Chromium Plating On Abs Plastic
Chromium Plating On Abs Plastic
Chromium Plating On Abs Plastic
: IS: 1068-1993 for Copper, Nickel and Chromium Electrode deposited coating
: Rs.75,00,000/-
: FEBRUARY, 2011
: MSME-DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE HARSIDDH CHAMBERS, 4TH FLOOR ASHRAM ROAD, AHMEDABAD-380 014 Phone : 079-27543147 & 27544248 Fax : 079-27540619 E-mail :
2 1. INTRODUCTION: Plastic can be readily moulded into intricate shapes and the light weight and ease of fabrication in plastics may be combined with certain desirable characteristics of metal by plasting the tensile impact properties and abrasion resistance of plastics are improved by metal coating. The applications of metallized plastic include P.C.B.S. draw pulls doorknobs automobile and electric appliances hardwares, frontguards, push buttons and regulators knobs for fan cooler etc. Plastics that can be plated are phenol formaldehyde, melamin , acrylics epoxide and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS). 2. MARKET: ABS Moulded Components with chrome finish are being increasingly used for various engineering and other automobile accessories computer hardwares. There exist sufficient scopes for new job plating units for plating of ABS plastic moulded components. This item can also be marketed as ancillary items to other industries like Radio, T.V. Industries, Electronic and Electrical Industries, Automobile Industries etc. from the production of 1500 M.T. in 1950. The production of ABS has since increased 200000 M.T. A considerable part of this production is expected to be plated which is a fair demand for this industry. 3. BASIS & PRESUMPTIONS: (i) The efficiency of the unit is calculated at 70% of the total production capacity. The unit will work 25 days a month on single shift basis and 300 days in a year. The time period for achieving the full envisaged capacity utilization is six months after starting of production. The labour wages are as per the prevailing rates in the market. The rate of interest for fixed and working capital is taken as 14% The margin money requirement for the project is 30 per cent. The pay back period of this project is 3 years.
3 4. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: The time requirement for preparation of Project Report Time requirement for selection of site Time required for registration as small scale unit Time required for acquiring the loan Construction of building Machinery procurement, erection and commissioning Recruitment of labourer etc. Trial runs 5. TECHNICAL ASPECTS: Process Outline The process of electroplating on plastics is similar to that on metals with the difference that the former are made conducting by some treatments before electroplating. The preparatory operations on plastic substrates include etching or conditioning, sensitizing, activation and electroless plating. The degree of adhesion of plate to plastic depends on a number of factors. The most important of which are the particular ABS resin the conditions under which the plastic was moulded and the conditioning treatment special grade of ABS specifically formulated for plating generally plate with greater adhesion than non-plating grades. 6. FLOW PROCESS CHART: The following sequence of operation is usually followed for plating on ABS: Preclean of item Cold water rinse Neutralization Cold water rinse : : : : : : : : Two months One month One month Two months Three months One month One month One month
Neutralize in 2% Sodiumbisulphite Solution Cold water rinse (running tap water) Item Sensitizer Cold water rinse (running tap water) Electroless Nickel Cold water rinse Copper plating Bright Nickel Dragout Cold water rinse (running tap water) Decorative Chrome Cold water rinse Hot water rinse Chromium plating
5 7. QUALITY & STANDARD: IS:1068-1993 for Copper, Nickel and Chromium electrodeposited coatings. 8. PRODUCTION CAPACITY (PER ANNUM): Quantity Value 9. : 25000 Sq. mtrs. : Rs. 75,00,000/-
MOTIVE POWER REQUIREMENT: The power requirement is 30 KWH, 3 Phase 440 Volts.
POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES: Since this unit has been classified as pollution making industry, the No Objection Certificate has to be taken from the State Pollution Control Board. However, a suitable arrangement has been made to control the pollution problem.
ENERGY CONSERVATION: Proper insulation of bath and other related pipes should be made so that the wasting of energy can be saved.
