(FPT) Corporate Rate Contract

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Contract No. 89S/2014/THL

The contract is used as the sub contract for contract No. 89/2014/THL
Address : 14-16 Le Lai, Ben Tan, !ist 1
"e#resented : $s. N%&'en Ti (&c
(osition : )enera* !irector
+,ai* : s,-si*.er*andcentra*ote*.co,
Te* : /84-80 1822 22 40
Hereina3ter re3erred as (art' A
Address : 141 N%&'en !in Cie&, 5ard 6, !istrict 1
"e#resented: $s. Tr&on% Ti Tan Tan
(osition: !irector
+,ai* :
Te*: 2100 2100
Hereina3ter re3erred as (art' B
Te #arties a.e decided to enter into tis contract ena6*in% te Cor#orate ,ar7et to acco,,odation at te ote*, 6ot #arties
a%reed te 6e*o8 ter,s and conditions
1. Room Rate and Pol!"
Sl#e$land Cent$al Hotel % S&a
Tel' /984-80 1822 22 40
Emal' s,-si*.er*andcentra*ote*.co,
Ad$e((' 14-16 Le Lai, Ben Tan 8ard, !istrict 1
Room T"&e Bed T"&e
Rate) Room) Nte * +N, -
F$om .an 1
2014/ ,e! 01
Sn1le ,o23le
S&#erior !o&6*e/T8in 982,000 1,111,000
!e*&:e !o&6*e/T8in 1,111,000 1,219,000
;&nior S&ite !o&6*e/T8in 1,444,000 1,426,000
THL S&ite !o&6*e/T8in 1,806,000 1,912,000
<a,i*' S&ite !o&6*e/T8in 2,414,000
Note' "ates are inc*&si.e o3 10= >AT ? 4= Ser.ice car%e
S&e!al Bene4t('
Co,#*i,entar' 2 6ott*es o3 8ater #er da', 3ree &se o3 5@<@ , B&siness Center,A
!ai*' B&33et Brea73ast
Booking 03 consecutie nights! Co,#*i,entar' 01 8a' o3 air#ort trans3er or 01 #ieces o3 *a&ndr' #er roo, #er da' /1 sirt/T
sirt, 1 #an/tro&ser, 1 &nder8ear0
Booking 0" consecutie nights! Co,#*i,entar' 01 8a' o3 air#ort trans3er and 01 #ieces o3 *a&ndr' #er roo, #er da' /1
sirt/T sirt, 1 #an/tro&ser, 1 &nder8ear0
Booking 0# consecutie nights! Co,#*i,entar' 02 8a's o3 air#ort trans3er and 01 #ieces o3 *a&ndr' #er roo, #er da' /1
sirt/T sirt, 1 #an/tro&ser, 1 &nder8ear0
Booking oer 0# consecutie nights! Co,#*i,entar' 02 8a's o3 air#ort trans3er and 01 #ieces o3 *a&ndr' #er roo, #er da'
and 1 .o&cer 3oot ,assa%e /1 sirt/T sirt, 1 #an/tro&ser, 1 &nder8ear0
G$and Sl#e$land Hotel
Tel: /984-80 1829 1888
Emal' s,1-%randsi*.er*andote*.co,
Ad$e((: 124 B 111 L' T& Tron% St., !ist.1
Room T"&e
Rate) Room) Nte
Co$&o$ate $ate 2014
Sn1le 5 ,o23le +N,
!e*&:e <a7e 8indo8 1,638,000
(re,ier !e*&:e 1,932,000
+:ec&ti.e 2,415,000
Si*.er S&ite 2,898,000
Note' "ates are inc*&si.e o3 10= >AT ? 4= Ser.ice car%e
S&e!al Bene4t('
!ai*' B&33et Brea73ast at Ne8 !a' Ca3C ? Lo&n%e, 5e*co,e 3r&its and 3*o8ers ,T8o /20 6ott*es o3 $inera* 5ater, tea, co33ee
in roo,
Co,#*i,entar' 8ire internet in roo, and 8ire*ess at #&6*ic area, )',nasi&, - o&tdoor S8i,,in% (oo* ? $ini )o*3
Booking 03 consecutie nights! 01 8a' air#ort trans3er and 1#cs *a&ndr'/da'
Booking 0" consecutie nights! 02 8a's air#ort trans3er and 1#cs *a&ndr'/da'
Booking 0# consecutie nights! 02 8a's air#ort trans3er and 1#cs *a&ndr'/da' ? 01 tic7et o3 3oot ,assa%e/8ee7
La .ole Hotel % S&a
Tel' /984-80 1421 8999
Emal' s,-*aDo*ieote*.co,
Add$e((' 4! Ti Sac Street, !istrict 1
ROOM CATEGORIES Sn1le 5 ,o23le 5 T6n +N,
SE(+"@F" 1,040,000
!+LEG+ 1,260,000
+G+CET@>+ 1,420,000
LA ;FL@+ SE@T+ 1,994,000
Note' "ates are inc*&si.e o3 10= >AT ? 4= Ser.ice car%e
S&e!al Bene4t('
!ai*' B&33et Brea73ast
Booking 0# consecutie nights! 3ree o3 car%e 1 8a' air#ort trans3er
!isco&nt 40= 3or )ro&# at HL S#a, La ;o*ie Hote* ? S#a /$ini,&, 4#a:s0
$%% aboe rates are on%& a%id for indiidua% trae%ers and business'en
Tan Hai Long Hospitality Group reseres the right to reie( the contract rates on a ) 'onth%& basis The aboe roo' rates
cannot be *osted or aai%ab%e for sa%es on the +nternet or ,ebsite (ithout our agree'ent other(ise- (a%k . in rates (i%% be
a**%ied according%&.
