Level 1 Workbook For Pro Eft

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Level 1 Workbook


Proficient, Professional, Progressive Tapping


Certified AAMET - EFT Trainers

Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master


Zoe Walton, L.Ac.

Progressive EFT is an advanced version of EFT and Meridian Tapping Techniques

This workbook is intended to support and enhance the material taught in our Pro EFT Level 1 course. It is not a stand-alone product, but rather support and enhancements for the techniques, methods and processes youll learn during the class. You will find the PowerPoint slide handouts at the end of this book .
Find the e-book Supplement to this workbook at


Pro EFT workbook 2011 by Lindsay Kenny, www.ProEFT.com

The Pro EFT Level 1 Workbook

Table of Contents
About Pro EFT
Pro EFT: Innovative Techniques .................................................. 1 The Bodys Energy System ........................................................ 2 The Effect of Negative Emotions on the Bodys Energy System ........ 4 QUIZ 1: General Knowledge ......................................................... 7 Pro EFT Tapping Points Diagram and Abbreviations ......................... 8 Three Things to do Before You Start Tapping .................................. 9 Pro EFT Basic Formula ................................................................ 12 The Tapping Sequence ............................................................... 13 9-Point Gamut .......................................................................... 17 Readers Digest Versions of the Pro EFT Formula ......................... 18 The Golden Gate Technique ........................................................ 19 The 9 Stumbling Blocks 1-4 ................................................... 21-30 Reversals, GPR ......................................................................... 22 Reversals, SBS ......................................................................... 24 Helpful Tips for Successful Tapping .............................................. 31

Special Techniques and Other Important Information

QUIZ 2: The Basic Sequence ....................................................... 33 Other Resources and Finding Practitioners ................................... 35 Answers to Quizzes 1 & 2 ........................................................... 36 Lindsays Bio ............................................................................ 39 PowerPoint slide handouts ...................................................... 41

Pro EFT workbook 2011 by Lindsay Kenny, www.ProEFT.com

Innovative Techniques to Restore Inner Peace and Wellness www.ProEFT.com

Progressive EFT

The purpose of this e-book is to guide you through the basics of EFT and some Pro EFT innovations. Using narratives, processes, visuals and quizzes, we hope to increase your skills to help lead you to a comprehensive understanding of tapping. With this knowledge and your committed practice, you can acquire the ability and experience to use it confidently and proficiently on yourself for basic issues. Pro EFT is more of an art than a science. So while you can learn so much from this book and this workshop, theres still nothing as powerful as experience and practice. Practicing what youve learned is the biggest component to becoming the Ultimate Pro EFT Practitioner. Years ago I learned to sky dive (what was I thinking?) I was surprised to realize that in the four-hour class leading up to the actual dive, only 20 minutes were spent on how to sky dive. The last three and a half hours were spent on what to do if it didnt work. How to untangle the cord, what to do if the chute didnt open properly and how to steer away from telephone poles and rooftops were just some of the life-saving lessons we needed to learn. We all listened closely to those lessons. Learning Pro EFT is a little like sky diving. The basics are pretty easy. It only takes a few minutes to learn the tapping points and the basic setup statements. But in actuality it takes much more knowledge and practice to really learn the true skills and art of Pro EFT. Good luck and good tapping!

Pro EFT Level 1 Workbook

2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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The Bodys Energy System

During the past couple of decades, it has become widely accepted that our emotional health plays an important role in our physical well-being. We recognize that our hearts pound when we are frightened, our faces turn red when we are embarrassed, our palms become sweaty when we are anxious and, most commonly, we get headaches or stomachaches when stressed. When we consider the myriad of physical symptoms stemming from emotional issues, it is hard to deny that emotions affect our bodies . In fact, there is an endless list of ailments attributed to stress alone, including indigestion, ulcers, stiff neck, shoulder pain and tooth grinding. Left untreated, negative emotions can have a profound impact on our physical well-being. Asthma, migraines, ulcers, and hypertension are just some of the physical ramifications from ignored emotional issues. Research has also proven that negative emotions play a significant role in more complex ailments, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons disease, cancer and other serious illnesses. So how do negative emotions cause physical illnesses? To truly understand this we need to look at what causes negative emotions. There are four major movements in our body which include blood flowing through our veins, breath moving through our respiratory systems and food and water moving through our digestive tracts. The fourth movement is energy or electricity that flows through our bodies by way of 14 tiny pathways called meridians. These meridians then branch into hundreds of others, carrying this vital energy that the Chinese call Chi.

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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When this energy is disrupted, it creates a negative emotion. If our electrical system were to be completely disrupted (such as a severe jolt from a live electrical wire or other types of shocks), we would die, just as we would die without oxygen, food or a blood supply. Several sciences and alternative medical practices are based on the energy system. Acupuncture, acupressure, Pro EFT, EFT, EMDR, Reiki, and BASF are just a few. And while energy psychology has become much more recognized in the past 15 years, its still considered a bit out there to many in the medical field. Those who take a few moments to experience it, however, quickly learn that it is truly remarkable. Pro EFT, an EFT cousin, is also relatively new to the healing arts, yet thousands of practitioners use it daily in their practice worldwide, including doctors, teachers, nurses, psychologists, coaches, counselors and others.

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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The Effect of Negative Emotions on the Bodys Energy System

There are four essential movements in the body at any given time:

The energy, called Chi by the Chinese, is carried throughout the body via tiny pathways called meridians. It is as vital to our health as the blood in our veins, food and water in our digestive tract and oxygen moving through our respiratory systems. Without this vital energy, we would die.

When we encounter a traumatic event or even just an unpleasant event, a disruption occurs somewhere within our energy pathways. Its this disruption that actually causes a negative emotion; not the event itself. This is the foundation upon which Pro EFT is based.

Negative emotions are caused by a disturbance in the bodys energy system.

Pro EFT Foundational Statement

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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For instance, lets say someone suddenly jumped out at you from the corner of a building, screaming at you and brandishing a knife. You would undoubtedly experience tremendous fright or anger, or even confusion . We can all imagine the jolt that such an event would cause in the body. The jolt is actually a disruption somewhere along the meridian pathways. Its that jolt, or disruption, that causes the emotion of fright or anger (or both) not the fact that the person is screaming at you.

