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Characteristics of Gliding Arc and Its Application

in Combustion Enhancement
Alexander Fridman,

Alexander Gutsol,

and Shailesh Gangoli

Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

Yiguang Ju

and Timothy Ombrello

Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544

DOI: 10.2514/1.24795
A novel magnetically stabilized gliding arc reactor coupled with a counterow burner was developed to study
nonthermal plasma enhancement of ignition and extinction phenomena. The results showed that the new coupled
plasma-ame systemprovides a well-denedplatformfor understanding of the basic mechanismof the plasma-ame
interaction. It was shownthat with a plasma discharge of the airstream, upto a 220%increase inthe extinction strain
rate was possible at low power inputs for air and methane diluted with nitrogen. Measurements of temperature
proles via planar Rayleigh scattering thermometry and OH number density proles via planar laser-induced
uorescence (calibrated with absorption) were taken to quantify various effects. Detailed numerical simulations at
elevated air temperatures and radical addition were performed for comparison with experimentally obtained
results. Results of the extinction experiments initially suggested that the enhancement effect was predominantly
thermal for our particular setup of experiments. However, in ignition experiments specically for hydrogen,
temperature measurements conducted for hydrogenair mixtures suggested the contribution of active species to
justify the extent of the enhancement effect. Further comparison with numerical simulations also provides an insight
into the participation of species other than radicals in the enhancement effect.
a = strain rate of the counterow ame
B = magnetic eld
Cd = drag coefcient
D = specic diameter of the magnetic gliding arc
d = approximate diameter of the arc
= corrected diameter of the arc
= measured diameter of the arc
E = electric eld
= excitation state energy
= ampere force per unit arc length
= drag force
f = arc rotation frequency
, G
, G
= identied peaks from an OH spectrum
, I
= reference and calculated intensity
I = plasma current
i, j = indices representing the two nozzle streams
j = plasma current density
L = distance between counterow nozzles
Q = volumetric ow rate
t = exposure time period of high-speed camera
u = gas velocity
= drift velocity
), Z(T) = partition functions
= gas density
I. Introduction
ITH the ever-increasing want and need for practical high-
speed air-breathing propulsion devices comes the major issue
of designing a supersonic combustion system. Depending upon the
Mach number, the residence times in the combustor of a scramjet
may be on the order of the reaction time. This is not as much of an
issue for fuels such as hydrogen because of their rapid ignition and
reaction times, but it does become a signicant issue for hydrocarbon
fuels because of their longer ignition delay times. Specically, the
two most critical problems in scramjet development arise in the form
of ignition and ame stabilization in the supersonic combustor.
Over the course of the last few decades, much research has been
focused on supersonic combustion development and has brought our
understanding a long way closer to a tangible and reliable system.
Many solutions have been realized in this regard, ranging from
passive cavity ame holders [15] to energy addition via precom-
bustors [68] and plasma [917], to combat the aforementioned
problems in supersonic ow systems. Cavities or ramped cavities
provide a subsonic region for ame stabilization as well as enhanced
mixing, but do not add any energy to the system, setting an upper
limit on the extent of enhancement. By adding energy to the owvia
a precombustor, especially in conjunction with a cavity, the ame
becomes more stable with increased ammability limits. Here, the
elevated temperatures and radical pools produced during the
combustion have proven to be an effective means of decreasing the
ignition time and increasing the ame stabilization. Unfortunately,
this method is constrained by the requirement of an additional
combustion chamber and, more importantly, by the ammability
limits of the fuelair mixture in the precombustor, especially for
hydrocarbon fuels. In this regard, plasma-based ignition is a
promising technology because it is not constrained as much by the
ammability limits of a mixture, as is the case with a precombustor or
cavity ame holding design. To address this issue, plasma has been
Received 24 April 2006; revision received 30 March 2008; accepted for
publication 30 March 2008. Copyright 2008 by the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. Copies of this paper
may be made for personal or internal use, on condition that the copier pay the
$10.00 per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood
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Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics Department, Drexel

Plasma Institute.

Research Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics

Department, Drexel Plasma Institute.

Graduate Student, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics Department,

Drexel Plasma Institute.

