side and reduced clearance to prevent flopping on the low side of the clearance range - (,006 -. 015) as an example. Shimming would be required to correct for excessive rod run out. ‘Dore. It is measured with the piston at the crank end, at mid-point between the crank end and the head end and at the head-end. Every manufacturer has their own tolerance. ules |. Failure to meet this tolerance could result, in damage to the piston, cylinder and packing. Ks [A series of rings are installed on the crank end of the cyliader fo . The rings seal around the rod. Different compressor manufacturers may have a varying arrangement, the most common cussed below: (SEE ATTACHMENT) ‘The rings are cut either radially or tangentially. The radial rings are pressure breakers and the tangential are sealing rings. Normal arrangement within the cups is: AB = either one or two radial pressure breakers. CD - JK = one radial and one tangential in each cup. The radial faces the cylinder to break pressure and the tangential seals. LM = Either a radial-tangential arrangement or two tangentials, depending on manufacturer and application. Two tangentials are referred to as double sealing. ‘They prevent gas from leaking out of and air from leaking into the cylinder. cs For Tolng Pagers Oa armas ina tipnetaahutel ates eS TESTE. Note that these markings are on the end of two sections of the ring and in the center on one section. They should be matched per the above drawing. This will ensure a definite match at the cuts due to method of manufacturing. ‘Ancexception’to the above arrangement is when castirom backed teflon rings are used, the tangential faces the pressuré, The radial cast iron is simply a support backing for the teflon. The rings are cooled in part by the breathing action caused by piston movement. The nose cone must be of the proper size. If it is too short, it will interfere with this breathing action. In some cases, a spacer can be used behind the case to shorten the distance. ‘The sealing action of the rings is caused by gas in the voids and pressure. Packing ring material is normally either brass or a cast iron-teflon combination. The lubri can vary from different makes of compressors. Someuse yp. Some use the splash method where x portion of the crankshaft rides in the sump and splashes oil onto the omponents. ~ ‘Those using pump almost always use a gear-type pump. That is, the gears inside the unit act as the pump. The method by which the pump is driven varies. Some use gears from the crankshaft while others use a chain drive. crankshaft to lube the bearings. The splash method normally has pick-up cups that rotate through the ojl anid splash the bearings, crossheads and components. Some units use a combination of forced feed, splash and flood. In these units the splash system lubricates the above items. The flood system is usually for the gear train and the force feed lubricates the cylinders and packing. The cooling system cambe either air-cooled or water-eooled; again depending on the manufacturer and the size of the unit along with operating parameters. C6 Fe Tog rep Om, outstanding unit forlow pressure wells and for vapor recovery. Taking gas from these sources and compressing it allows for adequate suction pressure on a large reciprocating compressor, Some manufacturers boast of discharge pressure to 750 psig or above. Energy Industries, except for a bosster unit, statesiamakimum discharge pressure of 350 “psige® This difference comes about, for the most part, by requiring a higher suction pressure. E.1. rotary screw compressor can operate with a suction pressure between a mipsel enn: au plis 20, 8006S DEBE Our booster unit can provide a discharge pressure of 450 psig however the minimum suction pressure on this unit is a positive ten and to get to the 450 psig discharge pressure, we must have at least a positive 20 psig suction. Some manufacturers use rotors that must be timed to each other since they are connected through gears. Failure to time them will result in binding and seizing. Others use a driver and follower arrangement. This is where one rotor is driven and the other follows. One has more lobes than the other. Gas and oil within the rotor cavities cause the rotors not to clash. E.L uses the latter design. Gas enters at one end of the rotors and is mixed with a synthetic oil. As it travels the Iength of the rotors, the volume decreases building up pressure. The oil and gas are separated in the "oil-gas separator". ‘The-oil system is normally 2 closed systemand-uses'a’synthetic oil of whieh one type is Polyolalphaline: There are several usable types with regard to manufacturer. E.l. does not recommend a manufacturer, only oil specifications. C7 Far Trang Perpeee Out. ‘HORIZONTAL BALANCED-OpposeD COMPRESSOR rose crossumocune peteyneo Baaovere> I Z @ O aa ceanateess, Frave ——cmsisiarr COANECTING ROD codkrER Wet comers a Gas at Inlet Pressure ~ Gas at Discharge Pressure = Gas at inlet Pressure ~ Gas at Interstage Pressure = Gas at Discharge Pressure eouelea|O ' ainssald 2 «— Piston Displacement—- SQUeles|D, 5 ainssaig ~ — 7.0 Compression Ratios oO Pd, = 4.0 Compression Ratios 2 g 3 2 g Oo o |x co 2 Ps | --- — ~— 57% VE — | » <= 76% VE ~~! 115 100 0 Percent Piston Displacement Volumetric efficiency decreases as the ratios of compression increase. Pressure 114 107 100 Percent Piston Displacement Volumetric efficiency decreases as clearance increases. ‘Pressure — o __ Piston Stroke Volume 08) Discharge l fron 6G posh 1s yawn we caglander velwme La tins wen Ap belo opens j on sons 0 Fete eran HO P are te ys bojt cane ine P 2 Cylender bak by os presser ¥ HEA Ge Ate antl suchen poesse > te Pinside Geer } eo Thun Satie vel falop opie nb! ih cotal -1 4 =A Piston Stroke Volume N | 0 5 Se. sourlesjg | ST wo © ainssaid o Volume Piston Strok | Suing | | ' eQUBlea|O | o | oS ~ a ge o ainssaig % ru 4 Volume Piston Stroke SP auinjon ' gouRles}Q | SEI & ainssaid COMPRESSOR ROD LOAD COMPRESSION LOAD — ¢ TENSION LOAD a ‘eT ST _- Static Rod Load= — Inertia Dynamic S.A.C.E. Connecting Rod Crankshaft End / AXA r —] . oO Connecting Rod @) Piston] piston | Crosshead End “Rod Crankshaft SSSLALS Clearance Without VVCP Connecting Rod Crankshaft End cs ~ a | SOS (@) Connecting Rod ~¢e) Piston piston Crankshaft Crosshead End —-——Rod SASS SL o NXOSS Crankshaft Connecting Rod \Piston Y Crosshead End — eo Rod | Piston | _ io i iC) Connecting Rod Crankshaft End AIS TTT a Clearance With VVCP Y, - ct ig | ope non 63.72 “ae ves are as follows 53.54 17.24 , 42.00 1° 26.93 10.3 PACKING CASE Suction Suction Recirculation Discharge Recirculation High Vi Fixed Vi Variable Vi Variable Vi \ Discharge BACK-PRESSUNE ‘conTAGLLER ¢ A -t[ sas costen pro. rra-- -¥ -pki----- ee onenen| cob coo i © Yeo y oomsa u Gr) wer ies Gass a Gasol SEPARATOR st¢Ht feces oueex TENSE Ja; senueeen os} ot ore I TEMPERATURE cowrnouten on Fieve TO Wicnon —-GGPenscucace, nessun vi vaLve, srUTere gas PD suireneace,reMPenarURe V2 VALVE,SHUTOFE A/D nomen ATLAS COFCO @ecnuoe, pressure V3\A.SVALVE,VENT ol @ UGE, TEMPERATURE ORI OFFICE, FIRED CHGAGE,DIFE PRESS. OR2 OFFICE, LDJUETARL: Back-pRESsURE ConrmoUeR DISCHARGE _ cas conten ee Hy a " et tone penn db ~~~ SY La! y, CHECK VALVE ' er + ih re el BYPASS Gas/ow ‘SEPARATOR scRUBEER reniPemarune Seurrnoccen ou Fire TOMIERON ———YFRswitenoace, wmessuAE VI VALVE, SHUTOFF mA bacanie SULLAIA wrnwoor ou pour Qe eronse rarmnee v2 VALVE, SHUTOFF ‘ ALIN ANO WITH INLET CHECK VALVE BWITCHGAGE, DIFF, PRE V3,4,5 VALVE, VENT on, BEAL Gere) DIFF, PRESS. V3e4,5 VALVE, V1 — Snovan ut : @owuce, pressure ont, onFice, Fixeo 5.SCAVENGER LINE Tsauce, TEMPERATURE CAPACITY (MMSCFD) 1s fa I Be Ch 2 | 0 + REET IT ®9 4s CI [a To ps Mv t— le ie L L | il r Ltt | Ltt SUCTION PRESSURE (PSIG) 1s patmane cee acimatn ey and tan cards Hurt conned eM ESOgT IN sitter spect ake 4 TT TT [ ate | | OFF Feat 20+ tf 4 a a4 1 | aan ail 5a.| | ter] meal peaseeaea 0-| i 1S t | ae > rH lee von t fa aTAA SEE der eT ee et eee IB | TSU0/RE qe ee ye of ipam Fy Ser rl Hoss rE Hes ge Tha [A 1 eT | | “tee saree ee ae ae pert - an ey ee as 4 iz | TAL 2 4 a _ | tt 1 | = | 4 mB a = LC { |_| — ) {- — L { i ri Te] tk ATT i 1 SUCTION PRESSURE (PSIG) Sonic OR: ORIFICE SIZE RANGE . USED IN LIEU OF 9767 BACK, PRESSURE 4 19757 ~ Be .6870 - .6880 CONTROLLER ON C7495 ~ 7505 ELECTRIC DRIVEN D 5620 ~ 5630 UNITB E ,8120 + £8130 F ,2920 ~ .2930 c 6875 - .6885 Ho .3705 = .3715 J +4300 - 14310 CAPACITY Weatherford Enterta Compression Company EFFECT ON VOLUME AND REQUIRED HORSEPOWER AS ONLY SUCTION PRESSURE CHANGES AVAILABLE HORSEPOWER 48 1150_ 44 1100 40 36 1000 32 28 900 24 800 20 - 16 700 12 8 4 600 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 SUCTION PRESSURE *HORSEPOWER ENERGY CUSTOMER: Training INDUSTRIES QUOTE NUMBER: G.Lea “CATION: Corpus Christi, TX DATE: 02-01-2996 = ATION: 150 FT ATM PRESS.: 14.57 PSIA AMBIENT TEMP.: 100 DEG F Gas TYPE: NATURAL GAS DRY AND SWEET N VALUE 1.260; CRITICAL PRESSURE: 670 PSIA SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0.650 ..” CRITICAL TEMPERATURE: 375 DEG. R UNIT: G3516LEAHS / FE 5653 ROD LOAD LIMIT COMPRESSION: 40000 LBS © ROD LOAD LIMIT TENSION: 40000 LAS STROKE: 5.000 INCHES ROD DIAMETER: 2.250 INCHES COMPRESSOR SPEED: 1200 RPM PISTON SPEED: 1000.0 FPM CONDITION NUMBER 1 STAGE 1 CYLINDER TYPS 89 SERIES LOADING OPTION DOUBLE ACT ALL VALVES INSTALLED NUMBER OF CYLINDERS 2 BORE, INCHES 8.500 CYL. WORKING PRESS., PSI 1250 sucrro? DISCHAR SUCTION 2 DISCHARGE 2 “TLON PRESSURE,“ PSIG “EARGE PRESSURE, PSIG eRESSION RATIO ce CAPACITY, MSCFD CAPACITY, SCFM ACTUAL CAPACITY, ‘ACFH PISTON DISPLACEMENT, CFM VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY, % NORMAL HEAD END CLEARANCE, © NORMAL CRANK END CLEARANCE, % TOTAL CLEARANCE, % ADDED CLEARANCE, CU.IN./CYL INLET VALVE VELOCITY, FPM DISCH VALVE VELOCITY, FM INDICATED HORSEPOWER PER STAGE TOTAL INDICATED HORSEPOWER TOTAL BRAKE HORSEPOWER AUXILIARY HORSEPOWER TOTAL HORSEPOWER REQUIRED ENGINE HORSEPOWER AVAILABLE GAS ROD LOAD COMPRESSION, LBS S$ ROD LOAD TENSION, LBS 877.2 1150.0 AT 1200 RPM ENGINE SPEED 35930.0 31134.5 ENERGY INDUSTRIES CUSTOMER: Training QUOTE NUMBER: G.Lea NCATION: Corpus Christi, TX DATE: 02-01-1996 ATION: 150 FT ATM PRESS.: 14.57 PSIA AMBIENT TEMP.: 100 DEG F GAS TYPE: NATURAL GAS DRY AND SWEET N VALUE, 1.260 CRITICAL PRESSURE: 670 PSIA SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0.650 CRITICAL TEMPERATURE: 375 DEG. R UNIT: G3Si6LEAHS / FE 565B ROD LORD LIMIT COMPRESSION: 40000 LBS ROD LOAD LIMIT TENSION: 40000 LBS STROKE: 5.000 INCHES ROD DIAMETER: 2.250 INCHES COMPRESSOR SPEED: 1200 RPM PISTON SPEED: 1000.0 FPM CONDITION NUMBER 2 STAGE 1 CYLINDER TYPE 89 SERIES LONDING OPTION DOUBLE ACT ALL VALVES INSTALLED NUMBER OF CYLINDERS 2 Bi » INCHES 8.500 CYL. WORKING PRESS., PST 1250 SUCTION TEMPERATURE, DEG F 0.00 DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE, DEG F 195.5: SUCTIONZ 0.941 MISCHARGE Z__________________0.934 “TION PRESSURE, PSIG ___ 350.005 “HARGE PRESSURE, PSIG $00. 00 \ .eRESSTON RATIO 2.560 CAPACITY, MSCFD 17543.5 - CAPACITY, SCFM 1218310 ACTUAL CAPACITY, ACFM 495.0 me PISTON DISPLACEMENT, CFM 760.5 VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY, % 65.09 NORMAL HEAD END CLEARANCE, % 28.18 NORMAL CRANK END CLEARANCE, © 26.99 TOTAL CLEARANCE, © 27.61 ADDED CLEARANCE, CU.IN./CYL. 0.00 INLE? VALVE VELOCITY, FPM 5084.2 DISCH VALVE VELOCITY, FPM 5084.2 INDICATED HORSEPOWER PER STAGE TOTAL INDICATED HORSEPOWER TOTAL BRAKE HORSEPOWER AUXILIARY HORSEPOWER TOTAL HORSEPOWER REQUIRED ENGINE HORSEPOWER AVAILABLE 1150.0 AT 1200 RPM ENGINE SPEED GAS ROD LOAD COMPRESSION, LBS 33318.0 *$ ROD LOAD TENSION, LBS 28325.6 oa ENERGY INDUSTRIES CUSTOMER: Tr@ining QUOTE NUMBER: G.bea CATION: Corpus Christi,TX DATE: 02-01-1996 _ ATION: 150 PT ATM PRESS.: 14.57 PSIA AMBIENT TEMP.: 100 DEG F GAS TYPE: NATURAL GAS DRY AND SW N VALUE 2 1.260 CRITICAL PRESSURE: 670 PSIA SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0.650 CRITICAL TEMPERATURE: 375 DEG. R UNIT: G3S16LEAHS / FE S6SB ROD LOAD LIMIT COMPRESSION: 40000 LBS ROD LOAD LIMIT TENSION: 40000 LBS STROKE: $.000 INCHES ROD DIAMETER: 2.250 INCHES COMPRESSOR SPEED: 1200 RPM PISTON SPEED: 1000.0 FEM CONDITION NUMBER STAGE CYLINDER TYPE LOADING OPTION NUMBER OF CYLINDERS BORE, INCHES CYL. WORKING PRESS., PST SUCTION-TEMPERATURE ;~DEG-F- DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE, .DEG.F. SUCTION 2 PTSCHARGE_2- . “TION PRESSURE,. PSIG — ‘HARGE PRESSURE, PSIG Cu LRESSION RATIO CAPACITY, MSCFD CAPACITY, SCFM ACTUAL CAPACITY, ACFM PISTON DISPLACEMENT, CFM VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY, % NORMAL HEAD END CLEARANCE, * NORMAL CRANK END CLEARANCE, © TOTAL CLEARANCE, % ADDED CLEARANCE, CU. IN. /C¥L INLET VALVE VELOCITY, FPM DISCH VALVE VELOCITY, FPM INDICATED HORSEPOWER PER STAGE TOTAL INDICATED HORSEPOWER TOTAL BRAKE HORSEPOWER AUXILIARY HORSEPOWER TOTAL HORSEPOWER REQUIRED ENGINE HORSEPOWER AVAILABLE GAS ROD LOAD COMPRESSION, LBS § ROD LOAD TENSION, LBS 3 1 89 SERIES DOUBLE ACT ALL VALVES INSTALLED 2 8.500 1250 21874.8 15190.8 538.2 760.5 70.97 28.28 26.99 27.61 0.00 5084.2 5084.2 “375.6 > 975.67 1005.6 21.8 1027.3 2150.0 AT 1200 RPM ENGINE SPEED 30705.9 25516.8 ENERGY INDUSTRIES CUSTOMER: Training QUOTE NUMBER: G.Lea CATION: Corpus Christi, TX DATE: 02-01-1996 URTION; 150 FT ATM PRESS.: 14.57 PSIA AMBIENT TEMP.: 100 DEG F GAS TYPE: NATURAL GAS DRY AND SWEET. N VALUE : 1.260 CRITICAL PRESSURE: 670 PSIA SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0.650 CRITICAL TEMPERATURE: 375 DEG. R UNIT: G3S16LEAHS / FE 56SB ROD LOAD LIMIT COMPRESSION: 40000 LBS ROD LOAD LIMIT TENSION: 40000 LES STROKE: 5.000 INCHES ROD DIAMETER: 2,250 INCHES COMPRESSOR SPEED: 1200 RPM PISTON SPEED: 1000.0 FEM CONDITION NUMBER 4 STAGE 1 CYLINDER TYPE 89 SERIES LOADING OPTION DOUBLE ACT ALL VALVES INSTALLED NUMBER OF CYLINDERS 2 BORE, INCHES 8.500 CYL. WORKING PRESS., PSI 1250 SUCTION TEMPERATURE,.DEG.F 80 DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE, DEG_F SUCTEON: 3 ~ MISCHARGE_Z_-——. °TION PRESSURE, PSIG SHARGE-PRESSURE, “PSIG. UL PRESSION RATIO CAPACITY, MSCFD CAPACITY, SCFM ACTUAL CAPACITY, ACM PISTON DISPLACEMENT, CFM VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY, © NORMAL HEAD END CLEARANCE, % NORMAL CRANK END CLEARANCE, & TOTAL CLEARANCE, * ADDED CLEARANCE, CU.IN./CYL INLET VALVE VELOCITY, FPM DISCH VALVE VELOCITY, FPM INDICATED HORSEPOWER PER STAGE TOTAL INDICATED HORSEPOWER TOTAL BRAKE HORSEPOWER AUXILIARY HORSEPOWER TOTAL HORSEPOWER REQUIRED INE HORSEPOWER AVAILABLE GAS ROD LOAD COMPRESSION, LBS ~§ ROD LOAD TENSION, LBS 163. s084.2 5084.2 1053.1 1150.0 AT 1200 RPM ENGINE SPEED 2093.9 22707.9 ENERGY INDUSTRIES CUSTOMER: Training QUOTE NUMBER: G.Lea “ACATION: Corpus Christi, TX DATE: 02-01-1996 TATION: 150 FT ATM PRESS.: 14.57 PSIA AMBIENT TEMP.: 100 DEG F Gas TYPE: NATURAL GAS DRY AND SWEET. N VALUE 1.260 CRITICAL PRESSURE: 670 PSIA SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0.650 CRITICAL TEMPERATURE: 375 DEG. R UNIT: G3516LEAHS / FE S65B ROD LOAD LIMIT COMPRESSION: 40000 LBS | ROD LOAD LIMIT TENSION: 40000 Las STROKE: 5.000 INCHES ROD DIAMETER: 2.250 INCHES COMPRESSOR SPEED: 1200 RPM PISTON SPEED: 1000.0 FPM CONDITION NUMBER s STAGE 1 CYLINDER TYPE 89 SERIES LOADING OPTION DOUBLE ACT ALL VALVES INSTALLED NUMBER OF CYLINDERS 2 BORE, INCHES 8.500 CYL. WORKING PRESS., PST 1250 SUCTION TEMPERATURE, DEG F 80.00 DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE, DEG F 150.57 SUCTION Z @.3i7 DISCHARGE Z 0.932 “CTION PRESSURE, PSIG 500.00 CHARGE PRESSURE, PSIG 300.00 \ PRESSION RATIO a.e13 CAPACITY, MSCFD 30906.9 CAPACITY, SCFM 21463. ACTUAL CAPACITY, ACFM 602.3 - PISTON DISPLACEMENT, CFM 760.5 VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY, % 79.20 NORMAL HEAD END CLEARANCE, © 28.18 NORMAL CRANK END CLEARANCE, * 26.99 TOTAL CLEARANCE, % 27.61 ADDED CLEARANCE, CU.IN./CYL. 0.00 INLET VALVE VELOCITY, FPM 5084.2 DISCH VALVE VELOCITY, FPM 5084.2 INDICATED HORSEPOWER PER STAGE. 1000.7 TOTAL INDICATED HORSEPOWER 1000.7 TOTAL BRAKE HORSEPOWER 3030.7 AUXILIARY HORSEPOWER 21.8 TOTAL HORSEPOWER REQUIRED 2052.5 ENGINE HORSEPOWER AVAILABLE 1150.0 AT 1200 RPM ENGINE SPEED GAS ROD LOAD COMPRESSION, LBS 2548.8 “AS ROD LOAD TENSION, LBS 19899.0 ENERGY cusToMER: Training INDUSTRIES QUOTE NUMBER: G.Lea “*CRTION: Corpus Christi, TX DATE: 02-01-1996 ATION: 150 FT ATM PRESS.: 14.57 PSIA AMBIENT TEMP.: 100 DEG F GAS TYPE: NATURAL GAS DRY AND SWEET. N VALUE 1.260 CRITICAL PRESSURE: 670 PSIA SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0.650 CRITICAL TEMPERATURE: 375 DEG. R UNIT: G3516LEAHS / FE 5658 ROD LOAD LIMIT COMPRESSION: 40000 LBS ROD LOAD LIMIT TENSION: 40000 LBS STROKE: 5.000 INCHES ROD DIAMETER: 2.250 INCHES COMPRESSOR SPEED: 1200 RPM PISTON SPEED: 1000.0 FPM CONDITION NUMBER 6 STAGE 1 CYLINDER TYPE 89 SERIES LOADING OPTION DOUBLE ACT ALL VALVES INSTALLED NUMBER OF CYLINDERS 2 BORE, INCHES 8.500 CYL. WORKING PRESS., PSI 1250 SUCTION TEMPERATURE, DEG F 80.00 DISCHARGS TEMPERATURE, DEG F 139.00 SUCTION 2, 0.909 DISCHARGE Z 0.304 CTION. PRESSURE, PSIG $50.00 > CHARGE PRESSURE, PSIG 900.00 \ 8RESSION RATIO 1.653 CAPACITY, MSCFD 35593.0 CAPACITY, SCFM -~ 24727.4 ACTUAL CAPACITY, ACIM 626.9 PISTON DISPLACEMENT, CFM 760.5 VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY, 82.43 NORMAL HEAD END CLEARANCE, * 28.18 NORMAL CRANK END CLEARANCE, % 26.99 TOTAL CLEARANCE, % 27.61 ADDED CLEARANCE, CU. IN. /CYL. 0.00 INLET VALVE VELOCITY, FPM 5084.2 DISCH VALVE VELOCITY, FPM 5084.2 INDICATED HORSEPOWER PER STAGE 977.1 TOTAL INDICATED HORSEPOWER 977.3 TOTAL BRAKE HORSEPOWER 1007.2 AUXILIARY HORSEPOWER 22.8 TOTAL HORSEPOWER REQUIRED 1028.8 ENGINE HORSEPOWER AVAILABLE 1150.0 AT 1200 RPM ENGINE SPEED GAS ROD LOAD COMPRESSION, LBS 22669.7 \S ROD LOAD TENSION, LBS 170902 ENERGY CUSTOMER: Training INDUSTRIES QUOTE NUMBER: G.Lea “CATION: Corpus Christi, Tx DATE: 02-01-1996 VATION: 150 FT ATM PRESS.: 14.57 PSIA AMBIENT TEMP,; 100 DEG F Gas TYPE: NATURAL GAS DRY AND SWEET N VALUE 1.260 CRITICAL PRESSURE: 670 PSIA SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0.650 CRITICAL TEMPERATURE: 375 DEG. R. UNIT: G3S16LEAHS / FE Sé65B ROD LOAD LIMIT COMPRESSION: 40000 LBS ROD LOAD LIMIT TENSION: 40000 LBS STROKE: 5.000 INCHES ROD DIAMETER: 2.250 INCHES COMPRESSOR SPEED: 1200 RPM PISTON SPEED: 1000.0 FPM CONDITION NUMBER 7 STAGE 1 CYLINDER TYPE 89 SERTES LOADING OPTION DOUBLE ACT ALL VALVES INSTALLED, NUMBER OF CYLINDERS 2 8.500 > PSI 1250 SUCTION TEMPERATURE, DEG F 80.00 DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE, DEG F 128.60 SUCTION 2 0.902 DISCHARGE 2, 0.897 CTION PRESSURE, PSIG 600.00 CHARGE PRESSURE, PSIG 300.00 \ PRESSION RATIO 2.518 CAPACITY, MSCFD 40385.8 CAPACITY, SCFM 28045.7 ACTUAL CAPACITY, ACFM 648.0 PISTON DISPLACEMENT, CFM 760.5 VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY, % 85.20 NORMAL HEAD END CLEARANCE, % 28.18 NORMAL CRANK END CLEARANCE, % 26.99 TOTAL CLEARANCE, % 27.61 ADDED CLEARANCE, CU. IN. /CYL. 0.00 INLET VALVE VELOCITY, FPM 5084.2 DISCH VALVE VELOCITY, FPM 5084.2 INDICATED HORSEPOWER PER STAGE 933.1 TOTAL INDICATED HORSEPOWER 533.1 TOTAL BRAKE HORSEPOWER 963.1 AUXILIARY HORSEPOWER 21.8 TOTAL HORSEPOWER REQUIRED 984.8 ENGINE HORSEPOWER AVAILABLE 2150.0 AT 1200 RPM ENGINE SPEED GAS ROD LOAD COMPRESSION, LBS 20257.7 \S ROD LOAD TENSION, LBS 14281.2 ENERGY INDUSTRIES CUSTOMER: Training QUOTE NUMBER: G.Lea “ACATION: Corpus Christi, TX DATE: 02-01-1996 a80 FT ATM PRESS.: 14.57 PSTA AMBIENT TEMP.: 100 DEG F NATURAL GAS DRY AND SWEET 260 CRITICAL PRESSURE: 670 PSIA (C GRAVITY: 0.650 CRITICAL TEMPERATURE: 375 DEG. R. N VALUE SPECI UNIT: G3S16LEAHS / FE 5658 ROD LOAD LIMIT COMPRESSION: 40000 LBS © ROD LOAD LIMIT TENSION: 40000 LBS STROKE: 5.000 INCHES ROD DIAMETER: 2.250 INCHES COMPRESSOR SPEED: 1200 RPM PISTON SPEED: 1000.0 FPM CONDITION NUMBER 8 STAGE 1 CYLINDER TYPE 89 SERIES LOADING OPTION DOUBLE ACT ALL VALVES INSTALLED NUMBER OF CYLINDERS 2 BORE, INCHES 8.500 CYL, WORKING PRESS., PST 1250 SUCTION TEMPERATURE, DEG F 80.00 DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE, DEG F 119.18 SUCTION Z 0.894 DISCHARGE 2 0.890 CRION PRESSURE, PSIG 650.00 “HARGE PRESSURE, PSIG 300.00 (. RESSION RATIO 1.404 CAPACITY, MSCFD 45281.4 CAPACITY, SCFM 31445.4 “URL CAPACITY, ACFM 666.2 PISTON DISPLACEMENT, CFM 760.5 VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY, * 87.60 NORMAL HEAD END CLEARANCE, *% 28.18 NORMAL CRANK END CLEARANCE, & 26.93 ‘TOTAL CLEARANCE, % 27.61 ADDED CLEARANCE, CU.IN./CYL. 0.00 INLET VALVE VELOCITY, FPM 5084.2 DISCH VALVE VELOCITY, FPM 5084.2 INDICATED HORSEPOWER PER STAGE 870.9 TOTAL INDICATED HORSEPOWER 870.9 TOTAL BRAKE HORSEPOWER 900.3 AUXILIARY HORSEPOWER 21.8 TOTAL HORSEPOWER REQUIRED 922.7 ENGINE HORSEPOWER AVAILABLE 1250.0 AT 1200 RPM ENGINE SPEED GAS ROD LOAD COMPRESSION, LBS 17645. “AS ROD LOAD TENSION, LBS 32472.4 A compressor valve can be considered to be a oneway.check valve that allows¢gasitoflow ‘The valve opens based on ferential pressure. As-the:pistom moves from-the cylinder Valve manufacturers use several different types of material for valve plates. Three common types are metal, plastic, and Polyethlethy! KeyTone (PEEK). They each have their advantages and disadvantages. 8. Metalvalyes are good in valve areas having high temperatures. However, they are notithe best:in:an HS environment since they will suffershigh. ‘corrosion. — b. SBapevagy + good in conditions with H,S.and liquids. They do not corrode and are quite resilient. They are not good in high temperatures. «PEEK valves are good for H;S, liquids and moderate temperatures. They can fi |. Below 200°F, they become brittle and can break easily. ‘Phere are several items considered when selecting a valve. Some are the operating pressures, the weight of the gas, the velocity of the gas, operating temperatures and liquids in the gas. As these are considered, determination is made as to material, springing, lift, ete. Several designs are avaitable. Some are plate valves, ring valves, poppet valves, channel valves, and reed valves. All will have some form of the folowing components: a Seat b. Valve «Spring a Guard Dl Far Teacrepem On ‘The valve is what actually allows the gas flow by opening the ports. The springs serve two functions. They act as a cushion to prevent the plate from slamming and assist in valve closure: In high pressure or high speed applications, double springing may bemore efficient, The most common of this design is a combination of damping plates and coil springs: ‘When installing valves, care must be taken to ensure they are installed in the correct port. Putting suction valves in discharge ports and vice versa can cause an explosion. The nut or bolt head faces away from the cylinder. To determine if a valve is a suction or discharge, push s blunt object into the assembly and determine in which valve plate moves. If it moves toward the retaining nut or bolt head, it is designed for a discharge valve. If it moves away from the nut or bolt head, it is set up as a suction valve. Some manufacturers make their valves with different dimensions so they will not fit in the opposite port. During normal operation, the discharge valve suffers a greater amount of damage due to the speed of the piston and the gas. ‘Liftis the term used for how much the valve plate moves when it opens. If the lift is not _ great enough, the efficiency of the cylinder is affected by not-allowing all of the gas to be discharged during: piston’movement. In addition, temperatures will increase and slamming open and shut will cause damage to the valve. Loo.much would also create problems in efficiency since the valve would not open and close at the correct time and again would cause:a slamming effect. ‘Twipact Loading is another item considered. Impact loading, in simple terms, is the plate™ wobbling. The plates tend to slam open and slam shut. Often this occurs as a'result of * improper springing. Too light of springs results in valve breakage on the outer edge. Too heavy springing results in breakage on the inside. - - - There are times when plates tend to stick to the guard. This is critical in high speed applications. This sticking is usually caused by liquids or lubricant, where lubricant normally comes from the piston lubricator system. Sticking requires a greater force to ‘open them which accelerates the valve speed causing breakage. Corrective action can be done by reducing the source of the liquids, re-arranging the springs or by installing a wavy plate between the plate and the guard. The latter two gives a progressive separation, ‘Valves are the heart of a reciprocating compressor and should be treated as such. They should be kept clean. Turbulence in the valve area in high velocity conditions can cause the valves to break. Checking valves during preventive maintenance is a must. This means removing them, taking them apart, inspecting and cleaning them, Inspecting valves is a sure way of determining status. A leak check will not tell you if the valve is stuck closed or has a hairline crack that opens with temperature causing the valve toleak. Shiny seat surfaces indicate high impact. D2 Peteeg rane On In addition, valve inspection may point to other problem areas within the package. If bits of small wire are found in the valves, it may indicate failure of the scrubber mist pad. Bits of springs could mean valve spring failure or packing ring failure. ‘When disassembling a valve, ensure the locating pin (dowel) is not bent or damaged. If damaged, replace it. Use tare in reassembly. If pin is bent, improper torque will be experienced causing the valve to come apart. Seats and guards should not be machined unless absohutely necessary. This affects lift and the overall thickness which could weaken the entire assembly. D3 Pa Yee Pepe On |< —Gasket ___-— Valve Guard —_— Damper Spring fs . x = _-—— Closing Spring $a) »———~ Damper Plates ij! _-— Valve Plate i i _--— Guide Ring a * _- Valve Seat yt a ~«——— Gasket <—— Chair <«—_—— Valve ~——~ Gasket Valve Adequate lubrication of the compressor piston and the piston rod packing is absolutely essential. The piston must be well lubricated because of movement and heat of compression. The piston rod moving through the packing rings requires that they be lubricated to prevent damage. Too little lubrication can cause pistons to seize and packing rings to break. Too much lubrication can cause sticking compressor valves, contaminated gas, and a waste of oil. We therefore want to lube at an established rate and amount. The amount of lubrication will depend on the unit and the manufacturer. The type of lubricator system is also determined by the manufacturer. AL Divider Block System This system uses a pump and a series of valves. Normally units with discharge pressure below 2500 psig can use one pump if the gas is relatively dry and normal conditions exist. Included in the system is a pump, filter, rupture disc, check valves and the valves (blocks). The blocks can be ordered by size which represents the amount of oil in thousandths of a cubic inch it will furnish per stroke. In addition, it can be ordered to provide lube to one lube point or two. As an example, a block stamped ST will provide 0.009 cubic inch per stroke. It also feeds two lube points. A 9S produces 0.009 cubic inch per stroke, but feeds only one lube point. A stroke is the movement of a piston in one direction. A cycle is piston movement in both directions. This provides the capability to furnish a lube point with an exact amount of oil. (Attachment 1) The pump is driven from a cam in the lubricator reservoir. This camshaft is driven, in many cases, by either gear, arm or chain from the crankshaft. The flow can be adjusted on most pumps by adjusting the point on the cam lobe where the rocker arm or lever strikes. 1. The attached worksheets depicts one method of computing a block arrangement for a compressor unit. This is the E.J. method but is not the only method. (Attachment 2) 2. The cycle rate is critical to prevent a component from running dry before it gets another shot of oil. A piston makes one stroke but will not complete the cycle until all other blocks have completed the stroke. If this time element is too great, a component may run dry. E.L's theory is that this time should never exceed one hundred seconds per cycle. El Fe trp on 3. For the system to mechanically function, it must have a minimum of three blocks. To maintain the suggested time limit, the maximum number of blocks should be eight. If more than eight blocks are required, either a second pump can be installed or two assemblies can be used driven by a master assembly comprised of three blocks. (Attachment 3) Pump to Point System (P to P) ‘This system requires one pump for each lube point. This may create the need for an extra Jong lubricator box depending on the number of points. The example used for the divider block system would require 13 pumps with the P to P configuration, There are many makes and models of this style of pump; however, the operation and adjustment are basically the same. The major difference is the number of drops that equal one pint. This is determined by the size of the drop per model number. The manufacturer's manuals should be consulted. (Attachment 4) 1, Basic Operation is: a. The pump piston is moved upward by a rocker arm that rides on a cam lobe. A spring moves the piston down to follow the lobe. As the piston moves, a partial vacuum is created. This closes the discharge check and opens inlet check. b. The vacuum then draws lubricant from the sight well. This creates a vacuum in the sight well allowing oil to be drawn from the reservoir into the sight wil. The number of drops is 2 measure of the amount of oil being seut iv ti tube point. As the cam lobe pushes the piston up, the inlet check is closed, the discharge check is opened and oil is forced to the lube point. 2, Adjustment is made by screwing in or out on the adjustment screw thereby changing the point on the lobe at which the rocker arm strikes. This changes the number of drops per minute going into the sight well. Never adjust the rate to Jess than one-half drop per stroke or the hydraulic seal will be lost. To determine the stroke, observe the end of the lubricator cam shaft and note that one stroke equals one revolution of the shaft. The vendor manual will list the maximum and minimum drops per stroke. E2 Fa Trg Pape Ot PUMP TO POINT ON THE DOWNWARD STROKE ALL DISCHARGE VALVES CLOSE AND SUCTION VALVE REMAINS OPEN WHILE DIL 1S DRAWN THROUGH THE SIGHT GLASS VACUUM IN THE SYSTEM CAUSES LOW PRESSURE IN THE SIGRT GLASS WHICH DRAWS OIL INTO IT. ON THE UPWARD STROKE THE SUCTION VALVE CLOSES AND DISCRARGE VALVES OPEN TO ALLOW OIL TO BE DISCHARGED THROUGR PUMP OUTLET LUBRICATOR FEED MCL~12TCI 12Aee8 4 #2 ROD f #1 ROD MCL-12T 124983 #1 CYL TOP { B st CYL BOTTOM MCL-9T 1e982 #2 CYL TOP { ge CYL BOTTOM NOTES: 1, MAXIMUM CYCLE TIME IS 24 SECONDS. 2, MINIMUM LUBE DIL RATE IS 825 PPD, S&z| | ENERGY INDUSTRIES | all © CT: TITLE: GAS COMPRESSOR FOR DIVIDER BLOCK BROOKLYN UNION #2 SCHEMATIC ALE] DRAWN DATE ‘CHECK NGAPP, [Re SHEET VDWG ®. REV s ostat | sn MC ty 1| 2168DB01 LESS THAN 3 BLOCKS SINGLE PUM? SINGLE PUMP MORE THAN 8 BLOCKS éscx gsce U 1 4 ~~ Lt a 4 a ~ Lf ae DUAL PUMP MORE THAN 8 BLOCKS - L SAT See BLUCK LUBE SLo4ney COMPRESSOR SIZE: __E.1. 665-44 CYLINDER LUBE RATE = 0.3 PPD PER INCH OF CYLINDER DIAMETER PISTON LUBE RATE = 0,6 PPD PER INCH OF ROD DIAMETER , 5 c > ppp TE F 6 DIAMETER | LUBE RATE) tose | xuse | percenr | Btock | reRcenr (per in.) | POINTS | RATE SIZE ; Ler zo et | 3 | 3 | 80 27.38 BF lesa 16 2 48 | an. zat | 23.52 12 2 3.6 16.43 18T 17.64 ! 