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Wod: Wyoming: by Kevin "Ops" Taylor

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WoD: Wyoming

By Kevin Ops Taylor

WoD: Wyoming
By Kevin Ops Taylor Contents Opening Fiction: The Evil that Men Do Wyoming Overview Secret on!licts The "#re The Forsa$en Mages %ampires #lts an& Others "oints o! 'nterest heyenne an& (aramie Devils Tower Shoshoni Win& )iver 'n&ian )eservation losing: *ope 'n&e+ References, credits and thanks: Original Wor$ ,y Kevin S Taylor Base& on the Worl& o! Dar$ness r#les ,y White Wol! -ame St#&ios .n& the Silent *ill net ,oo$ ,y .ranis Fiction 'll#stration !rom http://rwol!0&eviantart0com/art/Werewol!1Bitch122345445 6se& witho#t permission7 ,#t give the artist props i! yo# li$e it0 ' &i&0 Maps !rom -oogle Maps or the we,sites liste& ,elow0 References http://wyoming0gov/ www0win&riverco#ntry0com http://www0win&1river0org/in!o/wrin&ianreservation0php http://www0cheyenne0org/ http://www0ci0laramie0wy0#s/ Than$s to the Mt "leasant rewe !or getting me ,ac$ into this twiste& worl&0 .n& than$s to Mr0 -one !or hosting this !ile0 .ny 8#estions7 comments7 or i&eas9 Drop me a line at operations0$t:gmail0com

The Evil that Men Do

She was sweet loo$ing0 Dere$ ha& the ,est i&ea ever7 in his min&7 !or this year;s spring ,rea$ wee$0 Why go to some to#rist trap li$e anc#n or Flori&a7 with other girls !rom other colleges7 who were all so s#re o! their ;#ni8#eness as a snow!la$e;7 ma$ing it all that m#ch har&er !or a g#y too hoo$ #p7 when he co#l& go somewhere where a college ,oy wo#l& seem rare an& e+otic0 So7 he ha& gone to Wyoming0 "l#s7 with the comm#nities so !ar apart an& so isolate&7 it wo#l& ,e so m#ch easier to engage in his more000 #n#s#al000 appetites0 Easy eno#gh to pic$ #p some local girl at a ,ar7 impress her with his wit7 some &rin$s7 an& tal$ her into going camping with him0 't was the per!ect plan0 .n& here she was7 in his tent0 Wearing only her #n&erwear an& tie& #p so sweetly7 with the happy spots e+pose& !or easy access0 't sho#l& ,e per!ect7 ,#t it wasn;t0 She was not ,egging0 *e nee&e& the ,egging7 the a&mission o! power7 the proo! that he was more o! a man than those st#pi& !rat g#ys ,ac$ in <=60 B#t she &i& not ,eg7 or cry7 or even try ;the eyes; on him0 She >#st glare&0 <o matter how m#ch he #se& her7 a,#se& her7 she >#st glare&0 't ma&e no &amn sense0 They ha& ,een o#t here !or two &ays now0 Soon7 the !#n wo#l& nee& to en& so he co#l& clean #p an& ret#rn to school0 B#t she wo#l&n;t ,eg0 *e came in the tent7 with her ,rea$!ast0 "ro,a,ly her last ,rea$!ast7 ,#t he at least !ig#re& she &eserve& a last meal0 .n& now she was smiling? Smiling at him? What the hell7 yo# li$e scram,le& eggs that m#ch9 <o7 ';m >#st happy to ,e &one with yo#0 The hell7 &one with me9 .re yo# into some serio#s $in$ girl7 or what9 O$7 he might not get ri& o! her000 she might ,e worth $eeping i! she was into this $in& o! thing00 e+cept7 she wo#l& not give him satis!action0 <o7 she ha& to go0 =ep7 ';m &one with yo#0 My perio& was s#ppose& to start two &ays ago0 ';ve misse& it0 ' got what ' nee&e& !rom yo#0 =o#r see&0 My see&9 What the hel0000 *e traile& o!!7 notice& movement o#tsi&e the tent0 Wolves0 (arge ones0 =es7 we can;t ,ree& among o#rselves a!ter all0 So7 ' too$ yo#7 ' #se& yo#7 ' let yo# thin$ yo# were having yo#r way with me when ' was having my way with yo#0 .n& now that ';m &one7 that ';ve #se& yo# #p an& spit yo# o#t7 my ,rothers are going to &ispose o! yo# the same way yo#;ve &ispose& all o! yo#r women in the past7 yo# pig0

.n& she grew ,igger7 more !eral7 more all#ring7 in the way that any prey is somewhat ta$en ,y the pre&atory instr#ment o! its &emise0 Then the wolves entere&7 large7 primal wolves7 the $in& Dere$ ha& only seen ,e!ore in movies0 *is screams7 short as they were7 were hear& ,y no one0

