Characteristics of Gliding Arc Plasma PDF
Characteristics of Gliding Arc Plasma PDF
Characteristics of Gliding Arc Plasma PDF
in Combustion Enhancement
Alexander Fridman,
Alexander Gutsol,
Hence, it provides an ideal platform to integrate the MGA with a
counterow ame burner for combustion studies.
A schematic of the system is shown in Fig. 11. It consisted of two
converging nozzles of 15 mm in diameter separated by 13 mm. The
upper nozzle was water cooled. The gas treated by the MGA was air
and exited from the lower nozzle, whereas nitrogen-diluted methane
owed through the upper nozzle. To isolate the ame from the
ambient air and disturbances, a nitrogen coowwas used, emanating
froma 0.75 mmannular slit around the circumference of each nozzle
exit. The velocity of the curtain was maintained at or below the exit
speed of the nozzle to minimize diffusion into the stream. The ame
was established on the upstream air side of the stagnation plane. The
use of this system allowed for examination of the strain rates at
A DryCal dry piston ow meter (1% error) was used to calibrate
sonic nozzles that were employed to control the ow rates of
individual gases. The methane and nitrogen were mixed in a hollow
mixing cylinder (for minimal back pressure). A bypass system was
used to ensure that the mixture input to the ame was held constant
while the velocity was increased through the nozzles; hence, the
strain increased. The methane/nitrogen mixture, as well as the air,
was teed off before the respective nozzles. The ow rate was
increased or decreased through the nozzles by closing or opening the
valves of the bypasses, respectively. By measuring the ow through
the bypass using the DryCal ow meter, the nozzle exit velocities
were calculated.
To nd the extinction limits, the ame was rst established with
the bypass fully open and, hence the lowest strained ame. Then each
bypass was slowly closed while maintaining the stagnation plane at a
xed position. During this process the ame moved closer to the
stagnation plane between the two nozzles, therefore decreasing the
residence mixing time as well as increasing the strain rate until ame
extinction. Pictures with and without the plasma power addition of
the nitrogen-diluted methaneair counterow ames can be seen in
Fig. 12. The one-dimensional structure of the ame can be noted. In
all cases the ame was very steady and had minimal curvature,
providing an excellent platform to perform experimental measure-
Fig. 10 Schematic of a typical dc gliding arc circuit setup [16].
Fig. 11 Counterowburner withintegratedplasmasystem: 1) cathode,
2) anode, 3) diffuser, 4) gliding arc initiation wire, 5) insulator, 6) plasma
disk, 7) magnets, 8) converging nozzle with N
curtain, 9) at diffusion
ame, and 10) water-cooled converging nozzle with N
ments via laser diagnostics. These results were computationally
reproducible. There was also a noticeable difference in luminosity
between the ame with (Fig. 12a) and without (Fig. 12b) plasma
activation of the airstream. The ame with plasma activation of the
air had a larger luminous zone with a distinct white and orange
coloring as compared with the typical bright blue of the nonactivated
ame. This indicated that there was an effect of the MGA on the
diffusion ame.
IV. Description of Diagnostic Systems
A. Plasma Diagnostic System
For optical emission spectroscopy from the air plasma, an Acton
Research SpectraPro 500i scanning monochromator was used. The
entrance slit to the monochromator was placed a few inches away
from the discharge, facing the discharge. Spatially averaged
emission spectra of the discharge were taken in a range of 200
450 nm. A Roper Scientic model 7430CCD camera was mounted
onto the exit slit to digitally acquire the spectra at a resolution of
approximately 0.6 nm, with typical acquisition times for the charge-
coupled device (CCD) images being 15 s. When the discharge was
not in operation, a background noise spectrum was obtained. This
was then subtracted from the experimental data to improve the
accuracy of the results. A low-pressure mercury lamp was used to
determine the slit (apparatus) function and calibrate the
For estimations of the current density, an imaging systemwas used
and consisted of a Nikon D70 SLR camera with a Sony CCD-type
sensor. The sensor, sized 23:7 mm 15:5 mm (Nikon DX), was
used to capture images at a resolution of 3008 2000 pixels (~6
megapixels). The shutter speeds available ranged from 30 to 1/
8000 s, which could be used to capture instantaneous arc images.
