Blueprint Banking and Cash Management
Blueprint Banking and Cash Management
Blueprint Banking and Cash Management
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Document Information and Revision History
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Table of Contents
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4.3. Appendix 3 - Planning Groups....................................................................29
4.4. Appendix 4 - Planning Types......................................................................30
4.5. Appendix 5 - Memo Record Upload.............................................................31
4.6. Appendix 6 - ANZ Statement Format (Incoming).........................................33
4.7. Appendix 7 - ANZ Bank Account Information Codes and Descriptions............37
4.8. Appendix 8 - ANZ file format example.........................................................50
4.9. Appendix 9 - Proposed Structure of Bank Accounts and Clearing Accounts...51
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The Banking application component provides functions to effectively manage business partners bank details
and company bank accounts. Bank master records represent the details of physical banks and branches in
SAP with whom XXX undertakes banking transactions.
Bank master data is used in business partner master data for payment transactions.
The Automatic payment program will manage all the payment transactions made by banks in SAP using
defined payment methods.
Within the bank sub module of SAP, the bank master data is saved centrally in the bank directory. Each bank
is uniquely identified by the country code and bank key (BSB identifier). Bank master data includes address
information and control data such as SWIFT code (used for overseas payment).
Bank details maintained in the bank directory will be used for business partner master data and house
banks. This will eliminate duplication of data and keep up-to-date information of bank details.
To be able to run the payment program, the system requires details of XXX’s own house banks. In the
company code-specific data of a vendor master record, entry of house bank details is needed to facilitate
vendor payments. If a bank is not entered in the master record, the rules by which the payment program
determines the appropriate payment bank account must be specified.
At XXX, the house bank will be pre-defined and configured for the payment program.
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7. House Banks
Banks used by XXX to complete transactions are defined as house banks. House banks are created in
Customizing. House banks contain information such as bank master data, data for electronic payments, the
bank accounts for each house bank and the G/L accounts per bank account.
Using the House Bank ID and the bank types, the payment program determine the banks to be used.
Bank accounts that are managed by house banks are also defined in configuration. The accounts are
identified by a unique account-ID. The bank account data contains the number of the account at the house
bank, the account currency and the G/L account which reflects postings made to the bank statement
For every bank account, a General Ledger account must be created. This General Ledger account is assigned
to the bank account and vice versa. Both accounts have to have the same account currency.
The House Bank is defined at the company code level. For XXX house banks will only be created for XXX Pty
Ltd company code (i.e. 1000). House bank “ANZ1” and “ANZ2” will be defined. The following settings will be
created in SAP:
Bank Country AU AU
Bank Key
Bank Branch
SWIFT code
Bank group
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8. Bank Accounts
For each House Bank, the user will need to maintain a Bank Account Identifier. The Bank Account Identifier
denotes the bank account that the company has with the respective House Bank. It contains information
about the bank account number, currency key and additional country-specific data.
Each bank account is unique within a company code. Under each bank account, the user will maintain the
bank key, bank country, addresses etc. The system uses this information to identify the correct bank master
Bank Key
Description XXX - Daily XXX - Overseas – XXX - Overseas – XXX - Overseas – XXX –
Bank Account USD GBP EUR Dividend
Bank Account
SWIFT number
Direct Entry ID
Auto Payment Run
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The flowchart above documents the house bank / bank account maintenance process. This has the following
Manual preparation and approval. This involves completing a manual form for the maintenance of
existing house bank/ bank account or to create new house bank/bank account. For a new house
bank/ bank account new general ledger accounts (i.e. bank statement account and bank clearing
accounts) would be identified and created within this step.
Within SAP transaction FI11 is used to create a new House Bank – if required.
Within SAP transaction FI11 is used to create a new Bank Account or transaction FI12 to amend an
existing Bank account
If the new bank account is required for the Accounts Payable payment run – Additional configuration
is required for the bank determination and existing payment methods (Transaction FBZP)
If the new bank account is not required for the Accounts Payable payment run – no further
configuration is required
The payment program needs to be configured to support payments from the relevant House Bank and house
bank IDs. The settings involve:
Ranking order of banks:
House banks are ranked according to the priority they should be used by the automatic
payment program.
For XXX, house bank “ANZ1” will be ranked as “1”, as XXX has one house bank.
Bank accounts:
For each house bank the payment method and currency determine which bank account is to
be used for payments.
