Ce 1402 Estimation and Quantity Surveying
Ce 1402 Estimation and Quantity Surveying
Ce 1402 Estimation and Quantity Surveying
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1..What are methods to be adopted for volume calculating? From cross-section From spot level From contours
2.Define analysis of rates. Determination of rates of works from the qualities and cost of materials and labours required is termed as analysis of rates 3.Define a tender.
contractor and the party, which may be a government department or an individual. 4.Define contract
Contract is merely an agreement being enforceable by law between two persons or parties.
7. What are the types of estimate? 1 Preliminary Estimate or Rough cost estimate 2. Plinth area estimate 3. Cube Rate Estimate or Cubical Content Estimate
2. Slab culvert
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certain rate, within a fixed time, under certain conditions of agreement between the
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4. Approximate Quantity Method Estimate 5. Detailed Estimate or Item Rate Estimate 6.Revised Estimate 7. Supplementary Estimate And Revised Estimate. 8.Annual Repair or Maintenances Estimate 9. Supplementary Estimate
8. Briefly explain about preliminary Estimate. The estimate which prepared using any rough method to get the approximate cost construction anticipated in a project is called an approximate or rough estimate. Since this estimate is normally prepared in the preliminary estimate.
and 30 cm thick. Calculate also the cost if the rate of brickwork is Rs.32.00 per cu.m and of plastering is Rs. 8.50 per sq.m
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detailed estimate 10. Define detailed estimate
Cost of plastering = 24x 8.50 = Rs.204.00 Total cost =1152.00 + 204.00 = Rs.1356.00
The estimate, which provides the itemwise quantities of works, item wise unit rates and itemwise expenditure anticipated in thre project/construction, is called a
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= 3.6 cu.m
= 4m x 3m x 0.30m
9.Estimate the quantities of brickwork and plastering required in a wall 4m long, 3m high
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11. Define Abstract estimate This is the third and final stage in a detailed estimate. The quantities and rates of each item of work, arrived in the first two stages, are now entered in an abstract form. The total cost of each item of work is now calculated by multiplying the quantities and respective rates.
12. Define quantity surveyor A qualified or experienced person who does the above mentioned works (taking off, squaring, abstracting and billing) is called a quality surveyor
Preparing bills for part payments at intervals during the execution of work. Preparing bill of adjustment in the case of variations ordered during the execution of work
The quality surveyor must be well versed with the drawings of work. He should be able to read the drawing correctly and bill the quantities
15. What are the main components of culvert? 1.Abutments 2.Wing walls 3.Arch
He should have a through knowledge of the construction procedure to be adopted, the various items of works involved in the execution: and the different materials to be used in the work. He should be able to prepare schedule to be priced by tenderor.
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16.What are factors to be considered in design of septic tank? The following factors should be taken into consideration: Material should be water proof and corrosion resistant. Natural ventilation provided should be adequate A manhole should be provided to permit inspection and cleaning. Baffles should be limited to one at the inlet and one at the outlet. The escape of gas and sludge to effluent pipe should be avoided.
17.Define lead. Lead is the crow flying horizontal distance from the centre of borrow pit to the centre of the earthwork at site, i.e centre of the area of excavation to the centre of placed earth. 18.Define lift.
specified depth.
19. The actual expenditure incurred in the construction of a school building which have a total length of main walls 140m is Rs.4.97lakhs.Estimate the approximate cost of a similar school building which will have 180m length of main walls. Total expenditure = Rs.4,97,000
Rate per m length of main wall = 4,96,000/140 = Rs.3550/Length of main walls in the proposed building = 180m Approximate cost = 180 x 3550 = Rs.6,39,000/-
Mid sectional area method: Q = (Bdm+sdm2 ) x L Where B Formation width S Side slopes dm Mean depth L Length of the section
20.Write the formula for Mid ordinate rule and Prismoidal formula Rule.
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Lift is the distance through which the excavated soil is lifted beyond a certain
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Prismoidal formula rule: Q = L/6(A1 +A2+4Am) A1 = Bd1 + sd12 A2 = Bd2+Sd22 Am = Bdm+sdm2 dm = (d1+d2)/2
21.Define estimate.
