Indian Standard: Code of Practice For of Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipes (
Indian Standard: Code of Practice For of Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipes (
Indian Standard: Code of Practice For of Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipes (
Indian Standard
( Reaffirmed 1997 )
Gf 5
September 1972
Indian Standard
Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, BDC 2
Chairman DR H. C. VISVESVARAYA Rqircsmting Cement Research Institute of India, New Delhi
National Test House, Calcutta DR A. S. BEADURI SHRI E. K. RAMACHANDRIN ( Alternate) Centgiorfe;ilding Research SHRI A. K. CHATTERJI
( CSIR),
Central Road Research Institute ( CSIR ), New Delhi Central Water & Power Commiaaion, New Delhi Alokudyog Services Ltd, New Delhi Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi The Associated Cement Companies Ltd. Bombay Research, Designs 8t Standards ( Ministry of Railways ) Organization
DIRECITOR , STANDB & S ) ( Alternate ) S. B. Joahi & Co Ltd, Bombay SEBI S. B. JOSHI Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals SHRI M. T. KANSE Roads Wing ( Ministry of Transport & Shipping ) SEBI KARTIK PRASAD SRRI S. L. KATHURIA ( Alternate ) M. N. Dastur & Co ( Private ) Ltd,-Calcutta SHRI S. R. KULKARN~ The Concrete Association of India, Bombay SHRI M. A. MEHTA Central Public Works Department SARI 0. MUTHACHEN SUPERINTENDINQENOINEER, 2ND CIRCLE ( Alternate ) The Institution of Engineers ( India ), Calcutta Sam ERACH A. NADIHSEAH In pedonal capacity ( ~maa&,,a 11, FirJt-&JC#rt SERI K. K. NAMBIAR Park Road, Gandhi Ivagar, Aajar, Madras 20 ) Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, Army Headquarters BRIM NARESE PEASAD COL J. M. TOLANI ( Alternate)
( BD%%-
( Continuedoa page 2)
(Continued frompage 1) Members PROF G. S. RAMASWAMY Rcflesenting
DK N. S. BHAL ( Alternuts) DR A. V. R. RAO National Buildings Organization, New Delhi SHRI RAVINDER LAL ( Alternatc) SERI G. S. M. RAO Geological Survey of India, Nagpur SHRI T. N. S. RAO Gammon India Ltd, Bombay SHR~ S. R. PINHEIRO ( Al&n& ) SECRETARY Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi SHRI R. P. SEARMA Irrigation & Power Research Institute, Amritsar SHK~ MOHINDER SINQH ( Altnnatr ) Sanr G. B. SINCIR Hindustan Housing Factory Ltd, New Delhi SHRI C. L. KASLIWAL ( Alternate ). SHRI J. S. SINQA~TA Beas Designs Organization, New Delhi SHKI A. M. SINQAL ( Alternate ) SERI K.A. SUBRAMANIAM The India Cements Ltd, Madras SHRI T. S. RAMACEANDIXAN( Alternate ) Dalmia Cement ( Bharat ) Ltd, New Delhi SHRI L. SWAROOP SHRI A. V. RAMANA ( Alternate ) SHRI D. AJIT~~ASIMHA, Director General, BIS ( Ex-o$ic& Member ) Director ( Civ Engg ) Secrwy
SHRI Y. R. TANEJA Deputy Director ( Civ Engg ), BIS
BDC 2 : 3
Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, Army Headquarters SHRI S. K. Boalr. DEPUTY DIRECTOR STANDARDS Research, Designs & Standards Organization ( Ministry of Railways ) ( BA%!?~~~ DIRECTOR STANDARDS ( B & S/M ) ( Alternate ) Central Public Works Department ENQINEER OPFICEK I ( A ) Southern Asbestos Cement Ltd, Madras SHRI S. GANAPATHY Hyderabad Asbestos Cement Productr Ltd, SHRI A. K. GUPTA Hyderabad Asbestos Cement Ltd, Bombay SHRI SRINIVASAN N. IYER Shree Digvijay Cement Co Ltd. Ahmedabad SHRI S. N. JEAVER Rohtas Industries Ltd, Dalmianagar SHRI V. PQDDAB SHRI V. R. NATARAJAN ( Alternate ) Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals SH~I Y. V. RANQNEKAR National Buildings Organization, New Delhi DR A. V. R. RAO Geological Survey of India, Calcutta SHRI R. S. SHARMA Directorate General of Technical Development SHRI SUNDARARAJAN Hindustan Ferodo Ltd, Bombay SH~I N. VEN~ATARAMAN
Indian Standard
0.1 This Indian Standard
was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 2.5 February 1972, after the draft finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by- the Civil Engineering Division Council.