7 2 2.1 9.58 oT 8.82 2.25 Rod 0.6 1 1,35 ei} aor} ao 2.25 1 1.35 2,25 - ‘ 1 1.35 2.7@12.32 127 12.07 2.25 a 1.35 \ L J K 21.9 |" 100 102 ONDS PER CYCLE = TOTAL BLOCK SIZE x 6 ‘PPD MAXIMUM TIME = 100 SECONDS PER CYCLE c= 102 x 6 = 27.9 Tes 20: 18T 20 20 9s Multiply A times D =D — lear — 16 Divide D by I= Divide F by K=G 1a ler 12 E and G must be within 7— oT 7 2% —_—— Rod—| 12r —Rod H determines the sini- pup blocks required. Reg] 12 [Rod DIVIDER BLOCK LUBE POINTS FOR ET FRAMES T LUBE_POINTS FRAME SIZE ROD SIZE CYLINDER SIZE 550/650_| 2 2.75 To 16.5 2 550/650 2 17.0 70 23.5 3 365/765, 2.25 2.75 TO 16.5 2 565/765 2.25 17.0 TO 23.5 2 332 1.378 2.5 TO 5.5 2 332 2.375 5.75 TO 15.5 2 450 1s 2.5 70.5.5 2 450 Ls 5.75 T0.18.5_ 2 DIVIDER BLOCK LUBE sySTEM COMPRESSOR SIZE_ __ CYLINDER LUBE RATE: 0-3 PPD PER INCH OF CYLINDER DIAMETER PACKING LUBE RATE: 0.6 PPD PER INCH OF ROD DIAMATER. oumercr — | use vare | wove vormrs | rro eune | percent suocx size | rencenr en Bier) fate ‘ ¢ ¢ ° e ‘ ‘ i | - _ gence | seccecee [rot wee [ror wove | tore x ora seer | sasncoe Zooosaee somone |e | TET i fee seroos ven CHELE = SOIR ALOtE SIE x 6 ae BRIE (FPO) aximom TIME = 100 seeon08 eR EFELE muTBeLy Ae = pivice b bY t= € alviog Fav k= 6 ram a Eh c vast 08 wivanw 2% | 4 Wh ogTemnneS THE miso ubexs ReaiRED - INTERNAL COMBUSTION EN ‘The principle of an internal combustion engine is to convert chemical energy (fuel) into mechanical energy. Horsepower is provided by burning fuel. This creates thermal energy that pushes the piston down producing power. Since the piston is connected to a° crankshaft by means of a connecting rod and the journal is offset from center, the power from the burn forces the crankshaft to turn. This work is compared to a period of time and is referred to as horsepower. Therefore, when we state that an engine develops a certain horsepower, we are actually saying horsepower per hour. One horsepower is the amount of work required to lift 33,000 pounds one foot in one minute. Horsepower can be defined as "the rate of doing work". ‘Theoretically, the richer the mixture, the more power produced. Realistically, this is not true. Too rich a mixture will alter the burn capability and will cause detonation. Engine manufacturers specify an air-fuel mixture based on gas BTU that is slightly lean of best power. This is for cooling purposes on a natural gas engine. Therefore, you must consider a mixture for best power and also for best efficiency. The horsepower rating given by a manufacturer is the total horsepower produced but does not mean the amount available to drive the compressor. Some power is required to drive the fan, magneto and other accessories. This we refer to as auxiliary HP and must be subtracted from the total. A. Operation 1, 4-Cycle Engine ‘There are four major events that take place in a 4-cycle engine, and powér, is produced every two revolutions of the crankshaft. Intake Stroke: As the piston starts downward the intake valve is open. As the pressure inside the cylinder decreases by action of the piston, the fuel air mixture enters the cylinder. Compression Stroke: After the intake stroke, the piston starts back up. Both valves are closed and the mixture is being compressed. If the ignition timing is correct, the spark plug will fire sa that the power of the burn is felt on the piston just as it starts back down. Power Stroke: On this stroke, both valves are closed and when the power of combustion is felt, this power forces the piston down, turning the crankshaft. Fl Fo Yong Pere B. Exhaust Stroke: Afier the power stroke, the camshaft is in position ta open the exhaust valve, As the piston moves up, the exhaust gases are discharged. The flywheel keeps the crankshaft turning between strokes; however, on multi-cylinder engines, one cylinder is usually on the power stroke making the job of the flywhec! easier. 2 -2-Cyele Engine Some 2-cycle engines utilize valves; however, most in the large industrial category use ports, Power is produced with each revolution of the crankshaft. Since the port system does not have valves, they do not use a camshaft. (On the power stroke the exhaust port is uncovered first and then the intake valve, With the exhaust port open, the fresh charge of air-fuel mixture assist in scavenging of the exhaust gases. As the piston starts back up it i on the compression stroke and then the cycle begins again. Some 2-cydle engines use a mixing valve for the air-fuel mixture while some use a separate air and fuel injection method, Block Design ‘The basic engine desiga consists of 2 crankshaft, oil sump, cylinder block, cylinder head, drive train, and the associated components for each. ‘The number one cylinder is the one matching the crankshaft journal closest to the front of the engine. This is important on a vee engine especially since some engines the number one cylinder is on the right bank and on otbers is on the left bank, Some have two numbers for each cylinder and are designated 1 right, 1 left, etc. ‘The attached drawing illustrates these conditions. Keep this in mind when doing ignition timing and setting of valves. Mast main and connecting rod bearings are of the half-bearing design, It is important when replacing these bearings that the engine model and serial number be used. Some engine manufacturers have modified their engines and use a "partial grooved" bearing that matches a specific type crankshaft. Failure to use the correct bearing could cause the oil hole to be covered. The attached drawing will give an example of this. F2 Fa tena repent Some 4-cycle engines have two valves per cylinder and some have four. In the latter case there would be two intake and two exhaust. Those having one intake and one exhaust will have the clearance set between the rocker arm and the valve stem. Those having two intake and two exhaust will have the clearance set between the rocker arm and the bridge. The bridge is the device that pushes on both valves to cause them to open simultaneously. The clearance between the bridge and the valve stems should be zero. Setting valve clearance with either style is not difficult. Valves should be adjusted when the engine is cold. gle Valve Bar the engine over for TDC compression stroke. Loosen the lock nut on the adjusting screw. Place a feeler gauge of the correct thickness between the valve stem and the "elephant foot". Turn the adjusting screw until a snug drag can be felt on the feeler gauge. ‘Tighten the lock nut ensuring that the adjusting screw does not turn with it, b. Double Valves - Mechanical Lifters Bar the engine over for TDC compression stroke, Loosen the tock nut on the bridge and the rocker arm, Press down on the non- adjustable end of the bridge until contact is made, but not so much as to compress the springs. Turn the adjusting screw on the other end until contact is just made. Tighten the lock nut ensuring that the adjusting screw docs not move. Place the appropriate feeler gauge between the rocker arm and its contact on the bridge. Turn the adjusting screw until there is a snug drag, then tighten the lock nut. ~ Some manufacturers use hydraulic valve lifters. I it is a 4-valve system, the bridge is adjusted as stated above; however, lifter pre- load procedures may be different with each manufacturer. Consult their service manual. cs Some manufacturers specify that one~half of the valves can be set while on TDC compression stroke for number one cylinder and the other half can be done on TDC exhaust stroke on number one cylinder. ‘The attached chart illustrates this. Other manufacturers specify the valve overlap method. This method is watching the opposing cylinder valves for a "just opening-just closing” condition, F3 Yar Free Pepet Ot 4, Burned valves or worn piston rings can cause an engine not {0 run properly and will greatly affect the available horsepower. A compression check should be performed on a scheduled basis or when one of the above conditions is suspected. A compression check should be performed when the engine is hot. The attached compression chart is generic and can be used if the manufacturer's data is not availabie. To perform a compression check, install the tester in the spark plug adapter and turn the engine over a few times at cranking speed. Read and record the indication. If a cylinder reading is out of tolerance, spray oil in the cylinder, If the reading is now within tolerance, the piston rings are probably bad. If the reading is still ovt of tolerance, the most likely cause is bad valves. 5. A 4cycle engine normally has valves which are actually timed to open and close at the correct time by the camshaft. The camshaft travels at one-half the speed of the crankshaft, The camshaft is driven by a gear which mast be timed to the crankshaft gear. Lubrication System The function of the lubrication system is to provide oil to the bea gs and other moving parts of the engine at the proper amount and pressure to give long engine life. ‘The oil is the key element of the entire lubrication system. ‘The selection of the proper type and weight of oil for the engine is very important. The oil must do many things and those duties can best be described as follows: + Cleans + Cools . Seals + Supports + Neutralizes It is Clear that the oil in an engine has a monumental job to do. ‘The savings realized by using incorrect or lower quality oils or extending the oil change period beyond the useful life of the oil are not worth the cost of an engine repair and down time. Fa Ye Treg Pepe Ot Itis true that oil does not wear out. The problems arise as the oil does its job. The oil becomes unusable when it + Gets dirty and full of solids that do not get filtered out. + Becomes oxidized and nitrated due to excess heat over long periods of time, The air/fuel ratio also affects this. + Becomes too thin or thick to properly seal and support. + Loses its neutrali ratio affects this. ing ability as the additives are used up, Air/fuel An effective oil analysis program will help detect oil problems, maintenance problems and engine user problems. Oil Sump ‘The oit sump (pan or base) holds the oil supply for the engine. The oil returns to the sump by draining from the moving engine parts during operation. The prelube pump (also part of the starting system) fills the engine lubrication system with oil before the engine begins 10 crank. This prevents dry start ups and tial lubrication throughout the engine at start up. Oil Pump, This gear type gear driven oil pump provides oil from the sump and pumps it throughout the engine, Oil Pressure Relief. ‘This valve limits the maximum engine oil pressure. On early engines it is located ‘on the right side of the block near the oil pan. On current engines the relief valve is built into the oil pump housing. Oil Cooler ‘The shell and tube type oil cooler uses jacket water coolant to cool the engine oil. Normal oil temperature may be as much 2s 30 degrees F. above the jacket water temperature. The maximum oil temperature to the bearings is 240 degrees F. FS Ye Toneng epee Oi Fitter filter is a full flow type and all oil from the pump goes through the filter. ‘The filter housing contains six (6) elements. The elements are designed to remove particles as small as 40 microns, ‘The filter housing is equipped with an indicator which shows red when the filters have become plugged and oil is bypassing the filters through the bypass valve. ‘This indicator or separator differential pressure gauge will indicate filter plugging when a 12-15 psig pressure differential across the filters is noted. The filters must be changed immediately when this occurs to prevent serious engine damage. Oil Manifolds The oil manifolds are inside the engine and provide for proper oil distribution to all points. Spray Tubes Each cylinder has a spray tube located in the lower block. The spray tube directs a stream of oil at the underside of the piston to cool it, ‘The spray tubes must be carefully checked for damage and alignment after piston replacement. Oil Pressure Gauge This gauge monitors and protects the engine from major damage in the event of low oil pressure. Our experience has shown that a shutdown point setting of 30 psig provides greater protection and does not cause nuisance shutdowns. Oil Pressure/Level The normal oil pressure of 48-62 psig at 1200 RPM and 30 weight oil at 200 degrees F is expected. Frequently oil pressures of 75 to 80 psig are found and no damaging results have occurred. A level controller and/or switch protects the engine from operating at 1 dangerous ow oil level. FG Fe Treg ep On Crankcase Breather ‘The crankcase breathers are mounted between the banks and near the front of the engine. These important items are frequently overlooked during maintenance. Their purpose is to allow crankcase fumes from blowby to escape from the engine and keep the oil mist in the engine. Restriction of these fumes leave combustion products in the engine causing early oil breakdown and oil leaks if the pressure becomes too great. Energy Industries uses modified breathers to improve the crankcase ventilation. ‘The oil and engine life are extended as 4 direct benefit. Splash-Flood System Some manufacturers, especially slow speed units, use a combination of splash and flood. In this type of system the crankshaft actually rides in the oil sump as the journal is on the low side, thereby lubricating the bearings. In addition the ‘crankshaft assembly has small cups attached that pick up oil as they pass through it and splashes oi) onto other components. In mast cases there is « force feed capability for cylinder lubrication. Other Systems Some units that have large and high compression pistons have a system for forcing oil either into the piston head or under the piston bonnet. This is used more for cooling than lubrication, LUBRICATION SYSTEM PROBLEMS A. Extended oilfilter change periods B. — Sludging C. Incorrect oil used D. Engine adjustments E. Plugged breathers/standard restriction Fr Oil leaks G. Operating too cold H. —_ Ineffective or no oil analysis program Incorrect oil filters used Clean turbocharger supply and drain lines at turbo change Fill turbocharger with oi! Slow speed operation (localized hot spots) ‘Low temperature operation Bras RT Fe teeter oo LUBRICATION SYSTEM A. Change oif and filters B, Inspect used oil filters C.— Check oil pressure gauge accuracy D. Check engine oi! teruperature Cooling System ‘The purpose of the cooling system is to dissipate the waste combustion beat energy and to maintain a uniform engine temperature. Jacket Water Pump This gear drive pump circulation coolant from che cooler through the engine oil cooler, block cylinder heads, exhaust manifold and thermostat housing. Oil Cooler ‘The cootant flows through the tubes of the oil cooler in the opposite direction of the oil flowing around the tubes, Flywheel Housing ‘The flywheel housing serves as the rear coolant manifold to split the cootant flow to the two sides of the engine block. Engine Block ‘The coolant flows through the engine block around each cylinder liner to cool the cylinder and maintain a uniform temperature, ylinder Heads The coolant flows from the block up through each cylinder head. The cylinder heads have water directors in them. They direct the coolant toward the intake and exhaust valves which are the hottest areas of the heads. ‘Exhaust Manifolds ‘The exhaust manifolds are cooled for safety and efficiency. The coolant flows from the cylinder heads through the exhaust manifolds to the front water manifold and thermostat housing, FR Yar Tra Pepe On. ‘Thermostat Housing Four thermostats control the minimum jacket water temperature and coolant flow. “The cooleat wit! be routed to the jacket water pump until it reaches the thermostat temperature setting. The coolant will begin going to the cooler once the temperature reaches the thermostat setting. Do not operate the engine without thermostats in it as serious overheating will result. The minimum operating jacket water temperature is 180 degrees F. (82 degrees ° Cooler ‘The cooler (radiator, heat exchanger) dissipates the heat away to the air and cools the coolant. The coolant returning to the engine should not be more than 30 degrees F lower than the outlet temperature. Fan The fan (if so equipped) keeps air flowing across the cooler tubes and fins. Temperature Gauge/Level Switch The temperature gauge monitors and protects the engine from major damage in event of overheating. The normal operating temperature is from 180 degrees F to 210 degrees F with the shutdown point set at 210 degrees F. Shutdowns may be set h as 230 degrees F with a pressurized cooling system, The coolant level switch causes a shutdown in the event of coatant Foss. Pressure Cap ‘The pressure cap maintains positive pressure in the cooling system. This allows the engine to operate more efficiently at higher temperatures without coolant loss due to boiling and evaporation. 1 mizes lime and scale formation. 2 imizes pump cavitation. Aftercooler Uses a separate pump and circuit to cool the incoming air from the turbochargers before entry to the carburetor. F9 Far Teanne pes On 1 COOLING SYSTEM PROBLEMS Overheating/Overcooling A. Other system problems/load B. Slow fan speed belts loose/worn sheaves worn C. Fan blade pitch set incorrectly D. E. Dirty cooling system F. Cooling system not pressurized G. Incorrect thermostats Recirculated air - compressor heat - crossed compressor lines Leaks A. Pump seals B. — Gasket seals C. — Aftercoolerflines D. Spark plug adapter seals Other A. Jacket water temperature switch inaccuracy B. Shutter operation C. Slow speed operation (localized hot spots) D. Incorrect speed operation for speed range Flo Ye tran Papes On 4 CYCLE GINE PISTON STROKES INTAKE COMPRESSION l L TS IGNITION INTAKE CLOSED CLOSED POWER INTAKE INTAKE EXHAUST CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED EXHAUST OPEN ®OOO0G] way INOUE OOOOOO STANDARD CATERPILLAR ° INTAKE EXHAUST wae INOUE uve [| Aoqmnd ypeqeues Nour MAUKESHA WAUKESHA, wonicariow mssace ANGLE DRILLED CRANKSHAFT a Ee TEE DRELLED CRANKSHAFT ey es PARTIAL GROOVED “FULLY Groove BEARING FIL o FROUT LOWER MAIN FOR ANGLE DRILLED FRONT LOWER MAIN FOR TEE DRILLED SET TWO VALVE ARRANGEMENT ADJUSTING SCREW & SZSADIUSTING oe SCREW EXHAUST BRIDGE a FOUR VALVE ARRANGEMENT ‘This arrangement is used on most current model large bore engines, such as the Caterpillar 3400, 3500, and 3600 series engines and the Waukesha 5.98 & 6.25 bore. ADJUSTMENT: For mechanical lifter valves, adjustment is made 25 follows: Loosen the lock nut on the bridge above the valve stem. & Using the finger, press down on the non-adjustable end of the bridge until it just touches. c. Using a screwdriver, tum the adjusting screw until it touches the valve stem, Tighten the lock nut Loosen the adjusting serew on the rocker arm and slide a feeler gauge between the rocker atm and the bridge. When the specified clearance is obtained, tighten.the lod Engines with hydraulic lifters use a different procedure, EARLY CONFIGURATION CURRENT CONFIGURATION oO INTAKE, e exHAusT 3408 Cylinder Ans Valve Location 3408 VALVE = ADJUSTMENT SEQUENCE “| No 1 PISTON TDC NO 6 PISTON TDC VALVES Last ON COMPRESSION ON COMPRESSION ADJUST VALVES ADJUST VALVES EXHAUST +030 1-3-4-8 2-5-6-7~ INTAKE 015 1-2-5~7- 3-4-6-8 3412 VALVE ADJUSTMENT SEQUENCE No lL PISTON TDC No 11 PISTON TDC ON COMPRESSION ADJUST VALVES TATY ON COMPRESSION VALVES | LASH | angus? VALVES CYLINDER PRESSURE CHART (APPROXIMATE) Pst PRESSURE 8:1 9:1 10:1 ii: CYLINDER COMPRESSION RATIO THIS IS A GUIDE, CONSULT THE APPLICABLE SERVICE MANUAL THPICAL LUBRICATY — sysrEy COMBINATION SPLASH, FLOOD AND FORCE FEED LUBRICATION OF AJAX ENGINES LUBE OIL SYSTEM GEMINI "MO" COMPRESSOR PACK A: OIL ANALYSIS ELEMENT. POSSIBLE SOURCE Iron Rings, shafts, gears, valve train, liners Chromium Rings, liners, any chromed parts Nickel Bearings, valve guides, shafts Aluminum Pistons, rod bearings, bushings Lead Bearings Copper Bushings, thrust washer, oil cooler, anti-seize Tin Bearings with babbitt overlay Silver Coolant Titanium Gears, bearings Silicon Dust Boron Coolant additives Sodium Coolant additives Potassium: Coolant additives ‘Molybdenum Rings Phosphorus Anti-rust agents, combustion chamber deposits Zine Corrosion inhibitors, detergents Caleium Detergents, dispersants Barium Corrosion inhibitors, detergents Magnesium Metal alloys, detergents Cooling System Gas Engine Product Line Gas Engines for Industrial Applications 100 rpm [00 mm | asi TpA OE ee | em roa Engine | be Bhp ew op | tp Bh ew Bip | sn bho | tia Bap Gera ea Se a Mr ag Eee x = scovos.ny | anstz0n sts) sumac = i feaacena | 08 165 136 a] = x Gamera.) 1sr.200 2 v0[- = fs Skene | cssoens eanitas was = 8 GaoeTe 1s 188 ee) ~ “ Goan lessees so ies) = eawoesa’ | -Ba7 345 zr ts | = ‘Gaeta | 272 965 0 308 ss aos] = L Gasiona | 272 265 203s ts ms) = Gaunore | 98400 ey weal = = t outers | 390 450 bu a7 vs a5] = t ‘Gouos.ta| 08450 a0 ars «| aera) = 4 ceaeiacta |. 449" 7a oe ae aes 99-400 20 ae] = ” Geuatay 475 637 ‘at ses | aot a2] - = = 4 eaea7e | 04 67s caer sas |. 36e° 49s | orraes wr ae] = = t eaeieTay 604 67 55 sn.) 39-95 | = SS = = i caweted = [too ero} sor cas | srr 500 | ase ae]. = x een — =| res sts | coe ae | ss me | soe ors) = = © cant] = = | 730 1005 | ese vnep | 589 730 | sar roo] — = t caste) Sj eee aes | aoe saes | 722 s8s | ors ooo | = t caer = = j-sooo 40 ase.tts0 | 745 1050 | 312 oes) = t caer) = = [sma | se as | ae te] = = " aawots| = = Wir Se | sta soo | as aso |S = K Gasiena| = = [ae es | ae as | mn te) = = # = = =| ee too | ie eae | de tae] = * = = =| Fas sos | 2 98 | cso ans] - " pre = = | sore tees | 1119-4500) 920 4sz0/ mates] cacao = = = | soso 2eas) eee ato sce ares | step-tsss | canted - =| sree 23e0 | sxe 2120 wera] cast - - = 20g 9595 | 7238 300 sams} 8 canted = = = = | dean aem0 | Zoeo ats | anor 2025] 6 200] caer = = = = = | x0 4150 | eset 4ope | 25s2 2555] aun atta | cares = = = = = _| Soe trea Stso sans | anos aes| ese sass | Na —arally Aspirated TING OEFRUTION. Ta Turbocharged-atercooled C= Low compression catia 132° € (90°F) water to ahereooter ‘see (120"F wat toateveoaler ow Emiesione Continuous: Ouipot available withou varying toad or sent ime Continuous power in Secorcance with iSOESIE, SO304H, AS2TES, bina2r, ng 55574 23 =NATURAL GAS FUELED ENGINES = (v* VHP SERIES [ie Water cut wi OUTPUT] AT SELECTED RPA trode) | MELE | ca Bore & Stoke etn. Mba yan KE | SONI (Tera) (ites) [atte swe EHP ve, [BAP kiN; | BHP Kip [BHP We [BHP iy anes Sepa eat ee Tey BSrasr) EHiSGL | fo0r (Ger) [1053 | e575 ete 191) F100 88) 1160. 865 | 1256 928 351 1082 ~ iC, Water O . 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Pressure SYsteM) "Engine avaiabie with Oraw=Tnes Cartureion Fat NATURAL GAS FUELED ENGINES For Continuous Duty Applications ATGL SERIES 1c war oo RARE NOASEPOWER loi, QUTPUT)AYSELESTED APE wos | NEMGP | Sere Sire $0, [ss8tom [edie | seb om | score | 280 em] Toiiom as BHP hip [BHP sy [BHF hy [BHP cv) Bhs [BHP Wy VEEAE FAVEAUPTOLLI 500" os NOREEN DINOS NBO] AREER] — “RAT SEAT] GAs. ese Wise, aed ]aa7s Tes Taso ase sevexr27GL" | 19064) | 1085x1121 G5 « 0m [rraae aes) | — _— | 2a7s_as17 [anns aes'| so. 9020 [4275 aien [ason 2086 vee TAO pga TEI Naa a0 | a Le = ERE TRESS OT] BST, GEG | Seo SE] as 150" (66) [1069 5 11.81 75» 300) 10aB ora | ise aes sea8 [2820 2104 |aars a2ie | aise 2508 NUNES DOM a ew ATS =e 1 Tee Sar Maueatzret | 190" (547) | 10.89 x 1.61 275 « 200) | 6698140) | — ssas_s970 [17751926 [1860 v405 | 18s 1485 | 2050 1560 Fr27CL wikaes one wrbooharger for 750 ~ 1000 fom specs ange io oveiad nl avatsow on hash rage, Camara for Siowable ove range VGF SERIES ‘GRAKE HORGERGWER Oy, OUTPUT) AT BELEOTED RP spt on Soe ySahe | Gi | Raa YBa in Apo Sona | Sap ‘BHP ww, [BHP RN, [BHP kWn [BHP _ tiie [BHP hive VEEIe Maa a ai ny ae 96%65('52 1168) | 2924148)] 710 590 | aan 620'| B85 600, | SERBS BSH Eos 2 aR sg nto gr orton HD esee) ‘5.98 165 (152 x 168) | 2024 (48), nao 620) 985 GEO VEE ae EAR GRC RAE BST ee PaaS 190" (54°) 5.98165 (152 166) | 7199 (5), 620 480 | 670 500 a aba Yeas ser90.0)) sao eto Sooxgeqserie5 [218060 — | aan 40, RLSM eM 5.98 x65 (152 165) See iseaatEY ‘| ssexes (ise 195) | sasecas] — = | 415 10 SSRN lea spsoer ess SLI 98265 (1527 65) | 1005 (5) eg OE eA ose sta 7 | 590x552 165) | 109816) safe same esconaass Sods! “Low speed trboctar9erFeqred for opaion al 000 1400 rm om nine engine a fo 11 Thode power ratings ar ev onginas topic a eval jctor unt temperaures £10" 255 F (29-125 C). Tass powor rags fears pce beet oaon Cede Tide, and ae avatabe canny when agaied po" WAT power and ag cuve S7O301. 6 permeate To Sam op to $8: ouoroa foe a hau each 28h pod 200 | 310 230, jeadsee20s — | 30 230 VSG SERIES 1c, Water odes | Neem] on | Saren sicake | Displ a | inn ied INLINE - EPIGSSO TIRE] Toy SMe) BPA) | Wea et | ae ees FIGsuGsiO 5x871 (127 erat) | 165124 | 154 188 SaweHTSEN iy Sea | 02) fos 101 “25 CT Wacnesns EE Lubricant information it properties and performance are designated by several groups, Amercian Petrckeurn institute (AP), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). A booklet of lwbricant producers and marketers, iogether with the, perfoimance classification ior which they have qualified products, has been issued by Ihe Engine Manulactures. Association (EMA) The EMA Luonicating Oils Data Book is available from the EMA or from Caterpillar (SEBU6310) Certan abbreviations folow Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J754 nomenclature and some clssstications follow SAE J183 abbreviations. The elintione and nomenciature other than Caterpiar efinitions and nomenclature wil be of assistance in purchasing lubricants. The recommended oi! isc: Cah be found in the Lubricant Viscosity Recommendation chart in this Manual ‘The grease Is classified by the National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLG}) based on the ASTM 0217-68 Worked Penetration characteristics which are given Gefined consistency number. Gaseous fueled engines require oils formulated with addlves specific to these engines, Since no industry (AP), SAE and ASTM) performance specifications ee available 10 define the required performance levels, field test evaluations must be used to define acceptable oils. ome general guidelines will be provided to aid in ol selection for the application, engine fuel system and the type of fuel. Engine oi performs several basic functions in order to provide adequate lubrication. it keeps the engine clean and free from rust and corrosion. It acts as a coolant and provides a firm cushion to ririrrize metabto-rtat contact, which reduces friction and wear, Minicom requirements da nat ensure satistactary performance in speciic applications. Some general Suidelines are provided 0 aid in oi selection for the @pplication, engine fuel system and the type of fuel The folowing Cat lubricants are offered for the gas engine Wbrication requirements. Cat Natural Gas Engine Oii (NGEO) 5 Cat Lubricating Grease (MPGM) ++ Cal Nutipurpose Lithnum Grease (MPGL) * Cal Special Purpose Grease (SPC) Specification Se Lubricant Specifica Engine Oil Oil recommendation is determined by the # eof g ‘burned and the intake ait conditions. Caterpilar NGEO is formulated to provide maxrmunt pertormance and ie in your Caterpilar gas engine ‘This low ash olf has 0.45 percent sutated ash (a 0874) and §.0 Total Base Number (TEN), (ASTM 02896), These ols are currently being used for eng development and are oflered by Caterilar dealers Continued field use Natural Gas Engine Oil * Cat Natural Gee Engine Os (NEO) Cat NEO is formulated from select base stocks blended with special additives to provide excellent 2 ‘oxidation/ritration properties an therrral staitly. C. NGEO reduces ievels of carbon and sludge formatio and provides excelent lube oil and fit ie ‘The product has superior resistance to foaming, exhibits g00d demulsibilly and provides protection against corrosion. This oi uses an additive technolog which offers excelent valve and seat protection, improved piston cleanliness and contfol of deposit formation, Other benefits are protection against pistc sculting, scoting and cylinder hiner wear. Cat NGEO is recommended for all Caterpilar gas engines when used wilh fuels dry processed gas} nt exceeding a concentration of Hydrogen sulfide (H-S) (0.10 percent by volume or less. This oil is recommenced for use with al turbocharged and nalurally aspirated, mediumohigh speed, 4-cyole ge engines requiring & iow ash level product. Cat Gils are ofiared in appropriate single viscosity grades to rest the ambient temperature requrement for each compartment. For additional lubricant Information, teler 10 the Literature Section of this ‘Manual. The oil viscosities, container sizes and part numbers are gwen in Data Sheet, PEHPOQ04, and Ca Fluids Seletor, PEWPS733. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for information on Cet ols. 32 Specification Section Lubricant Specifications Commercial Oi! Alternatives to NGEO 1 an oil other than Caterpillar NGEO is to be used, use the following guideline. Units operating on processed natural gas should use oils formulated with additive eytems containing between 0.3 and 0.5 percent maximum sulfated ash ‘and meet the CB MIL-L-21044 (Supp 1) classification. Your ol supplier knows which ols meet these requirements + Caterpillar recommends oils that have sulfated ash ‘values between 0.3 and 0.5 percent. Gils for gas engines that meet the requirements of the 7000 hour * field trial are acceptable regarciess of ash content ‘+The recommended commercial lube oil for Caterpillar 1925 engines is a natural gas type oll wih a general performance classification of APICD and a maximum 5f 0.5 percent sulfated ash (Jor preferred fuels). Higher suifaled ash leve! together with higher TN (higher alkilinty) will be required for some permissible fuels with elevated corrosion effects. ‘The following guidelines have been provided for commercial ois to be used in Caterpilar gas engines. ‘These ail requitements are for law corrosive gas, Coweet" natural gas, LP Gas, etc.) Caterpillar does not recommend lube cils by brand frame. Field operation may identify ol brands which yield good results. The ots which may be listed as having good eid operating cesults do not form a Caterpillar recomendation, but serve only as polenta ‘its which may be successful in your application. The particular oll company has contro! of ther product and ‘should be accountabie for its pectarmance. Thetetove, itis the responsibilty of the lube oil supplier jo recommend an oil which will periorm acceptably for that application, power output and operating duty cycle. Discussion with oil companies abou! particular ll brands should establish product consistancy before ‘sing that product NOTICE Failure to toliow these recommendations can cause ‘shortened engine life due to carbon deposits or exces- sive wear, + Ashiess (0.0 to 0.1 percent sulfated ash) cits that have performed acceptably in the G-Series engines afe stil acceptable in those engines. Al other Caterpiar Gas engines and G-Series low emissions engines shoud use oils that meet the previously Gelined oil ash level and performance requirements, Caterpillar has recommended ashiess ols for use in the G-senes gas engines for many years. These ashless oils have provided proper lubrication and good ‘operating life for these early engines. However, newer engine designs require cis with higher ash ievels for long lle operation. Engines inthe field operating with ashiess ols wath proven success may continue to use these types of os. NOTICE Caterpillar recommends the use of oils formulated Specifically for heavy duty spark ignited gaseous fueled engines, Oils formulated for gasoline engines: only or for diese! engines only should not be used + Caterpillar recommends oils that successfully complete 6000-7000 hours of documented field service in standard and/or lean burn engine: - Configurations. The field thal must be performed in a similar configuration to the proposed engine and at a ower leva} that meets or exceeds the proposed engine. During the field trial, the following parameters ‘must De monitored: oil consumption, oil deterioration and valve recession (take-up) ‘Al the completion of the field trial, the condition of the il ang the engune must Oe within the limits listed = No ring sticking oF ring scuting = No liner scutting or carbon culting from excessive piston top land deposits ~ Valve recession must not exceed the li established by Caterpilar for tne engine = Oil consumption must not exceed two times Ihe intial «il consumption (mitial oll consumption is established during the frst 1000 nours of operation.) ~ At the end of all specified oll change periods, the oll condition must zernain within Caterpilar’s limit for ‘oxidation, nitraton, sulfur products, viscosity inorease and TEN, its FI? 9 ated sous lines a na aia fers ion nitial re} oll se Sour Gas and Alternate Fuel Gas Applications NOTE. Refer to topic in the Fuel Specifications in this Manual for additional information, Sour ges generally refers to fuels containing sulfur compounds, primarily hydrogen sulfide. (Gas containing no sulfur compouns ate relerred to as “oweet gas") Severe damage to engines can occur it this contaminant is ignored. Water vapor and sulfur oxides formed during combustion can combine to form sulfuric acid compounds, Internal components, particularly vaive guides, piston rings and cylinder liners will be Subjacted to corrosive wear shortening engine service te Hf analysis of the fuel shows the concentration of hydrogen sulfide to be greater than 0.1 percent by ‘volume, the fue! should be treated (scruboed) to lower the HS level Below 0.1 percent. When using fuels with 0.1 percent HeS or less, consult your Caterpilar dealer {or additional information on lube oil sélection and oil ‘change interval recommendations When sour gas, landiil or sewer gas is used as engine fuel, a gas engine lubricant with higher reserve akalinity (higher TBN) wall probably be required. These alternate fuel sources are becoming increasingly importaniThe scrubbing (removal) of the fuel's corrosive materials is one approach to assure engine Ife. I the decision is made to use these alternate fuels vith litle of no treatment, the user should be aware that higher maintenance costs will be associated with the engine operation, Alternate fuels create additional problems for the engine and its crankcase oil. The sulfur bearing compounds (H2S, etc.) and the halide constituents in these fuels produce corrosive effects. The following recommendations will aid in reducing corrosive etfects produced by gaseous fuel containing HS ang various halides. ‘+ Use an oil with higher TBN (10 TEN values as an example), Select a natural gas engine oll formulation by your ol! company with higher TBN. Use the same Pertormance requirements method for this oll as ‘Specified for the commercial oils mentioned Previously F-28 Specitication Sect Lubricant Speciticatic * Scheduled Oil Sampling ($+O+S) must be used to evaluate the engine wear ans ail condition. The oil change interval can be determined from the $+O-¢ results Oils with higher TBN, (10 TEN or above), values als have migher ash levels, (one percent or more). Ash ‘can cause deposit bulid-up which can lead to vaive combustion chamber and turbocharger damage ov: Jonger operating lime. This ash, which is required fc TBN to nesicalize the acids, can also create deposi resulting in shorter engine ie ‘Oi with these specifications may requie shartened change periads as determined by close monitoring il condition with Scheduled Oil Sampling (S+O-S) and infrared analysis. Oil sampling (S+O-S) with infrared analysis for gas engnes is essential to determine salisfactory ol performance, ‘© Maintain jackel water temperatures and oli sump. temperature at elevated values, above 88°C (190°F} These water temperature regulators are now stand con the gas engines. Higher temperatures will reduce the water vapor condensation and formation of acic in the engine. Low engine loads can cause low jacket water temperatures. This can result in excessive moisture and nitration products accumulating in the crankcase. These materials react with the oil and form a sticky. ‘gummy product that can plug the oil fiers. When this appens, unfiltered oil can circulate through the engin and cause deposits on the pistons resulling in piston rings problems. The oi tere must not cause more than 105 kPa (1 pbs) decrease in the oli pressure and the ol must not exceed the condemning limits. This wit mave sure tha the oll remains acceptable, ‘Aiways consutt with your Caterpillar dealer for the late: lubrication recommendations 34 Specification Section Lubricant Specifications Lubrication Oil Condemning Limits The lubricating oil condemning limits were developed from engine operating experience and used oil analysis. The limits provide guidelines in determining the ol's useful Ife in the engine. The following data sets the limits for oll service lite ‘Scheduled Ol Sampling Parameter it Cxidavon 300% as Gelined by S-O-S itraton 100% as dined by S-O-S wae 0.5 percent Maximum Glycol O percent Wear Metals Trend Analysis ‘Aitemate Oi Analysis {additional test procedures for more data) Viscssity (AST 0445) | __3 eStinorease from new a Total Base Number 50% of orginal TEN (FBN), (ASTM D288) DEH, (ASTM 687). aI Acid Number (TAN), (ASTM 664) Insoluabies testing (ASTM 0893) i another test that © often perormed on used ofs. Caterpilar does not fecornmenc this test Sine test results do not gve much inforraton with tooays igh ‘sperency ois, 3.0 minimum 3.0 minum Multi-Viscosity Oils The operation of gas engines using mul-viscosity oils has been very limited. Results from these tests have indicates poor oil performance as compared with single grade olis relative 10 deposits. The Viscosity index (VI) improvers used in the oils to allow them to be mult-viscosity also cause some performance loss. Some of the latest VI improvers may overcome this etiect and may even enhance the olls performance. Bul. a8 a general statement, mult-viscosity oils should only be used in engines where cold starting is an absolute. Use single grade viscosity type oils whenever possibie. Gas engines equioped with electrical governor actuators are net compatible with the palymers used {or Viscosity index (V1) improvers used in muitiviscosily «il formulations, The engine crankcase oil lubicates * 28 controls whica do not provide the precise control > engine with the mulliwiscosity ols. ‘The periormance requirements for muliiviscosity ols usec in gas engines are the same as single grade oils, Multtiviscosity alls require a successful 7000 hour field tial as previously described for commercia oils. Field tual data from single grade oils using similar additives DO NOT apply to multiviscosity als Synthetic Oils, ‘The performance requirements for synthetic ails are the same as single grade oils. Synthetic oils require 2 ssuccesstul 7000 hour field trial as previously described for commercial ols. The use of synthetic base stock oils is very limited in Caterpilar gas engines and would be limited to cold engine starting apolications which are generally not a requirement, Therefore, any anticipated use of these oils should be discussed with your Caterpilar dealer or your oll supplier, ‘Synthetic Base Stock Oils (SPC) ‘The performance characteristics of the oil depends on tne base oil and the adoitives, The additives in the oll will vary according tc the properties of the base oi! and the environment in which the oi will perfor its function Synthetic base stock.oils.are.acceptabie for use in Caterpillar engines if these oils meet the performance requirements specified for @ particular compartment ‘The performance requirements for engines using synthetic ois are the same as for NGEO. ‘The use of a synthetic base stock oil does NOT allow extension of the oil drain period simply because of the Use of synthetic oil. Any drain period extension must be validated by S+O+S (oil analysis and test evaluation} to ensure no excessive component wear occur in & particular application. ‘The synthetic oils have naturally low pour pcints which make them very good oils for low temperature ~appications. Caterpillar’s recommendation for these arctic applications is synthetic base stock oils where slariabilty at the cold conditions are @ requirement Oils are changed because they become contaminated wath dirt, soot, wear particles, etc. in their normal use. The additives in the oil formulation are depleted as the ail functions in a compartment. The oil contamination and additive depletion occur independently of the cil be ANALYSTS, INC. eMALyses SERVICES, Ine a STATUS was ‘SALES DEDT.~ EXAMPLE REPORTS NSA arts nvm onive teitieal on t8-00t-90 0. wx W352 STAEFORD, TE 7747 gusto, TH 7reI0 (7031 eao-3nee LUT Lo: EXARDLE USTT 40s (600) 295-7778 COMPONENT CORP ENGINE coup. REF.Na: 108%6 POURER wo: BLAMLET OROEE ND. i234s4e Lan WORTE a EE =p ocr TS STATION 49,2 eyTOw = bes uae ae aig COMPONENT TE [oo COMESRENT MASPACTURER AND WODEL (COMPONENT SEAL NINBER |L_ mera. ea queten WES. 280 pus Liza = tenance ReCOLMENGAONSFORCUND FBSe Reported en 1001-98 3 ANALYSIS INDICATES CAITHcAL CORPONENT.£ LUBRICANT CONDITIONS!” Ring and Liner near. COOLANT additives are present DERFORN the aporepriaie ciagrastie ests. CHECK far cracks ar Jenks Jn the feeé 6 cylinder aszesblies. CHANGE the DIL oon and FILTERS) if nol aleesdy pertorved, RLSMIPLE ater diagnostics / corrective actith. ‘elephane corkact eseeliened regarding this repert = FEEDBACK ~ Inspection ceverdeé the WI Liner nas pitted and Veaking. The engine was repaired and celurred to service foe foge [ge |g | WR ne ne tm . oe WO Oh tee aT em} nie] ens | eon] os cos 7 ae LB sae | os. rar | 2945.0 [2061.0 55.08 zs.oo] 2s | ae See eS FOR EES mis ETON OF ER ae re ia pee pacnssnes narsnoves ne aevense ob eras ce Seger os 8s ronson F3e OIL ANALYSIS ELEMENT. POSSIBLE SOURCE Iron Rings, shafts, gears, valve train, liners Chromium Rings, liners, any chromed parts Nickel Bearings, valve guides, shafts Aluminum Pistons, rod bearings, bushings Lead Bearings Copper Bushings, thrust washer, oil cooler, anti-seize Tin Bearings with babbitt overlay Silver Coviant Titanium Gears, bearings Silicon Dust _ Boron Coolant additives Sodium Coolant additives Potassium Coolant additives Molybdenum: Rings Phosphorus Anti-rust agents, combustion chamber deposits Zine Corrosion inhibitors, detergents Calcium Detergents, dispersants Barium Corrosion inhibitors, detergents Magnesium Metal alloys, detergents SERVICE BULLETIN TOPIC: Cooling Systems IDENT NO: 4-1347E SUPERSEDES: 4-19470 DATE: October 15, 1998 SUBJECT: Coolant Recommendations To Minimize Cylinder Sieeve Cavitation Damage MODELS AFFECTED: VHP ‘The purpose of this Service Bulletin is to present our latest coolant recommendations 10 minimize cylinder sleeve cavitation damage. Trese recommendations have been determined by Waukesha through extensive laboratory testing, They provide a significant reduction in cavitation damage under controlled conditions. WHAT IS CAVITATION? Cavitation is 2 particular type of erosion occurring onthe cylinder sleeves and other metal surfaces in contact, with liquid. Mechanical vibrations cause dissolved gas and vapor bubbles to collapse. The resultant shock forces reach high levels in local areas where they remove protective films and coatings and erode the metal surfaces. Where the environment is corrosive, severity of cavitation damage increases. ‘Today itis generally acknowledged that + ‘The initial damage due to cavitation attack is ‘mechanical in nature. + Corrosion accelerates cavitation erosion. + Damage occurs almost exclusively under loaded ‘operation rather than during warmup or idling periods. + The rate of cavitation is not constant + Allwet type cylinder sleeves are subject to cavitation, + The formation and collapse of vapor bubbles is tected by both temperature and pressure. + Pressurized systems ate less likely to exhibit cavita- tion problems. ‘Shown in Figure 1 are the effects of cavitation erosion and corrosion on @ piece of steel cut from 2 cylinder sleeve. Figure 1. Cavitation Eroded Steel Figure 2 illustrates the cavitation cycle. The collapse of vapor bubbles over a small area genpiates enormous - pressures. Waukesha chrome plates the OD of the 9-1/8 inch and 9-3/8 inch bore cylinder sleeves. This puts 2 fine grain, exceptionally hard barrier between the bubble collapse and the sleeve material to retard cavitation and corrasion. The 8-1/2 inch bore engine cylinder sleeves, are not chrome plated dus to greater wall thickness and, the resultant greatly reduced vibration Waukesha recommends the use of additives or ant freeze to further reduce or prevent cavitation damage. Distilled water is recommended as the base solution However, i distilled water is not available, an acceptable field substitute is deionized water. F-32R Waukesha ESE SSSRA Tn Page TofS Service Bulletin No. 4-1947E, stanic CYLINDER SLEEVE TYPICAL AREAS WHERE CAVITATION DAMAGE OCCURS, ‘DUE TO THE NARROW SPACE IHERE THE PULSATION OF ‘THE COOLANT IS THE WORST. POWER STROKE CYLINDER SLEEVE DEFLECTION BUBBLES COLLAPSE AND RESULTANT ENERGY IS RELEASED "70 SLEEVE AND CRANKCASE BUBBLE FORMATION oO BusELE {f_- COOLANT. po o DIRECTION OF ENERGY . IS RELEASED WHEN ‘CYLINDER BUBBLES COLLAPSE ‘SLEEVE BUBBLE COLLAPSE OCCURS IN ABOUT ONE MICROSECOND OVER A SMALL AREA. CREATING PRESSURES FROM 60,000 TO 200,000 FSI (2M TO 14060 kgiem2) a PISTON FORCES APPLIED TO CRANKSHAFT AND (CYLINDER SLEEVE DURING POWER STROKE . : 1 Figure 2. The Cavitation Cycle ADDITIVES In geographical areas where freeze protection is not necessary, cavitation damage can be controlled by using the additives listed below in the recommended concentration. Table 1. Additives RECOMMENDED CONCENTRATION —— — mane Ses MET Fey Seiten borden) 7°33 Page D ofS Waukesha PEnEST Service Bulletin No. 4-1947E ANTIFREEZES In geographical areas where freeze protection is necessary, cavitation damage can be cortalled by using the following recommended antifreeze and water mixtures, Table 2. Antifroezes RECOMMENDED CONCENTRATION TRADE NAME MANUFACTURER DED CONCE “40%, Ambivol NTF (G2.5% NTO prem with aeionaea Ambre NTC ow Chemeal ‘water may be used ful stengtsH greater Messe protection is requre. Noxoot* ‘ion Gaive ‘25% minum. Upto S0% may be used F grecler heeze Protection is Yequred Pah-Not® and Winter Houghton Chemica! Corp ‘2% minimum Up 1 50% may be wad ¥ greserWeeze Protection i Yequved Conoce Antifreeze Canoee ne 35% minimum, Up to 50% ray be used F grealer Weeze Beatecion te tequres When using any of these antifreeze and water mixtures, always refer to the manufacturer's recommendations. concerning freezing point protection for expected local minimum temperatures. ‘The recommendations in this service bulletin are not to be construed as an endorsement of any product, but merely communicate the results of laboratory testing that has been done to combat cavitation damage. Ay CAUTION [22,22 combine aca tives with antifreeze or dissimilar additives, as the combination of some chemicals may cause reactions detrimental to the cooling system and personal health, and may also decrease cavitation damage protection. Exceeding the recommended concentration of additives may also result in decreased cavitation damage protec- tion. Additives or antifreeze added to the cooling system will also serve as pump lubricants and reduce mineral deposit build-up. Anytime a cylinder sleeve is pulled, routine inspection should include 2 check for cavitation damage on the 00. Q Vaio RS Page Sof SUPERIOR ENGINES __. ‘The Superior engine is @ four cycle engine and is, in most respects, no different than other four cycle engines, Here we will discuss the basic differences that apply to the Superior. Some basic data on the engine is as follows: a, 10" bore - 10 ¥4 stroke b. 6 & Scylinders - in line ¢. 12 & 16 cylinders - vee 825 cube inch displacement Discription to include speed and horsepower for the various models is attached. Note that the speed range for the turbocharged engine is from 600 to 900 RPM while that of the naturally aspirated is 500 to 900. Also note, that a model number incorporating an'S'is a single turbocharged, | Intake System: Each cylinder has # gas admission valve and an air intake butterfly assembly as well as a gas metering valve. The gas valves are actuated by cams, while the butterfly valves and the metering valves are operated through a series of linkages from the governor. The adjustment of the butterfly valves is very critical and is done by adjustment of the linkage. The service manual should be consulted for this procedure. Engine Start: Prior to starting the engine, the cylinders must be purged. This is done by leaving the ignition system off and the fuel valve closed, Turn the engine over several times to exhaust the gas that might be in the cylinders. Adjust the fuel pressure to the engine to 25 to 30 psig. When equipped with the automatic air shutdown system, set the gas control valve. The safety shutdown is not operational during start, It activates only after engine start and a minimum of 10 psig oil pressure exist. After the above, tum the magneto switch to the on position, raise the reset latch, and then raise the reset lever to the start position. Upon release, it will return to the run position. Start the engine to turning and THEN crack the manual shut off valve 1/8 turn. When the engine fires, release the atart button then place the manual valve to the open position. As the oil pressure builds, the reset latch will fal. Then and only then is the shutdown system activated. The gas metering valve is set at the factory ard unless there is a problem that required removal, it should not be tampered with. The g25 admission valve clearance is set in accordance with the service manual. The butterfly linkage should be set for each of the cylinders. When making this adjustment stact al the butterfly and work backwards. The exact procedures are in the manual, such as proper angles, position of the valve, ete. A gas adjusting valve is installed for each cylinder. An orifice is installed in this valve. The valve is adjustable Bearing halves are designed in fully grooved and partially grooved configuration. For the main bearings, the partially grooved bearing half is installed in the cradle, not in the cap. The rod has the partially grooved bearing half installed in the rod. ‘The camshaft is driven from the crankshaft by means of a chain. The proper tension must be maintained on this chain. If itis too tight, it will break during operation. If itis too loose, it will jump the sprocket, Adjustment procedures shold be adhered to. The 86 pitch chain should be used with a full link connector. NOTE: Each engine is designed for a specific application and some of the components/attachments may be different. Itis important, therefore, that the manual you have corresponds to your engine, ‘The standard turbocharger used by Superior is an Elliot model. It is water cooled. Proper lubrication, amount and temperature, is essential. If either are out of operating tolerances, damage can occur. The water system is designed to allow the water to enter the bottom of the turbo and exit through the top. The exit has a "Y’ and two plugs. One is for the return line and the other is for venting the system. Venting is absolutely essential since it allows the removal of steam that develops during operation. The blower inlet is removable to allow for cleaning. Other facets are similar to other turbochargers. CLEAN BURN ENGINES ‘Superior uses an Air/Fuel ratio controller on theri clean burn engines. This particular model is an electronic over pneumatic system. The panel is the same for both the vee and the in-line except for the PROM chip, The panel is normally powered by a Hall Effect , magnetic pick up system. Additional information is on_page 5. INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE, INSTALLATION: Itis obvious that the engine should be mounted evenly. Checking for crankshaft delfection is critical. If the crankshaft is placed in a strain in any manner, a series of things can occur. The bearings will wear extremely fast or lubrication will be lost and seizure is possible. The crankshaft will be subjected to considerable strain and can possibly break. Deflection can be checked using a strain gauge. Place the strain gauge between the webs starting as close to the bottom as possible. Take a reading and then bar the engine for a reading aaat 90 degrees prior to top center, at top center, 90 degrees after top center and then as close to bottom center as possible on the other side. The reading between points (180 degrees apart) should not exceed 0.0015 inch. Jf the reading differential is greater than 0.0035 inch,alignment must be performed. The necessary shimming should be done to level the crankshaft, When the crankshaft is leveled, check/align the engine to the compressor. Installation must also include the correct positioning of the belt pulley and correct and accurate alignment to the compressor. STARTUP AND MAINTENANCE: Prior to starting the engine, anytime, the cylinders must be purged. This is done be leaving the fuel gas tured off, and the ignition grounded while tuming the engine over for a few revolutions. Next, tum the ignition on with the engine turning and then slowly tum starting fuel gas on. If the engine fails to start, tur the fuel gas off and repeat the above steps. If the engine is being started initially or after major maintenance, the fuel system must be set. Use the following procedures: a. Disconnect the govemor and set it to the fully closed position. b. Adjust the linkage until the 3/16 inch hole in the metering valve is uncovered. If it is less than fully uncovered ar if more than the hole is exposed, the engine will not function properly. c, Tur on supply pressure and set the supply regulator in the panel to read 45 psig. d. Tur ratio control valve fully clockwise and then back out five full tums, e. On the computing relay, tum the adjustment fully counter clockwise and then back 1/4 turn, £. Using the minimum air manifold pressure regulator and the ait-gas offset push button, set the manometer for a differential specified for the operating performance. g. The transmitted signal gauge should read either less than 5 or greatet than 35. If greater than 35, use the ‘offset adjustment screw’ and reduce to zero. h. Tum the off set adjustment screw clockwise until the gauge reads 40psig. (This procedure has a lag and may take a few seconds for the gauge to catch up to the adjustment), NOTE: At this point, the air butterflies should be in the full open position, Ramp pressures for start and run fuel must be checked within the panel per the applicable instructions. It should be noted that the above is for initial start and not for routine starting. Routine starting procedure does not requize these adjustinents unless there is a problem, For routine start up, the basic adjustments must be made, the cylinders must be purged as described before and then follow these procedures a, Tum the magneto switch "ON" b. Raise the Reset Latch and then raise the Reset Lever to the START position. c. Start the engine tuming and open the gas sutoff valve 1/8 turn. Opening it all of the way will cause flooding/over rich. When the engine starts and the governor takes over, open the valve fully. ¢. When oil pressure has built up, watch for the reset Latch to drop. This is important since the safety shutdown will not work until the latch falls, ‘After the engine has warmed.up and kas been loaded, the air-fuel mixture may require adjustment. 1f exhaust temperature is too high (1200F or higher) it indicates that the mixture is too rich. Misfiring indicates thae mixture is too lean. To make the adjustment, adjust the linkage between the control shaft and the air control shaft. The limkage should first be adjusted towards opening the air butterflies until the engine runs rough, then back toward the closed position until the engine just runs smoothly. During this procedure, watch the exhaust temperature to ensure that it does not go too high. Below are some of the fits and clearances that may be beneficial. Timing Oil Pressure——35psig _ H20 Temp. Overspeed St Valve Clearance Plug gap: Intake= 018 Exhaust=.030 Additional information is found in the appropriate service manual | CLEAN BURN (GTL) SET UP AND OPERATION ‘The GTL version uses an air over pneumatic A/F ratio controller. The panel serves two basic functions. It controls the air-fuel ratio and houses the pneumatic controls for fuel valves and magneto grounding Switch. The basic function of controlling the A/F ratio is the positioning of the air butterflies, ‘The panel is powered by a magnetic pick up from the flywheel. The gap between the MPU and the flywheel should be set at 0.020 inch; however, with the engine running, this may have {0 be adjusted to some other value. This can be determined with the engine turning at 600 1pm where the voltage should read 4 VAC. Ifit is slightly lower than that, serew the MPU in slightly until the correct voltage is obtained. A symptom of this condition is ifthe LED will not flash and the contoller has not reset. If the voltage is low or zero, either the wiring has a problem or the MPU itself is bad. SET UP: (After all normal set up sequirements have beea complete), a. The shipping/testriction screw on the transducer must be positioned in the correct, pert b. The four potentiometers should be set to the apropriate setting. NOTE: This setting ‘would be provided based on the operating conditions. c. The adjustments marked Gain, Reset and Rate should initially be set fully counter clockwise. The Control Action should be set for'D' (direct). 4. Gradually increase the Gain until the butterflies begin to oscillate, then back it off ‘until oscillation stops ¢. Perform the same procedure with the Reset adjustment. £. The Rate should remain at "0" unless it is required. Start the Engine: 2. Load the engine for a GAS manifold pressure of 4-6 psig. b. Adjust the off set value for your engine as indicated on the AFR curve, . Use the ratio contro! valve and adjust the AIR manifold pressure until it is on the line as indicated. di Increase the load for a GAS manifold pressure of 26-28 psig keeping the Air pressure near the line. €. Set the air manifold pressure exactly on the AF curve using the ratio control valve. £. Reduce the LOAD for a gas manifold pressure of 4-6. Wf air pressure is not exactly onthe line, re-adjust. Increase load and double check. g. Continue this procedure until it is set. h. Set the minimum air manifold pressure to slightly above zero with the engine at minimum speed and no load. frssats SEQUENCE OF STARTING EVENTS ees! = superior - seatBbaCURYE, MO, {529 Ea naar PR, EXAMPLE ‘ann PA, = Pa TP ee ee eee ea me ob ‘The following chart lists the most common gases that are used for fuel in the natural gas compression business. For the greater part of the business, field gas is used. Engine manufacturers use natural gas - city gas - in determining engine parameters. Above 15:1 Above 125. | Early Natural Gas | 1000 15:1 125 Early Field Gas Above 1600 _| Below 15:1 Below 125 | Late Sour Gas 1000 Below 15:1 Below 125 | Late Propane 2500 12:1 100 Late Butane 3200 6.421 91.6 Late Britis Thermal Unit (BTU) is the amount of beat required to raise one pound of water ‘one degree Fahrenheit. ‘The total amount of heat generated with the burning of fuel is referred to as the high heat value (HHV). By-products of burning natura! gas are water and nitrogen. Some heat is required to turn the water to steam. ‘This value is approximately 10%. This, then, is the amount of usable heat and is referred to as Yow heat value (LHV). This is the number used to set up the engine, Critical Compression: The pressure at which the air fuel mixture will ignite on its own. This cam damage equipment. Equivalent Octane Rating is the ability of the fuel to resist knocking (detonation). Detonation is the explosive burning of the air-fuel mixture. Most common causes are incorrect timing or too lean or too rich a mixture. Pre-ignition is igniting of the air-fuel mixture prior to spark plug firing. Some causes of this are hot spot in the cylinder, such as carbon on the valves or excessive manifold temperatures. Natural gas as we refer to it on the above chart is refined gas, City gas falls into this classification. Once refined, it becomes odorless; therefore, a TRACER is used to assist in detecting Jeaks. BTU of NG is 1000. a Gl Ferg Pepa Dy Field Gas if what most of us deal with. It has a BTU rating - normally - above 1000, Note that the critical compression and octane rating are both below that of city gas. Engine timing is affected by the gas BTU. The higher the BTU, the more the timing must be retarded. Timing must be adjusted so the power of the burn is felt on the piston as it starts down on the power stroke, If the plug fires too early, the mechanical movement of the piston and the burn will be acting against each other. Damage to the engine will occur. If the plug fires too Jate, the power will not reach the piston in time to provide the required force. G2 Pang Poy ‘The fuel system is made up of five basic components. ‘There are some engines with different components even though they do the same function. In most cases, the fuel gas, is tapped off ahead of the scrubber. There are some manufacturers who take fuel gas from the scrubber. IN LINE REGULATOR (JOE) The first regulating component on the skid is an in-line (JOE) regulator. This regulator drops the fuel pressure to that as specified in the applicable service procedures. The nom-Jean burn large bore would generally take 20 psig for a naturally aspirated engine and 25 psig for turbocharged engines. However, ensure you look up these specifications in the service manual. Depending on the incoming pressure, two or more may be required since each regulator is assembled to cover a specific pressure range. The basic components are an orifice, diaphragm, spring and related arms and components. The spring is adjusted to the desired pressure by turning the adjustment bolt clockwise to increase pressure and counterclockwise to decrease pressure. As pressure increases, it is felt on the diaphragm which overcomes spring tension, moves the Jever around the pivot point causing the valve to go more closed, As pressure decreases, the opposite takes place. A REGULATOR The "A" regulator controls fuel pressure to the carburetor, by comparing it to air pressure going to the carburetor. ‘The gas pressure on a positive type regulator is greater than the air pressure. Most manufacturers state that the "A" regulator adjustment should be done using a water manometer - inches of water column. Some people prefer to use an ounce gauge. sae oe 3 ae Eee ae se ‘The "A" regulator will maintain the differential you set in. ‘There are limits; however, such as when the regulator valve is fully open, the differential will not be maintained. Hl Fa Ta Popo Ot FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE ‘There are basically two types of fuel shut-off valves in use-electric and pneumatic. This valve is used to shut off the fuel to the carburetor when the unit is stopped. The electric valve is wired into the ignition system so that it will close when the magueto is grounded. On a standard engine these two functions are almost simultaneous; however, on Jean burn engines the electric valve closes first in order to burn the air-fuel mixture from the manifold. CARBURETOR ‘The purpose of the carburetor is to mix the air and fuel in the correct proportion, A carburetor can be an updraft or downdraft configuration depending on the manufacturer. Carburetors may have I, 2 or 3 diaphragms depending on the engine and application. ‘The carburetor construction is quite simple. The actual fuel valve is attached to the diaphragm. With the engine stopped a spring pushes the diaphragm and closes the fuel valve. When the engine is turned over for cranking, the pistons create a partial vacuum. A portion of this vacuum effect is transmitted through small holes to the back side of the diaphragm causing it to move slightly. This cracks the fuel valve allowing the fuel and air to mix and the engine will start. As the throttle plate is moved more open, a greater demand is sensed on the ring of the diaphragm causing it to go more open. H2 Fata rap ny Adjustment of the fuel-air system is critical to engine performance, Several methods can be used. Adjust the JOE regutator for the proper pressure going to the "A" regulator. Screw the adjustment screw on the regulator in to increase pressure and out te decrease pressure. Using the fuel gas indicator, set the pressure to approximately 20 psig for a N.A. and 25 psig for a T.A. engine. Connect a water manometer across the carburetor. The high side goes to the gas and the low side goes to the air. Gas will always be the higher of the 2. Adjust the "A" regulator adjustment screw until the specified water column is reached. Center the power mixture screw on the Impco 200. For the Impco 600, turn it all the way in and back out three turns for standard engine and one turn for low emissions. Start the engine and run at rated Joad and RPM. Lock carburetor throttle plate and disconnect the governor linkage. 