For some, that shock will dissipate after a few minutes or hours . For others, however, the same fear or anger could last for weeks or even years if the energy block remains. Many untreated negative emotions (= energy blockages) such as trauma, grief, betrayal, stress, etc., can lead to hypertension, heart problems, breathing disorders, weight issues, cancer and other severe illnesses. The disruption in the flow of energy through our system is not unlike the interruption in the flow of water in a hose that has been kinked. Un-kink the hose, and the water flows freely again. Likewise, in our meridian system, un-kinking the disruption caused by a traumatic event or negative thought dissipates the negative emotion. It is upon this premise that Pro EFT is built. Though contrary to mainstream thinking, the premise is true, based on empirical evidence . Over a period of years, we have seen issues of every possible kind dissipate in hundreds of thousands of cases, simply by unblocking and balancin g a persons meridian system. Many of these issues had remained unresolved despite multiple forms of therapy, including psychotherapy, analysis, hypnotherapy, meditation, chiropractic, acupuncture and others.

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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Unblocking stuck energy is done simply by stimulating specific meridian points on the face and upper body while making specific statements about the issue.

By tapping, we are sending vibrations, like tiny shockwaves throughout the body. They are similar to electrical impulses, which unblock the impediment caused by the traumatic event
When done correctly, the resulting emotion, trauma or pain is alleviated. The process is much like removing boulders that are blocking a stream. Removing them one at a time increases the flow of water as you go. Its why we start experiencing immediate relief with EFT. As the meridian starts to open, via tapping, energy starts flowing where it once was blocked. As a result the emotion simply dissipates.

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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Lets see how much youve just learned: Quiz 1: General Knowledge
Answers are found at the end of this workbook.

Please answer the questions without looking up the answer.

1. Name at least five physical responses (not illnesses) that are a result negative emotions; such as sweaty palms when nervous.


There are over 150 negative emotions. Name at least ten.


Our lives depend on four major bodily movements or functions: What are they?


What is another name for the energy pathways throughout our bodies?


How many major pathways are there?


Name at least three alternative sciences based on the energy system.


What is the Chinese term for the bodys energy?


What causes negative emotions? (Hint: The Pro EFT Foundational Statement)

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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Pro EFT 10 Tapping Points Diagram

Abbreviations of the Tapping Points

1. EB = Eyebrow point at the beginning of the eyebrow over the nose. 2. SE = Side of the Eye, on the bone bordering the outside of the eye. 3. UE = Under the Eye, on the bone beneath the eye. 4. UN = Under Nose, in the center of the area between the nose and top lip. 5. CH = Chin, in the center between the bottom lip and bottom of the chin. 6. CB = Collarbone, right under your collarbone, about 3 from the center. 7. UA = Under the Arm, on the side of the body about 4s below the armpit. 8. LV = Liver point a few inches under the nipple slightly to the side 9. WR = Bump your wrists together, at the place where your hand bends to meet the arm. 10. CRH = Crown of the headtoward the back of head. Set up points: KC = Karate Chop Point the fleshy side of the hand, just below the pinky finger; used as the Set-Up Point and for reversal neutralization Basic EFT stops under the armpit, leaving out 5 important points and 5 meridians; Liver, Wrist (3 meridians,) Crown of the head.
Graphic commissioned specifically for LKcoaching.com, done by L.T. Brockman Pro EFT Level 1 Workbook 2011 by Lindsay Kenny www.ProEFT.com Page 8

Three Things to do Before You Start Tapping

1. Pick a simple issue to work on
There are two types of issues: Simple and Complex. In the beginning, while you are learning Pro EFT, it is best to pick relatively simple issues. Simple issues are current (not an old trauma, betrayal, death, etc.,) easy to measure, and most likely have only one component . We will learn how to deal with more complex, or chronic, issues later . For now, choose a current, simple issue or event with which you would like to deal. Samples of Simple issues are: Cravings ice cream, cigarettes, chocolate, pretzels, candy etc. Pain a sore muscle, headache or achy body part Fear of spiders, needles, heights, etc. Anger a recent anger, perhaps at someone for embarrassing you in front of others Stress from work pressures Frustration or hurt feelings about any current situation Complex issues are often; hard-to-measure, chronic (or old) and have many potential elements, symptoms or causes. Samples of Complex issues* (to avoid while learning Pro EFT): Trauma accidents, rape, abuse, death or betrayal of a loved one Depression or overall sadness Low Self Esteem or lack of confidence Addictions to drugs, chemicals, or alcohol Obsessive Compulsive Disorder repetitive thoughts or actions Chronic pain or serious illnesses (MS, Parkinsons, cancer, etc.) Weight Issues - or Procrastination and Clutter (which are difficult to measure and always multi-faceted. * Pro EFT has an incredibly positive record for alleviating complex issues as well. Since complex issues often take longer to resolve and may involve multiple aspects to get to the core issue, and are difficult to measure, we will deal with them in Level 2. For now, while you are learning and practicing, please work on simple issues.

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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2. Assign an Intensity Level or Subjective Units of Distress (SUDs)

SUD stands for Subjective Units of Distress a scale from 1 to 10 of intensity. Rate your issue 1 to 10. If your headache or migraine is extremely painful right now, assign it a 10. If its a moderate headache it might be a 5; 0 is no headache at all. If you are livid at someone for something they did or said to you, you might assign it an 8, 9 or 10. Still smarting over someone calling you lazy recently, might only be a 4. The assignment of a subjective value is essential to evaluate where you are in the process of tapping. So it is important that you give yourself an intensity rating from 1 to 10 before you begin. If you dont know what your intensity level would be, just guess.thats why we call it subjective .

The Set-up Points

There are two places on the body that we use as set-up points. The sore spot and the Karate Chop (KC.) While they are both effective, we will use the more common Karate Chop (KC) point throughout this workbook.

The Karate Chop Point: This Set-Up Spot is located at the base of your little finger or on the fleshy side of your hand, between your little finger and wrist. This point is commonly used for resolving Reversals as well. To use this as a Set-up Point, simply tap on this spot on one hand with the fingers of your other hand or you may bump your hands together as shown. Tap on the KC point while saying the reminder statement, which is step 4. You may use your fingers against the fleshy side of the opposite hand, or bump them together as shown in the photo above.

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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3. Choose the Set-up Statement

The Set-Up Statement simply consists of two components; the specific issue and a positive affirmation of acceptance. Examples would be: Even though Im really embarrassed by showing up late to the office meeting today (the issue,) I deeply and completely accept myself (the affirmation.) Even though Im very angry at Sue for standing me up at lunch (the issue,) I completely accept who I am (the affirmation.) Even though I have this raging headache at the base of my skull (the issue,) I profoundly love and accept myself (the affirmation.) Youll learn much more about Set-Up Statements and their importance as we go along.