0.2 Asbestos cement pressure pipes have been in use in this country over the past several years. The quality requirements for asbestos cement pressure pipes have been covered by IS : 1592-1970*. Asbestos cement pressure pipes have to be properly handled, laid and backfilled if they have to fulfil the desired design and service requirements. Even the best quality pipe manufactured in accordance with the standard specification may be damaged by improper handling. With the increasing use of asbestos cement pressure pipes, it has, therefore, become necessary to lay down certain guidelines and unified practice for handling, laying and cement pressure pipes and testing the pipeline. j,ointing of asbestos This code is intended Eo provide general guidelines and specify a uniform practice for laying of asbestos cement pressure pipes so as to obtain the optimum results. 0.3 Guidance regarding selection of asbestos cement pressure pipes for different types of applications underground under different bedding condiStandard guide for selection of tions may be obtained from Indian asbestos cement pipes subje +. to external loads with or without internal pressure ( under pre~aratim ) (see Note ) which forms a necessary adjunct to this code.
subject to agreement
Until the standard under preparation is published, the matter between the concerned parties.
shall be
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-1960t. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. 0.4
IS : 6536 - 1972
1.1 This standard covers the method of handling, field testing of asbestos cement pressure pipes.
laying, jointing
2.1 Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipes -
2.2 Asbestos Cement Couplings -Asbestos cement couplings conform to the material requirements of 8.2 of IS : 1592-1970*.
2.3 Cast Iron Detachable Joints -Cast iron detachable joints shall conform to the material and strength requirements of IS: 5531-1969t. 2.4 Rubber Rings -Rubber rings used in jointing shall comply with the requirements of IS: 5382-1969: and 8.3 of IS: 1592-1970*.
3.1 To avoid any costly manipulation of handling, the pipes shall be unloaded where they are required, if the trenches are ready to receive them.
3.1.1 Unloading (Except Where Mechanical Handling Fucitities are Available) - Pipes weighing up to 60 kg shall be handled by two persons Heavier pipes shall be unloaded from the lorry or by hand-passing. wagon by holding. them in loops, formed with ropes and sliding over planks set not steeper than 45. The planks shall be sufficiently rigid and two ropes shall always be used to roll the pipes down the planks. The ropes should be tied on the side opposite the unloading. Only one pipe shall be unloaded at a time. 3.1.2 Under no circumstances shall the pipesbe thrown down from the carriers or be dragged or rolled along hard surfaces. 3.1.3 The pipes shall be checked for any visible damage (such as broken edges, cracking or spalling of pipe) while unloading and shall be sorted out for reclamation. Any pipe which shows sufficient damage to preclude it from being used shall be discarded.
*Specification for asbestos cement-pressure pipes (j&d revision).
tspecification for cast iron~specials for use with asbestos cement pressure pipes. $Sp&fication for rubber sealing rings for gas mains, water mainsand sewers. 4
3.2.2 Storage shall be done on firm level and clean ground and wedges shall be provided at the bottom layer to keep the stack stable. 3.2.3 The stack shall be in pyramid shape or the pipes laid lengthwise and crosswise in alternate layers. The pyramid stack is advisable in smaller diameter pipes for conserving space in storing them. The height of the stack shall not exceed l-5 m. 3.2.4 Cast iron detachable joints and fittings shall be stacked under cover and separated from the asbestos cement pipes and fittings. 3.2.5 Rubber rings shall be kept clean, away from grease, oil, heat and light. 3.3 Cutting
of Pipes 3.3.1 Cutting of pipes may be necessary when pipes are to be laid in lengths shorter than the lengths supplied such as while salvaging the pipes with damaged ends or while replacing cast iron accessories like tees, bends, etc, at fixed positions in the pipeline. In such cases it may also be necessary to reduce the cut ends by rasps to suit the inner :I;.? of central collar. The cutting of pipes shall be done as . . .
