Parent Signature Sheet
Parent Signature Sheet
Parent Signature Sheet
The start of a new school year is an exciting time for everyone. The Voyagers
want to make this a year your son/daughter never forgets. A problem that we
have noticed each year is that in all the excitement middle school brings is a
failure to follow school rules and team expectations. This is a problem that
can take some of the fun out of school. To help alleviate this potential
problem, we encourage you to read through the student handbook and
Voyager Team Expectations with your child. Unfortunately, “I didn’t know…”
is not a valid excuse when breaking a school rule or Voyager expectation. A
copy of the Voyager Team Expectations is listed below. Please read them
thoroughly with your child along with school rules located in their student
handbook. It is important for you to know and understand that they will be
held accountable for all rules and expectations.
Please print this form and sign below indicating that you and your child have
read through all rules and expectations and return to Mr. McKinney by Friday,
August 14. We would also like to have your email address so that we can
better communicate with you and send you periodic emails of upcoming
events. We look forward to having a great year!
Voyager Teachers
Voyagers Expectations
Our number one goal is to have your child be successful in school and life. In
order to help us reach this goal, we have established six expectations.