Also, remember these three things:

1. Always couch the negative (your issue) with a positive (an acceptance statement) and 2. Be as specific as possible with the statement. For instance: Even though I have this pain on the back of my left hand instead of just, this pain. Even though I have a fear of the ocean not just, this fear of water. Even though Im really angry at my brother for embarrassing me in front of my friends last night instead of, anger at my brother. Even though Im frustrated and hurt at being passed over for the promotion this week 3. Keep your issue simple for now; frustration, recent anger, stress, simple pain, etc. And make sure its measurable (insomnia, weight, addictions, clutter, etc. are not measurable in the simple form. Well teach you how to do that in Level 2)

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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Pro EFT Basic Formula

by Lindsay Kenny Now that you have seen (and felt) the way negative emotions, thoughts, words or untrue statements can adversely affect your body just by thinking or saying negative words, lets experiment with eliminating the energy disruptions that cause these emotions. Basic Pro EFT and tapping are very simple. But our purpose is to take you beyond the basics, so you can learn how to do Pro EFT on your own. Lets take it step by step.

There are five components to basic EFT

1. The Set-up Statement Tap or rub the Set-up Point (Karate Chop Point or Sore Spots on the chest) while repeating the Set-Up Statement 2. The Sequence and Reminder Phrase Tap on the meridian points while using a reminder phrase (a shortened version of the Set-up phrase) 3. Reassessment Check in with yourself to see where you are after a round or two of tapping 4. Fine Tuning Repeat 1, 2 and 3 until the issue is resolved. If the issue gets stuck at a 2 or below, use the 9-point Gamut sequence (described below) to completely eliminate the blockage while balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain. 5. Testing Make sure an issue is resolved by trying to get upset about it . When you try, if you still feel a charge on the issue, then you need to repeat the above steps until the issue is completely neutralized. Please read this article about how Pro EFT is different from basic EFT
If youre reading the hardcopy of this you can find the article linked from the main page on my website at www.ProEFT.com
Pro EFT Level 1 Workbook 2011 by Lindsay Kenny www.ProEFT.com Page 12

The Tapping Sequence

Lets get started
1. The Set-up Statement Start by tapping on the KC Point
Make sure youve picked the issue you want to work on and that you have assigned yourself a SUDs level of 1-10. Tap on the KC point while saying the Set-Up Statement out loud. Here is a simple Set-Up Statement: Even though I have this insert your issue , I deeply love and accept myself. Continually tap on the KC or rub the sore spot while saying the statement three times. Note: If you find it difficult to say I love and accept myself change it to I want to love and accept myself or Im open to loving and accepting myself or A part of me wants to accept who I am. More examples: Even though I have this fear of speaking to groups over five people, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I have this sinus headache, I deeply love and accept who I am. I deeply and completely accept myself, even though I have this anger towards my father for yelling at me last night. Even though I have this stiffness on the right side of my neck, I completely accept myself and love my body. I accept myself unconditionally, even though I have a killer craving for chocolate right now. Even though I have this fear of snakes, I love and accept myself anyway. I deeply and profoundly accept myself, even though Im really sad about my breakup with ________.

2. The Sequence (rounds)

Do the Sequence: systematically tapping on the meridian points while repeating a reminder statement.
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Tap each of the following illustrated points 5-7 times while saying a reminder statement of your issue at each point. The reminder statement is just an abbreviated version of the Set-Up Statement, such as; This pain in my lower backthis fear of snakesthe disappointment with Suzy. On the reminder, you dont need to be as specific as you were with the Set-Up Statement. Note: With the reminder statement you dont need to repeat the Even though part of the I love and acceptance myself statement just a short reminder phrase, as shown above. Tap on all of the meridians, with both hands (both sides of the body) while saying the reminder statement: 1.EB = Eyebrow point, at the beginning of the eyebrow above the nose. 2.SE = Side of the eye, on the bone bordering the outside of the eye. 3.UE = Under the eye, on the bone directly under the eye. 4.UN = Under the nose, between the nose and upper lip. 5.CH = Chin, at the divot in your chin below your mouth. 6. CB = Collarbone, right under your collarbone, about 3 from the center. 7. UA = Under the arm, on the side of the body, approximately 4 below the armpit. *8. LP = Under the breast on the edge of the ribs to the side of the belly . About 3 down from the nipple and slight out to the side on men. Simply at the bottom of your bra, for women. *9. WR = Bump the insides of your wrists together at the crease. *10. CRH = Crown of the head toward the back, just before it goes vertical *There are three major tapping points, shown above (covering five important meridians) that are not included in basic EFT. However, they are commonly used in Pro EFT because of their intrinsic value. They are:
Pro EFT Level 1 Workbook 2011 by Lindsay Kenny www.ProEFT.com Page 14

The Liver Point - (LP) or Liver 14 - This point the point for stress, depression, cravings and anger Wrist - (WR) - The line at the base of the hand has 3 major meridians (find these points on the inside of the wrist, where the hand bends to meet the arm). These 3 points are: Heart 7, Pericardium 7, and Lung 9. The heart and pericardium points are great for stress and anxiety and the lung point is good for grief and sadness. Crown of the Head - (CRH) or Du20 - This meridian is the meeting point of all Yang meridians and an important contact point for every issue. Use these three additional points, along with the other seven in Basic EFT every time you tap, not just for the meridian-based emotions mentioned. Do the Sequence (also known as rounds) twice - from the eyebrow point through the points down to the wrists, ending at the top of the head. Be sure to repeat the reminder statement at each point . The order is not crucial you can start at the top of the head and/or end there.

3. Reassessment
Check in with yourself to see how you are doing. Now that youve done the Set-Up Statement and a couple of rounds of tapping, re-evaluate where you are on the SUDs rating. If youre not sure what your number is, guess. Or complete this sentence: Even though I dont know what my distress number is, if I had to guess, it would be a ___ ." Dont think about it too much; just guess if youre not sure. If your distress level did not change at all, dont give up! Just try it again. This time, make sure you are being specific about your issue and that you are following the directions. If the rating is still the same after the second couple of rounds, dont despair. If you are like most people, your number will have gone down by two or more points. A typical drop on the first two rounds might be from a 10 to a 7 or 8, then to a 4 or 5 on the next two rounds. Issues and people vary immensely so please dont be discouraged if your number didnt change. It is rare, but it does happen, and there are specific reasons for it. It is essential, therefore, that you read the section in this booklet on the 9 Stumbling Blocks of Tapping. If youre stuck, do this now, before you continue.