For XXX, each bank account will be ranked as “1”, as XXX has one bank account for each of
the following currencies AUD, USD, EUR, and GBP.
Available amounts:
The available payment amount for the selected house bank. Specifying available amounts
enables the user to control which bank account is to be used for payments.
For XXX, the maximum payment amount will be set to $40 million. The minimum payment
amount will be set to $1.00.
The electronic bank statement is a text file received from the bank for the purposes of automating the bank
reconciliation process. The electronic bank account statement file contains:
Information on the house bank (bank number and account number, account currency,
statement number, and statement date)
List of individual business transactions that were posted to the bank account (line items and
Processing of the electronic bank statement is done at company code level and takes place in three stages.
Each file is transferred (in the relevant account statement format) to the bank data storage.
Data (i.e. Notes to Payee) are interpreted to derive clearing information from unstructured
information. This clearing information is stored in bank data storage.
Postings are made online using the online indicator on the upload program
Post processing is undertaken for tany transactions posting in error.
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An internal posting rule must be defined for all posting transactions. This posting rule
represents the business transactions relevant to account statement entry and controls
postings to G/L and sub ledger accounts. The Internal Posting rule will post to the SAP
ledger. Clearing will occur once the bank statement has been posted to the ledger.
For XXX, internal posting rules must be defined to enable the system to post to the
following bank clearing accounts:
o Store Deposits - Cash
o Store Deposits - EFTPOS
o Store Deposits - Cheques
o Other Deposits
o Cheque clearing
o Payments
The following clearing accounts will apply for the transactions of the USD, GBP and EUR
bank accounts. Please note that these general ledger accounts will be set up in USD, GBP,
and EUR respectively.
o Payments
o Deposits
External transactions must be defined to distinguish banking transactions (i.e. business
transaction code, text key, posting text) used by each bank. The list of external
transactions is described in Appendix 6 ANZ Bank Statement File format.
External transactions must be assigned to a posting rule.
If, during data import, the program encounters an "unknown" external business transaction code, a list of
missing entries is output after the entire account statement is imported. These are processed as exceptions
using bank statement post-processing (i.e. SAP transaction FEBA).
Where possible, items appearing on the bank statement will be automated to post to the correct accounts.
Examples include bank charges, interest earned, interest paid and subscription fees. This will require
configuring default cost centres for items posting into revenue or cost accounts. Refer Controlling Blueprint.
The technical details for the file format of the bank interface are described in the appendices. Note the file
format provided by ANZ is SAP compliant (i.e. Multicash format).
The transaction identification codes have been sourced from the bank. These are the key to deriving the
SAP general ledger postings and forms part of the configuration.
Analysis of the supplied ANZ bank transaction codes has identified a need for a bank statement conversion
program. This program will use Bank transaction codes and note to payee descriptions to produce derived
transaction codes. These codes are in turn mapped to the respective SAP posting rules.
Refer to Appendix 6 ANZ Bank Statement File format.
The automatic clearing program will be set up to clear items in the various bank clearing accounts. This can
be scheduled as a daily job or executed manually as part of the bank reconciliation process. At XXX the
proposed clearing criteria are:
Store Number (mapped to Profit Centre)
Dollar Value (+/- $20 tolerance)
Banking Type e.g. EFTPOS, cash / cheque, EFTPOS Refund (same G/L as EFTPOS)
Note that Value Date is not being used for POS reconciliations and is no longer applicable as a clearing
criteria for the Bank Statement.
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These are not standard settings and will be configured and tested within SAP. It is assumed the converted
bank statement file will provide enough detail for the automatic clearing program to operate correctly.
The SAP electronic bank reconciliation will be performed for company code “XXX”.
The bank involved will be ANZ Bank. The interface will be from Bank to SAP on a daily basis for
the following bank accounts: AUD, USD, EUR, and GBP.
The dividend bank account is not required to be processed using the electronic bank statement
The standard SAP bank reports, bank statements, and logs will be used.
If the automatic clearing program fails to clear items in the bank clearing accounts (due to missing
references or large differences etc), the clearing accounts can be manually cleared using transaction: Clear
G/L account (F-03).
Where there are differences between the total debit and credit amounts, the differences can be manually
charged off to a general ledger account. XXX requires a limit be placed on the amount that can be manually
written off – based on different users. This can be achieved by nominating an “amount per document” for a
tolerance group and assign the user to the tolerance group. ‘
In this case, the system will issue an error message if the amount to be written off exceeds the “amount per
document” as specified in the tolerance group. These settings should apply to manual clearing of these
items and not affect other transactions the user will be performing e.g. journal entries.
