Communications PDF
Communications PDF
Communications PDF
Communications -Refers to the sending, reception and processing of information by electrical means Transmitter -a collection of electronic components and circuits designed to convert the information into a signal suitable for transmission over a given. -Processes Involved: Modulation, multiplexing, encoding, encryption, and pre-emphasis (FM) Channel -the medium by which the electronic signal is sent from one place to another. Receiver -another collection of electronic components and circuits that accept the transmitted message from the channel and convert it back into a form understandable by humans. -Processes Involved: demodulation, demultiplexing, decoding, decryption, and de-emphasis (FM) Basic Requirements 1. Accurate Communication 2. Fast Communication Types of Signal 1. ANALOG - Telephone, radio broadcast or TV signals 2. DIGITAL -comprises of pulses at discrete intervals of time Transmission Paths 1. Line Communication - guided media which include coaxial cable, twisted pair, optical fibers and waveguides 2. Radio Communications -unguided media
Information Source -selects symbols (letters, numbers, words, sounds, etc) from an alphabet (or ensemble) of possible symbols.
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Francis Blake invented the Microphone Transmitter James Clerk Maxwell postulated the using platinum point bearing against a hard carbon Electromagnetic Radiation Theory. surface. Johann Philipp Reis, a German who produces a device called Telephone Nikola Tesla outlined the basic principles of radio 1882 that could transmit a musical tone over a wire to a transmission and reception. distant point but incapable of reproducing it. Heinrich Hertz detected electromagnetic waves 1887 James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish physicist established with an the Theory of Radio or Electromagnetism which oscillating circuit and establishes the existence of held the rapidly oscillating electromagnetic waves radio waves. exist and travel at through space with the speed of light.
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1951 1954
Radio -General term applied to any form of wireless communication from one point to another. Types of electronic communications 1. Simplex -One way communication -Information travels only in one direction. 2. Full Duplex -Two way communication -Can transmit and receive simultaneously
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Angle Modulation a. Frequency Modulation 2. Digital -change the form of a given signal.
b. Phase Modulation
Reasons for Modulation 1. To reduce the antenna lengths 2. To reduce noise / interference 3. For frequency assignments 4. For multiplexing 5. To overcome equipment limitations UC-BANILAD Page 6
2. Delta Modulation
AMPLITUDE MODULATION -A system of modulation in which the amplitude of the carrier is made proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating voltage.
Consider any sinusoid, (t)= V sin (t + ) = instantaneous amplitude V = peak amplitude = 2f; angular frequency t = instantaneous time = phase angle in radians UC-BANILAD Page 7
Then the amplitude resulting from modulation is Since and Vm = Vc ma, then Therefore A = Vc + Vc ma sin m t A = Vc (1 + ma sin m t ) The voltage of the resulting AM wave envelope at any instant is
General Form
Standard Form
Where Vc = carrier signal peak voltage c = 2 fc = carrier signal angular frequency m = 2 fm = modulating signal angular frequency t = instantaneous time ma = modulation index UC-BANILAD Page 8
AM Modulation Index (ma) -Modulation index (modulation factor, modulation coefficient, degree of modulation, depth of modulation)
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NOTE: PC is constant value before and after modulation. PT is the total power after modulation and is dependent on the modulation index. The higher the modulation index, the higher the output power. Current and Voltage Relationships
Where VT = total modulated voltage IT = total modulated current maT = effective total modulation index Bandwidth Formula for AM
Effiency Where IC = unmodulated carrier IT = total or modulated current VC = unmodulated carrier voltage VT = total or modulated voltage ma = modulation index UC-BANILAD Page 10
Types of AM Transmission
Frequency Domain
1. A3E Standard AM (DSBFC) - Double Sideband Full Carrier - used for broadcasting 2. A3J DSBSC - Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier
Types of AM Transmission 5. R3E SSBRC - Single Sideband Reduced Carrier - An attenuated carrier is reinserted into the SSB signal to facilitate receiving tuning and demodulation. 6. B8E Independent Sideband Emission - Two independent sidebands, with a carrier that is most commonly attenuated or suppressed. - Used for HF
Frequency Domain
3. H3E SSBFC - Single Sideband Full Carrier - could be used as a compatible AM broadcasting system with A3E receivers
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