1. For the Impco 600, turn the power adjustment screw for maximum RPM. Turn toward lean until maximum RPM is reduced by 3%, Reconnect governor linkage. Check engine response. 2. For the Impco 200, place the power mixture screw in the center position. Adjust the "A" regulator for maximum RPM. Turn toward lean until a 3% decrease from maximum RPM is noted. Reconnect the governor linkage. ‘A second method is using the power mixture screw and the manifold pressure gauge. 1. For naturally aspirated engines with the engine at rated speed and RPM, turn the power screw toward rich until minimum manifold pressure is reached. ‘Turn the screw toward lean until manifold pressure increases by one inch of mercury. 2. For turbocharged engines at rated load and RPM, go toward rich for a one inch increase in mercury, then go lean for lowest manifold pressure, ‘Then go back toward rich for an increase of 1/2 inch mercury. H3 are hop OY Vee engines using the Impco 200 must have both banks adjusted in the same manner. After adjustment, check the differential between the banks. If this value is greater than 1/2 inch mercury, adjust one bank for a 1/4 Hg drop. The other bank should follow. Next move to the second bank and make the same adjustment. If this does not bring the banks into synchronization, linkage adjustment will be required. H4 Pate ant Oy 298 PIA as SRW msoRW-he 400 100 200 300 hp 500 mom baw, 75__ 149-224 RES wae ake i fie AGTUAL FUEL CONSUMPTION c¢ = Beusbhp-hr X horsepower BIU LCR 130 operating at 1800 RPM and 150 up. 8500 ¥ 150 950 1342.1 cf/hr EXAMPLE c at 250 Kp 7500 x 250 ce 350 = 1973.7 ef/hr DIAPHRAGH LEVER PIN (PIVOT) ‘SPRING : ee INLET PRESSURE SSS _ out eer PRESSURE VALVE PLUG [y] l A unique ve...€pt.. « ‘One carburetor body with interchangeable gas valves and jets for 350 BTU/FT? ta 2500 BTU/FT? gaseous fuels FEATURES: 600VF (single) Carburetor L psd ».27,7; L psi = 2.08) ——c.ean. PLASTIC TUaRIG vacuum ‘Seale 2,0 "Rg PRESSURE ERLE When using to set carburetor, hook high side to the gas side and the low side to the air, When using to measure crankcase pressure, left side to the crankcase and leave the open to atmosphere. hook the other side WATER MANOMBTER Lpsi. L i SAME LEVEL EQUAL PRESSURE DIFPERENT LEVEL | ,TAE MEASURENERID HERE BASIC WATER NOMETER Color Pressure Range EDLP/N Pink an 3" WC 41/8 x 13/8 - 3/64 1B5584 730-C_| 114838 Purple 3.4/2" -8 1/2" WC | 41/2 x13/8- 1/16 1D8030__| 730-C_| 124817 Red shear we __} 3 5/8 x 13/8 - 5/64 1B6538 730-c_| 1a8ss_|| Yetiow Uu"-37" WC | 41/4 x 13/8 - 7/64 1B5370 730-C_| 124856 | Brown S1/2"-8 1/2" WC | 8 3/4 x 17/8 - 1/8 1C7254 | 730-B | 124857 Gray 9" - 20" WC | 63/4 x 17/8 - 5/32 187666 730-B_| 124858 Cadmium 3" 4" WC 6 U8 x1 7/8 - 7/64 13925 | Y610 | 114837 Brown) 730-B $201 Red 2.1/4" - 8" WC SU2x17/8- 1/8 142001 730-B | 12859 Fisher | Where Color Pressure Range | _Lth. x ID x Wire D. PN Used _| EMP/N Cadmium 17-30 PSE 6x2 1/4- 5/15 ower90 | 630-1" | 124752 90 - 120 PST Rating on larger _ diaphragm Anny Green 8 - 20 PSI 57/8 x2 1/8 - 9/32 owo191 | 630-1" | 124860 16 - 95 PST Rating on larger diaphray — JOTE: Do not confuse the fisher part number with the Caterpillar part numbers which we are familiar \. They are not the same, TURBOCHARGERS A turbocharger is used to provide for a greater horsepower availability. Power is the result of burning fuel. Since the air-fuel ratio has been set, more fuel can be demanded by an increase in the amount of air. A turbocharger provides this increase. The turbocharger has two impellers attached to a common shaft. One impeller rides in the exhaust gases and the heat causes the impellers to spin. The opposite end is the compressor. Air is drawn in through the air cleaner, is compressed and sent to the carburetor. This pressure is also felt on top of the "A" regulator diaphragm which causes the regulator to provide more gas. As more gas is burned, the power from the exhaust gas increases, turning the turbo faster and the cycle cow ues. Based on this theory, 2 turbocharged engine will produce approximately the same amount of power at elevations up to approximately 6000 feet as it does at sea level. A faulty turbocharger will cause a loss of power. It should be inspected for end play, proper lubrication and a warped shaft. WASTEGATES If some type of control is not installed, the engine would begin to experience # lean condition. There is also a possibility that an engine run-a-way could occur. Therefore a regulator, known as a wastegate, is installed in the exhaust system and functions as a by- pass. The wastegate is composed of the kousing, a spring, a diaphragm, a valve, and 2 breather. Pressure that is sensed from the air intake manifold is routed to the underside of the diaphragm. As the pressure is increased due to turbocharger speed, the valve opens more allowing exhaust gas to by-pass the turbocharger. During normal operation, the wastegate is neither open nor closed. Wastegate failure cam normally be identified by # mass surging of the governor. Some problems chat can cause wastegate failure are ruptured diaphragm, bent valve stem or 2 plugged vent port. ll Teter on One style of wastegate has one-quarter inch spacers. Removal or instalfation of these spacers compensates for altitude. The following shows the spacer versus altitude range. FEET | SEACERS INSTALLED | 0- 1500 2 1500 - 4000 1 4000 - 6500 0 Any altitude exceeding this will require the engine to be derated, ‘A second type wastegate does not have spacers. This type is adjusted by screwing an allen screw in or out. A chart is used to determine the depth based on the engine model and operating conditions. The attached sample will give you some idea of how the adjustment is made. For safety reasons, a9 iastaffed wastegate should be adjusted with the engine stopped, A new wastegate that is to be installed should be set prior to installation, Engine derating either for altitude or temperature should be coordinated with the manufacturer or a qualified person within the company. AFTERCOOLERS When air is compressed by the turbocharger, heat is generated. This causes the air to become less dense and will not allow the proper air-fuel ratio to enter the cylinders. In addition, it will cause high temperatures in the manifold. This could create other problems such as backfiring or detonation due to reaching critical compression. In an effort to prevent these conditions, the air is cooled prior to entering the carburetor. This is done by either & coofer using water for heat transfer or one that uses air. Engine maaufacturers have their own way of designating if a unit has a turbocharger and is aftercooled. Caterpillar uses TA for turbocharged - after cooled. Waukesha uses S.J. for supercharged - after cooled. ‘The compression ratio of the engine plays a part in determining the maximum allowable air temperature for best engine performance, Normally a low compression ratio engine can withstand a greater sir ¢emperature than a high compression ratio engine. A ball park maximum air temperature is 150°F for LCR and 110°F for HCR. This may vary slightly by manufacturer, 12 Fe Toe tepee Our Water Cooled: Air line is routed through a water-filied container (aftercooler), Some of the heat in the air is absorbed. by the water which reduces the heat of the air. Not all of the heat will be transferred to the water. The coolers are designed so that under specified operating conditions the cooling medium will absorb heat to within 20 degrees of its own temperature. Using the above numbers, the maximum water temperature for a LCR would be 130°F and for a HCR, it would be 90°F, Air Cooled: If the air-cooled system is used, the aftercooler would normally be 2 section of the cooler package. Carburetor air is routed from the turbocharger through the cooler, The cooling fan draws air across the cooler section. This action causes some of the heat to be transferred. Since the cooler creates some restriction, a slight pressure is built up in front of the cooler. Then as the air passes through the cooler this restriction is removed causing the pressure to drop and therefore a temperature drop. This will assist in temperature reduction from the carburetor air. 13 Trg repo On gas, Air Inlet And Exhaust System & 1 § " I 12 Gas, Air inlet And Exhaust System With Turbocharger (1) Gas pressure regulator. (2) Balance line. (3) Carburetor. (4) Air cleaner. (5) Turbocharger. (6). Gas supply. (7) Governor, (8) Allercooler. (8) Air inlet manifold. (10) Cylinder. (11) Dilferential pressure regulator. (12) Exhaust manifold. (13) Fuel shutoff valve SPACER..APPLICATION ‘BASED ON ALTITUDE ALTLTUDE 3) S$ INSTALLLED 0 - 1500 2 1500 -4000 1 4000 ~6500 0 AT ALTITUDES ABOVE “6500, THE ENGINE MUST BE DERATED. ENGINE MANUFACTURER WILL SPECIFY DERATION FACTOR BASED ON ALTITUDE AND TEMPERATURE. SET SCREW DEPTH Cinm) 3412 WASTEGATE SETTING DIAGRAM COMPRESSION RATE 50 essence & +. 7 - 40 | ee? an 8 | 30) 7 oS XP . ZA 20 18 ~ 5 10 15 20 2 8 INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE Cin Hg gage? a systems, as we know it, secve two functions. First, it ignites the fuel IGNITION SYSTEMS and secondly it provides power for the shutdown systems on those units that do not utilize pneumatics. Until recently, most ignition systems used a magneto; however, within the last few years it is drifting more away from magnetos toward use of a microprocessor system. ‘The makes and models are too numerous to cover in this packet; therefore, the two types of systems above will be discussed in general terms. A. Magneto Type 1 ‘Most magnetos in use currently are of the low tension, solid state type. A basic description of this type system is that they use circuit boards in lieu of contact points. A wiring harness using a smaller wire is run from the magneto to a coil. The coil is preferably located near the spark plug. By using this system rather than heavy spark plug leads from the magneto, several advantages can be recognized. The diameter of the wiring using the older system causes some voltage loss due to resistance. In addition, a small pin hole in the insulation could cause misfire or no fire to a cylinder. Since solid state does not have points that are, it requires less maintenance and is safer to be used around natural gas where leaks may exist. ‘The magneto consists of the drive, a generator, a distributor, storage capacitors, a voltage regulator and the electronic circuitry required. In addition to the wiring leads for each cylinder, one lead powers the control panel. This should be the only lead with continuous power when the magneto is turning. a. The basic operation of these units is: The generator produces voltage which is stored in the capacitors. Since these capacitors are rated for a certain voltage, any greater voltage is bled off through a zener diode (voltage regulator). The distributor has one contact for each cylinder. As the rotor passes a contact, a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) closes allowing voltage to be directed to that cylinder coil. The coil steps up the voltage and sends it to the spark plug through a high tension lead. b. All components in a specific system are matched; therefore, components should not be mixed. An example would be coils. Each type coil is designed for maximum efficiency and carries its own resistance designation. A coil for a Fairbanks Morse SCSA may not work efficiently on a FM 3000. For this reason, it may be stated that —— el i Te Yong rep Ob. when changing models of systems, everything should be changed except the spark plugs. c Although the term "iow tension" is used, caution should be taken to prevent shock on both the low and high voltage sides of the coil. Depending on the make and model, magnetos can have # voltage output of 125 to 200 vatts. Likewise, the coil can step up the voltage to between 28,000 and 40,000 volts. cece ccesmremgceesncpe by polling a spark 3. Preparing the magneto for installation on the engine is similar for most systems. The engine must be barred over to the specified timing mark. The magneto then is turned until its index mark is correct. The Fairbanks Morse has « plug that must be removed and the magneto turned until the yellow dot on the gear is under the plug. The Altronics hus a window on the rear cover with a mark that is aligned with either a CW or CCW depending on the engine, The Bendix has a plug and pointer similar to the ¥M. Some magnetos have a positive ground and some have a built-in spark advance. An example is the FM SCSA. It is imperative that service manuals be consulted. The SCSA is stabbed at one flywheel timing mark and timing is checked at another. You must ensure that the magneto is stabbed with the first cylinder in firing order on compression stroke, not exhaust, Failure to do this will cause the-engine not to start. 4, Troubleshooting the ignition system is easy, but may be time-consuming. Ignition systems can have only three things wrong. They are an open, a short, or incorreet timing. Remember that, in many cases, an electrical problem will only show up at operating temperatures. If the ignition system is suspected as being bad, you may want to start troubleshooting by ensuring the magneto is providing power. Connect a volt meter to the power lead and a ground. Turn the magneto and check for output, If this is good, next use an ohm meter and check continuity in the wiring harness up to the coil. Remember thaf the item being tested must be isolated. If the primary harness is good, check the ground between the coils. If this is good, check between the positive and negative terminals on the coil. Next would be checking between the primary and secondary on the coil. Then the secondary wiring. 5. Wiring of the ignition system is specified in the service manual. The 32 Fe Triegrepees On attached drawing illustrates two methods based on the magneto and engine. ‘The coil terminals are marked + and -. They should be wired accordingly. If inadvertently one has been wired incorrectly, the engine should still run. ‘The consequence of reversed polarity would be short plug life due to electrode wear as shown in the attached. Microprocessor System ‘Most manufacturers of magneto systems now have their version of a magnetoless or microprocessor system. In addition, most engine manufacturers have their own versions. ‘They each make use of magnetic pick-ups and are referenced to the crankshaft and camshaft rotation. In addition, timing can, in most cases, be manually adjusted through a few degrees by the microprocessor potentiometers. Some manufacturers use a simple system of magnetic pick-up, generator and control box. This system uses a magnet installed turning at crankshaft speed. A generator provides the voltage and as the magnet passes under the pick-up, the control box fires the cylinder. Normally, this is a fixed timing. 13 Pa Treg repens on er, 80. = \ crows ro pxcine avo : ComecT TO HD" LeaD RUTROWIC Vv lowition =, ra . Rotation cones cow | cw © 2 ® 0 & 2: p———_5 0 OFF/OW swiTcH > AD SHITE GAUGES sisson ECR ee oe tw A [TIMING AOVANCE INFORMATION ~ FAIRGANKS WORSE ENGINE STOPPED jer Let No. 2 COW No. 12 CW eta RightNa 1CCWNo.1W | No.1COWREW | No.1 CCWNo. 4 cw Compression Ratio Oxrer Consitions * ca98 case oars 308 A (ratoral gas) o o o 708 TA, (22°C water) in Ate We Ave wor aTe 5081 WA (Propane) SAIS [__Ws ato TS ATC cr} 7A (Propane), 20" ATC F a . Ta WA (aivra ges) o = o 7 TA ISAC watee) oe e o TH NA (wel natural gas fo Betane) 10° ATC. 30" ATC. sorte 7A TA (Propane o wall - senbbed tld 625) ror are a0" are sor ate, Contes ihe Caterpiaw he lor ascitanee m anahiog ling eeqakemonts for tiese condone, Retural Gas @ 1000 8TU taj heal value (900 BTU low Heat vane) and Veporaus Propane @ 2500 BTU. 2250 BTU tow heat vate). high heat valve gas (appcor, "FOHING ASVANCE RiFORMATION = FORBANKS MOREE, ENGINE RURRANG @ 1200 REM (Segrees Mefore Fop Canter Mart) cyinder Testo. 2 COW No. 12 CW os Riga 1Cewno Tew: | No tcownew | Na tcowNe sew menses Other Conditions = 399 use ears oH TA rea gas) a ae oo oa TA GEC wate 20 20 a 7 NA. Prepane) 1 ee as 72 TA. Propane) ° Ta iA rater ga Se a Ta) TA GHP water ee ao 7 WA wel astural g orecane ao Pa 20" ms TA (Propane o weil ~ scrubbed field gas) _20 20° co TTS FEVANEE FORMATION ALTRONIE ENGINE STOPRED Or Engine using @ 1200 RPM (Ongrces Betore Top Corie Mar) Cyiner ‘elie 7 COW Ho. 12 GW wo. ecw wa 1cow Roseion : Fig ot GoW art ew ace New fate tne Constions + case case oor west TA (rata 925) a a el rot TAGEC wate) a a a rot TA, (repane) ra as wae 701 TA Propane ne : : TaN er Ey ey a Ta TA. G2 water = a 2 | ia NA, we natal weSlanet ar wt x 7 TA (rosea woh Tens ae go a 2 a 2 rcs « one an ptt vette, | RNS") se] PG sai rage OT | ht Er art ire oot tT eae | Le Pee I ROCKER SWITCHES | . a Q)G]5 oO ctosep 3 -!BoK Ich inerpeter Tniog & Customer vor Se eee! a am — a Desired c—,: Shave Data Tea 2 Signals © Sgnition lgniton — ES 3. ignition Coto} Translermer [—T 7 Transformers Puntiop tepe Tanstony Consal E [js Natural Gas T jp 16 a Prascure Sonace EE) vento ar i) , i ie Sse _ LW ALTRONIC CPU_Q) 90. ‘The primary purpose in a governor is to maintain the speed with a change in load. As the speed changes it is sensed by the governor and through linkages, the governor moves the carburetor butterfly valve. There are many makes of governors and several types. The most common are electric, hydro-mechanical and mechanical. A, The most precise of these is the electrical; however, in the gas compressor industry ‘we can allow some deviation in RPM because load changes are common. Electrical governors are used most frequently with generator packages where-speed must be Kept exact. B, The hydro-mechanical governor is extremely common in the gas compressor industry. This type uses oil and a series of pistons coupled with a set of centrifugal controlled flyweights. The attached drawing can be used to illustrate the basics of governor operation. This is the Woodward UGSL. 1, The UG8 has its own oil sump. Some other models use the engine oil system for its supply. The pump is driven by the engine. Oil pressure is supplied to both sides of the power piston. If pressure on the two sides of the piston is equal the larger bottom area will cause the piston to move upward thus turning the output shaft to increase speed. The compensation lever will pivot pushing down on the larger compensation piston. This forces additional pressure under the smaller piston which pushes up on the left end of the floating lever. At the same time, the flyweights are being thrown outward by centrifugal force. This pulls up on the right end of the floating Jever. At this point, the pilot valve plunger is pulled upward closing off flow to the bottom of the power piston and allows some oil to flow back to the sump. Now pressure is greater on top of the power piston turning the output shaft to move toward decrease RPM, causing the larger compensation piston to move up. This creates a slight vacuum which pulls the smaller piston down and therefore the left end of the floating lever. As speed decreases the flyweights begin contracting and the speeder spring pushes down on the right end of the floating lever causing the control point, land to unseat. The compensation system is to provide a steady state of speed control (recovery time) and stabilizes the governor performance. Governor hunting could be caused by incorrect setting of the compensation system or air in the system, To set or bleed air, use the following procedures with the governor at operating temperature. a. Set the pointer at maximum position by Joosening the aut. a Kl b. Back out the needle valve two turns from fully closed and allow the governor to hunt for approximately 30 seconds. .Leasen pointer nut and move pointer to the "MIN" position. d. Gradually close the needle valve until the hunting stops. e _ If hunting does not stop, open the needle valve by 1/4 turn. Adjust pointer one increment at a time until hunting stops. The PSG and SG Woodward governors are very similar to the UGSL. The major difference is that they use an engine oil supply rather than having their own reservoir, Droop is defined as the decrease in speed from minimum to maximum full position of the output shaft as load increases. Droop is expressed in percent of rated speed. Droop can cause hunting or surging and can be computed using the following formula: % Droop = No Load Speed - Full Load Speed X 100 Full Load Speed To increase droop, the droop lever length should be increased or away from the bald head. To decrease droop shorten the lever length. (SEE ATTACHMENTS) Mechanical Governors are probably the most simple and least accurate of the governors. Basic operation is simply a set of flyweights counteracted by Spring tension. As the flyweights move out, spring tension tends to pull them closed limiting the travel of the carburetor butterfly, Adjustment is simply by increasing or decreasing spring tension. K2 Farting rep ou DROOP is the relationship of engine speed change fram ne load to fulll load as expressed in percentage. HORSEPOWER 12% ——_—_ Wo load RPM Full Load speed ~ “Transient Response is the tine for the efgine to recover fran a change in Loed. 1 LOAD , SPEED DROOF SETTING | ssc per Speed Droop Assembly Table 4-2. Droop Pre-Setting Distance “C" Droop % 0.328 inch 3 0.266 inch 5 Droop Pre-Setting 0.141 inch 10 As \Gaewe Schematic Diagram of a Typical SG Governor LOW SPEED STOP IDLE MIXTURE GOVERNOR CONTROL LEVER SURGE SCREW SPRING TENSION ADJUSTMENT BOLT 2 MAXIMUM SPEED ADJUSTMENT. al — SPEED CONTROL LEVER : TYPICAL MECHANICAL GOVERNOR ‘The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has levied strict regulations on emissions of harmful elements into the atmospher In addition, each state has levied its own requirements. Since these vary from location to location, only general information will be discussed in Section A. Regulations are continually changing; therefore, all governmental mandates for your conditions must be reviewed and complied with. A Pollutants from burning of fuel are the by-products caused by heat and chemical reaction. With natural gas, the three primary elements are NOX, CO and NMHC. 1. ‘Oxides of nitrogen (NOX) consist of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide. Two specific by-products of NG burning are nitrogen and water. These mixed with heat and oxygen create NOX. Carbon Monoxide is a highly toxic gas emitted by burning of any hydrocarbon fuel, and is created by the incomplete burning of a fuel. Non-methane hydro-carbon (NMHC) are those elements that make up natural gas that are not methane. Some of these are ethane, butane, propane, etc. These elemenis easily mix with NOX to create what we know as SMOG. These pollutants are classified either by tons per year, grams per brake horsepower hour and parts per million by unit volume. In computing the allowable emissions per location the base is 250 tons per year. This will be determined by the highest emission level of any of the above three items. Aé_an example: “If an engine's emission level is 2 grams/hp-hr NOX, 3 grams/hp-br CO and 1 gram/hp-hr NMHC, the permissible horsepower is determined based on CO. ‘Most engine manufacturers are designing their engines to meet current and projected regulations. The basic concept of all of them is to use a leaner air fuel mixture. There are several methods used in the concept. 1. One is the "pre-stratified charge". This method is, in basic terms, creating several layers of air and air/fuel mixture inside the manifold and cylinder. This can be done by forcing air into the manifold ahead of the air/fuel mixture and then the air-fuel mixture. In the cylinder this will give layers of the two mixtures. This creates a very lean mixture. Li Se Yrting Pee Oo, 2. Another method is to simply put a greater smount of air into the mixture, An example is to increase the air from 10 to 18 parts per unit volume. This method can cause a drastic decrease in the amount of power available. See Attachment 1 This shows the relationship of a stociometric engine when converted to a Jean burn simply by adding additional air. Note that doing this several things occur. a. Burning less fuel produces less power. b. NMHC and CO remain about the same or have a slight increase. NOX drops significantly. d. Exhaust temperature drops due to a greater amount of air through the cylinders, The amount of exhaust oxygen increases and it is this which is used to do the final engine adjustment. 3. A third method is to use a pre-combustion chamber. This method is composed of the main air-fuel manifold going to the cylinder and a manifold carrying very rich fuel to the pre-combustion chamber. This rich mixture is ignited by the spark plug and the flame is used to ignite the very Jean mixture. Waukesha, on their large bore engines, used an air-fuel mixture of 28:1. Air-Fuel Ratio Controllers ‘The addition of an air-fuel ratio controller to a stociometric engine may be the most cost effective and accurate method of conversion. As with all components, several manufacturers can provide their own system. Some of these systems use straight electronic/electrie systems while others may use 2 combination electronic/pneumatic system. Regardless of the type, air-fue) ratios are changed based on the amount of oxygen sensed in the exhaust. The heart of any of these systems is the oxygen sensor. This sensor detects the amount of oxygen in the exhaust and signals the microprocessor to provide more or less fuel. In order to properly function, the oxygen sensor must sense a certain operating temperature; therefore, thermocouple are installed to signal the processor thet the required temperature has been reached. L2 Fo aig Pepe ‘The pneumatic/electronic versions require an air supply to operate 2 gas valve. As a change is sensed by the oy Sensor, a signal is sent to the controller which allows air to be sent to the gas valve to either go more open or more closed. This valve may be upstream or downstream of the carburetor. All of these type controllers adjust for NO and require a catalytic convertor to reduce CO and NMHC. The convertor will be discussed later. For discussion only, the Altronic EPC 100 system will be used. It is an all electronic system. See Attachment 2 Air-Fuel Controller System - EPC 100 The components of this system are: microprocessor, oxygen sensor, thermocouple, gas valve and a 24-volt DC power supply. Operation: The microprocessor does not process signals from the oxygen sensor until the exhaust temperature reaches at least 650 degrees F. Thermocouple provide this information to the microprocessor. Normal operating temperature should be at least 650 degrees F. and no greater than 1400 degrees F. When the ‘0, Sensor detects a rich or lean mixture, the signal is processed and directs the gas valve to go more open or more closed. The status will be shown in the LCD window by a voltage and valve position. There are two LED displays. The green light indicates power to the system. The yellow light indicates either a fault or that the panel is in the manual mode. ‘The panel has four functional switches and twelve control switches. The top now consists of "Auto Oper” which is pushed to place the system in automatic control. ‘The next is "Start Pos" which will place the stepper motor and gas valve in the start position and will disable the alarms for 10 minutes. The third button is the ‘Alarm Ack" which must be pressed to do anything with the system if an alarm exists. The final button in the top row is "DISPL SELECT. This button is used to stop the LCD at any function. ‘The second and third rows give you manual control. If the engine is an in-line, only one row is used. By pushing the left or right manual button, you can cause the gas valve for that bank to go more lean or more rich. By pushing the manual button and the corresponding rich or lean button, the stepper valve will move 25 steps with each push. If a large movement is required, after pushing the manual button, press the corresponding fast button. This will cause the stepper to move 100 steps per push. ‘There are a total of 1700 steps for full travel. L3 Fa Trae epee On The gas valve is always partially open and that is why movement can be made for only 1700 steps. This valve should be installed in the line between the "A" regulator and the carburetor, but as close to the carburetor as feasible. This ensures the quickest response time to valve position changes. ‘The O, sensor is installed in the exhaust pipe as close to the exhaust manifold as possible. It should extend its full length into the gas stream and not have leaks around The thermocouple is also installed as close to the exhaust manifold as possible and must be fully in the gas stream, ‘On a vee-type engine feed over will occur if the above units are near the "Y exhaust, in the A 24-volt DC power supply is required for the controller. Therefore, if required an alternator or battery charge is required to maintain battery voltage. Set up and troubleshooting procedures can be found in the manufacturer's manuals and are too detailed to discuss here except very briefly. The oy sensor generates voltage and the processed voltage will be displayed on the LCD. As the voltage increases, the valve is richening the mixture. As it decreases, the mixture is becoming more lean. To center the valve initially the LCD should read 0.8 volts with a stepper position of 1000. The air-fuel controller neutralizes the NO, but does not do much for the CO sad NMHC. Therefore, a catalytic convertor is required. The convertor is mounted in the exhaust system ahead of any regular muM™er. A three-way, non-selective catalyst is recommended. This will provide simultaneous reduction of NO, CO and HC. A catalyst causes a chemical reaction to occur which combines the oxygen from NO with the CO. This gives off the non- toxic gas of carbon dioxide (CO,). The material in a convertor is very expensive. Two common materials used are platinum and poladium. These react to the elements in the exhaust, The monoliths are in varying sizes and shapes, and all should be treated with care. ‘The engine must be kept tuned up to jnclude good piston rings. Oil will poison the catalyst and it becomes ineffective. Detonation and backfire will cause the catalyst to be damaged. The Jean burn concept causes the parameters of operation to be very near the detonation range. Detonation is the limiting factor for lean mixtures. Since detonation can cause costly damage to an engine, the engine must be maintained perfectly. This includes timing, air-fuel mixture and spark plugs as well as all other facets of a well-tuned engine. — L4 Pater On The detailed method of setting up a lean burn engine varies with the manufacturer, ‘However, the final adjustment will be basically the same which is the amount of exhaust oxygen. In all cases the linkage must be set and all cylinders firing. A. Waukesha 1. VEP-GL a. Prior to starting the engine, set the pressure to the "A" regulator to 35-50 psig. Turn the prechamber regulator fully in and then out six turns. Turn the carburetor mixture screw fully in and then out two turns. Connect 2 H,O manometer across the carburetor and a mercury manometer between the prechamber manifold and the main manifold. Calibrate the O, meter to 20.9% and then hook up. Set the prechamber differential to 6 inches Hg. Start the engine and at idle, adjust the carburetor differential for book value. The F2895 and P9390 are set at 7 inches of H,O column and the L7042 is 5 inches H,O column. Verify that all cylinders are firing, Set engine to rated RPM and at least two-thirds load. Use the carburetor adjusting screw for an oxygen reading of 9.8%. Verify that the prechamber differential is approximately 6 inches Hg. Increase the load for the operating rated load and RPM and adjust oxygen to 9.8%. Check manifold pressure on both banks fo a difference of one inch of Hg or less. _ c. The most common problem associated with this system is the admission valves becoming fouled. Some symptoms of this are engine will not start, will not go above low idle, misfires at low load, a cylinder not firing, misfiring, detonation and other fuel-related problems. Fouling is normally caused by carbon from a rich mixture. Remove the admission valves and clean them. 2, VGF-GL ‘The in-line engines do not use a prechamber. Set the carburetor differential at two inches HO column with the engine at idle, Adjust idle air screw full and the mixture valve to the mid-point of rich and lean. Adjust the carburetor mixture valve for an oxygen reading of 7.8%. Increase speed and load to rated and adjust to 7.8% oxygen. Ls Poe Traag rape On Caterpillar 3400/3500 Series ‘The Caterpillar lean burn engines require more attention on setting up for starting. This is, for the most part, duc to the electronics involved. 