Spatial Configurations of The Urban Cores in India PDF
Spatial Configurations of The Urban Cores in India PDF
Spatial Configurations of The Urban Cores in India PDF
UrbanCores,OrganicPattern,TraditionalBuiltEnvironments,SpatialConfiguration,UserPreferences UrbanStructureandSpatialDistribution
Abstract India, being in a rapid phase of urbanization; the majority of the small and medium size cities are growing since last decade. These cities usually have a traditional settlement as an urban core, developed in the medieval period with an organic pattern and almost frozen in time, protecting its labyrinthine qualities, till the19th century. For planners, such built environments with an organic spatial organization are usually chaoticduetoobviousgeometricirregularitywhichisconsideredasdisorder.Yet,thespatialconfiguration seems quite in harmony with the users of that environment there. But this harmony is getting lost in the emerging urban environments in the developing cities. This is because of the lack of understanding of user preferences,whileplanninganddesigningtheurbanbuiltenvironments.Thishasalotofphysicalandsocial implications in developing cities such as environmental and sociocultural conflicts. This does not mean that these growing cities should not develop, but there is a need to understand the user preferences, to deal appropriatelywithemergingurbanbuiltenvironments. The research is intended with the need of understanding built environments in select Indian cities in central India, in terms of their configuration to understand culture specific human preferences about space proxemics. The research has been fostered by questions: (1) How to understand and quantify the spatial configurations of organically evolved built environments of urban cores in Indian cities? (2) Based on the configuration parameters, can one understand the human aspects in terms of user preferences about the spaceproxemics,intheIndiancontext. Continuity and linkages with its kinesthetic is an important characteristic of traditional Indian built environment. Hence, there is a need to understand built environments in the traditional urban cores as a system of spaces with its topology and embedded logic about its human aspects. Space syntax is selected asamajortheoreticalpremisefortheresearchundertaken. India is a vast country with a lot of diversity. Hence, the urban cores of five developing cities in central India with similar topographic, climatic conditions; are considered for the study. They are investigated by representing them in terms of a system of spaces through axial maps and analyzed using Depthmap. Thus,
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
thededucedsyntacticidentityinIndianbuiltenvironmentsisthenreviewedwithrespecttotheotherpartsof theworld;referringthealreadyconductedresearchworks,throughsecondarysources. The analysis of selected examples shows some similarity in terms of syntactic identity. The syntactic identity of the Indian traditional built environments shows some similarity with the traditional Iranian cities but otherwise it is quite different than the traditional built environments from other parts of world. The placement of important religious, administrative or commercial urban activity nodes, in the overall spatial configurationhashelpedtodeducetheculturespecifichumanpreferencesaboutspaceproxemics.Fromthis research,aneffortismadetoexplicitlystatethespatialconfigurationasconcealedspatialrulesorprinciples of urbanism in the Indian built environments, so as to evolve a humane approach towards the spatial design ofemergingbuiltenvironmentsinurbanIndia. 1.BACKGROUND India, being in a rapid phase of urbanization; except very few urbanized metropolitan cities, the majority of thesmallandmediumsizecitiesarenowgrowingsincethelastdecade.Thesecitiesusuallyhavetraditional settlementasanurbancore,developedinthemedievalperiodwithanorganicpatternandalmostfrozenin time till the 19th century; protecting its labyrinthine qualities. Traditionally, not only in India but in most of the world, built environments evolved gradually and the values about human preferences got embedded intoit.Theseactedasaregulatororcontrollerofitsprogression. For modern planners, the traditionally evolved built environments with organic spatial organization are usually chaotic due to obvious geometric irregularity which is considered as a disorder. (Karimi, 1997) The traditionally evolved built environments may havesomeproblemsintermsofphysicalparameters suchasaccessibility,maintenancelevel,hygieneetc.; but they seem to be in harmony with the users. (fig. 1)Thisharmonyisgettinglostintheemergingurban environments of developing cities, though these urban environments satisfy most of the physical parameters. This is because of the lack of understanding of user preferences, while planning and designing the urban built environments. User preferences in terms of space proxemics vary due to the cultural differences. Space proxemics is a term for the mans use of space as a specialized elaboration of culture.(Hall, 1966) In India, in the post independence period; the urban environments are usually dealt on the basis of planning norms
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
based on the British planning legacies. These norms have mostly ignored the culture specific user preferences about space proxemics. The patterns of new spatial configuration, based on the urban rationalityofthemodernplanningpractices,arebeinggrosslyappliedtotheexistingbuiltenvironmentsor the developing new built environments in India; without actually understanding its appropriateness to the Indian situations. This has a lot of physical and social implications such as environmental and sociocultural conflicts. One can observe the repercussions of the approach adopted to deal with the urban built environments, in the metro cities of India which are already developed and are facing innumerable threats. This does not mean that these growing medium size cities should not develop. However, there is a need to understanduserpreferencesandtodealwiththeemergingurbanbuiltenvironmentsappropriately. Thus,the research is intended with the need of understanding built environments in traditionalurban cores of select Indian cities in central India, in terms of their spatial configurations as a result of user preferences. This may helpto evolve a humane approach to deal the emerging built environmentsin developingcities of India with objectivity. Only traditional urban cores areconsidered for the study and not the complete cities, as the objective is to understand the embedded human aspects in terms of user preferences about space proxemics. If the complete cities are considered, the planned portions are also included and this would obscuretheverypurposeofthestudy. 