3.3.2 A line shall be marked around the pipe with a chalk piece at the point where the cut is to be made. The line shall be. SO marked that the cut is truly at right angle to the longitudinal axis of the pipe. The pipe shall be rigidly held on two parallel rafters nailed to cross beams, taking care that the portion to be cut does not overhang and the cut mark is between the two rafters. The pipe shall be neatly cut at the chalk mark with carpenters saw or hack-saw having a long blade, by slowly rotating the pipe around its longitudinal axis so as to have the uncut portion on top for cutting. Cutting of the pipe at the overhang should as far as possible be avo&;, it is dangerous as fan overhanging end is liable to tear off due to its weight before the cut is completed (see Fig. 1).
Fro. 1
IS : 6530 - 1972 4. TRENCHES 4.3 The trenches shall be so dug that the pipes may be laid to the required alignment and at required depth. 4.1.1 Width-The width of the trench above pipe level shall be as small as possible but shall provide sufficient space necessary for jointing the
The trench width shall be such as to provide pipes. on either side of the pipe. 4.1.2 Depth -The pipes shall have a minimum when laid under foot paths and side walks, 900 roads with light traffic or under cultivated soils under roads with heavy traffic. When the soil has a space of 300 mm
a poor bearing capacity and is subject to heavy traffic, the pipes shall be laid on a concrete craddle. An extra trench depth of 100 mm_ shall be provided for each jointing pit.
soil cover of 750 mm mm when laid under and 1.25 m when laid
calculation of external loads and different beddiog conditions etc, the requirements of c Indian Standard guide for selection of asbestoscement pipes subject to external loads with or without internal pressure ( under prepurotion ) ( see Note 3 ), shall be satisfied.
NOTE 2 -For NOTE 3 - Until the standard under preparation is published, the matter shall be subject to agreement between the concerned parties.
4.2.1 The excavation of the trenches shall be so carried out that the digging of the trenches does not get far ahead of the laying operations. By doing this, the risk of falling of sides and flooding of trenches shall be avoided. 4.2.2 The walls of the trench shall be cut generally to a slope of 4 : 1 or & : 1 depending on the nature of the soil. 4.2.3 If the trench bottom is extremely hard or rocky or loose stony soil, the trench should be excavated at least 150 mm below the trench grade. Rocks, stone or other hard substances from the bottom of the trench shall be removed and the trench brought back to the required grade by filling with selected fine earth or _sand (or fine murum if fine soil or sand is not available locally) and compacted so as to provide a smooth bedding ~for the pipe. Where excavation requires blasting operation it shall be ensured that no pipes have been stacked in the vicinity or completed pipeline in the vicinity have already been covered before starting of blasting operations; this is necessary to prevent damage to the exposed pipes in the vicinity by falling stones as a result of blasting. 4.2.4 Roots of trees within a distance of about 0.5 m from the side of the pipeline shall be removed or killed. 6
4.2.5 The excavated soil shall preferably be deposited on one side of the trench, so that it leavesa bench of about 0.5 m facilitating the workmen to move along the trench without any difficulty. 4.2.6 In places of heavy or light traffic the excavated soil shall be on the traffic side for the protection of the traffic from accidents. The other side of the trench ma-y be used for placing pipes and other accessories. To protect -persons from injury and to avoid damage to property, adequate barricades, construction ,signs, red lanterns and guards as required shall be placed and maintamed during the progress of the construction work and until it is safe for the traffic to use the roadways. The relevant Indian Standards and the rules and regulations of local authorities in regard to safety provisions shall be observed. 4.2.7 During excavation, large stones and rubble shall be separated and removed from the excavated soil and stacked separately. This is necessary to prevent any damage to the completed pipeline due to the fall of stones during re-filling of the trench. 4.2.8 Where loose earth is encountered during excavation and where the trench is very deep, the side walls shall be properly shored for the safety of workmen. 4.2.9 The bed of the trench shall be excavated to the pipe grades so that uniform support is assured for the full length of the pipe. (see Fig. 2).