1 2. 10. ‘Hook up differential pressure gauges, oxygen meter and digital diagnostic tool (ODT). Bar engine over to 25° BIC (3500) and using the set up procedures for the magneto, stab it to the engine, then rotate an additional 6° toward advance. Extract the methane number from the fucl analysis. From the Technical Information Release, extract standard timing and the exhaust oxygen number. NOTE: Ensure you are on the correct page for the specific engine. Using the methane chart and the analysis figure, go up to the AC temperature. The timing figure from the TIR is the STD timing. Interpolate on the chart and identify the amount of retard. This figure is the actual timing. Set the pressure to the "A" regulator to 24-35 psig and adjust the gas over air to six incbes HO. Ensure all finkages are correctly set. Using the DDT in the "Mag Cal mode and "Actual Timing" function, set in the-above actiial timing. The engine should be at rated speed and minimum load. Increase load to approximately 2/3. ‘Using the power mixture screw, set the free oxygen to the percent specified in the TIR. Lé Fa trig repet On % do Z u-dH/N.La N3DAXO —- d WL HX Ze odSa o 9° rz o 2 ° So 98 sc S$ 8 8g ao + o 2 en] eo eo Kn CUT ETTee oo CeCler wl Nebel AY SZ) ao | }— J S LR fii Lf i |. s L / i- /\_ \ LE aa VORA 4-4 \ ER ba Sy [LT % Q S a" x uw i 5 re + o +r | | Lt | ! : L | oO oO oO oO Oo oO aoaqao°o wm t+ ~. N -_ ° DOR U-dH/65 QSLVYH.V SNOISSIWA yaMOd 12-13 14 ul VOLUMETRIC AIR-FUEL RATIO Precombustion Chamber Cross-Section - Four Stroke Integral Engines Reduction of NOx Emissions Utilizing Pre-Stratified Charge System oN.a Rich-Burn Engine iming Conte contnoL on PETORATION RETARDED TIMING PETOMATION ENGINE SHUT DOWN MAGNETO OUT OF CALIERATION NO RIGHT DETONATION SENSOR SIGNAL NO LEFi DETONATION SENSOR SIGNAL NO SPEED SENSOA SIGNAL HO CRANK ANGLE SENSOR SHGMAL NO MAGNETO INTERFACE SIGNAL NO COMMUNICATION SIGHAL Remote Indicator SI Service Tool & SI Engine Control Data Link Detonation Module pea (aretelelererer® Engine Shuldown |g _Esine Smid ws Module DOOOCO Gite Of Coimertace Box Detonation Module ‘Speed Sensor Crank Angle Magneto \_fonition Pulses _ Reset Signat Len Bank Accelerometer Clock Signal Manual Ovetise < n Factor Deri 23946 SITA Fuel Usage Guide 81 Compression Ratip Low Emission Standard JW Tempersture-1000-1400 rpm 120 > v0 UD a SR at sorsxe 80 6 2 BH ai) o 0 [ eo 0 30040 O70 80 9100 110-120-130 Methane umber 69516 SITA Altitude Deration Factors 91 Compression Ratio Low Emission 1000-1200 rpm BI 1.05 - 1.00 + oss SSN 090 s 085 T | 30°F Abies Air as*F Antien Ait | 080 | T 10S" F Ambient Air 075 |/_ } ra F ambient at | 0.70 - te 065 - 080 4 J ° 200000 SCONSSCOSSCn0DDSS (N00 Altitude (Feet Above Sea Level) PELOSI Ua is rae hiedoeubes “Fooes 77506 50% 2 Aspiration TA TA TA Speed 7 tpm 1200 1200 3200 1200 IW Temperature... - oF 210 210 210 210 AIC Temperature, oF 90 80 90 20 Engine Power bhp ag 862 575 287 NO, (@S NO) sglohp-he Ww os 27 107 co oo . .gfohp-hr W 18 23 28 HC (Tota. — voenegfobpehe 30 35 3.0 23 HC (Non-Methanel vo agfbhp-he 4 oO 04 03 Exhaust-Oxygen % dey) 80 Bo 68 49 BSFC.. os soosnn Btufbhp-hr 7349 7831 8315 10146 Compressor Out Pressure oonun suit Hg fabs) 705 65.8 49.3 8 Compressor Out TEMP -uenoninn “F 298 275 205, wer Intake Manifold Pressure. nnn in Hg (abs) 64.0 53.2 359 20.4 Intake Manifold Temp .. . st m1 109 108 us Air-Fuel Ratio snnnnnanennnnnnnenenes WOWNOH 149 149 130 ns Timing. os serene ®BTDC 28 28 28 28 Inpot Energy (LEV), 7 Btulmmin 140803 112568 79680 28582 Work vo oneesnne BAUIOIA 48737 36559 24372 ines. Exhaust (LUV) occ Btulmin 39751 29816 20382 i081 Exhaust to 350°F)... Btulmin 28615 20132 6629 Attercooler . Btu/min 8360 5102 568 Radiation Btu/min 6312 4478 2201 Jacke WateriOil Cooler. tu/enin 39012 24844 29954 24018 Air Flow. os Joyner 10556 8466 5501 2624 Ait Flow . (setro-77°F, 13.8 psia) 2518 2017 aan 673, Exhaust Flow ome 13000 8828 5783 2981 Eth Flow (elm-stack temp, 14.5 psiad 6281 4928 3196 1648 Exhaust Stack Temp. oF 873 803. 837 830 FYB! OW nasi (scih-60°F, 14.7 psia) 2328 7456 5278 3220 ‘Sound Level in Linear Decibels fd) Overall. : 3 7 ‘Sound Lével “225 'TOctave Baiid Center Frequency” 2 ES Ssh @ 300% Led Ti db( A) 2 Ha 428 HEs.250 He "S00 Ha 7 Tk 2 te eis n Bie | Mechanical Sound @ 1m 28 0%) SCO Exhaust Sound @ 1.5m... 108 97 WOT 030008 CATERPILLAR Gaseous Fuel Analysis for: Gary Lea Date: 4-3-91 Sample Contents: Methane CHa: 92.6 | Hexane cond: | 0.1 Ethane CoH6: | 4.5 | Heptane c7H16: | 0.0 Ethylene C2Hd: | 0.0 | Octane c8Hi8: | 0.0 Propane C3H8: 1.1 | Nonane C9H20: 0.0 Propylene C3H6: 0.0 | Carbon Monoxide co: 0.0 Isobutane TSOC4H10: | 0.2 | Carbon Dioxide coz: | 0.7 Norbutane NORC4H10:} 0.2 | Hydrogen 0.0 Isopentane ISOCSH12: | 0.1 | Oxygen 00 Norpentane — NORCSH12: | _0.0 | Nitrogen N2: | 05 Neopentane NEOCSHI2: | 0.0 | Total Component Input | 100.0 Lower Heating Value (BTU/FT3): 964 | Stoick” A/F Ratio (V/V): 10.06 Methane Number: 77.8 Stoich A/F Ratio (M/M): 16.56 Wobbe Index (BTU/FT3) 1237.7 | Specific Gravity (Rel to Ai 0.61 Relative Power Capability {¢0 905 BTU/FT3 Fuel) In %: 100 Enter C to Continue for New Gas, Enter Q to Quit. TIMING I, SET UP MAGNETO AND ENGINE FOR PROPER INSTALLATION a. Rotate engine to 25 degrees BTC and magneto to CW. ‘p. Enter MAG CAL MODE on DDT (04) «. Start engine and min to high idle and then rotate the magneto six degrees towards advance. d. Enter TIM CAL MODE (05) and DESIRED TIMING function. €. Set in the desired engine timing by pressing the ALT 1 key, the desired timing and then press Enter. f. Press ACT TIM function - must agree within + or- 1 degree. IL. If desired timing is to be less than on the chart, start the engine and run at high idle, a. Enter TIM CAL mode (05) b. Go to Desired Timing function (50) and press ALT 1, the timing value end Enter. Check ACT TIM - must agree within + or - 1 degree IIL. To check timing with engine running - Go to Status Mode 02 then to ACT TIM. IV. Diagnostic Mode a ALT | for 1 thr 5 b. ALT 2 for 6 tha 9 speed Sensitive Timing Maps Speed Sensitive Timing Map 1 Speed Sensitive Timing Map 2 For 1200 RPM Rated Speed For 1100 RPM Rated Speed [SPEED SENSITIVE TIMING MAP 1 . SPEED SENSITIVE TIMING MAP 2 Engine Speed Degrees Timing Retard Engine Speed Degrees Timing Retard tiem) ((eém initial Scie) (rpm) (trom Initial value) 1200 or higher Ca [, 1700 or higher 0 1150 1 1 1050 1 1100, ~ 2 . 1000 2 1050 3 Of 950 3 1900 a 800 4 950 3 Te 860 3 900 or lower 6 4 [800 or lower 6 Speed Sensitive Timing Map 3 For 1000 RPM Rated Sheed SPEED SENSITIVE TIMING MAP 3 Engine Speed Degrees Timing Retard (épm) (fom initial vale) 1000'or-higher o L 950 900 800 750) 700 oF lower 1 2 850 a 4 5 6 PRECHAMBER AIR/FUEL INTAKE MANIFOLD | sl PRECHAMBER GOVERNOR APRESSURE AMBER ONTROLLED z AIR/GAS MIXER CCRROTILE. & CONTROL MAIN i Gas AIR/GAS MIXER & CONTROL PRESSURE BALANCE LINE vain Gas PRESSURE . REGULATOR Tunsochascien es COMPRESSOR al OMPRESSO Kons Fuel System ADMISSION VALVE CYUNORICAL SHAPED. COMBUSTION BOWL, coMmBUsTH CHAMBER. LEAN FUEL MIXTURE Piston Cesign WAU Prechamber De: OKI IO ICI FO HOI GL FUEL SYSTEM “SCHEMATIC eee e eee e ee eee Te eee eee eee? Jig Maen MANIFOLD TO OTHER BANK aunt cs if coumecnons-¢ \_ Sh — 1 TY eonccuuo (CARBURETOR Emfssion Reduction (based on operating conditions) e Rich: NOx; add air to reduce CO and HG «Stoichiometric: NO, CO and HC, simultaneous three-way reduction » Loan or Clean: CO and HC: add NHy to reduce NOs 2240" Hx 23K WKH" D ‘Quarter Block ret 12" aH Elghth Block seh 1e 1" Round Diameters from 1" to 3d" (and larger) x%" 0 A cooler can be broken down into three major sections: the cooling section (or coils), the support structure, and the mechanical equipment. We will break the cooler down into these three sections while discussing the construction of the coolers. COOLING SECTION ‘The cooling section is made up of three to five tube bundles (coils), depending on the number of compression stages and whether the turbocharged engine intake air is air- cooled. The coils consist of a group of finned tubes connected at each end to a box type header and supported in the center by tube support brackets, The tubes are constructed of 16- gauge 5/8-inch diameter carbon steel with mechanically bonded sluminum fins. The headers are equipped with removable plugs and access holes for each tube. The tube support brackets separate and hold the tubes in place. The tube bundles are stacked in a vertical fashion, with the gas coils on bottom. The gas coils are Jocated at the bottom to facilitate any repiping necessary when changing from single to two-stage or vice versa. They are each separately bolted onto the cooler structure and are protected om the exterior by an expanded metal guard. The coil section which handles the engine and compressor jacket water is designed for “YOe"F ambient air with a 50% ethylene glycol solution. Design pressures vary from 100 ‘psi to 150 psi while operating pressures are only in the 15 psi range, Design temperature is 300°F, and normal operating temperature will be 185°F to 200°F. The jacket water section is equipped in some cases with 2 surge tank mounted on top of the cooler structure. The surge tank is normally equipped with a 15 psi pressure cap to maintain proper cooling system pressure. ‘The gas stream is cooled in two or three separate coil sections. Design temperatures for most gas coils will be a minimum of 300°F at rated working pressure. If the gas passing through the coils has a pressure which is less than the rated pressure for the coils, the temperature can be increased; or if the temperature of the inlet gas is less than the rated temperature, the pressure could be increased. Before any maximum working limits are exceeded, the application should be checked and approved. The gas coils are designed for a 20°F approach at 100°F ambient air. This means the gas leaving the cooler will be no more than 120°F when outside temperature is 100°F. Mi Farting hones On Here is one design. On single and two-stage units there are two separate gas coil sections, or "split coils", both rated at a certain working pressure. This allows a unit to be used for either single or two-stage application without changing coil sections. Single-stage units use both of these sections, with the gas passing through them in a parallel manner. On a two-stage unit, one of the sections is used for interstage cooling (cooling after the first-stage compression), and the other is used for aftercooling (the final cooling after the second-stage compression). On a three-stage unit, the third coil section is added. Its rated working pressure will be in the 400 psi range, and it will be used for the first interstage cooling, with the two higher pressure coils used for second interstage cooling and for aftercooling. Another section may be added for air-aftercooling the heated turbocharged engine intake air. The cooling sections are designed to meet the maximum cooling requirements that would be necessary when the engine and compressor are operating at their maximum capacities. This eliminates the necessity of changing the cooler if the conditions of operation are changed. SUPPORT STRUCTURES ‘The support structure consists of the outside walls, partitions for directing the air flow, and a Support frame or skid. All of the support structure members on coolers manufactured by Fin-X and R & R are hot-dip galvanized, and then bolted together. This ensures that there are no unprotected surfaces. © & M coolers are welded together, then sandblasted and dimetcoated. The galvanizing process is generally. considered to be more effective against corrosion than dimetcoat, but the cast of galvanizing can increase the cooler price by as much as 20%. ‘The size of the frame and foundation members will vary depending on the overall size and weight of the cooler. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ‘The fan normally has adjustable pitch aluminum blades which allow the quantity of air moved by the fan to be adjusted to fit the requirements for each application. This reduces the drain on engine horsepower when a small quantity of air can meet the cooling requirements. The fan blades can be individually removed if repair or replacement is necessary (this is a feature which is fairly standard on large cooler units). ‘The fan is mounted on a steel shaft which rides on heavy duty ball or roller bearings. ‘The bearings are equipped with remote lubrication fittings which allow them to be serviced while the machine is running. a M2 Fa Tangri ‘The optional air flow control shutters are mounted on the suction side of the cooler coils and are easily controlled by a single manual lever for each shutter section. ‘This allows the operator to control the temperature of discharge gas for each separate coil sect preventing the gas from being overcooled and creating excessive liquids due to condensation. Many coolers are equipped with two safety shut-down switches, which will shut down the entire compressor package if the engine and compressor jacket water level is too low, or if there is excessive vibration in the cooler. M3 Poctring Papen IMPORTANT Before start up, check set screws and bolts in the fan assembly, sheaves, and locking collars of all bearings, These items should be checked again several days after start up. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THESE ITEMS BE CHECKED PERIODICALLY. Operating vibrations may cause Joosening of these items and could result in expensive repairs and shut-down time, FAN AND DRIVE Although the fan and drive are inspected before shipment, alignment of the fan shaft and clearance between the fan blades and the fan ring and guard should be checked (o assure that rough handling during shipment has not loosened bearing mounting bolts or caused misalignment. If it is ever necessary to change fans or to adjust the fan blade angle, care must be taken when tightening the bolts. Do not overtighten. It is best to refer to the fan manufacturer's “assembly instructions" for the correct procedure and torque values. Attached is a sample of how to adjust blade pitch. V-belt drives should be adjusted until tight enough to prevent excessive belt slippage. Overtenstoning should be-avoided. ‘The belt is generally tight enongh when it can be twisted one quarter of @ turn with tie fiumb and forefinger. LUBRICATION In plants having successfully established maintenance procedures, the bearings should be greased accordingly. In general, about one cubic inch of a premium grade grease in each bearing every 2 to 3 months is adequate. The operating temperature of the bearing may indicate how much lubrication is required. ‘Normal temperature may range from "cool to warm fo the touch" up to a point "too hot to touch for more than a few seconds", depending on bearing size and speed, and surrounding conditions. Unusually high temperature accompanied by excessive leakage of grease indicates too much grease. High temperature with no grease showing at the seals, particularly if the bearing seems noisy, usually indicates too little grease. Normal temperature and a slight showing of grease at the seals indicate proper lubrication. M4 Fa Tring ere TUBE CLEANING It is important that the fins and exposed tube surfaces be cleaned periodically to remove accumulated dirt, grease, oil, and other foreign matter. This can be removed by directing compressed air, or a greaseless solvent through the fins in a direction opposite the normal air flow. The inside of the tubes should be inspected periodically and cleaned as necessary, Removal of access plugs allows visual inspection and, if necessary, the use of mechanical tube cleaners. Tapered plugs that are removed for tube inspection or cleaning should be replaced in the same hole. PLUG LEAKS Should tapered plugs develop leaks, additional tightening is normally all that is required, Thread dope may be used if tightening alone is not sufficient. If shoulder type plugs develop leaks, the gaskets should be replaced. TUBE LEAKS ‘The repair of tube leaks depends upon the location of the Jeak. If the leak occurs in the tube-wall (normally caused by corrosion), it is usually cost practica) to use tapered tube sealing pins to plug both ends of the tube. When so many tubes have been plugged that performance is affected, retubing will be necessary. If Ieaks develop in the tube to tube- sheet joints, the tubes may either be plugged or re-roUed. It re-rolling is attempted, care must be used in selection of the proper tube expander for the size and gauge of the tube being rolled. As with all rolled tube joints, over-rolling must be avoided, OPTIONS . ‘Automatic shutter operation can be installed, It is a temperature sensitive system and deletes the requirement of manually adjusting as temperature changes. The attached diagram shows a general arrangement. An additional section may be added if the requirement exists for other items to be cooled such as the synthetic oil for a rotary screw compressor. MS a Ting rere On COOLER BLADE INDEXING 2/3 RADUIS MINDEX - MARK LOW TEMPERATURE BASE ASSEMBLY l Newmar HIGH TEMPERATURE BASE ASSEMBLY Separable units that use a coupling must have he engine and the compressor crankshafts in alignment with each other, Failure to have good alignment can result in immature failure of bearings and/or the crankshaft. In addition, excessive vibration will occur which possibly will create multiple components to fail ranging from piping and tubing up to and including the engine and compressor. The units must be aligned for height, tilt, cocked and side to side. EL suggests a maximum out of alignment of 0.003 inch when using dial indicators. ‘The four planes mentioned above can be seen in the exaggerated drawings. (SEE ATTACHMENT) ‘The preferred dial indicators are those that read in thousandths of an inch, have a spring loaded plunger and a moveable face. With this type of indicator the needle will move clockwise as the plunger is pushed in giving a more positive reading. If the plunger is allowed to move outward, the reading will become more negative. When preparing to take a reading, the unit should be set up where the plunger is approximately at its midpoint to allow for both a positive and negative reading. Various types of couplings are used which will require various methods of mounting the indicators; however, measuring procedures are the same, Some couplings allow for mounting the indicators on either the engine flywheel/hub while others allow for mounting ‘ont the compressor side only. Terminology may differ; therefore, here we will use the terms radial and facial. Radial is the reading taken on the rim and provides readings for height and side misalignwént. . Facial is the reading taken on the flat surface and provides readings for tilt and cocked. Ifthe bar on which the indicators are attached extends horizontal, then the amount that the bar sags must be compensated for on the bottom radial reading. Sag is the amount of change from horizontal at the indicators based on the weight of bar from pivot point and the weight of the indicators. Compensation to readings is done only at the bottom, even though it sags at the top, because when the indicator is zero the top position sag is compensated for. This, however, would require twice the amount of sag to be used at the bottom. As an example, if the actual sag is 0.0015 inch, then when (he indicator is zeroed it will be saying that at zero, Tam actually reading a positive 0.0015. Since it is set at that, any reading at the bottom will read its own sag plus the top sag. Therefore, a correction of 0.003 must be made. Na Fa Fg epee Prior to the actual alignment process, two additional items should be verified and corrected to ensure an accurate alignment and prevea¢ possible duplication of work. They are: A. Crankshaft End Play 2 4. 5. Install a dial indicator to read on the end of the crankshaft. ‘Take out the end play by moving the crankshaft toward the front or rear. ‘Zero the indicator. ‘Move the crankshaft in the opposite direction and record the reading. Compare this value to the tolerances from the service manuals. It must be within tolerance. B. Engine Base Deflection To ensure that all anchor points support the same amount of weight, thereby ensuring the crankshaft will not be in a bind, a deflection check should be performed. There are two methods that are recommended. 1 Individual Point: g. ‘Torque all four anchor bolts to specified torque. Place a dial indicator near an anchor bolt and zero indicator face. Loosen the bolt and take and record the readingies = Retorque the bolt. Perform the same procedure for the remaining bolts, Compare the readings. If all readings are within 0.003 inch of each other, the deffection is good. ‘Those that are out of tolerance must be shimmed. End of Engine Method: b. Torque the two anchor bolts at one end. Place dial indicator near the two anchor bolts on the opposite end and zero. N2 Fer Yrte Pepe on © Raise the Jeft corner until the right corner reads 0,001 inch. 4. Record the left indicator reading. Lower the left corner and raise the right corner until the left corner reads 0,001 inch. Record the right indicator reading. g Compare the ovo readings. The difference between the two should be 0.003 inch or less. If not, shim the corner with the highest reading. bh. Torque the anchor bolts. ‘Some engines have center mounting bolts. For those, measure the gap and install shims as follows: 16 cylinder - gap plus 0,008 inch 12 cylinder - gap pkts 0.004 inch 8 cylinder - gap plus 0.003 inch 6 cylinder - gap plus 0,002 inch Alignment Procedures 1. ‘The driver and the compressor must be disconnected. Install indicator bracket and indicators. For easy accessibility, mount on the top. The facial indicator should read from the compressor side of the hub regardless if the reading is taken from the engine hub or the compressor hub. (SEE ATTACHMENT) Pop out crankshaft end-play. Zero indicators. Rotate engine in the direction of normal rotation 90 degrees. Note if needle is moving CCW or CW. Pop out end-play and record both radial facial readings. If the needle moved CCW, the reading is negative. If it moved CW then the reading isa positive. Ensure you record the sign. Perform Steps 5. and 6, at each 90° of rotation, N3 Yate rape Ooh 8. ‘When rotated back to the top, readings should be 0. 9. Compute the difference between the 2 numbers in each plane. 10, If the difference is less than 0.003 inch, no correction is required. If the difference is greater than allowable, shimming or movement is required. Correction should be one-half of the difference in all planes except tilt. For tilt correction the front of the engine is moved either up or down by the result of this formula. C= length of rail X 1/2 of reading hub radius OR C= length of rail X reading hub diameter 11. When all corrections are made, reconnect the engine and compressor. ‘An example of a set of readings is depicted here. Assume bar sag to be 0.003 and the bracket is mounted on the engine. The engine rail is 9 feet long with an eighteen inch diameter hub. (SEE ATTACHMENT) Height = +0.020 + Side = -1 and +2 = no correction required - wi Cocked = +6 and -2 = 8 +2 = 0.604 to the left Tilt = +10 - using the formula: = 0,010 - 0.003 sag = 0.007 engine down 0.003 inch 108 X 1/2 (10) = .060 inch 9 The front of the engine must be lowered 0.660 inch. If the bracket were on the compressor side, movement would be toward the most negative number. (SEE ATTACHMENTS) If a vertical bracket is used, no correction for sag will be necessary. NA Yo Nohingrepnt Om ae Heat Growth Consideration for Alignment Gv =(To-Ta)x HxE Heat Growth Formula Gy = Growth in ionches To = Operating Temperature in 'F' Ta= Ambient Temperature in'F' H = Centerline height to crankshaft from bottom of foot E= Thermal expansion rate Thermal Expansion Rates: Engine = .0000058 Compressor = .0000065 Engine To = 190F Compressor To = 150F Engine Comp. {— Top HO) Top Side to Side Engine [. Top Comp. 05 Top Cocked Engine c Side ‘omp. O Side Tilt ENGINE 5—4 MOVE TOWARD [> MosT POSTTIVE Ll |] commressox—~ MOVE TOWARD MOST NEGATIVE ENGINE ® [9 COMPRESEO! cs ENGINE MOUNTED —f come MOUNTED FROM COMPRESSOR SIDE FROM ENGINE SIDE 420 +10 CINE -20 BRACKET ON COMPRESSSOR PPB ep }-ep DD ED PD COED CD CDC COD TCR ECOHER Control units kave many applications in the compressor industry. Some usages are liquid dump, suction pressure control, by-pass control, throttle control and carburetor air temperature control. In all of these cases they are used to open or close valve. A. Dump Controller (LLC) As with aif components, the liquid level controllers can have different manufacturers and designs; however, the basic function and operation are the same. When used in a compressor scrubber, they normally are float activated, ‘Two common types are the Norriseal 1000 Series and Murphy 11200 Series, Norriseal 1001A. (SEE ATTACHMENTS) Supply pressure of 20 to 30 psig is directed to the top section of the pilot valve where it is held by check ball "A". When the pilot is activated by the thrust pin being pushed up, check bal! "A" is unseated, the spherical portion of the pir (B) seals the vent and pressure exits the controller to the motor valve which causes it to open allowing the liquids to drain. As the liquids fall, the reverse action occurs. (SEE ATTACHMENT) A displacement type oat is attached to the center of the torque bar. One end of the torque bar rides on a spring ased to balance the weight of the float. As the liquid level increases, the float riscs causing the torque bar to pivot in the center. The fulerum rides on the torque bar but is attached to the flapper bar which is pivoted on the end. As the torque bar moves up, it pushes on the fulcrum to move the flapper bar which in turn pushes the thrust pin up causing pressure to be released to the motor valve, ‘The system can be calibrated by two different methods, and can be set for reverse acting. a Loosen the fulcrum and turn it 90 degrees. Loosea the nut on the torque bar and align the float rod with the torque bar. Tighten the nut and reposition the fulcrum, OR on Parra epee On Position the fulcrum tip until it is centered over the spring adjusting screw. Turn knurled knob until an output pressure is noted. Back off the knob three full turns. The controller sensitivity can be changed by moving the fulcrum along the flapper bar. 2. Murphy L1200N (DVO) (SEE ATTACHMENTS) Supply pressure enters the controller and is held until the system is activated. The float is connected to a cam which holds the valve closed through the use of an arm. As the float rises, the cam is turned allowing the arm to move causing the valve to open. This directs pressure to the top of the diaphragm in the valve. (SEE ATTACHME! ‘s) Pressure pushes on the diaphragm, attached to the valve rod, pushing the valve open allowing the liquids to drain. Any adjustments should be done carefully to prevent locking up the mechanism, Suction/By-Pass Controller A suction controller is designed to maintain a certain suction pressure. The true suction controller is used to maintain a pressure fess than incoming line pressure. A by-pass controller can control suction pressure on the low side. As suction pressure drops, the by-pass valve will partially open allowing discharge pressure to be routed back to the first stage scrubber and will maintain desired suction pressure. Several types are used; however, here we will discuss hwo types. How they will be used determines if they are set up for direct or reverse acting. Fisher 4150/4160K ‘This is a bourdon tube controlled device. Let's assume we are using it as a suction controller, using the attached diagram. Pressure is sensed by the bourdon tube causing i¢ to either expand or contract. (SEE ATTACHMENT) 02 Ya Trg repo On Supply pressure of 20 - 30 psig is routed to the controller. This pressure is held on top of the diaphragm with a portion passing through an orifice under a large diaphragm and out the nozzle. At this point the pressure is, stabilized on the controller and motor valve. If process pressure increases, the bourdon tube expands moving the flapper plate closer to the nozzle. This increases back pressure on the large diaphragm which opens the exhaust relay allowing a change in pressure {0 the motor valve. A decrease in process pressure has the opposite effect. The proportional valve controls pressure to the top of the proportional bellows which determines the percent of change that must occur for the valve to move from fully open to fully closed. The bellows opposes the flapper movement and establishes the high and low point. Numbers on the knob must be multiplied by 10 to obtzin the correct percentage. RAMBLE! Conirotied pressitee 10 Le a to 10 percent. ‘This gives the low aud hi AL 90 psig the valve {5 fully open and. The unit can be calibrated in the field if required. The data plate on the inside of the door lists an output range. Let's assume it is 3 to 15 psig. This indicates that with 3 psig applied, the valve is fully open. It is fully closed at 15 psig. The unit should be calibrated to its mid-point, which with respect to zero is 9 psig. Using these figures, the unit can be calibrated as follows: a. Set calibration adjuster (slotted screw section) to the midpoint. b. Set sensing element pressure to zero. c Tum proteés pressure knob to zero. d. Adjust the nozzle either in or out until the output pressure is 9 psig. ec Apply pressure and rotate the process pressure knob to either maximum or the processed pressure. f. Loosen the slotted screws and move the assembly until the 9 psig is obtained. NOTE: If the output pressure is less than 9 psig, move to the left. If greater, move to the right. Make sure the assembly is moved evenly. g- Repeat Steps b. through f, until output pressure remains at the desired set point. NOTE: The number 9 was used in the example based on a 3-15 psig output range. This number would be different with different ranges. a 03 Fe Tring epee ‘The 4150/4160 can be reversed acting by switching the nozzle to the opposite side of the flapper. Ensure the screw plug is re-installed in the block. Fisher 4100 ‘This controller is a bourdon tube sensing wnit similar to the 4150. It is of a simpler design but does not have the accuracy of control as the 4150. PICTURE Tt has the bourdon tube, supply and output gauges, 2 proportional adjustment, flapper, and process pressure adjustments, Calibration: Remove pressure from the bourdon tube. Next place the proportional band at 20 percent. Adjust the set point for the required valve, then apply pressure to the bourdon tube. This unit can also be set for reverse acting. Disconnect the input/output, lines and move the nozzle assembly to the opposite side of the flapper. Ensure that the output line is connected closest to the flapper. This means the lines will be crossed. Since the spring counteracts flapper movement caused the bourdon tube, it must also be moved to the opposite side. a aN aE je with are to tube. This Bourdon tubes are designed for a certain pressure range. The correct tube must be selected. If a tube with too small a rating is used, injury may occur. Ifa tube with too great 2 rating is used, the system will not work. o4 Fe Ynking epee On, DIRECT ACTING Sees oF COMPONENTS Torque Bar Flapper Bar Sensitivicy Fulcrum Balance Spring Stop Screw LIQUID LEVEL CONTROLLER Snap Pilot 41002 CONTRULLER oh se Ti on Peek . PROVIDE CONTROL PRESSURE TO THE CONTROLLER, THIS SHOULD BE 20PS~G, SET PROPORTIONAL BAND TO 20 PERCENT C, ADJUST THE SET POINT UNTIL YOU HAVE THE DESIRED OUEPUT PRESSURE. FOR A RANGE OF 3-15 YSE 9PSIG, FOR A RANGE OF 6-30 USE 18PSiG. . APPLY PROCESS PRESSURE TO THE BOURDON TUBE. . IF CONTROLLER OSCILLATES, REDUCE THE VOLUME OF CONTROL PRESSURE, IF OSCILLATION « .NTINUES, INCREASE THE PROPORTIONAL BAN? SETTING, . ADJUST SET POINT TO DESIRED PROCESS PRESSURE, |i MURPHY _11200/pVv1500 Fiing Loves Sra soap Fino Fogsiator Miimurn iat / izv'tee) ‘At Supply Maxim 300 pal (2.07 MPs) jS— Lrzc vo, Burs Vahw Oparator Minimum 4 200 (7 kPa) : Q ceansta Out ] QL Tank Wall Pneumatic {ngiut Signal Palm Button ump Valve Trip Cam (float down) * should be in| this position + non-adjustable Draia Connection pv1s00 EXTERNAL * BLOWCASE, pig SET AT 30 to 60 paig ——__1 inst, gas 250 max. from Py Line C —_! Serusber Line & Line = Scrubber —— EX a EX a — . a J AA oN _ NN - boat B= P= <— ex ; —— ex -T Line F Line F Co Regulated - Regulated Pressure Pressure Normal Operation Tripped Operation Secs ‘The electric contro! panels most often used in the compressor industry are designed primarily for consolidation of safety shutdown devices. Two of the most common that are used for magneto ignition systems are manufactured by either Murphy or Altronic. A. Murphy Tattfetale System ‘The Murphy panel is basically a processing center for the safety shutdowns. It will include a terminal bar, stop-run switch, start-run timer, tattletales, switch gauges, and, in some cases, 2 tattletale test timer and a test tattletale. (SEE ATTACHMENT 1) 1, Tattletale: The tattletale consists of four terminals. The number one terminal is connected to the ignition source either through an electric gas valve or a jumper with the primary ignition source. It, in basic terms, completes the circuit-to-ground when a tattletale trips. The number two terminal goes to the sensing device and when aif is operationat is also connected to the power source through terminal three. Terminal number three is connected to the ignition source and to a coil inside the tattletale. When no faults exist, it is also attached to number two terminal. The ground termninal goes directly to ground, An indicator button is attached. 