Application Blank - Rev 1.0 (01!01!2012), IT S BLANK

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Backed by 100 glorious years of experience in steel making, Tata Steel is the worlds 6th largest steel company

with an existing annual crude steel production capacity of 0 !illion Tones "er #nnum $!T"#%& 'stablished in 1(0), it is the first integrated steel plant in #sia and is now the worlds second most geographically di*ersified steel producer and a +ortune ,00 -ompany& .ur *ision is to be the global steel industry benchmark for Value Creation and Corporate Citizenship. Tata Steel /ndia is the first integrated steel company in the world, outside 0apan, to be awarded the Deming Application Prize for excellence in Total 1uality !anagement&

A!! icant"# Name: A$D%L &HAF'(%E %ni)*e A!! icant"# 'D:

Form No. HR/FRM/TAG/LR/01 Effective Date: 01/01/2012 Confidentia

Rev. No. 1.0


We would like to thank you for your interest in suitable career opportunity with Tata Steel. This form is intended to enable you to record important points about yourself, your experience, your achievements and your aspirations. Please complete the form in detail and use additional sheets if necessary. During the interview process, the contents of this application will provide a base for our For 6ffice *#e on 7 interaction. 'niAue %pplicant )D.
+er#ona 'nformation
irst !ame "r. $"s. %&D'# ,+xpand all !amesPosition %pplied or. )T /0" %dvertisement Direct %pplication riend "iddle !ame #ast !ame S(% )*'+

Who referred you for this position. /onsultant 0elative1 0elative and riends. ,Please provide the name of the referral-. 1!ature of 0elationship. "3 %T(+0

"r. %.0.2(%!

Date of &irth e4mail )D. &,afi)*e.#,i-a./mai .com 5 6 7 5 5 8 9 : %lternate e4mail )D ,if any-. #,afi)*e.0it./mai .com /urrent %ddress . 24:75 , Swiss /ounty , !ear P/"/ School , Thergaon , P'!+ /ity. P'!+ State. "%(%0%S(T0% ;ffic e 0es.


< 5 5 7 = = Permanent %ddress . 2 <45=? , 2%D"% #%T , !+%0 D(%T2)D)( "%S@)D ,@%"S(+DP'0 /ity. @%"S(+DP'0 $ ood Gro*!: $ 123E4 State. @(%02(%!D 3i#ion: 5/5 5/5 Left Ri/,t P)! 9 = 5 7 7 5

Phone ,with STD code-



Phone,with STD code"obile A er/ie# 1'f an74: N6



La#t Ma8or &*r/er7 1'f an74: NE3ER

Co or +erce!tion: N6 Left Ri/,t

ED%CAT'6N ,&egin with the most recent Aualification and end with Std. BSpecialiCation ,Please mention your core subDectsELETR'CAL ENG'NNER Mat, &cience Genera 1A 4 !ame of )nstitute $'niversity with #ocation $'T &'NDR' : 3$% 1HA;AR'$AGH4 Mr#.?.M.+.M 'NTER C6LLEGE : @AC1RANCH'4 R.D.TATA H'GH &CH66L : @&E$1RANCH'4 0egular , ull Time$ Part4 time- $ /orrespondence F%LL T'ME F%LL T'ME F%LL T'ME rom ,mmm$yy2005 2002 2001 To ,mmm$yy2010 200A 2002 %ggregate "arks ,E or /FP%<=> 55> <B>

/ourse$Degree $9TECH 12t, : 'ntermediate 10t, : Matric* ation

Form No. HR/FRM/TAG/LR/01 Effective Date: 01/01/2012 Confidentia

Rev. No. 1.0

Form No. HR/FRM/TAG/LR/01 Effective Date: 01/01/2012 Confidentia

Rev. No. 1.0

TRA'N'NG/CERT'F'CAT'6N C Please mention the training$ certification courses that you had undergone in past.
Technical$ "anagement Training$Development Programmes attended CERT'F'CAT'6N9C6G9522 '$M Co/no# 10 $' Admini#trator CERT'F'CAT'6N90009A1= '$M Fe0&!,ere Data&ta/e v.=.0 TECHN'CAL TRA'N'NG9 C: 66+& : @A3A : RD$M& : %N'H :+L/&(L MANAGEMENT TRA'N'NG9 'L'1'NF6&D& LEADER&H'+ 'N&T%TE4 TATA &TEEL C&%MMER TRA'N'NG Duration Mont, MAD @%NE Dear 201B 201B 2011 2010 200E )nstitute $ ;rganiCation '$M '$M 'NF6&D& 'NF6&D& TATA &TEEL #ocation +%NE +%NE MD&6RE MD&6RE @AM&HED+ %R 0anking1 "arks ,EE<.=< <G.<1 $2 $2 #evel