- Te*e#one a.ai*a6i*it' cec7s are not considered as a co,,it,ent 3or te reser.ation. Tan Ha Lon1 Ho(&talt" G$o2&
is not reI&ired to a .er6a* con3ir,ation o3 te a.ai*a6i*it'
- "eser.ation 8i** not 6e considered as con3ir,ed &nti* te Patt" B recei.es a con3ir,ation 3ro, Tan Ha Lon1
Ho(&talt" G$o2&. @n case no #rior reser.ations are ,ade, re%&*ar #&6*ised rates 8i** 6e a##*ied.
C7ld$en Pol!"
- Acco,,odation 3ree o3 car%e 3or one ci*d *ess tan 12 'ears o*d, sarin% #arentsJ roo, and &ti*iKin% e:istin% 6eddin%,
- Brea73ast is 3ree 3or one ci*d &nder 12 'ears o*d, te second Ci*d &nder 12 'ears o*d 8i** 6e car%e &sd6 / L
1289000#nd- 3or 6rea73ast.
- $a:i,&, 2 ci*dren /&nder 120 can sare te sa,e roo, 8it #arent
- Ci*dren at 12 'ears o*d or a6o.e 8i** 6e consider as ad&*t .
C7e!: / n % C7e!: / o2t &ol!"
- Cec7-in ti,e is 3ro, 14:00 ($. And cec7-o&t ti,e is at 12:00 A$ /Noon0.
- +:tension o3 cec7-o&t ti,e is s&6Dect to a.ai*a6i*it' and 8i** 6e car%ed as 3o**o8s:
Late cec7 - o&t 6e3ore 6:00 ($: 8i** 6e car%ed 40= o3 contracted rate
Late cec7 - o&t 3ro, 6:00 ($: 8i** 6e car%ed 100= o3 contracted rate
Can!ellaton % No (7o6 &ol!"
- 2 da's #rior to te arri.a* date: no car%e
- 5itin 2 da's #rior to te arri.a* date : 1st ni%t roo, car%e 8i** 6e a##*ied accordin%*'
- No-so8: <&** car%ed 8i** 6e a##*ied
- <&** #a',ent 8i** 6e recei.ed 6' te ote* 8ic %&est sta' &#on %&est cec7 o&t.
- @n te case o3 #a',ent ,ade 6' te Co,#an'Ms acco&nt, it 8i** 6e sett*ed 8itin 4 da's a3ter (art' B recei.es red in.oice.
- Te de6t *i,ited is 40,000,000>N! 3or eac ,ont. @n case te de6t is o.er *i,ited, te (art' B a.e to #a' 6e3ore %&est
cec7 o&t.
- An' de*a' in #a',ent 8i** res&*t to a s&rcar%e 3ees. C&rrent a##*ica6*e 6an7Ms interest rates o3 te )o.ern,ent sa** 6e
a##*ied to te o&tstandin% a,o&nt o3 e.er' @n.oice.