2, Power for the entire panel comes from the magneto. Depending on the system manufacturer it may be from magneto pin H, G,N or P. This power ead goes to number 1 on the terminal strip. From here it is routed through the start-run timer for Class B and C tattletales. Class A tattletales are by- passed around the start-run timer. As a general rule, the panel should be labeled "Locked Out by Timer" and "Not Locked Out by Timer". Class Aare "Not Locked Out". Ifan electric fuel gas valve (FGV) is not used, a 100 ohm resistor (or jumper) is installed between terminal I and 2. Ifa FGV is used, the jumper is removed. 3. Power is directed to the tattletale number 3 terminal. It enters the coil, through a contact to terminal 2 and to the sensing device where it is stopped if the device is open. When an out of tolerance condition is sensed, the sensing device circuit is closed allowing a path to ground. The coil is energized causing the contact from terminal 2 to flip. At this point, inside the tattletale, terminals 2, 1 and G are connected, grounding out the magneto and/or the FGV and sbutting the unit down, At the same time, it pops out the indicator button for that sensing device. PA Po tring reper 4. The unit should not be started when some conditions exist. Some of these conditions are no oil in the sump, no coolant in the cooler or excessive discharge temperature. These items are Class A and are not locked out by the start-run timer. Some end devices are switch gauges and when the u is not running, the sensing switch is activated, such as oil pressure, ete. These must be locked out just to start the unit which is done so by opening the starf-run timer. These are the Class B items, or Class C items. ‘The stop-run switch goes directly to ground and must be opened to start the unit, Close it to stop the unit, The tattletale test timer is installed in the lead between the mag/FGV and tattletale terminal number one. When this switch is closed, an out of tolerance condition will shut the unit down, When it is open, it will allow the checking of shutdown systems for performance without shutting the system down. If a test tattletale is installed, the number 3 terminal is commen to the number 3 terminal on a "Not Locked Out" tattletale. ‘Through the timer wiring, number 2 terminal would be connected to the number | terminal on the other tattletales when the timer is on. (See Attachment 2) ‘Note that some timers have their terminals lettered and some have them numbered. ‘Number one does not correlate to letter a. ‘Troubleshooting: If the engine will turn over but not start and the fuel, air and timing have been found to be okay, it is possibly in the shutdown system. A quick check of this is to disconnect the power lead between the magneto and the panel. If the engine starts, the panel will probably be the problem. Any electrical system can have only two basic problems. They area short or an open. It is suggested that an ohm meter be used. Keep in mind that when checking a wire or component, the only way to assure an accurate reading is to isolate that wire or component. Start at the location you feel is easiest for you or where you feel the problem is and continue until the problem is located. Start-up of the panel is done as follows: a, Ensure al] Saults are clear and all tattletales are reset, b. Turn the stop-run switch to run. © Tum the start-run timer on. 4. Set low pressure switch gauges to zero to prevent shutdown when timer is turned off. €& Start engine and observe for oil pressure. If it has oil pressure, turn the start-run timer to zero, Do not simply allow the timer to run out since you could lose oil pressure and the unit would not shut down. ‘The safety shutdowns can be checked by turning on the test timer, Activate the shutdowns and check that the appropriate tattfetale has popped. Ifthe timer runs out when any tattletale is popped, the unit, will shut down, Altronic Anaunciator Panel - See Attachment 3 This panel does not have the amount of wiring required in the tattletale system and takes advantage of solid state electronics, The panel consists of an LED panel which is part of the control panel. In addition it has gauges for pressure, temperature, manifold pressure, etc. 1 To start the package, turn the timer on and hit the reset button. The LED should read "OO". The timer will run for the number of minutes for which it is set; however, the knob will not return to zero. With the unit running and no faults, the LED will indicate "01" when the timer expires, Shutdowns can be checked by returning the knob to zero and pressing the test button. At this point, the LED should read "09". As each shutdown is checked, the applicable faut¢ number will appear in the window and must be reset prior to checking the next system. Prior to checking each shutdown, ensure "09" is present. If not, the unit will shut down, If"09" is not present, the test button must he pressed, ‘When a fault occurs, the applicable number will be displayed. If multiple faults occur, the first one will be indicated in the window and must be cleared prior to reading the next. The control module is equipped with a battery (normally a S-volt nicad) that holds the LED reading even with the unit shutdown. P3 Fe Tray Pepe On ‘The large pressure switch gauges are equipped with » magnet attached at both the indicator needle and the stutdown needle. As the needles approach each other, the magnets close the switch to ground out the magneto. (SEE ATTACHMENT 4) Some indicators are digital, suck as temperatures and the tachometer. During normat operation, the actual conditions will be displayed. To check the shutdown setting, push in and hold the black button. To set the shutdown, remove the white plastic cap to have access to the potentiometer. Hold the black button, and using a small non-magnetic screw driver, set che shutdown, then release the button. Attachment 3 shows the basic wiring of the panel, Those points labeled ” g0 to the sensor. Troubleshooting techniques for electrical problems is basically the same as for the tattletale pane! if an ohm meter is used, If one digital indicator is unreadable, normally this indicates a bad indicator. If all of the indicators are fuzzy and unreadable, the most likely problem is the power supply. P4 Ye Venn Pap ty a CGIGIE | q yf yy ot ore Tel py SST SSNS A SSS Ly t yea c c c r t AS 5 { TEST 9-OLL LEVEL-ENGINE TATTLETALE 25 12-WATER LEVEL i pI Tt 12 [3 [al sl6[7 Lal ofolitiaisbhalididirhals ing EITHER FGV OR la. JUMPER Tf os. | f \cventon sitet Not Cutout by Start Timer To End Device a Tattletale ——— Cutout by Start Timer To End Device { Tattletale 2 ( ‘Test Timer 92 el 3 iS ee aesg 6 OO a-| OO »| OD oo” OO oo Og OO Y “H” Wire from Magneto Test Tiraer Without Test Tattletale Not Cutout by Cutout by Start Timer Start Timer To End Device To End Device A Tattletale Tattletale 1G 2 3 3_| Test Tattletale 1G LvA__4___. rey Start Timer 2 1 Emergency Stop Switch = ¥ ejefefejeisjeyejeyejeleje/e/e/ejejsjejejeejee elelelelelsle|9/ele|s|alelelele|o eleje|elelels 24 “HP Wire from Magneto ‘Test Timer With Test Tattletale tower surrey 4 Sr Hat PNEUMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM The description of @ pneumatic system that follows is basic in nature. If your unit has a pneumatic system, flow diagrams for that particular unit should be consulted. AMOT INDICATOR: The first picture shows the indicator in the "IN SERVICE" position. Pressure comes into the assembly at the ‘IN’ port which initially pushes the piston down. Pressure bleeds through the orifice in the piston and continues to the end device. With the end device closed, pressure then backs up under the piston. Since the area on the lower side of the piston is greater than the top, the piston is pushed up as seen here. At the same time, some pressure goes around the top of the piston, through the out port and to the next indicator in line. A GREEN indication is in the window. When an out of tolerance condition exist, pressure is bled from under the piston for that device. At this point, the only pressure felt on the piston is on the top and the piston is pushed down. A RED indication is shown. With the piston down and the trip port vented, the ‘OUT! and ‘VENT’ ports are open. Pressure from the subsequent indicator is bled off through the ‘OUT! and ‘VENT! ports. FLOW DIAGRAM - Supply pressure is furnished to regulator "B", as well as to valves E 1 and E 2. These two valves are closed so no pressure flows through them. Pressure goes to regulator BB1 and to the scrubber dump controller. At the same time, it goes to valve 'D! and 'E3", | but stops since both valves are in the closed position. When valve ‘D’ is pushed, pressure goes to the Class B indicators through a restrictor. No pressure build up will occur since the B indicators are out of limits. Also, it flows through G2 into volume bottle 32. The combination of the restriction and the volume causes a 90 second time delay for pressure to be felt beyond 32. At the same time, pressure goes to open valve K through open valve M3 to the Class A indicators. It first enters H5 which is controlled by valve N2. Pressure is felt on N2 and it is closed so pressure then flows to all of the 'A' indicators which should be within limits. Pressure from H17 to H18 is vented through H18 since it is not within limite. At the same time, it is directed to open valve Q through M5 and on to the fuel valve and magneto. While all of this is happening, pressure downstream of valve K is directed to start valve Fl and to the top side of M2. Coming out of valve M5, it is directed also to the bottom of valve M2. At this point, valve M2 ;has pressure on both sides. The pressure on the top of valve M2 is slightly greater since none of it has vented off. This pressure keeps valve Nl open. At this point, the fuel valve is open, the magneto is not grounded and all Class A indicator are within limite. We are ready to start. By pushing valve Fl pressure is directed to the start ;system through valve El. When Fl is released, pressure will be vented from the start system. When the unit is running, all of Class 'B! indicators are within Limits and pressure will be vented out of H4 . This pressure goes to the top of M3, the bottom of M1 and through check valve lL to the top of K which will close it and shut off all pressure downstream of K. Pressure is removed from F1, top of M2, right side of M4, the upper side of valve Q and the bottom of M3. Pressure through ML goes to Gl and will start to fill bottle Ji, No pressure will be felt past the bottle until approximately 20 seconds has elapsed, with the bottle full. (This condition is if all 'Bt indicators are within tolerance. If 'B' indicators are not within tolerance, the pressure from J2 will switch K which will cause valve Nl to open, causing 'D' to close cutting off all pressure to the system which will bleed off pressure from the fuel valve and magneto causing the unit to shut down.) When botthi J1 is full, it will actuate valve E2 allowing pressure to flow to-valve FF which is a normally closed manual valve. Pulling PF will allow the loading sequence to begin. When loading is accomplished, pressure will back up to valve B3 holding FF in the load position. If everything is okay, the sequencing indicator will show green. When an out of limits condition exist, pressure will be vented out through the AMOT, display red, releiving pressure from valve Q and as a result from the fuel valve and magneto which will cause a shutdown. The Test/cool down valve is pushed to do a functional check on the shutdowns. The valve must be held in since it is spring loaded and releasing it with a indicator out of tolerance will shut the unit down. \ ovr VENT IN SERVICE POSITION WINDOW TO END DEVICE rN TRIPPED VENT POSITION WINDOW TO END DEVICE Scrubbers are basically 2 filtering unit. Although the design will be determined by the manufacturer, those that E.L designs are basic in nature to the entire industry. All are used, primarily, to knock liquids from the gas. This prevents damage to the compressor. A. Mist Pad Design: Gas and liquids enter the compressor and are directed to a baffle. The weight differential causes the gas to turn upward and the liquid knocked out by the baffle plate impact will flow through holes in the baffle and drop to the bottom of the scrubber. Some liquid molecules will remain with the gas. This then is separated as the gas passes through a fine wire mesh referred to as the mist pad. Through coalescent action, these small particles are removed. If allowed to build up, the liquid in the scrubber would reach a level where it would be carried into the compressor with the gas. A drain, therefore, is built into the scrubber. Since most compressors in the gas patch are not manned around the clock, an automatic drain system can be installed along with a manual drain valve. ‘With pressure inside the scrubber, the liquid is forced out when either drain valve is opened. Basic operation of the automatic system is rather simple. A pneumatic controller and a motor valve combination can be used. The controller has a pressure applied to it, and as the liquids rise, a float causes the pilot valve to open directing the controller pressure to the motor valve diaphragm which opens the valve. As the liquid level drops, the reverse action takes place. To manually drain the scrubber, open the ball valve, allow the liquids to drain, and then close it. If the automatic drain system fails, a high liquid level shutdown can be installed to shut the unit down when liquids reach a certain level. B. Vane Design: This design uses a series of corrugated baffles. As the gas hits a baffle, it is sharply diverted, and then again, etc. The function of each segment of the vanes performs the same function as the baffle plate in the mist pad design. All other functions are the same. c. Dump controllers are produced by several companies. The specific operation, adjustment and maintenance would be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Normally the inlet pressure forces the liquids out when the valve opens. If the pressure inside the scrubber is less than atmospheric, a dump system that would force the liquids out must be used. This is common when well pressures are very small, Some suggested methods are a diaphragm pump, an air motor and pump, or 2 blowcase system. A controller should be used to activate these systems. a Qi Yor Tnaag Pep On Regulated supply pressure of 30 to 60 psig iy furnished 10 the shuttle valve inlet port. It exits port "B" to the scrubber drain valve and holds it open. At the same time, it is routed to the blowcase drain valve to hold it closed. A tap is taken from the supply tine with pressure to the LLC. Pressure being built up in the blowease is vented through shuttle valve port "A" and ‘exhaust to the scrubber. At this point, there is no pressure through line "C" to the top of the shuttle and a spring holds it in the operating position. As the liquid level rises, # float causes the LLC to open. Pressure is sent to the top of the shuttle valve causing it to shift. After it shifts, port "B" is directed to exhaust and fine "RY ig vented causing the scrubber drain valve to close and the blowcase drain to open. ‘At the same time, supply pressure is routed to Port "A" and line "D". This allows pressure to enter the top of the blowcase forcing the liquids out. Q2 Parte repo Oo as our The need for a good preventive maintenance (PM) program is to identify and correct problems before they become major ones. The key to a good program is to consistently perform it on a scheduled basis. It keeps your unit in peak operating condition, it decreases downtime and if a potential major problem is noted, it allows for scheduling the repair prior to the failure. All companies have their own policies on how often a PM is performed and what will be done. Your company policy takes precedence; therefore, the attached is only a recommendation on items to be accomplished and a suggested frequency. Frequency should be determined based on your own operating conditions. RI Fertig Pepe Os SEMI- MONTHLY QUARTERLY _ | ANNUALLY 1. Check/djst fue prenore | 1. Checkengine timing | 3. AL monthly Inspections and 2. Checkane aD starter tubrteator | 2 Check engine RPM. services 3. Tae Schedued Of Sampling 2 Allquartesty 3. Checkengine Inspections and 4. Check FTO otleved compresion services Lubricate carburetor thkage & nape for lea, vibrations and nol poker 7. Check conlion of hones Inspect water pomp 9. Clean breathers 10. Check and adjust engine valves 11, Change ofan ter (ensne) 12 Inspect tarbocharzers) 13, Inapectichangecbean ale eaner 34 Snape igidon sytem 1S. Labricate cooler bearings 36 Check cater bets 17, dnspeot or col earns 38 Inopect marge tan level and Lis0 shutdown 19, Record al gouge readings 20, Check ll hutdown devices 2, Check shatdows mite galt sale operating specfcadoas 22, Inepect scrubbers and dumps 23, Inspect comprar valves 24, Checbadjont operation of finder brentor 28, Check for oll ler or gs leaks 26, Check vent and bypass valves for teniage 27, Checktignen lease eptinder -moants and plping mpports 2 Drain soppy eas regulators 29, Inapec ll make-op tank evel snd for JO and drain required — R2 COMPRESSOR VALVES ‘The compressor valves are the heart of the reciprocating compressor. Problems with valves is noticed in most through excessive temperature, unusual noise and/or loss of capacity.It is extremely important that valves be inspected on a regular basis and be kept clean and functional, Valve problems can result from many things; therefore, we will Jook at the most coramon problems that can effect your compressor performance 1. Valves cracked 1. Liquids in the gas. a. Increase coolant water temperature if water cooled cylinder (10 to 15 degrees). b. Check scrubber or install an additional scrubber ahead of the cylinder. Solids in the gas a. Check scrubber . Valve not seated properly a. Ensure all gaskets, etc are properly installed. b. Check torque on valve cover. c. Check for burrs on seat, guard and valve plate. Excessive pulsations a, Check with the manufacturer or packager for symtoms and corrective action Excessive temperature, a.Check for cause of excessive temperature. It may be in the upstream or downstream cylinder rather than in the cylinder with the symtoms Foreign material imbedded in valve. a, Check tod. packings if material appears to be small coil springs. b. Check mist pad if material is very small wire ¢. Determine type of material and inspect all components of that material. Valve plates or valve springs can cause damage to not only that, valve, but also downstream valves. NOTE: Anything that breaks upstream will attempt to go through the valves. 7. Corrosive gas can cause weakering of valve material and cause breakage. Change of conditions a. Check for change in operating speed. Check for change in specific gravity Check for pulsations Check for proper lift Check for proper springing If valves were refurbished, were the right parts used and was the seat guard milled down within Jimits? g. Check for weak springs. 2. Valve Wear COMPRESSOR 1. Unit shuts down at the sam 1. Cheek ambient temperatures and reset shutdowns as time every day. sequired. CAUTION: Do not set shutdowns outside allowable limits (Max. Pd = 350F) 2 Excessive vibration 1. Check mount bolts 2. Check alignment 3. Check balance/weight 4. Check for pulsating pressures 1.Check upstream a. Valves b, Suction pressure 3, Interstage pressure too high ©. Suction temperature 4, Interstage pressure toolow | 1. Check downstream a. Valves b. Suction pressure c. Suction temperature 5. Valve breakage too frequent | 1. Liquid in stream Excessive temperatures Excessive lubrication ‘Wrong type lubricating oi 6. Low Oil pressure Check level Check gauge Check filter Check pump relief valve 7. High discharge temperature Check for broken valves Check piston rings a. worn b. stuck c. broken Check for proper lubrication Check for cylinder/piston damage Check for plugged cooler Coolant temperature too high Restriction in discharge line 8. Low capacity Check valve condition High discharge temperature Check piston rings Check packing for leakage RPM too low Check all by-=pass valves ‘Check orifice plates Check VVCP - if installed Check for restriction 0. Check for pressure changes 9. Packing worn AvaeNE Inadequate lubrication Liquids in system Rod pitted, scarred or wom Packing installed incorrectly Check for foreign material in gas Excessive piston run out 10. Piston rod worn eye Packing broken Dirt or rust Wring type of oil 11. Noise in eylinder 1 Cheek for: Joose piston. Improper clearance loose or token valves loose cross head nut valve not seated properly broken piston rings &. material embedded in piston meaog 12. Knock in frame 1 2. 3 4 loose crass head pin worn main/crank pip. bearings low oil pressure loose crosshead lock nut incorrect oil knock could be in cylinder (see above) 13. Excessive carbon on valve excessive lube oil improper lube oi high valve temperature (check for broken valve) high valve temperature (check for proper compression ratios). 5, High oil carry over from suction/inlet side. 14, Packing overheating 1 lack of tubrication (adjust lube rate) improper lube ofl 15. Packing leaking wom Figs dirt in packing pressuré increase excessive packing rings installed incorrectly plugged vent line/port scored piston rod od run out excessive improper clearance (side/end gap) improper lube 16. Wiper ring leaks wom rings rings incorrectly assembled wom/scored rod 17. PRV popping - valve worn/stuck with debris/spring weak 1. Engine tums over but will not start ENGINE 1. Check for adequate fuel a. Fuel pressure to b. Fuel to carburetor ©. Fuel valve op: 2. Check for cylinder firing (use timing lite) 3. Check for proper magneto installation 4. Check for problem in control panel. Disconnect power lead, If engine starts, the problem is in the panel. NOTE: A dead man switch must be used. 5. Check for power from magneto. Check for air cleaner restriction Check caaarburetor diaphram Check "A" regulator diaphram Check remainder of ignition system. regulator wen au 2. Engine tums over too slowly Check for excessive pressure in the compressor Check for adequate start gas pressure/volume. Check starter. 3. Starter does not turn over Check for start gas Check start valve for sticking Cheek starter for sticking Replace starter 4. Engine starts but will not advance past idle. Check for partial plugged air cleaner Check caruretor diaphram - Check carburetor/governor linkage Check gas pressure On TA check balance line BaeNe 5. Engine will not reach horsepower Check fuel pressure Check turbocharger on TA. Check for hole in carburetor/regulator diaphram Check proper A/F ratio setting hheck for Joad on compressor Check balance line on TA Check air cleaner Check timing Check power misture screw setting OS IANEENE 6. Engine will not tum but starter works 1.Check for water in cylinder 2. Bar engine over & check for free movement 3. If engine will not bar over, disconnect from compressor and attempt. 4. If engine will not bar over when disconnected, engine is seized 7. Engine has a noise or backfire Check timing Check A/F ratio Check valve setting }. On TA, check turbo and wastegate . Check gas pressure Check all temperatures, especially intake manifold, Check all cylinders for firing, Perform compression check Check valve and piston condition Ow IAD 8, Excessive vibration 9.Missing on one or more cylinders . Check fan for balance Check fan pulley for alignment Check driver to compressor alignment Check mounting bolts Check for all cylinders firing waepe Check spark plug Check magneto Check entire ignition system Perform compression check LEAN BURN ENGINES 1. Engine tums over but will not start. (CAT) Check all normal start up functions for any engine. Check AIB by using shorting plug Check for 24 volts Check for fuel valve opening Check relays K6 and K7 in SCM Waukesha VHP 1. Check all normnal start up functions for any engine. Check prechamber for fuel and differential. Check for admission valve fouling Exhaust oxygen cannot be set Check for proper A/F ratio Check that all cylinders are firing Check carburetor and "A" regulator ad ELECTRONIC CONTROL PANELS There are basically two types of control panels used in our industry. There are more, but they are individually specified. The two that will be discussed here are the Murphy tattletale system and the Altronic annunciator system. In addition, we will discuss the associated shut down switches. In an electronic system, there are two things that can create problems. They are a SHORT and an OPEN. To check for one of these conditions, an ohm meter is usually used. A volt meter is used to check for adequate power to the system. When checking for continuity, it is essential that the individual itern being check be isolated. If not there will be a carry over and a false reading will be taken Tattletale: The tattletale is so named because a red button pops out when a fault exist. The component has four external connectors. They are listed as 1 - 2- 3 -G.(Atch"A") a. Connector 3 is attached to the number one terminal on the bus bar which is the power terminal from the magneto Internally, it is attached to an electro magnetic coil. b. Connector 2 is attached to an end device (shut down switch) and internally itis attched to a switch blade. c. Connector G is the ground point. d. Connector 1 is attached to either and electric fuel gas valve or to terminal 2 on the bus bar. Ifa test timer is installed, itis in this system between the tatiletale and terminal 2 on the bus and a jumper is installed between terminal ] and 2 on the bus. The tattletale functions as follows if all is normal. Power is applied to connector 3 and through the switch blade out to the end device where it stops with the switch open. ‘When an out of tolerance condition exist, the end device switch closes allowing a path to ground, At the same time, the magnetic coil kicks the switch blade attached to connector 2over. Contact is made to ground and connector 1.If an electric fuel valve is installed it is grounded, If not then the magneto is grounded through the jumper wire between terminal | and 2 on the bus. The switch blade strikes the red button and pops it out. ROUBLESHOOTING THE TATTLETA\ Problem Probable cause/Action 1. Tattletale pops, but unit does 1. Open in connector one system. Check continuity not shut down between connector 1 end ground. 2. Open in ground connector system. Check for continuity, Problem Probable cause/Action 2, Engine shuts down with 1. Tattietale binding internal sensor switch closed, but 2. Wrong tattletale used. (A part number ending in CD. tattletale does not trip. must be used for capacitor discharge system ( 307PH-CD) 3. Tatiletale trips, but no 1, Tattletale too sensitive to vibration. Replace tattletale apparent fault can be found. or reduce vibration. 4, Tattletale will not reset when | 1. Sensor switch not reset. Check sensor and either reset fault is corrected, or replace. 