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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After the issue has decreased in intensity, make a slight change in both the Set-up Statement and in the reminder phrase. Change the Set-up Statement to something like Even though I still have some remaining (fill in your issue), I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though a part of me is still ... (fill in your issue), I love and accept myself anyway. Likewise, alter and condense the reminder phrase to something like This remaining fear of birds My remaining anger at Bud The remaining pain in my ankle Keep repeating all of the above steps until your issue is completely resolved; at a zero. Be patient with yourself, especially as you are learning. Tapping is an art and a skill and, as with all skills, it takes practice to be successful. If you get frustrated or impatient, just remember that tapping is one of the easiest, fastest and most effective remedies of any kind available today . What might take months or even years in talk therapy; you may be able to handle in minutes with tapping. Traditional therapy hopes for a 50% success rate while Pro EFT, even in the hands of a novice, generally shows results over 80%. Patience and persistence with tapping will pay off. If you are still not at a zero on this issue after doing the above sequences then complete the process with Fine Tuning.

4. Testing your Results

When you feel that the issue has been completely resolved, and you believe you are at a zero, test yourself by thinking about the issue or incident to see if theres still something there i.e., see if your number goes up to a 1 or more. And ask yourself, How do I know Im at a zero? Often there will be a physical symptom, such as tightness in the shoulders, a headache, or a knot in the stomach that will go unnoticed until the issue is gone and the physical symptom alleviated with it. If there still seems to be any discomfort at all, complete the sequence again or do the 9-Point Gamut as described below. Remember: Completely zeroing out or overcoming an issue will likely keep the issue from returning.

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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The 9-Point Gamut

We tap on the Gamut point using the 9-part sequence. Its used primarily when the

intensity is at a 1 or less, and helps to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain. See details below.
intensity. issue. Use this process when an issue is at a 1 or less in Doing the Gamut usually dissipates the remainder of an

Locate the Gamut Point on the back of your handbetween the bones of the little finger and ring finger, and down about an inch from your knuckles. Tap on the Gamut Point continually while repeating the Reminder Phrase and while doing the following sequence. 1. Close your eyes tightly and keep tapping while saying the Reminder Phrase. 2. Open your eyes widely. (Remembering to keep tapping while saying the Reminder Phrase).

3. Keep your head still and using your eyes only, look down to the right,
then down and to the left. (Keep tapping and repeating the Reminder.)

4. Roll your eyes around in a big circle as if looking at each number on a

giant clock right in front of you. (Keep your head straight ahead, keep tapping and repeating the Reminder Phrase.)

5. Roll your eyes around in the opposite direction. (Keep tapping) 6. Hum two seconds of a familiar song like Happy Birthday or Jingle Bells. 7. Count rapidly from 1 to 5 (Keep tapping) 8. Hum two seconds of the song again. (Keep tapping) 9. Tap through each point again, starting with the eyebrow point, ending
at the top of the head, while saying the Reminder Phrase. By now, your issue may be resolved. After a few rounds (3-5), about 80% of all issues will be resolved with this simple process, even for beginners. If your issue is not yet cleared repeat some of the above steps or refer to the 9 Stumbling Blocks section, later on in this booklet.

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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Readers Digest Version of the Basic Formula

by Lindsay Kenny, www.ProEFT.com

Use this page for quick reference, only after reading our Basic EFT Manual Reminder: Before you begin, assess your intensity level (1-10), and choose a specific issue or emotion as your Set-Up Statement. 1. The Set-up Use the KC Point or Sore Spots while doing the Set-Up Statement: Even though I have this (insert your issue), I deeply love and accept myself. Continue tapping or rubbing while saying the statement three times. 2. The Sequence Tap the following points 5-7 times while saying the reminder statement . For example: This fear of snakes my anger at mother the pain in my back etc. 3. Reassess Check your intensity level and perform subsequent rounds . Once you have completed the first round of tapping, change the set-up set statement to something like: Even though there is still some (whatever the issue is ...) I deeply and completely accept myself. Repeat three times while tapping. Then, repeat the tapping sequence with an altered reminder statement like, ...still some of this or remaining issue. Keep repeating this step until youre at 1 or less. 4. Fine Tune If youre less than a 1 or 2, fine tune by doing the 9 -Point Gamut: tapping, eye rolls, humming, counting, humming, doing another round. 5. Test your Results
When you are at a zero, or think you are: Test yourself by thinking about the issue or incident to see if theres still a charge (a memory of the event is normal, but you want there to be zero charge on it). If your number goes up from zero to over a 2, complete the sequence again. Test your results aga in, until youre really over it. If not, do the 9-point Gamut shown above.
By now your issue should be resolved. If not, see our 9 Stumbling Blocks of later in this book. Or in the e-book Supplement at http://tinyurl.com/Level1ebook

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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The Golden Gate Technique

Using the bridge of a desire statement to easily reach your destination
Lindsay Kenny and Zoe Walton

The Golden Gate Technique works great on any issue for a smooth transition to where you want to be. Giving voice to both sides of your conflict makes letting go less traumatic for you or the client. Theres always a part of us that hangs onto a negative issue, for different reasons. Give yourself permission to let it go. Zoe and I use this simple procedure to help the client get from where they are to where they want to be. Its easy, efficient and effective. See the graphic below of the Golden Gate Bridge, showing the three spans of cable and three sections of this process.

This above graphic is just a visual model for using the Golden Gate Technique.

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When the intensity is between 10 and 8 (as shown on the left span), stay with negative statements only. Example: Even though I hate my sisters guts right now Im really sad over Bill leaving me I feel like a fat pig at this weight When the issue has dropped between 8 and a 4 (span 2), add in a desire or I want to statement. Example: Even though Im still pretty mad at Tina, I want to let it go... or Im ready to start getting over it or theres a part of me feeling less intense about it etc. When you are at a 3 or less (span 3), start using the Choice Method. At this point youre still talking to at least two parts of your psyche. So continue to address both. Example: Even though theres a part of part of me still hanging on to this issue, a bigger part is willing to let it go. I choose to let that part of me win I still feel some anger at Jerry, another side of me wants to forgive him and move on. I choose to let that side of me prevail etc. Do three rounds now on the points. First round: use remaining issue at each point. Second round: I choose to overcome this anger I choose to let it go I choose to forgive Pete I choose to put this hurt and pain behind me now etc. You can use the same phrase at each statement, or pull in the different aspects that youve been working on, and address one or two at each point, choosing to let it go. Third round: Alternate the remaining negative with the choice of positive. Example: EB remaining anger, SE I choose to let it go, UE remaining anger, UN I choose to put it behind me now, CH remaining shame, CB I choose to forgive myself, etc. Fourth round: When the client (or you) is at a zero, do one or two more rounds making only positive choices for now (not the past.) Example: I choose to love and except who I am without judgment I choose acknowledge my bravery I choose to be strong and resilient I choose to recognize my skills and abilities Im intelligent I have a good sense of humor I sensitive and compassionate People like me Im a great mom, etc.