@AN A%G @%NE

I+ ea#e !rovide *# Jit, 7o*r ranKin/ vi#9L9vi# ot,er candidate# a!!eared in t,e trainin/ !ro/ram: if an7 te#t Ja# cond*cted. 'n ot,er ca#e#: ! ea#e mention N/A.


Title of the paper R%RAL DE3EL6+ENT 6F @HAR?HAND $D ELECTR'CAL TECHN6L6G'E&. Duration "onth FE$ 3ear 200< !ame of the seminar$ @ournal in which paper was presented$published C6LLEGE &EM'NAR %ny Distinctions, (onors, %wards received 2ND

EHTRA9C%RR'C%LAR ACT'3'T'E&: ,%ctivities related with Sports, Social, and #iterary etc. %ctivity ,%ny cultural, sports, community work, other hobbies etc.$ADM'NT6N T6%RNAMENT $ADM'NT6N T6%RNAMENT $ADM'NT6N T6%RNAMENT TAE?6ND6F9MART'AL ART& TAE?6ND6F9MART'AL ART& Duration "onth 3ear @AN 201B @AN @AN MAD @%NE 201B 201B 1EE= 1EE5 )nstitution$/lub$Society with which you are$were associated 'NF6&D& $ADM'NT6N T6%RNAMENT 9+%NE 'NF6&D& $ADM'NT6N T6%RNAMNET9+%NE 'NF6&D& $ADM'NT6N T6%RNAMENT9+%NE D'&TR'CT LE3EL &TATE LE3EL %ny priCes$ accolades won 1&T 9&'NGLE 1#t9 M'H9D6%$LE 2ND 9 D6%$LE 1&T 2ND

+RE3'6%& EM+L6DMENT DETA'L&: #ast Designatio n held &R.&D&TE M ENG'NEER !ature of +mployment ,Permanent$ /ontract$ Probation+ERMANENT Duration rom ,mmm$yy@%LD/201 0 To ,mmm$yy T'LL DATE "onthly Salary %t the time of Doining B.2G +/A #ast Draw n A.B2 +/A 0eason for #eaving +ER&6NA L AND +R6FE&& '6NAL GR6FTH.

!ame of the organiCation 'NF6&D& L'M'TED

#ocation +%NE

Form No. HR/FRM/TAG/LR/01 Effective Date: 01/01/2012 Confidentia

Rev. No. 1.0

Form No. HR/FRM/TAG/LR/01 Effective Date: 01/01/2012 Confidentia

Rev. No. 1.0

F6R? EH+ER'ENCE 1+RE&ENT / LA&T EM+L6DMENT4 !ame of the +mployer. )! ;S3S #)")T+D !o. of 0eportees ,if any-. Total number of +mployees. 5.:6. #%/S Dates +mployed. 3our Designation. S0.S3ST+" +!F)!++0 %ddress . 0%@++G F%!D() )T )! ;T+/( P%02 , T%#"'#S), ()!@+W%D) , P(%S+ ? , P'!+ , "%(%0%S(T0%

Sales Turnover. !% To. !otice Period ,in months- . = ";!T(S

rom. 58T( @'#3 ?757 T)## D%T+

!ature of employment ,Please tick the appropriate box-. REG%LAR 0egular $ /ontract $ ;n Probation

0esponsibilities in current 0ole. /;F!;S %D")!)ST0%T;0, D%T%ST%F+ %D")!)ST0%T;0, D%T%W%0+(;'S+ /;!S'#T%!T.

0eason for considering a change. P+0S;!%# %!D P0; +SS);!%# F0;WT(, "3 F0%!D %T(+0 W;02+D ;0 T%T%ST++#, "3 %T(+0 )S /'00+!T#3 W;02)!F W)T( T%T%ST++# %!D "3 &0;T(+0S %!D "3 0)+!DS /'00+!T#3 W;02)!F W)T( T%T%ST++#.

