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Cuprins manual BDT

1. Introducere pag. 2 2. Indoor: 2.1. GTKEO pag. 7 2.2. Icebreakers pag.10 2.3.Energizers pag.23 3. Outdoor: 3.1. GTKEO pag.25 3.2. Icebreakers pag.28 3.3. Energizers .. pag.40 4. Indoor & Outdoor games pag.46


Team Building role manual: The handbook is designed to encourage team work, help the team members learn to listen, give suggestions to other people and lead them to engage in planning that was accepted with recommendations of others and fairness in dealing with all of the other members. The manual also helps team leaders to achieve the objectives followed. Here you will find how to motivate the team while maintaining high efficiency. For this team leader should follow two main things: first off you measure system performance and feedback processes in which team members must participate actively. Thus, the team continues to develop within each department and AIESEC in general, but the projects and working steps. The second thing is rewarding aspect of your system (R & R), which should take into account both individual efforts, as well as that of the team. Members meet frequently to deal with departments that operate and look like AIESEC is an organization with a common goal... The team leader should offer that those who coordinate can be involved in many projects AIESEC is taking in advance. Therefore the encouraged team members must take their responsibilities more and more rewarding as having such.

Another utility of the manual would be to help find and solve existing problems in a team if they can not be prevented. There are several indicators that can show early signs of there maybe being something wrong with some team members: not consistently meeting deadlines, your goals are not achieved

as a team and its members to blame each other for delaying completion of projects or tasks for the discharge sites. Division into subgroups of members team may be one of the signs that something is wrong. Perhaps lacking "Foundation" of trust necessary to build a team. There are three types of trust, contractual (You do what you say), related with communication (availability of provided feedback, positive or negative, in an open and honest manner) and related competent. It often happens that one team member was not convinced that someone can handle a project better than him, preferring to take the whole workload. Subsequently, complaining that the tasks are not divided equally. To avoid those events, there must be an essential element, trust is the element that keeps cohesion in a team. For AIESEC it is common practice team building, be it on projects, departments or even locally. 2 The team must be aware of the four development levels The development levels are: trening, involvement, rate-seting, activation. All the people needs to understend that the team will progress, but also the team could pass bad times, depending by many variables like: a old membre leaving or another changes which the team is going through. Ask each membres: in which development level does he think that is and what are missing for promote to the next level. 3.You have to take the team pulse

This think could be realised in two diffrent ways.First, you can make a small initial survey which show up the way which membres see the connection with each other. The survey must show up trust betwen membres, dedication, communication and the way for pass over the problems. In fact, this first procedure consists in interacting constantly with the membres with a view to get their perception, the priority of team or the priority projects. Anohter way to take the team pulse is susteineing a periodic and open descussion about what it is happen whit the team. This conversation are good for the team communication.The feed-back is also a way for takeing the team pulse beacause it help to know the team dissatisfaction. 4. Evaluating membres

For detect a way for evaluate the membres behaviour it is an importan operation attempt to build the dream team. This exercice put in the light all the preferences and contributions for each membre.In this way they get more information about team which help them adapt and work more efficient with the other membres. For most people this kind of evaluation and knowledge its benefit for their communication with people around them.

5. The team establish her own rules For establish a internal rule the team cant wait for a problem occured. A kind a regulamant of internal order made for her own membres must points out all the rules and limits which are accepted. This document ravel what the team expects from each membre, what its intolerable and what isnt. Of course such a regulamant its n ot chiseled in stone it could be changed by the team membres based on them necessities. All the membres must know the regulamant and understent every rule in order to accomplish its amendments.

6.Trening of skills for communicate When its time for recruitment, Aiesec must be sure that each person has skills for communicate. These would be necessary circumstances for having a good and permanent communication in order to avoid the problems and conflicts and, if the problems come, solve them.The teams when there are such communication are the more efficient and productive, because the membres dont lose time for impede others to do their job. It looks like staff training and experience its only half from the value of a team, the other half consists in their friendship and skills to communicate whit the people around them. For choose the right people, Aiesec should use games and psychological tests which help it to descover the skills and behaviour membres.

2.1.3 666 Of course, Aiesec, like any other team has also problems. There are 6 methods for solving or avoiding the troubles: 1 Direacta approach Probably the best method for solving a conflict its the direacta approach beacuse it is focus on particularities of each situation. The big the conflict is the more objectivity it

requires. If the critics or complaints must by telled , those should done with carrefull dont upset the people involve. This method is based on solveing the problems which come, step by step, and this thing do in such a way as the people involved in conflicts wiil be involved finding sollutions.

2 The negotiation This method are good enought to be used when the people involved in conflict want to solve it, but their are not able to fiind common sollutions.Usually, this methode involves a third person who gives his suport for fiind a compromise accepted by everyone. Finally anyone will be contented by the result, but they shake their hands and the problem would disappear 3 Recall rules This method is very used in case that one or many membres of team dont involve in the projects. Obviously if you dont involve in activities or projects it means outbreak of conflict between membres and recall rules is esentiale now. If the situation continue may be the best solution is that person who dont involve leave.

4 The avoidance This method may be used in the moment when real motivation for continue the conflict dont exist.The avoidance could lead to relaxation and the involve parts could realised that everything were a fire straw.Useing this method we can prevent that a small discrepancy become a real desaster if the people involved discuss to much about somthing no account.

5 The acceptance The acceptance is a kind of negociacietion, but it is started from the point when every person involve in conflict have the same opinion.When the part realised there is a commun opinion we can go on the other direction: taward conflict resolution.

6 In order to avoid outbreak of conflict remembre: If somebody understents you this dont means that he agrees you! Be clear expresing your opinion ! Listen more than talk! Take heed of many posibilities before take a decision! Count to ten!You will fiind better solutions when you are calm and relaxed!Obiously when you are involved in a conflict all this things seems to be difficult theory for puting into practice, but practicing you will find the best solutions and you will see anything is imposible!!!! The 6 point of this method should be the Half-Decalogue for any Aiesec membre!

2.2 Another method used by Aiesec is: dont make your team with friends, make friens in the team.

When forming a dream team make an effort to include the most experienced people, whether or not you have worked with them before. The temptation to work mainly with friends will eventually hurt performance.To recruit best people for your organization start by answering some very simple questions like, "What do I want? What do I not want? What are my criteria?" Write down the criteria, then come up with powerful interview questions to ascertain whether those criteria would be manifested in a given candidate.Your interview questions should be aimed at helping prospective membres to talk about the extent to which they share your organization's vision, mission, values, and strategy. This should be able to give you a feeling for whether they will likely be aligned with the way you want to operate. Listen carefully to the answers, and you'll easily identify the people you want that will be an asset to your team.

INDOOR 2.1. GTKEO 1. First Names Ask each person in turn to come and write their name on the board or paper and tell something about it - the origin; why they are named it; whether they like it; if they prefer. shorter or longer versions etc. 2. Talking in Pairs People are asked to speak with one other person that they don't know, or don't know well, to introduce themselves to each other. They are encouraged to spend five minutes each. It is possible to give more specific questions to talk about.Afterwards each person in the pair could introduce the other to another couple or to the whole group. 3. Ball of wool

People stand in a circle. The first person throws a ball of wool to another (anywhere in the circle) saying their first name and where they are from (or any other single thing that you decide on). The next person does the same. The wool should crasscross the circle. A point could be made at the end about the fact that everybody in the group is connected in some way by the wool and their being together right now. 4. What I would rather do Sitting in a circle each person says their name and what they would do with their life Oob perhaps) if they could change. For example: 'llaria - Actress'. The next person then introduces their neighbour, saying their own name and what they would rather do. This continues until the last person introduces everybody and then themselves. This is not only a way for people to learn the names of others but to discover something more about them at the same time. 5. I AM... Each person is given the 'I AM...' sheet (copy attached) and asked to write largely and clearly three things about themselves that are not obvious. So not, I am female or wear spectacles or have red hair. They can be as revealing or ordinary as each person wants them to be. Then they attach the sheet to their front. Stand. Walk around and introduce themselves to all the other participants by shaking hands; exchanging names; looking at the sheet of the other person and briefly commenting or asking a question. This allows a real personal connection between each person at the start.

Conclusion The Personal Shield and Human Bingo, also in the pack, can be used as getting to know each other exercises or later as re-connection ones. The value of all of them is that they stress that each individual matters and is being valued for themselves, before anything is done in groups or on the content. This is essential for this work that looks at respecting others and accepting difference. It sends a very clear signal right from the start. PERSONAL SHELD Introduction A short exercise for people in a group who do not know each other very well or who have not seen each other for a while. To encourage easier communication between group members.