Fro. 2
IS : 6530 - 1972
5.1 The pipes shall be lowered into the trenches either by hand passing or by means of two ropes. One end of each rope shall be tied to a wooden or steel peg driven into the ground and the other end shall be held by men which when slowly released will lower the pipe into the trench. 5.2 The pipes shall rest continuously on the bottom of the trench. The pipes shall not rest on lumps of earth or on the joints. Four-metre long wooden templates may be used to check the level of the bed. Clearance of approximately 100 mm in depth and width equal to length of the collar plus 30 mm on both sides shall be provided at the joint which shall be refilled from sides after the joint is made. 5.3 In unstable soils, such as soft soils and dry lumpy soils it shall be checked whether the soils can support the pipelines and if required suitable special foundation shall be provided. 5.4 Some clayey soils (for example black cotton soil) are drastically affected by extremes of saturation and dryness. In changing from totally saturated to a completely dry condition, these soils are subjected -to extraordinary shrinkage. This shrin!age is usually seen in the form of wide and deep cracks in the earth surface and may result in damages to underground structures, including pipe materials. The clay forms a tight ;;ipi;g bond with the pipe, it to excessive stresses as the clay In such areas, the engineer should establish whether the . condition exists to a degree justifying special precautions. It is recommended that in such cases an envelope of a minimum 100 mm of tamped sand shall be made around the pipeline to avoid any bonding, 5.5 In places where rock is encountered, cushion of fine earth or sand shall be provided for a depth of 150 mm by excavating extra depth of the trench, if necessary, and the pipes laid over the cushion. Where the gradient of the bed slopes is more than 30 it may be necessary to anchor a few pipes against their sliding downwards (see Fig. 3 ). 6. JOINTING 6.1 Before commencing jointing, the pipes shall be cleaned; the joints and the ends of the pipe shall be cleaned, preferably with a hard wire brush to remove loose particles. 6.2 Cast Iron Detachable Joints two
6.2.1 Thejoint shall consist of a central collar, two rubber rings, flanges of cast iron and the required number of bolts and nuts.
IIll t I
SLOPE 38AND 0% e
Fro. 3
6.2.2 One flange and rubber ring shall be placed on end of the pipe already laid, and the other flange, rings and central collar shall be slipped on to the pipe to be assembled (MC Fig. 4 ). 6.2.3 The rubber ring shallbe kept positioned at half the collar width less 2.5 mm from the end of the pipe already laid. A site gauge as shown in Fig. 4 may be used for convenience. 6.2.4 The other pipe shall be brought nearer leaving a gap of 5 mm between the two pipe ends. This gap will facilitate manouvering of deflection at joints after assembly and will take care of an expansion in the pipeline. 6.2.5 The collar shall be slided to sit square around the rubber ring on pipe 1, and then the rubber ring shall be rolled on pipe 2 to sit around the collar. 9
IS: 6530.1972
FIG. 4
6.2.6 The flanges shall be moved on both ends to enclose rubber rings. The fastening bolts shall be inserted through the holes of the flanges and the bolts shall be tightened alternately and evenly for proper sitting of the joint. 6.3 Asbestos Cement Coupling rubber rings and an asbestos
6.3.1 This joint shall consist of three cement coupling machined on the inside.
6.3.2 The rubber rings shall be sealed in their respective grooves, afEer cleaning the coupling and rubber rings. The machined ends of the pipe and end rings in the coupling shall be suitably lubricated with a soft soap solution or -other lubricant which is not detrimental to rubber rings or drinking water. Then, the assembly shall be made by pushing with a crow-bar (see Fig. 5 ) or using a pipe puller. 10
FIG. 5
6.4 The joints shall be made by keeping the pipes in one line. -Any permissible deflection at the joint shall be made after completion of the .joint only. The amount of deflection and the radius of curvature by successive deflection shall be as given in Table 1 (see Fig. 6 ). 6.5 Wherever necessary, change over from cast iron pipe to asbestos cement pipes and vice versa shall be done with the help of suitable adaptors (see Fig. 7 ). 7. THRUST BLOCKS
?.I Thrust blocks are required to transfer the resulting hydraulic thrust from the fitting or pipe on to a larger load bearing soil section. 11
r----_------7 lm 2m
20 35 -50 70 85
60 30 20 15 12
120 60 40 30 24
180 90 60 45 36
240 120 80 60 48
1 \ -_________
IS : 6530 - 1972 7.2 Thrust blocks shall be installed wherever there is a change in the direction of the pipeline, size of the pipeline or the pressure-line diagram, or when the pipeline ends at a dead end. If necessary, thrust blocks may be constructed at valves also. 7.3 Thrust blocks shall be constructed taking into account the pipe size, water pressure, type of fitting, gravity component shell when laid on slopes and the tvpe of soil. The location of thrust blocks for various types of fittings is g&en in Fig. 8. 7.4 When a fitting is used to make a vertical bend, it shall be anchored to a concrete thrust block designed to have enough weight to resist the upward and outward thrust. Similarly at joints, deflected in vertical plane, it shall be ensured that the weight of the pipe, the water in the pipe and the weight of the soil over the pipe provide resistance to upward movement. If it is not enough, ballast or concrete shall be placed around the pipe in sufficient weight to counteract the thrust. 7.5 When the line is under pressure there is an outward thrust at each coupling. Good soil, properly tamped is usually sufficient to hold pipe from side movement. However, if soft soil conditions are encountered, it may be necessary to provide side thrust blocks OF other means of anchoring. In such cases only the pipe on each side of the deflected coupling shall be anchored without restricting the coupling. 7.6 Pipes on slopes need be anchored only when there is a possibility of the backfill around the pipe sloping down the hill and carrying the pipe with it. Generally for slopes up to 30 good well drained sod, carefully tamped in layers of 100 mm under and over the pipe, right up to the top of the trench will not require anchoring. 7.6.1 For steeper slopes, by straps fastened to vertical 8. SPECIAL-CAST IRON one out of eveiy three pipes shall be held supports anchored in concrete. FITTINGS AND ACCESSORiES number of cast iron special fittings such as ended to suit the class and fittings, they iron specials iron flange
