Problem Set Solutions Chapter 7, Quantum Chemistry, 5 Ed., Levine
Problem Set Solutions Chapter 7, Quantum Chemistry, 5 Ed., Levine
Problem Set Solutions Chapter 7, Quantum Chemistry, 5 Ed., Levine
, Levine
7.6 Which of the following operators are Hermitian? For a Hermitian operator, <A> = <A>*, or <fAg> = <gAf>*. Assume f & g are well-behaved at limits of integration. Integration by parts: u v' = uv - v u' (a) <fd/dxg> = f* (dg/dx) d = f*g - g (df/dx)* d = - <gd/dxf>* NO (b) <fi d/dxg> = f* (i dg/dx) d = i f*g + g (i df/dx)*d = <gi d/dxf>* YES
(c) <f4 d2/dx2g> = f* (4 d2g/dx2) d ; [u = f, v' = d2g/dx2, v = dg/dx, u' = df/dx] = 4 f*dg/dx - 4 (dg/dx) (df/dx)*d ; [u = df*/dx, v' = dg/dx, v = g, u' = d2f*/dx2] = -4 (df*/dx)g + 4 g d2f*/dx2 d = <g4 d2/dx2f> YES
(d) <fi d2/dx2g> = f* (i d2g/dx2) d ; [u = f, v' = d2g/dx2, v = dg/dx, u' = df/dx] = i f*dg/dx - i (dg/dx) (df/dx)*d ; [u = df*/dx, v' = dg/dx, v = g, u' = d2f*/dx2] = -i (df*/dx)g + i g d2f*/dx2 d = - g (i d2f/dx2)* d
= - <gi d2/dx2f>* NO
7.9 Which of the following operators meet all the requirements for a quantum mechancal operator that is to represent a physical quantity? Operator must be linear & Hermitian (a) SQRT = ( (b) d/dx (c) d2/dx2 (d) i d/dx )1/2 NOT LINEAR LINEAR, NOT HERMITIAN LINEAR & HERMITIAN LINEAR & HERMITIAN
7.17 For the hydrogenlike atom, V = -Z (e')2 (x2 + y2 + z2)-1/2 And the potential energy is an even function of the coordinates. (a) What is the parity of 2s?
2s = 1/[4(2)1/2] (Z/a)3/2 (2 - Zr/a) e-Zr/(2a) (x) = -x, (y) = -y, (z) = -z, (r) = r, () = - , () = + 2s= 1/[4(2)1/2] (Z/a)3/2 {(2 - Zr/a) e-Zr/(2a)} = 1/[4(2)1/2] (Z/a)3/2(2 - Zr/a) e-Zr/(2a) = 2s (b) EVEN What is the parity of 2px?
2px = 1/[4(2)1/2] (Z/a)5/2 r e-Zr/(2a) sin cos 2px = 1/[4(2)1/2] (Z/a)5/2 { r e-Zr/(2a) sin cos } = 1/[4(2)1/2] (Z/a)5/2 r e-Zr/(2a) sin ( - ) cos ( + ) sin ( - ) = sin cos - cos sin = 0 - (-1) sin = sin cos ( + ) = cos cos - sin sin = - cos - 0 = - cos 2px = 1/[4(2)1/2] (Z/a)5/2 r e-Zr/(2a) sin (- cos ) = - 2px ODD (c)2s + 2px = 1/[4(2)1/2] (Z/a)3/2 e-Zr/(2a) x{2 - Zr/a + rZ/a sin cos } H (2s + 2px ) = H 2s + H 2px = E22s + E22px = E2 (2s + 2px ) Yes, eigenfunction
neither even nor odd, no parity We showed previously that when V is even, the wavefunctions of a system with non-degenergate energy levels must be of definite parity. Here, the n=2 level is degenerate, hence no definite parity.
For a hydrogen atom in a p state, the possible outcomes of a measurement of Lz are -h, 0, and h. For each of the following wavefunctions give the probabilities of each of these three results.
