BigFive Interpretation Final
BigFive Interpretation Final
BigFive Interpretation Final
The following table shows the range of possible scores for each of the big five dimensions. S No 1 2 3 4 5 Factor Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Range of Scores Low 10 22 09 20 08 18 09 20 08 18 Moderate 23 36 21 33 19 29 21 33 19 29 High 37 50 34 45 30 40 34 45 30 40
3. Extraversion refers to the propensity to direct ones interest outward or to things outside the self. The dimension ranges from extraversion on one side of the continuum and introversion on the other. High score indicates a persons high level of sociability and enthusiasm. Such a person is further characterized as someone who is friendly, social, gregarious, enthusiastic, optimistic, talkative, outgoing and assertive. Such an individual would have more friends and is more social than introverts. Though introversion is the polar opposite of extraversion, it generally has no negative connotation as long as it does not hinder the role performance. Introverts are people who tend to be quiet, reserved, and less friendly, prefer to be alone, and enjoy solitude. They intentionally choose activities wherein fewer people are engaged. Extreme scores may hamper the organizational functioning. A score in the range of a little above and below the moderate score may be constructive for the optimum outcome. 4. Agreeableness refers to the propensity to behave in a cooperative and not in a selfserving way. High score indicates a persons willingness to listen to other peoples views. Someone high on this dimension can be characterized as helpful, sympathetic, adaptable and trusting. People with low scores on this dimension are less likely to pay attention to others opinions and prefer to fight for their interests and beliefs. They are likely to have a tendency to oppose on meagre and unnecessary issues, doubt others views and be headstrong about their opinions. A high score is desirable. A person high on this dimension is a good team player and is liked by co-workers. However, extremely high score may be an obstacle as the person is too cooperative to say No when required. 5. Neuroticism refers to the propensity to display negative reactions even in mild situations. This dimension places people on a continuum according to their emotional stability. High score indicates a persons high level of emotional instability. People who usually experience emotional distress and swings in mood tend to score high on neuroticism. Some of the other negative emotions associated are anger, worry, sadness, anxiety, guilt and insecurity. On the other hand, people with low score on this dimension tend to be calm and well adjusted. They can control their reactions and be composed in emotion provoking situations because of their steady mental state. A low score is desirable as it facilitates achievement of individual and organizational goals. A high score is found to hamper the performance. Those who are high on neuroticism should keep a check on their reactions in various situations and find out ways to deal with such negative emotions without impacting anyone negatively.