These images were used to determine the approximate widths of the
channels at various zones in the plasma discharge.
B. Rayleigh Scattering and OH Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence
for Flame
To obtain a detailed view of the structure of the MGA-activated
counterow diffusion ames, measurements of the temperature
proles and OH distributions were performed via planar Rayleigh
scattering and OH PLIF, respectively. A schematic of the systems
used can be seen in Fig. 13. A frequency-doubled, injection-seeded
Nd:YAG laser (Quanta-Ray GCR-4) with an output of
approximately 450 mJ per pulse was used. For OH measurements,
the OH was excited via a Lumonics HD-300 dye laser pumped with
the aforementioned Nd:YAG laser (Fig. 13). The scattering was
imaged with a Princeton Instruments PIMAX intensied CCD
camera (one with a photocathode optimized for the visible spectrum
for Rayleigh scattering and one for the UV spectrum for OH
uorescence). For Rayleigh scattering, a Nikon 105 mm, f/2.8 macro
lens was used whereas, for OHPLIF, a Nikon UVNikkor 105 mmf/
4.5 lens was used along with UG-11 and WG-295 Schott glass lters
to isolate uorescence from the A-X(0,0) and A-X(1,1) bands and
block background scattering. Both cameras employed a 512 by
512 pixel array that was binned to improve the framing rate.
To calibrate the Rayleigh scattering signal, images of the
scattering intensity were taken of clean, particle-free air (at a known
temperature) that was directed through the lower nozzle. To calibrate
the intensity seen fromthe OHPLIFto an absolute number density of
OH, measurements were rst taken of a known system with the
equivalent experimental arrangement. A detailed description of the
planar Rayleigh scattering and OH PLIF system operation and
calibration has been described in Ombrello et al. [24].
V. Results and Discussion
A. Plasma Characterization
The at GA has been thoroughly studied over the years for its
transition from the thermal to nonthermal regime. However, the
MGA is a relatively new discharge that needs to be studied to
characterize its nonequilibriumnature. Optical diagnostic techniques
were employed to estimate average rotational and vibrational
temperatures in the MGA using OH and N
emission spectra
obtained from the discharge.
1. OH Spectrum for Rotational Temperature
A spatially averaged optical spectrum was obtained from the
MGA plasma disk operating at approximately 32 mA, 37 W at
normal pressure in air [25]. The experimental spectrum, as seen in
Fig. 14, had three major lines, G
, G
, and G
, that were of the most
importance in the temperature range from 1000 to 4000 K. This is
because the reference peak, G
, is the strongest group of unresolved
lines and G
and G
are highly sensitive to temperature variation in
this range. For temperatures above 4000 K, their sensitivity is
Fig. 13 Planar Rayleigh scattering and OH PLIF setup: 1) injection-
seeded Nd:YAGlaser, 2) frequency doubler, 3) beamdump, 4) half-wave
plate, 5) diode energy meter, 6) lens, 7) power meter, 8) lens, 9) clipper,
10) ame, 11) beam dump, 12) ICCD camera, 13) dye laser with
frequency doubler, and 14) PellinBroca prism.
Fig. 14 OH spectrum obtained both experimentally (at 80 W) and
theoretically for different temperatures varying from 1000 to 6000 K.
Fig. 12 Photographs of methaneair counterow diffusion ames at a
strain rate of 298:5 s
: a) no plasma power addition, and b) 60 W of
plasma power addition.