One tolerance group of zero tolerance (Z000) will be created. This tolerance group will need to be assigned
to the user.
During the build phase of the project, XXX will need to provide the project team with a list of the users to be
assigned to the tolerance groups. Once again, these tolerance groups need to be limited to manual clearing
of these banking items only.
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10. Payment Process
Outgoing payments to vendors can be done by manual payment and automatic payment run. The diagram
below shows both the payment processes.
Manual Invoice Post Payment
Selection and Doc With print form System
Preparation (F-58) Automatically
Option 2
Finance Finance Cheques
When executing the manual payment process, the user can determine whether to process the outgoing
payment with or without printouts such as cheque.
Before a payment is done in the system, the accounting staff will go through a series of manual preparations
such as determining which vendors to pay, analysing invoices which are due and seek approval from the
relevant accounting personnel for payment.
As an alternative, accounting staff can utilise the system to list invoices due for payment and commence
with manual payment preparation and subsequent approvals.
Upon the completion of the approval process, the accounting staff separates payments requiring printed
cheques and payments not requiring print output such as cash payments, manual cheques, electronic
transfer etc.
Payments requiring cheques can be posted via transaction code F-58. Payments without forms can be
posted via transaction F-53.
When performing a manual payment, cash discounts can be posted by entering the discount rates. Partial
payments can be performed using the “partial payment” or “residual payment” transactions.
Where a “partial payment” is processed, selected open items for payment are not cleared. The partial
payment is posted to the vendor account with an invoice reference. This enables the user to link the invoice
to the partial payment at any time.
When posting the payment as a residual item, the original payable (i.e. open item) is cleared automatically.
The cheques will be printed or manually prepared as required and sent to vendors.
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XXX will not be using the manual payment process.
In order to execute an automatic payment run, the user must first maintain the payment parameters. The
payment parameters define when, for which period, which company code, and which business partners
should be considered for payment by the payment program.
There is one payment medium program for each payment method. The payment media program will print
the payment forms or creates the data media for subsequent download as configured.
Once the payment parameters have been maintained the user can execute the payment program to create
the payment proposal. The proposal will display those open items that are due for payments.
The payment program identifies the open items and selects the items to be paid. Items are paid as late as
possible without losing cash discount. The selection of open items for payment is based on several factors:
Due date of the item. The Due Date is determined using the baseline date and the terms of payment
in the open items. The payment program calculates the cash discount periods and the due date for net
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Company code-specific grace periods for payables. The grace period is added to the due date
calculated. Consequently, the payment can be made at a later date. At XXX, the grace period will be set
to zero.
The minimum cash discount percentage rate per company code. If the specified minimum
percentage rate is not achieved, the system will propose the payment on the due date for net payment.
Whether special G/L transactions are specified to be taken into consideration. For instance, the
payment program can make a down payment in response to a down payment request or specify if the
system wants to use the payment program to clear down payments. For XXX, the payment program will
be enabled to make a down payment as delivered in the XXX template. XXX will not be using Down
Payment functionality.
For each payment run, the user will also specify the date of the next payment run on the payment
parameter. The program uses this date to determine whether an item is to be included in the current or
the next payment run.
User can view the proposal online or print it out as hard copy. It contains a complete overview of all line
items. The end of the list contains a breakdown of the payment amounts sorted by:
Payment Methods
The payments to be processed are displayed by vendor. Drill down functionality allows the payment line item
to be displayed. The user is able to edit the vendor payment line item by:
All changes made on the payment proposal affect only the payment proposal. No changes are made to the
source documents.
Once the proposal has been finalised and accepted, the user will execute the payment. During the payment
run, the bank balance is reduced and vendor open line items are cleared as per proposal. That is:
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The payment program creates payment accounting documents and prepares data for form printing
or creating file output.
Payments will be posted to Payment Clearing (EFT) and Cheque Clearing (Unpresented Cheques).
Prior to printing the payment cheques, the users should view the payment log and check over the payment
list to make sure that the payment run was completed successfully.
Various payment medium programs use the data prepared by the payment program to create forms or files
for the data media.
Spool files are created within SAP allowing once the payments are confirmed, to print cheques and on-send
to suppliers.
XXX will use the SAP Cash Management module. This module uses information from the Retail, Accounting
and Real Estate modules to generate the Cash Management and Liquidity Forecast reports.
