Lalithagupte Mar2006 Woman Today
Lalithagupte Mar2006 Woman Today
Lalithagupte Mar2006 Woman Today
Does it bother you when people at- has been done here... in terms of educa- is well in place with family and domestic
tach a ‘woman’ prefix to your every tion and social development. help. Hence, it is a lot easier to cope with
achievement? dual pressures of work and home. I must
A friend once told me that you have to You think working women means the add that this does not in any way mean
Leading a new
remember, that women who do well, and end of the extended family? that the mother who does not work is in
I am not talking about myself, have to be On the contrary. We have gone back to any way less efficient or less caring or less
mentoring and inspiring other women. families helping their daughters. It hasn’t loving.
When you take that into consideration, alienated families. With two incomes,
then you stop being worried. you are definitely able to get a better Do you think it is easier for women to
gener ation
You are proud of being a woman, so it’s standard of living for your family. How- climb the corporate ladder now?
ok. If they recognise you only for being a ever, it is an individual decision, whether Women climb the corporate ladder based
woman, then yes, it’s not nice. But they to work or not. It is both financial and on their performance. A prerequisite for
recognise the institution, the team. about being interested in your career. is, that the employer has to ensure that
I always look at the fact that me and the environment is one that facilitates
my other women colleagues typify the As a working mother, how did you equal opportunity for all to succeed ir-
She is the Joint Managing Di- institution. ICICI is really an equal op- cope with the juggle? respective of the gender and promotion is
portunities employer. It so happened that I have been married for 35 years, and I based on meritocracy
rector of India’s largest private women have come up significantly in last have two kids (32 and 25) and when they
sector bank – ICICI Bank; and several years. The face of corporate India were young, I was working my way up. What was your biggest challenge?
is changing, you see more and more But in a way you spend quality time with The toughest bit was getting the work
is a pioneer in her field. women up there... it is moving towards them. And children of working mothers life balance right while my kids were
Lalita D Gupte began her career become an equal opportunities country. are very independent, very mature. growing up. And frankly this is an issue
It is a recognition of your womanhood, Working women have a different which faces men and women alike. I
in 1971, and rose quickly within your company, your teamwork. Me as horizon, and contribute to the develop- was lucky to be working in ICICI Bank
the organisation, being elevated Lalita Gupte am insignificant. It is about ment of their children in a different way. which has always been a fair employer
recognising womanhood ... And I think Quality of time is important too. and very supportive.
to her current post in 1999. She in five years it will go away. This is an Also earlier, there were every few
was instrumental in transform- interim transition period... If in any way Are women losing focus of their women in executive management across
it serves to encourage other women, I am larger role, as they get sucked into the Indian Industry. However this is not the
ing ICICI Bank from a primar- fine with it. corporate rat race? What is the single case with ICICI Bank, there was/is a
ily term lending institution into most common mistake women tend very conducive atmosphere for growth
You started your career three decades to make, in their ambition to succeed irrespective if gender. Hence, it has
a technology led diversified ago, in a field like finance, how do you professionally? never been an issue and I cannot really
financial services group with a look back at what you have achieved? I feel working women are extremely well complain much.
I don’t look at it as if I have done some- focussed, dedicated and hard working-
strong presence in India’s retail thing great. I happened to be at the right otherwise they would l not have been Who was your biggest cynic?
financial services market. place and the right time. Women in able to succeed in a competitive corpo- Even the criticism has been very ben-
finance? It is a very exciting area; it keeps rate world, otherwise. eficial and so I look at it positively and
Disarmingly simple, Gupte’s your adrenalin going year in and year It is up to individuals to work out their as an area of improvement. I have been
business acumen and dedica- out... If you work in organisations that
are stimulating and catalytic in wanting
own work-life balance. Every woman has fortunate to have a lot of support from
a way of working out her work-life bal- family, colleagues and some very good
tion to her every commitment, you to achieve beyond the limit you have ance at a level and to a degree that meets friends
comes across immediately, set for yourself.
It touches all that is happening in the
the needs of her home and family. I
believe the family is not merely a respon- Which regions have made great strides
as she spoke to Woman To- economy. You touch people, industries... sibility. So it is an instinctive response to in improving the lot of women in busi-
day about being a woman in You change people’s lifestyle. You are
trying to finance the poorest of the poor,
want to be with them. But I also believe
working women are less nagging mothers
ness/corporate world?
I feel it is difficult for me to comment on
finance, and coping with the create capacity... you are really touching and on the contrary they turn out to be the western world as much of my work
demands of family and career. every aspect of India.
Women love working with people, so
more efficient and devote quality time
to the family. They are classic advocates
experience has been in India. I do how-
ever see that Asia, and particularly India,
And about being a role model it works well. There are lots of exciting of teamwork at home and at work. They has made great strides – we see many
to thousands of women in her opportunities, outside of banks as well.
Even here in Qatar, I am very im-
learn to cope with pressure better and
adapt more easily. Fortunately, for work-
more women in senior positions in the
workplace – be it the Banks, Corporate
country. pressed with what I have heard and what ing women in India, the support system sector, NGO sector or the Government
March 2006 30 March 2006 31