Wyoming Overview
Wyoming is the most con!#se& state ,or&er in the nation7 ,eing along with olora&o the only states that have almost per!ectly s8#are ,or&ers7 ,ase& #pon the lines o! latit#&e an& longit#&e when the state was ,eing s#rvey an& !o#n&e&0 Wyoming7 !or it;s small pop#lation @,eing the least pop#late& state in the continental 6nite& StatesA has a lot o! historical !irsts !or the nation0 The state also has a &iverse history o! its own0 . !ew o! these $ey &ates2 are highlighte& ,elow0 18601"ony E+press starte&0 Secon& school in Wyoming esta,lishe& at Ft0 Bri&ger ,y B#&ge William .0 arter7 with Miss Fannie Foot as teacher0 1861 1Transcontinental telegraph complete& an& "ony E+press &iscontin#e&0 18681Wyoming Territory create& B#ly C50 Win& )iver )eservation !or Shoshone 'n&ians create& ,y treaty0 Ft0 Fre& Steele @2D4D12DD4A esta,lishe&0 18691Wyoming Territory organiEe&0 Bohn .0 amp,ell7 !irst territorial governor7 on Decem,er 237 signe& the FFemale S#!!rageF ,ill giving Wyoming women the right to vote0 amp .#g#r @later amp Brown an& then Ft0 Washa$ieA esta,lishe&0 18721=ellowstone "ar$7 !irst national par$7 create&0 1890-Wyoming Territory a&mitte& into 6nion as 44th state7 B#ly 230 18941Mrs0 ort F0 Meyer @Estelle )eelA electe& State S#perinten&ent o! "#,lic 'nstr#ction7 one o! the !irst women in the 60S0 electe& to a state o!!ice0 19061Devils Tower <ational Mon#ment7 !irst in 60S07 create& Septem,er CG0 19251Mrs0 <ellie Tayloe )oss @2DH412IHHA7 !irst woman governor in 60S0J !irst woman &irector o! the 60S0 Mint @2IKK12I5GA0 Teapot Dome scan&al0 19781(argest ra&io telescope in the worl& ,#ilt on Belm Mo#ntain0 Operate& ,y 6niversity o! Wyoming0 19951Wolves reintro&#ce& in =ellowstone0 With a history that &iverse in the real worl&7 it sho#l& come as no s#rprise that in the World of Darkness7 there are pro,a,ly other7 even more interesting things that has happene& over the history o! the state0 . !ew $ey &ates are highlighte& ,elow0 18681 6S -overnment &eci&es on location o! the Win& )iver 'n&ian )eservation in part &#e to o#tsi&e in!l#ences !rom the Seers o! the Throne0 To this &ay their reasoning is #n$nown0 18721 =ellowstone area is ma&e a national par$0 't comes as no s#rprise to the s#pernat#ral resi&ents o! the state that a mon#ment to con8#est is erecte& in the ,o#n&aries o! the par$0 19061 Devils Tower is ma&e into a mon#ment ,y in!l#ence o! the Seers o! the Throne to help limit the in!l#ence o! the site on sleepers ,y ma$ing it ;>#st a to#rist site0; 19781 )a&io Telescope on Belm Mo#ntain omplete&0 The !irst thing seen thro#gh it is imme&iately classi!ie& ,y the 6S -overnment0 6niversity o! Wyoming is instr#cte& to ;care!#lly monitor; the #se o! the &evice0 19951 Both "#re an& Forsa$en tri,es are please& with the reintro&#ction o! wolves to =ellowstone7 as it ma$es it easier !or them to ,oth protect an& !ight over this sacre& area0 2 Ta$en !rom wyoming0gov we,site

Wyoming is an almost per!ect area !or 6ratha an& Mages to settle in0 The low pop#lation7 wi&e open spaces7 an& minimal in!l#ence o! government ma$es it an i&eal place to live their @a&mitte&ly #n#s#alA lives with little !ear o! o#tsi&e &iscovery0 %ampires &o not !re8#ent the state as m#ch7 an& mostly stic$ to heyenne when they &o7 as the pop#lation o! the state is in their case a hin&rance to &isg#ising their !ee&ing ha,its0 *owever7 the state hol&s potential !or a gro#p o! the #n&ea& who wish to get away !rom the #s#al politics o! #nli!e0 Werewolves an& Mages7 however7 have almost i&eal @or as i&eal as it can get !or themA con&itions in Wyoming0 Werewolves have almost #nlimite& a,ility to roam an& sta$e o#t territory7 while Mages can ,ecome ;hermits; to practice their art in private an& with little chance o! para&o+ ca#se& ,y witnesses0 B#t as with all things in the World of Darkness7 everything comes with a price0 Wyoming has it;s share o! things what sho#l& not ,e7 things that wo#l& pre!er that the state stay largely #nsettle&0 .n& many o! these things will not give #p their gro#n& easily0

Secret Con licts

Wyoming has a rich history0 )ather than attempt to retell it all here7 the a#thor instea& wishes to re!er yo# to any one @or moreA o! the !ine so#rces cite& at the ,eginning o! this &oc#ment0 They can provi&e a m#ch more &etaile& version o! the history than the space o! this writing can0 What this section will !oc#s on instea& is the ;secret history; o! Wyoming7 the history o! s#pernat#ral in!l#ence an& con!lict within the state0