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace


Graduate Student, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace

Vol. 24, No. 6, NovemberDecember 2008
put forth in many congurations ranging from plasma torches [9,10]
to high-voltage nanosecond discharges [11,12].
To determine the best kind of plasma system to be applied to
ignition and combustion applications, we need to classify the various
possibilities of electrically generated plasma discharge congura-
tions into types that may be effective for the enhancement process.
Plasmas are broadly classied into two categories, namely, thermal
(or equilibrium) and nonthermal (or nonequilibrium). Thermal
plasmas include arc discharges, plasma torches, and radio frequency
inductively coupled plasmas. The stepwise processes of ionization
and dissociation take place via large amounts of energy or heat
addition. Because of this heat addition, the gas temperatures are very
high (500050,000 K), with electron temperatures of the same order
and energy input in all degrees of freedom. Also, it is unnecessary to
have such a high increase in gas temperature fromthe point of viewof
ignition. This results in poor chemical reaction selectivity of the
ignition process. In addition, there would be either large power
requirements or localized activation, such as with a plasma jet (e.g.,
only penetrating into a small portion of a transverse supersonic ow).
Furthermore, to scale up a thermal plasma discharge, much higher
specic power inputs are required.
Nonequilibrium plasmas have been traditionally generated in low
pressures, such as direct-current glow, corona, radio frequency,
microwave, and nanosecond high-voltage discharges. Unlike
thermal plasmas, they have high chemical selectivity and are capable
of homogeneous activation. The primary means of dissociation and
ionization is direct electron impact from high-energy (speed)
electrons accelerated by a large electric eld. However,
homogeneous activation leads to power requirements that can
become extremely high, sometimes in excess of several MJ=m
Also, the gas temperatures typically achieved are either room
temperature or too low from an ignition assistance point of view.
Therefore, an ideal plasma discharge should have intermediate
temperatures between the temperatures of thermal and nonthermal
plasma. The temperatures should be high enough for the ignition of a
mixture, have activation benets of a homogeneous discharge,
provide high levels of chemical reaction selectivity, have high
electron temperatures, and have high plasma densities with low
power requirements [16]. The discharge that aptly suits this
description is the gliding arc (GA). The GA is a unique nonthermal
plasma that has a relatively high plasma density, power and operating
pressure in comparison with other nonequilibriumdischarges, a high
electron temperature (>1 eV), relatively low gas temperatures
(<3000 K), and good chemical selectivity in comparison with
thermal discharges. High-temperature electrons are more efcient at
producing ions, radicals, and excited and dissociated molecules than
those in equilibrium plasma (<1 eV), and the gas temperatures are
still high enough to accelerate the interaction between neutral
species. Also, the GA is known for its simplicity of design and
After establishing the GA as best suited for the parameters sought
for our system, the next step is to understand under what conditions
and to what extent there will be thermal and nonthermal effects. It is
very clear and has been shown many times over that radical addition
will shorten the ignition time. But what is not yet clear is to what
extent the radicals can enhance a system, specically from the ame
stabilization and burning rate perspective. This question of
nonthermal enhancement has long been debated [9,10].
Furthermore, is it possible to enhance a ame using plasma in a
way that can not be explained by traditional combustion chemistry?
To even begin to answer these questions, a system has to be
developed to provide an ideal or, at a minimum, simplied platform
to study the plasmaame interaction. This can be a daunting task
because of the complexity of the interaction between the plasma
discharge, oweld, and ame.
The GA plasma discharge, which has been chosen as the basis of
our work, has its roots in a traditional at gliding arc system, as can be
seen in Fig. 1. The arc is initiated at the shortest gap between the two
electrodes, after which it elongates by transverse gas ow. Within a
short time (microseconds), the arc current reaches its maximum
value whereas the voltage drops to almost zero. As the gas ow
pushes the arc, its voltage increases and the current starts to decrease.
The elongating arc demands more power to sustain itself, until it
reaches the maximum that the power supply can provide. However,
due to continuous gas ow, the length of the arc continues to grow
but the power supplied by the source is insufcient to balance the
energy losses to the surrounding gas. If the power supply is capable
of providing sufciently high voltage, the arc changes its ionization
mechanism to a nonthermal one, that is, stepwise to direct. Because
of instability, the arc cools down and nally extinguishes, marking
the end of one cycle. The next cycle of the arc evolution begins as the
voltage in the gap reaches its breakdown value and initiates at the
shortest gap once again. The transition is attributed to a continuous
increase in the electric eld until extinction, causing electrons to gain
energy during transition, coupled with convective cooling of the gas
in the plasma arc. Figure 2 shows the increase in electric eld after the
point of transition. From the perspective of using plasma for an
ignition enhancement study, the traditional at GAs pose a problem
because of the requirement of high-ow rates of transverse gas to
obtain more-or-less uniformity of the discharge and also the inability
to stabilize the nonthermal portion of the discharge.
The goal of this research was to develop an ideal and simplied
GA plasma discharge and to integrate it with a counterow burner
(known for its ease of study) to secure a more fundamental
understanding of the interaction between species generated by
nonequilibriumplasma and diffusion ames. This was accomplished
by rst designing a magnetically stabilized nonequilibrium gliding
arc plasma (MGA) discharge system. The design, development, and
diagnostics of this system are discussed further in this paper. This
Fig. 1 Traditional at gliding arc (arrow points in the direction of
MGA system was then integrated with a counterow burner,
providing a simple platformto study the plasmaame interaction. A
detailed analysis of the MGA and the ame was performed. This
included optical spectroscopy of the MGA and experimental studies
of the extinction behavior, laser diagnostics for ame temperatures
via planar Rayleigh scattering, and OH number densities via OH
planar laser-induced uorescence (PLIF) for counterow diffusion
ames. These results were then compared with numerical
computations using detailed chemistry to validate the measurements
and clarify the roles of thermal and nonthermal effects in
nonequilibrium-plasma-assisted combustion.
II. Design and Development of Magnetic Gliding Arc
A. Principle
As discussed earlier, one of the key problems with the
employment of traditional GAs for purposes of combustion studies is
that the nonequilibriumportion of the discharge extinguishes rapidly
after transition. However, recently it was found that, during the
gliding arc cycle, the arc can be stabilized well past the transition
from the thermal equilibrium to the nonequilibrium regime before
extinction [17]. This was an extremely important result, as it opened
up the possibility of stabilization of a strongly nonequilibrium
gliding arc discharge. One of the technical solutions to achieve this
was to drive and elongate the arc using a force other than transverse
gas ow.
We used the concept of Lorentz force, wherein a moving charge in
a magnetic eld is subjected to a force. The direction of motion of the
charge due to this force is determined by the well-known right-hand
rule: if you orient your right-hand palm open, such that the ngers
determine the direction of magnetic eld and the thumb points
toward the direction of motion of the charge, then the palm faces the
direction of force experienced. In dc discharges such as the MGA,
there is no switching of polarity between electrodes. The directions
of motion (between electrodes) of negatively and positively charged
species are opposite. However, they experience a force in the
same direction due to their charge (transversely). This inherently
facilitates the motion of the arc as a single unit. We extend this to
the concept of ampere force, wherein the applied magnetic eld
was normal to the length of the current-carrying plasma arc
conductor, causing it to move. The plasma arc can be stabilized
near extinction inthe nonequilibriumregime for an indenite amount
of time.
B. Construction
The MGA apparatus, as seen in Fig. 3, is composed of stainless
steel inner and outer electrodes, which serve as the cathode (high
voltage) and anode (grounded), respectively. A wire is xed to the