1.1NeedoftheStudy The physical component of the urban environment is the built environment which in turn is very much interrelated to the social environment as well. Built environments basically mean everything that is humanely created, modified, arranged or maintained. Thus, collectively, the products and processes of human creation are called the built environments. (McClure, Bartuska, & Bartuska, 2007) It is as old as mankind. Yet, Built environment as a concept; is a relatively recent and very much an inclusive concept. We have been studying and analyzing the built environment under the heads such as architecture, urban design, urban planning etc. Understanding built environment as an all inclusive concept makes a lot of difference as now the focus is on the interrelationships between its the components and the interrelationships between man and environments. Hence built environment as a paradigm is relevant for thestudyofuserpreferences. Built environments are basically organization of space as they consist of space (un built) and matter (built) (Fig.2). The spaces are linked to each other, forming a system of spaces. The way these individual spaces are formed and most importantly, linked together; is responsible for spatial configuration of the built environment.Thesocioculturalaspectsintermsoftheuserpreferencesareresponsiblefortheevolutionof spatial configuration in a built environment, over a period of time. Thus, the built environment and the social environment are two sides of the same coin and that is the system of spaces. They are very much related and one affects the other. Its a cyclic process and changing quality of the spatial configurations is responsibleforthechangingsociallifeandviceversa.We,theplannersareresponsibleforshapingthebuilt environment and hence there is a need for understanding human aspects in terms of the user preferences, for a given sociocultural context. In some sporadic efforts by designers and planners, there is an effort to emulate and transplant some of the qualities of traditional built environments to the contemporary emerging built environments with reference to obvious aspects such as irregular geometry, without understandingtheinbuiltlogic,hasbeenmostlyunsuccessful.
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
In the Indian context, one finds that there is a lack of systematic studies to investigate the built environments with respect to the spatial configuration and the user preferences about space proxemics. Whatever studies are done, they mostly focus on individual places with its size, shape,qualityofenclosurethroughthedescriptive analysis. Understanding a city through parts i.e. places has its own limitations. Places dont make cities but cities make places. (Hillier, 2007) Hence, a spatial configuration of built environments, as a continuous system of spaces, needs to be understood. As mentioned earlier, the present approachofdealingbuiltenvironmentsisbasedon the normative planning practices based on the British planning theories. There is a need to develop positive theories which can help us to understand the user built environment relationship in Indian context. Though the classical and monumental architecture is well studied and Fig.2:BuiltEnvironment:systemofspaces documented,thevernacularandtraditionalIndian architecture, in terms of vast variety of settlements, is still not researched upon fully. While highlighting about the rich variety of traditional/ vernacular built environments in India, Madhavi Desai(2007) has sightedthequotefromDeForestsbookonIndianArchitecture;whichstates,Nocountryaffordsagreater varietythanIndiawhereeachcityhasitsownpeculiaritiesindetailandplan. Built environments of the gradually evolvedtraditional Indian settlements have spatial configurationswhich have encoded the intrinsic patterns of user preferences. Certainly, there is a need to decode that informationbyanalyzingthespatialconfigurations,usingtheempiricalstudiesdoneearlier. 1.2TraditionalBuiltEnvironmentsinIndia: Indias traditional built environments do not confine to the historic preserved objects frozen in time and space, but rather as cultural traditions which have transcended the time and space to remain alive and appropriate even in the present. (Desai, 2007) India has a history full of intense, political and cultural experiences. Therefore, it has multiple and pluralistic manifestations resulting in multi layered built environments. Thus, the urban cores of cities in terms of traditional settlements; though have developed at a particular point of time, they were left to evolve in a physical pattern as society evolved. Thus, till date, these built environments have been very much living and thus evolving. The existing spatial configurations in these built environments are a result of the process of natural selection of human preferencesoveraperiodoftime.
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
Secondly, as far as the spatial configuration of these traditional Indian built environments is concerned, continuity and linkages are important aspects. Being organic patterns, the spatial configuration has mostly a non linear organization through shifting axis of movement.(fig.3)Ithelpsgraduallyunfoldthespaces andintroduceanelementofsurprise.Therearepause points and thresholds that help one reorient and reaffirm bearings in space.( Pandya 2005) They are presentinmostoftheIndianbuiltenvironmentsbutit is not enough to understand them as descriptions but these should be quantified by specific mechanism. Hence if one wants to understand Indian built environments, it is necessary to understand them as a system of spaces with its intertwined relationships betweenthepartsandawhole.