Tribal a!s Wyoming ha& a history long ,e!ore the coming o! the E#ropeans an& hristianity0 That history is largely lost to #s &#e to the ver,al nat#re o! <ative .merican lore7 ,#t m#ch o! it still remains7 carrie& on ,y the oral tra&itions o! the people who live& there ,e!ore0 'n the Worl& of Darkness7 those histories ta$e on a &ar$er tone0 When the Shoshoni spea$ o! spirits that too$ the !lesh o! mean7 they may very well have meant it0 .s the state o! Wyoming was ,eginning to ta$e shape7 the Seers o! the Throne7 an& their #nwitting agents in the 6S -overnment7 too$ steps to p#t the <ative .mericans o! the area into a very speci!ic region0 Their reasons !or it are still not clear to this &ay7 ,#t the Seers an& their agents seem to ta$e pains to ma$e s#re that any other s#pernat#rals stay o#t an& $eep their hea& &own in this region0 Since the settlement7 the Seers have also o&&ly staye& o#t o! the a!!airs o! the )eservation0 The possi,le reasons !or the Seers leaving an area to ,e s#pervise& ,y an ancient c#lt#re gives the "entacle Or&ers no en& o! worry7 ,#t so !ar7 no one has ,een a,le to !ig#re o#t the secret0 The "#re .s long as the Forsa$en can remem,er7 the "#re have r#le& over Wyoming0 While small7 speci!ic poc$ets o! territory have ,een carve& o#t ,y Forsa$en pac$s7 the "#re are accepte& as the tr#e r#lers o! the wil&s o! Wyoming0 While con!lict is constant over the )oc$y Mo#ntain )anges o! Wyoming7 the Forsa$en >#st have not ha& the reso#rces with the recent events in Denver to worry a,o#t the rest o! Wyoming in any large part0 The $orsaken While the "#re tri,es may hol& most o! the territory7 ,y the same regar& Wyoming is large an& even the most attentive o! "#re pac$s can not watch it all at once0 That leaves a lot o! potential !or yo#ng pac$s o! the Tri,es o! the Moon to gain *onor an& -lory ,y ta$ing !rom the "#re what they so #nwisely thin$ is theirs ,y right0 )ecently7 some have ta$en those steps0 . pac$ o! Forsa$en going ,y the name (#na;s (ost Wis&om have manage& to carve o#t their own territory7 right in the mi&&le o! the 6niversity o! Wyoming camp#s in (aramie0 (e& ,y a 'rra$a 'ron Wol! who goes ,y the name )e& *a+or7 they have manage& to set #p a ,ase o! operations on a loc#s !o#n& in the mi&&le o! the ommons0 "osing as lan&scapers an& c#sto&ial sta!! @an& in a co#ple cases7 act#ally wor$ing as s#chA this pac$ o! 5 have manage& to clear the "#re o#t o! most o! heyenne an& $eep the loc#s !o#n& in the 6 o! W 6nion clean o! #n&#e spirit in!l#ence0 )e& *a+or $eeps in to#ch with Ma+ )oman in Denver !or the p#rpose o! serving as a staging area !or any new pac$s in Denver loo$ing to ac8#ire territory in Wyoming0 So !ar it has ,een wor$ing7 ,#t how m#ch longer ,e!ore either the "#re or an #pstart Forsa$en pac$ &eci&e to ta$e heyenne !or themselves remains to ,e seen0 %a&es For reasons $nown only to them7 the Seers o! the Throne have ta$en an as active as they can role in the !ormation o! the state o! Wyoming0 .t the same time7 they o&&ly then stay o#t o! a!!airs one things are #p an& r#nning0 The reasons are ,oth #nclear an& #nsettling0 The Or&ers !ear that Wyoming might ,e some $in& o! large scale e+periment in $eeping the masses asleep7 or that they are trying to hi&e something !ar more &angero#s here than themselves0 'n either case7 &#e to the layo#t o! the state7 Mages o! all $in&s are attracte& !or the a,ility to wor$ their magic !ar !rom sleeper eyes an& !ear o! para&o+0 Thyr#s#s mages are especially !on& o! the state7 regar&less o! i! their alliance is with the Or&ers or the Seers0

.t any given time7 Wyoming might ,e hosting some 233 or so Magi7 scattere& across the state &oing their own research or e+periments0 Only a,o#t K3 or so o! these act#ally call Wyoming home !or the long term however0 Wyoming calls to mages !or reason other than privacy0 Some o! the nations most power!#l *allows an& ol&est legen&s can trace their way to Wyoming0 .&& in the legen&s o! the in&igeno#s peoples7 an& the chance that those legen&s can lea& to arti!acts or secrets o! great powers7 an& at least some Magi might ,e intereste& at all times in po$ing their noses @or >#st their pro>ecte& sensesA where they are not wante&0 'a()ires O#t o! the ;,ig three;7 %ampires have the least interest in Wyoming0 One o! the core r#les o! the Kin&re& is to $eep themselves hi&&en7 an& the smaller the local pop#lation to !ee& o! o!! the har&er that gets0 The local "#re pop#lation7 as well as the scattere& Thyr#s#s mages also ma$es it har& !or them to esta,lish a power ,ase0 )egar&less7 they have a small one0 6ntil the sha&ow war ,etween the "#re an& Forsa$en over (aramie7 they ha& a &ecent organiEation within heyenne7 ,#t the recent !allo#t o! the ,attles have le!t the $in&re& pop#lation &evastate&7 an& now only a,o#t 25 vampires e+ist in heyenne7 with no o!!icial organiEation since their ;prince; was torn to shre&s ,y an enrage& 'vory law werewol!0 Scattere& single vampires can ,e !o#n& in the small towns &otting the lan&scape o! Wyoming7 ,#t it will ,e many years ,e!ore they have any signi!icant power in the state0 . small7 s#,tle coterie co#l& ,e the start o! that power0 C#lts and *thers With the small an& scattere& pop#lation7 it sho#l& come as no s#rprise that vario#s #nsavory gro#ps an& c#lts ma$e their way to or originate in Wyoming0 Many o! the !re8#ent an& pop#lar ghost stories tol& ,y the locals co#l& easily ,e trace& to any n#m,er o! happenings !rom psychics to #lts o! Things which Sho#l& <ot Be0 . speci!ic e+ample comes later in the Shoshoni town section7 which can also ,e #se& to lin$ a Wyoming ,ase& chronicle to the !an setting o! Silent *ill0 One o! the ,iggest threats that occ#rs statewi&e is the c#lt &e&icate& to ;The Wan&erer;7 a hal! spirit1hal! man amalgam that wan&ers the roa&s o! Wyoming see$ing chiminage or ,loo&0 The c#lt o! the Wan&erer is little more than a lose a!!iliation o! people that have ,ene!ite& !rom having met his con&itions !or chiminage an& wish to $eep the secrets o! their goo& l#c$ an& the price !or it to themselves0 .nyone attempting to e+pose the Wan&erer to the worl& will have to &eal with these people0