cathode that is kept separated fromthe outer anode by approximately
2 mm at the smallest gap (point 1 in Fig. 4). The spiral wire gets
progressively closer to the cathode (inner electrode) to which it is
attached, at the largest gap between the two electrodes. In addition,
there is a magnetic eld in the discharge region produced by an
external donut-shaped permanent ceramic magnet, as seen in Fig. 3
(Adams Magnetic, Inc.). The direction of the magnetic eld
determines the direction of the rotation of the arc (in this case,
counterclockwise to follow the wire when looking down upon the
system, as inFig. 4). The magnetic eldstrength as well as the plasma
current determines the frequency of rotation discussed later in this
C. Magnetic Field Strength
Simulations were performed using nite-element-based software,
Ansoft Maxwell SV, to estimate the magnetic eld strength in the
zone in which the plasma rotates. The 2-D simulation results
presented in Fig. 5 showthat the magnetic ux lines are parallel to the
axis of the reactor (on the inside). Hence, when the arc is initiated
along the radial direction, the electric and magnetic elds are normal
to each other at all times. Figure 6 displays contours of magnetic eld
B in tesla in the vicinity of the reactor. Figure 7 shows a plot of
variation of the magnetic eld as a function of the distance between
the electrodes at the plane where the arc stabilizes. Hence, the
Fig. 3 Photographs of the magnetic gliding arc device: front, top, and
isometric views.
Fig. 4 Gliding arc plasma system: a) top view of system, and b) side
view of central electrode. Numbers indicate the path of the gliding arc
from initiation (1) to arc rotation/elongation (2) and (3), and, nally, to
arc stabilization (4).
Fig. 2 Increase in the electric eld in plasma after the transition point
in GA [35].
Fig. 5 Magnetic ux lines predicted in 2-D simulation by Ansoft
Maxwell SV; it can be observed that the ux lines run parallel to the axis
of the reactor (dashed line).
average magnetic eld in the discharge zone can be approximated to
be 0.12 T. This is a reasonable estimate for the magnetic eld
typically produced by ceramic magnets.
D. Rotating Plasma Disk and Uniformity
When a high-enough voltage is applied to the plasma device, there
is an initial breakdown of the gas at the shortest gap between the
electrodes, and a quasi-thermal arc plasma is established. The arc
then rotates in the magnetic eld and elongates as the distance
between the spiraled wire and the outer electrode increases (as seen in
Fig. 4 frompoint 1 to 2 to 3). The increased length of the arc results in
the transition to a nonequilibrium plasma, leading to more rapid
cooling and intermediate temperatures (20003000 K) as well as an
increase in electric eld and average electron temperatures (>1 eV).
Once the arc reaches the cylindrical inner electrode (point 4 in Fig. 4),
there is a stable rotating intermediate temperature arc in the gas ow.
A top view of this plasma disk can be seen in Fig. 8. The plasma arc
rotation frequency ranges from approximately 20 to 50 Hz (during a
range of operation of a current of 3090 mA) and only decreases by a
few percent when the ow rate is increased (Fig. 9). The increased
rotation frequency comes from the higher current input (and hence,
higher power addition), forcing the arc to rotate faster in the xed
magnetic eld. When the arc reaches the largest gap, it remains at a
xed axial position with a constant length as it rotates. This is
because the arc is no longer convecting downstream. The GA
sustains itself during this period of continuous rotation between
electrodes. This is because it moves repeatedly through a media that
was previously ionized. It therefore requires less power input to
remain at that position (stabilize) as opposed to quenching and
reinitiating at the smallest electrode gap, as it does in the at
geometric conguration. Because the frequency of rotation of the arc
is fast when compared with the gas velocity, there is quasi-uniform
activation of the ow.
To emphasize this point, a simple model was proposed to estimate
the owrate, Q, of gas that could be quasi-uniformly activated by the
gliding arc. The system was designed such that the plasma disk
stabilizes at the largest gap between electrodes, that is, 10 mm. The
magnetic eld strength at this location is 0.12 T (estimated value
from simulations). The low-current, high-voltage gliding arc
operation would have an electric eld strength, E, for the case of the
gliding arc propagation through nonionized air of about 0:1 kV=mm.
This would lead to a gliding arc voltage drop of 1 kV for the given
length of the gap. We make an assumption that the arc is not
transparent to the surrounding air, that is, it experiences a drag force
as it rotates. Hence, the plasma arc behaves like a current-carrying
cylinder (wire) that experiences two sets of forces, namely, ampere
force per unit length, F
=IB (assuming the current and magnetic
eld are normal at all times), and drag force per unit length,
d. Here, C
is the coefcient of drag, is the density of
air (~1:29 kg=m
), u is the velocity of propagation of the arc, and d
is the approximate diameter of the arc. Under steady-state or
equilibriumconditions, we can approximate: F
. The limits for
the drag coefcient for a very wide range of Reynolds numbers (from
to 10
) are 1:3 <C
<1 [18].
Let us consider a specic case of 32 mA of operation. We use the
aforementioned parameters in the force balance equation proposed
earlier. The arc that is stabilized is approximately 0.385 mm in
diameter (measured by a high-speed camera for a current of 32 mA)
and moves relative to the gas ow at a velocity of approximately
2:44 m=s. Using the mean diameter of the reactor to compute the
Fig. 7 Magnetic eld variation along the radial distance between the
inner (cathode) and outer (grounded) electrodes at the plane of rotation
of the MGA plasma disk.
Fig. 8 Top view of MGA plasma disk.
Fig. 9 Frequency of arc rotation for two airow rates.
Fig. 6 Contours of the magnetic eld distribution in tesla in the vicinity
of the MGA device.
circumference covered during one rotation, we can estimate
the average rotation frequency of the arc is ~u=(D), where Dis the
mean diameter (~3:2 cm) of the reactor that the arc sees.
The corresponding average rotation frequency value is ~2:44=
0:032) ~24 Hz. This value matches up reasonably well with
experimental value reported in Fig. 9 for approximately 37 W
(~32 mA). This means that at a 32 mAcurrent, the arc will appear at
the same location 24 times in a second. Hence, the owwill be treated
for sure if it passes the diameter of the arc within (~1=24 s) 0.041 s,
and so the velocity of airow that will be treated uniformly by the
discharge is approximately d=, which upon calculation gives us
0:94 cm=s. This corresponds to a ow rate, Q, of 10:7 cm
=s or
600 standard cm
= min.
E. Power Supply
The electrical circuit typically used for gliding arc discharges [16]
is shown in Fig. 10. As discussed earlier, the quasi-thermal regime
exists (due to restriction of current by external resistance) as long as
the power supply is capable of providing enough energy to
compensate for losses to its surroundings during arc elongation. The
transition to nonthermal regime happens at a critical point, when the
power drop in plasma is equivalent to that dropped on the external
resistance. In order words, this happens when the plasma resistance
nearly equals the external resistance [17].
A power supply was custom made (Quinta, Ltd.) to efciently
supply the needs of the gliding arc systemstabilized by the magnetic
eld. It was designed to produce a magnetically stabilized arc with
the capability of restricting current while maintaining smooth current
regulation. This was accomplished by minimizing the active energy
losses with the use of a reactive capacitive resistance that imitates the
resistive voltage at all times. To minimize the output electric capacity
and to provide the voltage-current characteristic of the power supply
(which is close to the resistive voltage-current characteristics),
changing the frequency of the high-voltage converter allowed
variation of the virtual resistance. After the output rectier, there was
unidirectional voltage and current with a very high frequency of the
residual pulsation. The plasma arc behavior was then the same as that
for the plasma arc at a constant current and voltage because of the
limited time response of the gliding arc. This ensures that it operated
more or less in the nonthermal regime. Also, during operation, the
current can be reduced manually (causing a corresponding increase
in voltage) to lower values than were possible before it extinguishes
and restarts again (i.e., instability sets in).
III. Integration of Counterow Flame Burner
The counterow ame system was used because it provides four
key benets. These benets include minimal buoyancy effects
because of forced convection, simplied ame geometry, optical
access for laser diagnostics, and, nally, the ability to dene a ow
velocity gradient (strain rate or inverse of residence time) along the
centerline near the stagnation plane of the two opposed jets. This
global strain rate can be dened as [1923]