Each person draws - or makes - their own shield including the following:

A - 3 Favourite things to do in leisure time (drawn); B - 3 Ambitions (drawn); C - 3 People you admire (drawn); D - 3 Places you like or would like to visit (drawn);

Alternatively: A B C D

Three depictions of your family, personal life. Three depictions of your work or study life. Three spare time activities. Three places you like or would like to visit.

Other variations are possible.


They also adopt a phrase that's applicable to them which will be their motto.

Once complete, with a partner each person talks about their shield and motto for ten minutes and then listens as their partner explains their's for ten minutes.

They can then be put on the wall of the meeting room for people to look at and guess which belongs to each person or with names on the top.


1. TWO TRUTHS, ONE LIE: Break everyone into groups of anywhere from 3-5. Each person must tell the others two truths and one lie about themselves. The other members of the group must then guess which statement was the lie. When finished, the groups can each choose their "best liar", who can then try and fool the rest of the groups. 2. GROUPING BY CHARACTERS AND THEME SONGS: This is a fun way in which to break up a large group into smaller ones. Write the names of characters from sitcoms, cartoons, etc.. that can readily be recognized as belonging together on index cards. If you want your group size to be about 5, you should make sure that you have 5 characters per grouping. For example, if you pick the Flintstones as a character grouping, you would have five index cards each with a different character such as Fred, Wilma, Barney, Pebbles, and Bamm-Bamm. Mix up the index cards and pass them out as the people walk through the door. The groups then have to find each other by singing the theme song from whichever sitcom, cartoon, etc.. the characters represent. 3. HUMAN ZIPPER: Break up the room into two groups. (You can keep it in one if there aren't enough people for two.) Line them up, preferably female-male. One person then needs to lie down on their back. The next person will lie down next to the first person but with his/her feet facing the opposite direction. They should be close together to the point where their heads are touching. Lay people down alternating them in the same manner. Everyone's feet should be facing out from the center. Then,have everyone raise their arms in the air and flex their wrists so that they make a flat surface. Tell them that it's very important to keep their arms stiff. Take the first person out of the line,have them stand up, help lay them down on the first set of hands. This person will be passed all the way down the line along the hands. The people lying down need to keep passing them down the line without letting them fall. (Someone is needed to spot this game because usually they will start to waiver every so often.) It's important for the person being passed to remain stiff as well so that it's easier to pass them. Once they reach the end, that person is helped off the human zipper and they will lie down next to the last person in line and become part of the zipper. The second person toward the front of the line now will go

through the same process and then the third and so on and so forth. If you have enough people to do more than one line, you can have races between the "zippers." 4. NAME GAME: This is a "get to know you game." Everyone breaks up into groups of around 10-15. The person who starts needs to say his or her name along with a word that starts with the same letter. The facilitator may want to choose a specific area. For example, favorite foods or adjectives to describe yourself. The second person must say their adjective/food/whatever along with their name and also what the person before them said. For example, if the second person in the circle is named karen and the first is named Scott: Karen would have to say "Kiwi Karen, Scallion Scott." And so on until the last person has to say everyone's name & adjective. 5. HUMAN KNOT: Break into groups of around 7. Everyone should form a circle and reach out and grab the hands of someone in the group who is not standing directly next to him or her. The group must then "untie." If you have more than one group, you can make it into a race. Realize: this is possible no matter how hands are grabbed as long as no one grabs the hands of someone who is directly next to him or her. 6. COUNTRY ON FOREHEAD: Everyone has an index card or sticker on their forehead. On the sticker is written the name of an AIESEC country; the person should not know the country that they are. The participants must then walk around and ask "yes or no" questions about their country which will give them clues as to what country they are. For example, one could ask "Does it rain a lot in this country?" The purpose of the game is to figure out what country you are. 7. THE "TRASH" GAME: Without telling people what will be done with them, have each person write down on a piece of paper anonymously one of their problems, a frustration, something they are currently worried or concerned about. Ask them not to make them incredibly personal. When done, have them crumple up the paper and throw it. The facilitator will then go pick up a couple of the crumpled pieces of paper, open them up and read them to the group. The group will then brainstorm to offer solutions on how this difficulty or problem can be rectified.



This should probably be done with people who are fairly comfortable with each other and used as a stress reliever. Let the individuals in the group pair up. Each person can then scream anything at all at the other person as loud as they can even if there is no possible way that it could be the other's fault. If the pair runs out of stuff to scream, have them scream "grumble grumble" at each other. 9. KISS WHAT YOU LIKE, LICK WHAT YOU DON'T: Have the group form a circle. Have them name something on the person to the left which they like about that person (ie. their teeth) and something about the person of their right that they don't like. Once everyone has done this, they have to kiss what they like and lick what they don't. This should also be done with people who feel relatively comfortable with each other. In order for this to work, the people cannot have any idea of what they have to do in the future. 10. HUMAN SANDWICHES: Divide the group into smaller groups of even numbers of people. Assign each group a component of a sandwich. For example, bread, meat, cheese, condiments, etc.. Within each smaller group, let each person decide more specifically what they want to be within their sandwich component. For example, in the meat category you might have five people who will then be ham, turkey, roast beef, mortadella (cool Italian lunch meat), liverwurst, etc.. Bring someone out of the whole group and ask them to build a sandwich not knowing which person is what specific component. For example, the person may say: "I'm really hungry. I think I'd like to have a sandwich on white bread." The person who has chosen white bread then lays down on the floor. The sandwich maker goes on to add meat, cheese, whatever and each time someone else will lay down on top oc the other "components." 11. THE TRAVEL GAME Everyone gets 20 statements which relate to different countries or cultures. Ex. It is an insult to show the bottom of your feet. You can play this either as a competition quiz who gets the most right or as a guessing game. In this case everyone would get a country on their back & a sheet of paper with mixed cultural statements & have to guess which country is theirs, or have to find the other people with the same country. 12. THE CULTURE GAME A large group is split into two and each is given a culture to act out. The culture should be explicit & different from modern day norms (Ex. Shoulder shaking means yes and hand flapping means no. Men cannot approach another man without a woman's consent. Socially people should stand arms length apart at all times, etc.) The two

groups should get proficient at their own culture & then representatives should be thrown in with the other group & explain their confusion to their own culture. Eventually both groups should end up together & discuss the differences & uncomfortable feelings associated with not understanding norms. 15. THE M & M GAME Large bads of M&Ms are passed out & people take as many as they want. They are then told that they have to tell the entire group something about themselves for every M&M they took. (Can be done with toilet paper squares also) 13. FLIP CHART PAPER Give everyone a sheet of flip chart paper to post on a wall & tell them to break it up into three sections. In each section they must draw a picture and/or write something Re: predeterminded categories. For ex. the 3 categories could be: - My strengths - My weaknesses - What I want to get out of this year/semester/exercise/week, etc. OR Why I am here - What my hobbies are - Who I want to be in 10 years. If appropriate, people can go around after & write comments on each other's sheets. 14. THE LIFE SAVER GAME Two teams line up & each person gets a toothpick to put in their mouth. The first puts a life saver on the toothpick & passes it to the next person's toothpick without using their hands. The first team to finish wins. 15. THE HUMAN CHAIR A group of 20 people or more form a circle & stand front to back (boy girl order preferable) as close as possible. Everyones feet should be facing straight in front of their body directly under their hips & they should be touching (squishing in fact) the person in front of them. (we are talking tight circle) On the count of three, eveyone sits on the lap of the person behind them. The circle will hold itself up. Eveyone should be able to relax & just sit. If this is not the case, someone's feet are not directly underneath them, or not straight ahead. When everyone is relaxed the facilitator should call 1-2-3 & everyone should move one leg at a time (the same leg) and the circle can "walk" in a circle.


