Beginning Spellbooks For PFRPG

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For the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Contains 4 starting spellbooks that can be used as random treasure, known spells for non-player characters, or starting gear for new player characters. Also includes a sampler of higherlevel spellbooks from other entries in the Spellbooks series.


While spellbooks are not technically magical items, a variation of the magic item stat block is used here in order to convey information about each book in a familiar, usable format. Aura A spellbooks aura is based on the school most strongly represented within the book. The strength of the aura depends upon the percentage of spells represented by the dominant school. Caster Level (CL) The level of the caster who created the spellbook. A spellbook may be possessed and used by a wizard who is not able to cast all of the spells contained within. Slot Spellbooks do not occupy a space on the body as magic items do. Price The cost in gold pieces to purchase the spellbook, based on the spells contained in the book. This is generally half the cost of construction; unlike other magic items, spellbooks depreciate in value, largely because of the effort required to decipher them. See Selling a Spellbook in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Weight Most spellbooks weigh between 3 and 5 pounds, based on the number of pages and the materials they are constructed from. Description Information about the spellbooks appearance, condition, and materials it is made of, as well as the language it is written in. Author Information What, if anything, is known about the author, including race and any notable achievements. Spell List A listing of the spells available in the spellbook, sorted by spell level, as well as information on which Pathfinder Roleplaying


01-25 26-50 51-75 76-00 Beginning Transmutation Iskruaks Beginning Evocation Raiment of Blood River Veil

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product

Game books full spell descriptions are located in. Additional Information Other information contained in the book, including any bonuses or penalties to Spellcraft checks to transcribe it, or Knowledge skill bonuses that may be gained by reading it. Construction How the book was created, including feats and costs. Requirements The feats, skills, and spells needed to create the spellbook. Cost The amount in gold pieces to construct the spellbook. This assumes a wizard begins with a standard blank spellbook, plus the cost of writing in each spell. Additional costs for special inks and adornments, which have no game effect on the spells, may also apply. See Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st Slot none; Price 20 gp; Weight 1 lb.

This cloth-bound book is well worn, with a faded blue cover and broken spine. Written is a modern dialect of the Common tongue, it is a primer on the transmutation school of magic, explaining the most basic concepts, and includes four cantrips for apprentice wizards. It is filled with clear, concise diagrams. The pages are stuffed with small slips of paper containing notes taken by its previous owner.

Esakoz Drake spent the majority of his life teaching young wizards. The late human is best known for compositing this standard text on transmutation, which has been copied over and over for nearly 200 years.


When attempting to read a spellbook created by another wizard, a character must make Spellcraft check with a DC of 20+ the spells level. The spell read magic allows spellbooks to be read without the skill check. See Arcane Magical Writings in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook for more information. It is assumed that wizard player characters will copy new spells from discovered spellbooks into their own spellbooks. If a character wishes to prepare a spell from another wizards spellbook, it requires a Spellcraft check with a DC equal to 15 + the spells level. See Wizard Spells and Borrowed Spellbooks in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook for more information.

0 Mage Hand; Mending; Message; Open/Close

Complete descriptions of the spells contained within this book are in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

Due to the excellent quality of the descriptions and illustrations, a wizard transcribing this spellbook gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Spellcraft checks. If the slips of paper are read separately and organized into a single narrative, te reader also gains a permanent +1 bonus to Use Magical Device checks.

Requirements Spellcraft, the ability to cast the spells listed above; Cost 40 gp


Each spell takes up one page of the book, but spells are not the only information within a spellbook. There are usually several pages of notes, illustrations, and other information the creating wizard thought to be valuable. A great deal of this information will not make sense to anyone else reading the book.


Aura faint evocation; CL 1st Slot none; Price 40 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Aura faint necromancy; CL 1st Slot none; Price 15 gp; Weight 1 lb.

This leather-bound journal contains pages made from lambskin, which are brittle and fragile. The script is written in blood, which has turned brown with age. It is written in an older form of Undercommon, in small, sloppy, and smeared writing. It is a primer on the necromantic arts, and contains numerous anatomical illustrations of various humanoid races. The inside front cover contains a map of a cavern complex, obviously drawn by another author, in normal black ink.

This book is written as a primer on the Evocation school of magic. The illuminated illustrations contain rare inks and gold leaf, doubling the normal price of a spellbook containing this same information. Silk ribbons attached to the binding serve as bookmarks, and there are 7 pink rose petals pressed in the inside back cover.

Iskruak is the advisor to the queen of a nearby city-state. She has trained three generations of the royal family in the arts of evocation. An extremely aged elf, she is known for being a strict and intimidating teacher.

Sauboru Tholzhath was an exiled drow from an unknown house. He dwelled near the surface, and taught necromancy to humans, elves, orcs, and any others willing to meet his price and obey his rules. The map seems to be of his dark seminary.