Hence, it provides an ideal platform to integrate the MGA with a
counterow ame burner for combustion studies.
A schematic of the system is shown in Fig. 11. It consisted of two
converging nozzles of 15 mm in diameter separated by 13 mm. The
upper nozzle was water cooled. The gas treated by the MGA was air
and exited from the lower nozzle, whereas nitrogen-diluted methane
owed through the upper nozzle. To isolate the ame from the
ambient air and disturbances, a nitrogen coowwas used, emanating
froma 0.75 mmannular slit around the circumference of each nozzle
exit. The velocity of the curtain was maintained at or below the exit
speed of the nozzle to minimize diffusion into the stream. The ame
was established on the upstream air side of the stagnation plane. The
use of this system allowed for examination of the strain rates at
A DryCal dry piston ow meter (1% error) was used to calibrate
sonic nozzles that were employed to control the ow rates of
individual gases. The methane and nitrogen were mixed in a hollow
mixing cylinder (for minimal back pressure). A bypass system was
used to ensure that the mixture input to the ame was held constant
while the velocity was increased through the nozzles; hence, the
strain increased. The methane/nitrogen mixture, as well as the air,
was teed off before the respective nozzles. The ow rate was
increased or decreased through the nozzles by closing or opening the
valves of the bypasses, respectively. By measuring the ow through
the bypass using the DryCal ow meter, the nozzle exit velocities
were calculated.
To nd the extinction limits, the ame was rst established with
the bypass fully open and, hence the lowest strained ame. Then each
bypass was slowly closed while maintaining the stagnation plane at a
xed position. During this process the ame moved closer to the
stagnation plane between the two nozzles, therefore decreasing the
residence mixing time as well as increasing the strain rate until ame
extinction. Pictures with and without the plasma power addition of
the nitrogen-diluted methaneair counterow ames can be seen in
Fig. 12. The one-dimensional structure of the ame can be noted. In
all cases the ame was very steady and had minimal curvature,
providing an excellent platform to perform experimental measure-
Fig. 10 Schematic of a typical dc gliding arc circuit setup [16].
Fig. 11 Counterowburner withintegratedplasmasystem: 1) cathode,
2) anode, 3) diffuser, 4) gliding arc initiation wire, 5) insulator, 6) plasma
disk, 7) magnets, 8) converging nozzle with N
curtain, 9) at diffusion
ame, and 10) water-cooled converging nozzle with N
ments via laser diagnostics. These results were computationally
reproducible. There was also a noticeable difference in luminosity
between the ame with (Fig. 12a) and without (Fig. 12b) plasma
activation of the airstream. The ame with plasma activation of the
air had a larger luminous zone with a distinct white and orange
coloring as compared with the typical bright blue of the nonactivated
ame. This indicated that there was an effect of the MGA on the
diffusion ame.
IV. Description of Diagnostic Systems
A. Plasma Diagnostic System
For optical emission spectroscopy from the air plasma, an Acton
Research SpectraPro 500i scanning monochromator was used. The
entrance slit to the monochromator was placed a few inches away
from the discharge, facing the discharge. Spatially averaged
emission spectra of the discharge were taken in a range of 200
450 nm. A Roper Scientic model 7430CCD camera was mounted
onto the exit slit to digitally acquire the spectra at a resolution of
approximately 0.6 nm, with typical acquisition times for the charge-
coupled device (CCD) images being 15 s. When the discharge was
not in operation, a background noise spectrum was obtained. This
was then subtracted from the experimental data to improve the
accuracy of the results. A low-pressure mercury lamp was used to
determine the slit (apparatus) function and calibrate the
For estimations of the current density, an imaging systemwas used
and consisted of a Nikon D70 SLR camera with a Sony CCD-type
sensor. The sensor, sized 23:7 mm 15:5 mm (Nikon DX), was
used to capture images at a resolution of 3008 2000 pixels (~6
megapixels). The shutter speeds available ranged from 30 to 1/
8000 s, which could be used to capture instantaneous arc images.
These images were used to determine the approximate widths of the
channels at various zones in the plasma discharge.
B. Rayleigh Scattering and OH Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence
for Flame
To obtain a detailed view of the structure of the MGA-activated
counterow diffusion ames, measurements of the temperature
proles and OH distributions were performed via planar Rayleigh
scattering and OH PLIF, respectively. A schematic of the systems
used can be seen in Fig. 13. A frequency-doubled, injection-seeded
Nd:YAG laser (Quanta-Ray GCR-4) with an output of
approximately 450 mJ per pulse was used. For OH measurements,
the OH was excited via a Lumonics HD-300 dye laser pumped with
the aforementioned Nd:YAG laser (Fig. 13). The scattering was
imaged with a Princeton Instruments PIMAX intensied CCD
camera (one with a photocathode optimized for the visible spectrum
for Rayleigh scattering and one for the UV spectrum for OH
uorescence). For Rayleigh scattering, a Nikon 105 mm, f/2.8 macro
lens was used whereas, for OHPLIF, a Nikon UVNikkor 105 mmf/
4.5 lens was used along with UG-11 and WG-295 Schott glass lters
to isolate uorescence from the A-X(0,0) and A-X(1,1) bands and
block background scattering. Both cameras employed a 512 by
512 pixel array that was binned to improve the framing rate.
To calibrate the Rayleigh scattering signal, images of the
scattering intensity were taken of clean, particle-free air (at a known
temperature) that was directed through the lower nozzle. To calibrate
the intensity seen fromthe OHPLIFto an absolute number density of
OH, measurements were rst taken of a known system with the
equivalent experimental arrangement. A detailed description of the
planar Rayleigh scattering and OH PLIF system operation and
calibration has been described in Ombrello et al. [24].
V. Results and Discussion
A. Plasma Characterization
The at GA has been thoroughly studied over the years for its
transition from the thermal to nonthermal regime. However, the
MGA is a relatively new discharge that needs to be studied to
characterize its nonequilibriumnature. Optical diagnostic techniques
were employed to estimate average rotational and vibrational
temperatures in the MGA using OH and N
emission spectra
obtained from the discharge.
1. OH Spectrum for Rotational Temperature
A spatially averaged optical spectrum was obtained from the
MGA plasma disk operating at approximately 32 mA, 37 W at
normal pressure in air [25]. The experimental spectrum, as seen in
Fig. 14, had three major lines, G
, G
, and G
, that were of the most
importance in the temperature range from 1000 to 4000 K. This is
because the reference peak, G
, is the strongest group of unresolved
lines and G
and G
are highly sensitive to temperature variation in
this range. For temperatures above 4000 K, their sensitivity is
Fig. 13 Planar Rayleigh scattering and OH PLIF setup: 1) injection-
seeded Nd:YAGlaser, 2) frequency doubler, 3) beamdump, 4) half-wave
plate, 5) diode energy meter, 6) lens, 7) power meter, 8) lens, 9) clipper,
10) ame, 11) beam dump, 12) ICCD camera, 13) dye laser with
frequency doubler, and 14) PellinBroca prism.
Fig. 14 OH spectrum obtained both experimentally (at 80 W) and
theoretically for different temperatures varying from 1000 to 6000 K.
Fig. 12 Photographs of methaneair counterow diffusion ames at a
strain rate of 298:5 s
: a) no plasma power addition, and b) 60 W of
plasma power addition.
relatively low [26]. Hence, the ratios of these peaks are best
considered for diagnostic analysis. A theoretical spectrum was then
generated using the technique specied in de Izarra [26] and Pellerin
et al. [27] by collecting data pertaining to the OHspectrumas studied
by Dieke and Crosswhite [28] in the paper of de Izarra [26], wherein
weak transitions were neglected and a set of delta functions
corresponding to the strong transitions were generated from the
following relation:
where I
is the intensity of the OH transitions (in nanometers) and
occurs at a specic wavelength, E
is the energy of the initial state,
and T
is the temperature at which the reference intensities I
were obtained. The parameters were taken fromthe fundamental data
found in de Izarra [26]. There, the ratio of the partition functions,
)=Z(T), was assumed to be unity. By using different values of
temperature, T, the corresponding normalized intensities were
computed. Delta functions corresponding to each transition were
then convoluted with an apparatus function (i.e., impulse response of
the optical device) obtained by employing sharp lines emitted by a
low-pressure mercury lamp. Figure 14 shows a theoretical plot for
temperatures in 500 K increments for the range of 10006000 K and
their comparison with those measured in the experiments. The best t
of the ratios of G
and G
to G
yielded a rotational temperature of
2350 150 K, as shown in Fig. 15. The rotational temperature
results obtained from this theoretical analysis were compared with
Spectrum Analyzer software to identify peaks and compute
rotational and vibrational temperatures.