The Cash Management report outlines the short term cash position using transactional information in the
bank statement and bank clearing accounts. This report is used to identify on a daily basis projected cash
surpluses and deficits. Based on this report decisions regarding investments of projected cash surpluses in
bank bills or sourcing loans to offset projected deficits can be made on a daily basis.
5 Confirm general ledger Accounts FF-6/ FS10 When the bank statement general
bank statement Receivable ledger account balances to the
reconciles to bank bank statement balance this
statement closing balance confirms that the opening
cashbook balance is correct. This
is a critical component to the cash
forecasting process.
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No Description Role Enablers Notes
Within SAP manual entries can be entered into SAP Cash forecasting using memo records. This can be
entered manually via transaction FF63 or uploaded from a pre-defined excel format via transaction
Memo records would be created for the following cash forecast transactions:
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The above planning types are based on the existing cash management report presently used by XXX.
Within SAP planning types need to be configured for memo records. Details of the planning types to be
configured are outlined in Appendix 4.
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13. Exchange Rates
Exchange rates can be entered manually into SAP via transaction OB08.
The process would be to obtain the relevant exchange rates from the bank or internet site. These would be
compiled and entered into SAP using transaction OB08.
The following exchange rate types will be configured within SAP for XXX.
Currencies Name
XXX is a major importer of retail goods and can be exposed to adverse exchange rate movements. Forward
cover arrangements have been entered into with the ANZ bank to effectively “lock” in the Australian dollar
equivalent of future US dollar payments.
The process involves twice weekly assessing the number and amount of future USD, EUR or GBP payments
and arranging future USD, GBP or EUR funding through purchases in of the relevant currency using a
minimum amount fo $XXX.
XXX requires that forward cover arrangements are recorded in SAP and reported against future foreign
currency purchase payments.
The following process would be used to record and report forward cover arrangements:
Foreign currency purchase orders are configured to report into SAP Cash Management.
Cash forecast memo records have been configured as payment requests.
Appropriate clearing accounts have been configured for bank-to-bank account transfers
After electronic bank statements have been processed the Liquidity Forecast report is executed. A
report variant report foreign currency purchase orders; future foreign currency payments and also
forward cover arrangements already in place.
Based on report XXX determines if more forward cover arrangements are required in either USD,
EUR or GBP currencies or whether existing arrangements are adequate.
If more forward cover is required the ANZ Bank would be contacted to agree details of the amount;
funding date and the relevant forward exchange rate.
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This would be recorded in SAP Banking/ Cash forecasting as a bank account transfer memo records
using transaction FF63. Details to be recorded in this transaction include:
o Company Code (Company Code XXX – i.e. 1000)
o Planning Type (ZF: Forward Cover based on Cash concentration planning memo)
o Value Date: (date of Future FX Cover Payment)
o Account Name: (Bank account funding payment i.e. XXX AUD Bank account)
o Amount (payment amount in USD, EUR or GBP as applicable)
o Currency (payment currency USD, EUR or GBP as applicable)
o Exchange Rate (amount of agreed exchange rate with bank)
o Assignment (details/id of FX cover transaction)
o Reference (transaction reference for forward cover transaction)
o Offsetting Account (Bank Account receiving payment i.e. XXX USD bank account, XXX EUR
bank account or XXX GBP bank account)
o Offset Value Date (Date of Future FX cover payment)
o Offset Company code (Company Code XXX – i.e. 1000)
o Payment Text (further details of FX cover payment)
Selecting the Account Transfer function automatically creates two payment advices one for the AUD
payment and another for the USD (or EUR, GBP as applicable) funding.
Both payment requests are now visible in the Liquidity Forecast Report as a future forward cover
(i.e. USD deposit and AUD payment). Payment requests for EUR and GBP currencies are also visible.
Transaction FF.D needs is executed to convert the AUD payment advice to a payment request. This
transaction should be run daily. No accounting entries are posted at this stage.
Transaction F111 is a special payment run to handle payment requests. This would be executed
weekly to process Forward cover payment requests and post the following accounting entries:
When the forward cover AUD payment is processed this is automatically posted from the electronic
bank statement as follows
Payment media would be processed to print details of the payment transfer for processing by ANZ.
When the forward cover USD deposit is processed this is automatically posted from the electronic
bank statement as follows:
When the forward cover EUR deposit is processed this is automatically posted from the electronic
bank statement as follows
When the forward cover GBP deposit is processed this is automatically posted from the electronic
bank statement as follows
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DR GBP Daily account.
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15. Bank Guarantees
As XXX is opening a store (or Distribution Centre) a landlord may request a Bank Guarantee to assure
payment of rental and property monies. XXX will request the ANZ Bank to arrange a bank guarantee for
particular landlord vendors .
XXX requires that bank guarantees be accounted for in SAP on a statistical basis. This allows guarantees to
be accounted for as contingent liabilites and can be listed as a note to the Balance Sheet.
Using the SAP Special General Ledger entries can be used to record Bank Guarantees given on behalf of XXX
by the ANZ Bank.
Landlord requires that XXX provide a Bank Guarantee as part of a property agreement. This is done
as XXX opens a new store or new Distribution Centre.
ANZ Bank is contacted to arrange the bank guarantee with the vendor on behalf of XXX.
The bank guarantee given is recorded as a statistical posting (transaction F-55). The following
information is entered:
o Document Date
o Posting date
o Company code
o Reference
o Posting Key
o Vendor account (this would be the Landlord requiring the bank guarantee)
o Guarantee amount
o Due Date: Guarantee Due Date
o Assignment
o Special G/L assignment: guarantee number/ reference
o Text: description of guarantee – noting that the ANZ bank is giving the bank guarantee.
The following general ledger postings are generated:
DR Guarantees Clearing
CR Guarantees - Vendors
In balance sheet reporting this transaction is offset by an automated entry to Guarantees clearing –
resulting in a nil effect on balance sheet reporting.
Using SAP transaction FB02– Word or other documents can be attached to the accounting document
To view a guarantee use the document display transaction FB03 using the document number
generated from the statistical posting.
To view the bank guarantee via vendor use the vendor display line items transaction (i.e. FBL1N).
Ensure that the Special G/L transaction criteria are checked.
To view all bank guarantees use the G/L account display line items transaction (i.e. FBL3N). Ensure
that the Normal item type is checked.
To reverse a guarantee the reversal statistical posting transaction is used i.e. SAP transaction F-56.
The following information is entered:
o Document Date
o Posting date
o Company code
o Guarantee Received General Ledger account
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DR Guarantees - Vendors
CR Guarantees Clearing
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16. Bank Bills
On a periodic basis XXX will use discounted bank bills to supplement existing cash funds. These transactions
need to be recorded in the SAP General Ledger and be included on the Cash Management/ Liquidity Forecast
After electronic bank statements have been processed the Liquidity Forecast report is executed. This
report will identify potential cash surpluses and cash deficits of AUD Cash for XXX.
Based on the information in this report XXX would determine if discounted bank bills are to be
funded via the ANZ Bank or other parties.
If bank bills are required to be funded the ANZ Bank or other party would be contacted to agree
details of the amount; discount rate and the relevant rollover date.
This would be recorded in SAP General Ledger using the following journal entries:
DR Prepaid Interest
CR Bank Bills
When the bank bill funding transaction is processed through the bank statement an offsetting entry
would be made to the deposit clearing account
In terms of the rollover entries forward dated journals would be entered with a balancing entry to be
made to the bank payment clearing account:
DR Bank Bills
The forward dated journals enable the future bill rollover transaction to be reported in the cash
management/ liquidity forecast report.
When the bank bill rollover is processed through the bank statement an offsetting entry would be
made to the payment clearing account.
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17. POS Reconciliations
Referring to the blueprint for POS interfaces the following POS GL journal entries are initiated during
the Store End of Day process:
DR POS Clearing
CR Sales
Sales entries are aggregated by store/article/day and posted by store profit centre.
POS clearing entries are aggregated by store/tender/day and posted by store profit centre.
DR Cash – Receivables
DR EFTPOS – Receivables
Balances in the POS clearing relate to articles processed by POS which do not exist in SAP.
Daily tender totals are aggregated by store/tender type/day and posted by store profit centre.
DR Floats
DR POS Variances
CR Cash – Receivables
Actual cash counted entries are posted by day, by posting date and store profit centre.
For actual cash sent to bank (recorded in Surefire interfaced using iDoc WPUFIB)
Actual cash sent to the bank entries are posted by day and store profit centre.