Do you have any commitment ,bond- to another employer or organiCation that might affect your employment with usH 3es !o !; )f yes, please furnish the details.

)f selected, when can you Doin usH ,please mention the timeline in months-. ?4= ";!T(S. )n the space provided below, please draw the organiCational structure at your present organiCation highlighting your level in the structure. ;+44444444444;P+0%T);! +B+/'T)G+ ST+4444444444S3ST+" +!F)!++0 T0%)!++ S+444444444444S3ST+" +!F)!++0 &&E9999999999&R. &D&TEM ENG'NEER TA99999999999TECHN'CAL ANALD&T T#44444444444T+%" #+%D P"4444444444P0;@+/T "%!%F+0 SP"444444444S0. P0;@+/T "%!%F+0 FP"44444444F0;'P P0;@+/T "%!%F+0 D"4444444444D+#)+G+03 "%!%F+0 '(4444444444'!)T (+%D &;D44444444&;%0D ; D)0+/T;0 C%RRENT EM6L%MENT&. Please share your current emoluments in order to help us in preparing the compensation offer from our side. 2indly ensure that a e ement# of t,e +a7: +er)*i#ite# and $enefit# are clearly and exhaustively documented here. %lso mention the freAuency of payments 1e./. mont, 7: )*arter 7: ann*a etc.4. Please attach last three monthsI salary slip and ).T. return of last year.

Name: A$D%L &HAF'(%E A/e: 25 +ermanent Acco*nt N*m0er 1+AN4: CE?+&BA<=A Ed*cation:$9TECH Com!an7: 'NF6&D& L'M'TED Form No. HR/FRM/TAG/LR/01 C*rrent +o#ition: &&E 1&R.&D&TEM ENG'NEER4 Effective Date: 01/01/2012 C*rrent ! ace of !o#tin/: +%NE Confidentia

'/. #evel.


/ode ,Pls. tick appropriate code-. E Rev. No. 1.0 G #ocation.

C*rrent Com!en#ation A $a#ic +ixed 2earness #llowance Basket of #llowances$34#,5T#,!edical,etc&&%

> of $a#ic N/A

Mention > of 0a#ic J,erever a!! ica0 e Ann*a RemarK#/ Additiona 'nformation Mont, 7 1R#.4 1R#.4 1Frequency of payment4 102=0 1100 1=5B=

A oJance# 1Ca#,4 for e./. C D. A.: Conve7ance: Cit7 Com!en#ator7: Ed*cation: L.T. A. etc.

Allowances (Cash) Total


A oJance# 1Non 9 Ca#,4 for e./. C Co#ted va *e for accommodation: medica etc. )ncluded in the above basket of allowances C

Allowances (Non - Cash) -Total +er)*i#ite# and $enefit#: For e./. 9 Com!an7 car: F*e eN!en#e# etc. /ompany provided company carIs for pickup and drop. D

Perquisites Total $on*# 1+erformance $a#ed: Mi e#tone $a#ed etc.4 Bonus 6 'x78ratia E Performance bonus Bonus Total Retira #: +rovident F*nd F Grat*it7 &*!erann*ation 1B55 GA< 22<5 1=00

Retirals - Total CTC 1A2$2C2D2E2F4 EN!ected Ann*a Gro## B500< %s per industry stander


Fami 7 Detai # C Please provide the details of your family members in the table below. S. !o. 1. !ame A0d* Ra#,eed 0elationship with the person Fat,er (ighest *ualification 'ntermediate /urrent Designation J 3rs. of +xperience &r.Tec,incian/2 < 7r#. /urrent ;rganiCation TATA &TEEL +arning ,%nnually in 0s.NA

Form No. HR/FRM/TAG/LR/01 Effective Date: 01/01/2012 Confidentia

Rev. No. 1.0

2. B. A. G.


Mot,er $rot,er &i#ter

MATR'C%LAT'6N $9TECH +o#t9Grad*ation




A$6%T D6%R&ELF C Please provide answers to the following Auestions, this will help us in a better understanding of you as a
person. +er#ona #tren/t,#: 1. 2. B. A. G. 5. <. =. &e f9motivated. &e f9di#ci! ine. (*icK Learner. &mart JorKer. +o#itive t,inKin/. ' can ad8*#t in a Re#!on#i0 e. He !in/ menta it7. #it*ation#. +er#ona Area# of im!rovement: 1. Tr7in/ to )*it #ome 0ad ,a0it#. 2. ' am *na0 e to #a7 N6 J,en it come# to ,e !in/ a co ea/*e re/ard e## of m7 JorK oad. B. Maintain t,e !er#ona and !rofe##iona ife.