The results obtained from

Spectrum Analyzer software are more rened when larger numbers
of correctly identied lines are used. The results obtained (Fig. 16)
agreed with our calculations, giving an average OH rotational
temperature of ~2360 400 K. The vibrational temperature
computed (Fig. 17) was found to be ~3500 600 K.
2. The N
Spectrum for Rotational and Vibrational Temperatures
A spatially averaged N
spectrum was obtained from the MGA
plasma disk operating at approximately 37 W at normal pressure in
air. Using the SpecAir [29] code, the experimental and theoretical
plots were compared and, using best t analysis, the N
temperature obtained was ~3000 K. This result was in agreement
with the investigations pertaining to gliding arcs reported previously
[30,31]. Figure 18 shows the t of theoretical and experimental plots,
with the best t obtained for a vibrational temperature of ~4000 K.
The discrepancy between the spatially averaged temperatures
measured using different species (i.e., OHand N
in our case) can be
specically explained by the fact that the measurements were
conducted without spatial resolution and that the maximumradiation
of different radicals could come from different parts of the discharge
with different temperatures. For example, in the study of the gliding
arc in air using optical methods [32], molecular spectra of OH and

band heads at 306.3 and 391.4 nm, respectively, were used. They
proposed the plasma column to be divided into two regions, one
being the core in which the intensity of N

lines are observed and the
other being the outer ame in which the radiation from OH is
typical of the surrounding excited molecular region.
A spatially resolved spectrum was also obtained to determine the
rotational temperature in the cathode spot (CS) region (shown in
Fig. 19) for 32 mA, 37 W conditions and was found to be ~1610 K.
Fig. 15 The ratios of G
and G
peaks as a function of OH
rotational temperature in the MGA. The comparison of the theoretically
generated plot with the experimental result yields a temperature of
2350 150 K.
Fig. 16 Spectrum Analyzer OH rotational temperature.
Fig. 17 Spectrum Analyzer N
vibrational temperature.
Fig. 18 SpecAir code results for the N

Data available online at

[retrieved 3 September 2008].
A spatially resolved OH spectrum could not be obtained for the
present experimental setup because the microscope used restricted
our measurements to ~360 nm and above. However, it is within the
scope of our future work with the use of UV lenses.
3. Electric Field in MGA Plasma Arc
The snapshots in Fig. 19 showthe gliding arc structure at different
operating conditions: 35 (Fig. 19a), 102 (Fig. 19b), and 158 mA
(Fig. 19c). For characterization of the plasma, we split the plasma
into two zones, namely, 1) cathode spot or negative glow, and
2) plasma channel or positive column (PC). It was possible to notice
that the CS width increased with current, thus keeping the current
density nearly constant (covered in Sec. V.A.5 in this paper). This is
typical for nonthermal atmospheric pressure glowdischarge wherein
the normal current density remains constant [33,34]. However, it is
important to resolve the electric eld in these zones, as it was
expected to have a signicant voltage drop in the CS.
The typical value for voltage drops in the CS of glow discharges
operating in air with iron electrodes is ~260 V [34]. Using visual
quantication from high-speed camera arc images, the approximate
thickness of the cathode layer (Fig. 19a) is estimated to be ~0:03 cm.
Hence, the electric eld E ~8000 V=cm and the reduced electric
eld E=n ~175 Td (1 Td ~10
) using a spatially
resolved CS temperature of T ~1600 K.
It follows that the voltage drop in the PC ~(1150 260 V)~
890 V. Again, imaging analysis yielded a length of the PC to be
approximately 1.5 cm. Hence, the electric eld E ~593 V=cm and
reduced electric eld E=n ~1723 Td, using spatially averaged
T ~22003000 K.
The electric eld can be used as a parameter for the comparison of
our discharge with nonthermal glow discharges for which the
reduced electric eld values typically are in the range of
~330 V=cm=torr [34]. Using the calculated effective pressure
parameters as discussed, we estimate reduced electric eld values of
for our conditions of ~68 V=cm=torr in the plasma column of the
discharge, which is within the range of nonthermal discharges. Also,
previous investigations [35] for conventional GA reveal that it is
possible to have a nonthermal regime at reduced electric elds as low
as 2:4 V=cm=torr.
4. Average Electron Energy Estimations
Using the parameters of the system, such as the geometry, and
assuming that the electric eld is uniform through the PC, the
reduced electric eld range obtained was for the CS and the PC
regions (computed earlier, above). A Boltzmann equation solver,
BOLSIG, was employed to calculate the average electron energy vs
the reduced electric eld for air, that is, 80% N
and 20% O

