R.Anand Email: Phone No.: (R) 04564-226262 (M) 9176064227
R.Anand Email: Phone No.: (R) 04564-226262 (M) 9176064227
R.Anand Email: Phone No.: (R) 04564-226262 (M) 9176064227
ional and to de(elo' !el% a! a com'etent Tec"ie and &or# to&ard! com'an de(elo'ment. PROFESSIONAL PROFILE:
)om're"en!i(e 'roblem !ol(ing abilitie!* +uic# at mat"* e,cellent (erbal and &ritten communication !#ill!* abilit to deal &it" 'eo'le di'lomaticall * &illingne!! to learn* team %acilitator "ard &or#er. -er%ect to &or# in a team.
TECHNOLOGY SKILLSET: -rogramming .anguage!/ 0a(a* )* )11. 2eb tec"nologie!/ 3TM.. 4ataba!e .anguage!/ $5.. 6''lication!/ M$ 7%%ice. -lat%orm!/ 2indo&! 989200098-. ACADE IC PROFILE: 1. :.;. in )om'uter $cience and ;ngineering (2006-2010) %rom $ri $airam ;ngineering college (6%%iliated to 6nna <ni(er!it * )"ennai) &it" 67.5= aggregate. 2. 3ig"er $econdar ;ducation at >elammal matriculation "ig"er !econdar !c"ool (2006) under !tate board &it" an a(erage o% 72=. ?. 10t" !tandard* under !tate board at 6.>. matriculation "ig"er !econdar !c"ool (2004) &it" an a(erage o% @0=. ATTAIN ENTS:
2on !"# $%i&e in A'(&a$ com'etition at a Aational le(el tec"nical ! m'o!ium* B.6M7C;RD09 and $-6AE.;$D09 "eld in ear 2F9 2on )n' $%i&e in t"e Te*hni*al +,i& com'etition at a Aational le(el tec"nical ! m'o!ium* $-6AE.;$D09 "eld in 2F9.
-artici'ated in 6dGa'*+uiG*debugging and coding e(ent! conducted in !e(eral Aational .e(el Tec"nical $ m'o!ium! b (ariou! ;ngineering college!.
TRAININGS: 6ttended an Hn -lant Training at !. O%0ani&a#ion D,%a#ion ). O%0ani&a#ion D,%a#ion To$i*" *o/e%e' 2. O%0ani&a#ion D,%a#ion To$i*" *o/e%e' : Aational Hn%ormatic! )entre* )"ennai : 0?-12-2007 to 14-12-2007 To$i*" *o/e%e' : 6bout Aet&or#ing Hn%ra!tructure and im'ortant 'roIect! o% AH). : $out"ern Rail&a !* )"ennai : 15-12-200@ to 19-12-200@ : 6bout !ignal! and Telecom. : 4ecube Hn%otec"* )"ennai : 17.12.07 to 29.12.07 : 0a(a conce't! (did a 'roIect &it" Ia(a a! %ront end).
3. PERSONALITY DEVELOP ENT PROGRA E <nder&ent one ear !o%t !#ill! de(elo'ment training b E4PERT5S. E4TRA C5RRIC5LAR ACTIVITIES:
3olding a member!"i' in )$H ()om'uter $ociet o% Hndia). ;(ent organiGer in !c"ool annual da %unction! and ot"er tec"nical e(ent!. 2a! t"e (olle ball 'la er in !c"ool.. &inner in (olle ball e(ent at !c"ool le(el. 2a! an acti(e 'artici'ator in (ariou! !ocial &el%are acti(itie! "eld at $ri $airam ;ngineering )ollege J contributed more to t"e YRC an' NSS committee a! a member.
PROJECT 6ORK: Ti#le O78e*#i/e De"*%i$#ion : -;lectronic >oting u!ing 2irele!! communication &it" ;nd to ;nd ;ncr 'tionK : T"e 'ro'o!al 'ro(ide! a &a o% ca!ting (ote! t"roug" a multi client- !ingle centraliGed !er(er ! !tem. : T"i! 'roIect enable! ca!ting (ote! %rom an client cou'led &it" "ig" end !ecurit t"roug" encr 'tion mea!ure!.
PERSONAL PROFILE: Aame/ Bat"erD! Aame/ Mot"erD! Aame/ $e,/ 4ate o% :irt"/ Marital $tatu!/ Aationalit / 3obbie!/ R.6nand Mr.-.Rad"a#ri!"nan Mr!.R.Fal'ana Male 0@.09.19@@ $ingle Hndian Reading boo#!* !ol(ing $udo#u and li!tening to mu!ic. -arama#udi-62?707 -"one Ao./ 04564-226262 .anguage! #no&n/ ;ngli!"* Tamil and 3indi. REFERENCE: 1. Mr. $. Ait" anand"am* 374 L )$;* $ri $airam ;ngineering )ollege * )"ennai. DECLARATION: H "ereb declare t"at t"e abo(e-mentioned in%ormation i! correct u' to t"e be!t o% m #no&ledge and H bear t"e re!'on!ibilit %or t"e correctne!! o% t"e abo(e-mentioned 'articular!.