16. BRAIN TEASERS A good team building exercise is to lay 5 - 6 (one per team) brainteasers out on 5 - 6 different tables (stations) and have every team rotate around & have 5 - 10 min. (depending on difficulty level) to figure them out. At the end the winner is announced. During the exercise observers should walk around noting "teamworking" issues. ie., how well the teams worked together, if people argued or collaborated, if teams worked better together as the time wore away, etc.) Teams can then comment on if they think they worked well toghether or not & how these issues come into play in AIESEC functional areas or teams. 17. BITE THE BAG: The team is instructed to form a large circle. The facilitator then places a brown grocery bag in the center of the circle. Each member must pick up the bag with his/her teeth while standing on one foot with both hands held behind his/her back. After the entire group has successfully completed this task, the facilitator cuts one to two inches off the top of the bag. If a team member touches the floor with his/her foot (or any other part of the body), the member is disqualified. After each round, more of the bag is cut. The last team member who successfully picks up the bag without falling, wins! This exercise, similar to a reversed limbo contest, can be a lot of fun and a great icebreaker for new team members. 18. Cheeky-Cheeky Depending on the number of participants, you may want to pick a few helpers for this icebreaker game. The helpers will all have a small tube of lipstick in their pocket or hidden in their hands before the game starts. They can pretend at the last minute that they decide to join in the game; this helps them to find the person that they would like to stand next to. Have all participants line up in a straight line, side by side, instruct them that they have to look forward and they cant turn their heads. Tell them that youre playing the Cheeky-Cheeky game and everyone is to repeat what you do but must not move. Give them an example by lightly pinching the persons cheek on the right of you and say Cheeky-Cheeky. You should be at the beginning of the line. Note to them that that person is to do the same and then the next person all the way down the line until it reaches the end. Once demonstrated start out with Cheeky-Cheeky but this time behind your back you have lipstick that you put on your fingertips. After youve done CheekyCheeky and the movement has gone down the line then do nosey, nosey. After that do chiny-chiny, eary-eary, heady-heady and right eary-eary. Each time add more lipstick to your finger tips without them noticing. In the process the person next to you should end up with lipstick all over their face. Pick a person that is a good sport to stand next to. If

youve planted helpers in the line, a few other people should end up with lipstick on their faces also. 19. Frozen Ts For each team you'll need one T- shirt and one plastic storage bag. Place one nicely folded T-shirt in each bag then pour in about 2 cups of water and freeze all of them overnight. If this wasn't done where the event is taking place bring the T-shirt in a cooler filled with ice to keep them frozen. Instruct the teams that they'll be playing an Ice Breaker game. Then hand out the bagged T-shirts to each team. On "Go" the teams will have to get their T-shirts thawed out so that one person from their team can put the Tshirt on. Teams will get creative in their attempts to win. They could run the shirts underwater, put them in the microwave and even pounded the ice out of them. The first team to come back with one person in the T-shirt is the winner.


Gotchya! (Grab the Finger)

Gotchya! (Grab the Finger or Cheese)

Equipment: None. Time: ~5-10 minutes

Handy icebreaker and attention-grabber for kids thru corporate group programs.

Brief Description: FastStimulating group activity to get people moving 5 min. group together, focused, challenged, having fun and activity to get people ready for action. Useful to get focused together and focused. In attention when people arrive, get off the bus, or a circle, right finger on to fill 5-10 minutes. next person's left palm. Try to grab a finger before Works with any size groups, indoor and yours gets grabbed. outdoor. Participants stand in a circle, arms out to the side. Left hand palm up, right index finger pointing down and touching on neighbor's outstretched palm. "When I say the word go, do two things.... grab the finger in your left hand, and prevent your right finger from being grabbed... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... [add suspense] ... Go!". Repeat several times. Tom Leahy advises "put big energy, and your

own style to never fails to grab everyone's attention, bringing them immediately to the present...Provides perfect off the bus spark for the day....Good for 10 minutes".

The trick is dramatizing the "Go!", the build up of suspense, and most will jump the gun, adding to the fun. Try a different trigger word, e.g., "Cheese", and mention lots of other "eeze" words for humor - peas, sneeze, wheeze, please and freeze. Or use the word/theme of the day e.g., "outdoor" to help get people listening to every word. Can transition to talking about "assumptions" and "temptation", etc.


Group Juggle

Fun way to start working together. Can be used to learn names and develop a sense of interconnectedness. Stand in a circle, toss a ball to someone, using his/her name, and they in turn toss it to someone else, using the next person's name. Keep it going, then more balls are introduced and it starts gets crazy.

How to Run a Group Juggle Session Set up & instructions (1st round) 2nd round - have another go! 3rd round - do it faster! 4th round - adding more balls! Variation: Warp Speed Links to other descriptions Set up & instructions for 1st round of group juggling

Arrange participants in a circle, not too close, not too far from one another Include yourself in the circle Explain that you are going to throw a ball to someone - pick someone out & ask their name, then say "Hi Freddy, my name is you go!" [underarm throw a ball to Freddy] Freddy then says "Thankyou James", picks someone and says "Hi X, my name is you go!" [throw]....they say "Thankyou, Freddy] and on we go. If you're not trying to learn names, skip the naming part & just throw! The challenge from here is simply to get the ball thrown around to everyone in the circle, and finally back to the trainer.

2nd round of group juggling

I then say, "Right, well done, now let's see if we can that again - making sure we use the same order, and using each other's names. Remember to say the name of the person you are throwing to, and

thank the person, by name, for throwing it to you, OK?"

On the second round, most people will be challenged to remember who to throw it to, and the two names! Take it slow, help the group out, so that each person has a successful second round.

3rd round of group juggling

I then say, "Good, so how about we do it again, but this time, let's let's see how fast we can do it, OK? Here we go...Hi Freddy, my name is James...." [throw] It will go pretty fast this time, and the group will probably feel quite pleased with themselves.

4th round of group juggling - introducing more balls

I then say, "That's great, but I think you can do faster than that. Come on, let's see how we can really go..." [I then throw and say the name with super fast enthusiasm to set the tone! After the first ball has passed through a few hands, I take a 2nd ball out of my pocket (surprise!), and casually, but earnestly say "Hi Freddy...." [throw]. By now everyone is so well trained, the 2nd ball will automatically keep going, and there will be a detectable sense of challenge/excitement. After a bit, I introduce a 3rd and 4th ball, up to about 6 balls. Usually I let 4 to 6 balls be juggled for a while (note the balls will be coming back again to the trainer - just keep them going). A group of 12 adults can usually handle 4 to 6 quite well. If I'm feeling conservative, I just let the group have the success of doing this number of balls, and collect them in when that seems to have been achieved. But usually, once the group seems competent at 4 to 6 balls I gradually then introduce an unmanageable number of balls into the juggle & maybe also weird objects (e.g., kids soft toys) which all gets crazy, fun, out of control, etc. and ends in a hilarious shambles. Generally doesn't require debriefing.


Have You Ever?

This an active, fun way to explore and celebrate the rich diversity of experiences that different people bring to any group. Works best with larger groups.

Equipment None. Can be done

The instructor explains that he/she will call out different things that may or may not apply to each person. If the item does apply to you, then run into the middle, jump in the air, and do a high 5 with anyone else who runs in. A list of about 20 items should be tailored to the particular group, setting, and program goals, but some suggestions are below. Usually the items are of a "Have You Ever....?" form, but also free to ad lib, e.g., "Does Anyone Have....?" Items should be carefully considered in order to prevent embarrassment, ridicule, etc. The motivation of participants to participate often needs some amping up. Try to do some other warm-ups first. The rest is down to the leader's skill in demonstrating and encouraging. List of Possible "Have Your Ever?" Items: 1. Have you ever climbed to the highest point in your country of birth? 2. Have you ever lived overseas for more than 1 year? 3. Have you ever sung karaoke? 4. Have you ever been without a shower for more than 2 weeks? 5. Do you have both a brother and a sister? 6. Have you ever ridden a horse? 7. Have you ever eaten frogs' legs? 8. Can you speak 3 or more languages?

indoor or outdoor. Time ~10-15 minutes Brief Description Active, fun group activity to explore and celebrate the rich diversity of people's past experiences. Works well with large groups.

9. Have you ever been in love with someone who was vegetarian? 10. Have you swum in 3 or more different oceans? 11. Have you ever flown an aeroplane? 12. Have you broken 3 or more bones in your body? 13. Have you done volunteer work sometime in the last month? 14. Have you ever free-climbed a tree or rockface more than 10 meters vertically? 15. Have you ever had a close relative who lived to over 100? 16. Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 20 people? 17. Have you ever kept a budgerigar as a pet? 18. Have you ever been parachuting or done a bungee jump? 19. Can you not click your fingers on your non-dominant hand? 20. Have you ever seen a polar bear? Variations Participants can generate their own questions. Here's one way. People are sitting in a circle. Everyone has a chair (or rope ring or hula hoop) except the person who is IT, standing in the center.

The person in the middle asks a "Have You Ever" question that is true for him/her self e.g., "have you ever climbed a mountain over 10,000 feet?" Anyone whose answer is "yes" gets up and moves to an empty seat. So, if four people get up they try to exchange seats as quickly as possible. The person who asked the question tries to quickly gain a seat, leaving one other person without a seat and they

become the new IT.