1.3ProblemIdentification: To understand the organic pattern of traditional Indian built environments, it is important to quantify its spatial configuration. The way spaces are configured or arranged or patterned in a system of spaces can be called as a spatial configuration. Irregularity is the primary feature of the organic pattern as it cannot be measuredingeometricpropertiessuchasrepetition,symmetry,parallelelements,andalignmentandsoon. The Geometrical properties help us to find out order. Lack of such geometric properties in the organic patternisresponsibleforlabellingitasadisorder.AStructureisabouttherelationshipbetweentheparts and a whole i.e. spatial configuration. Thus, these traditional urban cores though lack in any obvious order but certainly have a structure. Hence these organically evolved parts of cities that are urban cores in the contemporary developing Indian cities, if analysed in terms of spatial configuration, will help to understand its spatial structure as a result of the culture specific user preferences in the Indian context. For analysing the system of spaces with focus on the spatial structure, not only the geometry of spaces is important but moreimportantisthetopology. 1.4ResearchObjectivesandMethodology The research is intended with theneed ofunderstanding built environments in select Indiancities in central India, in terms of their configuration to understand culture specific human preferences about space proxemics. The research has been fostered by questions: (1) How to understand and quantify the spatial configurations of organically evolved built environments of urban cores in Indian cities? (2) Based on the configurationparameters,can one understand thehuman aspects interms of user preferencesabout space proxemics,inIndiancontext? Thustheprimaryresearchobjectivesare 1. To identify appropriate methodology to study and quantify the spatial configurations of organically evolvedbuiltenvironmentsofurbancoresinIndiancities.
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
2. Todeducethehumanaspectsintermsofuserpreferencesaboutspaceproxemics,inIndiancontext 2.EPISTEMOLOGICALBASIS: Thesynthesisofvarioustheoriestocreateaframeworktoinvestigatespatialconfiguration;canbecomethe required epistemological basis for such a research. Thus the study of number of identified important theories is done; to formulate basis for pragmatic approach for comprehending human aspects of Indian traditionalbuiltenvironments. TherelationshipofhumanaspectstobuiltenvironmenthasbeendiscussedbymanypioneerssuchasLewis Mumford, Amos Rapoport and Christopher Alexander. Lewis Mumford(1961) was one of the pioneers whose thinking about urban affairs was not limited up to physical structure but also focused on social implications of it as well. Amos Rapoport had highlighted a need to develop the scientific approach to the study of built environment focusing on culture specific human aspects. He argued that the set of rules of spatial organization are different for different groups.(Rapoport 1997). The sociocultural factors such as user preferences (what you give importance to) keep on changing with time, place and people and can be understoodthroughthestudyofbuiltenvironments. Christopher Alexander, through his theories, always focused on structure and order of built environments. Thus he has explained the concept of life in anything around us, including built environments. The idea that Christopher Alexander (2005) has presented is that; a living process always has enormous respect for the state and the morphology of what exists and always finds the next step forward which preserves the structureofwhatexistsandextendsitslatentstructure.Incaseofbuiltenvironmentsalso,ifwewantthem to be alive; the evolution has to be in accordance with existing state. Therefore, to deal emerging built environments in developing Indian cities, there is a need to deduce the configuration of existing traditional builtenvironmentsandthereasoningbehindthemintermsofhumanpreferences. To study the built environments in terms of human preferences responsible for its structure, it is necessary toquantifyitsspatialconfiguration.Forsuchastudyofspatialconfiguration,thespacesyntaxtheorybyBill Hillier and Julienne Hanson (1984) has been referred. Space syntax describes the topological connections of unit spaces through depth analysis, typically using the graph theory. It is about understanding system of spacesintermsofitsconfigurationproperties.Aspatialconfigurationisdefinedasarelationaffectedbythe simultaneous copresence of at least a third element and possibly all other elements in a complex. The aim of the numerical side of syntactic analysis is to deepen the descriptions by expressing in a concise way very complex relational properties of spaces and of the system as a whole (Hillier 2007). Thus, the space syntax methodology with its techniques to quantify configurations; can certainly help to deduce user preferences aboutmovement,andsubsequentlytheculturespecificnormsaboutspaceproxemicsrootedinit.Hence,it isselectedasamajortheoreticalpremisefortheresearchundertaken.Itrestsonthreebasicconceptionsof space. a.Anisovist;thefieldofviewfromaparticularpoint. b.Axialspace;astraightline c.Convexspace:nolinebetweentwoofitspointsgoesoutsideitsperimeter. Thetypesofsyntacticanalysisincludevisualfieldanalyses,nodeanalysesandaxiallineanalyses.
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
Axiallineanalysisischosenasappropriatemethodforresearchunderconsideration,asitcapturesthebasic features of a system of spaces in a built environment. The space is represented by straight lines, socalled axiallines. In brief, the space to be examined is modeled by 'fewest and longest straight lines covering all convex spaces'. (Hillier and Hansson, 1984)These axes are the representative lines of sight or visibility and movement or permeability. Therefore, the configurations of select traditional cores of developing Indian cities; are inspected by representing the system of spaces through axial maps. There are number of softwaresavailablefordoingsuchtypeofsyntacticanalysisandafterthestudyandexploringtheuseoffew softwares;DepthmapbyULCisidentifiedandusedforthestudy. 3.SAMPLESANDPROCEDURES: Indiaisavastcountrywithalotofgeographic,climatic,ethnicandreligiousdiversity.Henceurbancoresof five developing cities in central India with similar topographic, climatic conditions; are considered for the study. Though there are some changes happening in these urban cores in terms of widening of the roads etc,yettheconfigurationsarenotdisturbedlargely,tilldate. 3.1SelectionCriteriaforSamples: Thecriteriaforselectionofsamplesforthecitiesare: a.Size(population) b.Climate c.DevelopingCities d. Similar urban structure (ring radial) with traditionalbuiltenvironmentasacore. e. Cultural differences in terms of predominantreligion(Hindu/Islamic) The selected cities are Nagpur, Bhopal, Varanasi, Lucknow and Nasik whose urban cores are analyzed(fig 4).All are developing cities with population ranging within 12 million, as per 2001 census. The climatic conditions are also similar as tropical or subtropical climate with wet and dry or humid conditions. The elevation of these cities from mean sea level is varying between 300500m above mean sea level. The densities are varying in these cities but only core areas which are organically evolved are considered. These cores are mostly the dense parts of the cities and are at the geographical centre of the present cities. Secondly, these cores have
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
residential,commercialandsometimesindustrialactivities,thusresultingintoamixedlandusepattern. Bhopal is an administrative capital of a state called Madhya Pradesh. In the core area, there are small scale industries and large retail businesses. It has dominating percentage of Muslim population. Similarly, Lucknow is also a state capital of Uttar Pradesh. It is known for a typical kind of hand embroidery, called chikan kari and in the core area, people are mostly involved in this as household industry. It also has dominant percentage of Muslim population. Apart from majority Hindu population, it has substantial percentageofMuslims.TherearealsosmallgroupsofSikhs,Jains,ChristiansandBuddhists. VaranasiistheholiestplaceintheworldasfarasHinduismisconcerned.Itisoneoftheoldestcontinuously inhabited cities in the world and probably the oldest in India. It is a city of temples and traditionally known forcraftofsilkweaving.NasikisalsoaHindupilgrimagecity,butnowbecomingacosmopolitantowndueto industrialization. Nagpur is at the centre of India and is having most of its population engaged in tertiary sector (non agriculturaleconomicactivities).Itisacosmopolitancitywithmorethanonefourthofpopulationbelonging toschedulecastsandscheduledtribes. 3.2ProcedureforAnalysis: The configurations of traditional cores of select cities are investigated by representing them in terms of system of spaces through axial maps. Configuration parameters such as connectivity, local and global integration,andinterpretiveparameterssuchasintelligibilityandsynergyareconsidered. Connectivity of an axial line measures the number of lines that directly intersect that given axial line. Thus connectivityofaspacerepresentedasanaxialspace,denotesthenumberofimmediateneighborhoodsofa space. Integration of a space is by definition expressed by a value that indicates the degree to which that space is integrated or segregated from a system as a whole (global integration), or from a partial system consistingofspacesafewstepsaway(localintegration) The correlation betweenconnectivity andglobal integration is an important indicatorof how clearan urban systemisforitsusers;andiscalledasIntelligibility.TherelationshipbetweenlocalintegrationR3andglobal integration Rn, is called synergy. It indicates the relationship between parts of the spatial system to whole system. These parameters can quantify the spatial configuration. Thus, deduced syntactic identity in Indian traditional built environments is then reviewed with respect to spatial configurations of built environments from other parts of the world; referring the already conducted research works, through secondary sources. This has helped to highlight the fact that configurations are resulting out of some culture specific human preferences. Secondly, the important religious, administrative or commercial urban activity nodes evolve along movement patterns, depending upon the culture specific space proxemics about public spaces. Hence, to understandthehumanpreferencesintermsofnormsaboutculturespecificspaceproxemics,theplacement of important religious, administrative or commercial urban activity nodes, in the overall spatial configuration,areobserved. There is a concern about the validity of application of space syntax methodology in Indian context in terms ofsubjectiveinterpretationofanalyticalconclusions.But,itcanonlyberesolvedbyconductingsuchastudy.