5. Multiple tattletales pop, but | 1. Check for a short in the panel. only one fault discovered Sensor switch: The sensor switch can be in various configurations. One is a switch gauge, where a gauge with a needle has contacts and when the needle touches this contact the circuit is complete and the magneto is grounded. Some examples of this are pressure and temperature gauges. In some cases, there is both a low and high contact. These may be hooked to the same tattletale or to separate tattletales. Others may be simply contacts. Once a sensor has tripped, simply repairing the fault may nt be adequate, The sensor must be reset - ie. the vibration switch, ‘To check the sensor if itis suspected as being bad, use the Ohm meter and check for opens or shorts Altvonic annunciator: This system is less complicated with respect to the amount of wiring envolved. Troubleshooting can be made much simpler if we know how it works. The functions are the same as the tattletale system; however, it is designed to give a fault indication by a number, rather than a tattletale. If there are multiple faults, the first to occur will be displayed on the panel. Therefore, you must clear the displayed fault prior to being able to read the next. This is also true when performing on operational check of the sensor devices. If we take a Jook at the front of the contrel unit, we will see several items. : 5 SA aon ey ee eo a The panel has a display, three push buttons and one timer. The display will indicate the current stetus. The numbers and their meaning will be discussed later. The STOP buttons used to stop the unit for normal shutdown. The RESET button is to clear the panel after a fault has been cleared. The TEST button is used when testing the shutdown devices without shutting the unit down. The TIMER can be set for up to nine minutes. Although the timer is running, the knob does not return to zero. To start the unit, set the TIMER to the desired time and puch the reset button. The display should read ‘00’. Start the unit and watch for 01" to show on the display. Assuming there are no faults, this '01' should appear when the timer has expired. When a fault occurs, the first fault number will be displayed on the panel. After the fault has been cleared, you MUST push the reset button to clear the system. The display will remain readable even with the unit shut down This memory is maintained by a 5 volt battery in the control box in the back of the panel. ‘The STOP button, when pushed, willshut the unit down. When this button is pushed and the unit has shut down, the display should read ‘60’. ‘The RESET button is used to clear the display. It does not clear a fault, therefore, the fault must be cleared before the panel will reset. The first fault to occur wilol appear on the panel and this fault must be cleared before the display will show the next fault if there is multiple faults. When checking the safety switches, this reset must be pressed before going to the next switch, ‘The TEST button is used to test the safety shutdowns without shutting the system down. The timer must be set to zero. With the timer set at zero and the test button is pushed, a display of "09" should appear indicating that you are in the test mode. A data piate should be installed indicating to what channe] cach safety shutdown is attached ‘When connecting the shutdowns to the bus bar in the rear of the panel, it the lead from the sensor should be attached to the terminal that corresponds to the fault channel. EXAMPLE: If the high discharge temperature is to be displayed to channel 22, then the Td lead should be connected to terminal 22 in the panel. Any other connection would give an erroneous reading. There may be two types of indicators = the needle type and the digital. Both are shown below. To set the shutdowns on the needle type, simple tum the appropriates know for either high or low to the point desired. The pressure settings are normally 10% from normal operating, while the temperature is normally 25 degrees above normal operating, but not to exceed the maximum temperature for the function. To set the digital indicators, remove the plastic cover from the potentiometer, hold down on the black button and using a smail screw driver, tum the set screw until the shutdown setting is afl obtained and then release the button. The indication should now be whatever the operationg conditions are. To read the shutdown setting, simply press the black button and hold it. When. the bution is released, the operating conditions will be displayed. Troubleshooting Problem Suggested Corrective Action 1. Display blank, engine stopped, 1. Internal battery dead. Replace 5 V battery 2. Display dim / blinking or will not cycle too] when timer hasexpired. 1, Power to system either weak or non existing. Check power supply and all wiring. 3. Display indicates a fau\t and connot be cleared. 1. Check for short in system. 4, Display is blank 1. Power supply bad or four Jead connector not connected. Check power supply = connect connector. 5. Digital indicator fuzzy and unreadable. 1. Check indicator and replace if bad if only one indicator shows problem 2. Ifall indicators are fuzzy and unreadable, replace power module in back of panel NOTE; In.all cases; check for adequate grounds. Do not | be bashful in installing grounds between internal parts and panel or between panel and earth ground. TATTLETALE I 4p ome seer TO FUEL VALVE Se TRIP COLL, or # 2 terminal on bus Attachm A ‘The VRG series of the Waukesha most commonly used are the 220 and the 330. The numbers represent the displacement in inches. Displacement Cu/In 220 330 Bore - inches 3.875 3.875 Stroke - inches 4.665 4,665 Horsepower (2200 RPM) _| 53 80 Vibration Balance Shafts _| Vibration Damper Except for the number of cylinders, horsepower, displacement and the method of counteracting vibrations, all other information is common to both of the units. ‘Therefore, unless stated, all the following information will be the same for both the 220 and 330. GOVERNOR ‘The governor is the mechanical type and is adjusted by increasing or spring tension, The governor has a surge screw to make minor stabilizatio at both minimum and maximum speeds. FUEL SYSTEM ‘The fuel coming to the "A" regulator should be set between 5 and 10 psi. To set up the fuel and carburetor, use the following procedures. a, Set fuel pressure to 5 to 10 psi. b. Screw idle mixture screw out three turns from full in. c. Start the engine, and at idle set the differential across the carburetor to 5" water. d. Increase the speed and load to rated. TL Foc Tranng Repos Oy e. Adjust the mixture from rich toward lean until maximum vacuum is reached. J. At this point, adjust slightly lean until there is a decrease of one half inch of mercury in manifold pressure. IGNITION SYSTEM ‘The magneto rotates in the CLOCKWISE direction. Bar the engine over to 24 degrees BTC, set the magneto for mounting and then stab the magneto to the engine. Start the engine and set to rated load and speed, then check the timing using a timing tight. Adjust the timing as required. At speeds above 1800, the timing may have to be advanced, At 2200 RPM it should be 3¢ degrees BTC and at 2600 RPM it should be 34 degrees BTC. VALVE CLEARANCE On these two engines, both intake and exhaust valves are set with a clearance of 0.027 to 0.033 (0.030 nominal). Valves are set using the valve overlap method. On the 220, bar the engine over until number 4 cylinder is in the overlap position. ‘This is when the exhaust valve is nearly closed and the intake valve is just beginning to open, On the 330, number 6 cylinder will be in overlap. At this point, the valves for number one cylinder can be set. When setting the valves, the opposing cylinder in firing order is used (refer to the service manual). Sayfasifald preseure is checked with the engine at idle aud no load. ‘The idle manifold pressure should be 18 to 19 inches of vacuum, LUBRICATION SYSTEM ‘The lubrication system uses a gear type oi? pump. All of the required components are lubed under pressure except for the valve lifters and the camshaft lobes. These components are lubed by gravity flow from the rocker arms as the oil flows back to the sump. Piston rings are stamped with "TOP" or a punch mark on one side. This side must go toward the top of the piston. The piston is stamped with an arrow and it must face the front of the engine. T2 Fa Tang Pope nt WAUKESHA ve SERIES THROTTLE SHAFT Governon CONtADL LEVER SURGE SCREW SPRING TENSION AUSTMENT BOLT MAXIMUM SPEED ADJUSTMENT NS SPEED SPE CONTROL LEVER ADJUSTMENT meannna GOVERNOR LINKAGE AND CARBURETORS The AJAX is an infegrat compressor unit which means that the engine and the compressor share the same crankshaft. It has the engine and the compressor on opposite sides of the crankshaft using the opposed concept. The engine is a two cycle series and can have either a mixing valve for the air/fuel or use the spill port system, On multiple cylinder units, the number one cylinder is the one closest to the flywheel, The number in the model number is the horsepower for that wait, i.e. the DPC300 produces 300 horsepower. ‘The mixing valve mixes the fuel and the air in a common cavity through their own port. As the piston moves toward the head end, a partial vacuum is created in the cylinder on the rod end of the piston. This allows air and fuel to be drawn in. At tbe same time, the mixture on the head of the piston is being compressed and as the piston reaches the appropriate point, ignition takes place and the piston is moving back toward the crank. Here both the intake and exhaust ports are closed. As the piston continues on its backward stroke, the exhaust port opens and subsequently the intake port opens. AS the intake port opens, a fresh charge of mixture that is being compressed due to piston movement enters the cylinder. This charge helps scavenge the exhaust gases, As the piston moves back toward the head end, the intake port closes first, then the exhaust port closes and the compression cycle and intake cycle begin again. The spill port system bas the fuel being injected directly into the cylinder through 2 valve near the head end. With this system the air only assists in the scavenging of exhaust gases. The injection valve is opened by a hydraulic operated plunger. ‘The system consists of a hydraulic reservoir, pump, yalve plunger, injection valve, rotary throttle valve, a layshaft and aif of the associated piping and tubing (o inelude flow control valves. The reservoir is under 12 psig of gas pressure taken from upstream of the throttle valve, As the layshaft cam turns, it pushes up on the pump plunger forcing hydraulic oil to the injection valve plunger and opening the valve. This is timed to occur just as the exhaust port is covered on the compression stroke. The Mow control valve at the pump prevents the pressure from backing up into the reservoir in the reverse direction. As the injection valve opens, pressure is relieved and the valve closes by spring pressure. As the cam continues to turn, the pump plunger starts its return stroke and creates a slight vacuum, allowing the flow control valve to open and reprimes the system. The engine speed is controlled by the rotary throttle valve which is connected to the governor by linkage. This linkage should be adjusted so the engine will carry full Joad with the throttle at approximately one half open. 13 ete On multiple cylinder units, the cylinders must be balanced for load sharing, One indication of an imbalanced condition is the difference in exhaust temperature. To balance the cylinders, the collar on the injection valve is used. Turning this collar clockwise will increase the valve lift and provide more fuel. Turning the colar counter- clockwise will lean out the mixture. The exhaust temperature should be 40 degrees or Jess between cylinders. ‘Depending on the type of unit, a two pressure fuel volume may be required; however, in most field applications, this is not required. Lubrication is usually a combination of the flood, splash and the forced feed system. ‘The crankshaft turns in the oil which Ibricates that section, There may be cups on the crankshaft webbing to sling oil on other components. The cylinders for both the engine and the compressor are lubricated by means of a force feed lubricator, The pump to Point type is used. Ajax states that approximately ten drops per minute equals 1 pint per day. If the glycerine filled units are used then 3 to 4 drops per minute up the wire is equal to one pint per day. The cooling system on most units is the thermosyphon system for the engine. The basic operation of such a system is that as the coolant absorbs heat, it rises. In this unit, the coolant is directed from the bottom of the radiator to the areas requiring cooling and ‘as it rises, it returns to the top of the radiator. ‘The big advantage to this system is that a water pump is not required, Compressor cooling may be either force cooling or thermosyphon, The decision on whether a forced cooling system is required is based on the exhaust temperature and the differential between suction and discharge gas temperatures. In some cases, a water pump is required. The ignition system consists of a geverator, control box, coils, magnets, pick up and the associated wiring and other components. ‘The magnets are mounted into dritied Holes in the flywheel. The generator produces the power that is stored in the control box. AS the magnets pass under the pick up, the control box releases the power to fire the spark plug. There is no timing adjustanent, ‘The governor is the mechanical type which is adjusted by either increasing or decreasing spring tension that counteracts the flyweights. Turning the wing nut clockwise increases spring tension and counterclockwise decreases tension. Speed follows the tension of the spring. Linkages should be adjusted in accordance with the service manual since each engine has its own settings. Ta Forty Paty Safety shutdown devices are similar to all other packages except the overspeed shutdown. On the Ajax, a pin is installed into the rim of the flywheel and is maintained in the retracted position by a spring. As the flywheel begins to spin faster, centrifugal force tends to sling the pin outward which is counteracted by the spring. As an overspeed condition is reached, the pin is extended to the point that it trips a lever which causes electrical contact to be made and grounds out the magneto. The overspeed switch bolt is factory set to trip at between 25 and 50 RPM over the maximum. ‘The compressor side of the Ajax is almost identical to all other reciprocating compressors. It has cylinders that can be either single acting or double acting. It also can be staged by use of either an additional cylinder or through the use of a step cylinder. Unloading valves, etc., uses the same procedure as other compressors. START UP PROCEDURES Prior to starting the unit, all normal pre-start checks should be performed, such as fluid levels, ete. Starting the package can be done using air or gas pressure or by a portable motor driven starter. The use of air or gas is the most widely used method. Procedures dust be followed for Slart up {0 prevent injui Meee cea ie eavipments _To start up the unit using gas pressure, the piston must be positioned just past dead center.on the power stroke. The keyway on the crankshaft is ia fine with the throw and can be used to position the piston. On multiple cylinder units the keyway is aligned with the throw on the flywheel side of the crankshaft. To start: Open the pet cock and relief valve on the power cylinder. 2. Disconnect the spark plug wire. 3. Turn the flywheel until the keyway is toward the cylinder and just past top center. 4, Close the relief valve and pet cock. 5, Reconnect the spark plug lead. 6. Open the gas start vaive fully until the engine is turning over. 7. Close the start valve when the engine is turning over. 8. When the engine fires, open the fuel valve. 9. After the engine is running, open the pet cock on the relief valve TS Fortnight © vee ons @ res queen SRuceTION were (cuoseo) SPILL PORT GAS INJEGTION SYSTEM SHOWN MITH PUMP IN THE SUCTION STROKE co-a3e TG-13 Governor COMBINATION SPLASH, FLOOD AND FORCE FEED LUBRICATION OF AJAX ENGINES. GAS 6 AIR MIXTURE ENTERING SCAVENSING CHAMBER \ GAS 8 AIR MIXTURE GEINS COMPRESSED PISTON AT MIOPOINT- TRAVELING TOWARD FIRING -DEAD CENTER A FRESH MIXTURE ENTERS CYLINDER FROM SCAVENGING CHAMBER B ALSO - FORCES REMAINING EXHAUST GASES FROM - . CYLINDER INTO EXHAUST CHAMBER, exnaust SCAVENGING CHAMBER PISTON AT BOTTOM DEAD CENTER ‘The Clark HRA series is an integral unit. The engine is of the two cycle design using air intake and exhaust ports and a fuel injection valve. It is available in three, four, five, six and eight power cylinder configuration. BASIC DATA The cranksbaft has more journais than the number of compressor cylinders. This is to provide for the scavenging cylinders. The scavenging cylinders provide air to a large manifold that provides the air needed for combustion and the scavenging of the exhaust gases. The operation of this system is shown in the attachment. Since air is forced into a manifold and to ensure that the proper air is available to each cylinder scavenging air dampers are installed. These are set at the factory for that particular engine and should not be re-Indexed unless it is certain that all other conditions are within the specified range. The position at which these were adjusted at the factory is marked under the pointer and the actual degrees from vertical is stamped on the air elbow or near the angle scale. The pointer is attached to the shaft of a flapper similar to the butterfly valve in a carburetor and is adjusted to allow the exact amount of air into the cylinder. Because the distance of the power cylinder from the scavenging cylinder varies, the position of the flapper varies with each cylinder. As the power piston moves downward the scavenging cylinder compresses air. The exhaust port is uncovered and exhaust gas is allowed to exit the cylinder. As the piston continues t6 move downward, the air intake port is uncovered. The scavenging cylinder check is open and the fresh air charge enters the power cylinder. This assists in the scavenging of the exbaust gases. As the power cylinder moves upward, the exhaust port is covered and then the air intake port is covered. As the power cylinder approaches TDC, ignition occurs and the power cycle has begun. Cylinders are numbered with the number one the further from the flywbeel. The flywheel is installed with the square holes facing the engine frame. Starting air must be available in the correct volume and pressure to provide starting capability. A volume may be required for this purpose. The starting air pressure should be between 175 and 250 psig. A start valve should be installed and as close to the engine as is feasible to allow for maintenance, etc. T.é Fertig haps Or, The compressor connecting rods and crosshead clearance is critical. The connecting rods have shims that are to be installed between the rod and the bearing cap. The amouat of shims will be determined by the required clearance. If precision bearings are used, a thin steel shim is installed. The piston rod must be checked for run out. If the rod is not level, damage to the piston and the cylinder/liner will occur. To check for ru out, install a dial indicator where it will ride on the rod. Move the crosshead to full travel at one end and zero the dial indicator. Bar the unit until the piston has made approximately one half of its travel. Take and record the indicator reading. Bar the unit over until it has full travel in the direction opposite the starting point and take and record the reading. The allowable difference is 0.004 inch. If the readings indicate that the head end is too high, remove some of the shims from the top of the crosshead and install them under the bottom in the correct amount, I indications are that the head end is {oo low, remove the correct amount of shims from the bottom of the crosshead and install them on the top. Piston clearance is critical to ensure that no damage is caused to the piston and cylinder during operation. Clearance can be set by moving the crankshaft toward the crank end until itis horizontal. Ensure that the rod locking nut is not contacting the packing case. Install a piece of solder through the head end valve port and bar the unit over until the piston begins to move back toward the crank end. Remove the solder and measure the thickness where it was crushed. Using this figure, divide it by three and adjust the clearance by screwing the rod in or out until two thirds of the total clearance is at the head end. Main and connecting rod bearing clearance is extremely critical. There are two types of bearings that can be used. They are precision and non-precision. To ensure the correct fit, use the following procedures for each type. Non-precision: Install the bearings into the holders. Using clamping blocks, align one end of the bearing with the bearing support. Mark the back of the liner that protrudes above the holder. If it is the lower bearing, install it into the bearing cap, making sure that the mark is even with the edge of the cap. Af this point the bearing can be filed to fit. Install the bearing. Using a dye substance on the shaft, rotate the shaft. Remove the bearing cap and note the spots where the dye shows on the bearing. These are high spots. Hand scrape the bearing and continue the above check until the dye shows on the bearing all of the way around. Precision: Install the bearings in the support and the cap. Place a piece of plasti gauge onto the crankshaft and tighten the bearing cap bolts. Remove the cap and measure the width of the crushed portion of the plasti gauge at its widest point. Check this value against the allowable clearance. If it is not within tolerance, bearings must be replaced. NOTE: Use of lubriquip or other substance to hold the plasti gauge in place will give an erroneous reading. T7 eta Pern FUEL INJECTION VALVE There are two types of pushrods used on the fuel injection system. The earlier style was a solid pushrod. Setting of the fuel valve was done through clearance adjustment similar to the mechanical push rods on engine valves. The adjustment was made using a clearance between the rocker and the valve stem. If this is the type that you have, this clearance should be between 0.010 and 0.015 inch. ‘The second type uses a hydraulic lifter arrangement. This must be pre-loaded using the indicator marks. After the lifters have been pre-loaded, fuel adjustment is done using a valve on each cylinder and the engine BMEP. With the engine running, a reading will be taken for each cylinder. ‘The readings will be compared and then each cylinder must be balanced to basically an average, taking into consideration that if one reading is greatly out from the others, then it must be adjusted especially. PISTON AND PACKING LUBRICATION The power piston and the compressor piston require adequate lubrication, Normally on the Clark, the pump to point system is used. The lubricator is driven from the cross shaft. ‘The cross shaft also drives the magneto and the governor. The governor is a mechanical type and is internally controled by a spring. Increasing or decreasing the spring tension allows for the speed adjustment. There are other components that might be associated with the governor as optional equipment. For information on these items, the appropriate service data should be consulted. ‘The type of ignition system used varies, The two most common types for the Clark are the Bendix and the Bosh. Installation and timing instructions vary among type of ignition systems and engines. Ensure that you check with the service manual for each type to use the correct procedures and the correct magneto. The speed of the magneto is different with each model of engine and must be one of the items considered. Overall, the Clark compressor and engine are very simple, and no major problems should be encountered if care is taken when using the knowledge you bave of tbe machine, TS Fa tnang hey ny ‘The Energy Industries’ (ED reciprocating compressors are of the balanced opposed type. ‘The EI tolerance for balance of opposing cylinders is a maximum of one pound. The basic models are the FE332, 50 series and 65 series. The model number describes the compressor. As an example: FESS0C-43. FE Balanced opposed = Length of stroke Diameter of the crankshaft journal c Number of major modifications to the basic model 4 = Number of throws 3 Number of stages All of EI's frames are separables and can be driven by any make of driver that has adequate horsepower. The frames are heavy duty and except for the smaller model do nof require crossbars for support. FE332 SERIES ‘The FE332 is the smallest frame that El currently builds. It is available in either a two or four throw configuration. Cylinders are available in sizes 2-1/2 inches through 15-1/2 inches. The "C" model is designed to eperate at a maximum speed of 1600 RPM. The "D" model has 2 maximum operating speed of 1800 RPM. ‘The frame uses detachable crosshead guides, and allows for a distance piece if required? ‘The crankshaft is ductile iron on the "C” model and forged steel on the "D* model, and is 3.5 inches in diameter with a 3.5 inch stroke. The crosshead shoes are permanently mounted; therefore, they cannot be removed or adjusted. If there is excessive wear, the entire crosshead must be replaced. The rod diameter is 1.375 inches and on the "C" model the maximum rod load for both tension and compression is 10,000 pounds. The "D" model has a maximum rod load in tension of 12,500 pounds and compression of 14,500. The earlier model had a maximum horsepower per throw of 150 and the current model is capable of 200 HP per throw. 50 SERIES There are three models of the $0 series. They are the FEASOC, FESSOD and FE6S0D. ‘These are the current modifications of each of the three. TS Foret Oo FE450 ‘The piston rod diameter is 1.5 inches. The earlier model had an allowable rod load of 18,000 in both tension and compression. The current model bas a rod load of 18,000 pounds in tension and 22,00) pounds in compression. The earlier models were designed to run at a maximum speed of 1400 RPM and the current model has a maximum speed of 1600 RPM. The borsepower per throw for the earlier model was 275 and the current is 600 HP per throw. FES5S50/650 SERIES These two frames are basically the same with the exceptions being the Iength of the stroke and the maximum operation speed. The stroke of the FESS0 is 5 inches and the F650 has a 6 inch stroke. They both have a two inch piston rod and the earlier models. had a rod Joad of 25,000 pounds in both tension and compression, The current models bave a maximum rod load of 30,000 in tension and 32,500 in compression. The current model has a maximum horsepower per throw of 600 where the earlier models had 275 HP per throw. The maximum speed of the current FESS0 is 1500 RPM versus 1200 on the earlier models. The maximum for the FE650 remains at 1200 RPM. 65 SERIES ‘There are three basic sizes of the 65 series and two versions of each. The basic models are the 5, 6 and 7 inch stroke machines. Earlier models of the three bad a maximum allowable rod load of 40,000 pounds in both tension and compression, with a 2-1/4 inch piston rod. Earlier models had a maximum speed of 1200 RPM for the 565 and 1000 for the 668 and 765, and all having a maximum of $50 horsepower per throw. Current models are rated at 1500,1200 and 1000 RPM respectively and 1200 horsepower per throw capability. The 65"C" models have a maximum rod load of 40,000 pounds in tension and 47,500 in compression. The newer version of each of the above sizes carry ‘the same data except the maximum allowable rod Joad for all is $0,000 pounds in tension and 60,000 pounds in compression, All of the 50 and 65 series waits have removable and adjustable crosshead shoes. ‘The lubrication system for the FE332 has a gear type pump that is chain driven. For the other frames the pump is gear driven. The lubrication is a forced feed system for all components and lubricates all of the frame components, The cylinder/packing lubrication is a different system. The earlier models of the FE332 used two different methods for cooling of the oil, The two thraw machines had an air cooled oil cooler where the four throw used a water cooled oil cooler. The current models of the FE 332 use an air cooled oil cooler on both two and four throw units. The other frames use a water cooled oil cooler. The cylinder and packing lubrication system on all units is of the divider block design. T10 Forty ep ny ‘The cylinders currently used by EI are all double acting and some are air cooled while others are water cooled. ‘The compressor valves used by EI are of the plate type and except for the newer cylinder series can take a valve plate of either metal, plastic or PEEK. The newer 90 series cylinder takes only PEEK valves, ‘The packing case used on the compressor makes us¢ of the radial and tangent cut ring system, with the first cup towards the pressure having a radial cut pressure ring(s). In some cases the last cup will have two tangent cut rings for sealing. Since the cylinders are double acting, the falsehead concept is used. The falsehead also houses some packing rings. The cup closest to the falschead contains two tangent cut rings. This provides a double sealing capability to assist in keeping pressure in the cylinder and prevent air from being drawn into the cylinder on the forward stroke of the piston, The ‘outer cup houses the wiper rings which serve the purpose of keeping the rod clean. All EI packages are equipped with safety shutdown devices for all of the operating parameters. ROTARY SCREW EI also packages rotary screw compressor units. The compressor is not of EI design, rather is purchased from manufacturers and installed on EI skids. Tu Fete ae Oy . GEMINI . Gemini compressors come in several different models. Somme icfentifiers of the model numbers are: MO = an integral unit that uses the same frame design for both the engine and compressor. The first letter in the other model number indicates the basic frame design (strength) ‘The second letter indicates the stroke (except the MO). P= 3.0' 5” R= 4.5" K=5.0 ‘D'= A model number incorporating a ‘D' indicates that it uses double acting cylinders. ‘C= A model number incorporating a'C’ indicates a single acting cylinder design, 'S'= A model number incorporating a'S' indicates that a step cylinder in used. The MO series compressor is a separable compressor that uses a Gemini engine which has the same basic frame as the compressor. These units are driven by either a 26 or 40 horsepower engine. Both the compressor and the engine are horizontal opposed, and the engine is a four cycle design. ‘The engine fuel system has two sources. The main fuel gas comes from the first stage scrubber. ‘The regulated pressure for this system should be 24 ounces. The differential across the carburetor js set at 5 inches of water column for the G26 and 6 inches for the G40. The load adjustment is made with the engine under full load. Using the fuel adjustment screw, tum toward the lean position until the engine just begins to lose power, then turn it toward rich until the engine picks up speed. The second fuel system comes fiom the compressor crankcase. The compressor crankcase carries a positive gas crankcase pressure. This pressure range is between 6 and 8 ouinces. As pressure increases above the set value of the regulator, it will open and allow the gas to flow to the carburetor. If during maintenance, you have closed the main fue} valve, and fail to open it on start up, the engine will probably start; however, the engine will not go above idle and will have a violent surge. This surge is created by the regulator opening and closing as the crankcase gas is bumed and the pressure drops and then increases. The main fuel regulator is set up in the standard way as regulators on other engine. The 8 ounce regulator can be set using, ‘an ounce gauge attached toa pet cock in the vent line that runs along the floor of the skid. The governor and the oil pump are driven by a cross shaft from the camshaft. ‘The governor is a simple mechanical type governor and the adjustment is made by adjusting the spring tension. Both of the MO engines ae rated at 1800 RPM. The governor is set atthe factory and field repair should not be attempted unless itis of the greatest urgency The oil pump may be referred to as a dual pump; however, this is an inaccurate term. There is cone pump for the engine and one for the compressor and may be enclosed in a single housing. “The two oil systems are completely separate and should never mix unless the seal is bad. This should be repaired immediately. The oil pressure can be set/adjusted by the relief valve. Remove the cap and adjust the valve by tuming clockwise for an increase and counter clockwise for a decrease in pressure. ‘The MO compressor is a two throw opposed unit. It uses concentric type valves that are screwed onto the chair. It is available in either a one or two stage configuration, The low pressure cylinders are lingered and do not make use of a piston rod; rather, the compressor connecting rod is attached to the piston. The high pressure cylinder uses a liner as the cross head guide. On this type of eylinder, the cylinder must be removed to remove the piston, since the integral cross head and pistons are too large to be removed through the head opening. Most cylinders have the capability of clearance adjustment. The low pressure cylinder has a ring that can be inserted above the valve to increase clearance and is stored under the valve when not in use. The ring thickness go up 10 3/8 inch. When these rings are added for additional clearance, the two "0" rings must be moved to the grooves closer to the Valve. The high pressure cylinder in most cases use a clearance plug that screws into the end of the piston. There are three different size plugs that can be used