In choosing a question, participants can try for questions which reveal something e.g., have you ever trekked the Great Wall of China? or ask simple questions like have you ever fallen off of a bicycle? for which everyone would get up. Pileup variation: Anyone can ask a question and if you can answer yes to the question you move one space to your right and sit in that chair. If you cannot answer yes to the question, you stay seated in the chair where you are. This means somebody may be coming to sit on your lap from the seat to your left. Sometimes you get three and four people sitting in sort of a lap-style game on top of you. Then, when they ask the next question to go one space to the right by answering yes, they peel off one at a time sit down and you end up on top. It creates some very interesting combinations. Physical touching reveals something about people and it breaks the ice so that people can then begin to feel more comfortable talking about and doing other novel things.

22. Moo Game Pick three people to stand outside while the rest of the group gets ready. Form a circle large enough for someone to stand inside. Tell the group that They are going to pick someone from outside to come in and stand inside the circle and when you count to three everyone has to MOO as loud as they can. Then tell them on the last time, when the third person comes in to fake a MOO. Everyone should look like they are going to MOO but dont. Pick someone from outside and tell them that they are to listen for the person who MOOed the loudest. Count to three and everyone MOOs. The person in the middle will then pick who MOOed the loudest and whomever they pick will be correct. Then tell that person that they have to MOO as loud as they can on the next round but to not MOO at all on the third round. Now the 2nd person comes in and you "MOO" and they pick who was the loudest and they are of course correct. But don't tell the 2nd person to not MOO on the last round. Now the third person comes in and you tell them to pick the loudest MOO. You count to three and everyone pretends like they are going to MOO except the 2nd person that came in who MOOs really loud all by

him or herself. Its really funny. You may have to explain the joke to the third person though.



CATCH ME IF YOU CAN: Players should be paired up. All players divide into two lines (facing in) shoulder to shoulder, with partners facing each other. Participants should be given approximately 30 seconds to look at their partners, taking in all details about the individual. The leader then instructs the two lines to turn and face away from the center. One or both lines has 15-20 seconds to change something about their appearance (i.e. change a watch to different wrist, unbutton a button, remove a belt, etc.). The change must be discrete, but visible to the partner. The players again turn in to face each other and have 30 seconds to discover the physical changes that have been made. Players get to interact with each other and have fun.

HOG CALL: Break the group into pairs. Each pair must choose two things; a machine and an animal. They then have to decide who is which. The pairs then divide up on opposite sides of the room. Everyone must close their eyes (if they feel comfortable), and by making only the noise that their character would make, they must find their partner. When they find their partner, they can open their eyes and wait until everyone else is done. Note: When conducting an activity with eyes closed, have the group raise their hands in front of their chests as bumpers, and have at least one person (facilitator) acting as a spotter

HUM THAT TUNE: Each person in the group is given a small piece of paper with the name of a nursery rhyme or other song written on the paper. (i.e. Row, row, row your boat, Rock -a-bye baby, etc.) All of the people who are given the song must hum that tune and fine everyone else singing the song. MUMBLE JUMBLE: Before the activity begins, the leader will cut up a few pictures into puzzle pieces. Each group member will grab a piece of a puzzle from a bag. The group members will keep their puzzle piece to themselves until the leader says, GO! At this point, the group

members will try to locate the other members of the group with the pieces to form the appropriate pictures. Whichever group does it first, wins. Good activity for breaking into retreat/activity groups.



1. THE ROPE GAME Two teams compete by taking a rope (thread, yarn, etc.) & feeding it through each other's clothes. The first person puts the rope down their shirt and pants & hands it to the other person. They put the rope up their pants & shirt & hand it on. The first team to finish wins. (Be sure to use something which will not create rope burns)

2. THE QUARTER GAME: Lay everyone down, one next to each other facing the dame direction preferably alternating males and females. If you have enough people to make more than one line, you can have races between the teams much like in the human zipper game. Place a quarter on the chest of the first person in line. The aim is to pass the quarter onto the next person without the use of hands. This means that the second person in line must roll on top of the first person with the quarter, both people roll back over again so the second person is again on the bottom and then the first person must roll off,leaving the quarter on the chest of the second person. In order to keep the quarter between them, the pair must hug each other rather tightly in the rolling process. Should the quarter fall to the ground, they have to start from the beginning again. Then repeat the game going on down the line. 3. HUMAN ZIPPER - HAND: Have people line up one behind the other. Put your left hand through your legs and grab the right hand of the person behind you. Reach your right arm out to grab the left hand of the person in front of you. Then, starting with the very last person in line, everyone must crawl through the legs of the people in front of you. 4. Mother May I (also known as Captain May I) How to Play This game is a simple childhood action game that might be good for reinforcing the use of manners. One person is chosen as the mother (or captain if it is a male). She or he stands facing away from a line of kids and selects a child at random, or in order. The mother/captain calls out a direction, step type, and number of steps. For example, the mother/captain can say: Scott, you may take seven (or any other number)

baby/normal/giant steps forward/backward. The child then responds with Mother may I? (or Captain may I? if it is a male player in charge). The mother/captain states Yes or No, depending on her whim, and the child obeys and takes the steps. If the child forgets to ask Mother may I? then he/she goes back to the beginning of the line . The first one to touch the Mother/Captain wins and becomes the new Mother/Captain. An alternate version of the game is similar: each child takes turns asking, Mother/Captain may I take [x kind of] steps? The child who is mother (or captain) replies yes or no. There are other kinds of steps possible for this game be creative and come up with your own. For example, there are:

Bunny hops: hopping like a bunny. Frog hops: going down on all fours and hopping up like a frog. Scissors steps: jump while crossing your feet, then jump while uncrossing them was one step. Skip steps: steps as though one is skipping. Banana step: the child lies down with his or her feet at current spot, noting where the top of his or her head is, and standing up there for the new spot.

5. Treasure hunts There's no better activity for team building than a well-planned 'treasure hunt'. Treasure hunts can be based on solving clues or finding things, or a mixture. Teams have a set amount of time to collect a list of items from the hotel/office complex/local vicinity - eg a restaurant menu with a fish dish on it, a box of matches with a phone number with a seven in it, an acorn, a brochure with a yacht in it, a sports programme with green grass pictured in it, etc etc. This is fantastic fun and a supreme leveller. Obviously ensure participants are warned not to do anything illegal or anti-social. Great for evening exercises for overnight stays. If you are planning a big event for more than twenty people or so, it's essential that the facilitator goes to the location in advance, so that you can sort out the clues and the route and ensure it all works. It's easy when you're there. It's possible to think up a certain amount remotely, but the best clues will be specific local ones - that you must be able to rely on - something of this scale must be planned and tested at the location. Do some basic preparation remotely before you go there (start point, finish venue, rough area and route) and then spend a day there to find/create the specifics, design the whole thing, and be sure that it will all work in practice. Logistics (getting people from A to B) and timings (how long will it take the first and last to complete) are crucial.


Timings are always difficult to predict - be aware that tourist venues are very busy in the Summer, which will affect how quickly people can complete it and the ease with people can all meet up along the way and at the finish. If it's an overnight event, how you design the event will also depend on where you're all staying and what you want to do before and after the treasure hunt. Ideally you don't want to have to worry about bussing people to and from the hunt, so ideally people should be staying where the hunt is and all together. If it's for the evening avoid any necessity for car-driving - it's too risky - on foot is much more fun, people can walk for miles without complaining provided there's not too far between stops for clues - the exercise helps too - maybe have them catch a bus at most, but no driving at night. The local tourist information office and library are always a useful reference points for ideas about a basic route, best area, plus contact numbers etc. If you're happy with drinking and can trust people not to be daft than basing the treasure hunt on pubs works well - pubs will offer good potential for clues, a route and lots of fun, subject to your view on alcohol playing a part. Definitely plan an organized gathering for the end of the treasure hunt where you can give prizes and relax as a group, particularly if the treasure hunt is in the evening. The finish venue needs to be reliable and under your control - you don't want everyone to be finally meeting up amongst hundreds of strangers. For a large group of people it's best to have a few marshals along the route to help the lost and tardy. Teams of four, five, or six at most, work best - the bigger the team the quicker they solve the clues, although teams of seven would be too big and result in one or two being left out. Teams of five sounds are good. Think about your team building priorities - if it's to improve inter-departmental teamworking then create inter-departmental teams; if you want to build stronger relationships within departments create departmental teams. If you've got gender, race or hierarchy barriers to break down, mix the teams accordingly. Try to mix the clues so they require different skills and knowledge, which will enable everyone in each team to shine - some clues very cryptic, some require observation, some historical, some technical, some mathematical, some requiring good persuasive or investigative skills, and always preferably with a local location reference/ingredient. Whatever you do, remember planning is vital.