The Wanderer
%irt#e: Fortit#&e %ice: -l#ttony +ttrib#tes: 'ntelligence K Strength 5 "resence K Wits G De+terity G Manip#lation K )esolve G Stamina 4 ompos#re 2 ,kills: ra!t: G Occ#lt: K .thletics: K Brawl: G Firearms: 2 S#rvival: G .nimal Ken: K E+pression: C 'ntimi&ation: G "ers#asion K %erits: Direction Sense Danger Sense 6nseen Sense Fame 2 @(ocal (egen&A ,)ecial +bilities: (egen& C This co#nts as a s#pernat#ral .&vantage trait0 't only ai&s in s#pernat#ral resistance an& #se o! the .,sor, power0 .,sor, @Stamina L S#rvival L (egen&7 2 essenceA The Wan&erer can repair &amage &one to his ,o&y ,y to#ching any inert matter an& a,sor,ing it into his ,o&y7 the matter replacing the wo#n&s0 Over the years7 this has le& to him having a tr#ly ,iEarre appearance7 as vario#s minerals an& man1ma&e items ma$e #p the ma>ority o! his ,o&y now0 *ow he contin#es on as a living thing is a mystery0 Each #se o! this power ta$es a point o! essence0 -rant (#c$ @2 essenceA To those who meet the Wan&erers &eman&s o! chiminage7 he &oes grant goo& l#c$0 For the ne+t l#nar month7 these people will have the e!!ect o! I1again on rolls relate& to either their pro!ession or ran&om chance0 Essence 23 @23 ma+7 2 / t#rnA Co(bat Traits: SiEe: 5 'nitiative: 5 De!ense: G .rmor: C/2 @vario#s an& s#n&ry metal ,itsA Spee&: 24 *ealth: 22 .ttac$s: Fist/Stri$e7 IB Ol& olt SS.7 D(7 K5 range7 4 shots

!oints o "nterest
Wyoming has many places o! interest7 to ,oth mortal an& s#pernat#ral ali$e0 . !ew choice ones are highlighte& here7 incl#&ing i&eas !or story hoo$s0

Cheyenne an# $aramie

heyenne is the capital city an& largest city in Wyoming0 't is also the home o! the Frontier Days event7 the worl&s largest o#t&oor ro&eo0 .s the capital city7 it is o! strategic interest to any s#pernat#ral gro#p that wants to esta,lish a power ,ase0 . pac$ o! 'vory laws maintains a loc#s near the ol& 6nion "aci!ic rail station that now serves as the heyenne Depot M#se#m0 The m#se#m attracts many spirits o! technology7 ,oth ol& an& new0 The yo#nger spirits !re8#ently show #p to try an& &evo#r the ol&er7 more power!#l7 ,#t now less in!l#ential spirits o! the ol& railways0 The "#re pac$ $eeps these con!licts to a minim#m !or their own interest7 ,#t still generally allow nat#re to ta$e its co#rse0 This is the same pac$ that &ecimate& the %ampire pop#lation a!ter the prince trie& to &eclare the comm#nity college camp#s ;his territory0; The "#re &isagree&0 (aramie is the home o! the 6niversity o! Wyoming0 The 6niversity o! Wyoming is the only ,accala#reate an& gra&#ate level college in the state7 an& as s#ch it gets a lot o! attention !rom the state government0 6W competes at the < .. Division '1. level !or sports7 an& also has a &istinction among colleges !or o!!ering )o&eo as a sport0 (aramie also has other c#lt#ral icons an& lan&mar$s as a res#lt o! the 6W in!l#ence0 The 6niversity maintains an art an& a geological m#se#m7 as well as assists in the r#nning o! the State M#se#m7 the *istorical Society7 an& others0 The .merican *eritage enter is a !avorite stop !or Mages loo$ing !or cl#es to lost arti!acts or wis&om0 %+" *$ +R-+:

Devil%s Tower
Devil;s Tower <ational Mon#ment is the !irst o! it;s $in&0 Ma&e a <ational Mon#ment in 2I34 ,y Theo&ore )oosevelt7 it has long ,een a sacre& site !or <ative .mericans0 .lso $nown as Bears (o&ge7 the site is a power!#l spirit#al loc#s an& hallow0 The !ollowing row legen& e+plains some o! this power: Once when some rows were campe& at Bears *o#se7 two little girls were playing aro#n& some ,ig roc$s there0 There were lots o! ,ears living aro#n& that ,ig roc$ an& one ,ig ,ear seeing the girls alone was going to eat them0 The ,ig ,ear was >#st a,o#t to catch the girls when they saw him0 The girls were scare& an& the only place they co#l& get was on top o! one o! the roc$s aro#n& which they ha& ,een playing0 The girls clim,e& the roc$ ,#t still the ,ear co#l& catch them0 The -reat Spirit7 seeing the ,ear was a,o#t to catch the girls7 ca#se& the roc$ to grow #p o#t o! the gro#n&0 The ,ear $ept trying to >#mp to the top o! the roc$7 ,#t he >#st scratche& the roc$ an& !ell &own on the gro#n&0 The claw mar$s are on the roc$ now0 The roc$ $ept growing #ntil it was so high that the ,ear co#l& not get the girls0 The two girls are still on top o! the roc$0 This legend was told to Dick Stone by Rides the White Hip Horse. Goes to Magpie, Interpreter. Many spirits watch the Tower0 Many more !ight over it0 .n& while they let the h#mans police themselves aro#n& it !or simplicities sa$e7 the "#re call the site theirs7 an& woe to any who wo#l& ta$e it0 D#ring the &ay7 people wan&er thro#gh an& aro#n&7 they ta$e their pict#res an& &o their research7 ,#t at night7 when the moon is high7 the site ,elongs to the "#re an& the "#re only0 O! co#rse7 Mages have &i!!erent i&eas0 While some o! their research can ,e &one &#ring the &ay7 some o! the #ses they have !or the Tower will not wor$ in !ront o! people7 or at least not well0 .s a res#lt7 on some rare nights7 ,attles o! claw an& !lame an& spirit can ,e seen at the tower0 (#c$y viewers will get to leave with only the memories intact0 The Devil;s Tower itsel! is a ran$ K *allow7 an& ran$ K (oc#s o! great power0 While not a %erge in itsel!7 the -a#ntlet is low eno#gh to almost ,e one an& the strength o! it varies &epen&ing on the time o! &ay an& the phase o! the moon0 The -a#ntlet is rate& at a 1C &#ring the &ay7 a 12 at night7 an& &#ring a l#nar eclipse7 it is rate& 3 @which ma$es it a %erge on those nightsA0 <ee&less to say7 the <ational "ar$ Service $eeps the sheer n#m,er o! apparent ,ear ma#ling here 8#iet7 as to not h#rt the to#rist tra&e0