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master Find the other 5 Stumbling Blocks in your e-book supplement Somehow, early on, I developed the reputation as an authority on why tapping doesnt work. I dont mind that, except that I believe that Pro EFT works up to 98% of the timeif done correctly. Yet, many will try it once, throw up their hands and say, Well, it just didnt work for me! When that happens, it is rarely, if ever, a shortcoming of tapping. It has been my experience that one of the primary reasons that tapping appears not to work lies in the skill of the practitioner (who is often the person treating him or herself). As I will continue to point out, tapping is more of an art than a science, and were still learning how it works. We do, however, know these things for certain: In the right hands, tapping can produce miraculous results. Simple issues, such as fears, stress, (recent) anger, pain, frustration, and hundreds of other non-complex problems can often be eradicated in a few minutes with Pro EFT. More multifaceted issues, such as trauma, chronic anxiety, abuse, serious illnesses, and depression may take longer and more skill than can be delivered by an Pro EFT novice. Even someone new to tapping can often get amazing results 70% of the timewhich is an extraordinary percentage (that the medical profession would love to have)! Tapping often works when everything else has failed. In skilled hands, Pro EFT can work 95% of the time or more. And heres the most important thing weve learned: There are certain things that can stop Pro EFT in its tracks - which is the basis of this section. Becoming aware of these stumbling blocks and knowing how to deal with each one will increase Pro EFTs effectiveness significantly, even for a beginner. We will deal with each of these obstacles and others later on. But lets start with a big one first:

The First Four of 9 Stumbling Blocks

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2011 by Lindsay Kenny


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1st Stumbling Block: Reversals- Recognizing and

Neutralizing the Two Types of Reversals
Reversals, Secondary Benefit Syndrome Reversals (SBS) and General Polarity Reversals (GPR), are what I believe to be the most overlooked obstructions to successful tapping treatments. There is so much more to this phenomenon than we originally thought. When it appears that tapping isnt working, a key to rapid and effective treatment often lies in identifying the different types of Reversals and in knowing how to neutralize them.

Dealing with Reversals up front is perhaps more important for successful tapping sessions than any other component.
In fact, if Reversals are unrecognized and untreated they can stop the tapping process in its tracks or, at best, make it dramatically more difficult and time consuming to resolve an issue. The good news is, once discovered, the solutions for correcting Reversals are amazingly simple and highly effective. My experience is that when dealing with simple issues, Reversals are usually not a problem. But for chronic or long-lasting problems, complex issues and serious illnesses, Reversals are almost certain to be present. For those who have a Reversal, its discovery and elimination are paramount to a successful resolution of the problem. A good clue as to whether or not someone has a Reversal is if the SUDs level remains the same after a couple of rounds of tapping. A SUDs (or Subjective Unit of Distress) level is a way to gage the intensity of an issue on a scale of 0-10. There are other reasons why your SUD level may stay the sameother stumbling blockswhich will be addressed later on in this section. I break Reversals down into two basic types.

First type: General Polarity Reversals

The first type of Reversal is what I call a General Polarity Reversal, or GPR. General Polarity Reversal simply means that the electricity or energy in the body is agitated or moving in the wrong direction; therefore the polarity is reversed.

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One way to look at our bodys energy field or polarity is to compare it to batteries in a tape recorder, flashlight or other battery-operated devices. The batteries that run the device must be installed with the positive and negative polarity seated in the correct position. If not, the tool simply wont work. Since your body has its own electrical system, the energy pathways, your batteries need to be positioned correctly in order for you to function properly. If your polarity is blocked or scrambled you have a GPR Reversal. When that is happening, its likely that tapping will not work for you until the Reversal is corrected. GPR can be caused by several factors: Negativity - chronic negative thoughts or behavior Being around electrical devices for long periods of time Depression chronic depression can cause an electrical storm Chronic Pain which can scramble the entire bodys electrical system Drugs including alcohol and prescription medications Toxins - food, clothing, airborne particles, chemicals or any sensitivity Dehydration Water is a conductor of electricity and, if we arent sufficiently hydrated, the energy is sluggish, at best. GPR can usually be neutralized in several ways. Here are two: 1. Rectifying the cause of the Reversal - Remove the toxin, stay hydrated and eliminate non-prescription drugs or alcohol*. 2. Tapping on the karate chop point for 20 seconds will often fix negativity or electrical GPRs. However, tapping on the KC point will not eliminate addiction, depression, dehydration and toxin-caused GPRs. Instead, you must eliminate of cause of the Reversal, i.e., drink a glass of water for a dehydration reversal.
*Do not stop taking prescription medications without the instruction and guidance of your doctor or health care professional.

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The Second Type: Secondary Benefit Syndrome or SBS A subconscious resistance to change
This is the second and by far the most common type of Reversal. The SBS reversal occurs when the subconscious mind perceives that it is better or safer to hold on to an issue (like negative emotions, chronic pain, extra weight, or a bad habit) than to eliminate it. Or, as the movie What the *#@!# Do We Know? demonstrates, our bodies can actually become addicted to a negative emotion or issues. After a period of time we may become so accustomed to being angry, hurt, anxious, victimized etc., that our body is reluctant to let the emotion go. The negative condition may be uncomfortable, but if we have been in that state for some time, it begins to feel natural to the body and the subconscious mind. SBS is seldom a conscious choice, so most people will initially disagree with you if you tell them that subconsciously they dont actually want to get over their problem or issue. Of course, most people dont consciously want to stay emotionally upset or physically in pain. But the subconscious is a powerful factor in our behavior and it usually exhibits dominance over our conscious desires. For someone who has carried around a trauma, chronic pain, phobia or some other issue for many years, the emotion becomes a part of his or her personality or identity, or even a way to punish themselves. How often have you heard phrases, like Hes an angry young man or Shes just such an anxious person? Overcoming, or losing, that identity can be very threatening to the non-rational subconscious mind. For instance, the subconscious might be thinking, If I get over this issue I wont have an excuse anymore for my life not working. It might be scary. I may not know who I am anymore. It may not be safe to let it go. I wont know how to act as a functional, non-victim person. I wont get the attention or sympathy I get now. If someone has been trying to lose weight for a long time, for instance, and hasnt been successful, they are almost certainly reversed on it .

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Consciously they want to lose weight, but their protective subconscious may be saying, Wait a minute here. If I lose weight my clothes wont fit and Ill be deprived of the foods I love. And what if I lose that 40 pounds and I still dont get that promotion I need, the guy Im lusting after, or the friends I want? Maybe if I lose that weight Ill be so attractive that Ill be abused or harassed again. Or, what if my chubby friends abandon me; or what if I get skinny but am still not pretty? Gee, losing weight is just not worth it, so Ill just stay fat. Once again, remember, this is the subconscious mind wielding control over what we consciously want. Sound familiar?

