Arudha and Upapada Chapter
Arudha and Upapada Chapter
Arudha and Upapada Chapter
by Rafal Gendarz
11 from AL aspected by all planets while 12 from AL none uninterrupted gains 12 from AL if recieves aspects by benefics and malefics plenty of expenses benefic fair means malefic foul means Indication (*Gains/Expenses from) $hrough %ing #elatives of mother 'isputes $axes and for self )rothers
Yoga (in 11 or 12 from AL for gains and expenses respectively) enus! "un! #ahu &ercury and influence of benefic &ercury and influence of malefic (upiter and some aspect "aturn and &ars
from AL Indication #ahu * %etu "tomach diseases %etu+&alefic Adventurous! grey hair and sign of old age (upiter! enus! &oon ,or one of them.ealthy /xalted benefic or malefic 0reat name and fame o $his can be also checked from %arakamsa o $his can be also checked in 2 from AL 2 from AL &ercury enus Indication Lord over country 1oet or orator
If A2 is in %endra %ona to AL and A2 occupied by strong planets the native will be wealthy and famous! if the A2 is in 'ushtana from AL native will be poor3
Upapada Charter
o 4L If influenced by benefis full hapiness from wife and sons If influenced by malefics ascetic! mendicant! without wife "un is not malefic ,if not in bad avastha4L )enefic influence hapiness from wife and son 'ebilitated * 'ebilitated Amsa * &alefic planet destroyer of wife /xalted * /xalted Amsa * /xalted benefic many charming and virtous wives 0emini many wives If 4L Lord or 2 from 4L Lord is in own sign death of wife in advanced age 5amily of wife 2 from
6oble family lord of 4L exalted 1oor family lord of 4L debilitated o )eauty )enefic in 2 from 4L Yoga (in 2 from !L) Affliction "aturn and #ahu 0ive up wife due to calumny or she will be destroyed enus and %etu )leeding and Leucorrhea &ercury and %etu )reakege of bones #ahu! "aturn and "un )one fever &ercury and #ahu "toud bodied wife "un and &ars in &ercury or &ars #asi 6asal disorders (upiter and "aturn /ars*eyes disorder &ars and &ercury ,not in own'ental disorders #ahu and (upiter 'ental disorders "aturn and #ahu in "aturn signs .indy disorders or lameness If benefics aspects $his above will not come to pass $he same affects should be known from 2 from AL! 4L from its Lord and its Amsa3 About "ons7 o Indication 6o son at all &any sons 8ne son 6o son or adopted one &any sons 5ew sons
" from !L "aturn! &oon and &ercury "un! #ahu! (upiter &oon &ars "aturn 8dd sign /ven sign o o
If there is 4L in Leo and influenced by &oon few issues And irgo there many daughters
About "iblings Gra#a$s in %&/11& from AL "aturn and #ahu enus ,or in 9 from L*AL&oon (upiter! &ercury!&ars "aturn %etu 't#er indication(
Indication 'estroyer of brothers Abortion &any brothers 6o brothers :apiness from "isters
; from AL malefic native is a thief #ahu in 2 or 12 from AL learned < fortunate &ercury in AL king of whole country (upiter in AL have all knowledge enus in AL poet 2 from 4L or AL benefic wealthy < intelligent 2 from L in 2 from 4L with malefic thief Gra#a in 2 from t#e L from !L Indication #ahu 1ro=ected teeth %etu 'umb "aturn 4gly
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