1. Communication corridor Here's a great one for a conference warm-up. Great for communications too. Have two rooms with a corridor separating them - the further away the better. Teams of three. Each team has a 'builder' with a set of building bricks or a construction kit in each room, and a runner between the rooms. In only one room do the builders have the instructions for what they're building. As they build, the runners have to run and explain to the other builder in the other room what is being built and how. Winning team is first with a correctly assembled construction in each room. 2. Survival Scenario Exercise Equipment

Scenario briefing (1 per group) List of items/people (1 per person and/or visuals per group) Expert list (number optional)


A classic group communication & decision making exercise. People get intensely engaged because the "survival stakes" are high and none of the decisions are easy. Works for a wide variety of ages and purposes, indoors or outdoors.

Group Size



Total ~45-100 mins 5-10 minutes briefing 15-30 minutes exercise time 5-10 minutes scoring (for select equipment scenarios) 20-30 minutes debrief & discussion A classic group communication and decision making exercise, with many variations. Works for a wide variety of ages and purposes, indoors or outdoors. Consensus can be hard to reach, however, set the aim for all participants to at least partially agree to each ranking on their final list.

Encourage groups to complete the task without the use of tactics such as voting, trading in or averaging. Watch for participants avoiding conflict or changing their minds simply to come to agreement. Highlight these kinds of behaviors in the debrief. An important outcome of this exercise can be learning that sometimes a bit of give and take is necessary in order to move forwards to a solution. Watch for over emphasis by some participants on needing 100% accurate answers. Steer the group towards the aim of the exercise which is heightening awareness of communication and decision making processes, rather than over emphasis on 'getting the answers exactly right'. Display of this need is a point of observation and one worthy of debrief. There are two classic types of "paper & pencil" group survival scenarios (selecting equipment and selecting people). In each case: o Provide instructions & hand out materials o Set a time limit (~15-30 minutes) o Let the group go - answer questions, watch, & observe! o Debrief

Scenario Type 1: Choose Survival Equipment Your plane crashed...your group needs to choose the 12 most useful items to survive... Choose / rank equipment items in terms of their relative survival value:

Participants choose/rank the items individually Discuss choices/rankings in small group and come to a group consensus Score answers against "expert" opinion Possible scenarios: o Lost at sea or island survival (shipwreck) o Desert (plane crash) o Space or Moon

Scenario Type 2: People Survival Scenario (Who will be saved?) A nuclear bomb has been dropped...a radiation-free shelter is available, but can only take 6 people; choose who will survive... Choose / rank people in terms of who will get to live or die in situations with limited survival resources:

Participants role play characters (a bit like a Murder Mystery) Can lead to high emotions; people get intensely engaged, particularly when choosing who will survive, and none of the decisions are easy.


No right answers - any so-called "correct" answers are based on debatable values (e.g., ageism, sexism, racism) Highlights individual's dispositions, group processes and decision making Possible scenarios: o Plane crash survivors o Nuclear war shelter o Oxygen dwindling (space, moon, mars) o Lifeboat / Sinking ship (sea)


Appoint a time keeper in each group and encourage them to be the person who monitors the progress of the group towards achieving consensus within the time frame. To emphasise individual versus group decision making, split the session into three parts: o Individuals make their own selections first, on paper (5-10 minutes) o Groups (or sub-groups) then discuss and create a group decision o Compare individual and group performances, e.g.,: For equipment scenarios, group decisions are usually more accurate than individual answers, helping to illustrate the importance of collaborative group decision-making. For people scenarios, score individuals according to how close the group's decision was to their own selections of who is to live and die (an indicator of each person's influence over the group).

Possible Debrief Questions o How were decisions made? o Who influenced the decisions and how? o How could better decisions have been made? o Did people listen to each other? if not why not? o What roles did group members adopt? o How was conflict managed? o What kinds of behavior helped or hindered the group? o How did people feel about the decisions? o How satisfied was each person with the decision (ask each participant to rate his / her satisfaction out of 10, then obtain a group average and compare / discuss with other groups' satisfaction levels) o What have you learnt about the functioning of this group? o How would you do the activity differently if you were asked to do it again? o What situations at work/home/school do you think are like this exercise?


3. Thirsty Straws Summary: A funny relay race in which players must quickly drink as much water as they can and then pass it on to the next person. Thirsty Straws Game Instructions: In groups of four, choose the order in which each person will drink. Thirsty Straws is a relay race to see who finishes first. The object of the game is to be the first team to drink the entire liter of water with the requirement that each member of the team can only drink once. The catch is that if each person does not drink his/her share, the last person is left to finish off whatever is left. This is usually an extremely difficult task and usually hilarious to watch.Note: This game may not be the most sanitary of games. As a cleaner alternative, consider a relay using multiple bottles of water, in which the next person can drink when the person finishes his or her one bottle.

4. HA HA Players: Small to large groups Teams competing lay down side by side on floor or ground. The first person lays back of hand on next persons stomach and that person lays back of hand on the stomach of the next to him and so on. The first person in line is to laugh one HA. The next person in line is to laugh HA HA (two times). The third person is HA HA HA. And so on. Any person that breaks out into a giggle is out of the game and must get up and the hole is filled in. The last one to giggle, wins.

5. ICE CUBE HUNT Required: Ice cubes, food coloring and winter weather Players: Small to large groups Make up several ice cubes trays with food coloring in water. Once you have made ice cubes, distribute into search area. The person to find the most colored ice cubes is the winner.


6. KING BOE BOES RING Required: Vaseline or mayonnaise (or anything mushy), chair, stool and blindfolds Players: Small to medium groups From the group select a number of persons that you would like to play this game. Send them outside. Have some one (preferably a man) that has a very ugly toe, sit on the chair with his foot on the stool. Put some mayonnaise or Vaseline on his thumb. Let him bend the thumb and you put it on the jointed area. You also put some on the big toe that is on the stool. You then invite one of the persons that have already been blindfolded to come in with his/her hands behind him. It must stay behind him as long as he/she is approaching the king. They are asked to bow before the king in respect (keeping hands behind). Take them very close to the king where they can actually kneel right in front of the toe that has the mayonnaise or Vaseline on it. They bow as to kiss the king ring and the king puts his finger out so that the person kisses the finger instead of the toe. The king then puts his hand behind him leaving the toe as the visible object that has been kissed.

The blindfold is now taken off and the person sees the toe and thinks that he/she has kissed this ugly toe. (Make sure that you keep adding more Vaseline to the finger as it will be kissed off, also make sure that enough is on the toe) Continue with the next person until all have come in. Do not tell the person what has happened but encourage the person to watch and see what has happened. He/she will laugh at himself.

The other players must be locked away so that they have no clue as to what is happening, they will hear the laughs and will be curious and anxious to come in. No one in the room is to tell them anything. The last person usually does not know what is happening. You may tell him or her if you choose to.

7. MEMORY GAME Required: Subjects for memory, tray, paper and pencil Players: Small groups Pick a subject like foods you would eat or crave. Lay them all in a tray for viewers to see and have participants pass tray around. Remove tray from sight and have

participants list what was on tray. The person that lists the most objects is the winner. You can give extra points or break ties by asking specific questions like what flavor sucker and so on. 8. PUZZLE PIECE SEARCH Required: Precut puzzle pieces and open table Players: Small to medium groups You can do this with a pre-made puzzle or use a large unwanted poster and cut into several pieces depending on the number of players. Hide pieces throughout play area while players are out of the room. Have a card table or work area where the puzzle can be reassembled. When a player finds a piece they are to bring it to the table to fit it together with the other pieces. Once they have found where that piece goes they are off searching for another piece of the puzzle. At the end, have the players think about all those pieces, each one a different shape, size and color but they all come together to become one big picture. 9 . RUMOR Required: Blackboard & chaulk (paper & pencil will do) Players: Small to large groups The first person from each team is to go out and make up a message together. This message will be used by all teams. Once signaled to start, the first person on each team is to whisper the Rumor to the next person on their team. They will whisper the Rumor to the next - and so on. The last person to receive the Rumor will run to the black board and write the message. The team that is the closest to the correct Rumor wins.