C From http://www0nps0gov/archive/&eto/stories0htm

%+" *$ +R-+:

,o#rce: http://www0#wsp0e&#/geo/pro>ects/geowe,/participants/&#tch/%Trips/DevilsTower0*TM

.ack&ro#nd Shoshoni7 Wyoming is a small @realA town >#st east o! the Boysen )eservoir7 so#th o! Thermopolis0 't is also close to the Win& )iver 'n&ian )eservation to the west7 which ma$es it a pop#lar college town !or those see$ing to get away !rom ,ig city li!e7 ,#t still have ,ig city vices close at han&0 From the town we,iste: 'n the s#mmer o! 2I3G7 the "ioneer Townsite ompany lai& o#t the plan !or Shoshoni0 Shoshoni is an 'n&ian wor&7 which translates into Flittle snowF0 The !irst ,#siness to ,e erecte& in the town was the El$horn *otel7 ,#ilt in Septem,er 2I350 'n less than a year7 the town ha& ,ecome a tent city an& ha& grown in pop#lation to appro+imately C73330 (ac$ o! ,#il&ing material in the very early &ays was a pro,lem7 since the railroa& 1 hicago an& <orthwestern 1 was 233 miles away7 ,#t the town gra&#ally grew in siEe0 6n!ort#nately7 Shoshoni was &evastate& ,y !ire in 2I3H an& 2I3D0 D#ring the reconstr#ction7 ,ric$ ,#il&ings too$ the place o! !lamma,le woo&0 Five miles north o! Shoshoni7 a little ,#rg name& Bonneville was constr#cte& on the BMN )ailroa&7 which ha& ,een e+ten&e& along the Ba&water ree$0 The town was almost totally &estroye& ,y the !loo&ing o! Ba&water ree$ in 2ICK0 Twenty miles o! railroa& trac$7 several rail cars an& one motor car were never recovere& !rom the !loo&0 They remain ,#rie& &eep in the san&y m#& o! Ba&water ree$0 D#ring its ,oom &ays Shoshoni ,oaste& CK saloons7 two ,an$s7 two large mercantile esta,lishments7 several livery an& !ee& sta,les7 a l#m,er yar&7 &r#g store7 two physicians7 several lawyers7 a newspaper an& more lo&ging ho#ses an& resta#rants than any town o! e8#al siEe in the state o! Wyoming0 Thirteen miles to the north is opper Mo#ntain0 't is &otte& with ol& a,an&one& mines an& prospector &iggings0 opper was the most a,#n&ant7 ,#t gol& an& silver were also !o#n&7 along with chalcocite7 malachite7 a+#rite7 c#prite7 lepi&olite7 chryscolla7 calcopryritre7 &olomite7 !el&spar7 garnet7 magnesi#m7 t#ngsten7 volcanic ash an& p#mic0 6rani#m can also ,e !o#n& on opper Mo#ntain0 The area o!!ers a gol& mine !or the roc$ho#n& in petri!ie& woo&7 agate7 to#rmaline7 an& 8#artE0 Some merc#ry has ,een !o#n& near Bonneville0 The town ha& a !airly simple an& #nevent!#l history !rom itOs original !o#n&ing7 ,#t in the mi&1D3;s7 there was a !airly large migration o! people to the town !rom a town that ha& a PcatastropheO7 some #nspeci!ie& &isaster0 These people ha& their o&&ities an& 8#ir$s7 ,#t were still 8#ic$ly accepte& into the town0 That may have ,een a mista$e0 Whatever happene& to their original town7 the new settlers ha& their own version o! a small7 e+cl#sive !aith0 . !aith that le& to a very o&& restr#ct#ring o! the city lea&ership0 While a !ew &issenters proclaime& that the s#&&en changes were o&& an& o#t o! place7 they were 8#ic$ly silence& ,y the new mayor an& city co#ncil ma$ing moves to open a new li,eral arts college in the town0