results obtained gave ~4:75 eV for the CS region and
~1:031:06 eV for the PC region at atmospheric pressure air
conditions. These high electron temperature estimates relative to the
rotational gas temperature (energies ~0:130:25 eV) suggest the
two-temperature (nonequilibrium) nature of the MGA.
5. Current Density Estimations
FromFig. 19, it can be noted that there was a change in the width of
the plasma column with an increase in current/power on the arc.
Considering the arc to have a cylindrical structure, we assume that
this width corresponded to the diameter of the gliding arc. By using
these diameters and quantifying them based on the length per pixel
from known dimensions, we obtain approximate cross-sectional
areas of the arc column. In Sec. II.D, the frequency of arc rotation
with current was presented. Using these results and the diameters/
widths of the arc obtained by visual inspection and quantication at a
1=8000 s exposure time, we needed to incorporate a diametrical
correction based on the frequency of arc rotation. These were
approximated by the following relation:
d =d
where dwas the corrected diameter of the arc, d
was the measured
diameter of the arc, D was the diametrical position in the device at
which the measurement was taken, f was the frequency of arc
rotation, and t was the exposure time. As mentioned earlier, for the
nonthermal characterization of plasma, we consider the arc to be
divided into CS zone and PC (rest of the arc) zone. Figure 20 shows
plasma current density (A=cm
) results obtained by dividing the
value of current with the cross-sectional area, calculated by the
aforementioned assumptions. In low-pressure nonthermal plasmas
for air at room temperature and iron electrodes, the typical current
density is ~300 A=cm
In low-pressure nonthermal plasma, the ratio of electric eld E to
the pressure of operation p, that is, E=p, or the ratio of electric eld to
the gas number density n, that is, E=n, governs various plasma
parameters. It is also sometimes known as the reduced electric eld
(REF). This scaling is applicable only if the gas temperature is room
temperature, which is in the case of low-pressure nonthermal
plasmas. However, in the case of atmospheric nonthermal plasmas,
the gas temperature is typically higher than room temperature, in
which case a scaling needs to be incorporated. The REF parameter is
scaled based on effective pressure, P
), where
is the effective pressure, P
is the atmospheric pressure, T
the roomtemperature, and T
is the gas temperature of the plasma
under consideration. The scaling is favorably formulated so as to
preserve its initial values at room temperature.
Using this result for our conditions, that is, T ~1600 K (from
spatially resolved diagnostic results for the CS zone) and scaling the
pressure using the number density, the effective pressure of
~760 torr
(300=1600 K) ~141:6 torr, and operating at
32 mA, 37 W conditions, we got a current density of ~6 A=cm
which is reasonably close to our experimentally estimated value in
the CS zone ~4:7 A=cm
. Also, from spatially averaged rotational
Fig. 19 Photographs taken by a high-speed camera capturing a single
magnetically driven arc in motion. The two main regions of the
discharge, namely the CS and PC, can be clearly seen.
Fig. 20 Estimated MGA plasma current density in the CS and PC.

Data about the Kinema Research & Software BOLSIG, Boltzmann

Equation Solver available online [retrieved 3 Septem-
ber 2008]
temperature values of T ~22003000 K, the current density
estimate in the PC zone was ~6:9 A=cm
. As the current was
increased, the temperature was expected to increase as well, which
decreased the P
value, thereby decreasing the expected current
density fromliterature estimations. This was observed in the CSdata.
However, in the PCdata, an increase in current density was observed,
which possibly could be compared with the property of contraction
of nonthermal glow discharge with an increase in current.
6. Electron Density Estimations
The electron density in the PC could approximately be estimated
from the current density, j, and the electron drift velocity, v
, from
the relation j=(e v
). From the aforementioned estimations, the
current density in the PC for I =32 mA is ~6:9 A=cm
Using T =22003000 K, we applied a corresponding E=n~
17 Td23 Td into BOLSIG to compute the electron drift velocity of
~(23:7) 10
cm=s and thereby the electron density of
~(2:2 1:2) 10
, respectively; this gave an ionization
degree of ~(6:22 4:5) 10
. These results are reasonably
consistent with previous estimations in gliding arcs [30,31].
B. Diagnostics and Measurements of Interaction Between Plasma
Species and Diffusion Flame
Experimental measurements of the extinction limits, planar
Rayleigh scattering for temperature proles, OH PLIF for absolute
OH number density, and numerical computations with radical
addition were performed to quantify the combustion characteristics.
Numerical computations were performed using a modied version of
the PREMIX code [36] for both potential and plug ow boundary
conditions and using the detailed chemical mechanism of GRI-3.0

Temperatures were measured just downstream of the exit of

the nozzles via Rayleigh scattering thermometry and were used as
inputs into the numerical computation. This was repeated for each of
the various ow, concentration, and plasma power conditions.
1. Extinction Measurements
The extinction limits for the counterow ames were observed
with and without plasma power addition. The strain rates for both
situations were increased, causing the ame to move toward the
stagnation plane, continuously increasing the heat loss and
decreasing the residence time for reaction completion, eventually
leading to extinction. The measured values for the strain rates at
extinction can be seen in Fig. 21 for three different combinations of
nitrogen-diluted methaneair counterow diffusion ames for
various levels of plasma power. The extinction limits with no plasma
power addition agree well with values reported by Puri and Seshadri
[19] and Bundy et al. [23]. It was observed that, by using only 78 W
of plasma power input, there was a ~220%increase in the extinction
strain rate. This power input was less than 6% of the ame power,
dened as the maximumpower that could be obtained fromthe given
amount of fuel in the mixture. These results showed that there was a
signicant extinction limit enhancement by using the MGA
activation of the air. However, the reasons for this effect are not
apparent as of now.
In the quest to obtain an explanation for the enhancement, the
results for the extinction strain rates were then compared with that of
the numerical computation. The results shown in Fig. 22 describe the
maximumvelocities (proportional to the strain rates) achieved before
extinction of the ame. Because the input to the computation was
only elevated temperatures (obtained fromthe Rayleigh scattering, to
be described in Sec. V.B.2) to mimic the plasma, and both the
experiment and computation extinction results were in good
agreement, this gave an indication that the effect of the
nonequilibrium plasma on the ame was predominately thermal,
within the scope of current measurements.
2. Rayleigh Scattering Intensity Ratio and Temperature Proles
Toobtain a detailed look at the structure of the ame enhancement,
quantitative measurements of the temperature distribution were
found and compared with the numerical simulations. Planar
Rayleigh scattering thermometry was performed on the counterow
ame for various strain rates to accomplish this. The laser sheet was
passed through the diameter of the disk-shaped counterow ame
between the nozzles of the burner. Two sample images can be seen in
Fig. 23, in which Fig. 23a shows no plasma power addition and
Fig. 23b shows approximately 33 W of plasma power addition. The
background has been subtracted and the air reference divided into
each image. The intensity observed was a function of scattering cross
sections and number density distributions between the nozzles. The
ame was located in the darkest region of these images (transition
Fig. 21 Effects of plasma power addition on the strain rates at
extinction for different levels of nitrogen dilution.
Fig. 22 Comparison of nozzle exit velocities at extinction.
Fig. 23 Rayleigh scattering images at a strain rate of 98:6 s
: a) no
plasma power addition, and b) 33 W of plasma power addition.

Data available online at

[retrieved 3 September 2008].
from dark to light depicts descending values of temperature and
increased scattering). The nitrogen-diluted methane mixture is
entering the eld of viewfromthe top of the images and the air (MGA
side) from the bottom of the images. The one-dimensional ame
structure along the ow direction was observed even with the use of
the MGA. This result greatly simplied the coupling between the
oweld and the plasmaame interaction. By comparing the two
images, it was possible to differentiate them based on the extent of
darkness, indicative of less scattering and higher temperatures. It can
be observed that the region belowthe ame in Fig. 23b (plasma on) is
darker than in Fig. 23a (plasma off). In each case, an averaged
temperature from a 10-pixel-wide stripe was taken from each
image. These measured temperatures at the boundaries (just
downstreamof the nozzles) were then used as boundary conditions in
the numerical computation.
The intensity observed by the intensied charge-coupled device
(ICCD) camera was a function of both the scattering cross section,
because of the distribution of different species, and the number
density change between the two nozzles. By simply referencing
those intensities to the intensity of air at room temperature, ratios
were found. These measurements were then compared with those of
the numerical computation, and the results can be seen in Fig. 24 for
both the plasma power off (to justify the use of the code for our
application) and on. It can be seen that there was reasonably good
agreement between the experiment and computation (the oscillations
observed can be attributed to the absorptive lters used to clip the
sheet to reduce scattering off the burner surfaces). Once again, the
agreement between the experimental and computational results
suggest that the enhancement via the MGA was predominately
thermal, within the scope of current measurements.
Because the temperatures, and hence the concentrations of
species, change between the nozzles due to the presence of the ame,
the scattering cross sections and number densities also change.
However, number densities can be estimated from temperature,
whereas the scattering cross sections cannot. The scattering cross
sections need to be known at each point along the prole as a
reference to derive the temperature. Therefore, the species
concentrations associated with specic temperatures and axial
positions from the numerical computation were used to convert
scattering signal to temperature. Using refractory data fromGardiner
et al. [38], the variation in scattering cross sections gave accurate
temperature proles from the Rayleigh scattering. The temperature
proles found fromthe Rayleigh scattering were then compared with
the results of the numerical computation at the same input
temperatures and ow conditions to further validate the use of the
numerical computation for our specic application. Figure 25 shows
the temperature prole comparisons of the experimental results via
Rayleigh scattering and the numerical computation using the GRI-
3.0 mechanism. The proles, once again, are ingood agreement. This
further shows that the effect of the MGA on the ame was
predominately thermal, within the scope of current measurements.
3. OH Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence Measurements
To investigate further and conrm that the enhancement of the
ame via the MGA was dominated by thermal effects, OH PLIF
measurements were performed. The OH number density was
measured for different plasma powers and strain rates and referenced
to a Hencken burner ame, as described in a previous work by
Ombrello et al. [24], to nd the absolute OH number density.
Figure 26 shows the results from the OH PLIF measurements when
compared with the computation with and without plasma power
addition. The plots show reasonably good agreement (within the
uncertainty range of the measurement 15%) between the
experiment and the computation, therefore once again showing that
the effect of the MGA on the ame was predominately thermal.
4. Radical Addition
Because the enhancement of the strain rates at extinction via the
MGA were observed to be predominately thermal, it would be
reasonable to calculate the lifetime of the radicals produced by the
plasma discharge in the airstream to see if they reach the ame. For
this, because the plasma is only activating dry air, it can be assumed
that the radicals produced in the ame will only consist of oxygen
and nitrogen. As an example, the effect of oxygen atom addition at
the air side boundary on the ame structure will be shown(once again
mimicking the plasma), because the nitrogen atom addition plays a
similar role. Oxygen atom concentrations from 0.01 to 1% were
added at the air (plasma) side boundary. The temperature was xed at
400 K at this boundary to ensure that low-temperature chemistry did
not come into play. Also, the velocities at the boundaries were similar
to those used in the experiment for a ame that is highly strained and
near extinction, for which radical addition may be important. A plot
of the temperature proles and oxygen atom concentration
distributions between the nozzles can be seen in Fig. 27. It is shown
Fig. 24 Comparison of Rayleigh scattering intensity ratio proles with
0, 30, and 60 Wof plasma power addition at strain rates of 87.1, 98.6, and
298:5 s
, respectively.
Fig. 25 Comparison of temperature proles with 0, 33, and 60 W of
plasma power addition at strain rates of 87.1, 98.6, and 298:5 s
Fig. 26 Comparison of OH number density (cm
) distributions with
0, 48, and 78 W of plasma power addition at strain rates of 83.3, 127.7,
and 183:0 s
, respectively.
that there was no signicant effect until almost 1% oxygen atom
addition. The MGA plasma disk is located almost 4 cm upstream of
this boundary, which is the production site for oxygen atoms.
However, because we do not observe any nonthermal enhancement
in our results thus far, it can be construed that these radicals
recombine well before they reach the ame, producing only elevated
air temperatures. The radical-induced nonthermal effects on the
burning rate of diffusion ames are very limited at low air
temperatures because the radical lifetime is too short to affect the
chain branching reaction path. Figure 28 shows computational
simulations of oxygen atom radical lifetimes as a function of
temperatures and pressures of operation.
C. Plasma-Induced Ignition Enhancement of Hydrogen
1. Measurements of Ignition Points for H
Air Flame
To observe nonthermal contributions from active species,
especially radicals and ions, the previous results suggested that it was
necessary for us to go to elevated temperatures or reduced pressures.
The rst step was to simply consider elevated temperatures. For this,
ignition experiments were performed using a preheater and the MGA
on the upstream air side of the counterow burner. This system
would allow for increased radical lifetimes, suppressing their rapid
rate of recombination. By simply adding a preheater to the current
counterowsystemupstreamof the MGAplasma disk, the apparatus
could be transformed into an ignition systemthat was able to provide
elevated temperatures. The combination of the gliding arc, elevated
temperatures, and the precondition of no ame, before ignition,
would allow for an ideal platform to observe the effect of ignition
enhancement. Our experimental data using MGA activation of the
airstream, starting with hydrogen as the fuel, could simply be
compared with those of the published data on counterow hydrogen
diffusion ame ignition via heated air. Thus, any differences seen
between the heated air ignition and the heated air plus gliding arc
activation ignition would be nonthermal.
To accomplish all of this, a silicon carbide heater was placed
upstream of the gliding arc plasma discharge device, effectively
raising the air temperature to allow for the ignition of hydrogen. The
MGA was turned on and the heater power, and hence the air
temperature, was raised until the hydrogen diffusion ame ignited.
The temperature of the hot airstream was measured with a 0.005-in.-
diamtype r thermocouple axially located between the two jets of the
counterow burner, where the ame would be established. The
temperature readings from the thermocouple were corrected for
radiation. The results of the ignition temperatures using the preheater
and MGA compared with the published data using only a preheater
[39] can be seen in Fig. 29. The ignition temperatures obtained are
signicantly lower than those of just heated air, implying that there is
more than just a thermal effect. This can possibly be due to the
elevated temperatures leading to longer radical lifetimes. The
mechanismof this enhancement needs to be investigated further but,
at a minimum, these results offer up the observation of possible
nonthermal effects using an ideal system for the plasmaame
2. Autoignition Enhancement of H
Air Mixtures
To understand these result better, kinetic computations for the
ignition of H
air stoichiometric mixtures were conducted using
three different mechanisms, namely, Balakrishnan, Matveev and
Vlachos, available and simulated in Chemical Workbench.

