Alley Oop 11 Dec 1947

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GL 2 sete US. ARMY OFFICERS YASS [Get on this $4.75 Value for only $1.49 WHILE THEY LAST. © Break-proof r © Luminous Eaty-to-read dial @ Accurate Jowelled needle always points North © Precision-built by Waltham Wate! Company FOR THIS 4 $475 = VALUE only Here is a once-in-a-lifetime offer. A genuine U.S. Army Officer’s Compass, precision-built to gov't. specifications by the Waltham Watch Co. Looks like an expensive pocket watch . . . heavy grained bronze case snaps open to a large, easy-to-read luminous dial. Special jewelled needle is guaranteed accurate and pro- tected by breakproof crystal. Points to all directions . . . even at night. Just the thing for hunting, hiking, and all other out- door activities. Be the first in your gang to carry a genuine U.S. Officer's Compass just like the Officers did. SEND NO MONEY Mall Coupon “ Just your name and address on coupon is enough. You send nothing . . . you risk nothing. Your genuine U.S. Officer's Com pass will be mailed at once. On ar- rival simply deposit $1.49 plus C.0.D. postage thru postman. If you are not completely satisfied, return purchase and y will be refunded at once. Supply amazing Compass offer is limited, sosend your order today. Don’t risk disap- pointment. Order today and be sure. Hurry! ‘SEE I OLAV AND CEE Ai Ons Ciat 23. OMICER'S COMMAEE JUST LIKE ORE, 1 208, Michiash Ave. Chlcoge 1, tf ad 6 Eensing US. Officers Compas E Bronce: Twill pay postman poly $149 ple €.G'D. postage’ fet am not entirely sate fsfed my money will bereturneds MILLER AND C ALLEY OOP SET. EXACTLY! HAD BRONSON’ ALLEY OOP OUR TRIPZ OHNO, My DEAR! THIS TIME IM GOING ALONE- BURAE RAVER 1S core To Risk THE LIVES OF AY FRIENDS: WHO SAYS I CANT TAKE CARE OF MYSELF 12 WELL, BRONSON, EVERYTHING IS5_/_ UNLESS OUR, CALCULATIONS EADY FOR | ARE OFF WELL LANOTTHE TRIP YOU BACK IS TROY. AT ABOUT THE TIME YOU LEFT THERE ALLEY OOP A Mees EITHER 1 GO ALONG OR, NOBOBY ALLEY COP SETHE JUST IN CA Ba BOYS MIGHT WANT bs E NOW ALLEY OOP ALLEY OOP ERE, NOW! ATO T TELL = a ancient Tr ay again, < “invitcrtion to oo.on G [tthe is = tine So Alley. ox i can ao ing to sa — EZ OF LLY SSE: ALLEY OOP SES EH? WELL T DON'T KNOW OF R. PERSON WITH WHOM TO OXAY YA DADGUMMED: P§, MULE-HEADS? GO GIT YERSELVES INA SO THIS 1S ULYSSES! My, WHAT A. AH, FAR GODDESS OF RECEPTION! TD NEARLY FOR VICTORY? WELCOME! ALLEY OOP. ag I TRUST MY EARS WILL SUFFER. NO DAMAGE IN CONSEQUENCE, EH, ALLEY OOP °Y STARS, ULYSSES (YES, GODDESS, HES iy aeL SOU'RE NOT GOING TO (Too SLD 70 POLLAN | (NY HE LEAVE DR. BRONSONN, OAR AND WE'VE HONESTLY NOW, OOOLA, DON'T YOU THINK THIS (GOLLY? EVEN TH GREEKS HAVE LEET: NOW WHERE'N Al ALLEY COP