As long as the subconscious is unwilling to let the problem go (thats a Reversal), its very hard to resolve an issue with or without tapping.
When I hear someone say, Ive had this ________ for years, and have tried everything, the word Reversal comes to mind immediately . Personally, I like to use muscle testing to demonstrate this phenomenon. I have the client make a positive statement such as, I really want to let go of this anger at Dad. When I muscle test them as they are saying this, their arm will test weak. They protest, of course, saying, But I really DO want to get over it! And they do, at the conscious level. We then do the Reversal correction or neutralization and, when we test them again, they are strong (see Resolving SBS below). This amazes people almost as much as tapping. It physically demonstrates an otherwise hardto-grasp notion. People are often skeptical of this concept until we neutralize the Reversal, perform Pro EFT, and they witness the once-stubborn issue miraculously disappear.

The good news is its very easy to fix an SBS reversal - so easy that people find it hard to believe. This is how it is done: Simply tap on the karate chop point (KC= base of little finger against base of the other little finger) using a reversal phrase such as: Even though I dont really want to get over this depression (trauma, chronic pain, etc.) I deeply and completely accept myself.

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It may not be safe to get over my issues. (use your actual problem, not the word issue) I may not deserve to get over this issue I wont know how to act if I get well I wont have an excuse for my life being messed up I dont want to forgive the people that ruined my life I dont want to be normal Im afraid, this wont work and Ill never be well For whatever reason, I dont want to overcome this problemI almost always use at least the first and last of these choices, which usually catch everything in between. Not deserving to get over something is also a biggie, so try it, if it fits, along with any of the others . Youll know the Reversal neutralization worked when you start doing tapping again and you start to get results. Reversals can be a huge stumbling block, but they are so easily remedied that we neednt let them stand in the way . Remember, fixing a Reversal does not fix the issue. It only fixes the impediment to fixing the issue.

You still need to do Pro EFT after fixing a Reversali.e., the Set-up and tapping sequences. As mentioned in the beginning, Reversals are only one stumbling block to a successful Pro EFT treatment, but it is often the one that causes people to say, I tried tapping, but it just didnt work for me . For more detailed information on Reversals and muscle testing, watch my video on Reversals at http://tinyurl.com/ReversalsGift.

Second Stumbling Block: Being Dehydrated or Dry Batteries

Often when Im getting nowhere with clients I ask them how much water theyve had to drink so far that day . If they say, Ive had cup of coffee and some water with my vitamins, then I have them drink at least an 8 oz . glass of water. Im still surprised how often this is an impediment to Pro EFTs progress. I heard a statistic recently that 70% of our population is dehydrated, so I ask the hydration question frequently and always have drinking water available for clients.

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I use to do a lot of pro-bono work for a drug and alcohol rehab center in my area and Id say dehydration was common with over 90% of the people there. I dont know why but addicts seem to drink very little water, by their own admission. Thus, before I start a workshop at the clinic I have everyone drink a big glassful of water. I once had a workshop where we werent getting a very good response while doing group tapping and using Borrowing Benefits. Just off-handedly, I asked, How many of you have had more than 16 ounces of water to drink this morning? No one raised their hand! We stopped for a water break and when we continued we had a 90% success rate on the same issues that had gone nowhere before. When I was new at tapping several years ago, I had a difficult client, Reuben. He really had me stumped. His was a relatively simple issue, yet we just werent getting anywhere. I had asked a zillion questions, and was seriously considering getting frustrated (tap-tap-tap). Then, out of the blue, I asked him how much water he had drunk that day and he replied, None. Yikes! Being a big water -holic myself I just couldnt imagine not having any all day. I made him drink a big glass before we continued. Reuben subsequently went from a SUD level of 10 on his issue to a 3 on the first round, and collapsed it to a zero on the second. This was my first of many future water-issue problems. Ive had cases like Reubens play out hundreds of times in the past several years. Now my clients bring water bottles with them for fear that Ill squirt them with a hose! Being dehydrated is fairly common, but so easy to fix . It just takes thinking of the right question to ask when you get stumped and having the subject drink a glass of water before continuing. Its all part of the art of tapping.

Third Stumbling Block: Not Being Specific

When doing Pro EFT, it is very important to be as specific as possible about an issue or feeling. Frequently, beginners are too global with their Set-Up Statements. They may try to fix low self-esteem, for instance, by saying, Even though I dont feel very good about myself. Instead, a better approach would be, Even though my father berated me in front of my friends at dinner and told me Id never amount to anything, I want to love and accept myself. Being too vague, general, or global about an issue is to deny the body an opportunity to remedy the problem.
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We discovered early on that it is imperative to be as specific as possible about circumstances surrounding any challenge. To dig even deeper, I often ask clients probing questions, have them envision the situation or issue, and have them get in touch with smells, sounds, sights, or colors, if necessary. For example, instead of saying, This pain in my leg you might say This pain in the calf of my right leg Or the time my brother embarrassed me at church by burping Or, instead of my fear of water, be more specific about the kind of wateri.e., My fear of the oceanor deep wateror lakesor swimming pools etc. Below are a couple of examples of when being specific made the difference. I recently saw a little 10 year-old-girl, named Terri who had fallen during a tumbling routine and was suddenly afraid to work out with her gym team. She loved tumbling and was very upset that she might have to give it up because of her new fear of falling. Yet she was literally terrified of doing gymnastics again. We started tapping on her general fear of tumbling with , Even though Im afraid to tumble now after my fall. However, that didnt reduce her SUD level at all. I asked her to tell me exactly what had happened, how she fell, and what she saw. It became clear that it was tumbling backwards that she was afraid of, not just tumbling. So we got more specific in the set-up by saying, Even though Im afraid to tumble backwards. However, that only helped a little. I asked her to relive the maneuver in her mind and describe her feelings. She said that, in her minds eye, she could complete the backward flip if a spotter was there for her, but she couldnt see herself trying it alone. Therefore, we changed the set-up to, Even though Im afraid to tumble backwards, without a spotter. And, lo and behold, we started getting results immediately! In just two or three rounds, her fear was gone and she was sure she could tumble again confidently. In fact, she wanted to do a back flip right there in my office to prove it. As tempted as I was to see her perform, I had her wait until it was safe to try itat her gym. She left a happy little girl, eager to get back at it. Her mom e-mailed me that night and said that, at gym practice that afternoon, Terri had done back-flips several timeswithout a spotter and had done an excellent job. Mom, the coach, and Terri were all jubilant. As was I!
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Another client, Vinnie was complaining about his sore right foot . We were able to get his SUD level of 9 down to a 4 fairly quickly, but then, the progress stopped. I asked him to touch the exact spot of the pain, and we changed the focus and statement to, Even though I have this pain in my right ankle on the outside, under the bone. and it worked. His pain stopped completely with one more round. Had that not worked, I would have gone to the event that had caused his accident, but just being specific about the exact location did the trick. I saw him two months later and he was still pain free. Sometimes, people are reluctant to be too specific about an issue, especially if it is too painful to relive. If so, use the Tearless Trauma Technique or the Movie Technique on how to sneak up on an issue. After decreasing the sensitivity level to a lower SUDs (under 5), you can usually be specific without inflicting unnecessary emotional pain.