Only open almost a &eca&e to the wee$ now7 that college will ,e the !ocal point o! a most #n#s#al event000 ,hoshoni ,tate Colle&e The college7 with !#ll trans!era,ility with ,oth the Win& )iver Tri,al ollege an& the 6niversity o! Wyoming7 is a small li,eral arts C1year college near the northeast en& o! town0 't consists o! C ,#il&ings7 one large &ormitory7 an& !#rther so#th towar&s the mi&&le o! town is one !raternity ho#se @the PDeltsA an& a sorority ho#se0 While mostly a li,eral arts college7 it also incl#&es co#rses in ,#siness7 comp#ters science7 pre1law7 an& the re8#irements !or entering the state police aca&emy0 The college has helpe& to $eep the town !rom ,ecoming a ghost town7 ,#t the town is still !ar !rom h#ge0 Q'n the real worl&7 the pop#lation is >#st #n&er 433 people7 in the WoD7 with the a&&ition o! the college an& the new settlers7 the pop#lation is >#st #n&er 27C33 an& most o! the ho#ses are owne& or rente&0R This s#its the new high class >#st !ine0 While they nee& a stea&y in!l#+ o! money an& people7 they &onOt nee& too m#ch attention ,ro#ght to them0 The /e0 ,ettlers oming in the mi& 2ID3Os7 the new settlers came !rom a town that ha& a catastrophe0 The town has never ,een name& ,y any o! them7 an& when as$e&7 they generally try to change the topic or o#tright re!#se to answer0 They were relocate& ,y the !e&eral government7 which also seale& the recor&s o! the &isaster that ca#se& the move0 'n the early &ays7 the people o! Shoshoni won&ere& what ha& happene& that was so ,a& that no one will spea$ o! it7 an& there was never any mention o! a &isaster on that scale on the news0 *owever7 a!ter a,o#t C years7 the 8#estions stoppe& an& the resi&ents >#st accepte& the new ,o&ies an& new i&eas to revitaliEe the town0 Two o! the most in!l#ential settlers7 Bames ain an& Father Bohn Malrony ran !or an& achieve& the o!!ices o! Mayor an& o#ncilman7 respectively0 Mayor ain was the one who s#ggeste& a college at Shoshoni7 the near center o! the state7 to ta$e a&vantage o! the 8#iet an& location as a goo& mar$eting ploy to st#&ents0 Father Malrony has pretty m#ch ta$en over all the Pspirit#alO nee&s o! the town7 his simple Baptist ch#rch serving over H33 o! the townOs 2C33 people easily0 Both have ,een serving in city government7 almost #noppose& in elections7 !or 2K years now0 't wo#l& appear that they might very well serve #ntil they retire or &ie0 't may not come to that0 The C#lt of the 1i2in& 3od Father Bohn an& Mayor ain are >#st the p#,lic !aces o! the power ,ehin& the scenes0 POl& MacO7 as he is calle& ,y the !avore& ones7 it the real power0 Ol& Mac is the last remnant o! tr#e power !or the #lt o! the (iving -o&0 Force& o#t o! Silent *ill ,y .lessa7 the c#lt see$s a way to ret#rn to the city7 ,ypass the monsters7 an& !in& the way to "ara&ise that they !everenty ,elieve the city acts as the g#ar&ian o!0 Qsee WoD: Silent *ill net,oo$7 pg0 CH7 PThe -o&Os DecentOR Ol& Mac is ro#ghly 43 years ol&7 ,#t one co#l& not tell that ,y the way he acts0 *e acts7 moves7 an& spea$s as a healthy man in his K3s0 The powers o! the c#lt have ma&e him so0 .n& when he is enrage&7 his strength is very impressive0 .s is his a,ility to s#rvive &amage an& assa#lts that wo#l& $ill a lesser man0 B#t most impressive is his a,ility to enter an& in!l#ence &rams0 *e #ses this to g#i&e his

!ellow c#lt mem,ers @now7 a goo& thir& o! the town ,elongs to the c#ltA7 an& also r#ns the town via his !ace men o! ain an& Malrony0 't was the i&ea o! these three to open the college0 't has ,oth serve& the townOs economic nee&s7 an& the nee&s o! the c#lt0 B#t now they thin$ that their nee& is almost at an en&0 They are almost rea&y to ret#rn home0 The "lan of *ld %ac The college wo#l& have an e!!ect ,eyon& the monetary7 Mac $new0 The things that stal$ the worl& li$e to hi&e in the masses7 to clo#& their perceptions7 an& h#nt a well containe& an& alrea&y a&&le1min&e& her&0 . college provi&es that0 .n& it provi&es Ol& Mac with a small assortment o! %ampires7 Werewolves7 an& even a mage or two0 '! they can not ,e #se&7 it still provi&es a stea&y stream o! $i&s7 easily converte& to the c#lt7 to sen& into Silent *ill to sco#t o#t the area7 an& !in& the right path0 '! the s#pernat#rals can not ,e #se&7 perhaps instea& the chosen path!in&ers o! the #lt can ,e mol&e& to their p#rposes with the right $in& o! trialsS Ol& Mac;s attri,#tes an& a,ilities are le!t to the storyteller to &evise0 Keep in min& that he is a ,ene!iciary o! the )ite Inf!sed Mantle of the God"s #hosen0 %+" *$ +R-+:

C#lt Rit#als 6nli$e some rit#als7 these rit#als can ,e &one with anyone with the re8#ire& level in occ#lt0 They wor$ less ,eca#se o! an innate #n&erstan&ing o! the arts @or any real power li$e magesA ,#t more ,eca#se their ;(iving -o&; will grant these gi!ts to anyone who as$s with the rites0 't is ,eca#se this tainting o! h#manity only serves the goals o! the -o& !#rther0