relatively low [26]. Hence, the ratios of these peaks are best
considered for diagnostic analysis. A theoretical spectrum was then
generated using the technique specied in de Izarra [26] and Pellerin
et al. [27] by collecting data pertaining to the OHspectrumas studied
by Dieke and Crosswhite [28] in the paper of de Izarra [26], wherein
weak transitions were neglected and a set of delta functions
corresponding to the strong transitions were generated from the
following relation:
where I
is the intensity of the OH transitions (in nanometers) and
occurs at a specic wavelength, E
is the energy of the initial state,
and T
is the temperature at which the reference intensities I
were obtained. The parameters were taken fromthe fundamental data
found in de Izarra [26]. There, the ratio of the partition functions,
)=Z(T), was assumed to be unity. By using different values of
temperature, T, the corresponding normalized intensities were
computed. Delta functions corresponding to each transition were
then convoluted with an apparatus function (i.e., impulse response of
the optical device) obtained by employing sharp lines emitted by a
low-pressure mercury lamp. Figure 14 shows a theoretical plot for
temperatures in 500 K increments for the range of 10006000 K and
their comparison with those measured in the experiments. The best t
of the ratios of G
and G
to G
yielded a rotational temperature of
2350 150 K, as shown in Fig. 15. The rotational temperature
results obtained from this theoretical analysis were compared with
Spectrum Analyzer software to identify peaks and compute
rotational and vibrational temperatures.
band heads at 306.3 and 391.4 nm, respectively, were used. They
proposed the plasma column to be divided into two regions, one
being the core in which the intensity of N
lines are observed and the
other being the outer ame in which the radiation from OH is
typical of the surrounding excited molecular region.
A spatially resolved spectrum was also obtained to determine the
rotational temperature in the cathode spot (CS) region (shown in
Fig. 19) for 32 mA, 37 W conditions and was found to be ~1610 K.
Fig. 15 The ratios of G
and G
peaks as a function of OH
rotational temperature in the MGA. The comparison of the theoretically
generated plot with the experimental result yields a temperature of
2350 150 K.
Fig. 16 Spectrum Analyzer OH rotational temperature.
Fig. 17 Spectrum Analyzer N
vibrational temperature.
Fig. 18 SpecAir code results for the N
results obtained gave ~4:75 eV for the CS region and
~1:031:06 eV for the PC region at atmospheric pressure air
conditions. These high electron temperature estimates relative to the
rotational gas temperature (energies ~0:130:25 eV) suggest the
two-temperature (nonequilibrium) nature of the MGA.
5. Current Density Estimations
FromFig. 19, it can be noted that there was a change in the width of
the plasma column with an increase in current/power on the arc.
Considering the arc to have a cylindrical structure, we assume that
this width corresponded to the diameter of the gliding arc. By using
these diameters and quantifying them based on the length per pixel
from known dimensions, we obtain approximate cross-sectional
areas of the arc column. In Sec. II.D, the frequency of arc rotation
with current was presented. Using these results and the diameters/
widths of the arc obtained by visual inspection and quantication at a
1=8000 s exposure time, we needed to incorporate a diametrical
correction based on the frequency of arc rotation. These were
approximated by the following relation:
d =d
where dwas the corrected diameter of the arc, d
was the measured
diameter of the arc, D was the diametrical position in the device at
which the measurement was taken, f was the frequency of arc
rotation, and t was the exposure time. As mentioned earlier, for the
nonthermal characterization of plasma, we consider the arc to be
divided into CS zone and PC (rest of the arc) zone. Figure 20 shows
plasma current density (A=cm
) results obtained by dividing the
value of current with the cross-sectional area, calculated by the
aforementioned assumptions. In low-pressure nonthermal plasmas
for air at room temperature and iron electrodes, the typical current
density is ~300 A=cm
In low-pressure nonthermal plasma, the ratio of electric eld E to
the pressure of operation p, that is, E=p, or the ratio of electric eld to
the gas number density n, that is, E=n, governs various plasma
parameters. It is also sometimes known as the reduced electric eld
(REF). This scaling is applicable only if the gas temperature is room
temperature, which is in the case of low-pressure nonthermal
plasmas. However, in the case of atmospheric nonthermal plasmas,
the gas temperature is typically higher than room temperature, in
which case a scaling needs to be incorporated. The REF parameter is
scaled based on effective pressure, P
), where
is the effective pressure, P
is the atmospheric pressure, T
the roomtemperature, and T
is the gas temperature of the plasma
under consideration. The scaling is favorably formulated so as to
preserve its initial values at room temperature.