10.SCAVENGER HUNT Required: Just a pencil and paper Players: Small to large groups

Make a list of things for teams to look for through their wallets, purses, and possibly Whats on their bodies. Divide into teams by tables, pairs, individuals or what seems best. Here is a list of ideas of what they can look for but modify the list to your liking. Do not list where they might find these items. 1975 Penny, $2 bill, $100 bill, red ribbon (found in a bible), hologram (usually found on a credit card, dont tell them this!!!), a bird (usually found on a credit card), pick a few states from the new quarters (Delaware, Michigan, Florida), pearl

(earring or ring), black sock, roman numeral (found on a watch), Susan B Anthony dollar, picture of a tree, tic tac, paper clip, measuring tape, ruler, peppermint candy, toothpick, the word Moses (if they have a bible), M&M, Tums, childrens Tylenol, thermometer, white button, pink nail polish, screw driver, nose ring, tweezers, mirror, ankle bracelet, red hair, raisin, triangle, charge slip over $200 and so on. Make a list and copy off the list for each team. Have them check off which items they have, the team with the most checked off, wins!!!! At the end, tell them where they could have found some of the items. 11. Apples to Oranges Required: One apple, one orange, paper, pencil, container, and music Players: Small to large groups Category: Circle Games

Print out slips of paper that you will pull out of a container. Each slip will be labeled differently as follows: before the apple, the apple, after the apple, before the orange, the orange, and after the orange. You might want to do a couple sets in case certain slips become detectable after use. Once youve completed the slips place them in a container mix them up. Have players stand in a circle, give the apple to one person and the orange to someone across the circle, then start the music. They are to pass the fruits until the music stops. When the music stops, pull out a slip of paper and read it. If the paper states before the specific fruit that person is out. If its after the specific fruit that person is out. If it just states a fruit that person is out. So not only do you have to worry about holding the fruit but where it is in the circle. If you have a large group, set up several circles or a circle within a circle would be cool. You could also use different colored FlingSocks instead of fruit. Variations to the game can be passing the fruits under the leg, behind the back or twirl around once then pass the fruit. 12. Musical Hearts Required: Paper hearts, prizes, number system and music Players: Small to large groups Category: Circle Games The game is somewhat like musical chairs but with hearts being passed. If you use this as a classroom game for a Valentine Party game, most classrooms have each student assigned a number for the year. Have your classroom use these assigned numbers and you'll need those assigned numbers written on separate pieces of paper to pull out of a hat. If your players don't have pre-assigned numbers have them stand in a circle and count out load giving each them a number. Pre-make paper hearts that either hinge or

can be folded. Each child can decorate a heart. Provide various prizes that can be won if the right heart is found such as heart erasers, heart pencils, chocolate bars, Cracker Jacks, fruit snacks, stickers and other fun items. On the inside of each heart write the prize that the player will receive if they open that heart. Seal the heart closed with a piece of tape so no one can see what they might win. Select music that applies to the theme like Written On My Heart and Here In My Heart, both by the new group Plus One are great songs. Have each player start by holding onto a heart while all players are standing in a circle together. The players will pass the hearts to the next person in a clockwise fashion while the music plays. Pause the music and pull out a number. The person having that number will open the heart that they are holding and receive the prize written in it. Once they receive their prize they will be out of the game along with the heart that they opened. Start up the music again and pull out another number. Keep playing until you run out of prizes or time. If you run out of time towards the end, the last remaining few can open their hearts at the same time.

13. Messy Twist Required: Paper or plastic plates, oatmeal, whip cream, chocolate, vanilla and other flavored puddings, paper, pencil, two small containers and clothes to get dirty in Players: Small to medium groups What you need for this game is warm weather, so it can be played outside with no shoes on. It's a game mainly for those youths that like to get messy and enjoy having fun. (It is played like the game of Twister but with a BIG twist.) Fill up 6-10 plates with the same items like oatmeal and then 6-10 plates of another item, try to have at least 5 different items that would give you 30 to 50 plates. If you have a large crowd have them play in shifts. On a sheet of paper make tags, which will be pulled out of two separate containers. One set of tags will name the items in the plates, like chocolate pudding, vanilla pudding, whip cream, applesauce, mashed bananas, oatmeal or other items possibly non-staining items. The other set of tags with will go into another container that will be what they will use, right hand, left hand, right or left foot, head or even bottom. Lay out the plates in rows and have one person draw out a tag from each container. Players are to do what the tags state, example is Vanilla Pudding, Right Foot. The players are to put their right foot in the vanilla pudding and then another tag is pulled. If any player falls or fails to get a plate before some else gets it, they're out of the game. The last standing player is the winner and you can give him rights to hose off other players if necessary. Messy Twist is a great game for the wild Youth Groups, party game or picnic game if you have a lake to wash off in.


14. CHINESE WHISPERS Materials: Aims: Procedure: communicate None Positive feedback, good for closing exercise Members mill around. When you see someone you'd like to

with, send them a message via someone else: e.g. 'Tell Joan I said thank you for helping me yesterday.' Continue until messages run out. Variations: Do as graffiti on large paper on walls. Do with bits of paper being delivered. Do at a run, speed up, slow motion, etc.

15. MRS O'GRADY Who: Where: Aids/Equipment Objectives: Small Group Inside or outside in roomy area None To assess social skills, ability to communicate, willingness to participate To encourage group bonding, relax with each other Leaders Hints: Observe who is enthusiastic, imaginative with suggestions Observe who seems confident, shows group spirit, who becomes competitive. Instructions: 1. The group stands in a circle and tells the story of Mrs O'Grady and accompanies with actions: First person: "Did you hear what happened to Mrs O'Grady?" Second person: " No. What happened?" First person: "She died."


Second person: "How did she die?" First person: "She died with her hand on her head" (places hand on head) 2. The second person puts their hand on their head too, says the same speech to the third per son and adds another action, so the person at the end has all the different actions. Conclusion This is a silly game intended to relax the group and begin group bonding.

16. TRAIN GAME Who: Where: Aids Objectives Large groups (approx 20) Outside Nil To get people to mix To have the person in the centre of the circle try to catch the train Leaders Hints Instructions Appoint your most vocal people as stations and crossings Group stands in circle with hands joined One person stands in the middle of the circle The train moves by a squeeze of the hand, so if a person feels a squeeze of the hand on the left side, they must squeeze the hand of the person on their right side Appoint a few people around the circle to be crossings (these people shout ding-a-ling as the train passes through them) and stations (these people shout Toot as the train passes through, and they also have the power to change the direction the train is travelling) The person in the middle catches the train by pointing at a person who has received the train on one side but has not passed it on to the other side of them.



A good game for groups of people who know each other well enough to feel comfortable holding hands, or for groups who are beginning to be bonded (eg new directors at a national conference)

17. TRUST WALK Who: Where: Aids/Equipment: Objectives: Large Group Walking outside Blindfolds To develop group and individual trust To communicate without words Leaders Hints: Who is willing to trust the person in front of them? (step confidently) Who communicates with the people behind? Instructions: 1. Everyone lines up in a single row behind the leader.(Group leaders should be spaced every couple of students to ensure they remain safe) 2. Each person puts on a blindfold. 3. Each person puts their hands on the shoulders of the one ahead of them. Explain that when they walk outside, if they need to step up the person in front will tap their right leg, and if they need to step down, the person in front will tap their left leg. They must do the same to the people behind them and pass the message along. 4. The leader leads the line outside and around the grounds. Conclusion This activity can be used after contemplative reflection (Sunday morning) or towards the end of the camp, when people are more familiar with each other.


18. STRAW GAME Who: Where: Aids/Equipment: Objectives: Small Groups of 5-7 Enough room for each group to have plenty of room around them Lots of drinking straws To get new participants working as a team To introduce participants to each other in a non-threatening way Leaders' Hints: what they are told Instructions: Observe who talks the most, who is quiet, who just does Workers sit together on the floor with a pile of straws in the centre. The workers are instructed to work as a team & use the straws to make a big beautiful design on the floor.

Conclusion: Variations

A simple team building game ideal for groups of strangers.

on this game include giving them teams each 30 rolled up newspapers and seeing which group can make the tallest construction.



1.Banana Pass Summary: A high-paced, messy relay race in which players pass a banana using their feet and the last person must eat the mushy fruit. The Banana Pass Game The banana pass is an outdoor action game that is essentially a messy relay race. The baton is a banana except the catch is that you can only use your feet to pass it! Eww.. How to Play Players lie down on the grass, head to toe in a straight line with each persons toes about 2 feet away from the next teammates head. When the game begins, the first people in line grab hold of the banana with their feet and pass it over their heads to the next persons feet. The next person receives the banana with his or her feet and passes again until the entire team is done. When the banana has been passed to the last person, this person must peel the banana and eat it (ewww!). After eating it, the person then must run back to the starting line, finishing the race for the team.