8.1 Normally when pipeline is laid, a certain fittings such as tees, bends, ~reducers, etc, and air or sluice valves are required.
8.2 Laying of Fittings-All cast iron fittings shall be plain the outside diameter of asbestos cement pressure pipes and to When using such cast iron, diameter of pipe manufactured. ate jointed by cast iron detachable joints only. For any cast having flanges, they are jointed in the pipeline with cast adaptors having one end flanged and the other plain ended.
8.3 AnchoragesIt should particularly be noted that the cast iron joints During working or test pressure, do not hold pipe ends within it firmly. there will be the tendency for the pipe ends or special ends to slip out of the joint, more so with the case of blank end cap used for closure of 13
X6:6536- 1972
In order to keep them firmly in pipeline and all degree bends and tees. of these specials are necessary against the the pipeline, anchoring direction of thrust.
FIG. 8
IS : 6530 - 1972
8.3.1 The anchorage shall consist of either concrete cast-in-situ or The anchors shall be extended to the masonry built in cement mortar. The shape of the anchors will depend on the firm soil of the trench side. They shall be spread full width of trench and kind of specials used. The carried vertically by the side and over the special to about 15 cm. bearing area on sides of the trench will be proportional to the thrust and to the bearing capacity of the sides of the trench.
9. SERVICE CONNECTIONS house service, connections
9.1 When the pipe is used in distribution shall be provided through a saddle piece.
9.1.1 The saddle piece consists of two straps which envelopes the portion The hole of required size of pipe from where connection is to be given. shall be drilled through the pipe and the boss provided in the top strap. Ferrule piece shall be connected after making threads in the boss and pipe. Suitable rubber packing shall be used between the straps and the pipe to provide cushioning as well as, sealing against leakages (see Fig. 9).
9.2 The size of the hole drilled in the pipe shall be limited in Table 2. to those given
1000 TO US0mm
IS : 6530- 1972
( Clause 9.2 )
PIPE SIZE mm 80 and 100 125 and 150 200 250 and above
20 25 35 50 AND TAMPING
10.1 Back filling shall follow pipe installation ;as closely as possible to protect pipe from falling boulders, eliminating possibility of lifting of the pipe due to flooding of open trenches and shifting pipe out of line by caved in soil. 16.2 The soil under the pipe and coupling shall be solidly tamped to provide a firm and continuous support for the pipeline. Tamping shall be done either by tamping bars or by using water to consolidate the back fill material. IO.3 The initial back fill material used shall be free of large stones and dry lumps. In stony areas the material for initial back fill can be shave from the sides of the trenches. In bogs and marshes, the excavated material is usually little more than vegetable matter and this should not be used for bedding purposes. In such cases, gravel or crushed stone shall be hauled in. 10.4 The initial back fill shall be placed evenly in a layer of about 100 mm thick. This shall be properly consolidated and this shall be continued till there is a cushion of at least 300 mm of cover over the pipe. IO.5 If it is desired to observe the joint or coupling during the testing of mains ( see 11 ) they shall be left exposed. Sufficient back 611 shall be placed on the pipe to resist the movement due to pressure while testing. 16.6 Balance of the back fill need not be so carefully selected as the initial material. However, care shall be taken to avoid back filling with large stones which might damage the pipe when spaded into the trench. 10.7 Pipes in trenches on a slope shall have extra attention to make certain that the newly placed back fill will not become a blind drain in effect because until back fill becomes completely consolidated there is a tendency for ground or surface water to move along this looser soil resulting in 16
IS : 6530 - 1972 a loss of-support to the pipe. In such cases, the back fill should be tamped with extra care and the tamping continued in 100 mm layers right up to the ground level. 11. TESTING 11.1 It is recommended to test the portions of the line by subjecting to pressure test as in 11.2, as the laying progresses before the entire line is completed. In this way any error of workmanship will be found immediately and can be corrected at a minimum cost. 11.1.1 500 m. Usually the length of the section to Abe tested shall not exceed
11.2 The pipes shall be tested as specified in IS : 5913-1970* in the factory and hence the purpose of field testing is to check the quality of workmanship and also to check whether the pipes have been damaged ,in transit. As such, the test pressure shall be kept as l-5 times the actual operating pressure, unless a higher test pressure is specified. However, it may be noted that the test pressure during the field test shall not exceed the values given in Table 3.
