Diagnosing Problems
Diagnosing Problems
Diagnosing Problems
plants weak and frail, leaves pale, stem More light! Correct light plants have few leaves, or more leaves on intervals, (10 to 12 hours tops. Stems rot, weak stalks on rosette plants "as !u!!les come out from the su!strate when #ou poke it, !urrowing snails arent !urrowing, poor root s#stems, roots turn !lack and rot. %ish are prone to disease, stressed, gulping for air at the surface. &fter long periods of this plants !ecome stunted. Su!strate is too compact, loosen and vacum. Can !e caused !# heav# amounts of deca#ing organics deep in the su!strate. Cause' insufficient light or nutrients, which slows down plant growth and production of (2, !reakdown of nitrogen ceases. (ver fertili)ation of C(2. *reatment' check lights, filter, C(2 s#stem, increase circulation, fertili)e if needed &dd more potassium!
Su!strate pro!lems
o$#gen dificience#
,ellowing of the margins of #oung leaves, iron chlorosis, #ellowing and curling of older leaves #ellow leaves that !ecome !rittle' too little iron, too little potassium, also caused !# ver# hard water +remature fall off of older leaves algae !looms, dirt# water
add an .+/ fertili)er containing phosphate more fre0uent water changes, su!strate cleaning, no overfeeding the fish, no over fertili)ation
.ew leaves appear damaged and die off, add more calcium! #ellow leaf edges ,ellow spots on old leaves. S#mptoms do not appear until the deficienc# is well esta!lished. *he plant will !e stunted. 1eaf veins will sta# green while the remainder of the leaf &dd more magnesium!
turns #ellow. 2rown spots will appear and the plant will dr# out. %lowers will !e slow to develop, if at all. %lowers that do grow will !e lackluster. .itrogen dificience# (ld 1eaves turn #ellowish. Small add more nitrate stunted plants with ver# large root s#stems3 leaves smaller and lighter in color than normal3 slow growth. +aleness will start at the tips of the lower leaves. -f this deficienc# continues, the foliage will continue to develop, !ut stems will !e spindl#, sapp# and soft, flowering will !e dela#ed, small fruit will grow and the plant will !e more suscepti!le to disease. a disease affecting cr#ptocor#nes. Starts with small holes in leaves then disintergrating, and the whole plant a!ove the root s#stem melts awa# *hought to !e triggered !# high nitrate levels, sudden drop in tempature, or sudden enviornmental changes, and fre0uent transplants. 4o regular water changes and keep enviorment sta!le. -f left alone, plant will grow !ack after melt down.
Cr#p rot