WERE GOING AFTER ULYSSES ) WHO SAID ANYTHING TO RESCUE OOOLA? GOSH, “ABOUT SWIMMING = I. MAY PLAY THAT'D BE A MIGHTY ‘COME! WE'VE WORK TO HAVOC WITH LONG SWIM! ieee yee! BACK IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, DR. WONMUGS LABORATORY MY STARS, DOC, TLL HAVE 10 GO TO gown INTHE TRUCK TO GET ALLEY OOP (SOSH, DOC, I THOUGHT HAVE PATIENCE! IM WAITING WHAT ARE WE JUS’ A SITTIN’ HERE FOKT NEVER MINO--3UST LEND A HAND HERE! WE'VE GOT TO GET THIS STUFF DOWN TO THE BEACH ALLEY OOP ‘OH, WELL, WHATS DONE 1S BONE! TL HAVE THESE HOLES GUN F YOU'RE ALWANS SO. GOLDANG MYSTERIOUS BOUT EVERYTHING! PLUGGED INA NOW YOU SIT DOWN AND KEEP YOUR MITTS OFF OF ALLEY OOP I WISH 3 COULD MAE ©: : 1 WONDER IF THIS HANDLE’ SUMEINS HAS ANYTHING TO Do. OF ALL TH! DUMB. STUNTS I EVER. per 30> : O44 ALLEY GOP WELL, Doc. \ pic. AND NOW GRUNG ER BACK r Sen NOW LET'S GET Dion 1 ¢ | Aley r ison are OF wild chase over the bounding main to. fescue Coola, prisoner aboard Ulysses’ ship’ “the MASTERFUL ALLEY OOPS" ALLEY OOP AHH, THERE THEY ARE,COP! T TOLD YOu IT WOULDN'T TAKE US LONG TO YEAH: B OVERTAKE THEM (TM ANY JUDGE OF TH WEATHER, WE'D GETTER MAKE IT : X AHOY, THERE, ULYS: COPANE DR. \HEAVE To OR. WE ALLEY COP YOU'D BETTER GO EASY THERE, OOP--ULYSSES WAS KNOWN! BS THE GREATEST DONT WORRY, DOC--THAT BIS STUFFED SHIRT AINT GONNA GIT TOUGH WITH YOURS TRULY-- NO Sif! T DON'T GIVE A HANG. WHAT HE IS! TLL SHOW HIM A THING OR TWO... GIMME THAT, TOMMY GUN! ALLEY OOP Wily -- ) se Tt bi ALLEY! LOOK! GOOD HEAVENS * MEAN, NO SIGNS OF LIFE? ALLEY OOP ae OH, CH? THIS SQUALL { DID TO US? IM Gonna TAKE TH EDI) | HAS FINALLY CAUGHT SHOOT JUST 100% WHAT THOSE BUMS WHY DID THIS DADGUMMED BLOW Hi COME DP JUST WHEN WE HAD TH’ BEI ON ULYSSES? NOW WEEE ALLEY OOP OF UL SHIP! NOW WE CAN KNOCK TH’ BiG BUM'S: EARS DOWN! ALLEY OOP AH, EWE CAN JUST HOLD, THIS TILLER. FOR A LITTLE WHILE ICAN. {EVER Express) MY GRATITUDE FOR SOUR HEROIC. EFFORTS IN CUR AROUND THIS OCEAN I WUZ GONNA =ruS’ YOULL BE DOIN SOME) TALL BOUNCING --AN! “AN LET A LITTLE OL SQUALL CHEAT ME OUTA | TH! PLEASURE OF KICKIN YOUR TEETH IN = A OFF MY GIRL FRIEND ALL KEEP YER DUKES THIS ANIMOSITY) HERE, ANS” CAUSED CFE MEN BOC A LOT OF TROUBLE! ALLEY OOP CERTAINLY AND WHY. NOT? \ SINCE WHEN Have I BEEN) ANSWERABLE TOABIG APE LIKE SOUT WHO p TM THROUGH LISTENIN S ZVE TAKEN ALL TH FOOLISH, iOS "ALLEY OOP SU MERCY? CAN THIS BE 71 GO ASHORE ANID EXPLORE PLACE ‘OH ALLEY... YOURE Ya SO MASTERFUL! pee LIFEBUOY Offer Ta FOR SENSATIONAL BOOK ee |. iO aU Ne Cite), | aaa eee BOY, THAT COIN TRICK “S\ WAS A HONEY / ) LUKE THE MIND READING TRIGK BEST HOw DID You P EVER KNOW < WHICH CARD | PICKED 2 Discover How Wonderful a LIFEBUOY Bath Really Is] SE the soap that famous Champs ‘use—men and women in all sports. Bathe daily with Lifebuoy. Refreshing? Oh boy! Tn tub er shower, Lifebuey's ‘ereamy lather makes you feel good all over. Lifebuoy is grand for handa, too, Geis off grime and dirt in a fash. Cleanli nd good health, you know, Ko together. So use Lifebuoy every day. SWELL SOAP-IT SURE GETS ME GLEAN AND IT FEELS GREAT Get your Magic Book today—amaze your friends More than 60 baffling tricks! Number tricks! ticks! Mind-reading tricks! Yes, this fascinating beok is |chock-full of clever tricks of all kinds . . ; with simple lexplanations of Blackstone’s own secret ways of doing them. And they're all “easy ms pie” to learns If you want to have barrels of fun fooling your friends with feats of =. if you want to be the avery party... send for your Magic Book right now! ANOTHER FINE PRODUCT OF LEVER BROTHERS COMPANY: eecaeee eee gt MY SECRETS OFS MAGIC™ ey 8 Blac T enclose one Lifenuay Soap béx top and if cents in coin, + —— my, SECRETS ‘Rea Lilt c SEND OnLy 1 5* with ONE LIFEBUOY BOX TOP peu s i/ ph Oop meets his match in muscle when he clashes with Hercules—strong- Greek legend And for the first time, Alley Oop must rely on his brains to come out on top perate "BAT: : last, Alley he RAM TM GLAD WE GOT ~\ ae Away FROM ULYSSES 27 1TS NOT THAT, NO}Doc- I's JUST BEFORE HE STARTED HATE COT MOU! BACK TO TH" IND THE TIME -\ FUNKY HUNCH. M MACHINE F ma “4 A CeTURY I * . SUPPOSE, I HEAD... : ry = = ALLEY OOP SO YOUVE GOT A FEELING. WE'RE ABOUT DUE FOR DIFFICULTY THAT May” DELAY OUR RETURN TO THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, EH? ALLEY OOP THOUGHT 1 ee) eA some- AN ALLEY OOP T WANT 900 TO MEET HIM=-TLL CALL HIM OVER HEY, HERCULES * 4 GOOD HEAVENS...) SURE, HE'S TIRED...HE STEP OVER HERE OVERDID HIMSELF... AND=-WELLWHAT IF ¥GET WHAT THE 6? EAN MACHINE, HE NEARLY. WENT J) b CRAZY. AND THEN I VOU MEAN WERE NOT. GOING Back TO “THE TWENTIETH CENTURY? ALLEY OOP. WE'RE GOING TO ACCOM- ‘a PANY HERCULES TO AMAZONIA, } “THE LAND OF THE WARRIOR WOMEN! ALLEY OOP ALLEY Saeko J AND HERCULES TAKE THE BACK SEAT-COoLA THE MIDDLE ONE, AND I'LL RIDE UP FRONT| eae WITH PROFESSOR G.OSCAR BOOMS] 7 re ALL RIGHT, ALLEY OOP (SHOVE OVER, YA BIS. UGH ONE MORE SLOB.DO YA HAFTASIT |.SHOVE OUT OF ALL OVER. TH’ SEAT? { YOU, YOURE, WHATS, —=C AW, THIS BIG © THE IDEA YOU'RE ACTINe MIKE KIDS. BLAH! YOU COULDNIT/ ALL RIGHT NOW..WEVE] [NOW ETHER YoU TWO KEEP BREAK AN EGG IF GH. QUIET OR CUR TRIP TO THE SOS REnSS ike i LAND. OF AM, ND AL Dae y IAZONS IS OFF, I DECLARE, OSCAR, T CANT UNDERSTAND NOUR HERCULES QUARRELING WITH OOP--IT’'S SO KS CHILOISH? ALLEY OOP THERE'S NOTHIN'LIKE A GOOD SHAKE THELP A UNDE! OTHER, 'S THERE, HERCULES? ea 35 [dl wu ine TL. WOULON'T SAY IT WAS ALL, HERCULES’ FAULT, DOC... ALLEY ooP ALLEY. T WANT TO COMPLIMENT) SAY, HERCULES, 1N WiLL YOU HOLD AW, ITS SUST Ma uy puETMY AXFOR M20 MINUTE... “4 Lene JUST LIKE be ‘ee - 7 i N 6 GOEt TAT NEWT WELL THOU HW WAS A LOW DOWN) ROTTEN TRICK! ie mw ALLEY OOP STANID BACK, EVERYBODY-= T DONT NEED ANY HELP TO SHOVE THIS CART UP ITTLE OLD ALL ‘SAKE, ULES, ME AROUNID, AND "THEN HE AS BIG AS YOU ) MAKES ME HiT MYSELF ARE, from WITH HIS AX! ALLEY OOP WHAT DO YOU MEAN, YOU'RE GOING TO QUIT US? DON’T / YES, T GUESS YOURE! TELL ME YOURE LETTING. RIGHT! I'LL JUST IGNORE IBRONSONS Cave MAN GET «| YOU'D Pay NO ATTENTION, HE'D STOP PESTERING Hercules (the little band of rea Se oe the Eas io cal i TS ANY ARROWS, ) Siem ie RE, ALLEY GOP ALLEY OOP THAT'S ITE IVE GOTTA, seg r' KS I'VE . SHOW FOL BE SHREWD AN". GOT MUSCLE FOOL, TLL OUT. THESE AN IDEA HOW MUCH BRAINS IM GONNA NEE! ALLEY GOF BY GUM, THIS, SCOUTIN' BUS ae CeseveD OP Vee SOP'S TH NAME.WALLEY YOU | SOP, FROM MOO... PARIG TH" ALLEY OOP HELLOS WHAT GOES) WOTTA YA. ON HEREF HA! 4 TMEANL, PRISO PRISONER, EH? / ER? 1 JusT DROPPED IN FOR TEAS Ne Se a wala a aay N, ALLEY OOP WHAT BROUGHT YOU TO CUR LAND, COP? WHAT is HMmPH? IN VIEW OF [MEANWHILE «| -CAW TRNEW WE ST HAPPENED 5) COULDN'T DE= ALLEY OOP I TELL YOU, DOC.I DONT SEE ) YES, OSCAR, I KNOW --. HOW WE CAN FAIL! MYTHO- / BUT IT DIDNT SAY Any- LOGICAL HISTORY CREDITS. [THING ABOUT A COUPLE HERCULES WITH SUCCESS /OF TWENTIETH- CENTURY IN THIS VENTURE f SCIENTISTS IN A STATION NE we fUST HAD HE DOWN ON MISFORTUNE TO CUR HEADS RUN INTO A STRAY PATROL! THE Way... AND ALL HEAVILY ARMED ALLEY OOP SAY, THATS APAIR Loan JUPOING BY THE SIZE OF }r SIZE! NE MUST S, I OW ae BEHING US We HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE FE DON'T YOu i ALLEY OOP ' | i ty _—_ oe — i a IT NOW APPEARS SET WELLL Sd wees ff Guess we | [is GPwaRD : GHT AS ad —f We WATT wen. : In) oaDd ff = : ie 4 (R30 f FA essa Ay, ty ep NG; q 4 5 A ee =i = EAM OF LOOKS UME THISN Weve Exouch is COONLESS WE Sea tRiSa Nea START RUNNIN) SON See OVER DAMES) MORE eh Di & K T RACY ru es TWO-WAY “<2n5: verrmoer enrreme WRIST RADIO. on Tuses f THIS PROGRAR COMES IN CLEAR AS 3 Poy. SUSU ae You've Seen It In The Comics. - - ‘Cboo aenrac/) MOW YOU CAN HAVE ONE OF YOUR VERY OWN! the one and only DICK TRACY TWO-WAY Wrist Radio Voice over ahort distances ... and receives ip to SO miles aw Yes, we rived to make this TWO.WAY Wriat Radio as much like DICK TRAGY's ax possible, and ‘re'se offering it to teal DICK TAACY Fans at a price far lower than youd oreect te pay for oven a onearay rad Just think Of the fun you'll have using it. . sisenag to ball games ettin Jowslews, on things the very: moment happen. 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