2. Capture the Flag Summary: A team based action game in which the goal is to locate and recover the opposing teams flag before they do the same. A jail houses those who have been caught (tagged by the opposing team). Capture the Flag is a popular team-based action game that is typically held outdoors. It is a fast paced cousin of It Tag, with lots of running and chasing, and some strategy. The following is the traditional version, although there are many variations of the game. How to Play Divide the players into two teams. Agree upon the legal boundaries of play, determine the location of two jails (one for each team) and set up a middle boundary between the two teams. At the beginning of each round, each team hides and defends their own flag, which is any object that is durable and safe to toss around and run with (e.g. a bright T-shirt or cone). The flag must not be obscured; it needs to be more than 50% visible. Optionally, you may have more than one flag if there are enough people. The object of the game is for one team to grab the flag of the other team and bring it over to their own side. When a member of the opposing team crosses over the middle

boundary into the opposing teams territory, the other team is allowed to tag the person and take them to a jail where they stay until they are released (tagged) by one of their own team members who has not yet been captured. Be sure there is plenty of space outdoors, as there will be lots of running involved. Also remember: safety first. Clear the area of any dangerous obstacles or hazards. 3. Giants, Wizards & Elves Equipment: A large space (60-120 feet wide), rope to mark the central line and the safe zones Important: Participants should be dressed for exercise and physically warmed up for short bursts of fast running Time: ~15 minutes Brief Description: Fun chasing game with suspense, laughter and exercise. Giant (arms up, roars) beats elf (hands to ears); elf beats wizard (waves wand & "kazaam"); wizard zaps giant. Variations: A less physical version involves participants using the character "dying actions" in place of running. Make these rather dramatic and embarrassing if you can increases the motivation to "win". Instead of one team chasing and absorbing the other team, keep score. First team to 5.

Giants are electrified, frazzled and then freeze in motion (or drop to ground) Wizards clutch chest, struck by pain in the heart Elves shrink and shrivel up, moaning ctive, all-engaging game -- fun way to get a group physically and mentally alert Handy precursor to activities on teamwork and cooperation Requires large space A creative team variation of "Rock, Paper Scissors" Teach everyone the following three characters: o Giant - Tip-toes, raise hands above head, curl fingers, growling sounds o Wizard - Crouch slightly, wave and point a magic wand, shouting "kazaam!" o Elf - On haunches, hands cupped for big ears, shrill screeching noises Give people plenty of practice by calling out the characters and having them instantly become that character - offer lots of positive encouragement for dramatic effort Form two teams - each team convenes to decide on a character Teams then line up facing each other (use a rope on the ground to separate teams). Have ~ 4 feet between teams.


Facilitator dramatically announces "1....2.....3.....", then teams adopt their poses, revealing their identity Immediately, the winning characters (team) must chase the losing team and try to capture (tag) as many as possible o Giant wins by 'squishing' an Elf o Elf wins by 'outwitting' a Wizard o Wizard wins by 'zapping' a Giant o Identical characters are a draw The losing characters try to reach a "safe zone" (e.g., over another rope) about 30-60 feet away without being captured Teams then reconvene and decide on their next character Continue until one team entirely consumes the other Variations Superheroes, e.g., Spiderman, Superman, Wonderwoman 4. Multi-Way Tug-of-WarEquipment 4 way powerpull with 20 loops for double handed pulls or 40 loops for single handed pulls by a large group Or make your own 4 way tug of war with several good quality ropes each ~60ft+ with attachment e.g., via knots, splicing or ring/karabiners Time ~30-60 minutes Brief Description Fun, physically demanding, competitive team activity. Several teams pull against each other, requiring communication and tactics as well as strength to outmanoeuvre and win.

Fun, finale-type activity. Physically exhausting and emotionally climaxing! Works for kids through to corporate programs. Ideal for adolescents and possibly youth at risk. Especially with older adults, be careful with this activity, especially if they are unfit or if overexertion is contraindicated (e.g., heart problems). Use for any size groups, indoor or outdoor. Ideal is large group outdoors. Pick a soft location e.g., grass/beach. In traditional 1 on 1 tug-of-war it is mostly strength that wins, with a few tactics. In multi-way tug-of-war it is mostly tactics that wins, with some strength. Lay out the ropes, etc. as shown in diagram below. Participants should prepare appropriately e.g., watches and hand jewellery off.

Divide into groups and make sure the groups appear to be of similar strength. Brief group on normal tug-of-war safety rules, basically: o no wrapping or tying rope around anyone or anything - only hold rope with hands o watch out for rope burn on hands - let go if rope is moving through hands o watch out for rope burn on body - let go if you lose footing First command from the Tug-of-War master is "take the strain". This is only to take up the slack, that's all. The Tug-of-War master makes sure the centre ring is stable and centered. This needs strong leadership because teams are always keen to add extra strain! Second command is "Go!!" Teams attempt to pull the center ring or knot over their finish line. This can rarely be achieved by strength alone and instead will require guile. Teams can swivel to cooperate / compete with other teams, then switch directions, etc. Conduct several rounds. Continue, say, until one team earns 3 victories and the Tug-of-War title. Allow teams plenty of time to physically recover and debrief/plan after each round. Team building groups may wish to discuss what the secrets to success were in this activity - and whether these lessons apply elsewhere.

5. Wall Ball Summary: Wall Ball is a classic playground game that involves throwing the ball against a wall, catching it without fumbling the ball, and trying to get others out! Many variations exist for this simple group game. Ages: 8 and up. Recommended # of people: At least 4. Messiness Factor: Get ready to break a sweat! Materials required: A small bouncy ball of some sort (e.g. a racquetball, tennis ball, etc.). Recommended Setting: Outdoors or in a very large room with a flat wall (e.g. side of a building) and a hard, flat floor. Rules for Wall Ball Wall Ball is a classic playground game played by children everywhere. Its fun for adults too! The object of the game is simple: a person throws a ball against a wall, and anyone can try to catch it. The person who tries to catch it must catch it cleanly (no drops). If a person drops the ball or touches the ball in any way without catching it, that person


must quickly run up and touch the wall before another person can catch the ball and throw it against the wall. If the ball hits the wall before the player is able to touch it, the person is given a strike. Each player gets three strikes before they are out of the game (or you can as sign some form of mild punishment, like making the person do the chicken dance). Variations Many different various exist for Wall Ball. For example, when someone catches the ball, they can assign rules such as:

one handed catch only catch on one foot left handed catch only

And so on. If someone forgets to follow the rule, they must also run to the wall and touch it to prevent getting an out.

6. Wobbly Broomstick Equipment: ~6ft stick and a large area without walls and soft ground for falling, e.g, sand or grass. Time: ~5 mins per person in group Brief description: Creates wicked dizziness. Put a 6ft stick in the middle of a circle. Challenge: Holding stick vertically on end of chin, looking at the top, spin around 20 times, then throw the stick to the ground and jump over it. Its almost impossible!

This exercise makes people wickedly dizzy - perhaps dizzier than they ever been before. Choose the time and place carefully. Its best if the following activity doesn't require too much order! e.g., end of a day's paddling, on a sandy river bank, and you have a spare 30 minutes. Use a large, flat area with soft landing e.g., on sand. People should know how to "spot". Use a stick about 6ft long - anything long and thin can be used a paddle, broom, etc. Invite people into a wide circle and put a stick in middle. Demonstrate the main parts of the challenge which are to: 1. hold stick upright, on end of chin; 2. twirl around X times (10 is mild; 20 is extreme); 3. throw the stick on the ground and jump over it.

The group's responsibility is to: 1. count the number of twirls out loud; 2. remind the person to keep looking at the top; 3. maintain a safe circle of spotters and ensure the person lands safely.

If a person can longer balance upright, they are better off laid out on the ground. Group members should break the fall if its risky due to awkward balance. This is advisable for about 1 in 5 falls. And there usually a slightly dangerous fall in a session which is comfortably handled by a group which is alert, caring and knows how to "spot" and "catch" people. Most people, especially kids, will fall over before 10 twirls and almost certainly succumb before 20 twirls. After a few practices, however, many adults can learn how to spin 20 times and complete the jump over the stick and perhaps even stay upright - that's the ultimate challenge.