CLASSOF PlPE 5 10 15 20 25
MAXIIKUY FIELD TEST PRESSURE kgf/cm 3.75 7-50 1195 t5WJ 18.75
11.3 Prior to testing enough back fill as described in 10 shall be placed over the pipeline to resist upward thrust-. All thrust blocks forming part of the finished line shall have been sufficiently cured and no temporary bracing shall be used.
11.4 The open end of the section can be sealed. temporarily with an end cap having an outlet which can serve as an air relief vent or for filling the line, as may be required: 11.5 The blind face-of the end cap shall be properly braced during testing by screw. jacks and wooden planks or -steel plate (see Fig. 10).
*Methods of test for asbestoscement products.
IS t 6530 - 1972
FIG. 10
11.6 The section of the line to be tested shall be filled with water Air shall be vented from all high manually or by a low pressure pump. spots in the pipeline before making the pressure strength test because entrapped air gets compressed and causes difficulty in raising the required pressure for the pressure strength test. 11.7 Asbestos cement pipes always absorb a certain amount of water. Therefore, after the line is filled, it should be allowed to stand for 24 h, before pressure testing and the line shall be again filled. 18
IS : 6530 - 1972
11.8 The test pressure shall be gradually mately one kg/cm*/min. 11.9 The
duration of the test period if not specified to make a careful check on the pipeline section.
11.9.1 After the test has been back as in 10.6. 12. DISINFECTION 12.1 Pipelines commissioning. IS: 3114-1965*
before from
carrying potable water shall be suitably disinfected For this purpose guidance may be obtained or IS :5822-197Ot.
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16 21 04
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fnspection Offices ( With Sale Point ): Pushpanjali. First Floor, 205-A West High Court Road, Shankar Nagar Square, NAGPUR 440010 Institution of Engineers ( India ) Building, 1332 Shivaji Nagar, PUNE 411005
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*Sales Office in Calcutta is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, P. 0. Princep 27 68 00 Street. Calcutta 700072 tSales Office in Bombay is at Novelty Chambers, Gr>nt Road, 89 65 28 Bombay 400007 $Sales Office in Bangalore is at Unity Building, Narasimharaja Square, 22 36 71 Bangalore 560002
Unf t,
New Delhi,
NO. 1 TO
MARCH 1991
( Page 6, clause 4.1.1 ) -
the following
clause: 4.1.1 Width - The net trench width inside any shuttering which may be used should be sufficient to permit the pipe and joints to be properly bedded and to facilitate adequate compaction of the initial fill, particularly around the underside of the pipe. The recommended net width at bedding level is D + 04 m for pipes of nominal diameter up to 500 mm, and D + 06 m for pipes of nominal diameter exceeding 500 mm, D being the external diameter of the pipe in metres. The minimum width of the trench at bedding level should be 06 m for trench depths up to 15 m and 0.8 m for greater depths. If special equipment is required to mount the joints, it may be necessary to widen the trench at these points. ( Page 7, clause 4.2.9 ) - Substitute the following for the existing clause: 4.2.9 The bed of the trench shall be excavated to the pipe grades so that uniform support is wsured for the full length of the pipes by providing even bedding as shown in Fig. 2C.