Replace Duw: 1. Create A RBS Backup From EMAS in The Old DUW
Replace Duw: 1. Create A RBS Backup From EMAS in The Old DUW
Replace Duw: 1. Create A RBS Backup From EMAS in The Old DUW
&nce the '() tran"fer ha" been done *ith the late"t C+ *e can create a ne* f,lder and name it for in"tance U) in a director# C:-SW C:\SW\CV\up .ere *e can cop# the late"t up/radepacka/e corre"pondin/ to our C+. 'or in"tance &)0C1)2314151610R7'38013357503218 7. )o*er off and take out the optical fiber". (ake out DUW board and put it in the ne* one. 9. IMPORTANT: Before po*erin/ on connect back the optical fiber" in order the RRUW to /et the old fin/erprint. 5. E:ecute: reload 8. When it reco!er" e:ecute vols command. Check if c7 partition i" !i"ible. ;f not u"e the follo*in/ command: mou !"#$ %& E'e#u!e: (orma!)d *d # (orma!)d *#$: R+S a s,ers ,-!) !)e (ollo,- . pr- !ou!: All data on !olume *ill be de"tro#ed. Continue< #-n $n%: # =. Re"tart DUW in backup mode: reload > ?. Write ifconfi/ le3 @ipaddre""A netma"k @netma"kA. U"e Bipaddre""C and Bnetma"kC *ith the ;p addre"" of the node. Check if it i" ok: D ifconfi/ le3: inet netma"k 788.788.788.787 broadca"t
2. 'rom laptop $cmd% Start Run cmd. Chan/e to the director# *here the backup i" in the local computer. E:ecute the follo*in/ command: (!p /v /s:#v(!ppu!&s) <ipaddress> 13. Chan/e to the director# *here the up/rade packa/e i" located in the local computer. E:ecute the follo*in/ command: (!p /v /s:<pathToCV>\misc\upftpput_<no_rev>.sh <ipaddress> 11. Re"tart the node and check that the node "tart" up *hen the proper "* paka/e. Al"o check that the fin/erprint i" the "ame than before: D licen"e "er!er Eicen"e Ser!er : 333131d7 Eate"t )+ :9 Eicen"e Fe# 'ile : ;n"talled (ue Mar 93 18:1=:9? 7313 SeGuence Humber : 1335 Hode ;dentit# State : 1 +a#0pla e Node Id : 121134"562252 Ienerated Hode ;d : +alidation Start : Wed Apr 15 1?:78:93 7313 +alidation ;nter!al : 1 Da# Emer/enc# Statu" : Deacti!ated Emer/enc# State :3 Emer/enc# Counter : 3 Emer/enc# State (ime : (ue Mar 93 18:1=:9? 7313 Emer/enc# (ime Eimit : = Da#" D
17. Rein"tall the licen"e of thi" node. 19. ;f "till there i" a licen"e problem. Acti!ate emer/enc# "tate.
In the HyperTerminal window click Enter. Prompt $ is shown saying that the serial connection is restored.