Lz 2pm = m h 2pm; for a p state, m = -1, 0, 1 Write as a linear combination of eigenfunctions of Lz. The probability of getting a particular value when the property is measured is the square of the corresponding coefficient. Probability of measuring property i = ci2 1 = ci2 (a) 2pz = 2p0 = c1 2p-1 + c2 2p0 + c3 2p1 c1= c3= 0. c2= 1 Probability of measuring h is square of coefficient of 2p1 : 0 Probability of measuring -h is square of coefficient of 2p-1 : 0 Probability of measuring 0 is square of coefficient of 2p0 : 1. Note: c12 = c22 + c32 = 1 = 0 + 1 + 0 (b) 2py = -i/2 2p1 + i/2 2p-1
Probability of measuring h is square of coefficient of 2p1 : -i/22 = (-i/2) (-i/2)* = 1/2 Probability of measuring -h is square of coefficient of 2p-1 : i/22 = (i/2) (i/2)* = 1/2 Probability of measuring 0 is square of coefficient of 2p0 : 0 Note: c12 = c22 + c32 = 1 = 1/2 + 1/2 + 0 (c) 2p1 = c1 2p-1 + c2 2p0 + c3 2p1
c1 = 0 = c2, c3 = 1 & c12 = c22 + c32 = 1 Probability of measuring h is square of coefficient of 2p1 : 1
Probability of measuring -h is square of coefficient of 2p-1 : 0 Probability of measuring 0 is square of coefficient of 2p0 : 0.
(3rd Ed.; like example, p. 185, 5th Ed.) Consider a particle in a nonstationary state in a onedimensional box of length L with infinite walls. Suppose at time t0 its state function is the parabolic function (t0) = N x (L - x) 0<x<L
where N is the normalization constant. If at time t0 we were to make a measurement of the particle's energy, what would be the possible outcomes of the measurement & what would be the probability for each such outcome?
For a 1D particle in a box, H = -h2/(2m) d2/dx2; V = 0 (0 < x < L), V = (x < 0, x > L) The complete set of eigenfunctions of the H operator for a 1D particle in a box are the n n = (2/L)1/2 sin (nx/L) n = 0 0<x<L x < 0, x > L
Since (t0) is an arbitrary function, we can expand it in terms of the eigenfunctions of H: (t0) = c n n, where c n = <(t0) n>. The probability of obtaining the eigenfunction En when making a measurement is c n2. Find c
c n = <(t0) n> = 0L (t0) n dx = 0L N x (L - x) (2/L)1/2 sin (nx/L) dx = N (2/L)1/2 {L 0L x sin (nx/L) dx - 0L x2 sin (nx/L) dx} = N (2/L)1/2 [L/(n)]3 {- (n)2 cos (n) + [(n)2 -2] cos (n) + 2} = N (2/L)1/2 [L/(n)]3 2 (1 - cos (n))
If n = 1, 3, 5, cos (n) = -1. If n = 2, 4, 6, cos (n) = 1. c n = N 23/2 L5/2/ (n)3 (1 - (-1)) = N 25/2 L5/2/ (n)3, n = 1, 3, 5, c n = N 23/2 L5/2/ (n)3 (1 - 1) = 0, n = 2, 4, 6, Probability of measuring E n is c n2. c n2 = 0, n = 2, 4, 6, (t0) = N x (L - x), 0 < x < L, is odd function n = (2/L)1/2 sin (nx/L), 0 < x < L, is even & so doesn't contribute to (t0)
c n2 = N2 25 L5/ (n)6, n = 1, 3, 5, To evaluate c n need normalization constant N: <(t0) (t0)> = 0L N2 x2 (L - x) 2 dx = 0L N2 x2 (L2 - L x + x2) dx = N2 (L2 0L x2 dx - 2L 0L x3 dx + 0L x4 dx) = N2 {L2 (x3/3)0L - 2L (x4/4)0L + (x5/5)0L} = N2 {L5/3 - 2 L5/4 + L5/5} = N2 L5{1/3 - 2/4 + 1/5} = N2 L5/30 = 1 , if N = SQRT (30/ L5) c n2 = (30/ L5) 25 L5/ (n)6, n = 1, 3, 5, = (30) (32)/(n)6 c 12 = (30) (32)/()6 = 0.99855 c 32 = (30) (32)/(2)6 = 0.001370 c 52 = (30) (32)/(4)6 = 0.000064 Most of the contribution comes from 1 because it losely resembles (t0)--See Fig. 7.3, p. 186, 5th Ed.