4. INDOOR & OUTDOOR GAMES 1. A child on television Introduction An activity showing the power of the selection of images and words for television. Allows consideration of some practical, creative and ethical issues about the Media. It is also about the importance of education and upbringing in early childhood. Process Start either by introducing the topic of the child or by the method of television storyboarding (a plan of the words, images and timing of a television broadcast). 1. The child "Childhood is a time of innocence" "Give me a child until he is seven and I'll create the Man" Say or give out these old quotations about children, (You can explain that it is about women also, but in older times they were not mentioned). Say that they may seem contradictory to some people and complementary to others. Split people in small groups of, perhaps, four or five. Give some groups the Six Statements and some the Seven Statements. Ask them not to talk with, or show their statements to, other groups. Six Statements A child who is criticized - learns to condemn A child who is punished - learns to fight A child who is insulted - learned to be shy A child who experiences shame - learns to feel guilt A child who is abused - learns self-loathing A child who sees loved ones killed - learns to fear and hate Seven Statements A child who meets tolerance - learns patience A child who is encouraged - learns confidence

A child who experiences security - learns trust A child who experiences fair play - teams justice A child who feels friendship - ]cams to show kindness A child who is accepted - learns self respect A child who receives care and love - learns to love Ask each group to discuss the meaning of their statements and what they think about them. 2. Television story-boarding Explain that story-boarding is a planning grid. People working on a television programme or advertisement use storyboards to organize themselves. (Show them the Picture, Time and Sound diagrams). The storyboard shows what pictures the viewer will see at any point during the progrannne or advert and the words and sound effects that will go with the images. A useful tip is that it takes about 1 second to say 3 words. Images and sounds should match. 3. The task Explain that each group needs to create a two minute news item, advertisement or small feature for television about their six or seven statements by story-boarding. They can either have many copies of the Picture, Time and Sound diagrams from you or create their own. They need to sketch the images, estimate the number of seconds and write in any words or sound effects.

The following points need to be discussed: What do you want to communicate with the audience? What are the three main points you want to make? How are you going to explain what is happening? Are there any images or words you cannot or will not use? How are you going ten keep your audience interested? How can you compete with an action-adventure film, a football match or a prize-winning show?


Give a time limit for the group to discuss and prepare. An hour or an hour and a half at least. Explain that at the end the groups will display their storyboards for others to see and will give other groups a brief description.

4. The show Put all the sequences on the wall. Ask people to look at the storyboards of all other groups. They should try to notice if there are similarities and/or differences. They should see if each one makes an impression on them. After some time for this, ask people if there are any questions they have for a certain group. What something means? Why they chose it? (Ensure that questions are directed at all groups, not just one or two). Ask if differences can be seen between the groups who had the six statements and those that had the seven? Consider why this might be. You may need to ask someone from each group to read the six and seven. Ask each group whether they were able to agree on their storyboard easily and about their discussion on which images and sounds could be used and how they were going to interest their audience in this topic. There can then be a broader discussion on whether any of these sequences would be likely to be broadcast; the difficulty of interesting people in topics like this; the need for television to be entertaining and whether it is possible to remain true to your principles and to compromise with the reality of the Media. 5. Variations You could make a competition between the groups. This would clearly reflect the reality of the media. The best one being judged on how it grabs and holds the interest of the viewers. A small prize, of some kind, could be offered. Such an exercise can be done with any topic. Refugees. Gypsies. Disaster relief. Famine. In each case some visual or verbal input needs to introduce the topic. Instead of television story-boarding, a front-page of a newspaper could be laid out or a cassette recording of a two-minute radio spot made. The structure of the exercise would be the same. Conclusion Humanitarian work needs the Media and vice versa. The relationship between the two is not always easy because they have very different goals and practices. Some understanding of this reality can prove useful and illuminating.

2. ME AND MY ENEMY Introduction An activity that looks at links between our "enemies" and ourselves and how our view of our "enemies" can tell us a lot about ourselves.

Process 1. Ask all participants to write down three things that they hate or fear about their enemy. They should try to think of someone or a group of people that they really dislike, either for themselves or for what they represent. If they find it impossible to think in those terms, they can use as an enemy someone or a group of people they were taught to hate or fear as a child. (5 min). 2. Then participants should draw up a list of things they dislike.about themselves. Ask them to find things that they are genuinely uncomfortable about, or would really rather not acknowledge. They then add to the list things that they feel they are not, and would like to be. This list will not be shared with the whole group. (5 min). 3. In pairs, partners look at their lists, stating the three things that they dislike about their enemy. Ask them to see how many links they can make between the two lists. What do their enemies have in common with themselves? Can they see in them anything they reject in themselves, or anything they would like to be and are not? Make sure that pairs spend time on the lists of both partners - five minutes each. (10 min). 4. Back in the large group, people are told that they do not have to share all the information they wrote themselves or discussed in pairs. However, open out the discussion by asking questions like: Did people find links between what they do not accept in themselves and what their enemies represent? Does this tell them anything about themselves or the nature of "enemies"? What can we learn from facing up to our own fears and hates? It might prove useful to reform the pairs to consider these questions or to ask two pairs to join together to form small groups of four. Some general comments or discussion in the large group should draw out some of the main learning points from the exercise. Conclusion


Some self-awareness and empathy for others are the main aims of this exercise as is an introduction to the nature of projection. Cari Jung, an influential psychologist, suggested that we project what we dislike or fear about ourselves onto others and disassociate ourselves from it, thereby creating enemies. It is a tough concept to apply to ourselves because it requires us to see ways in which our enemies and we are the same. A good starting point is to look at what we have in common on a practical level, such as families, lifestyle, expectations, dreams and children. These links can be a good introduction to breaking down some psychological barriers. Further exercises on the results of projection, in the form of hate and fear and prejudice and discrimination could follow.


Introduction An inter-active activity to demonstrate cooperation and acceptance of difference. This is often the hidden aim. The introduction can state this or it can be billed as a warm-up activity or one on a completely different topic. Process Ask people to form groups of three or four. Then ask them to demonstrate, by forming a human sculpture, something on the topic you give them. The topic can be: the benefit of cooperation accepting the difference of others how this group or class works conflict nightlife in the area cats

(Clearly almost any topic can be chosen, depending on the group, situation and your aim). The group are told they cannot talk at all during the exercise. They are given a set amount of time and told they will then present their sculpture to all the other groups. Only after this will talking be allowed.

One person in each group is given a 'disability' by the leader. They must keep their hand behind their back or in their pocket. Alternatively they must stand on one leg or stay bent over. Other variations are possible. No reasons are given for this, however they must stay this way until the end of the presentations.

After each group has made their presentation, allow each group some time to talk about what they achieved, how they felt about it and what, if anything, they learnt from it. Open this out to a general discussion. Some specific questions should also be posed: What did it feel like working without words? How well did the group work together? What helped or hindered this working together? How did the individual wish the imposed 'disability' feel? How did the group react to this person and how did they feel about them? What did you learn about: human sculptures; the topic you were asked to sculpt; cooperation; difference? (Many other questions could be posed depending on the group, the time and the nature of your work. For larger groups, or even for smaller ones, these questions could be raised with small groups first before the large group discussion). Conclusion Some difficult issues could arise during this exercise and time will need to be allowed to look at them properly. The leader will probably need to make choices about which questions to focus on.

4. UNDERLYING ANGER Introduction A written exercise about what underlies anger. To encourage participants to consider and express what lay beneath an instance of personal anger.


Process 1. Ask everyone to write down (in one sentence) a situation in their life where they felt really angry. For example: 'I felt angry when my contribution in a meeting was ignored.' (2 min). 2. Explain that a layer of hurt very often underlies anger. Ask everyone to write a sentence about the hurt behind their anger in the instance they have thought of. Example:'I felt hurt because it seemed that nobody valued my opinion.' (2 min). 3. The reason for the hurt is often an unmet need. Ask everyone to write a sentence covering their needs in the same instance. For example: 'I need to be accepted and valued by my colleagues.' (2 min). Alongside the need are often fears. Ask participants to think about what fears might have been behind their anger and write a sentence about them. For example: 'I have a fear that 1 won't be able to win my colleagues' respect.' (2 min). Participants turn to a partner and share their sentences with them. If anyone has had difficulty with the exercise, their partner can help them unravel their feelings. (10 min). Some questions can be posed afterwards: What is the value of understanding the substructure of anger? In what ways could it help you? How might communities or groups have the same sub-structure of anger? (15 min). (Anger and hurt are often two sides of the same coin. It is an important step in facing the anger of others to know what lies beneath our own anger. This exercise is a way of discovering some of the hurt, needs and fears underlying a personal experience of extreme anger. If we can identify the fears that lie at the roots of anger, either our own or that of others, we can begin addressing those fears rather than remaining caught up in the outward emotion). Conclusion Exercises, like this one, that link personal reflection with broader issues can be a useful tool in developing some empathy for the situation of others as well as offering people a chance to look a little more deeply at some of the roots of conflict.






Objective: The objective of the game is to get the bucket using the rope provided to rest on the identified spot without crossing the boundaries in the given time.The 2 people must be blindfolded. Details: You must be in 3 groups of not more than 6 people. Choose two people and blindfold them. The rest of you must stand around the restricted area and issue instructions as to where to place the Bucket.(on point X in the diagram) These two people must be the only ones holding the rope nobody else.

Blindfolded people


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