FINANCIAL ASPECTS: (i) Fixed Capital Land & Building Area Sq. Mtrs. Land Building : : 200 Sq. Mtrs. 100 Sq. Mtrs. Rate Rs./Sq. Mtr. 2000/5000/Total : Value (Rs.) 4,00,000/5,00,000/-------------9,00,000/--------------
6 (ii) Machinery & Equipment Sr. No. (a) 1. Description of Machines Qty.(Nos.) Value (Rs.) Production Unit Oil Cooled Silicon Rectifier with 1 2,00,000/stepless control, output current rating 1000 amps. Output voltage 12 V complete with Metal Panel etc. Filtration unit for Bright Nickel with 2 1 32,000/HP Motor and 16 plates Filter unit for Acid Copper with 2 HP 1 32,000/Motor 16 plates 2800 RPM Bright Nickel Tank Capacity 1500 Ltr. 1 65,000/Chrome tank cap. 300 litres 1 4,000/Acid copper tank capacity 500 litres 1 15,000/Drag out Tank 2 10,000/Neutralization tank cap. 300 litres 1 5,000/Sensitizing tank 1 5,000/Etching tank 2x2x2 Ms/5mm L.L. 1 40,000/Polishing machine motorized 2 HP 1 13,000/Immersion Heaters 3 KW Lead 2 7,000/banding M.S. Testing Equipment like different L.S. 1,00,000/Reagent, Glassware, P.H. Meter Pollution Control equipment unit 2,00,000/Electrification and Installation charges 70,000/@ 10% of cost of machinery Total cost of machinery & equipment 7,98,000/Cost of office equipment/working 1,50,000/table/computer Total Rs. 9,48,000/50,000/-
(iii) Pre-operative Expenses (Project cost, non-refundable) Total Fixed Capital = (i+ii+iii) Fixed Capital = Machinery & Equipment Pre-operative Expenses
7 13. WORKING CAPITAL (PER MONTH) (A) Staff & Labour Designation Chief Chemist cum Manager Skilled Worker Workers Accountant cum Store Keeper Clerk cum Typist Total salaries + perquisites @ 15% Nos. 1 1 6 1 1 Salary (Rs.) 10,000/6,000/4,000/5,000/4,500/Total (Rs.) 10,000/6,000/24,000/5,000/4,500/49,500/7,425/----------Total : 56,925/Or say : 57,000/-
(B) Raw Materials Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. 14 Particulars Bright Nickel Salt Brightner (initial make up) Brightner Maintenance Decorative chrome salt Nickel Anode (4x4) Copper Anode Soak Cleaner Neutralizer Sensitizer Etchant Immersion Nickel Concentrate (A) Immersion Nickel (B) Acid Copper Brightner (Additive) Misc. chemicals viz. caustic soda, sulphuric acid, copper wire, PH Paper, Hydrogen Peroxide activated Carbon Qty. Rate (Rs./kg (kgs.) or litre 80 430/kg. 12 400/ltr. 22 32 40 17 32 32 32 77 42 42 17 L.S. 400/ltr. 400/kg. 2600/kg. 480/kg. 100/kg. 50/ltr. 1800/ltr. 185/ltr. 350/ltr. 330/ltr. 350/ltr. Value (Rs.) 34,400/4,800/8,800/12,800/1,40,000/8,160/3,200/1,600/57,600/14,245/14,700/13,860/5,950/20,000/-
Total : Or say :
8 (C) Utilities (Per Month) Power : 30 KWH @ 5.50 per unit (30 KWH X 8 Hrs. x 25 days x 5.50) Water : L.S. Total : (D) Other Contingent expenses (Per Month) Postage & Stationery Telephone Consumable Stores Repairs & Maintenance Transportation charges Advertisement & Publicity Insurance Miscellaneous Expenditure Total : 14. TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL (PER MONTH) (A+B+C+D) WORKING CAPITAL (PER MONTH): Raw Materials: Utilities (Per Month): Other Contingent expenses (Per Month): (Rs.) 33,000/5,000/----------38,000/====== (Rs.) 2,000/2,000/1,500/3,500/2,000/2,000/3,000/2,000/----------18,000/======= (Rs.) 57000/340000/38000/18,000/-------------4,53,000/-
TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT: (a) Fixed Capital (b) Working Capital for 3 months .. .. 18,98,000/13,59,000/-------------Total : 32,57,000/======== (Rs.) 54,36,000/25,000/79,800/30,000/4,55,980/-
FINANCIAL ANALYSIS: 1) Cost of Production (Per Year) Total recurring cost per year Depreciation on Building @ 5% Depreciation on machinery @ 10% Depreciation on Office Equipment @ 20% Interest on total capital investment @ 14%
9 Total cost of production 2) Sales/Turnover (per year) Item Chromium Plating on ABS job work on various types 3) Turnover (Rs.) 75,00,000 4) Net Profit Ratio = Qty. (sq. mtrs.) 25000 Rate/ (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) 300 75,00,000/60,26,780/-
Cost of Production (Rs.) 60,26780 Net Profit x 100 Turnover Per Year = 19.64%
= 14,73,220 x 100 75,00,000 5) Rate of Return = Net Profit x 100 Total Investment 14,73,220 x 100 32,57,000
= 45.23%
6) Break-even Point Fixed Cost a) b) c) d) e) Depreciation on Building Interest on total investment Insurance 40% of salary and wages 40% of other contingent expenses Total : say : B.E.P. % = Fixed Cost x 100 Fixed Cost + Net Profit 8,77,000 x 100 8,77,000 + 14,73,220 37.31% (Rs.) 25,000/4,55,980/36,000/2,73,600/86,400/------------87,6980/8,77,000/-
10 17. NAMES & ADDRESSES OF MACHINERY SUPPLIERS: 1. M/s. Grauer & Well (India) Ltd., Sukh Sagar, 6th Floor N.S. Patkar Marg Coupatty Mumbai-400 007. M/s. Canning Mitra Phoenics Ltd., Eucharstic Congress Building III, Mumbai-400 039. M/s. Modern Engineering Co., Plot No. 1/33, Phase IV, GIDC, Vithal Udyognagar 388 121 Dist. Anand (Gujarat) M/s. S.S. Engineering, C-1-B, Hatkesh Udyognagar Kashmira Byander Road Mumbai-401 104. M/s. Technocrat (India) Plot No. 21, Gali No. 28 (Opp: Gali No. 4) Railway Line Side Anand Parbat Industrial Area Near Rohtak Road New Delhi-110 005. M/s. Rectiers & Controls 17/3, Mathura Road Faridabad-121 002. M/s. Jindal Rectifiers 4/B, 4th Floor, DCM Building 16, Barakhamba Road New Delhi-110 001. M/s. Vijay Industries B/10, Phase-II Mayapuri Industrial Area New Delhi-100 064.
11 18. NAMES & ADDRESSES OF RAW MATERIAL SUPPLIERS: 1. M/s. Mahavir Chemical Industries Mahavir Estate B/h. Shah Chambers Nr. C.T.M. Cross Lane\ Amraiwadi, Ahmedabad. M/s. Delta Chemicals 6, Deta House J-1, Cama Zone, Goregaon (E) Mumbai-4000 099. M/s. Komal Agency 4, Sivangi Colony Near Darpan Cinema Andheri (E), Mumbai-400 099. M/s. Manish Sales Corporation 178, Chetan Cloth Market Sarangpur Gate Ahmedabad-380 001. M/s. Techno Enterprises R 15/59, New Rajnagar Ghaziabad (U.P) M/s. Shankar & Co., 200, Chawan Bazar Delhi-110 016. M/s. Ranject Engineering Works FA 310, Mansarovar Garden New Delhi-110 015. M/s. Shree Chamunda Enterprise 1163/3, Patel Vas Nava Asazwa Ahmedabad-380 016 (Gujarat).