An estimate is a computation or calculation of the quantities required and expenditure likely to be incurred in the construction of a work. The estimate is the probable cost of a work and is determined theoretically by mathematical calculation
22.Write the recommendation for degree of accuracy in measurements. Dimensions of works shall be measured to an accuracy of 0.01 m Thickness of R.C works shall be measured to an accuracy of 0.0005 m Areas of works shall be calculated to the nearest 0.01 m2 Volumes of work shall be calculated to the nearest 0.01 m3 Volumes of wood shall be calculated to the nearest 0.001 m3
23.Briefly explain about revised estimate The estimate, which is prepared When any major change or alteration is made in the plan / structural arrangement, with or without affecting the estimate cost, and When the estimated cost is likely to exceed by more than 5% during execution, due to increase in the cost of materials and labour or due to increase in the cost of materials and labour or due to alterations in the items of works to get the revised quantities /rates/ amount is called a revised estimate
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24.Calculate the quality of brickwork in an arch over a 1.80m span opening. The arch is
40cm.thick and the breath of a wall is 40 cm. Radius of the arch =1.8m The breath of wall = 40cm Thickness of arch = 40 cm Mean dia = 3.60+0.40 = 4 m
Mean length of the arch given = 1/6 *(22/7)* 4 = 2.1m Quantity of brickwork = 2.1*0.40*0.4 = 0.34cu.m
It defined as covered area i.e plinth area excluding area of walls (generally 10% 15 %) sills of the doors are not included in floor area. The floor area of very storey shall be measured separately.
This means area in a building which is useful one i.e area of drawing room, dining room bedroom etc. Areas of kitchens, staircase, stores, verandahs, entrance hall, bathroom, basement etc. are excluded. It is generally 50% to 60% of the plinth area.
It is defined area of a building measured at floor level. It is measured by taking external dimensions excluding plinth offset if any.
28.What are the methods of taking out estimates? Centre line method Crossing method Out to Out and in to in method Bay method Service unit method
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29. Briefly explain about Out to Out and in to in method. This method is most practicable under all circumstances and is generally followed in the P.W.D for computing the quantities of various items. 30. Briefly explain about bay method. This method is useful and is generally followed in case of buildings having several bays. The cost of the typical bay is worked out and is then multiplied by the number of bays in that building. The extra cost for the end walls and difference in
31.Workout the quality of stone metal required for 2Km.Length for wearing coat of a 4m wide road. The thickness of the metal road required is 12cm loose. Solution
32.An approach road 2Km.long is to be constructed. Work out the quantity of materials required i.e. stone metal and bricks. Data is given below. Length = 2 Km
Solution Quantity of bricks = 1 x 2 x 1000 x 3.60 x 0.10 = 720 cu.m No of bricks = 720.0 x 3.60 x 0.12 = 3,60,000
33.A cement concrete road (1:2:3) is to be constructed over the existing water bound macadam road .The thickness of slab =10cm.The length of the road is one km and the width 3.60m.Calculate the quality of cement concrete and the material required, Solution Quality of cement concrete = 1 x 1000 x 3.60 x 0.10 = 360 cu.m 34.Calculate the quality of earthwork for the construction of an approach road
Stone metal = 1 x 2000 x 3.60 x 0.12 = 864 cu.m Bricks = 3,60,000 Nos
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Length = 1Km Width of formation = 10 m Height of embankment = 60 cm Side slope = 1:2 Solution Quantity of earth work = L (Bd+Sd2) B=10cm ; d =0.60m ;S = 2 Quantity of earth work = 1000 x (10 x 0.60) +2 x 0.60 x 0.60 = 6720 cu.m 35.What are the methods of measurements of earthwork? The work shall be measured as given below Area shall be worked out nearest to 0.01 m2
an agreement.
There must be an intention of both the parties to create legal relation. The object of the contract must be legal, and it must not be opposed to any policy of the government or company.
recongnised by law.
37.what are the types of contract? 1.Lump-sum contract 2.Cost plus percentage of cost contract 3.Item rate contract 4.Labour contract 5.Integrated contracting system
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There must be an offer of one party, and its acceptance by the other party to make
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38.what are the important legal implications of a contract? Agreement should not violate the provisions of law. It should not have any adverse effect on the morals of the society The form of contract should be in writing and each page of the documents of the contract should of the contract should be signed by both the parties. A contractor who refuse to carry out the work before completion can be sued in a court of law for breach of contract.
Specification is an important document attached with a tender form/contract agreement, which in most cases controls the quality of materials and works. 40.State the different types of specification. 1. General or brief specification 2. Detailed specification 3. Standard specification
General specification gives the nature and class of work and materials in general to be used in the various parts of the works, from the foundation to the superstructure. General specifications give idea of the whole work or structure and are useful for preparing the estimate.
specification of an item of the work specifies the qualities and quantities of materials proportion of mortar workmanship, the method of preparation and execution and method measurement. The detailed specifications of different items of work are prepared separately which description what the work should be and how they should executed and constructed.
The detailed specifications form a part of the contract document. The detailed
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39.What is specification?
43. What are the types of penalties that are imposed on a contract and why are they imposed? Penalties may be imposed for non-fulfillment of conditions of contract such as not maintaining progress, deley in completion and unsatisfactory work etc. The penalty may be fixed sum per day or a percentage of the estimated cost upto 10% 44.What is arbitration?
Arbitration means the settlement of a dispute by the decision of a third person chosen and acceptable as a judge. The decision of the arbitrator is binding on both the parties. In public works department the superintending engineer function as the arbitrator 45.Why and when the earnest money deposit are collected?
While submitting a tender, the bidder has to deposit with the department an
money deposit. This amount serves as a check to prevent the contractor from refusing to accept the work or runway, when his tender has been accepted. In case of refusal to take up the work his earnest money is forefeied.
46.Why and when the security deposit are collected? At the time of execution of the contract agreement, the successful tender has to deposit a further sum of 1% of the contract amount to the department. This amount is
terms and conditions of the contract. The security deposit will be refunded to the contractor on the satisfactory completion of the whole work, after the observation period of 6 months 47.What is a tender notice? Tender notice is the publicity of offer to the contractor to quote their rates for construction for construction work or supplied. Sealed tenders are invited in the most open and public manner. It is made public by advisement in leading newspaper, in the government gazette or by notice in English and in the regional languages in public places.
known as security deposit. This amount is kept as a check so that the contractor fulfils all
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amount equal to about 2 % of the estimated cost of the work which is called earnest
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48.What informations should a contract document contain? 1.Title page 2.Index page 3.Tender notice and tender forms 4.Schedule of quantities 5.Drawings 6.General specifications 7.Detailed specification 8.Schedule of issue of materials 9.Conditions of contract. 49. Define valuation
Valuation is the process of estimating the cost of a property based on its present condition. The properties may be immovable properties like land, buildings, mines trees quarries etc., and movable properties such as coal, oil, steel, cement, sand etc.
50. What are the important factors influencing the value of building? 1. Type of the building
51. What is the purpose of valuations? 1. For assessment of wealth tax, property tax etc 2. For fixation of rent 3. For security of loans or mortgage 4. For insurance, betterment charges etc 5. For compulsory acquisition 6. For reinstatement.
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52. Define Floor rate. It is the ratio between the total built up area (Plinth area) of all floors and the area of the plot. Floor Area Ratio = Total Plinth area of all floors / Plot area
53. Define Plinth area rate. It is the ratio between the total present cost of a particular type of building and its plinth area.
54. A property fetches a net income of Rs.900.00 deducting all outgoings. Workout the capitalized value of the property if the rate of interest is 6% per annum.
55. Find the plinth area required for the residential accommodation for an assistant Engineer in the pay scale of Rs.400.00 to 1,000 per month. Average pay = 400+1000 /2 = Rs.700/month Average month rent @10% of salary = 700.00/10 = Rs.70.00 Average annual rent 70.00 x 12 = Rs. 840.00
Capital cost of the building @ 6% interest = 840 x 100 / 6 = Rs.14000.00 Plinth area required @ Rs.150.00 per sq.m of plinth area = 14000/150 = 93.33sq.m
the cost of Rs.14000.00 having plinth area of 93.33 sq.m. But due to the increase in the cost of construction, this may be increased by 100% and the capital cost of construction may be fixed as Rs.28,000.00 and the approximate plinth areas of 93.33
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= Rs.15003.00
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56. A pumping set with a motor has been installed in a building at a cost Rs.2500.00.Assuming the life of the pump as 15 years, workout the amount of annual installment of sinking fund to be deposited to accumulate the whole amount of 4% compound interest. The annual sinking fund I = Si/(1+i)n 1 = 2500 x 0.04 /(1+0.04)15 -1 = Rs.125 The owner is to deposit Rs.125/-annually in 4% compound interest carrying investment for 15 years to accumulate Rs.2500/57. An old building has been purchased by a person at a cost of Rs.30,000/- excluding the cost of the land.Calculate the amount of annual sinking fund at 4% interest assuming the future life of the building as 20 years and scarp value of the building as 10% of the cost of purchase.
59.Define the Value : Value-Present day cost of a engineering structures (saleable value)
Rent fixation. It is generally taken as 6% of the valuation of the property For buying and selling Acquisition of property by Govt. To be mortgaged with bank or any other society to raise loan For various taxes to be given and fixed, by the Municipal Committee Insurance: For taking out on insurance policies.
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60.Define the Cost: Original cost of construction. It is used to find out the loss of value of property due to various reasons.
61.Define the Gross income: Total amount of the in come received from the property during the year, without deducting outgoings
An amount left at the end of the year after deducting all useable outgoings
properly set, thick walls, poor ventilation etc. The reason of this is fast changing techniques of construction, design, ideas leading to more comfort etc.
Scrap Value: If a building is to be dismantelled after the period its utility is over, some amount can be fetched from the sale of old materials. The amount is known as scrap value of a building. If various from 7% to 10% of the cost of construction according to the availability of the material.
being into pieces, the amount thus realized by sale is known as its salvage value.
66.Define the Capitalized value: It is defined as that amount of money whose annual interest at the highest prevailing rate will be equal to the net income received from the property. To calculate the capitalized value, it is necessary to know highest prevailing on such properties and income from the property.
If a property after being discarded at the end of the utility period is sold without
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The value of property decreases if its style and design are outdated i.e rooms not
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67. Define sinking fund. A fund which is gradually accumulated and set aside to reconstruct the property after the expiry of the period of utility is known as sinking fund. The sinking funds may be found out by taking a sinking fund policy with any insurance company or deposition some amount in the bank. Generally while calculating the sinking fund, life of the building is considered. 90 % of the cost of construction is used for calculations 10 % is left out as scrap value. sinking fund (I) = Si/ (1+i)n -1
n = Number of year required to creat sinking fund i = Rate of interest expressed in decimal i.e 5% as 0.05
Market value: The market value of a property is the amount, which can be obtained at any particular time from the open market if the property is put for sale. The market value will differ from time to time according to demand and supply.
Book value: Book value is the amount shown in the account book after allowing necessary depreciations. The book value of a property at a particularly year is the original
70.Write the various methods of valuation. 1.Plinth area method 2.depreciation rate method 3.Rental method 4.Land and building method 5.Development method
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S = Sinking fund
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71.The estimated value of a building is Rs.5,00,000.The carpet area of the building is 70 sq.m If the plinth area is 20% more than this ,what is the plinth rate of the building? Value of building = Rs.5, 00,000 Carpet area = 70 m2 Plinth area = 20 % more = 1.20 x 70 = 84 m2 Plinth area rate of the building = Value of the building/Plinth area = 5,00,000/84 = Rs.5952.38m2
72.The present value of a property is 20000/- Calculate the standard rent. The rate of interest may be assumed as 6%.
income from a property gives capitalized value of the property.It can also be defined as a certain amount of capital whose annuity of Rs.1/- at a certain rate of interest can be received Years purchase = 100/rate of interest = 1/i
Years purchase : It may be as the figure which when multiplied by the net
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Annuity : The return of capital investment in the shape of annual installments monthly, quarterly, half yearly &yearly. 76.Define Analysis of work: The process of determining the rate of an item of work or supply of the material is known as the analysis of rate or rate analysis. 77.What is the size of septic tank for 50 users? 4 cum
78. What is the size of septic tank for 25 users? 2.5 cum 79.Define contract:
The contract is an under taking by a person or firm to do any work under certain terms and condition
80.Define Contractor:
81.Define Tender: Tender is a written offer submitted by the contractors in pursuance of the notification given to execute certain work under certain terms and conditions.
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82.What are the Essentials of contract: The contract language is law full . The contract is made by parties competent to contract. The contract is made by free consent of the parties. The contract is made under valid consideration. There shall be a definite proposal and its acceptance. 83.What are the type of contract? 1. Item rate contract 2. Percentage rate contract 3. Lump-sum contract
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85.What are the conditions of contract? Conditions relating to documents Conditions relating to the execution of work Conditions relating to labour and personal 86. Define Engineer: He is the person appointed by the owner. He is technically very sound in work an his job is to see that the work is being done by contractor entirely according to drawings and specification. 87. Define Owner:
The person of behalf of which work is to be done . He may be an individual or firm or organization . 88.Define Site:
Site means the place where the work is to be executed 89.Define Drawings:
The section, map, plans etc which completely define the construction work geometrically is known as drawings 90.Define work: It means the work is to be carried out under this contract. 91.What is called Tender Notice? The notice inviting tender is called tender notice.
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92. Define Specification: The drawings of a structure show the propositions and its relative position of its various parts is called specification. 93. What are the object of specification? 1. Quality
3. Aim of the project 94. What are the types of specifications? 1. Brief Specification. 2. General specification. 95.Define Arbitration:
Arbitration is the settlement of a dispute by the decision not of a court or law but of one or more persons chosen by the parties themselves involved in the dispute. 96.Define Arbitrators:
97.What are the types of Arbitration? 1.Arbitration with out intervention of court. 2.Arbitration with intervention of court and thre is no suit pending 3.Arbitration is suits.
The persons chosen have the right to take decision are called arbitrators.
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2. Instruction
98. What do you mean by Gross income? It is total income that can be fetched from the property as rent or other source without deducting out goings ,operational and collection charges. 99. Define Net income: It is the amount left with the owner from the gross income after deducting
The total cost of construction of the project including land is called capital cost.
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16 MARKS 1. Explain various types of estimate 2. What are the various methods of estimate 3. Estimate the single room building of 30 m2 4. Estimate the beam 5. Estimate the column 6. Estimate the arch step of assumed dimension 7. Estimate a retaining wall 8. Estimate a rectangular slab culvert 9. Estimate an open well 10. Estimate a tube well
width at the formation surface is 8m.Side slopes 2:1 in banking and 1.5:1 in cutting. Length of chain is 30m. Chainage
20 71.20 70.00 21
13.Estimate the cost of earthwork for a portion of a road from the following data. Road
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22 23 71.25
24 70.80 25 70.45 26 70.20 27 70.35 28 69.10 30 69.70 Upward gradient of 1in 200
71.25 70.90
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14. Prepare a detailed estimate of a septic tank with soak pit for 25 users
15. Estimate of quantities of different items of works for an abutment with wing wall, of culvert. 16. Details of a R.C.C retaining wall 25m long. Prepare a detail estimate for the work
17. Analyses the rate of cement concrete of ratio 1:2:4 and 1:3:6
18. Analyses the rate of Reinforced cement concrete beam and column
22. A plot measure 500sq.m.the built up area rate of this 1st class building is Rs.600/-per sq.m this rates includes cost of water supply, sanitary and electric installations. The age of the building is 40 years. The cost of the land is Rs.80/- per sq.m
23. A building is situated on ambala Kalka road Rs. 38000/-considered its scrap value as 10% of the cost and life as 80years.Find out depreciated value if the the life of the
24.Calculate the annual rent of a building with the following data. Cost of land = Rs.20000/Cost of building = Rs.80000/Estimate life = 80years Return expected = 5% on land 6% on building
building is 20 year.
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Annual repairs are expected to be 0.7% of the cost construction and other out goings will be 25% of the gross rent. There is no proposal to set up a sinking fund
25. The capitalized cost of a building is Rs.one lac, including all fittings of first class construction. if the rate of interest is 6%, Calculate net return from the property .Assume out goings as 15% on gross income.
27. What are the procedures to be followed in opening of tender and security of tender?
28. What are the different types of contracts? Explain them briefly.
30. Explain the procedure of opening the tenders, acceptance of tenders and the execution of agreement for carrying out a work.
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