Group Exhibition Proposal
Group Exhibition Proposal
Group Exhibition Proposal
Events or exhibitions can be held in SAIC Galleries (Sullivan, Rymer, LG Space, Gallery X) or at other
on-campus (i.e. non-gallery) and off-campus locations. For detailed information and images of these
venues, visit: The committees who review the applications differ according
to venue selected. Please see below for venue descriptions and associated review processes.
Sullivan Galleries: 7th Floor, Sullivan Building, 33 S. State Street
Rymer Gallery: 1st Floor, Columbus Building, 280 S. Columbus Drive
The Department of Exhibitions serves to enrich and augment the academic curriculum through active
discourse on issues and ideas in contemporary art. All applications to these venues are reviewed by the
Exhibitions Committee - comprised of appointed faculty members and selected student representatives.
The Exhibitions Committee will also make final decisions to determine scheduling in one of the
Department of Exhibition’s venues. Application finalists may be asked to submit a revised proposal for
further review and a later decision.
Contact Information
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Venue Selection
Please see the following pages for list of required materials to be included with this application.
Please attach the following documents to your application:
Work samples
Applicants should submit samples that most appropriately represent the proposed projects.
Do NOT submit actual artwork or master documentation. Samples will NOT be returned. All
documentation and its protective case/cover must be labeled with the applicant’s name and
contact information.
Please submit per artist:
2-3 images (jpegs) or
3 minutes of video (on CD or DVD), or
3 minutes of audio (on CD or DVD), or
The root folders of up to 2 web based works (on CDRom)
Instructions for work sample submissions:
Digital Images
Only digital images will be accepted. An Image Identification Sheet must accompany all
images. This sheet requires you to list the artist(s) name(s), title, year completed, media and
dimensions/duration of each work. Media descriptions must be specific: Do not use MIXED
MEDIA. Media will indicate materials used, not process of creation. The committee refers to
this information while viewing the documentation.
When submitting digital images, media must be Mac compatible. Title the media with the
applicant name or group proposal liaison name. For example, Jackson Pollock’s disk would be
called “Jackson Pollock”.
• Submit only jpeg files: other file formats will not be viewed.
• Submit only one image per file
• All files should be RGB, no more than 1024 pixels wide and 768 pixels high, sized at 72
dpi, and oriented to correctly represent the object.
• Files must use the following naming convention to sort properly in the multimedia
viewing process:
The first five letters of the applicant last name, (use the underscore if your name is less
than 5 letters) followed by the first initial, then 2 digits that correspond to the number of
the image on the identification sheet of the application, followed by “.jpg” For example,
Jackson Pollock’s or Maya Lin’s files would look like this:
PolloJ01.jpg or Lin_ _M01.jpg
PolloJ02.jpg or Lin_ _M02.jpg
PolloJ03.jpg or Lin_ _M03.jpg
PolloJ04.jpg or Lin_ _M04.jpg
Digital documentation for group applications will reference the applicant name, not the artist
name. Image numbers in the file name should reference 01, 02, 03... 19, 20, these file numbers
will also correspond to the image documentation sheet numbers.
If submitted documentation is not of the proposed presentation, please complete the Time
Arts Documentation Sheet. Include a description of the included works, in addition to an
explanation of how the documentation relates to the work you intend to present. State clearly
whether this will be an installed gallery presentation OR as an evening of time arts
All web-based artworks, i.e. a website as a work of art, (not a website as a tool to view other
images of other multiple artworks you have created) should be submitted by including the
entire root folder on a CD/DVD. Use your name as the title of the CD/DVD.
Name: _________________________
IMAGE IDENTIFICATION SHEET (for jpegs) ID #: __________________________
Do not submit original or master documentation. Media and case should be labeled with artist name,
title of work, and length as described in instructions above. Multiple works may be submitted on one
CD/DVD with titles identifying each piece. For websites as works of art, submit the entire root folder on
a disk with your name as the name of the disk. Please check the site thoroughly and ensure it runs
properly in the OS X environment. Also note: if documentation is of a past work, you must describe the
piece, noting its relationship to your proposal.
Check as applicable:
Check as applicable:
_____ This is a CD/DVD of a film
_____ Stereo _____ Mono _____ Silent
_____ This is a CD/DVD of audio work
_____ Color _____ Black & White
_____ This is a CD/DVD web based work
Dolby noise reduction?
_____ This is a CD/DVD of a performance
_____ Yes _____ No
_____ This is documentation of an installation
Describe the submitted audio/video documentation below. Contextualize what is in the documentation.
Is it what you are proposing to present? If not, describe the work in the documentation and how it
relates to your proposed project. Description must be typed. Do not submit additional sheets, use
space provided. Please note if the work has been presented in Chicago, and indicate the date and
location of presentation.
Venue selected
60-word Summary
List of Artists
Work samples
Next Steps:
The respective committee will contact all applicants after proposals have been reviewed.
Additional materials will be required for each accepted proposal and will be discussed in detail
with the review committee. These include:
• Exhibition Budget
• Installation diagrams (floor plan/exhibition layout)
• Revised proposal documents (as requested by review committee)
• Timetable for implementation
• Revised budget
• Final version of project description
• Safety and security requirement forms
• Publicity and educational materials
• Reception plan
• Agreement(s) for loans of works of art
• Transportation arrangements for artwork and participants (if held off campus)