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
Second important concern about the use of syntactic analysis is whether the implications of topography would be reflected in the axial analysis or not. For that, the research on Axial lines and contour lines by Valerio Cutini(2007) was referred. The researcher has investigated if altimetry variations affect on the configuration indices of the built environment, when syntactic analysis is done; using space syntax methodology. It was found that, the topographic features influence the evolved system of spaces and thus getsreflectedindirectlyintheaxiallineanalysis(ValerioCutini2007). 4.FINDINGS:SYNTACTICANALYSIS 4.1NumberofAxes:Table1
Cities Bhopal Nasik Nagpur Lucknow Varanasi Averageno.ofaxis 3.25 2.5 4.1 2.6 2.85 NumberofAxes 2686 1232 4360 4502 5654 3686.8 0.24 InsignificantpositivecorrelationforLucknow,Bhopal Corr.Coef 1.00 SignificantpositivecorrelationforBhopal,NasikandNagpur Remarks
NumberofAxes 6000 5000 Numberofaxes 4000 3000 2000 1000 1232 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 AreainSq.Km. 2686 NumberofAxes 5654 4502 4360
Number of axes in a specified area can explain how fragmented the spatial configuration is. More the number of axes in a given area; more is the fragmentation. Out of the studied traditional cores of select Indian cities, there is a significant positive relationship between number of axes and square kilometer area in case of urban cores of Nagpur, Nasik and Bhopal.(Table 1, Fig. 5) But the number of axes is much higher, irrespective of area in case of Varanasi and Lucknow. The number of axes is highest in case of Varanasi, making it the most fragmentedcityfollowedbyLucknow.
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
4.2Comparativeanalysisofsyntacticparameters The comparative analysis of syntactic parameters of traditional cores of select central Indian cities shows similar syntactic properties with some variations. (Fig 6) The average mean depth varies from 11 to 16 except21.73forVaranasi.Theaverageglobal integration (Rn) varies from 0.49 to 0.76, exceptforNagpurwhichis0.90. The average local integration is very much consistent from 1.5 to 1.59, except 1.68 for Nasik. The average connectivity is also quite consistent from 3.3 to 3.42, except 3.82 for Nasik. If Intelligibility and synergy are considered, the urban core of Nagpur is having better synergy and intelligibility. It is followed by Nasik and Bhopal. Lucknow and Varanasi are equally poor in terms of synergy and intelligibility.(Fig.7)
Bhopal Nasik Nagpur Lucknow Varanasi
25 20 Bhopal 15 10 5 0 meanDepth integration integration connectivity Rn R3 Fig6:ComparativeanalysisofSyntacticparameters 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 Synergy Inteligibility Lucknow Nagpur Nashik Varanasi
Table2:NumericalSynthesis:ComparativeanalysesofurbancoresofselectIndiancities Nameofthe cities Bhopal Lucknow Nagpur Nasik Varanasi Average Ahmadabad (Raman2003)
Min 1 1 1 12.35 1
IntegrationRn Average Max 0.64 0.61 0.9 0.76 0.49 0.68 0.8 5.09 1.08 1.83 1.27 5.09
IntegrationR3 Average Max 1.53 1.53 1.59 1.68 1.5 1.566 1.74 5.09 4.19 3.97 3.37 5.09
Min 0 0 0 0 0
Connectivity Average Max 3.5 3.3 3.27 3.82 3.42 3.46 2.97 22 48 33 21 35
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
Though the urban cores of select Indian cities show similar syntactic identity, there are pairs of Bhopal & Lucknow, Nagpur &Nasik; which show distinctions from other pair. The syntactic parameters are similar for Bhopal and Lucknow. The intelligibility is extremely poor in both the cases and synergy values are also low. The two cities have similar social environment as the core areas are dominated by Muslim population in boththecities.Henceintable,thesetwocitiesarehighlightedwithsamecolour.(Table2) NagpurandNasikhavesimilarsyntacticidentityastheybotharecosmopolitancitieswithmajorpercentage ofpopulationbelongingtoHindureligion. Varanasi is the oldest Hindu Pilgrimage centre and the syntactic parameters are quite different than other four cores. This is because of the social environment and the typical geographical setting as well. The larger than life importance to the river Ganges for most of the religious rituals has also resulted into the typical spatialconfiguration.(Table2)
Table3:SyntacticparametersofurbancoresofcentralIndiancitiesandothertraditionalsettlements: Comparativeanalysis Average Connectivit y
Nameofthecities Urbancoresofcentral Indiancities Iraniantraditional Cities(Karimi1997) Englishtraditional cities(Karimi1997) USA(Raman2003) Brazil(Medeiros, Holanda2007) Arab(Raman2003) AsiaPacefic(Medeiros, Holanda2007) Portugal(Medeiros, Holanda2007)
Numberof Cases
Number ofAxes
Average IntegrationRn
Average IntegrationR3
Average Intelligibility
Average Synergy
5 6
0.68 0.482
1.566 1.6
3.46 2.772
0.082 0.116
0.282 0.16
6 12 5420
1.44 1.61
2.02 2.956
3.45 5.835
0.264 0.224
0.427 0.559
44 18
7881 840
3.88 2.975
0.15 0.231
0.36 0.16
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012. 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 AverageInteligibility AverageSynergy 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AverageIntegrationRn AverageConnectivity
Fig8:Syntacticparameters:Comparativeanalysisforurbancoresof Indiancitiesandotherpartsoftheworld
Fig9:Synergyandintelligibility:Comparativeanalysisforurbancoresof Indiancitiesandotherpartsoftheworld
Comparative analysis of syntactic parameters such as integration and connectivity; of traditional cities from other parts of the world and Indian traditional urban cores; shows configuration similarities with Iranian traditional cities and Arab cities. (Table 3, fig 8) The intelligibility of urban cores of central Indian cities is lowest compared to rest but they are better synergistic compared to Iranian or Arab cities.( Fig. 9) One of the objectives of the research was to identify and quantify spatial configuration of traditional Indian built environment. The above mentioned findings bring out the fact that the traditional cores of select Indian cities point out a specific syntactic identity, which is indicative of a culture specific spatial structure. The Indian traditional built environments have a distinct structure in terms of its spatial configuration, which is quitedifferentfromtraditionalbuiltenvironmentsfromotherpartsoftheworld. 5.TRADITIONALINDIANBUILTENVIRONMENT:DISCUSSIONS
North Nottoscale Index
The axial line models of traditional cores of select Indian cities were analyzed in Depthmap. The analyticalmapsforthesyntacticmeasuressuchasthe local integration, global integration, connectivity; were generated. The global integration maps for traditional cores of Nagpur, Bhopal, Nasik, Lucknow and Varanasi are shown in figures. Apart from the numerical synthesis of syntactic parameters, which indicates a syntactic identity for Indian traditional built environments; there are fine variations within the selected five. These variations point toward the varying human preferences for space proxemics, due to cultural differences. The cultural differences are mainly due to social norms rooted in the religion followed by majority of the population in the select fiveexamples.
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
Nottoscale Index
In case of Nagpur(fig 10), the overall system of spaces is such that it forms a sort of orthogonal grid at the global level with better connectivity and integration as itconnectsaswellassegregatesthelocalareawiththe restoftheurbansystem.
The same orthogonal grid is not continued in the residential clusters. The subsystems formed within the system have truly organic pattern with tree system of spaces. The analysis through queries has highlighted that; these are the areas with higher mean depth and lower connectivity. This makes these areas less intelligible and permeable, thus avoiding unnecessary through traffic. Such slightly segregated spaces from the global grid, yet having better integration at local level are present inside residential clusters. The internalorganicandtreepatternofsystemencourages Fig11:IntegrationRnmapoftraditionalurbancoreofBhopal pedestrian movement. It helps in making better use of these spaces by residents for outdoor activities, social interactions andplaying.
In case of Bhopal, there is a system of spaces with orthogonal grid in the centre which was a walled city.( fig 11) But the same orthogonalgridisnotcontinuedintheareasurroundingthewalled city. The subsystems formed outside the walled area are truly organic, making outside walled area unintelligible and impermeable. InNasik,thereisasystemofspaceswithdeformedorthogonalgrid with high integration and connectivity, making it quite intelligible for users (fig 12). It is on the banks of river Godavari, which flows through thecity. Yet, the spatial configuration has little orientation towardstheliver.
Fig12:IntegrationRnmapoftraditionalurban coreofNasik
In case of Varanasi, there is a system of spaces with deformed radialgridorientedtowardstheholyriverGanges.(fig13)Theriver playsanimportantroleinthesocioculturalandreligiousactivities of the city. The spatial configuration is quite indicative of that. The local parts are quite segregated and every part is finally oriented towards the river, Ganges, thus establishing continuous visual and physical linkagestotheriver.
The overall system of spaces is highly segregated and unintelligible, making the city impermeable and inaccessible to strangers entering the city from riverside. The city was invaded number of times by Islamic rulers during 9th and 10th century. It may be one of the reasons for immergence of such an unintelligible spatialconfiguration.
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
North Nottoscale Index
For Lucknow, the overall system of spaces is radiating from the political and religious core evolved on the banksofriverGomati.(Fig11)Unlike Varanasi, the local subsystems are not oriented towards the river. The global system is formed by the 23 radiating roads which easily connect the core with rest of the system. But the same radial grid is not continued in the residential clusters which are organic. Public areas are distinctly separatedfromresidentialareas. Thus, the spatial configurations of the selected five examples show variations. The variations highlight that there were differences in terms of user preferences about space proxemics. It is obvious that the norms about how the public and residential domains are integrated or segregated; are differentfordifferentcities.
