Asme - B31.4 Interpretaciones
Asme - B31.4 Interpretaciones
Asme - B31.4 Interpretaciones
Replies to Technical Inquiries January 1,1994, Through December 31,1997
It has been agreed to publish intepretations issued by the B31 Committee concerning B31.4 as part been asssignednumbers in chronological oftheupdateservicetotheCode.Theinterpretationshave or Addendaatthetimeofissuanceof order.EachinterpretationapplieseithertothelatestEdition to the Code may the interpretation or the Edition or Addenda stated in the reply. Subsequent revisions havesupersededthereply. These replies are taken verbatim from the original letters, except for a few typographical and editorial of the interpretation corrections made for the purpose of improved clarity. In some instances, a review revealed a need for corrections of a technical nature. In these cases, a revised reply bearing the original R is presented. In thecasewhere an interpretationiscorrected interpretationnumberwiththesuffix number withthe suffix Eisused. by Errata,theoriginalinterpretation ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or if additional information is availablewhichtheinquirerbelievesmightaffecttheinterpretation.Further,personsaggrievedby or subcommittee.Asstatedinthe aninterpretation may appealtothecognizantASMEcommittee or endorse Statement of Policy in the Code documents, ASME does not approve, certify, rate, or activity. anyitem,construction,proprietarydevice, of technical inquiries to the B31 Committee, refer to For detailed instructions on preparations AppendixB. Interpretations No. 1 was included with ANSVASME B31.4~-1986.Interpretations No. 2 was included No. 3 was included with ASME B31.4a-1991. Interpretations with ASME B31.4a-1987. Interpretations No. 4 was includedwithASMEB31.4a-1994.
Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Subject . 401.2.2, Internal Design Pressure; 402.3, Allowable Stresses and Other Stress Limits; 404.1.2, Straight Pipe Under Internal Pressure .................... 401.6, Weight Effects; 402.3, Allowable Stresses and Other Stress Limits. . . . . . . . . . . . 406.2.2, Mitered Bends ..................................................... 419.7.3(b), Expansion and Flexibility Analysis; Fig. 419.6.4(c), Flexibility Factor k and Stress Intensification Factor i .......................... 434.8.6(a), Butt Welds; Fig 434.8.6(a)-(2), Acceptable Butt Welded Joint Design for Unequal Wall Thicknesses ........................... 435.5, Auxiliary Liquid Petroleum. Liquid Anhydrous Ammonia, or Liquid Alcohol Piping ................................................. 451.6.2(a)(7),Disposition of Defects .......................................... Certification of a Listed Material to Another Listed Material Specification . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 434.8.6(a)-(2), Acceptable Butt Welded Joint Design for Unequal Wall Thicknesses. Note (1) ..................................... Fully Welded Partial Encirclement Half Soles in an Oil Pipeline ................... Mill Certificates; 402. Design Criteria; 436. Inspection ........................... Requirements for Re-converting a Steel Pipeline's Function ....................... Temperature Limitations for Underground Ethylene Pipelines ...................... Interpretation File No .
4-66 4-56 4-60 4-6 I 4-57 4-55 4-65 4-62 4-64 4-59 4-67 4-58 4-63
B3 1-97-008 B3 1-94-032 B31-93-056 B31-97-005 B3 1-94-035 B 1-95-05 3 1 B3 1-97-006 B31 -97-023 831-94-054 B31-94-047
Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
4-55. 4-56
Interpretation: 4-55
Subject: ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, Para. 435.5, Auxiliary Liquid Petroleum, Liquid Anhydrous Ammonia, or Liquid Alcohol Piping Date Issued: May 3 1, 1994 File: B3 1-93-056 Question: In accordance with ASME B31.4, para. 434.5(a), does B31.4 prohibit a manufacturer of fullencirclement welded split tees from repairing notches, grooves, gouges, and blowouts by welding? Reply: No.
Interpretation: 4-56
Subject: ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, Para. 401.6, Weight Effects, Para. 402.3, Allowable Stresses and Other Stress Limits Date Issued: April 23, 1997 File: B31-93-054 Question: For an exposed submarine pipeline resting on the seafloor and where it can not be conclusively proven that hydrotesting has removed the longitudinal stresses due to pipeline route curvature, should the stress due to curvature be accounted for in the equivalent tensile stress calculation which is required tobe less than 09SMYS in the restrained section [para. 402.3.2(c)] and less than 75% of the allowable stress value [para. 402.3.2(d)]? Reply: Yes.
Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
4-57, 4-58
Interpretation: 4-57 Subject: ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, Para. 434.8.6(a), Butt Welds, Fig. 434.8.6(a)-(2), Acceptable Butt Welded Joint Design for Unequal Wall Thickness Date Issued: April 23, 1997 File: B31-94-032 Question (1): Is it permissible to butt weld a weld neck flange made from material with a specified minimum yield strength of 35 ksi (for example, A 105) directly to Grade X60 pipe as long as the pressure class rating of the flange meets the design requirements? Reply (1): Yes. The inquirer is cautioned to review the requirements of para. 434.8.6 and Fig. 434.8.6(a)-(2).
specified minimum Question (2): Is it permissible to weld a slip-on flange made from material with a yield strengthof 35 ksi (for example, A 105) directly to Grade X60 pipeas long as the pressure class rating of the fitting meets the design requirements?
Reply (2): Yes. Question (3): Is it permissible to weld a fitting made from material with a specified minimum yield strength of 35 ksi (for example, A 105) directly to Grade X60 pipe for all other types of weld joints except as long as the butt welds (e.g., as a branch connection attached with a full penetration groove corner joint) pressure class rating of the fitting meets the design requirements? Reply (3): Yes.
Interpretation: 4-58 Subject: ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, Requirements for Reconverting a Steel Pipelines Function Date Issued: April 23, 1997 File: B31-94-054 Question: Under ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, are there any requirements for reconverting a steel pipeline, originally used for liquid transportation, back to liquid transportation after being used for several years for gas transportation? Reply: No, there is no requirement under B3 1.4-1992 Edition.
Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
4 6 0 . 4-61
Interpretation: 4-59 Subject: ASME B31.4-1986 Edition, Fully Welded Partial Encirclement Half Soles in an Oil Pipeline Date Issued: April 23, 1997 File: B31-97-006 Question: Is the installation of half soles on an X-42 pipeline constructed in 1965 acceptable to ASME B31.4-1986? Reply: No.
Interpretation: 4-60 Subject: ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, Para. 406.2.2, Mitered Bends Date Issued: April 23, 1997 File: B3 1-97-007 Question (1): What is the basis of para. 406.2.2? Reply (1): The inquirer is referred to para. 400 for the purpose and principles of the Code. Question (2): Does the limitation of 20% of the yield apply even if afull analysis has been carried out? Reply (2): Yes. Refer to para. 400(e). Question (3): Would a successful finite element analysis of the pup piece lieu of compliance with para. 406.2.2? Reply (3): Yes. Refer to para. 400.
be considered acceptable in
Interpretation: 4-61 Subject: ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, Para. 419.7.3(b), Expansion and Flexibility Analysis, Fig. 419.6.4(c), Flexibility Factor k and Stress Intensification Factor i Date Issued: April 23, 1997 File: B31-97-008 Question: Is the stress intensification factor calculation in shown Fig. 419.6.4(c)for welding tees applicable for extruder outlet headers? Reply: Figure 419.6.4(c) does not address extruded outlet headers.
Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Interpretation: 4-62
831.4 interpretations
No. 5
Subject: ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, Certification of a Listed Material to Another Listed Material Specification Date Issued: August 29, 1997 File: B3 1-94-035 Question: Is it permissible under the requirements of the above mentioned Code for a steel service center/ processor to certify a Listed Material to another Listed Material specification by using the chemical analysis performed by the material manufacturer (the mill) and physical test performed by the service center or the manufacturer and provided all test results, method and process of manufacture, heat treatment, and quality control meet the requirementsof material specificationin question and meet the requirements of this Code. Reply: No.
Interpretation: 4-63 Subject: ASME B3 1.4- 1992 Edition, Temperature Limitations for Underground Ethylene Pipelines Date Issued: August 29, 1997 File: B3 1-94-047 Question (la): Do the corresponding chapters (materials, welding, design, installation, and testing) ASME B31.8 also apply to underground ethylene pipelines? Reply (la): No. ASME B31.4 is the appropriate Code for ethylene pipelines. Question (1 b): Except as specified in this Code, are thereany extra regulations which shouldbe followed for the safety considerations of ethylene transmission? Reply (1b): The ASMEB31.4/11SectionCommitteecannotrespondtoquestionsconcerningother regulations. Question (2): Should cathodic protection measures
with low resistivity less than 10 R-m?
be taken for underground ethylene pipelines in soil
Reply (2): Yes. Refer to ASME B3 1.4, Chapter VIII. Question (3): Does ASME B31.4 have temperature limitations for underground ethylene pipeline transmission? Reply (3): No.
Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Interpretation: 4-64
Subject: ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, Fig. 434.8.6(a)-(2), Acceptable Butt Welded Joint Designfor Unequal Wall Thicknesses, Note (1) Date Issued: August 29, 1997 File: B31-95-05 1 Question (1): Is it the intent of the Code that the3/32 in. dimension shown in Fig. 434.8.6(a)-(2), sketch (a) is a nominal dimension? Reply (1): Yes. Question (2): Is the mismatch requirement of sketch (a) met when welding two adjoining pipe ends ordered t o API 5L with the same diameter and nominal wall thickness as long as the difference between the maximum and minimum wall thickness does not exceed 3/12 in.? Reply (2): Yes. Question (3): Is the mismatch requirement of sketch (a) met when welding two adjoining pipe ends 5L having the same diameter and nominal wall thickness if the mismatch (difference between ordered to API the maximum and minimum wall thickness) exceeds 3/32 in.? Reply (3): Yes. Question (4): Is the mismatch requirement of sketch (a) met when welding two adjoining pipe ends ordered to API 5L,having the same nominal diameter but different nominal wall thickness (one pipe is 32 in. thicker than the other)? nominally greater than 3/ Reply (4): No. Correction in accordance with sketch (b), (c),
or (d) is required.
Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
Interpretation: 4-65
Subject: ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, Para. 45 1.6.2(a)(7), Disposition of Defects Date Issued: August 29, 1997 File: B3 1-97-005 Question (1): According to ASME B3 1.4-1992 Edition, para. 451.6.2(a)(7), is the significance ofthe depth of corrosion pits located in girth or longitudinal welds or related heat affected zones to be evaluated to the same criteria as corrosion pits in the base pipe (.e., must be deep enough to reduce the wall thickness below the design thickness less the manufacturing tolerance in order to warrant repair, replacement, or operating pressure reduction)? Reply (1): Corrosion pit depth in welds is not presently addressed in ASME B31.4-1992 Edition. Question (2): According to ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, para. 451.6.2(a)(7), is the depth of a corrosion or longitudinalwelds or relatedheataffectedzonesto be evaluated relative to the pit located in girth so, should the corrosion pit depth be nominal pipe wall thickness (Le., ignoring weld reinforcement)? If measured from the top of the weld reinforcement or from the location where the corrosion pit intersects the extension of the plane of the surface of the pipe? Reply (2): Corrosion pit depth in welds is not presently addressed
Question (3): According to ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, para. 45 1.6.2(a)(7), are corrosion of significant pits depth (.e., deep enough to reduce the wall thickness below the design thickness less the manufacturing or longitudinal welds or tolerance, but less than 80% of nominal wall thickness) that are located in girth related heat affected zones, cause for line repair, replacement, or Operation at reduced pressure regardless of their length? Reply (3): Corrosion pit depth in welds is not presently addressed in ASME B31.4-1992 Edition.
Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
0 7 5 7 b 7 0 Ob07320 L27
Interpretation: 4-66
Subject: ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, Para. 401.2.2, Internal Design Pressure, Para. 404.1.2, Straight Pipe Under Internal Pressure, Para. 402.3, Allowable Stresses and Other Stress Limits Date Issued: August 29, 1997 File: B31-97-011 Question (1): Daes the statement in para. 401.2.2, Credit maybe given for hydrostatic external pressure, in the appropriate manner, in modifying the internal design pressure for use in calculations involving the pressure design of piping components (see para. 404.1.3), also apply to the formula in para, 404.1.2 for subsea systems? Reply (1): Yes. Question (2): May hydrostatic external pressure pressure design of piping components? Reply (2): Yes. Question (3): Is it possible to incorporate Maximum Distortional Energy Theory (von Mises Combined Stress) in para. 402.3? Reply (3): No.
be accounted for in calculations involving the internal
Interpretation: 4-67
Subject: ASME B31.4-1992 Edition, Mill Certificates, Para. 402, Design Criteria, Para. 436, Inspection Date Issued: August 29, 1997 File: B3 1-97-023
- chemical composition - for the line Question: Does the Code require Mill (material) Certificates pipe and its components to be provided as part of the specification?
Reply: No.
Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS