Brac Bank

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About BRAC Bank Limited:

BRAC Bank Limited, one of the latest generation of commercial banks started its journey on July 04, 200 ! "t is an affiliate of BRAC #Bangladesh Rural Ad$ancement Committee%, one of the &orld's largest non(go$ernmental de$elo)ment organi*ations founded by +a*le ,asan Abed in -.2! "t has been the fastest gro&ing Bank in 2004 and 200/! 0he Bank o)erates under a 1double bottom line1 agenda &here )rofit and social res)onsibility go hand in hand as it stri$es to&ards a )o$erty(free, enlightened Bangladesh! BRAC Bank Limited is a full ser$ice scheduled commercial bank! "t has both local and "nternational "nstitutional shareholder! 0he bank is )rimarily dri$en &ith a $ie& of creating o))ortunities and )ursuing market niches not traditionally meet by con$entional banks! BRAC Bank has been moti$ated to )ro$ide 2best(in(the(class3 ser$ices to its di$erse assortment of customers s)read across the country under an on(line banking dais! BRAC Bank, a fully o)erational Commercial Bank, focuses on )ursuing une4)lored market niches in the 5mall and 6edium 7nter)rise Business, &hich hitherto has remained largely unta))ed &ithin the country! "n the last fi$e years of o)eration, the Bank has disbursed o$er B80 2200 crore in loans to nearly /0,000 small and medium entre)reneurs in 200. "n addition to small business lending, BRAC Bank has fast gro&ing remittance, sa$ings mobili*ation and consumer lending businesses! "n the years ahead BRAC Bank e4)ects to introduce many more ser$ices and )roducts as &ell as add a &ider net&ork of 567 unit offices, Retail Branches and A06s across the country!

Corporate Vision:

0he $ision of BBL is( Building a )rofitable and socially res)onsible financial institution focused on 6arkets and Business &ith gro&th )otential, thereby assisting BRAC and stakeholders build a 1just, enlightened, healthy, democratic and )o$erty free Bangladesh1 !

Continuous endea$or to increase fee based income 5ustained gro&th in 95mall : 6edium 7nter)rise9 sector ;ee) our 8ebt Charges at 2< to maintain a steady )rofitable gro&th Continuous lo& cost de)osit gro&th &ith controlled gro&th in Retained Assets Cor)orate Assets to be funded through self(liability mobili*ation! =ro&th in Assets through 5yndications and "n$estment in faster gro&ing sector Achie$e efficient synergies bet&een the bank9s Branches, 567 >nit ?ffices and BRAC field offices for deli$ery of Remittance and Bank9s other )roducts and ser$ices 6anage $arious lines of business in a fully controlled en$ironment &ith no com)romise on ser$ice @uality ;ee) a di$erse, far flung team fully moti$ated and dri$en to&ards materiali*ing the bank9s $ision into reality

Core Values

?ur 5trength emanates from our o&ner ( BRAC! 0his means, &e &ill hold the follo&ing $alues and &ill be guided by BRAC as &e do our &ork!

Calue the fact that one is a member of the BRAC family Creating an honest, o)en and enabling en$ironment ,a$e a strong customer focus and build relationshi)s based on integraty, su)erior ser$ice and mutual benefit 5tri$e for )rofit : sound gro&th Dork as team to ser$e the best interest of our o&ners Relentless in )ursuit of business inno$ation and im)ro$ement Calue and res)ect )eo)le and make decisions based on merit

Special Features of BRAC Bank Limited:

BRAC Bank Limited )ossesses the follo&ing s)ecial featuresA

B 0arget =rou) 5trategyA BRAC Bank &ill attach s)ecial em)hasis to the target grou) strategy of de$elo)ment! B "nstitution BuildingA 0he Bank em)hasis creation of self managed institutions of its clients! 0hese institutions &ill be based at the clients' localities! B 0rainingA A s)ecial feature of BRAC Bank &ill be the )ro$ision of training for its clients! 0he aim of the training &ill be to increase the ca)ability of the borro&er to utili*ed loans effecti$ely! B 0echnologyA 0he Bank &ill encourage the use of ne& and im)ro$ed technologies in order to increase em)loyment o))ortunities and )roducti$ity of the )oor! 0he credit acti$ities &ill be structured in such a &ay that the use of a))ro)riate technology is ensured and the )oor can benefit from im)ro$ed technology! B Collateral +ree LendingA BRAC Bank &ill )ro$ide credit &ithout security! 0he )oor &ho do not ha$e resources to offer as collateral ha$e, so far, been denied access to formal credit! ,o&e$er,

BRAC Bank &ill not normally seek collateral for )ro$iding credit and &ill use )eer )ressure to ensure timely re)ayment &hich has already )ro$ed effecti$e! B 5er$ice at the 8oorste)A BRAC Bank &ill )ro$ide ser$ice at the doorste)s of the customers! >nlike the traditional banking system, BRAC Bank &orker go to the $illages regularly to collect sa$ings and loan re)ayments!

B Domen's 8e$elo)mentA BRAC Bank &ill attach s)ecial attention to &omen in de$elo)ment!

! 567 Banking! 2! Retail Banking! E! Cor)orate Banking 4! Frobashi Banking

SME Banking
BRAC Bank, being the youngest bank, took a ste) to break a&ay from usual tradition and ta))ed into the true suburb entre)reneurial initiati$es! 0oday, &ith o$er 0,000 crores of loans disbursed till date, BRAC Bank is country's largest 567 financier that has made more than 2G/,000 dreams come trueH "f you ha$e a dream on &hich you trust, let us make it true together!

8e)osit )roduct

" rapti Current Account" an interest bearing current account! "#is account ensures t#e profitable and eas$ transaction facilities for Businesses!


"nterest bearing current account

>) to 4< interest on daily balance

+R77 5mart A06 Card &ith B80( 00,000 &ithdra&n facility #)er day% from A06 : B80( E00,000 from F?5

Io u)front relationshi) fees

Io inter(city or intra(city online transaction charges

Io Relationshi) fee &ill be charged if half yearly a$erage is B80 2/,000, along &ith free che@ue book!

Loan product

Loan roduct %it# interest rate

Iame of Loan Anonno Rin A)urbo Rin Aroggo Rin 8iggon Rin Frothoma Rin 0rade )lus Rin Froshar Rin 5u))lier +inance Business Loan Loan Ceiling E Lac to 0 Lac J lac to E0 lac E lac to E0 lac / lac to E0 Lac E Lac to belo& 0 Lac Lac to E0 Lac E Lac to E0 E Lac to belo& 0 Lac B80 0 Lac to /0Lac "nterest rate .< ( .!J< .< .<( .!2/< .<( .!J< /< .< ( .!2/< .< ( .!2/< .!J<

2(EG month 2(EG month 2(4J month 2(EG month 2(EG month J0 days 2(G0 month 2(EG month 2(G0 months

Retail Banking
Dith o$er 00 outlets, E00 A06s and o$er /00,000 )lastics in the market, BRAC Bank offers you a

&ide range of financial solutions to meet your e$eryday need! Be it home loan, car loan, or sim)ly a @uick loan K sim)ly dro) an a))lication and &e shall do the rest &hile you enjoy life!


&eposit roduct

Sa'ing Account

Current Account

0erm de)osit

L(A) R(&*C"

Corporate banking

Loan roduct

Liabilit$ roducts
BRAC Bank also offers $arious transaction and in$estment o))ortunities to their clients for their long and short tem funds, such as Current Account 8ifferent 5hort 0erm 8e)osit Accounts 8ifferent 0erm 8e)osit Accounts

robas#i Banking
Dhen you send your hard(earned money from abroad to dear ones at the farthest end of Bangladesh, ask them to collect it from o$er E,/00 )ay out locations of BRAC Bank! 7$ery month, Frobashi Banking e4ecutes around /0,000 transactionsL &hich has made BRAC Bank one of the largest )layers among )ri$ate commercial banks in channeli*ing in&ard remittance in the country! And &ith 7L8?RA8?, no& you can &ithdra& money from any of the 7ldorado member banks in addition to BRAC Bank outlets ( that9s too, instantlyH

Accounts + &eposits


BRAC Bank a%arded prestigious F" Sustainable Bank of t#e -ear ./0/
BRAC Bank has been a&arded as the 5ustainable Bank of the Mear 20 0 at the +0 5ustainable Banking A&ards 20 0! 0he a&ard &as jointly announced by +inancial 0imes ne&s)a)er and "+C at the a&ard ceremony on Erd June 20 0 in London! 0he +0 5ustainable Banking A&ards is )resented by the London(based international ne&s)a)er +inancial 0imes and "+C, a member of the Dorld Bank =rou)! Io& in their fifth year, the a&ards recogni*e banks and other financial institutions that ha$e sho&n leadershi) and inno$ation in integrating social, en$ironmental and cor)orate go$ernance considerations into their o)erations!

BRAC Bank has been announced as the &inner of the 20 0 +0 5ustainable Bank A&ard from 7merging 6arkets in Asia!

&1L2&ail$ Star Banglades# Business A%ards .//3

BRAC Bank recei$ed the )restigious Business A&ard styled 8,L(8aily 5tar Bangladesh Business A&ards 200J as NBest +inancial "nstitution of the Mear' for its inno$ation in )roducts, ser$ices, financial )erformanceO )roducti$ity, com)any management and contribution to Bangladesh's de$elo)ment easy access to finance! +urthermore, &ith its BRAC Bank recei$ed Iational A&ard as the ,ighest CA0 )ayer for the financial year 200.(200J BRAC Bank Limited has recently recei$ed the )restigious a&ard for being the highest CA0 )aying organi*ation in national le$el in ser$ice industry!

BRAC Bank recei'ed ,CAB )ational A%ard BRAC Bank Limited has been a&arded "CAB Iational A&ard from "nstitute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh #"CAB% for one of the Best Fublished Accounts : Re)orts 200. recently!


Savings Account:

By seeing the name of the account &e understand that, those )eo)le &ho are interested to sa$e their money for a short time )eriod, generally these )eo)le are interested to o)en this account! By thinking different ty)es of )eo)le, BRAC BAI; )ro$ides different ty)es of sa$ings account o)ening facilities or o))ortunities! 0hese areA


"riple Benefit Sa'ings 5 "BS4 A6C:

A client o)ens this account by /0000 taka! ,ere the transacted amount is relati$ely large! ,ere the "nterest rate is J< and get Cisa 8ebit Card facilities! A )ersonal check book is o)ened for that client

and e$ery month he or she has got the interest amount regarding their de)osited amount! ,ere no charge is taken by the bank! b)

Sa'ings Classic:

"t is also a $aluable )roduct for BRAC BAI;! ,ere the client also gets the debit card facilities and a )ersonal check book is o)ened by his name! ,ere the interest rate is /!/< and the interest is )ro$ided half( yearly!



Domen's are only )ermitted to o)en this account! ,ere they also get the same benefits and G!G< interest rate is )ro$ided to them! 0his is also a beautiful idea of BRAC BAI;!

II. Current Account: 0hose )eo)le &ho transact more fre@uently &ith their banks, those )eo)le are generally o)en current account! BRAC BAI; )ro$ides different ty)es of current account facilities! 0hese areA a4 Current lus Account:

0his account is o)ened by 2/000 taka! ,ere the client gets Cisa 8ebit Card and )ersonal check book facilities! 0hey are also got intercity transaction or online banking facilities! ,ere no charge is a))licable! b) Current Classic: 0his account is o)ened by taka /000! A )ersonal check book is o)ened by the name of client and he also gets debit card facilities! Io interest &ill be )ro$ided here!

sE7ee Account:
0he client is getting only debit card facilities! ,ere the o)ening balance is taka 2000 and 4< interest &ill be )ro$ided to the clients! c)

Campus Account :

,ere only the students are allo&ed to o)en the account! 0o o)en the account student must sho& the $alid "8 card! ?)ening balance is taka 2000 and 4< interest &ill be )ro$ided here!


Salar$ Account :

=enerally this facility is getting by interest related institutions &ith the bank! Bank can hel) them by salary disbursement! ,ere minimum number of em)loyees is re@uired at 0 and minimum salary is taka 0000! 0hey are getting 4< interest from this account!

III. Fixed Deposit: 0hose )eo)le &ho has a lot of idle money o$er their hand, but they are feeling unsecuredL generally these )eo)le are getting hel) by this account! 0here are also different ty)es of fi4ed de)osit account )ro$ided by the BRAC BAI;! 0hese areA



,ere the client &ill get interest in monthly basis and the interest amount is de)ending based on the de)osited amount and tenure! b)

Freedom Fi8ed &eposit:

"nterest is )ro$ided often three months later under this account! "nterest is de)ending on de)osited amount!


,nterest First Fi8ed &eposit:

After o)ening the account, the client &ill get interest immediately o$er his de)osited amount under this account!

9enerall$ Fi8ed &eposit: >nder this account the client &ill get back of his de)osited amount &ith interest at a maturity date!
IV. Money multiplier Scheme:

"t is also another strategy for collecting de)osit! But it is not as much )o)ular! LoansA
BRAC BAI; )ro$ides different ty)es of loans to the indi$iduals or institutions according to their needs! But before getting the loan, client must fulfill the conditionsL ty)es of loans are gi$en belo& A

Personal Loan:
>nder this Loan system any one can get Loan from BRAC BAI;, for fulfilling the )ersonal needs! 0his Loan is di$ided into t&o FartsA


Salar$ Loan:

Feo)le those &ho are ser$ice holder, they can get Loan from here!

b%:uick Loan:
>nder this system, generally business )eo)le can get Loan! Both Loans are )ro$ided back to the bank in e@ual monthly installment basis! 0ime duration of this Loan is not more than fi$e years!


Auto Loan:

0his Loan is )ro$ided by the bank for only buying car! >nder category( , if the Loan holder buys a car from tie(u) sho& rooms, they &ill ha$e to )ay /!/< interest, but if they buy a car from non tie( u) sho& room or any&here, they &ill ha$e to )ay G!/< interest! >nder category(2, the Loan is )ro$ided only for buying commercial $ehicles! ,ere the interest &ill be charged at a rate of J<!

Mortgage Loan: "f some are &ant to buy a flat or &ant to e4)and the total si*e of their house, they can get Loan from BRAC BAI; under mortgage Loan system! ,ere the Loan holder can get ma4imum ./ lack taka as a Loan at the rate of 2!--< interest! >))er duration of this Loan is 20 years!

BRAC BAI; also )ro$ides other different ty)es of Loans as the re@uirement of their clients!

Anot#er &ifferent Ser'iceA BRAC BAI; )ro$ides other different ty)es of ser$ices for their clients! 0hese are follo&ing belo&A


0hey are )ro$iding o))ortunity for o)ening Latter of Credit based on the relation &ith that com)any! 0hey )ro$ide syndicate Loan share &ith other banks under a su)er$ision of leading bank! Locker ser$ice is also a common ser$ice )ro$ided by the bank! 0hey )ro$ided )ay order, demand draft ser$ice! 0hey )ro$ide online banking ser$ice through J0 A06 booths throughout the country!


iii! i$! $!

k k k k

0hey are also offering )oint of sales #F?5% ser$ices through 400 )os! "nternet banking ser$ice is also a ne& additional ser$ice! 0hrough mobile )hone they are also )ro$iding their banking ser$ice! Fro$ides credit card facilities! 0here ha$e t&o ty)esA =old k 6ore than one Lack Classick Less than one Lack

0hose students are &anted to go abroad for higher studyL they are also )ro$ided ser$ices to them through student life!

0hese are the o$er$ie& of ser$ices )ro$ided by the BRAC BAI;!

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