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Electronic Bank Reconciliation entries
The SAP electronic bank statement will generate the following entries for actual EFTPOS and
store deposits banked:
DR Bank
DR Banking variances
CR POS Receivables
These entries will be posted by store profit centre; POS machine Id; value date and posting
POS Clearing account: This account is posted by the store end of day process. Debit entries
to this account are sourced from the POS billing documents. The account is subsequently
cleared by the Store End of day payment document (by tender) process. A debit or credit
balance in this account at end of day reflects errors between the sales totals and the tender
totals i.e. Cash and EFTPOS.
Cash Receivables This account is posted to by the store end of day process. The balance of
this account reflects the daily total of cash tender for a particular store. Postings to this
account are by store profit centre.
EFTPOS Receivables: This account is posted to by the store end of day process. The balance
in the account represents EFTPOS tender receivable from the bank. EFTPOS bank deposits
by POS machine Id are posted to this account by store profit centre by the electronic bank
statement. The store profit centre will be derived via the bank statement conversion
program using the EFTPOS machine identification code on the bank statement.
This account is to be reconciled by store profit centre and posting date. Note that there will
be reconciling differences for stores which engage in 24 hour trading or trading past the 9
pm AEST EFTPOS cut-off time.
Cash at Store: This account is posted to by the store end of day process and the balance
represents the cash held at the store not yet banked or cleared. Balances in this account are
held by store profit centre.
Cash at Bank: This account is posted to in the store end of day process and also by the
electronic bank statement. A Debit balance represents cash that has been cleared from the
store but not yet deposited to the bank. Balances in this account are held by store profit
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This account is to be reconciled by store profit centre and posting date.
Specific scenarios:
24 hour trading/ EFTPOS Cut-offs. XXX have several stores (up to 4) which will have extended
trading hours twice a year. These stores are processing sales past the bank EFTPOS cut-off time of
9 pm. In this case Sales processed past the EFTPOS cut-off date are not included in the EFTPOS
deposits for the current working day. These sales are included in the next working day’s deposits.
EFTPOS cut-offs are recognised where there are differences between the amounts posted to the
EFTPOS receivables account by the POS end of day process and the electronic bank statement.
These differences will offset against each other on a daily basis. POS DM analysatics will be used to
identify the amount of these differences.
Forced End of Day closure. This is the scenario where the automated XXX end of day store POS
closure has failed. The closure is delayed for a second day after which the process fails. A manual
closure is initiated which creates a file containing up to three days of transactions.
The End of Day POS interface will post store transactions based on the sales transaction date i.e. by
store by tender by day.
It is understood that the Surefire POS system has the capability to produce separate files for each
day during a forced end of day closure. It is highly recommended that this functionality be
implemented in Surefire if not already.
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18. Implementation
19. Organisation Structure
20. Interfaces
Bank Directory Upload. This inserts and deletes bank information from the current file of bank
Standard SAP reports will be used to print a copy of bank statement from SAP. Accounts Payable reports will
be covered in the Accounts Payable Blueprint.
Note that POS deposits are received by POS machine ID. Logic will be implemented in the
conversion program to derive the appropriate store profit centre when posting POS banking
transactions. The logic will determine whether the POS machine is an existing POS machine which
uses the “old” XXX store code or a new POS machine using the new XXX store code. XXX will
implement a POS machine description to distinguish between existing and new POS machines. If an
existing machine the conversion program will identify the three digit store number and add the state
identifier (2,3, etc) to convert to a four digit SAP store number/profit centre. If a new machine the
conversion program will identify the four digit store number as a SAP profit Centre.
Bank statement document search functions will then be used to identify the store number and
automatically map to a SAP profit centre. This will facilitate the POS reconciliation process.
This enables POS receipts for different tender types to be reconciled as required.
Note that logic for the assignment of trading day assignments will be outlined in the POS interfaces
Bank directory upload program. A file of bank branch details is obtained from Blue Star as a yearly
subscription. This file is uploaded into SAP via the bank directory upload program (available as a
XXX standard program). This file is obtained each quarterly and updated details loaded into SAP.
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The uploaded file facilitates the automatic population of bank address and branch details upon entry
of the bank key.
24. Authorisations
A high level view of roles, functions and transactions will be compiled to determine if standard XXX roles and
authorisations are adequate to cover XXX’s security requirements.
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25. Master Data Requirements
26. Master Data Maintenance
House banks “ANZ1” and “ANZ2” will be set up in the system initially. Vendors will require relevant bank
master data to be recorded to facilitate EFT outgoing payments.