0 Dancing Lights; Flare; Light; Ray of Frost; Spark*

Complete descriptions of the spells contained within this book are in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and the Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide*

0 Bleed; Disrupt Undead; Touch of Fatigue

While the illustrations are beautiful, they do not lend themselves to clarity. A wizard transcribing this spellbook without reproducing the illustrations in the illuminated style gains a -2 circumstance penalty to Spellcraft checks. If illumination is used, the penalty is removed, but it doubles the cost of transcribing the spells and takes three times as long. This copy was transcribed by the niece of the city-states ruler, and contains notes on etiquette and lineage. The reader of this book also gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks when in that city-state, as well as a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge: Nobility checks related to the family.

Complete descriptions of the spells contained within this book are in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

Because of the frail condition of this book and the poor quality of the handwriting, a wizard transcribing this spellbook gains a -2 circumstance penalty to Spellcraft checks. However, the quality of the anatomical illustrations convey a +2 circumstance bonus to Heal checks performed on drow, elves, humans, orcs, and dwarves, as well as a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks performed in conjunction with acts of torture. The book itself radiates a faint aura of evil, but has no other magic properties.

Requirements Spellcraft, the ability to cast the spells listed above; Cost 80 gp

Requirements Spellcraft, the ability to cast the spells listed above; Cost 30 gp 3


Aura faint divination; CL 1st Slot none; Price 15 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Divination. The transcriber will, however, begin to speak in riddles and pepper their speech with vague metaphors.

The book appears to be brand new, and is bound in cloth-of-gold. The pages are clean white paper, and written upon with a deep blue ink. The cursive writing is in the Celestial language, and written as flowing prose. It uses the metaphor of a flowing river, filled with plant and animal life, and its intersection with wilderness and civilizations, to convey the rudimentary theories of Divination. A few pages have been dog-eared, the corners folded down to mark the page; the words on those pages are incomprehensible and cannot be transcribed.

Requirements Spellcraft, the ability to cast the spells listed above; Cost 30 gp

Korynzen the Scribe is an aasimar who lives atop a high mountain at the center of a feyinfested forest. He is a short, bald man with a wispy mustache, and is known to speak in riddles. His reputation is that of one of the greatest arcane diviners in the world, and his serves are sought by kings, dragons, and adventurers.

0 Detect Magic; Detect Poison; Read Magic

Complete descriptions of the spells contained within this book are in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

When beginning to read this book, the reader should make a DC 25 Knowledge: Arcana check. If the check fails, transcribing this spellbook carries a -2 circumstance penalty to the Spellcraft checks. Further, the reader also gains a permanent -2 penalty to Knowledge: Arcana checks related to Divination. It cannot be rerolled, and the reader will never comprehend the concepts. If the check succeeds, transcribing this spellbook carries a +2 circumstance bonus to the Spellcraft checks. The reader also gains a permanent +2 bonus to Knowledge: Arcana checks related to

The spellbooks on the following pages are drawn from other products that are coming soon from Asparagus Jumpsuit. These will offer more random spellbooks with higher-level spells, themed spellbooks, and new spells from sources other than the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

A Sample from Core Spellbooks


A Sample from Advanced Spellbooks

Aura strong illusion; CL 11th Slot none; Price 2,260 gp; Weight 3 lbs.

Aura strong transmutation; CL 1st Slot none; Price 85 gp; Weight 3 lbs.

This is the second volume in a set of illusionist spellbooks by the renowned gnome Hathu. The cover appears to be carved from a single sheet of hematite a quarter of an inch thick, and the pages are thin leaves of silver. It is written in a popular dialect of the gnomish tongue.

This book is a red-covered ledger, of the type used by merchants and solicitors in larger cities. Half of the pages are filled with lists of the authors enemies, written in Common and broken into categories: rival mages, political enemies, religious disagreements, people he owes money to, people who own him money, and so on. The other half of the pages are written in Draconic and filled with experiments and spell formulas. AUTHOR INFORMATION Olab is a half-elven wizard from a prominent city, and is widely dislike and considered to be mad. He is noted for writing several volumes of Experiments, each with a different color cover. The books were stolen from him, purportedly in an act of revenge by a disgruntled apprentice. Olab will pay double their listed price to get them back; Olabs enemies might be convinced to pay even more just to harass him.

Hathu is a gnome illusionist who has produced several standard texts on the arts of glamer and pattern.

4th Hallucinatory Terrain; Illusory Wall; Invisibility, Greater; Phantasmal Killer; Rainbow Pattern; Shadow Conjuration Dream; False Vision; Mirage Arcana; Nightmare; Persistent Image; Seeming; Shadow Evocation Mislead; Permanent Image; Programmed Image; Shadow Walk; Veil



1st Alchemical Tinkering**; Alter Winds*; Ant Haul*; Break*; Crafter's Curse*; Crafter's Fortune*; Dancing Lantern*; Expeditious Excavation*; Gravity Bow*; Marids Mastery**; Stone Fist*; Strong Wings**; Touch of Gracelessness*; Touch of the Sea*; Urban Grace**; Windy Escape** Complete descriptions of the spells contained within this book are in the Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide* and the Pathfinder Advanced Race Guide**.

Complete descriptions of the spells contained within this book are in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook .

The book is made of ordinary materials, which a DC 21 Spellcraft check will reveal. The book is intentionally filled with errors, and a wizard transcribing this spellbook gains a -2 circumstance penalty to spellcraft checks as a result. If the reader has read the first volume in Hathus series, The Codex of Hathu, he will immediate spot the discrepancies and avoid the penalty. The reader of this book also gains a permanent +2 bonus to Knowledge: Arcana checks related to spells with the pattern subtype.

The spells are clearly written and can be transcribed with no penalties or bonuses. If the grievance lists are read, the reader will gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, and Sense Motive checks when dealing with the people named.

Requirements Spellcraft, the ability to cast the spells listed above; Cost 4,525 gp

Requirements Spellcraft, the ability to cast the spells listed above; Cost 175 gp 5

A Sample from Ultimate Spellbooks


A Sample from Artifact Spellbooks

Aura strong enchantment; CL 5th Slot none; Price 305 gp; Weight 3 lbs.

Aura strong enchantment; CL 17th Slot none; Price 6,145 gp; Weight 4 lbs.

There is no writing on the black leather cover of spine of this book, but the title is printed on the first page with thick block letters in red ink. This book is written in proper formal Common, and the penmanship is squarish and neat. The illustrations are all flat, two-dimensional diagrams. AUTHOR INFORMATION Porter McCall is a recognized authority on the enchantment school of magic. He resides with an ocelot familiar in a small cottage in the center of a feywild forest far from any human settlement. Rumor has it that he is a fey-blooded sorcerer who took up the study of wizardry in order to better understand himself and his innate abilities.

This book appears to have been created from the pages of several different spellbooks, taken apart and bound together. The front and back covers do not match in color or size, with the red velvet front cover being slightly too small compared to the size of the pages, and the brown snakeskin back cover a bit too large. It is stitched together with irregular lengths of green-dyed leather strips and red wool yarn. Most of it is written in Common, with notes in the margins in the language of goblins and in the same handwriting.

1st Bungle**; Delusional Pride**; Lock Gaze*; Moment of Greatness*; Unprepared Combatant**; Bestow Weapon Proficiency*; Compassionate Ally**; Delay Pain**; Oppressive Boredom**; Qualm*; Tactical Acumen*; Unnatural Lust** Reckless Infatuation**; Unadulterated Loathing**



Complete descriptions of the spells contained within this book are in the Pathfinder Ultimate Combat* and Pathfinder Ultimate Magic**.

Because of the clarity of the books prose and illustrations, a wizard transcribing it gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Spellcraft checks. The reader of this book also gains a permanent +2 bonus to Knowledge: Nature and Knowledge: Planar checks that relate to fey creatures.

Arameba Redwise Hope is a chaotic human wizard who dwells in a desert cave, surrounded by walls that have been inscribed with ancient dwarven runes. The cave lies near the seasonal route of a nomadic barbarian tribe, with whom she trades, as well as an entrance to the

Requirements Spellcraft, the ability to cast the spells listed above; Cost 615 gp

underworld, whose denizens she lays traps for, captures, and experiments upon. It is said that deeper inside her cavern home, she has a number of goblin servants, who are permanently in her thrall.



Antipathy; Binding; Demand; Irresistible Dance; Power Word Stun; Symbol of Insanity; Sympathy Dominate Monster; Hold Monster, Mass; Power Word Kill

Complete descriptions of the spells contained within this book are in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

The Darkened Mind is the spellbook of Vertisz Maak, one of Aramebas goblin apprenticethralls, who escaped her enchantment and sought revenge. How he became separated from his spellbook is unknown, but as a high-level enchanter he is not without means, and seeks to recover the book. He is currently gathering an army to not only attack Aramebas caves, but to raid the local barbarian tribe on their annual trek through the area. After that, his forces will continue to gather strength, and he will have the power to attack local human, elven, and dwarven settlements, and conquer a small empire for himself. If, of course, Maak can get his spellbook back.

0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Daze Hypnotism; Sleep Daze Monster; Hideous Laughter; Touch of Idiocy Deep Slumber; Heroism; Hold Person; Rage; Suggestion Confusion; Crushing Despair; Geas, Lesser Dominate Person; Feeblemind; Hold Monster; Mind Fog; Symbol of Sleep Geas/Quest; Heroism, Greater; Suggestion, Mass Hold Person, Mass; Insanity; Power Word Blind; Symbol of Stunning

A wizard transcribing this spellbook can do so with no bonus or penalty to Spellcraft checks, if they speak Goblin. Additionally, the book contains detailed maps of Aramebas cave, the barbarian campsite, and the cavern complex of the nearby goblin tribes. The reader gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge: Dungeoneering, Knowledge: Geography, and Knowledge: Local on checks relevant to the area in, around, and under Arameba Redwise Hopes lair.

Requirements Spellcraft, the ability to cast the spells listed above; Cost 12,290 gp


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Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, bas ed on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR. Beginning Spellbooks copyright 2012 Berin Kinsman; Author: Berin Kinsman

ASPARAGUS JUMPSUIT is Berin and Katie Kinsman. Visit us at FORAGERS GUILD GUIDE TO BEGINNING SPELLBOOKS Copyright 2012 Berin Kinsman. All rights reserved. This is version 1.2 of this document, released on January 16, 2013.
Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See compatibility for more information on the compatibility license.

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