Do*r career o08ective#: To JorK in an environment t,at i# cond*cive for effective *ti i-ation of m7 eN!erience and #Ki # for !romotin/ f*rt,er KnoJ ed/e ac)*i#ition: t,ere07 contri0*tin/ to t,e /roJt, of t,e or/ani-ation and m7#e f.

Do*r eN!ectation# from t,e 8o0: Love to JorK in c,a en/in/ environment. Do*r eN!ectation from Tata &tee : ) want to serve with T%T% ST++# till my retirement. %lways provide me, healthy environment. Lan/*a/e# KnoJn ,Start with your mother tongue-:

Location Con#traint# 1if an74 N6



0ead 3+S 3+S 3+S

Write 3+S 3+S 3+S

()!D) 3+S +!F#)S( 3+S '0D' 3+S

REFERENCE& C Five references under whom you have either worked or who know you professionally for at least > months.
!ame Duration J !ature of association 11 mont,# Designation J ;rganiCation 6fficia : +er#ona : e4mail +,one 1Jit, &TD code4 (ome ;ffice

A0,inav &riva#tava

Team Lead O AT6&

'ftaK,ar A,med

BB mont,#

Tec,nica Ana 7#t O 'nfo#7#

6fficia : +er#ona :

Form No. HR/FRM/TAG/LR/01 Effective Date: 01/01/2012 Confidentia

Rev. No. 1.0

@7oti Rana8an &a,oo

B5 mont,#

&oftJare En/ineer O &AA&

6fficia : +er#ona :

Form No. HR/FRM/TAG/LR/01 Effective Date: 01/01/2012 Confidentia

Rev. No. 1.0

(ave you attended any selection process at Tata Steel beforeH !; De# No 'f De# t,en ! ea#e f*rni#, t,e fo oJin/ detai #: Division. "onth$3ear. #ocation. Status.

Do you have any relative currently working$ had worked in past with Tata SteelH 3+S De# No

'f De# t,en ! ea#e f*rni#, t,e fo oJin/ detai #: !ame. "0.%.0.2(%! !ature of relationship. %T(+0 Designation. Sr. Technician Department$ Division. "achine Shop #ast date of working ,'f t,e !er#on ,a# eft Tata &tee -. Working 'f De# t,en ! ea#e f*rni#, t,e fo oJin/ detai #: !ame. G)G2+2 P0%S%D !ature of relationship. /ollege Senior J riend. Designation. "anager Department$ Division. &earing Division #ast date of working ,'f t,e !er#on ,a# eft Tata &tee -. Working )f 3es, furnish details including type of offense and conviction

Do you have any friend ,+x K /olleague$ /ollege Senior$ friend etc.- currently working$ had worked in past with Tata SteelH 3+S De# No

(ave you ever been arrested, prosecuted or convicted for any criminal offense, other than minor traffic offenses H !; De# No )n the last ten years, have you been convicted of or plead guilty to any offenceH !; De# No )n the last ten years have you been released from prison on a convictionH !; De# No

%re you engaged in any personal business having a bearing$ with possible bearing with Tata Steel. !; 'f 7e#: ! ea#e !rovide t,e nat*re of $*#ine##:



%ny other information you would like us to know which may have significant bearing on our hiring decision . 't"# m7 a#!iration to JorK Jit, TATA &TEEL and ' ,ave Jaited a ot for t,i# moment.

Dec aration ) hereby declare that my statements on this application and on my resume or documents provided by me to Tata Steel are correct to the best of my knowledge. ) acknowledge and agree that providing any false information may result in a decision not to hire me or if hired, may result in termination of my employment. ) give consent to Tata Steel to institute and conduct a background check to verify the information furnished by me in this form. Date. Place. 7:th !ov ?75= %bdul ShafiAue P'!+ Signature.

Form No. HR/FRM/TAG/LR/01 Effective Date: 01/01/2012 Confidentia

Rev. No. 1.0

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