Moreno Vs San Sebastian College
Moreno Vs San Sebastian College
Moreno Vs San Sebastian College
175283, March 28, 2008 FACTS: San Sebastian College (SSC-R) employed Jackqui R. Moreno as a teaching fellow. Moreno was first appointed as a full-time college faculty member. Then, Moreno became a member of the permanent college faculty. She was also offered the chairmanship of the Business Finance and Accountancy Department of her college. The SSC-R HR conducted a formal investigation regarding Morenos unauthorized external teaching engagements and HR found out that Moreno indeed had unauthorized teaching assignments at the Centro Escolar University and at the College of the Holy Spirit, Manila. Moreno received a MEMO from the Dean of her college, requiring her to explain the reports regarding her unauthorized teaching engagements. The said activities allegedly violated Section 2.2 of Article II of SSC-Rs Faculty Manual. Moreno admitted her failure to secure any written permission before she taught in other schools. Moreno further stated that it was never her intention to jeopardize her work in SSC-R and that she merely wanted to improve her familys poor financial conditions. A Special Grievance Committee was then formed in order to investigate and make recommendations regarding Morenos case. The grievance committee required Moreno to answer the following series of questions concerning her case: 1. Did you teach in other schools w/o first obtaining the consent of your superiors in SSC-R? 2. Did you ever go beyond the maximum limit for an outside load? 3. Did you ever truthfully disclose completely to your superiors at SSC-R any outside Load? 4. Do you deny teaching in CEU? 5. Do you deny teaching at Holy Spirit? Moreno admitted she did not formally disclose her teaching loads at the College of the Holy Spirit and at the Centro Escolar University; that the Dean of her college was aware of her external teaching loads; that she went beyond the maximum limit for an outside load; that she did not deny teaching part-time in the aforementioned schools; and that she did not wish to resign because she felt she deserved a second chance. The grievance committee issued its resolution which unanimously found that she violated the prohibition against a full-time faculty having an unauthorized external teaching load. The majority of the grievance committee members recommended Morenos dismissal from employment in accordance with the school
manual, but Dean Espejo dissented and called only for a suspension for one semester. Moreno was terminated in her work. Moreno instituted with the NLRC a complaint for illegal termination against SSC-R. Labor Arbiter Veneranda C. Guerrero dismissed Morenos complaint. NLRC reversed the rulings of the Labor Arbiter. CA annulled the decision of the NLRC. SSC-R contends that Morenos dismissal from employment was valid because she knowingly violated the prohibition in the Section 2.2 of Art. II of the SSC-R Faculty Manual and in employment contract. In so doing, Moreno allegedly committed serious misconduct and willful disobedience against the school, and thereby submitted herself to the corresponding penalty which is termination for cause. ISSUE: Whether or not the dismissal of Moreno was proper and legal RULING: No. The misconduct of Moreno falls below the required level of gravity that would warrant dismissal as a penalty. Under Art. 282(a) of the Labor Code, willful disobedience of the employers lawful orders as a just cause for termination of employment envisages the concurrence of at least two requisites: (1) the employees assailed conduct must have been willful or intentional, the willfulness being characterized by a "wrongful and perverse attitude"; and (2) the order violated must have been reasonable, lawful, made known to the employee and must pertain to the duties which he has been engaged to discharge. SSC-R failed to adduce any concrete evidence to prove that Moreno indeed harbored perverse or corrupt motivations in violating the school policy. Even if dismissal for cause is the prescribed penalty for the misconduct committed, it is disproportionate to the offense. SSC-R clearly had the discretion to impose a lighter penalty of suspension according to Morenos contract of employment. However, the Court does not depreciate the misconduct committed by Moreno. Indeed, SSC-R has adequate reasons to impose sanctions on her. But this should not be dismissal from employment. Because of the serious implications of this penalty, "our Labor Code decrees that an employee cannot be dismissed, except for the most serious causes." The Court deems it appropriate to impose the penalty of suspension of 1 year on Moreno. Petition is granted.
* Misconduct is defined as improper or wrong conduct. It is the transgression of some established and definite rule of action, a forbidden act, a dereliction of duty, willful in character and implies wrongful intent and not mere error of judgment. The misconduct to be serious within the meaning of the act must be of such a grave and aggravated character and not merely trivial or unimportant. Such misconduct, however serious, must nevertheless be in connection with the work of the employee to constitute just cause from his separation.