For the purpose of data conversion, XXX will load bank master data from a bank directory. This directory will
be sourced from an external supplier (Blue Star Print).
For the purpose of transaction conversion XXX will load as open items into SAP prior to go live details of:
unpresented cheques;
unpresented EFTs;
unpresented Store Deposits,
unpresented POS deposits.
Details of unpresented cheques will be loaded into the SAP cheque register.
The balance of the bank statement will equal the reconciled bank statement balance prior to the go live
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28. Appendices
29. Appendix 1 - Bank Clearing Accounts
The structure of the bank clearing accounts is important for bank statement processing and also cash
management reporting/ forecasting.
Balances in the bank clearing accounts relate to transactions posted that remain uncleared such as cheques,
deposits, EFT payments, or POS receipts. Using a manual bank reconciliation procedure transactions need to
be checked with bank records to determine if the transaction is cleared or is a reconciling item. This process
is automated in SAP through the electronic bank statement upload, the automatic clearing programs and
through the structure of the bank clearing accounts.
Within the configuration of the electronic bank statement “masking” together with the bank General Ledger
account number is used to determine the relevant bank clearing account for postings. This requires that
bank clearing accounts have a consistent structure.
For example the bank statement general ledger account is 110000 and the Store EFTPOS clearings are
configured to post to a GL account ending with 6 (i.e. +++++6). The electronic banking program would
derive GL account 110006 and post the appropriate entries to this account.
Note that a funding transfer account will be required as XXX transfers funds from one bank account to
another. For example funds are transferred from the main bank account to the USD currency account to
fund USD payment transactions.
The funding entries would be initiated by an AUD payment from AUD Bank account to the USD bank
The bank statement would be configured to generate the following entries.
USD Bank account in USD currency
DR USD Bank account (for USD funding deposit)
CR Bank funds Transfer
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30. Appendix 2 - Planning Levels
Planning levels are used toclassify different elements in the Cash Management/ Liquidity Forecast
Report. The following Planning Levels are based on the groupings used in XXX Weekly Cash
forecast report and are to be configured in the SAP Cash Forecasting module.
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Planning Level Source Description
Y2 Bank Dividends
F2 Sub-Ledger
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Planning Level Source Description
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31. Appendix 3 - Planning Groups
Planning levels are used to classify different vendors and customer in the Cash Management/ Liquidity
Forecast Report.
The following Planning Groups would be configured for XXX Cash Forecasting:
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32. Appendix 4 - Planning Types
Planning types are used to classify different Planning memo transactions in the Cash Management/ Liquidity
Forecast Report.
The following Planning Types would be configured for XXX Cash Forecasting.
AB AB Confirmed Advices
AU AU Unconfirmed advices
CL CL Cash concentration
DE DE Loan revenue
DI DI General planning
DV DV Dividend Payments
ME ME Rent received
MP MP Noted items
TA TA Funds deposited
TD TD Fixed-term deposits
TK TK Funds borrowed
WP WP Security revenue
X1 X1 Lease incentives
X3 X3 Equity Raised
Y1 Y1 Lease Payments
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Y2 Y2 Dividends
Y5 Y5 Interest Paid
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33. Appendix 5 - Memo Record Upload
Within the Cash Management module manual adjustments can be recorded via memo records.
XXX wish to upload memo records for Cash forecasting from Microsoft Excel. This can be done using SAP
transaction RFTS6510. Memo records can be uploaded using the following formats i.e. XML; Excel, CSV;
tabbed text and text without separator formats.
account Char 10
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Field Name Field Type Field Length Description Comments
Text Char 50
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34. Appendix 6 - ANZ Statement Format (Incoming)
The files into which account information is downloaded are based on the Multicash electronic data
transmission standards. ANZ Online uses the Multicash format which is SAP compatible.
ANZ Bank files are comma delimited and do not contain fixed length fields. The format identifies the start
and end of the file being sent, the date, the account number and the type of each transaction.
File Name:
- yydddnnB.csv
- yydddnnT.csv
yy is the 2-digit year
ddd is the julian day of the date
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35. Appendix 7 - ANZ Bank Account Information Codes and Descriptions
Transactions are given a three-digit code that identifies the transaction type, and a description that is used
to give more information about the transaction. The table below outlines the Account summary codes.
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36. Appendix 8 - ANZ file format example
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37. Appendix 9 - Proposed Structure of Bank Accounts and Clearing Accounts
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