Climate Change: High Global Temperature
Climate Change: High Global Temperature
Climate Change: High Global Temperature
Virtually all scientists agree that the Earth has warmed a small amount, when
instrumented temperature records became reasonably accurate and distributed in key
areas of the world. Now a day, I think not only me, who was observing our climate today.
Our world has facing a huge problem, the people around us has been played it as a game.
We are experiencing floods because of the destroyed forests, tornadoes in other countries,
eruption of volcanoes, hurricane and also landslide. Some definitions of climatic
extremes choose to separate the nature of the event from its social and economic
consequences. When a climate extreme has an adverse impact on human welfare, it
becomes a climatic disaster. Extreme weather events include droughts, floods and
associated landslides, storms, cyclones and tornadoes, ocean and coastal surges, heat
waves and cold snaps.
2. Greenhouse Gases- are gases in an atmosphere that absorb and emit radiation within
the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse
Methane- it is a chemical compound. Carbon dioxide, fertile fuel and current are the
cause of green house gases.
Biomass is a renewable energy source, biological material derived from living, such a
wood, and waste and alcohol fuels. In includes also deforestations. Deforestation is
logging and burning of trees. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous
forests and woodlands. There are some causes of deforestation one of this is used for
urban and construction purposes, it is the cutting down of trees that cause landslides and
floods, this is used to construct for furniture and etc. To grow cops is a causes also they
cut trees in order to clear the land for growing crops. Trees are cut down in developing
countries to be used as firewood or turned into charcoal, which are used for cooking and
heating purposes. If there are causes there is also of course effects, There are a number
of adverse effects of deforestation, such as: Flooding and Drought: One of the vital
functions of forests is to absorb and store great amounts of water quickly when there are
heavy rains. When forests are cut down, this regulation of the flow of water is disrupted,
which leads to alternating periods of flood and then drought in the affected area. Loss of
Biodiversity: The unique biodiversity of various geographical areas is being lost on a
scale that is quite unprecedented. Erosion of Soil: When forest areas are cleared, it results
in exposing the soil to the sun, making it very dry and eventually, infertile, due to volatile
nutrients such as nitrogen being lost.
3. Sea level rise-Current sea level rise is due partly to human-induced global warming,[
which will increase sea level over the coming century and longer periods. Philippines is
one of the vulnerable countries. In sea level rise coral bleaching is also includes. Coral
bleaching is whitening of the corals. It affects fish and marines.
The general topic of climate change is the average condition. Erosion of our soil becomes
the very outstanding event. El Niño, day condition, it is important temperature flections.
Water is very important at all.
Cause& effect:
Natural causes:
-human causes
As an individual I can help preventing climate change by lessen the waste we produce,
electricity we use at homes, schools, office and etc, and the transportations we choose to
use. Mostly, just in our own hands to make our world better. I can stop climate change by
drive less, recycled more, use less hot water, plant a tree, turn off electronic devices when
its not use, and change a lot. These, help us more to improved and prevent climate
change, to lessen the huge problem occurring today.
The current problem in climate change is a steadily growing threat not only to the human
world but also to the very existence of life in the world itself. This change in global
climate is not spontaneous, but is a product of a long term consequences of human
doings. A great example would be the overproduction of greenhouse gases due to
machineries and factories. The increase of these gases grows incrementally over the
years. This is explained through demographic observations. The amount of gases emitted
to the atmosphere is directly proportional to the total human population. And since the
human population is steadily rising, it would be safe to say that global warming is in sync
with the increase in people. The world is suffocating from so much toxic gases being
emitted by man’s machineries, and unless we do something about this problem, we might
as well call it quits with Mother Nature.