Load Line Measurement
Load Line Measurement
Load Line Measurement
Application Note
Line and load regulation are two of the most +In + Out
common types of power supply measurements.
Although straightforward, there are some simple VIn HDM VO R
guidelines that will help ensure accurate readings.
-In - Out
To check the module for regulation, measure the
output voltage at the sense pins (+SENSE and - Figure 1: Line regulation measurement circuit.
SENSE), as this is the point of regulation for the
module. There is virtually no current flowing through Measuring Load Regulation
the sense leads, and consequently no appreciable
voltage drop is apparent. Therefore, measuring at Connect a DVM to the sense terminals. Vary the
the sense pins is equivalent to measuring at the output load current from full load to minimum load.
point where the sense leads are connected to the The output voltage change as a percentage of the
output leads. output voltage at nominal output load current is the
load regulation. See Figure 2.
In contrast, there can be a significant voltage drop
between the module's output terminals and the load. Note: Full load is normally defined as the maximum
This voltage drop, which varies with load current, rated load current. Minimum load is normally
can cause erroneous regulation values. defined as no load current, and nominal load current
is normally defined as one half of the full load
The remote sense terminals must always be current. Again, it is common practice to represent
connected to the output either at the output the load regulation as an absolute value.
terminals or at the load. (Connect -SENSE to -OUT
and +SENSE to +OUT).
V o (Full load) - V o (Min. load)
% Load Reg = x100%
Measuring Line Regulation V o (Nominal load)
Connect a digital voltmeter (DVM) to the sense Full Load = Maximum rated current
terminals. Vary the input voltage from the minimum Min. Load = Minimum rated current
input voltage (low line) to the maximum input voltage Nominal Load = ½ Maximum rated current
(high line). The output voltage change, as a
percentage of the output voltage measured at the
+In + Out IL
rated (nominal line) input line voltage is the +Sense
regulation. See Figure 1.
Note: Line regulation is typically measured under
the full rated load of the module. Also, it is -Sense
common practice to take the absolute value of the -In - Out
line regulation.
Figure 2: Load regulation measurement circuit
Release Date: 11/11/05 Revision: D Page 1 of 1