"ower o! )ighteo#s .nger @Occ#lt A This rit#al gives someone who has ,een wronge& @at least in his eyesA the power to stri$e ,ac$ at the one who wronge& him0 'n a hal!1ho#r rit#al7 in which the s#,>ect m#st sacri!ice another living thing &ear to them @&ogs an& cats ,eing the most common choiceA the per!ormer gains the power to stri$e ,ac$ at his enemies0 Once the rit#al is &one7 the caster has CG ho#rs to !in& the target o! his revenge0 6pon seeing the target7 he gains the !ollowing ,on#ses: Strength increases ,y K *ealth increases ,y 2 ,eyon& the wo#n& penalties0 Wo#n& penalties are ignore&7 an& they &o not !all or &ie #ntil the health ,o+es are !ille& with lethal &amage0 Spee& increases ,y C0 .&&itionally7 i! the rit#al was per!orme& with a h#man ,eing &ear to the caster7 he can not &ie #nless the health ,o+es are !ille& with aggravate& &amage0 '! the CG ho#rs passes with no chance !or revenge7 the caster loses his h#manity @h#manity 3A an& ,ecomes a %engeance Beast @see relate& !ileA 'n!#se& Mantle o! the -o&Os hosen @Occ#lt A This allows the c#lt lea&er to mani!est some o! the gi!te& traits o! their living -o&0 The rit#al ta$es K ho#rs7 an& re8#ires the heartOs ,loo& o! three innocent h#mans @#s#ally chil&ren are chosenA0 6pon completion7 the rit#al lea&er gains the !ollowing ,ene!its: . pl#s one increase in siEe7 as well as an a&&itional 2 to ,oth Strength an& Stamina0 . ma+im#m Essence "ool o! 50 Essence can only ,e regaine& ,y &rin$ing heartOs ,loo& o! a h#man @one a&#lt h#man provi&es K essenceA0 The Twitch7 a 2 ran$e& trait that is rolle& as possi,le e+tra &e!ense every time the s#,>ect is attac$e&0 The a,ility to control any one animal !or C essence7 lasts one &ay0 #rse& *i&e7 a LC armor vs0 !irearms0 <ightmare S#ggestion7 @G Essence7 2 WillpowerAJ can ma$e nightmares so real to a sleeping victim that any &amage ta$en in the nightmare is ta$en in real li!e0 .easts of 'en&eance 1ost These ,easts #se& to ,e h#man7 once0 B#t they lost their so#l an& h#manity in one !lawe& ,i& !or total vengeance0 '! the time !or the rit#al Inf!sed Mantle of the God$s #hosen r#ns o#t7 the s#,>ect o! the casting loses his h#manity @&rops to 37 complete with any an& all chances !or &erangementA an& the #n#se& magic ,ac$lashes within the ,o&y o! the #ser0 Most ,ecome a twiste& moc$ery o! h#manity7 loo$ing li$e someone who has ,een living in the wil&s !or their whole li!e7 e+cept there are other changesS ,ones on the o#tsi&e7 >oints where in a normal man there wo#l& ,e none7 l#sts !or vices ,oth insane an& inh#man0 The Beast template a&&s the !ollowing to the victim: .&& 2 to Strength an& Stamina .&& 1 to De+terity S#,tract 2 From Wits @not lower than 1A )e&#ce all other mental an& social attri,#tes to 1 laws/Bones/other pointy ,its ma$e all #narme& attac$s lethal &amage0

.&& one to siEe0 .&& C to ,ase spee&0 )e&#ce all social an& mental s$ills to Eero0

)ecalc#late health7 spee&7 an& willpower accor&ingly0 .s a res#lt o! ,eing more ,east than man7 the highest o! De+terity or Wits is now #se& !or De!ense0 'n general7 the c#lt capt#res those who !aile& to achieve victory with this rit#al an& $eeps them in sa!e$eeping7 as an easy way to &ispose o! enemies0

Win# &iver "n#ian &eservation

The Win& )iver )eservation i! !o#n& in the Win& )iver %alley7 an& is home to one o! the largest 'n&ian reservations in the co#ntry0 Encompassing more than C0C million acres the tri,al government see$s to #se the reso#rces o! the lan&scape an& national par$s to avoi& the traps o! many mo&ern reservations an& th#s preserve their c#lt#re an& tra&itions0 The res#lts have7 o! co#rse7 ,een mi+e&0 6ni8#e among reservations7 the Shoshone were a,le to choose the place o! their reservation &#e to the e!!orts o! their great chie!7 Washa$ie0 (ater7 the government change& the &eal: The Eastern Shoshone were joined in the Wind River Valley by the Northern Arapaho in 1878. As traditional enemies, neither tribe was parti !larly happy with this arran"ement, b!t the #ederal "overnment ass!red both that the Arapaho were there temporarily. $i#ty years later, the Arapaho were still livin" on the eastern side o# the reservation. %he two tribes made their pea e and the Shoshone were ompensated #or the loss o# land by the "overnment. %oday the Shoshone and the Arapaho share the land and "overn the Wind River Reservation jointly. While there is a small casino in )iverton7 most o! the reservation is &e&icate& to preserving the past an& the nat#ral state o! the lan&0 D#e to the e!!ort o! the tri,es7 the "#re an& the Forsa$en ten& to leave the area alone7 rather than ta$e the ris$ o! ca#sing harm with their con!licts0 Weather this is an act o! acci&ent or &esign is har& to say7 ,#t ,oth si&es seem to accept the en& res#lt0 .mong the activities that the reservation hosts @an& gets !ees !or !rom licensesA are !ishing7 camping7 clim,ing7 h#nting7 white water ra!ting7 as well as n#mero#s chances to ac8#aint one sel! with the c#lt#re o! the native peoples0 The petroglyphs carve& into the roc$s o! the cli!!s at astle -ar&ens are one o! the most visite& sites in the area0 'n the World of Darkness7 the tra&itions o! the <ative .mericans ta$e on a &ar$er slant0 Their legen&s o! shamans are very o!ten tr#e7 an& it wo#l& not ,e o#t o! the or&inary to !in& that some o! the ol&er wise men an& women are act#al tha#mat#rges0 What reasons the Seers o! the Throne ha& !or ma$ing s#re that the original reservation plan was honore&7 an& >#st how involve& they really were is a mystery0 .ll that is $nown is that there is something o! great power hi&&en in the reservation7 an& the <ative .mericans o! the area seem very intent on $eeping it hi&&en0