to vary the clearance. They are marked with a letter, either an A, B, or C. Fora 2" piston, the percent of total clearance added for each of these is 17.24, 29.36 and 53.71, respectively, For a 2.5 inch piston, the values are 10.31, 26.93 and 53.54 respectively. If they are installed, the head should be turned so that the applicable letter is in the top position. The IGNITION system for the MO units is a very simple system. It consist of plugs, wiring, a contro! box, a generator, a magnetic pick-up and either one or two magnets. The earlier units had two magnets mounted in the flywheel. One is mounted flush with the radius of the flywheel while the other is countersunk. The one that is flush is for retarded timing (slow speed) while the countersunk is for high speed. The current models have only one magnet mounted in the front pulley. Both use a magnetic pick up (MPU). The generator produces the voltage which is stored capacitors in the control box. As the magnet passes under the pick up, SCR's are activated and the voltage is released to the coil. There is no timing adjustment to be made. The MPU should be mounted for approximately 1/8 inch clearance. The n6rmal system used is the Altronic 1 The MPC series is basically the same compressor as the MO series. The difference is, with this unit, the oil pump is housed separate from the engine oil pump This unit uses single acting cylinders and concentric valves, with the clearance change being made by rings and plugs, except for the large cylinder where clearance is changed by screwing the piston in or out. ‘The MPD series as double acting cylinders and uses standard valves (not concentric). It is normally driven by something other than a Gemini engine. It has larger diameter journals and earings than the MPC. The MPSS and the HPSS are both double stepped cylinders. These units are used primarily on the Compressed Natural Gas packages. ‘The HPD series has double acting cylinders and uses standard valves. It is a two throw machine but can accept a step cylinder. The basic difference between the HPD and the MPD is that the frame is capable of a horsepower of 200 and the rod load has been increased. ‘The HPDD series is basically two HPD units joined by a coupling. This allows for more throws, a greater borsepower and a discharge pressure of up to 5000 psig. CAUTION: When assembling the two crankshafis, they must be tumed so the last two journals are 90 degrees from the journals on the first crankshaft The 'B! series are large horsepower machines. The maximum horsepower is 500 and is capable of 2000 psig discharge pressure. The stroke on each machine is different : BJD = 3.5; BRD = 4.5 and the BKD = 5.0. The maximum allowable rod load has increased. BID=25,000; BRD = 25,000 and the BKD = 30,000. GEMINI COMPRESSORS MODEL | THROWS , STAGES | SPEED HP ROD Pd Max | MAX. | MAX LOAD MO26 2 2 1800 23 6000 7200, __) Mo40 2 2 1800 35 6000 1200 MPC 2 2 1800 50, 6000 1200 MPSB 2 2 100 | 50 5000 3500 | MPDS: 2 3 1800 120 6000 3500 MPSS: 2 4 1800 120 6000, S000, L MPD. 2 2 1800 | 120 6000 3500 HPSS: 2 4 1800, 200 10,000, 5000 HPDS 2 3 1800 | 200 10,000 3500 HPD 2 2 1800 200 10,000 1400 | 3500 WITH ‘STEP “PDD 4 6 1800 350, 10,000 5000 [pm 2 2 1800 | 500 25,000 | 2000 BKD 2 2 1200 | 500 30,000 2000 BRD 2 | 2 | 1400 | 500 25,00 2000 ‘The most common models of the Joy gas compressors are the WBF and the WB series. WBF SERIES ‘The WBF series is a horizontal opposed style compressor. They ave available in two and four throw design. They have two sub-modcls, the WBF-S and WBF-7. The difference between these thro is simply the piston stroke which is § and 7 inches. They have double acting cylinders and have a rod load of 27,500 pounds. The cylinders are water cooled. The false head or oil sctaper rings come in sets. There are three rings per set. The tangent cut ring faces away from the pressure side. Some units may have two sets of rings. If this is the case, the two sets are inverted from each other. The cylinder and packing lubrication system is normally of the pump to point type. The frame lubrication system is of the force feed or pressure type with a gear type oil pump. The oil pressure can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the spring tension on the relief valve. Piston Clearance is checked using a soft solder. The head end clearance should be 0.010 inch greater than the crank end, Adjustment for clearance is done by screwing the piston rod either in or out until the correct clearance is obtained. The valve removal is done by loosening the set screw in the valve cover and backing it out two revolutions. Remove the studs holding the valve cap onto the cylinder and then remove the cage and valve, Remove the screws holding the cage to the valve. Installation is just the opp When installing, make sure that the set screw through the valve cap is loose. Care should be taken, as on all compressors, that the gaskets are in place and are seated correctly. The cylinder/packing lubrication oil is separate from the crankcase oil, and the cam for the lubricator is driven from the end of the crankshaft. WB SERIES The WB series compressors ure not horizontal opposed units. There are five basic models of the WB series. The WB 9 and the WB 11 are single cylinder vertical. The WBI2 is a two cylinder unit and is often referred to as the vertical Vee since both cylinders are offset from vertical the same amount. The WBI3 has three cylinders and the WB24 bas four cylinders. AU five classes have a 7 inch stroke. The WB9/11 have a 13/8 inch piston rod and the other classes have a 1-5/8 inch rod. ‘The model number has a dach number that is important. An example is the WB 14-5. The dash number can be referenced for maximum speed, horsepower and rod Joad. All of the cylinders with the same rod diameter are interchangeable, Tas ating hap Oo ‘The frame lubrication is provided by a rotary type oil pump to all required lube points except the main bearings. ‘The main bearings are lubed by the splash method. Although the arrangement may be different from the horizontal type, the mechanical function and components are the saine. T.16 Fe Tanne pee Oo ‘The Knight series has three basic models, They are the KOA, KOB and the KOC. They may be referred to as the Ingersol Rand KO series. All three models are of the balanced opposed type. KOA The KOA is of a two throw configuration with a 4.5 inch stroke. It normally has one double acting cylinder end the opposing cylinder being a steeple cylinder where the inner piston compresses on the crank end and the outer piston compresses on the head end. Keep in mind that configurations may vary depending on the conditions. It has a piston rod diameter of 1.375 (1 3/8) and a maximum rod load of 14,000 pounds. ‘Maximum operating speed is 1200 and minimum is 800 RPM. The compressor valves are high speed plate valves. The cylinder/packing lubrication system is of the forced feed type and normally uses the pump to point system, although a divider block application can be used. The lubricator is driven by a chain and sprocket assembly from the crankshaft by means of a sprocket on the main oil pump. The main oil pump is a gear type and is driven directly off the crankshaft through a pin and hub arrangement. The crossheads are non-adjustable. KOB ‘The KOB is available in either a two throw or four throw configuration, It uses standard cylinders in lieu of the steeple cylinder concept. Its maximum speed is 1000 RPM. The basic frame is the same as for the other series except it has a five inch stroke. The piston rod is 2.75 inches in diameter and a maximum rod load of 20,000 pounds. KOC ‘The KOC is available in a two or four throw configuration. It has a six inch stroke with a rod diameter of 1.875 inches and a maximum rod Joad of 22,000 pounds. It uses double acting, water cooled cylinders. It has three different weight crossheads for balancing the opposing throws. They are listed as heavy, medium and light. The weight of the heavy is 97 pounds, te medium is 74 pounds eight ounces, and the light is 52 pounds 10 ounces. It can be stated that other than the stated information, the basic design and operation of the KO series is the same as most horizontally opposed reciprocating compressors. No clearance or setting information is given here since the service manuaf must be consulted to ensure accurate data. Tay Fong Pan The starter system consists of four standard components and an optional filter. The standard components are: A Starter: This can be one of several makes; however, it must be capable of matching the engine and system that is to be started. Two commonly used makes are manufactured by Ingersol Rand and Pow R Quick. In most cases, a sustained volume must be available to provide a continuous pressure required to start the engine. The normal pressure is approximately 125 to 150 psig. Pilot Valve: This is commonly known as the 'push to start valve’. It, when pushed or activated, will allow pressure to be routed to the starter Bendix stem and causes it to engage. When the button or lever is released, the gears will disengage. Relay Valve: This valve prevents pressure from entering the starter vanes until the starter gears are engaged. When the gear is engaged, the back pressure causes the relay valve to open and allows pressure to enter the starter and will continue until the button is released. ‘The most common problem with this valve is that it becomes clogged with some type of debris which will not allow the valve to open. The symptom of this is that the start gear will engage, however, the starter will not rotate. One fix to this is to remove the fitting at the top of the valve and work the spring up and down several times to dislodge the debris. Lubricator: A system is needed to ensure that the starter is lubricated. lubricator is installed and is filled with either a low viscosity oil or something such as Marvel Mystery oil. This system allows for a fine mist to enter the starter as the pressure is applied. The amount of the lubrication being dispensed can be regulated by an adjustment on the top of the lubricator itself. The oil should be kept clean and at a sufficient level. Filter (optional): The optional filter is used to remove liquids and other debris from the gas prior to the starter valve and starter. When used, it should be installed ahead of the lubricator. TAB Fc Tag rep Os ‘There may be times when the starter will not turn over. If this occurs, use a tool and manually turn the starter to get it off a dead spot. CAUTION: ENSURE THAT ALL PRESSURE IS REMOVED FROM THE STARTER PRIOR TO ANY MANUAL FUNCTION. Tag Forgan ay. Components + DS-60 and b: DS 60/61 STARTER PARTS LIST INDEX + QUANTITY No. PART NO. DESCRIPTION PER UNIT ae ot 26-109 Rotor Housing 1 2 30-102 Rotor Assembly 1 3 25-119 Rotor Revaining Ring 1 4 29-L05R of End Plate 1 29-105L, 3 34-102 Rotor Casing Assembly 1 6 38-116 Thrust Washer 2 7 29-106R or Inlet End Plate 1 29-106. 3 2-114 Bearing 1 3 24-115 Bearing, Double Sealed 2 -10 28-104 Rotor Spur Gear (DS-60) 1 -10 28-107 Rotor Spur Gear (DS-61) 1 -iL 252120 Gear Retaining Ring 1 -iL 25-116 Gear Retaining Ring (DS-61) 1 =12 14-107 Rotor Vanes 3 -13 26-110 Gear Housing (DS-60) 1 “3 26-122 Gear Housing (DS-61) 1 a4 24-112 Needle Bearing 1 -15 8-104 Starter Drive 1 -16 38-112 Lockwasher 24 “17 18-117 1/4-28 Screw 24 -18 68-105 Sealing Spacer 4 “13 25-110 Inlet Screen 1 -20 24-113 Bearing 1 “21 4681100 Name Plate (Not Shewr) = 1 -22 18-120 Name Plate Drive Screw (Not Shown) 2 -2B 68-104 Bearing Spacer 1 3 68-108 Bearing Spacer (Alternate) 1 24 25-130 Outer O-ring 1 -25 25-129 Inner O-ring i -% 26-111 Starter Drive Housing 1 -27 28-105 Starter Drive Gear (DS-60) 1 -2 28-106 Starter Drive Gear (DS-61) 1 DS 60/61 STARTER PARTS LIST (CONTINUED) INDEX QUANTITY No. PART NO. DESCRIPTION DER UNIT at -28 33-102 Woodruff Key 1/4" x 1" 1 -29 33-103 Woodruff Key 3/16" x 7/8" 2 -30 23-105 Arbor Shaft 1 31 53-167 Outer Retaining Ring i -32 53-166 Inner Retaining Ring 1 -33 25-121 O-ring i 34 38-117 Thrust Washer 1 -35 25-128 Inlet O-ring 1 36 20-123 Vane Spring 5 -37 44-120 Inlet Adaptor 1 38 82-500 1/8" Pipe Plug 1 -39 24-1185 Seal 1 ~40 26-116 Grease Cap 1 oH 53-161 Oring 1 42 18-121 Cap Screw 3 <3 5-126 Muffler 1 48 25-136 O-ring (inner-Used with 68-108) 1 au5 25-137 O-ring (Outer-Used with 68-108) 1 *(Model DS61 requires 2 pes) 31128 VANE KIT FOR DS-60 AND DS-6! STANDARD STARTERS INCLUDES: -12 18-107 Rotor Vanes 5 -36 20-123 Vane Springs 5 “6 38-116 Thrust Washer 1 -17 13-117 Screws 8 -16 38-112 Lockwashers 3 -33 25-121 O-ring 4 3 25-119 Retainer Ring 1 4 37 a5. 42 62 39, A Bo5 15 5140, 4 \ Ni —— \ ane t 1 Te ie 88 Series $S800, $$815, $S825 and SSB50 Starters ($8800, $8815 and $$825 shown in full view) 28 47 45 53 27 32 J / 9s 23 22 21 ag 25 a4 26 31% 87 30 33 8 psy 4 4934 5) 29 Front End Construction of Series S850 (Dwg. TPAB53.2) wh 4/2 Tapped tahoe ‘soos Sn D>" SAEISIBC Fused Exhoo stop a0 nto Having Coe Asem wi P12" Tappa ey sswooto2 we SAEISIAC Hines Tei sswo.ante 2] tong Cores Fae Eaces 4 | sor Hout Comet Gp Scew (3b 340025 {| ot Heanog Cover Cp Sew Lock Waers sss 26 | Cotmde 880053 & | Stan Angamen Pt os 5580098 3 | Gling aires Ps 5540099 28 | Gohnaer Osea) soya? 5 | Rew Ene Pie for SSEOOR, SSSR or SSKESRC Modes es sss00r. for SSHOOLD. 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Here we will discuss the basic differences that are unique to Superior. Some basic data on the engine is as follows: a. 10" bore - 10 4" stroke b. 6 and cy co 12 and 16 cylinders - d. 825 cubic inch displacement ders - in-line ce Definitions of the various models and their speed and horsepower ratings is attached. It should be noted that the rated speed range for turbocharged engines is from 600 to 900 while the range for the naturally aspirated engines is from 500 to 900. Also, note on the attached that a model number incorporating an “S” indicates a single turbocharger. INTAKE SYSTEM: Each cylinder has a gas admission valve and an air intake butterfly assembly as well as a gas metering valve. The gas valves are actuated by cams, while the butterfly valves and the metering valve are operated through a series of linkages from the governor. The adjustment of the butterfly valves is very critical and is done through adjustment of the linkage. “The service manual should be consulted for this procedure. ENGINE START: Prior to starting the engine, the cylinders must be purged. This is done by leaving the ignition system off and the fuel valve closed. Turn the engine over several times to exhaust the gas that might be in the cylinders. Adjust the fuel pressure to the engine to 25 to 30 psi. When equipped with the automatic air shutdown system, set the gas control valve. The safety shutdown is NOT operational during start. It activates only after engine start and a minimum of 10 for oil pressure exist. After the above, turn the magneto switch to the on position, raise the reset latch, and then raise the reset lever to the start position. Upon release, it will return to the run position. Start the engine turning and then crack the manual shutoff valve 1/8 turn, When the engine fires, release the start button and open the manual valve to the open position, As the oil pressure builds the reset latch will fall, Then and only then is the shutdown system activated. 20 The gas metering valve is set at the factory and unless there is a problem with it that requires removal, it should not be tampered with. The gas admission valve clearance is set in accordance with the service manual. The butterfly linkage should be set for each of the cylinders. When making this adjustment, start at the butterfly and work backwards, ‘The exact procedures are in the book, such as proper angles, position of the valve, etc. A ‘gas adjusting valve is installed for each cylinder. An orifice is installed in this valve. The valve is adjustable. Bearing halves are designed in fully grooved and partially grooved. For the main bearings, the partially grooved bearing half is installed in the cradle, not in the cap. The rod has the partially grooved bearing half installed in the rod. ‘The camshaft is driven from the crankshaft by means of a chain, The proper tension must be maintained on this chain, If it is too tight, it will break during operation. Wit is too loose, it will jump the sprocket. Adjustment procedures are in the service manual. The 86 pitch chain should be used with a full link connection. NOTE: EACH ENGINE IS DESIGNED FOR A SPECIFIC APPLICATION AND SOME OF THE COMPONENTS/ATTACHMENTS MAY BE DIFFERENT. IT IS IMPORTANT, THEREFORE, THAT THE MANUAL YOU HAVE CORRESPONDS TO YOUR ENGINE. ‘The standard turbocharger used by Superior is an Elliot model. It is water-cooled. Proper lubrication, amount and temperature, is essential. If either are out of operating tolerances, damage can occur. The water system is designed to allow the water to enter the bottom of the turbo and exit through a port in the top. The exit has a ‘y” and two plugs. One is for the return line and the other is for venting the system. Venting is absolutely essential since it allows removal of steam that develops during operation. The blower inlet is removable to allow for cleaning. Other facets of the turbo ae Similar to” other turbochargers. CLEAN BURN ENGINES Superior uses an air-fuel ratio controller on their clean burn engines.’ This particular model is an electric over pneumatic system. ‘The panel is the same for the in-line and the vee except for the PROM chip. Installation, adjustment and repair procedures are found in the service manual. The panel is normally powered by a source generated hy a Wall effect, magnetic pick up system. Tl Fer Teing Pepe Oo SUPERIOR ENGINES MODEL 825 825 CUBIC INCH DISPLACEMENT PER CYLINDER 6 AND 8 CYLINDERS - IN-LINE LOW = 145-150 HIGH = 175 - 180 MODEL IDENTIFICATION G ATMOSPHERIC GAS (NATURALLY-ASPIRATED) GT GAS TURBOCHARGED GTL LOW COMPRESSION TURBOCHARGED GTLA LOW COMPRESSION TURBOCHARGED - CLEAN BURN, GTLB LOW COMPRESSION TURBOCHARGED - CLEAN BURN - ELECTRONIC PANEL, SGT SINGLE TURBOCHARGED (8 - 12-16 CYLINDERS) 12 AND 16 CYLINDERS - VEE DESIGN 10" BORE X 10.5 STROKE - 4-CYCLE. BRAKE MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE, SGTA SINGLE TURBOCHARGED - CLEAN BURN II - 12 AND 16 CYLINDERS. SGTB SINGLE TURBOCHARGED - CLEAN BURN I - 8, 12 AND 16 CYLINDERS GNATH 66-825 6GT-825 6GTL 6GTLAGB 8G-825,.8GT-825 8GTL SGTLA&B SSG 8SGTB 12G-825 "” 12GT-828—-12GTL 1GTLASB SGT —12SGTA&B 166-825 16GT-825 16GTL 1GGTLA&B 16SGT_——16SGTA&B 7.22 Fortra Paps Oa SUPERIOR ENGINE RATINGS, ENGINE BHP BMEP 6GTLB 10x 10.5 600 - 900 ‘$50 - 825, 146.7 8GTLB 10x 10.5 600 - 900 730 - 1100 146.7 8SGTB 10x 10.5 600 - 1000 900 - 1500 180.0 12GTLB 10 x 10.5 600 - 900 1100 - 1650 146.7 12SGTB 10x 10.5 600 - 900 1330-2000 177.8 16GTLB 10x 10.5 600 - 900 1470 - 2200 146.7 1770 - 2650 177.8 6GTL | 10x 10.5 600 - 900 550 - 825, 146.7 8GTL 10x10.5 600 - 900 730-1100 146.7 8SGT 10 x 10.5 600 - 1000, 900 - 1500 180.0 12GTL 10x 10.5 600 - 900 LIMO - 1650. 146.7 128GT 10x 10.5 600 - 900 1330-2000 | 177.8 16GTL. 10x 10.5 600 - 900 1470 - 2200 146.7 1770 - 2650 177.8 335 -600 106.7 8G-825 40x 10.5 500 - 900 445-800 106.7, 126-825 10x 10.5 500 - 900 670 - 1200 106.7 16G-825 10x 10.5 500 - 900 890 - 1600 106.7 DUAL FUEL SYSTEM ENGINE DATA IS AVAILABLE IF NEEDED 1.23 Fa tote Parrot 0% ‘The 3600 Series Caterpillar engine is different than other Cat engines. One difference is the weight of the components. Another is that it is basically a fuel injected engine and therefore, does not use a carburetor. It has a precombustion chamber that contains a very rich mixture and an admission valve that injects fuel directly into the cylinder. This valve is timed by the camshaft and operates by means of a push rod just as the valves do. The wastegate, as such, does not exist; rather, an electronically controlfed air control valve. The cylinder bore and stroke is 11.8 inches. Horsepower available for continuous operation is: 3606-——1765hp 3612-—3530hp 3608---2350hp 3616—4700hp FUEL SYSTEM ‘The fuet flows through the electric fuel shutoff valve. Next is the fuel control valve and into the fuel manifold which supplies fuel to all cylinders. Fuel is directed to each cylinder through an orifice to the cylinder head fuel passage. When the cam operated admission valve opens, fuel is injected into the air flow as it enters the cylinder. A pre-chamber gas valve is installed iz a fine that taps into the fuel manifold ahead of the cylinder fuel line, This is a rich fuel that is allowed to enter the pre-chamber as the admission valve opens. ‘The pre-chamber line has an adjustable orifice valve that must be set. In addition, a check valve is installed into the PC fuel system to prevent flame from entering the pre-chamber supply system. AIR INLET/EXHAUST SYSTEM é HAUST SYSTEI ‘The quantity of air going to the air plenum is controlled by an Inlet Air Choke. This is an electronic controlled actuator valve that will automatically adjust to air requirements of the engine. It controls the amount of air going to the cylinder from the turbocharger. ‘The Exhaust Bypass Valve is also actuated by an electronic signal. It is basically the same as the wastegate, As a requirement exists for more air, the bypass valve allows more exhaust gas to go through the turbocharger. As the load decreases, the air choke goes more closed and restricts the air flow to the cylinder, which is felt by the control system that signals the bypass valve to open more and decreases the flow to the turbocharger. Both of the actuators have an indicator to allow for determining the valve position. Adjustment of the linkages for these actuators can be found in the service manual. ey Ul Fe Taig Pry Each cylinder is equipped with a combustion sensor. This is a 14mm spark plug attached to the electronic system. It determines the burn time in that cylinder, which is processed by the control module. It compares the actual burn time to the desired time based on gas BTU. ‘The PC fuel must be adjusted when the engine is initially started, when it is overhauled, or the BTU of the gas has changed (for whatever reason). The gas BTU is programmed in using the Energy knob on the panel. Turn the adjustable orifice needle valve in and then back it out one and one-half turns. Start che engine and after it has reached operating temperature, apply at least 3/4 load. Place the DDT to the PC Cal mode. There are two numbers displayed. The one on the left is the actual burn time while the one on the right is the desired time (set BTU). These two numbers should be the same. If not, turn the adjustable orifice until they are, Turning the valve in increases the actual and out decreases the actual. There is an electronic lag; therefore, the adjustment should be made slowly. Set the value for all cylinders in the same manner, then verify all adjustments and re-adjust as required. CRANKSHAFT/CAMSHAFT TIMING must be checked and set. Bar the engine until you reach TDC compression on number 1 cylinder. Insert the timing bar into the. crankshaft alignment hole. With the number one cylinder on TDC compression, and the crankshaft pin installed, the camshaft timing pin should be installed. If the camshaft pin does not go into the hole, camshaft alignment must be corrected. This procedure involves the removal of the camshaft drive gear and rotating the camshaft. Procedures are in the manual. MAGNETO TIMING can be done only after the above procedures are correct. Using the DDT, set the desired timing per the applicable charts. BLOCK AND COMPONENTS engine are extrem mld be a segmented shaft. There is one segment for each cylinder. These segments must be timed to each other. The service manual gives instructions. Each segment weighs approximately 62 pounds. ‘The main bearing caps weigh 152 pounds, The bearing cap bolts are not torqued in the norma! manner; rather, they use the bolt stretch method. A special hydraulic tool is required for this. FOR ALL MAINTENANCE REFER TO THE SERVICE MANUAL. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN INJURY OR DAMAGE. I u2 Fe taaing Herp O89 eyUINER HEAD FUEL SHUTOFF VaLvE 7 ontFIce FUELINLET conraot vaive J ACTUATOR Gas ADHISSION VALVE A serencooren® CHOKE HOUSING INLET ij; Turse. YY CHaAGER Seale Lik OP oe oararon ‘The AT Series Waukesha engine is similar in many ways to the VHP series. The series is available in the AT25 and AT27 versions. The AT25 series has a cylinder bore of 9.84 inches and a stroke of 11.81 inches. The AT27 has the same stroke but has a cylinder bore of £0.83 inches, It is a low emission type engine and uses a pre-combustion chamber. The available horsepower is @ 1000 RPM: - MopEL. | #20TEMP | HORSEPOWER 12V-AT2SGL 85 2725 120 2590 12V-AT27GL 90 3295 130 3130 8L-AT27GL 90 2200 130 2090 One difference is that the turbochargers are located on the front of the engine. It makes use of a pre-combustion chamber since the air/fuel mixture in the main manifold is 28:1. The carburetor is located on top of the main manifold. FUEL SYSTEM ‘The main fuel supply is regulated (0 between 45-60 psi going to the main fuel gas regulator. It then is regulated to 10 inches of water column across the carburetor. The carburetor has two butterfly valves and a six valve carburetor, The prechamber system consists of a fuel supply valve (shut off valve), a prechamber regulator, prechamber manifold, admission valve and the prechamber. The supply valve can be either solenoid or pilot operated. If the pilot valve is used, it operates from engine oil pressure with a pressure of 20 psi. The prechamber regulator controls the amount of fuel to the prechamber. The admission valve consists of the valve and a flametrap. The spark plug is positioned to ignite the mixture in the prechamber. ‘To set the fuel system, adjust fuel pressure to the main regulator to 45-60 psi. Turn the prechamber regulator in and then back it out sixteen turns. Install the oxygen sensor in the exhaust system ahead of the turbocharger. Install a mercury manometer between the main and prechamber manifolds, al Yar trig Pepa O08 Start the engine and while at idle and no load, adjust the carburetor differential to 10 inches of water, Adjust the differential between the manifolds to 6 inches of mercury. Set the engine to rated RPM and load (approximately 15 inches of mercury MP). Adjust the main fuel regulator for 9.8 per cent oxygen. The regulator is turned in to decrease and out to increase the oxygen level. The gas admission valve assembly should be cleaned periodically since it is subjected to the heat and rich gas. The frequency of this cleaning is determined by the quality of the gas, but should be about each 2500 operating hours. IGNITION TIMING is computed using the marks on the flywheel. The exact method is somewhat different than one would normally do. The flywheel markings have both degrees and a mark similar to"1+6R". The TDC 1 +6R mark is actually at 333 degrees on the flywheel. To set the timing, you must count back from this mark. An example is: If timing is 10 BTDC, the actual mark used is 323 degrees. This is done by subtracting 10 degrees from the 333 or 1 +6R mark. This engine can have either the magneto system or the Custom Engine Control system. The service manual should be consulted for each of this type system. Most other features are the same as the VP series engines. v2 MEW FRAME. MODEL NUMBERS/DATC os wew | oD + [am [waxur sre) Rom [roven | aLcom | RLTOTAL Beam | FRAME | 3 ox | om e R E ° w | s woo [MPO 1 fimo [ao [30 | was | aoe «6.000 12.000 woot | MPD 2 [wo [im [30 ]ins | emo 6.000 12.900 woo | Hep 2 [iso [200 [30 | uns | veac0 10.000 | 29000 wee | ar00 [4 | a0 | 4a [30 | as | ino0 000 20.000 yea |Fesmoa [2 | tt [ao [as | tars | iaso0 14.500 77.000 you [FesaD« [4 | 100 [eco [as | ia9s | 12500 14500 7,000 | | aD 3 [100 | 60 [as | 17s | 20000 20000 10000 basa | BRD 2 [150 [70 [4s [20 | 25000 25000 50000 ese _| BKD 2 [120 | 1000 [so |20 | sa000 30.000 0,000 oan [ressnca |? | 60 | 100 | 425/15 | 1n000 2,000 40,000 pane | reasoca |< | i600 | 2600 [42s ]ts | tooo 2,000 20,009 sm [Fesso02 |2 | 1300 | 20 | 50 | 20 | 20000 32.500 aso soe | Fesso« [¢ | 1300 | 2400 | | 20 | 30000 32,500 «2500 peer | Feed |2 | 1200 | 200 [so a0 | 30000 32.500 62.500 eo | FEesoD4 | | 1200 | 200 | 60 [20 | 30000 32500 625500 eso_| resesc-a_|2 | 1500 | 2000 | so | aas | «0000 «7300 7500 esu [resesca |< | 1500 | si00 | 50 [22s | «000 27.500 7300 esos [Fesescs [6 | iso | 7200 | so |aas | «nooo 47500 1,500, eee | eeeisc? ]2 | waa [3400 | 60 | 22s | coavo “7.300 #7800 este Feossca | | 1200 | «800 | 0 | 228 | nooo 47500 97500 esos | Fecssc-s | 6 | 120 | 7200 | 60 | 225 | «0000 47500 7300 ema _[Fersca [2 | 100 | 200 [70 [295 | «ago | «7.500 17,500 ere |revcca [4 | 000 | 000 | 70 | 225 | aoooo. | «7500 87,500 ems [revescs [6 | 1000 | 7200 [70 [225 | «0000 7300 #7.500| Foor | resespn2 [2 | iso | 209 [so [2s | sooo 0.000 116,000 soe | resesH4 | « | i500 | | m0 |i [eo [ae [ome [oaso | asco bee | reesooa [« | [200 60 |e [20m | aasmo | ean exoz_|ressca [2 [isco [20 | s0 [225 | comm | os | esto ese [resesca |« [0 [oem [so [ass | equ | arson | ers wwe | resescs |e | sw | rw [so [22s | «0000 7300 can [reessca [2 [nc [seo [so [ass | wom | wise | 00 tie ressea [« [nm | ao [60 |aas [om [asm | wae esos | resssce [6 |v | mo [so | 225 | «oon 47500 7,500 em |rensca [2 |i [200 [70 |2as [wom [ase | woo zoe |resca |« [ime [wo [70 [205 [aoe | 7s | erame eos) remsce [6 ras [70 [ans | voow 380 ram |resesona [> | ae xem [sa fas | stom | eneoo | 10000 esom_|resesona [4 | 00 [aw [so jas | some | seme | reo wove | resesDne [« | 500 | maw [sa as | seam | oammo | t1a000 reorreesiona [2 [ve ao [en jas | saooo ‘| eneoo | 10000 Fe0¢ | FEGSSDH4 | 4 | 1200 «200 60 [25 50,000 60,000 - 110,000 reo | FecesbHs | 6 | 1200 7200 60 | 25 50,000 60,000 110,000 NEW FRAME, MODEL NUMBERSIDATA T wa Tee New] OD tar | max ur | se [Roo RLcoM | aL TOTAL fram |Feame | H ox toa e ® e ° aor | MPO 1 | tt00 | 4 30 | uns | 6000 6000 12,900 waoa_| Meo 2 [ve ao [a0 | rs | eco 6000 12,008 vaa_| HPD 2 [ar [200 [30 | is | 10000 1e,000| 20000 voor [urn | « | too | «wo | 30 | 1s | 1000 1.900 20.00 wea [renaa [> | 100 [40 [as [isis | nso 14.500 27000 jos [rea |« | smo | a0 [3s | a7 | 12500 14308 77.000 aan [BD 2 [100 [ooo [3s [175 | 20000 20,000 000 eas | BRD 2 [1500 [70 [as [20 | 25,000 25,000 0,000 2502 | BKD 2 |r [1000 [so [20 | s0000 30.000 66,000 pen | Feasoca |2 | 1600 | 120 [2 [1s | 19000 22,000 40,000 Dane | Feasoca | 4 | 1600 | 2400 1,000 22.008 20000 ‘oscz | resso02 [2 | 1300 | (200 20% 32.800 2.500 soe |ressooa |« | iso [240 [so | 20 | 20000 ‘| 2300 22500 pea | Fe6s002 |2 | 120 | 1200 | 60 [20 32,590 2500 pace [reas [4 | 1200 [2400 [eo [20 | 0000 32.500 esor | resesc2 | 2 |is00 | 200 | s0_| 225 37300 esr [Fesesca [4 | 1500 | aan [50 [225 | nooo 122.508 esos [resesce [6 | 1500 | 20 | so {225 | «ooo 47500 - zon | Fee6sc2 |2 | 1200 | 200 [60 [225 | ooo 7.500 rer | epessca | « | 1200 | «a0 | 60 | 225 | aoova 73500 eave | recesce | 6 | 1200 | 7200 | 60 [225 _ | s0000 2.500 ema | Fer6sc2 [2 | 00 | 200 [70 | 225 | 40000 7300 ere | Fer6sC4 | « | 1000 | etn [70 | 225 | 40000 300 eve [Fe7686 [6 | 1000 | 700 | 70 | 225 | «0000 7500 sm [Feseson2 [2 [isto | 200 [se [2s | sooo | 60000 110,900 soe | resesona [+ | 1500 [eso | s0 [25 | 0000 20.000 119.000 506 [resesons | 6 | isoo [7200 [so | 2s | sone 6000 119,900 resssoH2 | 2 | i200 | 200 | 60 | 2s | sono 0,000 110906 | reoe | sesssoua [4 | i200 [too [eo | as | sooo 0.000 110,000 roo [Fesesons | | noo | 200 [60 [2s | soa00 e000 110,000 | NEW FRAME MODEL NUMBERS/DATA” : New] OLD Tam fMaxnr|ste roo [RTE | RLcoM | AL TOTAL Fam | Fame | OK | ia E R g ° w s oor | MPO » | v800 | 60 a0 | us| 6a 6000 12,000 act _| sro 2 [wo [m0 [a0 | aas | doco 000 7.000 woe | HPO 2 | 100 [20 aa | cas | 000 10.008 30,000 woe [Heap [a | tao [400 [30 | uns | 000 1.000 20,000 orem [2 [roo [wo [3s | iars | nso 1300 27,000 Fasse | ressz4 [« | veo so [as | iais | 12.800 14.500 7.000 ee eee 20000 | «0.000 p42 | BRD 2 [1500 [20 [as jae _ | 25000 25,000 $0,000 vom [exo |? 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