85985 August 13, 1993 Facts: PAL completely revised its 1966 Code of Discipline. The Code was circulated amon g the employees and was immediately implemented, and some employees were forthwi th subjected to the disciplinary measures embodied therein. The Philippine Airlines Employees Association (PALEA) filed a complaint before t he National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). PALEA contended that PAL, by its unilateral implementation of the Code, was guilty of unfair labor practice, spec ifically Paragraphs E and G of Article 249 and Article 253 of the Labor Code. PA LEA alleged that copies of the Code had been circulated in limited numbers; that being penal in nature the Code must conform with the requirements of sufficient publication, and that the Code was arbitrary, oppressive, and prejudicial to th e rights of the employees. It prayed that implementation of the Code be held in abeyance; that PAL should d iscuss the substance of the Code with PALEA; that employees dismissed under the Code be reinstated and their cases subjected to further hearing; and that PAL be declared guilty of unfair labor practice and be ordered to pay damages PAL asserted its prerogative as an employer to prescibe rules and regulations re garding employess' conduct in carrying out their duties and functions, and alleg ing that by implementing the Code, it had not violated the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or any provision of the Labor Code. Assailing the complaint as unsupported by evidence, PAL maintained that Article 253 of the Labor Code cited by PALEA reffered to the requirements for negotiating a CBA which was inapplica ble as indeed the current CBA had been negotiated. Issue: W/N the formulation of a Code of Discipline among employees is a shared responsi bility of the employer and the employees. Ruling: Petitioner's assertion that it needed the implementation of a new Code of Discip line considering the nature of its business cannot be overemphasized. In fact, i ts being a local monopoly in the business demands the most stringent of measures to attain safe travel for its patrons. Nonetheless, whatever disciplinary measu res are adopted cannot be properly implemented in the absence of full cooperatio n of the employees. Such cooperation cannot be attained if the employees are res tive on account, of their being left out in the determination of cardinal and fu ndamental matters affecting their employment.