2. Con4e$en!e Room Rate
Sl#e$land Cent$al Hotel % S&a /14-16 Le Lai, Ben Tan 8ard, !istrict 10
FULL ,A; PRICE) < 7o2$(
* +N, -
HALF ,A; PRICE) 47o2$(
* +N, -
20 to 10 (a: 11 to 40 (a: 20 to 10 (a: 11 to 40 (a:
BN1 Teatre <ro, 10 to 40 (a:
4,000,000 4,000,000 2,400,000 1,400,000
BN2 C*ass "oo, <ro, 20 to 10 (a:
BN1 E Sa#e <ro, 14 to 20 (a:
BN4 BanI&et <ro, 20 to 40(a:
Con3erence inc*&ded: Screen ? (roDector, <*i#cart, $icro, $a7ers, A1-A4 (a#ers, $a7ers, (ens, $ints, $inera* 8ater,
<*o8ers, "ece#tion !es7, 5e*co,e Standee
01 @te,s 3ood 3in%er
02 t'#e o3 ca7es and 01 3res 3r&it, Hot Tea and Co33ee,
<res ,i*7, Condensed $i*7, S&%ar, Li,e, @ce
04 @te,s 3ood 3in%er
01 t'#e o3 ca7es and 01 3res 3r&it Hot Tea and Co33ee,
<res ,i*7, Condensed $i*7, S&%ar, Li,e, @ce
Set ,en& >ietna,ese Set B Asian Set $ini,&, 180.000 /#a: Fr a6o.e
B&33et @nternationa* $ini,&, 280.000/(a: Fr a6o.e
Note' "ates are inc*&si.e o3 10= >AT ? 4= Ser.ice car%e
G$and Sl#e$land Hotel /124 B 111 L' T& Tron% St., !ist.10
FULL ,A; PRICE) < 7o2$(
* +N, -
HALF ,A; PRICE) 47o2$(
* +N, -
10 to 14
16 to 14
14 to 20
10 to 14
16 to 14
14 to 20
BN1 Teatre <ro, 20 to 20 (a:
4,000,000 4,400,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 4,400,000 4,000,000
BN2 C*ass "oo, <ro, 20 to 40 (a:
BN1 E Sa#e <ro, 20 to 44 (a:
BN4 BanI&et <ro, 20 to 60 (a:
Con3erence inc*&ded: (roDector and screenO <*i#cart, $icro, $a7ers, A1-A4 (a#ers, $a7ers, (ens, $ints, $inera* 8ater,
<*o8ers, "ece#tion !es7, 5e*co,e Standee.
Tea and Co33ee Set E# @nc*&ded: Hot Tea and Co33ee, <res ,i*7, Condensed
$i*7, S&%ar, Li,e, @ce
01 @te,s 3ood 3in%er 02 t'#e o3 ca7es and 01 3res 3r&it, Hot Tea and Co33ee, 86,000>N!/#a:
<res ,i*7, Condensed $i*7, S&%ar, Li,e, @ce
04 @te,s 3ood 3in%er
01 t'#e o3 ca7es and 01 3res 3r&it Hot Tea and Co33ee,
<res ,i*7, Condensed $i*7, S&%ar, Li,e, @ce
So&nd and Li%t s'ste, #ro3essiona* <&** da' Fn reI&est
- A** #a',ent is #aid in ad.ance
0. Ban: A!!o2nt ,etal(
- Ban7 Na,e : NG>N H?NG C@NG THABNG +ICT NAM />@+T@N Ban70
- Acco&nt N&,6er: 10201 0000 8I8J4<
/ Address: Ho C7 Mn7 Ct" B$an!7
4. A!t o4 God9 Ka$ and ,(ea(e(
- A** cance**ations d&e to nat&ra* ca*a,ities, 8ar or diseases 8i** 6e considered 6' (art' A i3 (art' B ad.ised in 8ritin%
and trans,it 6' 3a: or e,ai*.
L. Gene$al P$o#(on(
T8o #arties &nderta7e to i,#*e,ent 3&**' and correct*' te si%ned contract.
@n case tere is an' dis#&te or in case o3 6reac o3 te contract 6' eiter #art', te ,atter 8i** 6e sett*e tro&% reconci*iation
and ne%otiation. @3 so*&tion is not 3o&nd, te ,atter 8i** 6e re3erred to co,#etent co&rt in Ho Ci $in Cit' 3or reso*&tion and
its sett*e,ent 8i** 6e 3ina*.
Tis contract is e33ecti.e 3ro, 01
;an 2014 to 11
!ec 2014 and is ,ade in 02 ori%ina*s. +ac #art' sa** 7ee# one ori%ina* 3or
te i,#*e,entation.
E#on acce#tance, #*ease ret&rn a si%ned co#' to &s 8itin 20 da's 3ro, te iss&e date o3 tis contract, i3 no te contract is
considered .oid.
Fn 6ea*3 o3
Tan Ha Lon1 / Sl#e$land Cent$al Hotel % S&a
$s. N%&'en Ti (&c
)enera* !irector
!ate: 26
Se#te,6er 2014
FPT Co$&e$aton HCMC B$an!7

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