Fourth Stumbling Block: Not finding the Core Issue (or being too Global)
This is an important item and often missed. Sometimes, you need to do some detective work with questions and prodding until you discover the main cause, or core issue, of a problem. If youre stuck, ask questions such as, When did the problem start? or What was going on when it started? Oftentimes, I discover that someones allergy, asthma or migraines started coincidentally about the same time as divorce, death or some other traumatic incident. This isnt a coincidence, of course, but rather the core reason for many problems. Our bodies can find unusual, creative and seemingly ridiculous ways to deal with difficult situations. We can morph an emotional event into a physical problem without being aware at all of the timing or connection. For instance, I had a client who developed migraines shortly after her twin died from serious injuries incurred in a car accident, but she never saw the correlation. Another client stuttered severely after his father disappeared one night and never returned home. Initially, the client didnt remember that his stuttering had started then. A more obvious correlation between the core issue and symptoms occurred in a case with a client who kept waking up with anxiety attacks for what she said was over nothing. After probing, we discovered that her drunken father used to come home in the middle of the night and find it funny to
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wake the children up by blowing an air horn in their ears. It seems to me that would cause anxiety in a rock. Other probing, core-issue-finding questions are, If you had your life to live over, what person or event would you just as soon skip? and, What else does this (your problem) remind you of? These questions often will bring up an issue that is seemingly unrelated to a clients symptoms. Here is an example of finding the core issue: A few years ago a client, Tim (age 73), still had hurt feelings and sadness over his mother inexplicably hitting him in the face during a family dinner when he was just 6 years old. He had terrible feelings of inadequacy, humiliation and unworthiness over that event, even after all the intervening years. We werent getting anywhere with tapping, so I had him describe what he was wearing, what his mother was wearing and describe anyone else he could think of. He had amazing clarity about everything from so many years before. When he got to his grandmother, he described the look on her face at the moment his mother hit him. His grandmother, whom he adored, had a look of disgust and disappointment, rather than empathy as he had expected. He felt certain he had done something wrong to disappoint his grandmother and was crushed. He had looked at her, hoping to get support, but instead saw anger and disapproval of whatever he had just done. The CORE issue then was the grandmothers reaction, rather than his mother hitting him. This seemed to be a startling revelation to him, but once he had that realization; we tapped on, Even though my grandmother was disappointed in me for whatever I had done. That worked great and he cleared quickly after a few rounds. Core issues are different than being specific about an issue because they are often hidden, or not as obvious. Nonetheless, finding a root cause is equally critical to resolving tough-to-solve cases. Its not always easy to do this on your own, since we have a tendency to block out unpleasant events or connections to events. Seeing a qualified practitioner can be very beneficial when youre stuck on a challenging problem.

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Helpful Tips for Successful Tapping

By Lindsay Kenny Check for Reversals! Read more about Reversals later in this workbook. When dealing with a singular issue be as specific as possible. Getting specific is like peeling an onion. Tap SEPARATE layers or scenes completely down to zero. For example: First Layer or Scene: Dad came in with angry look on his face. Then: I was scared when Dad yelled at me for no reason. Then: I was sad and hurt after Dad hit me and stormed out. This is much more effective than tapping on, the day Dad hit me. Separate scenes such as these, of the movie of your incident, require separate tapping sessions for the most effective treatment. Treat all the separate incidents or aspects you can find and, with persistence, the negativity surrounding your central issue will come tumbling down. Be persistent on those tail enders until all aspects of the problem have vanished, then the problem will be gone for good. Problems that return are usually just aspects of the original problem that havent yet been addressed. Make sure youve found the core issue. If you have a sore, aching back and you just cant seem to get the pain to subside with tapping, consider what emotional issues could be causing your sore back (blame, guilt, anger). Are you working too hard, stressed at home, fearful of failing, scared of being found out about something? Find the core emotional issue, and often the physical symptom will disappear. It works the same for unresolved emotional issues. If you are afraid of water, for instance, and tapping hasnt eliminated the fear completely, consider what past event or childhood trauma might have caused this fear and tap on THAT issue. Also be specific about the type of water fear. Maybe ocean waves are intimidating but lake water is fine. Or perhaps rivers or swimming pools are the real issues.

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Find more tips in the Supplemental e-book Workbook, shown at the back of this workbook.

More Tips for Successful Tapping Sessions

Take off your watch, bracelets or glasses. Make sure to remove any electrical appliances like cell phones, Palm Pilots, Walkmans, pagers etc., from your body. For the best tapping results use the three middle fingers, or all four fingers when possible (like on the top of the head or under the arms). Tap on both sides of your body when possible. Unilateral tapping works fine, but in my opinion, bilateral tapping is better. Do tapping while undisturbed (turn off your cell phone or TV and make sure the kids are busy elsewhere). Read and Master the things that get in the way of successful Pro EFT treatments (the 9 Stumbling Blocks article). Drink a lot of waterat least 64 oz. daily Practice, practice, practice. Pro EFT is more an art than a science. Just like playing the piano or riding a bike, the more you do it, the better you get at it. Start with practicing on yourself; then ask friends and family to let you try it out on them. (Choose SIMPLE issues!) The more you do, the more confidence youll gain and the better youll get at it . This is how every successful practitioner started! Try it on everything! Tapping has been known to work on everything from hiccups to cancer and from lactose intolerance to quieting crying babies. So, rather than saying, Does Tapping really work on? Try it! Youve got nothing to lose, and a lot to gain. Learn from your mistakes. If you try something a few times, and its not working, do it differently. Use Pro EFT every day. Do it at a set time every day, just before going to bed, or in the shower, or when you first wake up. More than anything else, practicing Pro EFT daily can make an enormous difference in your happiness and peace of mind. Complete the Personal Peace Procedure as described in the supplement of this workbook. This could be the most important process you will ever use to experience more peace of mind, confidence, and joy of life.
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Quiz 2: The Basic Sequence

Please answer the following questions without referring back to the workbook. You may use the back side of this page for additional space.