Closing: 'ope To,y Snar$ Bac$son loo$e& o#t over the valley0 The river ,elow was ,ea#ti!#l7 an& one o! his !avorite reasons !or ma$ing the clim, #p here0 *e loo$e& ,ac$ at his pac$0 They ha& ta$en wo#n&s7 ,#t all ha& s#rvive& the rai&7 an& the "#re ha& permanently lost two o! their n#m,er0 To,y !ig#re& that another C or three rai&s7 an& they co#l& ta$e )awlins !or their own territory0 The o&& thing was the wiEar& getting involve&0 To,y ha& ,een tol& that they pre!erre& to ,e calle& mages7 or some s#ch7 ,#t he &i&n;t care0 .ll he $new was that they &i& things he co#l& not7 an& vice versa0 <ormally7 yo# never $new they were there7 an& their $in& an& 6ratha ha& very little in common0 B#t o#t o! nowhere7 in the mi&&le o! the ,attle7 lightning raine& &own #pon the "#re as i! the very s$y ha& re>ecte& them7 an& !or a moment7 To,y tho#ght it ha&0 Then he saw the woman7 &resse& li$e some $in& o! 'n&iana Bones meets #r,an tri,alism7 waving a $ni!e aro#n& at nothing an& chanting in a lang#age that ha& some very remote similarity to First Tong#e7 in m#ch the same way that ,inary has a relation to LL0 She st#c$ ro#n& thro#gh the ,attle7 #sing her magic to s#rvive the !#ry o! the "#re7 ,#t not #nmarre&0 She ha& heale& with her power7 ,#t the scars wo#l& ,e with her !or li!e0 She has sai& they were7 part o! my pattern now7 or something0 She was still aro#n&0 (oo$ing o#t over at the same river To,y was0 Do yo# have a name7 la&y9 =o# can call me Taggart7 ,#t ';m no la&y0 She then prove& it7 sitting &own !or com!ort7 not caring that the @now even shorterA s$irt she was wearing gave To,y a clear view o! the carpet7 so to spea$0 .n& yo#r name is9 To,y7 tho#gh my ,rothers call me Snar$0 She gave a ch#c$le0 ' see0 .re they really !amily9 =es an& no0 Why &i& yo# help #s9 What;s in it !or yo#9 For once we ha& a similar enemy0 ';ve ,een trac$ing them0 .,o#t D wo#l& ,e yo#ng pro!essionals have gone missing7 4 !o#n& &ea&7 an& that pac$ is responsi,le0 So why was it yo#r pro,lem0 One o! the $i&s that went missing was my ,rother7 once7 in another li!e0 *e was a ,astar& an& a rapist7 ,#t he was still ,loo&0 '! anyone was going to ,ring him to >#stice7 it sho#l& have ,een me0 .h7 revenge7 that ' can #n&erstan&0 <ot >#st revenge0 My magics $eep me att#ne& to the spirit worl& at least as goo& as yo#r $in& is0 ' $now something went &own in Denver7 something ,ig7 an& it;s le!t a mess in the spirit realm in the s#rro#n&ing states too0 .n& whatever it is7 ' !ear it co#l& happen again0 Oh7 where9 =o# ever hear o! the Seers o! the Throne9 The seare& o! the thorn9

So no0 Mages7 li$e mysel! an& my !ellows7 e+cept they are cheering !or the wrong team0 They have ha& a han& an& interest in $eeping the stat#s 8#o on the )eservation7 an& ';m not s#re why0 What &oes that have to &o with #s9 <othing0 Everything0 Who $nows0 What ' $now is that st#!! is going to happen0 Big st#!!0 .n& ' pre!er to have as many allies as ' can in those cases0 To,y consi&ere&7 m#lling it over in his ,rain0 Well7 ' ass#me yo# have secrets0 So &o we7 so here;s what ' propose0 We e+change notes on goings on in the spirit worl&7 an& $eep an eye o#t !or this ,ig thing yo# spea$ o!0 B#t otherwise7 !or the sa$e o! ,oth o! o#r sanities7 we $eep o#r sa!e &istance0 .gree&9 She no&&e&0 .gree&0 Do we seal it in ,loo& or something9 <o7 no nee& here0 We;re >#st tra&ing in!ormation0 -oo&0 ';ll see yo# aro#n&0 She got #p an& starte& wal$ing in the &irection o! town0 .s he watche& her go7 his ,eta came #p ,esi&e him0 Sally loo$e& at the woman leave with interest0 So7 what &i& yo# !in& there To,y9 *e consi&ere&0 With everything going on aro#n& here0 'n Denver0 'n hicago0 May,e something ,ig was coming7 an& i! it was ,ig eno#gh to ma$e &i!!erent power gro#ps come together li$e in Denver7 may,e it was ,ig eno#gh to nee& m#ltiple angles0 *ope0

The Evil that Men Do0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000K Wyoming Overview00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005 Secret on!licts00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000H Tri,al Days000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000H The "#re0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000D The Forsa$en000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000D Mages00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000D %ampires000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000D #lts an& Others0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000I The Wan&erer0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000023 "oints o! 'nterest000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022 heyenne an& (aramie00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022 Devil;s Tower0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002C From http://www0nps0gov/archive/&eto/stories0htm00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002C Shoshoni000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002G Bac$gro#n&0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002G Shoshoni State ollege00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000025 The <ew Settlers000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000025 The #lt o! the (iving -o&00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000025 The "lan o! Ol& Mac000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000024 #lt )it#als00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000024 Beasts o! %engeance (ost000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002H Win& )iver 'n&ian )eservation000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002D losing: *ope000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002I

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