Using this result for our conditions, that is, T ~1600 K (from
spatially resolved diagnostic results for the CS zone) and scaling the
pressure using the number density, the effective pressure of
~760 torr
(300=1600 K) ~141:6 torr, and operating at
32 mA, 37 W conditions, we got a current density of ~6 A=cm
which is reasonably close to our experimentally estimated value in
the CS zone ~4:7 A=cm
. Also, from spatially averaged rotational
Fig. 19 Photographs taken by a high-speed camera capturing a single
magnetically driven arc in motion. The two main regions of the
discharge, namely the CS and PC, can be clearly seen.
Fig. 20 Estimated MGA plasma current density in the CS and PC.
ignition time delays for preheated H
air mixtures at 900 K were
found to be ~115, 80, and 3 ms, respectively, for the three
aforementioned mechanisms. Atomic oxygen radicals (that are
expected to be generated fromdry air, as discussed earlier) were then
added to the incoming charge to observe the radical enhancement
effect, if any. When a reduction in delay time was observed for a
particular amount of addition of O radicals, the preheat temperature
was reduced such that the ignition occurred after the same time delay
as it did without radical addition. Hence, it was possible to arrive at a
radical concentration that was required to cause the same
enhancement effect with the preheat temperature of 800 K. Figure 30
shows that about 0.12% by volume atomic oxygen addition is
required to cause a 100 K reduction in required preheat. Such a high
concentration of radicals is not reasonable even inside nonthermal
plasma and especially not after a signicant residence time beyond
the connes of the plasma.
Fig. 27 Computed temperature and oxygen atom distributions
between the nozzles of the counterow system with the oxygen atom
Fig. 28 Oxygen radical lifetimes in air for typical residence times in the
MGA counterow burner system. It is seen that increasing the
temperature or reducing the pressure can help the radicals survive until
they reach the ame.
Fig. 29 Comparison of ignition temperatures of counterow hydrogen
diffusion ames using preheater with preheater and gliding arc
activation of the airstream.
), which is present in abundance
due to the low energy of excitation 0.98 eV and long lifetimes
(~3000 s, see Table 1). Most researchers have not studied its effect
as it is difcult to quantify it experimentally. However, theoretical
estimations can be made to address the kinetics of excited species
[34]. Hence, there is a need to develop a plasma-combustion
mechanism that takes into account not only radical and thermal
addition effects, but also the interaction between charged, charged
neutral, excitedneutral, and excitedexcited species.
VI. Conclusions
A new type of stabilized gliding arc system, the MGA, was
successfully integrated with a counterow diffusion ame burner to
provide an ideal and simplied platform to study the plasma/ame
interaction. The well-dened system allowed for detailed
experimental and computational studies of the characteristics of
the MGA and its effect on the extinction and ignition of counterow
diffusion ames. The results yielded a classication of the MGA as
having both thermal and nonthermal properties, proving that it was
aptly suited for our system. The MGA was seen to signicantly
enhance the strain rates at extinction, but the detailed analysis of the
ame via planar Rayleigh scattering and OH PLIF, and their
comparison with computations using just elevated air temperatures
to mimic the plasma, showed that the effect was predominately
thermal. These results emphasized the importance of elevated
temperatures to extend the radical lifetimes sufciently enough to
reach the ame. The ignition experiments showed that there is a
possible nonthermal enhancement, but the exact reasons still remain
open to interpretation. Possible explanations have come in the form
of active species that cannot be explained by traditional combustion
radical chemistry. This offers up the suggestion of a newdirection to
follow in terms of the quest for the mechanisms of plasma/ame
interactions with other active species in plasma such as ions and
excited species.
This work was graciously supported by the U.S. Air Force Ofce
of Scientic Research under contract number F49620-04-1-0038.
Also, we would like to thank Campbell Carter of the U.S. Air Force
Research Laboratory for all his diagnostics help and the National
Science Foundation under grant CTS-0418403 for the laser
diagnostic equipment support.
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S. Macheret
Associate Editor