What is the FIRST thing you need to do before starting the tapping process?


What do you need to assess next?


What would your basic Set-Up Statement be? Hint: Even though


What is the most common Set-up point?


What are the ten tapping points for Pro EFT?


If, after tapping for two rounds, your intensity level has decreased from a 10 to a 7, how do you proceed? And, what would you use as your Reminder Phrase?


If you get stuck at a 1 SUDs or less, or if the intensity goes back up when you test yourself, what other options might you consider?


How do you make sure youre completely over the issue?


What would you do if your SUDs stayed at a 10, or the same as when you started?


What is the Pro EFT Foundational statement?

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Other Resources
The Pro EFT Free Stuff page for tons and tons of free article, materials, downloads, videos, audios and more. www.ProEFT.com/FreeStuff.html Our Media page is loaded with some great interviews, by or with Lindsay. Check it out. While there, look up our upcoming guests on Lindsays ProEFTradio.com or the previously recorded shows Take a look to see if YOUR question is on our FAQs page. If not ask us something and we may answer it in our Hot Flashes Newsletter. If you want to learn more about tapping, read about our upcoming workshops and trainings at www.TappingWorkshops.com Find the Level 1 Supplement eBook at http://tinyurl.com/level1ebook

Recommended Practitioners
After successful passing all of our courses, including our Certification Process, practitioners may be added to the Preferred Practitioners page at LKcoaching.com. All of our practitioners have trained directly with Zoe Walton and me and have successfully completed our Level 3/Ultimate Practitioner Workshops. Most have completed the certification process. They are all competent, caring people who are very proficient with Pro EFT. That said, we cannot guarantee results or take responsibility for their actions or yours. Find a qualified Pro EFT practitioner that fits your needs at: www.EFTPractitionerListings.com

Apprentice Practitioners
Practitioners who have successfully completed our Ultimate Practitioners Workshop and have satisfied other requirements may be invited to join our Apprentice Program. Its a way to gain hours toward the certification process, by working for a session or two at a discounted rate. Read about the program at www.LKcoaching.com/Apprentices.html

If you would like to set an appointment with Lindsay, please contact her assistant, Katherine, at assistant@LKcoaching.com or call us at 888-449-3030.
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Answers to the Quizzes 1, & 2

Quiz 1: General Knowledge
1. Name at least five physical responses to negative emotions. Answer: Heavy breathing, upset stomach, pain in the chest or neck, racing heart, dry mouth, tight muscles in the neck and shoulders, sweaty palms, grinding of the teeth, etc. 2. There are dozens of negative emotions. Name at least ten. Answer: anger, anxiety, angst, rage, depression, jealousy, hate, stress, frustration, grief, resentment, fear, hopelessness, guilt, envy, terror, strife, tension, embarrassment, humiliation, shame, remorse, aggravation, disgust, envy, sadness, despair, etc. 3. Our lives depend on four major bodily movements or functions: What are they? Answer: (1) The movement of blood, pumped by the heart throughout the body via the veins and arteries. (2) The movement of breath, thanks to our lungs taking in oxygen and purifying our blood supply. (3) The movement of food and elimination of waste through the digestive tract. (4) The movement of electrical energy throughout the body through energy pathways. 4. What is another name for these energy pathways? Answer: Meridians 5. How many pathways are there? Answer: 14 major meridians branching off into hundreds of pathways 6. Name at least three alternative sciences based on the energy system. Answer: Acupuncture, acupressure, TFT, BASF, EMDR, TAT, and Reiki 7. What is the Chinese term for the bodys energy? Answer: Chi 8. What causes negative emotions? Answer: caused by a disruption in the bodys energy system. Negative emotions are

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Quiz 2: Lets see how well youve done on this one

1. What is the FIRST thing you need to do before starting the tapping process? Answer: Be clear and specific about an issue you want to work on 2. What do you need to do next? Answer: Assess the distress level (SUDs) from 1 to 10 3. What would your basic Set-Up Statement be? Answer: Even though I have this _________I deeply and completely accept myself. 4. Where are the two Set-up points? Answer: The Sore Spots on the chest the two tender places on either side of the upper chest and, alternatively, the KC Point 5. What are the ten tapping points weve been using? Answer: EB, OE, UE, UN, CH, CB, UA, LV, WR, CRH

6. If, after tapping for two rounds, your intensity level (SUD) has decreased from a 10 to a 7, how do you proceed? And, what would you use as your reminder statement? Answer: Do a couple more rounds, changing the Set-Up Statement to: Even though I still have some remaining _______ , I deeply love and accept myself. For the reminder statement say something like remaining right knee pain or remaining anger 7. If you get stuck at a 1 SUDs or less, or if the intensity goes back up when you test yourself, what other options might you consider? Answer: Perform the 9-Point Gamut, or do more rounds being more specific about the issue. Other options we will explore in the next section are how to be more specific, looking for other aspects you might have missed, checking for reversals, and making sure youve found and dealt with the core issue.

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8. How do you make sure youre completely over the issue? Answer: Test and reassess yourself by reliving the moment or trying to get yourself upset. If you discover any remaining charge, repeat the steps until the issue is completely resolved. 9. What would you do if your SUDs stayed at a 10 or the same as when you started? Answer: Most likely theres a Reversal in the way. Perform the Reversal Neutralization and try again. If youre still stuck, re-read the 9 Stumbling Blocks and see if youve missed something. 10. What is the Pro EFT Foundational Statement? Answer: Negative emotions are caused by a disturbance in the bodys energy system.

These quizzes are for your benefit to see if you absorbed the information. So we are hoping this workbook and lessons have helped you get started. To reinforce what youve learned in these Level 1 and 2 courses, check out our recorded Webinars at: www.EFTWebinars.com You can find the e-book supplement to this workbook at http://tinyurl.com/Level1ebook

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Lindsay Kenny Bio

Lindsay Kenny www.LKcoaching.com

Lindsay is an EFT Master, certified trainer with the AAMET and Founder of the National Alliance for Emotional Health. Lindsay also facilitates EFT and Pro EFT seminars, webinars and teleclasses in the San Francisco Bay Area and worldwide and hosts a weekly radio show at www.ProEFTRadio.com

Sidney and Charlie

Jack and Lindsay

Mackie, our special needs doggie

For more information about us, visit our website at www.ProEFT.com 888-449-3030

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Power Point Slides Handouts

The following pages represent samples of the Power Point slides we use in our Level 2 Workshops. However, since we update them frequently, the ones in this workbook may not be identical in sequence or content to those used in the classroom. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Find the e-book Supplement to this woSrkbook at tinyurl.com/Level1ebook

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