Down Payment in Miro
Down Payment in Miro
Down Payment in Miro
Use As of SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP 6.0 (SAP_APPL 604), materials management provides the following new functions: o o o o o o o o o
MM_PUR_604_MMFI_ANZA: Entering of Down Payment Data in the Purchase Order (New) MM_IV_604_MMFI_AZVER: Down Payment Clearing (New) MM_IV_604_MMFI_EINBE: Posting of Retentions (New) MM_IV_604_MMFI_WEDAT: Checking of Goods Receipt Date Against Delivery Date (New) MM_IV_604_MMFI_PARTN: Checking of Partner Roles in the Incoming Invoice (New) MM_PUR_604_MMFI_FO: Follow-On Activities for Completed Purchase Order Items (New) MM_PUR_604_MMFI_REPO: Business Add-In for Displaying Reporting Data MM_PUR_604_MMFI_LFPL: Stock Removal of Scheduling Agreement Releases (New)
Entering of plant data in the incoming invoice In the transactions Enter Invoice (MIRO) and Park Invoice (MIR7), on the G/L Account tab page, you can enter data in the Plant field and call this data when displaying the invoice document (MIR4). New editor for entering texts in purchasing info records A new editor is available for entering internal info record memos and purchase order texts in purchasing info records, in which you can enter continuous text with word wrap. The new editor replaces the previous editor in the transactions ME11, ME12, and ME13 on the screen SAPMM061. Improved Reports for Archiving Purchasing Documents Archiving object MM_EKKO Preprocess (RM06EV47), Write (RM06EW70), Delete (RM06ED70) Archiving object MM_EBAN Preprocess (RM06BV70), Write (RM06BW70), Delete (RM06BD70) Archiving object MM_EINA Write (RM06IW70), Delete (RM06ID70)
Note: You cannot use down payment clearing in connection with prepayments. Furthermore, you can only use down payment clearing if you have not activated the function for document splitting for the new general ledger in the leading company code of the invoice in question. Effects on Existing Data In the transactions Enter Invoice (MIRO), Park Invoice (MIR7), and Display Invoice Document (MIR4), the new Down Payment Clearing pushbutton is available at header level.
Effects on Customizing If you want to define default values for down payment clearing, implement the BAdI Default Values for Vendor Down Payment Clearing in Customizing for financial accounting, under Accounts Receivable And Accounts Payable --> Business Transactions --> Down Payment Made --> Down Payments/Down Payment Requests. If you do not want down payment clearing to be available in logistics invoice verification, implement the BAdI Down Payments in Customizing for material management under Logistics Invoice Verification --> Maintain Customer Exits and Business Add-Ins.
Effects on Existing Data o In the transactions MEPO, ME21N, ME22N, and ME23N, in program SAPLMEGUI, there is a new screen 1238, which contains fields for saving retention data in the purchase order header. In transactions MIRO, MIR7, and MIR4, the following fields for entering and displaying incoming invoices are available: At header level in program SAPLMRM_INVOICE_CHANGE, screen 0100, the new field Retention Due. At item level in program SAPLMR1M, screen 6310, the new fields Retent. in Doc. Crcy, Retention %, Due Date, and Tax Reduction.
Effects on Customizing To define special features for processing retention, in Customizing for Materials Management choose Logistics Invoice Verification --> Incoming Invoice --> Retention. o In the IMG activity Define Default Due Date for Retention, you can define a validity period for retentions for each material group, which the system uses to determine the default value for the due date in logistics invoice verification. In the IMG activity Define Tax Handling for Retention, you can define countryspecific parameters for tax calculation in the retention document. In the IMG activity Define Control Parameters for Retention, you can define company code-specific settings for retention.
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You can use Business Add-In (BAdI) Default Values and Input Parameters for
Effects on Customizing If you want the system to check the goods receipt date, in IMG activity Define Attributes of System Messages enter system message M8 778 with message type Information.
These checks can be set independently of each other as either warning or error messages. If both checks are active, the system first checks whether the invoicing party is entered as a partner in the purchase order header. If the result is positive, a second step is performed, in which the validity of the partner role is verified. Effects on Customizing In the IMG activity Define Partner Role as Allowed Payee, you define for each client which partner roles are allowed as payees. In the IMG activity Define Attributes of System Messages, you activate the checking of the business partner by assigning the system messages M8 776 and M8 777 to message type Warning or Error. You can use the Business Add-In BAdI: Check Partner Data from Purchase Order to define customer-specific logic, which the system uses to check the partner data.
You can use Business Add-In BAdI: Set Delivery Completed Indicator (MB_GOODSMOVEMENT_DCI) to implement your own logic determining when the system sets the delivery completed indicator in a purchase order item. If you use the example implementation MB_GOODSMOVEMENT_DCI_EXAMPLE, once a purchase order item has the delivery completed indicator it does not lose this status, even if further partial goods receipts are posted for the item. This means that budget is released only for the delivery quantity of the subsequently posted partial goods receipt, not for the whole open purchase order quantity.