To investigate further about the human preferences in terms of norms about culture specific space proxemics, the placement of important religious, administrative or commercial urban activity nodes, in the overall spatial configuration, are observed. The local integration syntactic maps are superimposed on the maps of urban cores where the important urban activity nodes are marked. As a representative example, one such map of Fig14:IntegrationRnmapofurbancoreofLucknow traditional core of Nagpur is shown. (Fig 15) It hashighlightedthattheactivitynodehavinglocal bazaar, religious activities and administrative activities; is not located on highly integrated streets. It is located on second order streets, in terms of their integration values. This makes these activities slightly segregated from the global system. Similar observations were found in the case of Nasik, where important activity nodes such as temples are placed on streets with second rankings in terms of integration values. In the case of Bhopal and Lucknow, the main urban elements and activity nodes are mostly the mosque and thebazaarstreet.Theseareplacedonstreetswithhighintegrationlevel,whichmeansonglobalnetwork.In the case of these cities with dominating Muslim population, the important activity node which is a public domain; is segregated from local network. For Varanasi, as the river is the most important focus of urban life since ages. Hence, here the observation is very peculiar. The important urban elements such as palaces, temples, cultural activity centers and bazaars; all are along the river, and segregated them from global network. This was because of the fact that the main accessibility then was through river. Except, for Bhopal
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
and Lucknow; which has dominating Muslim population; Nasik, Nagpur and Varanasi have urban elements onlocalnetworks. The analysis helps to understand the fact that; important religious, administrative or commercial urban activitynodesevolvealongmovementpatterns,dependingupontheculturespecificspaceproxemicsabout publicspaces.
Central Avenue Road Agrasen Maharaj Sq. Central Hotel Rampeth Hanuman Mandir New Itwari Road NMC Divisional Office Itwari Chinteshwar Hindustan Vidyala Sh. Umashnkar Naryanji High School Queta Colony Road
Bhaldar Pura
Subhash Chandra Bose Vidyalaya Chinteshwar Bank Of Baroda Central Avenue Road Hotel Aamir Sarswati Temple Mahatma Gandhi sq. Central Avenue Road Chinteshwar Dr. Rammnohar Lohiya High School Chitar Oli Darodkar Sq. Rahat.S.Hospital CHINTESHWAR MANDIR] Mahal Hindi Primary School Bhaldarpura Main Road New Itwari Road Central Avenue Road Bhaldar Pura Chitar Oli Kumbharpura Ayachitmandir Temple R P Samarth Stadium ( Chitnis Park ) Gandhi sagar Sq. Sir Bezonjee Mehata Road Chitnis Park sq. Tilak Road Kelibag Road New English School Mahal Mahal Kedibag Road Sangha Building Sang Building Sq. Juni Mangalwari Mahal Mahal Restricted Area Kotwal Galli Mahal Nala Mahal Walkar Road Tilak Road Badkas Sq. Ayachitmandir Road Juni Mangalwari Ayachitmandir Bus Stop Dhivarpura Hatti Basti Chitar Oli Kumbharpura Adamsha Sq. Central Avenue Telephone Exchange Itwari Primary School Rampeth
Petrol Pump
Ayachitmandir Road
Panchal Galli Binjhani Mahila College D D Nagar School Kotwali Police Station Mahal Tilak Road Shivaji Sq. Gandhi Gate Pataleshwar Mandir Narsing Sq. Mahal Sq. Narsing Cinema Mahal Market
Rajvilas Cinema
Old Mangalwari Village Nageshwar Primary School Gangabai Ghat Road Play Ground
Nawabpura NMC Office Area Old Bagdganj Kalyaneshwar Mandir Killa Road NMC Town Hall Munshi Gali Nawabpura Natraj Cinema Matrusevasang Navug School Sweeper Coloy Sweeper Coloy Gangabai Ghat Road Old Bagdganj Baba Nanak Sindi Hindi High School
Killa Road Zenda Sq. Mahal Killa Road Sukrawari Chitnvispura Citanvispura Killa Road Nandaji Nagar
NMC Park
Killa Road
New Sukrawari New Sukrawari Dasara Road Fawara Sq. Mahal Shiwaji Nagar
Old Bagdganj
Chandi Pura
CP & Berar High School Bhutiyadarwaja Tulshibag Road Ratan Colony Gondipura Bajrang Sq. Tulshibag Road Shiwaji Nagar Citanvispura Citanvispura
Gujar Nagar
Nag River
Nag Nala
Nandanvan Zopadpatti
Citanvispura Play Ground Chitnispura Girls Primary School Tulsibag Tulsibag Nag Nala Vidya Bhawan High School Manohar Kamdi College Nag River Bhosale Rajghat Karnolbag Dasara Road Rana Pratap Road Jamdar High School Jamdar High School Great Nag Road Ravindra D Ed. College Madipura Dasara Road Model Mills Area Nag River Asha Bhawan Junishukrawari Junishukrawari Great Nag Road Ravi Technicl Institute Lokanci Shala School Navbharat School Great Nag Road Lokanci Shala Sq. Ganesh Nagar Mahavir Nagar Great Nag Road Nag River Nag River MSEB Office Nag River Nag Nala Nag River Nag Nala Shiwaji Nagar
Shri Shivaji Highschool Gayatri Shaktipith Mandir Sant Jagnade Sq. Great Nag Road SD Hospital KDK College Road
Nandanvan Zopadpatti Vivekanand Teachers Nagpur Homeopathy Training School Medical College
Jain Mandir Sant Sitaramdas School Ganesh Nagar kanya Shala Great Nag Road
Play Ground Samrat Ashok Sq. Siraspeth Medical Road Junishukrawari Siraspeth Umred Road Juni Shukrawari Road Old Nandanvan Nagar Junishukrawari Sharda Mahila Mahavidyalaya NIT Garden C P & Berar Education Society Play Ground Junishukrawari Play Ground
New Nandanwan
Sweepar Colony
Ganesh Nagar
6.CONCLUDINGREMARKS Indian built environments were continuously evolving. The continuity of this evolution based on the culture specific human preferences, seems to be lost in the emerging built environments in developing cities. To deal these emerging built environments in contemporary times, its important to understand the spatial configurations of the traditionally evolved built environments. The research has tried to establish the problems associated in studying organically evolved built environments of urban cores in central Indian cities. In such an approach, the syntactic analysis helps in understanding the spatial configuration and the embeddedreasoningofuserpreferences.Thesyntacticanalysisofselectedexamplesshowssomesimilarity in terms of syntactic identity. The syntactic identity of Indian traditional built environments shows some similaritywith traditionalIraniancitiesbutotherwiseitisquitedifferentthantraditionalbuiltenvironments fromotherpartsofworld.Theplacementofimportantreligious,administrativeorcommercialurbanactivity nodes, in the overall spatial configuration helped to deduce the culture specific human preferences about space proxemics. From this research, an effort is made to make explicit the spatial configuration as
Proceedings:EighthInternationalSpaceSyntaxSymposium SantiagodeChile:PUC,2012.
concealed spatial rules or principals of urbanism in Indian built environments, so as to evolve a humane approach towards spatial design of emerging built environments in urban India. More detailed analysis is required to exactly assess the user preferences, but this study is representative of its possibility. Also, the studycanbefurtheredfornumberofcities. The approach to deal with emerging built environments based on notion of rationality and intelligibility has grosslyignoredtheculturespecificuserpreferences.ThestudyhighlightsthatinIndiancontext,intelligibility is not the criterion for better harmony amongst users and built environment. It is not necessary to emulate the past but to contribute positively to the evolution of contemporary Indian built environments; one can use the configuration understanding and reasons behind it. Thus, this approach which is based on understanding user preferences to study/ conserve/ redevelop existing built environments or design totally new built environments in case of developing cities of India; can help to maintain them as humane as the traditionalbuiltenvironmentswere. REFERENCES Books AlexanderChristopher,(2005)TheNatureofOrderBookI(thePhenomenonofLife)andBookII(Theprocess ofCreatingLife)PublishedbytheCentreforEnvironmentalStructure,Berkeley,California,USA DesaiMadhavi,(2007)TraditionalArchitectureHouseformoftheIslamicCommunityofBohrasinGujarat PublishedbyCouncilofArchitecture,India Hall,E.T.(1966)TheHiddenDimensionDoubledday&Company,Inc,NewYork Hillier Bill, Hanson Julienne ,(1984) The Social Logic of space Published by Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,U.K. Hillier Bill ,(2007) Space is the Machine, electronic Edition Published by Space Syntax, London , United LynchKevin(1966)Imageofacity,theMITPress,Massachusettsinstituteoftechnology Pandya Yatin( 2005). Concepts of Space in Traditional Indian Architecture, Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd. Ahmadabad,India RapoportAmos,(1969)HouseFormandculture,Milwaukee,UniversityofWisconsin,USA Rapoport Amos,(1977) The HumanAspects of Urban Form, Published by Pergamon Press, England, United Kingdom Rapoport Amos,(1982) The Meaning Of The Built Environment A Nonverbal Communication Approach, The UniversityOfArizonaPress,Tuscon,USA Ed. By Mc clure Wendy,Batuska,(2007) The Built Environment: A Collaborative Inquiry Into Design And Planning,PublishedbyJohnWileyandSons,Hoboken
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