ignition time delays for preheated H
air mixtures at 900 K were
found to be ~115, 80, and 3 ms, respectively, for the three
aforementioned mechanisms. Atomic oxygen radicals (that are
expected to be generated fromdry air, as discussed earlier) were then
added to the incoming charge to observe the radical enhancement
effect, if any. When a reduction in delay time was observed for a
particular amount of addition of O radicals, the preheat temperature
was reduced such that the ignition occurred after the same time delay
as it did without radical addition. Hence, it was possible to arrive at a
radical concentration that was required to cause the same
enhancement effect with the preheat temperature of 800 K. Figure 30
shows that about 0.12% by volume atomic oxygen addition is
required to cause a 100 K reduction in required preheat. Such a high
concentration of radicals is not reasonable even inside nonthermal
plasma and especially not after a signicant residence time beyond
the connes of the plasma.
Fig. 27 Computed temperature and oxygen atom distributions
between the nozzles of the counterow system with the oxygen atom
Fig. 28 Oxygen radical lifetimes in air for typical residence times in the
MGA counterow burner system. It is seen that increasing the
temperature or reducing the pressure can help the radicals survive until
they reach the ame.
Fig. 29 Comparison of ignition temperatures of counterow hydrogen
diffusion ames using preheater with preheater and gliding arc
activation of the airstream.

Data about Chemical Workbench Software, Kinetic Technologies,

KINTECH, Ver. 3.3, available online at [retrieved
3 September 2008].
D. Nonthermal Plasma Ignition and Combustion Enhancement
Over the years, researchers have been debating the possible
mechanism of nonthermal enhancement of ignition using plasma.
For a long time, the radicals produced by plasma were touted to be the
contributors to ignition enhancement. Fromour discussion of radical
addition simulations in Sec. V.C.2, it is clear that it is not possible to
achieve a signicant enhancement effect, as we did in our results
presented in Sec. V.C.1, unless we have relatively high
concentrations of radicals (~0:12% or more). However, such high
concentrations of radicals are not realistic in nonthermal plasma, not
to mention the possibility of achieving such concentrations ~4 cm
from the MGA plasma disk, after treatment. Typical time scales
before the active species can reach the stagnation zone can be
approximated as ~0:20:06 s [40]. This was without considering
increased mixing as it passes through the nozzle. This result
qualitatively (maybe not quantitatively) proves the intervention of
sources other than radicals that contribute to the reduced ignition
delay process.
Plasma is a source of active species, meaning it is not only a source
of free radicals, but also charged and excited species. The numerical
computation used to predict enhancement only accounts for the
addition of radicals or an increase in temperature. However, it does
not take into consideration the effect of other active species. Ion
molecular reactions are fast processes that typically do not have an
activation energy barrier to overcome to initiate a reaction. Hence,
they can play a pivotal role in the enhancement process, when
ignition is to be achieved in direct contact with plasma. However, in
our specic experimental setup, the charged species, just like
radicals, are expected to recombine well before they reach the
stagnation zone. Some electronically and/or vibrationally excited
species, on the other hand, can survive for longer durations of time.
However, the time scales at which these processes take place depend
upon gas ow rates and reactor geometry. Estimates of typical
lifetimes of some metastable species [34] are given in Table 1.
To further bolster this notion of the participation of excited species
in ignition enhancement, Anikin et al. [41] recently claimed that the
initial stages of hydrocarbon oxidation are determined by their
dissociation in collisions with excited oxygen atoms O(
D). Kosarev
et al. [42] also demonstrated the reduction in ignition delay by
injection of O (
D) into H
OAr gas mixtures, wherein it
was hypothesized that chain continuation reactions such as O
D) H
!H OH, K
=2:9 10
=s, and O (
O !2OH, K
=3:5 10
=s played a major role in
enhancement, whereas O (
D) N
O !N
, K
=s, and O (
D) N
O !2NO, K
played the role of quenching the excited species. In our system,
contributions to enhancement fromother excited particles as well are
expected, for example, O

), which is present in abundance
due to the low energy of excitation 0.98 eV and long lifetimes
(~3000 s, see Table 1). Most researchers have not studied its effect
as it is difcult to quantify it experimentally. However, theoretical
estimations can be made to address the kinetics of excited species
[34]. Hence, there is a need to develop a plasma-combustion
mechanism that takes into account not only radical and thermal
addition effects, but also the interaction between charged, charged
neutral, excitedneutral, and excitedexcited species.
VI. Conclusions
A new type of stabilized gliding arc system, the MGA, was
successfully integrated with a counterow diffusion ame burner to
provide an ideal and simplied platform to study the plasma/ame
interaction. The well-dened system allowed for detailed
experimental and computational studies of the characteristics of
the MGA and its effect on the extinction and ignition of counterow
diffusion ames. The results yielded a classication of the MGA as
having both thermal and nonthermal properties, proving that it was
aptly suited for our system. The MGA was seen to signicantly
enhance the strain rates at extinction, but the detailed analysis of the
ame via planar Rayleigh scattering and OH PLIF, and their
comparison with computations using just elevated air temperatures
to mimic the plasma, showed that the effect was predominately
thermal. These results emphasized the importance of elevated
temperatures to extend the radical lifetimes sufciently enough to
reach the ame. The ignition experiments showed that there is a
possible nonthermal enhancement, but the exact reasons still remain
open to interpretation. Possible explanations have come in the form
of active species that cannot be explained by traditional combustion
radical chemistry. This offers up the suggestion of a newdirection to
follow in terms of the quest for the mechanisms of plasma/ame
interactions with other active species in plasma such as ions and
excited species.
This work was graciously supported by the U.S. Air Force Ofce
of Scientic Research under contract number F49620-04-1-0038.
Also, we would like to thank Campbell Carter of the U.S. Air Force
Research Laboratory for all his diagnostics help and the National
Science Foundation under grant CTS-0418403 for the laser
diagnostic equipment support.
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S. Macheret
Associate Editor

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